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Trumps mind. Explosive claims about a unstable genius. These restrictions are being called ludicrous. Speaking of ludicrous. That, that insult from senator mcsally. Well get into why shes dodging questions and cracking the attention code. Have the 2020 dems figured out how to do it. John favreu is joining me live. On this sunday, a few questions, here is the threeyear anniversary of Donald Trumps inauguration. What happens when a president cant handle the truth . What happens when the best information does not reach the president or the public because the information angers him or contradicts his opinions . What happens when the president mislead voters at such a rapid rate . What happens when people dont care about it and others just check out . What happens when members of the president saying hes dangerously uninformed. What happens when the president tries to make his own reality and had a network to back him up and do it. What happens when he buys into conspiracy theories about his opponents that were fed by the network and the people he trusts . What happens when he attempts to shake down a Foreign Government as a result of the information. What happens when the evidence of the shake down is withheld from the people whos in charge of investigating it. What happens when the case is so damming. When they say the best defense is so what. So what. What happens . What happens is an impeachment trial starting on tuesday on every channel. This moment is bigger than the trial. This moment is about power and information and it is about u. S. Access to that information. What they do with it . It is about a concerted effort to misinform people to throw smoke bombs and make everything sound loud and confusing when it is not actually. This moment is about using power to distort what really happens and whats happening right now. These dynamics are going to out last the trumps presidency. Newsroom that strives to be reliable sources of information have to defend the truth even when people in power cant handle the truth. All those factors and all part of this trial is getting underway, this is a moment to get back to basics for the news media to start from the beginning, to tell the story indepth for audience that may be now tuning in. Lets talk today about how to do that and how newsroom should be doing that and what that process is going to be like. Margaret sullivan and our Meredith Mcgraw is with us as well. This is a high stake beginning margaret. I think we should be thinking of our coverage in terms of what serves citizens and the public best. Some of that has to be understanding what you just said that some people are really going to be tuning in this in a serious way for the first time so to kind of be, dont assume that people are familiar with all the players that they may know whats going on. I think we have to be, you know, we never want to dumb down but we have to be kind of explanatory in everything that we do. There is an attempt making iit boring or c i love to call witnesses. We just cant have witnesses. I think the attempt to take down the temperature in a hundred different way right now. Whether thats having no access to journalists talking senators or no witnesses or no documents. Thats not a process problem, it is a fact problem. Whats the status of the evidence that needs to be provided to the public. How much is still being hidden from the public. Well, we dont know. I think the short answer is as we have learned this year just this week from the lev parnas revelation, we have seen a tip of the iceberg and that the more that congress probes, the more the press probes and more we discover. The fact that it is destructed by the president is the second article of impeachment so it is essential, with that said, it is important to recognize even if we had nothing but what was found in the house. Thats enough sufficient bases to go ahead and probe for more. Meredith, the attempt we are seeing from the Trump Administration and his lawyers and aid is a lawless process. We need to explain to people whats going on. Certainly. Thats going to be a huge priority for reporters Going Forward is walking the public through the process. The fact that the president is facing the senate trial, the white house thinks this works in their favor in terms of Public Relations because most of the public knows sort of basic of how a trial works either from their own experience or because they seen how things play out on television and certainly that played a role into who the white house picked to defend the president , people who have experienced with television and presenting a legal argument to a wider audience. This is a fox News Defense Team with people like ken star who was until this week a paid Fox News Contributor and now hes working for trump officially. I didnt know that your story says the president gets a weekly report full of tv ratings so he knows what those ratings are. That speaks to how he has a television mindset. The president acutely aware of how Television Works and the power of tv and his own presidency, the visuals of how he presented to the world through the television is and incredibly important to him and something that he certainly keeps an eye on and that something to be looking into with this trial thats coming up is how theyre going to be explaining their legal argument through the visual medium of tv. I love how you call the president the executive producer of his presidency. Theyll certainly do that with the trial as well. The fox legal team members, whats the significance of trumps defense team trying to appeal to the fox news base. Well, i think theyre aware theyre not going to win on the facts. What they can do is rally up the base and the best evidence we have