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Why dodont you celebrate e some of ouours . What abobout tupacss birthd . And whwhen you havave so lilittle, it m means everyryt. Alall of thosese shows, they all m matter so m much. Itit feels likike theress been m more of an n ebb and flowow and an evevolutio. It i is so imporortant for s to h have true a authenticit. Why Wewe Always Ththe Only B Black Peoplple here . Thatss why reprpresentationon matters, blacack stories s told by B Black Peoplple. Im Tryingng To Tetell you somomething. [m[man] we setet the papace for sitit comedy. You hearar that, elilizabet . Im comiming to joinin ya, hon . Frfrom Sanforord And Son to thehe other blalack shows. What i is this . Loloved the j jeffersons. Monogrammemed shirt, brand nenew silk tieie. Is that a a tie . I i thought Yoyour Tonguee was hangnging out. Gooood times i is one of y Favovorite Sitcocoms Becausesu could not t Tell Me Ththat Thesese people w were not rer. Dynnomite uncle philil Fresh P Prince of b belai was grououndbreakiking for m. It was a d different Depiction N Of Black L life. Argh martinn Made Me Laugh S so much. Jeromeme in the hohouse clclear blackckish, insnsecure. Hey so m many shows s that are o w that Arere Killining it in raratings. Were liviving in a gogon age e of black t television, especialally when itit comes s to sitcomsms. Werre finally y starting o see e ourselves s represented in the w world. c Car Whooshehes Past Water S Sprays hell n no Upbeat T Music Upbpbeat Music c as timimes change,e, werre beginnining to see t s evevolution ofof black telelev. This is s rochester r van jojones. Hes s my butler. We fininally get t to see a a Realisticc Depictioion of ourseselves. Issasa, whats o on fleek . And the e only way that that t could be d done was Byby Changing G The Peope who wewere tellingng the stori. I donnt know whahat that me. I i know what t that shit t m. By puttingng more seatats e table fofor black ststorytelle, wrwriters, crereators direrec. And ththats a Bigig Differee In W what we sawaw before. [announcncer] The A Adventus Of Ozzzzie and hararriet, starring t the entiree nelsonon family. [annououncer] father knknows best. soaring i instrumentatal mus ththe Tv Landsdscape in ththes was Consnsidered Thehe goldenen age televevision. You would d have thesese gret shows likeke i love l lucy, classic c televisionon shows, bubut you didndnt have black rerepresentatition until l You Starteted seeing shows lilike beulahah. Cereal, mimiss alice . . [ernie] aamos n andndys the first t allblack k sitco. Mornrnin, andy. Y. Morninin, amos. [ernieie] but it w was boycototted by thehe naacp, and d after onlyly two seasoson 1953, the e show was c cancel. My p problem witith amos n andyy is that t there were no Blblack Writerers in thehe room, obvbviously. Ththat often c can lead to stereototypes. These shows mocking black voices, sortrt of Makingng Real Caricatureres of blackck lif. I learn a a lot of thihi. I jujust dont r retain em. So youou had Thesese Exampls of Blackck Representntation that werere not alwaways posite and Didid Not Alwaways Center Black K Life And C Culture in a wayay in which h we wanteded to see ouourselves. And these e were veryy much s shows that t were made to Allllay White F fears and to protetect white c comfort. Youre t Talking Abobout The E jim crow e era. And ive s seen ththe promiseded land. As the C Civil Righthts Movemement was kicicking up, Ththe Naacp Wawanted to shshowk people i in a differerent lig. Blblack peoplele were Goinino Collllege and Mamaking Money Anand Enteringng the middldle. Totook until 1 1968 for Ususo Hahave A Show W that was s sed asas a countererweight to o ss lilike beulahah and amosos n Whwhen I Thinknk about The Historory of blackck televisi, i i think of d diahann cararr. Shshe personifies the brilliane that has existed in black h hollywood. Julia prpremiered inin. The countrtry was in t the midsdst of increredible unrer. This is Riright Aroundnd the te that marartin lutherer king, jr. Was asassassinateded. Diahanann carroll l hersel, she dididnt feel l that it portrayeyed the Blacack Experie in a wayay that it shouldvve been porortrayed. Julia and d corey bakeker,s is my sisister, wandnda wagged. Hohow do you d do . Yoyoure a negegro lennnny didnt t tell me tha thats a all right, wand. Leonard dididnt tetell us you u arent. Shshe really f felt that t y werere presentining an image of the whihite negro. Bubut at the t time, i dididne bebecause thereres a black womaman on tv. Shees a nurse. E. Shes hehelping peopople. Diahanann carroll l was the ft Blblack Woman N to be nomimind for an e emmy for Heher Perfrformance Inin that show. Itit representnted the firt timeme that a Blblack Familylyt into the h homes of amamericas on a weeeekly basis. S. Itit did estabablish that t pr, and i was s very Plpleased Abouout that. u Upbeat Funknky Music the e success ofof the televen show julilia opened d the dr fofor redd foxoxx, who wasas s undergrounund comedy l legen. Thats t the money i i was Sasaving For M My Heart Opoper yoyou hear Thahat Elizabete . Im comiming to joinin ya, hon lolove Sanforord And Son. You give m Me The Firsrst Lie of a Sanfnford And Soson li, i i can finishsh it for yoy. For every y man, thereres a womaman. And for r every dummmmy, therees a dummy. Y. One of thehe creators sf Sanfoford And Sonon saw redddx in his actct and thougught that h he would bebe perfect for ththe series they werere gonna dodo, whicich was an a adaptationn of a b british sereries, steteptoe sonon. Sanford and son was a more authentic Show Becaususe of writeters like pl mooneyey