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>> again, why the long delay? was race a factor or is this just a local tragedy that's been turned into ideological fodder for television news. mitt romney wins the illinois primary but most of the chatter is about a top aide who likens it to a certain children's toy ze wanted to talk about his victory but the debate over this iconic children's toy, the etch-a-sketch threatens to erase all of that. >> our twitter turned that into a viral moment. plus -- >> define that. how far will you go. >> i don't want to campaign for candidates. >> he came up with the idea of televising what happens in congress and made c-span and its passionate callers part of the landscape. now he's stepping down as chief executive. this is "reliable sources." it was back on february 26th that 17-year-old trayvon martin walking down the street was killed in the town of sanford, florida. the man who killed him is hispanic. it wasn't until ten days later that the killing drew a bit of national media attention from the ap and reuters and then a bit more coverage, b.e.t., hln, cnn, good morning america, and then nearly weeks has passed. and then with the release of the 911 call and trayvon martin's mother started doing tv interviews. the story that no one has bothered to cover has become media's newest obsession. >> in the case of the 17-year-old gunned down by a man who says he was acting as a neighborhood watch dog. >> the use of deadly force against a teenager carrying nothing more than a bag of skit tells, shot and killed by a man who was carrying a gun. >> tonight's lead, the growing national outrage over the killing of 17-year-old trayvon martin. >> the killing of 17-year-old trayvon martin by a neighborhood watchman is shaking america tos very core. >> we begin with breaking news a major new development in the killing of trayvon martin in a gated community in florida. >> so what explains the media interest? here in washington, lauren ashburn, founder and editor of contributor to the huffington post of usa today and the anchor at wusa, the cbs affiliate in washington. darren, how is it that this inexplicable tragedy was largely ignored for two or three weeks. >> you have to look at where it happened. it didn't happen in new york city or l.a. it happened in sanford, florida, and nobody knows that's right outside of orlando until this happened. secondly, the reality is this. black men get shot down in big cities all the time. it took a while for folks to be remined of this. i have to be honest, i went i said we need to be on this story. as my news director said to me, that's why we have a diverse newsroom so people will look at a newsroom that not everybody is looking at. >> i think there's another casualty here and it's old immediate yeah. the orlando sentinel is 30 minutes by car away from sanford yet they have cut their sanford bureau, they have cut half of their staff and i don't think that in this case it's really fair to blame them for not getting on this story. >> i happen to have in my hand the story that the orlando sentinel ran, not the next day but the second day after the killing. it's four paragraphs devoted to what is now considered national outrage. >> because that's somebody covering it from the newsroom in orlando. they don't have the money and resources. advertising is down and they can't be everywhere at once. and it took a while, howie, for it to become something than just an aggravated assault. >> what change, what happened to transform this case from a florida story to a national one? >> yeah. that's what i wanted to point out. this case has evolved. one reason why i don't think there was a lot of national coverage is that the police at first backed up george zimmerman's story. they said that it seemed as if his story about it being self-defense was what happened. and they claimed that it was under investigation for a long period of time. it wasn't until the families started speaking out to the press, which took about a week, that is when you started to see the national stories on march 7th and march 8th. and then when we had the release of the 911 tapes and people could see that some of the things that the police had said about the incident, saying that george zimmerman didn't know the race of trayvon martin, the kid that was shot and killed. this indication that they had asked george zimmerman not to follow trayvon martin. when those things came out, it became a huge story because then some of the things that the family was saying seemed to be more accurate. >> derek, i don't want to harp on race. but if a white 17-year-old kid carrying around a bag of skittles, would it take two weeks to -- >> i don't know. it depends on how he was shot and killed and the circumstances. i think you're right that race does play a major role in this. because, again, we hear about black young kids being shot a the l lot. it was the details of this one that draw people into it and got everybody so excited. i give credit to the parents on this one because they refused to let it die. they kept talking about it. they kept talking about it so it wouldn't just go away. that's what the folks down there in charge wanted. >> i also give credit to social media. once the parents started to speak out, you see advocacy groups, like, that now has 18 1.8 million signatures, people just now beginning to use the hash mark of his name and you've got celebrities coming out like spike lee or lebron james. >> and now it seems like it's reached a tv soap opera status. >> you also have to -- >> can i break in? >> one second. >> from some of the news one and others that were on this story from the beginning and giving it flying under the radar. black folks knew this was going on before the mainstream media -- >> and i know, for example, that black columnists, they were on this case before their organizations were fully weighi weighing in. >> one