that came up this weekend is 111 pages from the house manager asserting in absolute grandular details of what the facts of the case are. A response from trumps Fox News Team of seven pages saying essentially fake news and throwing sand into the gears. Part of the strategy and meredith defines it very well is to take complexity and render it in chaos. If you take that and you just render it kind of a big globe of three talking points, fake news and hunter biden and corruption. Thats it. It is about making it boring when there is nothing but boring. Margar margaret, there is so much going on that we all need a sense of proportion. You wrote here what deserves our attention and outrage, whats the small stuff . Some of them are getting it some what right. I think the Washington Post is doing a good job with it. I do think that we, the obsession this past week with the feud between Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren i think is the small stuff, the lev parnas interview, as we head into impeachment trial week, thats the big stuff and present them roughly equal, here is a couple of stories coming out of washington and theyre kind about politicians fighting with each other, that missing the point. It depends of the peopmedium where it is happening. If you listen to the broadcast and everything is twominuttwo everything sounds equal. You have to be able to say this one matters more and we flag it in different ways. Where is it in the broadcast and how much time does it get . How is it framed . All those decisions that editors and producers make. Everybody stands by. Well go to capitol hill with one of the reporters advocating for improvements in the situation. Well talk about manu raju and mcsally. What is it the republicans reluctant to answer basic questions. 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When you use location technology, you can see where things happen, before they happen. With esri location technology, you can see what others cant. Welcome back to reliable sources, i am brian stelter. There are 100 different ways to say no comment. A local station in denver says garner has been a tough man to reach. Senator garner avoided our questions for months and hes been ducking other journalists, too. Tonight we caught him after he flew back to washington. At Denver National and garner did not say much but props to this news crew for the effort. Other senators have been trying to different tactics like senator mcsally this week. Seems like media bashing unites the gop. The basic questions, does it explain there is new restrictions putting in place for capitol hill in time of the impeachment trial . Sir, you are the chair, what restrictions have been put in place and what are you doing about them . Reporters access is going to be limited about 15 minutes before and after trial. Then about 30 minutes before the trial we wont be able to walk and talk with senators anymore. If you have been to kplcapitol hill, thats the bread and butter and thats now we get interactions with them. We are concerned of a placement thats going to search members of the press as they walk in and out of the senate chamber. Something thats never been in place before. It could make it really inconvenient and pretty much impossible to cover the trial from within the chamber itself. Thats really important because the senate controls what people are watching and there are no photographers, the American Public deserves today an eye witness in there to give them an unfiltered view of whats happening. The cameras in the house and the senate are controlled by the house and the senate. So when you see it on cspan or cnn, these are not our editorial control cameras. We are only seeing what the senate wants us to see. Cspan and other network are trying to fight that. Right now looks like we are only getting the senate view of this trial. With regards to access in the hallway, is there anything you can do at this point to make it more free or be able to roam freely . There are a lot of conversations happening behind the scenes, we are hoping moving some of these press pens so there is places senators walk by frequently. There is been a little bit of, a Police Officer were stopping reporters from talking to senators. We have been ensured that is not going to happen next week. Thats a major concern because the optimistics, i am sure it i what the senators want. We are hoping flexibility and we have no official guidance. Jill, what do you think is going on . Do you think this is an attempt to avoid tough questioning from reporters or actually just about security . There is nothing thats going to be happening in the senate that changes the security dynamic from last week to this week. The chief only knew, he had adequate security. This is about Mitch Mcconnell republican senators trying control a flow of information. The ability to turn that camera off and the ability to turn it away if there is an argument that breaks out, why you need someone in there and enable to go and file their story that cant do it from the senate floor. It is about trying to control information and limit the ability of reporters to see what actually happens. These happens we are seeing in the hallway, these are vital as well. What do you think mcsally was thinking when she called raju a liberal hack. It is a strategy on her part. All of these vulnerable republican senators are in a box which is independent and conservative democrats are looking for them to show some independence from the president. Trump voters which makes up 35 to 40 of the electorate in iowa and in colorado and arizona are looking for absolute loyalty to the president. What Martha Mcsally last week and to use manu raju as her prop is shes going to be with the president. Criticizing the media and attacking what