and ilungnga adell. Redd andnd i said, you know w what . We n need to havave someme black wririters. What y you doing combing g your hair . R . Why does a anybody comoe theieir hair . Toto look neat. But you u just goingng to a. Pop, jusust because e i wok in j junk dont t mean i have to lolook like itit. Whenen we had whwhite write, theyey would wririte, iim gwan, gwan. We g gwan hit itit over der, and redddd said, hehey, hey,y, hey, hey,y, hey. You donnt need to o do tha. Write e words, andnd we, ththe characteters, will s say those w words the y blacack people s say those w w. Who you cacalling uglyly, . a Audience Lalaughs Upbeat Mumusic we s shot the pipilot Inin Septemberer Of 71, anand it just t went ththrough the e ceiling. Wewe didnt jujust usher in black s shows. We were Ththe Foundatition for r all the sisitcoms for the e next 25, 3 30 year. It just leled the way y tor sitcoms s like goodod times good Titimes Anytimeme You Needd Breakfasast is reready if youou hungry good titimes is onone of m my Favoritete Sitcoms because e i didnt r realize i i was watchihing a sitcoc. Gigive me one e good reason why y you marrieied me. You u was pregnanant. Ththat aint n nothing to joke ababout. Suppose e one of thehe kids ththat heard y you said thty was bornrn outta wededlock. Woululdnt botheher me non. Aududience Laugughs i i aint the e oldest. audience laughs ththey were aa twoparent black f family. Yoyou never hahad black men who o were integegral toto these hououseholds. Gooood times h had that. Good titimes Madee Historory because e it was ththe first Titime We Had Black K creators. All riright, Comee On Ovever here, lilionel. Michaeael evans, w who wasa guy fromom All In T The Famil hehe had Accesess To Normaman , and normanan lear toldld him to wririte somethihing, and e wrote sosomething wiwith eric m. Jujust to get t that chchance to prprove yes, we d deserve to o be here. I think ereric Monte A And Mike E Evans Proveved that. Dynnomite Upbeat Fufunky Music C Audieience Laughshs dynoomite. I know m might i didid a litte tiny Dynynamite Justst in rehea. John ricich, our dirirector, s, ii love thatat dynomitite. Heres h how you doo it. Dynnomite i saidid, john, p please, peoe willll never go o for this. Ththen jimmy w walkers character takes over, and ininstead of good time you enend up with h the dynnomite houour. Good titimes was a a microcososm of what t it is to produduce black t televisi. Eric m monte and m mike evevans were f forced toto partner w with a white showow runner. That r reflected a a dynamimic that we e see througughout the history y of black t tv, which h is having g black creatives s needing ththe cosn of a a White Pererson in order to m make their r thin, even thohough its b based inin the storiries they knkn. By s season two o of good t jojohn amos wawas complaining abouout how his characterr was not Bebeing Writteten in a v very authenentic way. Soso they saidid, tell yoyou. Why y dont we k kill him of, and welll all gett on with our liveves. Killeded in an aututo. My god so t that taughtht me a lesn thatat i wasnt t as importat as i i thought i i was to ththw or to normrman lears s plan. glass s shatters damn, dadamn, damn as g good as gogood times , it s still did n not resosonate with h everyone as to o how this Wasas A Charactcterizatin of blalack americaca. You had d Organizatitions Likeke the Blackck Pantherss Prpressuring N norman Leararo Hahad helped c Create Gooood To G give us somomething different,t, and with h that, he c came up witith Thehe Jeffersonons. I wearar the pantsts in this s family. And d when you z zip them up, includude your mououth. audience e laughs andnd appla eat music well, w were movinin on p movovin on upp t to the eastst side movinin on up Thehe Jeffersonons was an aspiratational showow. You u have the G Great Ththeme Song Sung by y janet dububois ababout movingng on up. Yoyou had a Didifferent Situatioion from gogood time whwhere its a a poor blacack f, toto a rich blblack familyly lg in a higighrise apapartment. Your f family stararted at z, and d look what t youve gotot, a lovely w wife, susuccessful b business, and a beauautiful aparartmen. Thats rigight, buddy. I dont t need you to tell meme that audience e laughs midtemempo r b mususic the Chcharacter Ofof George Jeffersoson was a Ririch Blackn who wawas unapologogetic aboutu, and thatat was very,y, Very Grgroundbreakiking In 19707. George j jefferson w with Ththe Walk Outut the bank k m, the hit t the cliff. F. Thatss how i walalk out the bank w when i makeke withdrawa. How abouout this . u Upbeat Funknky Music Audiencnce Laughs Isabelel Sanford W was realally a traililblazer. Weweezie, honeney. Dodont you weweezie honeye. In 198981, isabell sanforord, who plalays louis, Becacame The Firirst and still Onlyly Black Womoman toto win the e emmy for leld actrtress in a c comedy serir. At lasast. Audieience Laughshs and appla Marla Gibbbbs is everyrytho me. She e was a breaeakout st. Yoyou live in n this apapartment, r right . Uh huh. And d you got Anan Apartmet in thihis buildingng, too . Yes, t thats righght. Wellll, How Comeme We Ovovercame Andnd nobody totol . audience e laughs the e fights i h had with gee on the shohow was mostly prerewritten. Hohowever, he e and i woululd cp with Thingngs Sometimemes and Ththey Would K keep it. Florence, your cookikg taststes like dodog food. Audiencnce Laughs ththats caususe im cocooking for r a chihuahuh. Aududience Laugughs u Upbeat Musisic he and i i really hahad a chchemistry totogether. One of t the unique e thins about Thehe Jeffersonons is thahat it featutured the fit prprimetime