of the things that i wanted to point out is we need more reporting on what actually happened and a closer look at how the police handled this situation. one of the things missing here, is george zimmerman has not been talking publicly. he's kind of vanished. he seems to have an attorney that's now talking and the one thing that i think people are losing sil losing sight of, there are very specific issues in sanford, the way that police deal with black suspects, deal with crimes involving black people that i think initially the family was worried about. it has become this larger issue, this larger example of sort of how race plays out in the criminal justice system but i don't want us to lose sight of the fact that there are some very specific problems in that neighborhood, involving the police and crime and how you take a look at people who look a certain way who resemble people committing crimes in the area. that's what we need to focus on. >> there's a lot we don't know here. george zimmerman's attorney said that his client had a broken nose. i'm wondering if this has become driven by ideology. they cover this outrage and fox news has done very little on the case, relatively speaking, saying maybe it was a terrible mistake. >> you know, you can have this argument. i had this argument in my newsroom today. they just followed the law. why is it a big deal? the cops say they can't arrest them. i said, look, police have a plolot of discretion. i got pulled over because he didn't like that i used the horn. >> you suspect that it might? >> i was confused about it. it was hard to know. the point is, they have a lot of discretion in how they handle it. people want accountability. if you kill somebody, if it's a mistake or whatever, there has to be accountability for that. if i hit you with my car, it was an accident, you were in the way, i think there has to be accountability. that's the thing not being department with here. >> let me turn to al sharpton. he's an msnbc host and has been for decade -- and i've covered him for decades, a major african-american activist in this country. in this particular case, we've put together three different clips. this is from thursday, sanford goes down to sanford, rally. he speaks at a rally. then you'll see him doing his show from the same location where he's acting as if not a journalist but certainly a commentary. and then the second tape is in the 7:00 p.m. hour. let's take a look at that. >> we came for permanent justice. arrest zimmerman now! that's what this rally is about. >> nearly a month ago a tragedy took place just beyond the gates behind me. earlier today, trayvon's parents and attorney and amet with the justice department here and we rally for justice for trayvon. trayvon represents a reckless disregard for our lives that we've seen for too long and we've come to tell you tonight, enough is enough. >> lauren ashburn, how on earth can al sharpton go there, continues to be an activist, when to the justice department with the parents of trayvon martin and then he does his had show and speaks at the rally again? >> he's covering himself. >> he's covering himself. >> how does msnbc allow that? >> it is difficult to see how that is possible. however, it's not like he's a card carrying journalist here. he's an opinionator and everybody knows it. so it's not as if there's some sort of hidden mysterious thing about him. we know who al sharpton is. >> but here he -- it seems to me msnbc can say, okay, this is such an important case and you can go and be an activist or you can do your show on the subject but don't be standing with the parents that are rallying at the justice department. okay. eric, break in. >> we talked about this. we talked about this on your show some time ago. and this is exactly the conflict that i was concerned about. it's not so much that people don't know what al sharpton is. the problem is that msnbc has to cover this as a news organization and we're getting to the point where george zimmerman is starting to speak up, the man who shot trayvon martin. he has an attorney. he has a side. is he going to feel like he can talk to msnbc news or nbc and be treated fairly when one of their signature on-air personalities has talked for weeks about how he should be arrested and be in jail. i think that's a real conflict. we've gotten so used to this conflict that we don't say much about it when it happens. >> i think you're absolutely right and i think it's a good point. because when you make your bones doing what al sharpton does, when you step over that line and try to become a journalist, it's definitely a conflict. >> but i don't think he's a journalist. >> is he a commentator. >> that's right. >> he hasn't been covering the story. he's covering himself. >> but they also knew -- we also all knew going in saying that sharpton was not going to cover president obama and say anything negative about president obama. what else do you expect from somebody like that? >> eric, i've got to move on. geraldo rivera made some news, appeared on fox and friends. he said something about what trayvon martin was wearing at the time of the shooting. >> i am urging the parents of black and latino kids particularly to not let them children go out wearing hoodies. i think the hoodie is as much responsible for trayvon martin's death as the hoodie was. >> it's so ridiculous it's not even worth talking about. geraldo wearing a hoodie, bill belichick wears a hoodie that barely looks washed. so i don't think it's the clothes that makes somebody scary. it's the attitude of those in the clothes. >> hang on, eric. geraldo crime scene surveillance tapes. it almost appears like he's blaming the victim. >> there are also pictures of trayvon and people are saying that he's making the gang symbol and i think that a lot of people right now are trying to, you know, push trayvon in a direction that he -- that maybe isn't true and you can't ask him to defend himself. >> this story isn't over by a long shot. we've got to go. eric, thank you for joining us from florida, derek, lauren into when we come back, mitt romney's etch-a-sketch mess. how it turned it into a campaign metaphor he can't shake. you only need one. two times stronger than the leading value brand, they win this test. puffs ultra soft & strong, they always impress. mcallen, texas. in here, heavy rental equipment in the middle of nowhere, is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything. so every piece of equipment knows where it is, how it's doing or where it goes next. ♪ this is the bell on the cat. 