she did. She was ready with fund raising materials but having to talk to mark mark kelly, he also had his best day. It goes both ways. It represents the box these republicans are in. It is hard to see mcsally to be able to get people enough in the middle when she goes in with trump. It has been 314 days since the last formal white houses briefing. You have been keeping tab on this and urging the white house resuming briefings. It is not going to happen. Trump officials go on fox and then everybody quotes them from what they say, stephanie, make one exception of kellyanne conway, she comes on cnn, i give her credit for that. Thats true. In a narrow sense it is working for them. In a broader sense it is not. One of the things we wrote in the letter to the president was having these briefings keep the government accountable and keeps the government communicating. The messaging around iran strike was a disaster. People were going out and there was not a briefing at the pentagon and a briefing tat the white house where you are given a regular briefing. In the longterm, they are hurt by this. There is a short term right in front of you benefit that where they get to longer to fox and oam and other conservative outlets. To you, sarah, i am curious of the trial, what do you do . Is it about extra snacks or sensible shoes . Whats the plan . I always wear sensible shoes on capitol hill. Yeah, extra snacks and extra staff and we have been a lot on this press access the last few days, i would like to get back d focus on whats happening in the shame b chamber. Coming up, the president is described as dangerously uninformed. Thats next. Whether tomorrow will be light or dark. 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Download the my account app to manage your appointments making todays Xfinity Customer Service simple, easy, awesome. Ill pass. The disorder, the dysfunction, it is always worse than we thought or we knew. It comes clearly in a stable genius. This is the book coming out on tuesday from the Washington Post. Thanks in part to these reviews and excerpts, it is number one best seller maybe in part because the president has already criticized it. He dwrused some of the words verbally abusive and volatile and it goes on. Some materials in the book thats so shocking. Calling afghanistan a loser. Talking about the constitution like it is written in a different language. Hes insulting some of his aides and Jeff Sessions as we know. Some of these quotes are shocking and newly r. Thats why the book is getting a lot of attention. The question is any of this shocking anymore or should it be . Back now to discuss that is our affirmation panel. Meredith mcgraw, there is always new found revelation of what happens in the trump white house. How is it that these sources still keep oncoming out of the wood work with new information all the time. They seem to be plenty of stories to go around working in the white house and what goes on behind the scenes, i have not read the book yet, i look forward to doing so. Time and time again, we get new revelation of how the president sort of traditional president ial ways and i think it is just yet another book that shows more evidence. It sure does. Whether it is possible to remain shocked every time the book comes out that the president does not know basic geography and confused of reading the constitution. This is about his fitness for office. I think the overall themes are very familiar to us. Some of the details truly are shocking and the excerpt that was based on the president s meeting with military officials in which he disparaged them and calling them dopes and losers and so on and really, i read all of this stuff and kept up with it closely. It was still something dramatically new in terms of the the level of it and the reactions to it and so on. It is a really, it is a very potent view of whats happening. Yes. There is a lot of details about the president s media, well put a couple of full screen. Trump loves watching morning joe to see how the enemies were describing him. There is another line talks about trump lashing out at macron saying trump does not want to lose in the media on fox. If he appears weak on fox, thats totally unacceptable. It is so interesting. We are dying by reality shows and those troves formulate. We know all this. This is all in wolffs book. A lot of people did not believe Michael Wolffs book. It is not snarky, it lands the same way because we sort of heard the contours so many times. Really the thing that we have to ask ourselves is what is it about this reality show presidency allows us to do live the same day over and over again. There is no perry mason moment, we keep on living the reality and reacting less and less. Maybe for me the question is why does Rex Tillerson and Kirsten Nelson and john kelly is being in the room where it happened. Why are they ghosted . At some point reporters cant move the needles beyond the truth. Thats interesting. Shout out to the Washington Post. You all saw this about the National Archives having altered and blurred the image that says god hates trump from the womens march in 2018. The archive apologized and says theyll look at what happens here. Within 24 hours, they apologized. It was a great instinct on the part of the reporter, he was over the archive for another reason and saw this and said and went back and noted the photo credit and went back to the office and locked up the original photo and found out that it had been altered. You know i think this was a different take on what we all already know. It did have the power to shock at the National Archives which was supposed to be the place that preserves history was altering history to keep the sort of political tension. It shows reporting still manners. Meredith, how are you