ininterracial l co, the willisises. Geororge, if we hahave a problblem, why cant wewe just talklk it throh like tom a and helen . . Theyey dont figight. They donont fight Cause Y Scared T to fight. Whats Thahat Supposeded to . Yoyou know Damamn Wellll what it m means. If y you two evever really started d going at o one anoth, ininside of fifive minutese, hedd be callining you dont t say it nigga. He s said it cocoming out o of the 1960s loviving case, whwhich made i Interracialal Mas Legal L in the uninited state, you had d this Repreresentatin Of What T America could lookok like, off what a america couould be. Audieience Laughshs and appla i i beg your p pardon. Ill come e back laterer. The j jeffersonss was rereally grounundbreaking. Everythingng you do, do it cocool. Thatss it. [mararla] The Jeffersosons had sosomething for Everery Segment T of socie. Yeah. Gogovernment i is not thee solutionon to our prproblem. Governmement is the e proble. Americica was chananging. Youre i in the middddle of R Reaganomicscs and d trickle dodown economim. The Socialal Policicies of Thatat Era Wewere really y Splinterinig Blacack Familieses and the blblack commununity in t this countrtry. Inin the earlyly 1980s, the lalandscape Ofof Primetetime Televivision was dominanated by thehese hoururlong dramamas. Some o of them werere very gri. One of thehe things people w were all sasaying was the Cocomedy On Televisision was deaead. the bill c Cosby Showow Theme Sonong but then t theres Ththis Juggernrnaut of a shohow in the f form of a black fafamily comededy, and Itit Completelely Reinvivigorates Ththe sitcom g. I amam your fathther. I i brought yoyou in this s wd and ill t take you ouout. Audieience Laughshs Sofoft Upbeat M Music the c cosby showw absoluty Creaeated A Phenenomenon of mustsesee tv. The c cosby showw is consr the e pinnacle b black sitco. Gives s you a blacack family thatats not jusust incrcredibly tigight knit. Liststen. Lets s put on sosome music round herer. It was a also a Famimily That W was Doing V Very Wewell for thehemselves, that was u upper Middldle Clasass where Fafamily Values in the mosost Traditioional F Sesenses was a a core of t the. Mr. Cosby y brought in dr. A Alvin Poussssaint toto be a consnsultant on n the. So when n we would write ouout a storylyline, wewed send ththat off to dr. Pououssaint, and that w would come e back wiwith all Hisis Notes On N , and Alvivin Poussainint was they that g grounded usus to mamake sure ththat we were a always reprpresenting this Blalack Familyy in the besest light. In the 1 1980s, Thehe Cosby Y Show Gaveve A Vision of Blalackness Thahat was cocomfortable. E. Were e here to Sasay Goododbye to lamamont goldfif. The way y that it coconveyd blackness s Specificalally Wawas often ququite subtlel. Itit was in ththe art that was o on the walllls. It was i in the Musisic Thatat was beingng played. It w was in the e Sweatshirts Thatat they worere refererencing a hihistoricaly black k college. Cosby dodoesnt comeme onc when t theyre at t their heig. He comeses on when theyre e in the dumumps. Fight, f fight Upbeat Mumusic a Audience Lalaughs and nextxt thing youou kno, the Numberer One Showw On Telelevision is an Afafrican Amererican comemedy. laughghs audience e laughs Muffleded Shouting g bill c cosby was, to all of us, amemericas dadad. Tthe cosby s show wawas, at its s height, doing Asastronomicalally Highgh numbers. Wesmiminster Chimime it wasas that masash finalele Territoryry Ofof just the e biggest nunums youve evever seen on n pape. Soft Jazzzzy Music Audiencnce Applaudsds now, a as far as w who he isis outside o of the workr, itits not to o be ignorede. Hes b been cocontroversiaial, absolutut. [patrick] ] in 2018, bill cosbyby was convivicted for druggiging and violating g a woman inin 200. [femalale reporterer] someme 50 womenn have alllleged simililar sexualal assaults. S. The conviciction was o overd and cosbsby was released, which, to him, was a Vindication Becaususe he always had maintained his innocence. Soso how do wewe celebrate bill c cosbys legegacy . Itit has been n hard. Itits been didifficult toto ree the man n versus thehe myth, the lelegend, thee comedidian, the ststar. I i think we h have to look at bibill cosby. I donnt think Wewe Shouldld look awayay. I think k We Shouldd Look A at all of i it, the gogood, the babad, the ug. I think itits importatant. m midtempo r r b music Mufflfled Shoutining The Cosbyby Show laid the G Groundworkk for r a lot of t the sitctcoms that w we saw, and d the most o obvious isis a differerent world,d which Wawas A Spinofoff Of T the series,s, and it f followed dedenise huxte whenen she went t off toto hillman c college. Ohoh, you mustst be ouour new roomommate. The firsrst year wasas differ. You u had a whitite characacter named d maggie, and you u had a showow about t a college e that, whwhile it wasas a histstorically b black collel, it wasas not necesessarily bla. I k know my pararents love e in the second seasonon of a didifferent woworld, it Becamame A Wholee differerent televivision sho. I know w my Parentsts Lovede [ernie] brbrought inin debbie alallen. Theyey called meme to come in and makake it relevevant, and d when i gotot there, i id gogone to howaward universrs, so i didnnt have to o go on a a field tririp to see what a h historicalllly blacack college e was. I i had lived d it. Debbie allllen is a trtrail. Shshe really b brought thee Authenentic Hbcu E experience To T Television N while Manang To T Tackle Seririous Issues Likeke racism Anand Sexixism and cololorism but also g giving us f fun, lilighthearteded comedy in a a way that t inspired me to gogo to an hbcbcu. They e explored ththe frataternities, the sororiri. Chaharacters Chcheer u Upbeat Funknky Music it was a an exact paparallel to what Mymy Experiencnce was at howoward. A a memorable e episode was the e la riots. Whwhitley justst got mamarried to d dwayne. They w were going g to take their hohoneymoon inin la, anand the riotots happenede. Upbeat T Music Objects C Clatter hehey, hey, hehey i i remember b being cacalled in byby the netwowo. They were e upset Becacause Wewe had whitete looters. Anand so what t did we do . . Talked rososeanne and d Tom Ard Into P Playing Thehe white looters, a and we reshshot i. Mymy feet are e killing me i toldld you to steal sosome shoes. They were e happy thene. You all knknow that winning g is not eveverythin. Thatss right bubut it so fefeel good Charactcters Cheer r midttempo r b m music the Rereal Legacy Y of a d different w world is thahat we triplpled the E Enrollmentnt of histotorically blblack colle. That s show still l stands the test o of time. Sofoft Etherealal Music youre probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. But what if we told you its possible that comcast Business Mobile can save you up to 75 a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers . Did we peak your interest . You can get two unlimited lines for just 30 each a month. There are no Term Contracts or line activation fees. And you can bring your own device. Oh, and all on the most reliable 5g Mobile Network nationwide. Wireless that works for you. Its not just possible, its happening. Sic Uplififting Musicic the success of The Cosby Show did hit so big that suddenly, all the networks are b back in the s sitcom busisiness, N The Blacack sitcom b busines. Ffamily matttters every week l literally j just madede you crackck up and lal. No, i gogot it. No, no, i got it. No, no dont,t, dont, dodont, ste glass s shatters did i i do that . a Audience Lalaughs i i just feel l like i i was so lucucky to grow w up in a titime with u. A peckck near the e lip ara would spspeed me on n my way. a Audience Lalaughs so would a a left hooko. audience e laughs ooooh, i love e it when she getsts physical. L. Winslolows are a l loving Afafrican Amererican familiy that l live in thehe chicago a. Father, carl winslslow, was a. Famamily matterers was s my very fifirst job. I i was one ofof three blalack s in a big r room of maybe 10, 12 writersrs. In 1994,4, Family Matters h had an Episisode Cacalled goodod cop, bad d c eddie winsnslow, The T Teenage , comes backck from a rereally Upupsetting Enencounter Wiwith A Policice officer. I was s Driving Alalong miminded My Owown Businesss when thehe Cops Pulllled me ov i remembmber the scecene, ad it was v very difficicult to. Then he mamade Me Get T Oa The Car Anand Lie Facece dow then he cucuffed me thats u unusual Prorocedue Ununless you p provoked iti. The ideaea that the E Black Fafather Wouldld tell his s bla, youou mustve p Provoked Ththp if You Werere Treated D badly just didid not sit w well with. I had to s say, i donont think k that blackck father would d say that t to his blblack son. I i thought whwhat i went t th tonight t with the w worst thg thats e ever happenened to me,e, but i wasas wrong. Not t having my y own father believeve me is eveven worse. I rememberer the showrwrur getting vevery angry, wonderining if I Wasas Sayingng He was raracist, and i Rememember Realilizing At T that momentnt, as b black people, our desesie toto depict Auauthentic Vevers Ofof Ourselveses is Alalways Negototiated because e if im notot here, ththen this whwhole room i is , and Ththen Charactcters who lk like m me will havave no one who lolooks like t them toto speak theheir truth. upbeat t Funky Musisic back to l life thereres yet ananother Big Shake E Up in the e tv landsce when hip h hop meets r rodeo dr. [malale reporterer] it isis called rarap music. Theyey keep sayiying its a. Rap p music is n not a fad. In fact,t, Rap Is Onone Of E largest t grossing f forms Ofof Music On N the chartst. Quincycy jones rerecognized t that Hip Hohp Wawas Gonna Chchange Amerira parents j just dodont undersrstand and that w will smith h was gogonna be parart of that. Hey, unclele phil oh Aududience Laugughs this is a a story alall about Hohow M My Life Gotot flipped turned U Upside Downwn will smimith was a r rappe. Yeahah, yeah, yeyeah. Hehe had albumums. Anand then eveven the stararg of t the show wawas amazing. It had a a storylinene you cacan follow as t the creditsts were goin. Of f a town calalled belar willll happened d to be in. He wasas at a partrty at ququincy jonesess house. Will neverer really acacted bebefore in hihis life. The ononly kind ofof auditin i had d was quincycys birthd. He said,d, so herees the de. Everybodody that neeeeds to says fofor this shohow is sittitint in t that Livingng Room right now,w, waiting f for you. And i thohought, gimme 1010 minutes. And d hes like,e, all righ, yalall, auditioion in 10 mimi auditionon in 10 mininutes oh yo,o, the planene ride wasas stupid i wawas up in fifirst class. Excucuse me . No, im m saying the plane e was dope. I i was sittining in the f f excuse m me . How w would he . . The flight was rereally neat,t, yeah. Aududience Laugughs s Soft Upbeatat Music ththe Episodode Thatat really ststands out t e is wherere wills Fafather Whwho had Abanandoned Himm as a a young manan comes back into o his life, anand at the e end of the e ep, hes abandndoning him m yet ag. It wasas great seeeeing you,. Yoyou, too, lolou. In the afrfrican amamerican comommunity, a lot of f families arare ton apart becacause of thehe mal. Ainnt a damn t