prepared . I want to know how reporters are getting ready for this monumental week ahead. The white house posted a briefing called for reporters to talk through some of their thoughts on the week going ahead. Colleagues at politico have compiled some excellent guide on whats going to be happening and the next week what we can expect in terms of the calendar and the timeline for whats going on and then of course we are all talking to our sources and to focus on capitol hill about what theyre thinking moving forward but there is a lot of anticipation for this week ahead and what exactly is going to happen when things kickoff this week. I think a lot of people who just kind of tuned out for a while, theyll bethu tuning in of wednesday for this event. After the break, meet the man who tracks the fox feedback loop right after this. Do you recall, not long ago we would walk on the sidewalk all around the wind blows we would only hold on to let go blow a kiss into the sun we need someone to lean on blow a kiss into the sun we needed somebody to lean on all we need is someone to lean on apps except work. Rywhere. Why is that . Is it because people love filling out forms . Maybe they like checking with their supervisor to see how much Vacation Time they have. Or sending corporate their expense reports. Ill let you in on a little secret. They dont. By empowering employees to manage their own tasks, paycom frees you to focus on the business of business. To learn more, visit paycom. Com your amy what work . Zing you need a website very soon youre gonna be very famous lady that is the last thing i would ever. Huh . Stop put those away for three years now, President Trump used fox news for information and role material for his tweets. The president would say it 10 or 20 minutes later. Let me introduce this for a man who tracks this. Matt gurk, he joins me now. This is part of your beat. Every time the president tweets something and you go and try to figure out if he heard it on fox news, is that right . Yes, i have been doing it since october of 2017. Sometimes hell put the name of the host in the tweet or quoting something out right. Sometimes hes talking about one of the weird fox obsession that no other network talks about. Sometimes i am lining up the time showing a large number of tweets in a row all matched up with foxs programming. It is kind of like factcheckers found new importance, people figuring out where the president are getting the information. This is trumps total lie tweets by network. You found fox news was the source for 559 of the president s tweets. Thats just fox news. Medium matter is a liberal group. It is an antifox news. You are trying to get this down because why . How much they are saying is impacting the president of the United States and through him our daily lives of the policies and the government carries out. The fox firewall is holding firm and strong. Absolutely. They have been strongly in the president s quarter. If you look at the last few months as the ukraine story heated up, it turns into impeachment. The president fixated on foxs commentary. Picking up quotes and arguments they make and telling the problem about it. What he sees in the graphics and banners, he puts them on video clips. The point of a lot of foxs program is they make you very angry so they come back and watch more of the program. Thats the impact they have on the president. Sean hannity says msnbc and cnn are state run tv. I am curious of how you react to that . It is a fairly common tactic that sean hannity uses. I think hes trying to hide this sort of depth of the relationship that he has with the president. He speaks with him virtually every night after the show and advises him on particular angs to take on his show. And just this week, we learn Paul Manafort had been trying to use sean hannity as a back channel to the president to let him know that he was not telling muellers team too much about what the president had done. Matt gertz, thank you so much for being here. John favreu will join me. Lets get rid of the twitter primary. With esri location technology, you can see relationships. Connections. Patterns. You can see what others cant. In a matter of hours, the New York Times will reveal its pick for the democratic primary. Its endorsement to head to the iowa caucuses. Will it matter to the average American Voters . I am going to go with no. Is this what the public is attuned to . Again, no. In fighting is a real issue in some campaign. There are plenty of divisions in our wisdom inside verses outsider and young verses old. This is sometimes low information voters, political scientists have been studying it for decades. Low information can be viewed of all poll titicians deciding to elections out. Where voter heads are at . John favreu is here to discuss that. He travels across the country for this new podcast series to meet focus group and to breakthrough the trumps era. So thank you both for being here. Peter, your piece got me thinking a lot about this topic, i want to talk about what low information voter means. It is not a negative term. Define it for us. What is a low information voter . You are exactly right. This is normal. Most people dont care about politics. In the trump era, trump mastered attention capture and trump is politics. He subjetracted from the equati. A lot of people are not following this stuff closely. One thing these focus groups illuminated for me is that for a lot of people, politics is not real life. Polls measure this in every poll. There is a question almost every poll asks which is how closely are you following the election, democrats are not following this stuff closely and that index is among africanamericans and hispanics and young people and noncollege educated voters. Those are not voters Hillary Clinton