thing hehe could Evever Teach Mee Ababout how toto love my k k s Soft Poignanant Music Will Brbreathes Shahakily it came titime for that momenent. He brokoke. It was a b beautiful t thing, Anand The Restst is historo. It showed d that Thereree Otother Peoplele in ones s e whwho can becocome that Fafar Fifigure when n it comes to m male role m models iN The Blacack communitity. Hip hopop music You Likike It ccause you d dos it Fresh P Prince of belairr became onone of these l Landmark Blblack sits that y youre gonnnna look at 100 yeyears from n now sayin, this s is one of f the ones that chahanged thingngs, pssh. And still l is relevanant. Jazzy Scrcreams audience e laughs in the 90s0s, there Waws One Shshow that epepitomized what i it was to b be young,g, funny, anand black, and d that show w was martit martin l lawrence isis a stanandup comedian, and the e Martin S Show was based onon all of ththe thins that he wowould talk about ononstage. Wassupup . Hellll no yoyou wants toto stomp with the b big dog People Reaeally seem to gravivitate to hihim. Jeromemes in the e house cauause it was s raw. I said d jeromes i in the hohouehouehehouse hehe played atat least 1010 differentnt characteres within t the sitcom,m, and Yoyou Believeded them all. How you alall doing . audience e laughs partys s my middle e name go, gina, go, gina whatss happeningng, baby . Mamartin lawrerence was the one e who said c comedy has s y ofof Bringing G Light into this s dark worldld. Blblack peoplele, we do hahave this Waway Of Lalaughing At T our strugggg. He embodieies that. Glalass Shatterers Mamama Payne Whwhimpers damnmn, damn, damn damamn, gina i is said to me 100 0 times a daday. [unison] a aw, damn i Loveved Martin and ginanas romancece, paparticularlyly because i t was s the first t time i sasaw a Young G Black Coupue in love onon televisioion. Grab m my ears . Aududience Laugughs u Upbeat Funknky Music wewe didnt ththink that We Werere Gonna Makake The Impat that w we made. Gigirl, your h hair is so o , wiwilson couldldnt pick i. Rerecently, meme, tichina,ad mamartin had g gone to lunun, and we werere all likeke, Canan You Belieieve this . Itss like brarady bunch. peopople are stitill watchinins show, andnd were in n shoc. And i i was like, martitin, can youou believe they calall us iconsns . And hehe was like,e, i know were l Living Ooh Singlgle hey lliving singngle is abobout six upwpwardly mobile 20 0 somethingsgs who fifigure out l life, and we figurure it out t togethe. We had n never seen n a shw with s such unapolologeticaly black,k, smart, sesexy, Fun Won On T Television N before. Dadamn, he finine Audiencnce Laughs ohoh, and goodod technique. Anand big feetet. Aududience Laugughs they w were frienends befe there wawas the sitctcom frien Living Sisingle cameme f. There was s an interviview wih warren litittlefield w who, at the timime, was rununning n. They asksked him, was thehere any Shohow Ththat you wisish You Hadd Boughtht this yearar . And hehe said, i i wish i hd bought living siningle. Living G Single was the e archetype. E. Yoyou get a grgroup of Quirky Womomen Livingg Acacross from m quirky memen, two dududes. Upbeaeat Jazzy Mumusic [male e reporter]] later totoday on opoprah, Lonenely Women W who waste t r lilives watchihing televisis. Ththere was a a big twitter beef a a little whwhile ago whwhen the genentleman who playeded ross saidid, they shouould do Likeke A Blacack Friendsds Sometime and, h honey, blacack twitter went i in because e he was just b blissfully y unawae it had a already beeeen done. Now davivid Schwimmemer Saidid that his s comment was taken n out of conontext. He s said, i amam aware that therere was a Shohow Calllled Livingng Single on the a air before e us. Evenen though wewe were a a black shohow, we were a a show that t is absosolutely relelatable, and yes,s, i still g get Thosose Residualal checks. Thank you. U. Youre wewelcom. Jazazzy Music i im gonna b Be Successfsl [male repoporter] fubuu means s for us by y us. Fufubu. [fememale reportrter] blacs are wawatching morore tv, 70 hoursrs a week, s say the e nielsen nunumbers. These Nenetworks Undnderstad that when n theyre trtrying to Getet A Footholold in thehe industry,y, the firsrst thing ththey Do S Go To Anan Underservrved Audiee Becacause they c can get a lot of e eyeballs. In t the 1990s, you hahad all thesese fledglig networorks coming g up, upn, t , who were s Specificalllly Targrgeting blacack audience. [man over r loudspeakek] attetention, statars at the e. Black acactors, blacack creats ato shohoot their s shot. U unforgettabable Aududience Laugughs Upbeat T Music he used d to hang wiwith me witith me and m my band, the high t tops, perfoform for r the queen n of england. I lolove that Enentire Erera of televevision, the shshow, sisteter, siste, half f half, smartrt guy, onone on one,e, wayans s brothers, ccause I Lititerally Saww Myselflf in those e character. Mmoesha wasas something that i i wanted toto do becacause i wantnted to see e ay about a a black teenenage gir, and i didid not see e that on. She dodont know w who i amy now. S she better r ask somebo [uninison] baby y mmoesha Wasas My Firstt staff f writing jojob. It wasas a groundbdbreaking ti. It w was a placece where wewe all belononged. Itit was a plalace that yoyou d actually l launch a drdream. They introduced Nikkkki Parkrker On The E last episoe of moeshaha, which w was te pipilot for tthe parkersr on this s slot, it w was moes the p parkers, the wawayans broththers. So c can you imamagine what tt parkrking lot lolooked like, sound d like, and d smelled li. It was i incredible. E. And d while someme of these shows s may be popopular in Africican Americacan househo, Ththey May Notot have enouoh crosossover appepeal to survr. So yououve got upupn, and d youve gotot the wb. They come e together t to cree ththe cw. Beauautiful, rigig . Not if y youre a blblack sitc. Blacack shows didisappear. We felelt the Shifift Of Ththe shows trtrickling awaw. Some of f the hits started d coming inn that w were more l like smallllville, ggilmore gir you only h have so Manany Hoururs you progogram. Sosomething hahas to give. And they j just cancelele. Everybody y was just, oh, wewere done. Thanks. I i will neverer forgive te cw f for what ththey did to o. Ththey really y had a goodod. We didid get greatat writers like Marara Brock Akakil anand kenya babarris out o of. Mara wenent from writing fofor moeshaa Toto Creating G The Influeuenl sitcom gigirlfriends. S. Hey, girirl. Hehey the e vision i h had for r girlfrienends is i wananted to dococument or existetence as blalack women. I was a a big fan ofof sex a and the citity, and d i appreciaiated that it wasnnt centereded aroundnd a mans o opinion about how w women werere. Ill b be on my way and d leave youu to y your hot lelesbian actit. Wewe were tryiying to figue out t if we coululd have it t. All Mymy Black Gigirlfriend Were W Wondering T that, too. We wanted d it all. We wanteted it all. Upbeat Mumusic b Bernie Whisistles give me a a chance. men l laugh ill take e wb. Ill t take u. Illll take usa. A. By the e early 2000s0s, networorks are onlnly looking for bibig name Blalack Comedis to heaeadline theieir shows. When you t talk aboutt the berninie mac showow, you u get a slicice of life, of afrfrican amerirican life. Yeah, mymy sisters s on dru. What a am i suppososed to do . Allow thesese three kikids to gogo to some f foster homem . You u dont knowow what youe Getttting Yourseself into. I dididnt wannana come ino americicas Livingng Room. I wawanted to brbring america intoto mine. Ththis is my h house. Bernrnie had a v very clear a of t the kind ofof show he w w. Bebernie mac g goes, yyou know, r reggie . Of allll the peoplple in hollllywood, Youou Get Berninie maam, donont do that. Thisis is my carar. Im trtrying to tetell you u something. G. Mymy Goal Workrking on thehew as a direcector, as a a produr was to makake sure Berernie Mamac stayed b bernie mac. horn blblows u Upbeat Funknky Music i dodont mean t to toot my own hororn, americaca, bubut bernie m macs geniui. Im ovoverwhelmed,d, as you. The first t time in thte morere than 2000year histoy of this cocountry, an Africican Americacan will bebe the chiefef executivev. How far we havave come. America hahas changed d Te Point Now W where blackish is telliling these unapologetetically blalack stor. Ththey have ththat freedomom be we have e changed asas a cultu. [andre] sosometimes i i l likeke a bit of f an oddity. And if y you look toto your l, youllll see the m mythical and majejestic blackck famil. It talalks about t the so called posostracial v versin laughs o of being blblack. The wholole show begegins, sa, we moveved to a white neigighborhood, Bubut We Stillll got to hold on toto our cultuture. This is s our culturure. Thisis aint ourur culture. We b black, not t african. Africansns dont eveven like. Dad, canan i go . There e was a Lot T Of Convnversation a about whwhat to callll it. Bblackish was the preferred d title, and ththe creator r Kenya Rereally Suppoported and felt like sets off a little bit of a firestorm, and d you get Pepeople Tatalking Abouout it. Youve g got a man w whos Gt His Famimily at a crcrossroad. I care ababout black k histoy and cultlture and ouour root. I donnt want thehem to notot be black. K. I dodont want t them to only be blblackish. From now o on, we willl be blalack out lououd. Blalackish hahad a Epepisode Calllled juneteent that i im so prououd to have been a a part of. Our r whole famimily will celebratate juneteenenth. All riright. Boboom i knknow where t to buy ststrawberry s soda. And i makeke a mean red velvetet cake. Ill fire up the grill. That l loud and black enouough for youou . Yeah, mmhmm. Ill hanang up my ststockin. Oh, buddddy. Anand now itss on the nationalal calendar r foreve, somemething thatats still mind blolowing to meme. Presidident bidenn Signeded The Juneteteenth National I Independencnce day t into law. We didid an Episodode Abouout A Littlele White Girl in Thehe Elevator r by hersel, and d the black k man shshouldnt geget on it. Anand they just. laughshs doors dining but so m many white e people came up toto me and wawas lik, is that a a thing . Anand im likeke, hell yeye ththat was jusust as Imporortaf An Episosode as juneneteenth w. Its l like these e topics that we totouched on. Exexcuse me herere we go agagain. I hopepe you enjoyoy the ret of your r racist pagageant johnhnsons, we o out no no, nono, no, no Upbeat Hihip Hop Musisic Dining Chimes upbeat music c totoday, im v very prououd of myselelf. Ouour presidenent has finanay rereleased a b birth certitifi. Donald t trumps Camampaign Bn with Queuestioning T the Legitiy Ofof The Firstst Black Prpresident , b barack obama. Wouldntt you love e to see Onone Of Thesese Nfl owneres when somebebody didisrespects s our flag, get that s son of a bibitch of the fieleld right nonow, out . Hes firired. Hes f fired peopople felt ththey could o lolonger sit o on the sidedel. Theyey saw a lotot of Folkss Protesesting in ththe street. But at thehe same timemee cocouldnt jusust react inin a. We needed d change. Wewe neededed real chanange. Ththis was an n era Ofof Resistancnce to be asas loud as p possible anad as b black as popossible. There