got to show up. It was really important that i think for democrats the job of these focus dprups. It reminds us people are not spending their time watching cable news and voters are much more complex. They see things differently. Those are the spaces where the primary campaign is being fought right now. John, what did you learn . What were the top take away for you . The biggest challenge for democrats is not just donald trump who a lot of these voters did not have a lot of love for donald trump. That includes the media and that includes both parties. It is not these voters are ignorant or apathetic. They care. They need politics to be relevant of their lives, they think the media covers this stuff and treat it like a circus. They turn on tv and they see 10 people in the panel yelling at each other. Right, they deep know who to trust. They deep know what each politician is, all everyone is talking about some stupid fight everyone is having on twitter. So they become distrustful of the whole system. Everyone on twitter, meaning a small group of the Political Class on twitter. Thats right. Which isnt representative of the electorate as a whole even by a mile. So peter, you have written about the attention primary. A lot of this is cracking the attention code. Are Democratic Candidates able to get attention when trump sucks up all the oxygen . The short answer is absolutely not. You know, it was actually barack obama who cracked this code in the first place. I mean, if you are a low information voter, if you are a casual voter, you only Pay Attention to politics when elections are coming up. And quite frankly, you Pay Attention to candidates who attach themselves to culture, sometimes i mean theyre cool, sometimes theyre trolling. One of the things that donald trump has done is on his side of the equation, he has made politics at least entertaining for noncollege voters for rural voters, for low information voters who used to think that politics was broken, irrelevant and stupid and not worth participating in. Hes made politics fun and trolly for a lot of people open the right in 2016 at least for a lot of independents. Hes given them a reason to Pay Attention that has nothing to do with you know his credentials. We have lots of conversations these days about the Democratic Party and electability. Off see candidates saying i won in the counties outside of st. Paul or i passed this bill in the senate in 2007, im sorry, nobody cares. Elections in modern times are about attention capture. They are about bringing people together under an umbrella message, motivating them and getting them to Pay Attention to politics and feel relevant to their lives and these focus groups i thought when i read the transcripts were a huge wakeup cule that makes the assumption that voters are following lion cavings. If you look at the poll number, 30 of democrats dont know who Pete Buttigieg is, 50 dont know who Amy Klobuchar is. Those are words on the tips of our tongues every day, the folks that produce the news as a commodity, the democratic campaigns needs to rethink how they are waging their campaigns, most voters are getting news in chopped up bits from a variety of things on their screens, in bits and pieces. One other thing from johns focus groups is they named cnn, local news, instagram, snap chat, as places they got their news, they said in the same breath they didnt trust those places either. That cuts that News Coverage is out rage porn, hot takes, not things relevant to peoples lives. Lets keep this going, this is really go good. Lets take a quick break and ill talk to you what i learned from jeopardy in just a moment. The thought of my symptoms returning was keeping me from being there for the people and things i love most. So, i talked to my doctor and learned humira can help get, and keep, uc under control when other medications havent worked well enough. 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Look, if im a voter in a focus group and i havent checked in on the news in a while and i see all a bunch of segments about Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, an open mic, who is yelling at who about what . Nothing in the conversation is about healthcare, wages, climate change, gun control, any of the things that people care about that would feel relevant to their lives. So what everyone spends all day on twitter or cable talking about in these races in politics just is so divorced from the realities of peoples life and their concern from what theyre worried about. So the more they cecilliness on their Television Screens and phones is more disengaged they get from politics, you can see why. 15 second spots, theyre all yours. Tom patterson, hes a freight writer, wrote in 1994 that quote the press is not a mirror held up to society that echos what john just said about twitter. I would also say as to the press, i they corrective to twitter is to spend more time in iowa and New Hampshire . No, its to spend more time in a safeway parking lot in charlotte, phoenix, empass so go to places beyond just these states where people are highly engaged. Thats an important lesson as well. Thank you so much. We are out of time. Well see you back here this time next week. Snoe impartial justice. After months of buildup, President Trumps impeachment trial begins with legal teams preparing through the weekend. The houses hour is over. The senates time is at hand. What are both sides revealing about their strategies . One of the attorneys speaking for the president Alan Dershowitz is next and jason crow in moments. Ground rules, the trial would put all 100 u. S. Senators on the record with new potentially damaging information about the case still emerging. Will senators vote to hear more . Ve

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