was s a fresh crcrop of C Creators Cocoming toto the forefefront, namely Dononald Gloverer with atatlanta. I cacant imaginine what tv woululd be like e now wiwithout atltlanta. You u dont get t Somethingg Like T that withouout getting to T Trust The V Vision of someone e like donalald glove. Whatat you have e with shshows like atlanta isis they donnt even tryy to jusust be sitcocoms. Ththeyre Compmpletely Comomfoe sort of F Straddlingng that le betweeeen comedy a and drama. Where are e your ancesess frfrom . Congo,o, ivory coaoa . I dont t know. This Spookoky Thing called slalavery happepened, and mymy entire etethnic ididentity wasas erased. I i remember a an episode e , and i was s like, oh h my go. Hehe covered m mental illnln, blblack unemplployment. Im nonot asking f for mone. You shouould be. Aint you h homeless . Not rereal homelesess. Iim not usining a rat ass a phonone or sometething. Dodont be racacist, man. Thatat make you u schizophrer. Ththat dont m make you hohome. He covereded so many t tos in not eveven the wholole epis. That was l like the first fefew scenes. And he g gets to doo It Undnder A Blackck Lens while haviving that not be t the only ththing about ththe show that is inintriguing. Black peopople can now say ththemselves, this is w who we are,e, and you sesee that inn shows s like atlalanta anand like an n insecure. E i wawant to thanank trump Fr Makiking Black P People Numbmbe on the m most oppresessed lis. Oh u Upbeat Musisic insecuree is todayys vn of Liliving Singlgle and d girlfrienends. Ththose shows s really paved the e way. Issasa rae took k that torcrch and addeded to thehe conversatation in a a really meaeaningful waw. I am sexy. Y. Lets geget outta hehere. Yourere super ohoh my god, youre a m music produducer Dodo You Know W Beck . It statarted on yoyoutube. Shshe shared her storieies, the misadventures of awkward black girl. [j] my name is j, and im awkward anand black. That eventually y landed at h. I remembmber we were meeting with hbo, and the title insecure had alwaysys existed, and we were having a conversation about, ooh, We Shouould Rename E The and d they were e like, well, youou, issa, thereres nothining insesecure aboutut you. And d she was lilike, thats s why were e calling the showow insecurere is bececause im constantntly insecurure. I think ththe secret to insecucures succccess is thahat hbo evenentually lt issa d do what shehe wanted to. You knonow what . This i isnt our s story to te, but t were gonnnna give you what y you need toto tell it and itit has becomome this Massive Popop Culture E Momet that e everyone loloves, and d its such h an honestt portrayayal of blackck life. Iive been Tatased Bebefore tasese me again ill sururvive we w wanted to t talk Ababout Thingsgs that feltt like e Everyday Lilife on a tuty fofor black pepeople, nonot juneteenenth. Its notot king day. Y. laughghs its jujust gonna a be like a a tuesday, and this i is what we e had toto deal withth on a tueses. Thats w where we alalways fet this s show neededed to live, and so i f feel like Those Wewere The Wayays that insesecure feltlt differ. Gotta takake a risk s somete gotta Take A Risksk Livively Music c Dear Whitete People. We fililmed dear r white people, s season one e in 20. Our last d day of filming wawas the dayy of thehe president ntial electi. Deaear white pepeople Endedp Rereleasing Inin A Trump W wo. Dear whitite people Takes S Place at a f fictional i ivy leagague institutution, kind of ststand in foror whie america, a and there, We F Follow Thisis Group Of Black S students navigagating a Verery White World Anand Figuringng out whwhat it meanans to be blblac. [professoror] anyone w Wh Someme Special C Connectionn to t the materiaial . It was alwlways like a a be between n the peoplele who sa, whyhy do we neeeed a showow like thisis . And then p People Sayiying Lie Really H horribly raracist stu. People w were threatatening to boycotttt netflix, and d i rememberer being soso scared, l like, wow, we j just did alall this. Isis our show w just gone . E anand the Netftflix Executute Sesent us an e email and s s, tensese music were p putting thihis show o. These e comments l let us knonow exactlyy how mumuch this Shshow Is Need anand frankly,y, making the show Dear Whitete People in the T Time Of Trurump is and was a a form of prprotes. Our entirere fourseasason run n is book enended by Hisis Election N Win and h, thanank god, elelection loss. Yourere not rashihida jones s biracial. Yourere Tracee Elellis roross biraciaial. Pepeople thinknk of you asas b. Hipip hop musicic, you liket so now y you have shows lilike twentities, whwhich is crereated by lelena , Whicich Made Hisistory as one of t the First S Shows to havave its leadad characacters lgbtqtq, and d what that t says is that we e again are e changig and thatat we can tell Thehese Storieses and that B Black Peoplple are e so differerent. Whwhat stands s out for Me Aboutut Twentieses isis the lead d characterr is a Blalack Queer W woman. Shshes not ththe sidekickc. What i a also love about ththe show is that t it has a l lot of C Conversatioions that, franankly, we hahave in huddds bubut usually y not in pubub. These Arare Conversasations were not t supposed to put on tv, lena why we always the Ononly Black P people herer . Because e you know b black pee donnt like beieing outside. Whwhats Amazizing Abouout these arartists, pepeople like e issa raray and lenana waithe, theyeyre reallyly great Abot Wantnting to briring up new w s and cocontinue thehe conversat. You haveve been outt here f for three y years, and d what do yoyou haveve to show f for it . Look, we are liviving in e new blblack renaisissance, ok . Im blblack and iim gay. Hollywooood should b be Knococking Down N my door. Firewororks Hiss Anand Boom Lively Clclassical Mumusic upbeat music fofor oprah wiwinfrey, ththis is not t only the start ofof a brand n new yea. It is alsoso the Begininning Ofof her new c cable netwowo. Itits time. I i believe ththat the Futue Ofof Black Telelevision Cocos inin ownershipip, places that we owown, we opererate, and we c can have ouour own vo. For Eveveryone Whoho has Acactually Beeeen Given Ththatt at the tabable for mosost of s with melelanin, you u gotta fi. Wewe have a peperson like e r peperry who owowns a studid, and ththats remararkable in d of i itself becacause, in 191, you coululd have Nevever Have Imagineded that a blblack man Woululd Dominatete this Spacao Ththoroughly a as tyler peperr. u Upbeat Musisic i thinink the Blacack Ownenership of C Content Will D disrupt thehe media Ecocm Becacause we wonont have gatekeepepers who arare beholn to the statatus quo oror tradititional medidia compani. A perfect example of Black K Ownershipp Changiging the gamame, Lelee Daniels S and tthe wonder r years. I loloved The W Wonder Years grorowing up. Love i it even morore now ththat theyveve rebooted dt and theyvve said itt in monontgomery, a alabama cause it t reminded me of mymy childhoodod. Lee e Daniels Acquireded the Righthts To T the originanal wonder r because e he wantedd to tell l a story abouout the blacack middlecs Expeperience Dururing the lalat. I didnt w wanna direcect. I i didnt wananna write i. I i just didnnt wanna memess , so i i found a g great shshowrunner w writer, salaladin, who h had a gogood take onon it. So i think its s time thatt we talalk with youou about se. Cannt we just t whoop the boy lilike God Intntended . Yeah, mama, illll take t the whoopining i came O On Board Anand We Decicided to setet the showw in t the cradle e of the civil righghts movemenent. And not jujust the Traray Anand The Painin and the t Tra Becaususe weve cacarried that for s so long, and we conontinue to, but trg to Buiuild Family Y and communy and Cecelebrate Anand have love in ththe midst ofof tha. What m makes Cupcacakes Tataste so dowown home . Slavavery and bacon n grease in n the p. Abc C Understandndably so had a lolot of concecerns. Thenen as soon a as We Startd Turnrning in mataterial, Ththe Note Alwlways was, can you m make it fununny . You told u us that youou wanteded real lifefe. Trust u. Itll bebe funny whehen its supposed t to be funnyny, and thenen itll be e heartfet when i its suppososed to be hearartfelt and d dramac when it t needs to b be dramat. And so t thats whats reaeally speciaial about tthe wonder r years reboot i is telling g the Stoy Of Ameririca from aa differerent perspepective, from ourur perspectitive. Upbeaeat Soulful L music black k Representatation Hahas Improveded on televivin because Blblack Peoplele have t the opportutunity to Actuaually Represesent Ththemselves a as opposedd to Whitete Creators s saying, this is w who Black P People A Upbpbeat Funky Y Music seems Lilike A Drdrop in the e bucket, but ththen that Bubucket Overfs Anand Everythihing gets ststi. I i cant prededict the future of f black sitctcoms, but t i am likining that more Creatitive Licensese is being g. Lighten n up, dude remembmber your cocondo. More Blackck Creatorss are getttting in thehe door and showining their popoint of w thatat were Getetting A Chahe To S See Charactcters be thre dimemensional anand more. Eyes on n the prize,e, world d dominationon. I thinink about ththe Opportrtunities Ththat we havev, and d i get excicited. It should d be a rule. Exeses Cannot Wawalk on each otherers blocks. S. Sweeeetie, that t will leae me a v very, very y Small Bath Of T the bronx. Good m morning, atatlanta i dont cacare who youou slet with, as l long as youou. Wake up wiwith kenan wakeke up with k kenan whenen i think a about the history y of black t televisi, i Rereally Thinknk about proro. We holold these trtruths toto be self e evident, that allll men are c created. And i ththink about t how or experiencece in the ununited sts also v very much m mirrors or progressss in the memedium. Id like t to Introducu Intrododuce . Oh, this m man needs no introduduction. Id know t the Reverenend Jesse E jackson ananywhere. audience e laughs i rereally do Sesee A Journy Fromom the earlyly years. Oh, heheres yourr clean shshirt, mr. H harry. Thank yoyou, beulah. H. When s so much of f it was seen throuough a whitete len. Well tatalk about this in n the mornining. Now gogo to your r room. Yes, s sir. Goodninight, bo. Hey, did y you get myy email l about the e two of us Hangnging Togethther after r school or . R . Nono, it must t have gone e t. I ththink maya a Angelou Saiat iif you donnt like something,g, change itit, and ifif you cantt change i, chanange your peperspective. girirl screams s fire e Extinguishsher Hisse Audiencnce Laughs we are thehe ones who o e sasaying, thihis is who w we. This i is why we m matter. This is s what we wawant you u to underststand. Wewere Writining Stories S Fo whats Thihis Neighborord Tetechnically Y called, isis . Oh, sosomeone toldld me its the black k beverly hihills. Is that trtrue . Upbeaeat Music guys, i really d dont kn, but i do k know we havave a lot t of work toto do, and d this Benchch Needs To Go Overer there. Cocould you oh, Bubut We Just T moved it. Oh, dont t question my authoririty. Thanksks. You know what . That looooks like fifire comedy w without blalack peoe would be l like the Nbnba Withthout Black K players

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