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joining us to discuss this, in new york, amy holmes. and here in washington, david corn, washington bureau chief and analyst for msnbc and author of a new book about president obama entitled "showdown." amy holmes, was the media frenzy over this etch-a-sketch business over justified? >> i love to see that you have one. where is my etch-a sketch? the only reason why this could work, unfortunately for the romney campaign, is because it has been sort of a continuing theme of his candidacy. so he had his campaign manager stepping all over his big victory in illinois. using a very colorful term and a product that producers could run out and buy to use as props on their newscasts. the reason why it trended is because there's perhaps a little bit of truth in the gaffe. >> the stock in the etch-a-sketch company tripled. i still can't believe this. but whether it's a gaffe, mistake, poor choice of word played into the -- >> at least he didn't call him mr. potato head. much of journalism is really about shorthand. reporters spend all day covering long speeches and following this, we go to congressional hearings, press conferences, and it's all about distilling that down in a way that consumers can sort of observe what journalists think are the top priorities. so there's this narrative been there with mitt romney, what does he really believe in and is he truly a conservative and i think most people think he is playing to the right and doesn't believe this stuff. his media spokesperson, who has been doing good so far, making the most apt as you could from the opposition side and it was inevitable that it was leap it t upon. more people watching to have access to get this out. immediately it lights up triter and people follow. >> it wasn't that immediately cnn made a huge deal about this, it was asked by a professional comedian, although it was a perfectly fair question, nobody disputes that. but i front out about it on twitter that it then boomeranged into a big story. >> absolutely. and then you have the power of the new media, twitter, which makes permanent these moments where prior it would have gone into dig even ask the organization for that clip. now once it's out there, it's out there. >> speaking of clips that are out there, rick santorum lost in illinois and won in louisiana. i want to come back to that. making a comment which he seems to be suggests that four more years of barack obama would even be preferable to four years of mitt romney. and then he kind of backed off a little but had an interesting ling wis stick twist where he seemed to blame the media. >> senator, you said, if you're going to be a little different, we might as well stay with what we have instead of taking a risk with what may be an etch-a-sketch in the future. those are your words, senator. >> we the people might. not me. i would never say -- i've always said i would never vote for barack obama. are you kidding me? what do you think i'm doing this for? because i like barack obama? it's so absurd it's not even worth printing. >> we may as well stay with what we have, with obama. and then he called it a made up story. is it a made up story? >> you know, what do you say whenever you say something stupid on the campaign trail? it's out of con tech. the press is building it up, it's not really a story. they don't want to cover the story. we've seen this happen on cnn and elsewhere and it's what you -- he got caught saying something really stupid for where he is at this point in time. and then all of a sudden he has to say it wasn't what i meant and the press is i can imagine something out of this. no. rick santorum is as much of an unknown quantity to a lot of people out there, even though he was in the senate for a long time and he's playing at a high level for the first time in his life, it's hard to do this and he's made a lot of mistakes in the last few weeks as he surged ahead and he can't handle the pressure sometimes it seems. >> and santorum is increasingly pressing back against the press, saying that there's an over emphasis on social issues and then we see him taking on his own words, comparing obama to romney. >> well, you and i talked about this is a lot. which there is nothing that the press likes better than social issues because they can be emotional hot button issues and the america can understand easily and you don't have to put on the green eye shades. santorum has been -- his complaint about the media covering the issues more than his economic platform is fair. but on the case of suggesting that there's no difference between mitt romney or president obama, i think he was making sort of a receipt tore cal remark that he didn't mean it literally. however, it's fair to ask him, well, if that's the case, then who you vote for obama if mitt romney's the candidate and to take him more literally. these are the kinds of things that politicians have to expect that they are going to be asked about. >> right. and this blew up in the press. i want to turn now, i mentioned, santorum won a pretty big victory yesterday in the louisiana primary by 20 points. it wasn't on the front page of the washington post. i've been arguing that television has gotten bored by this race or they've been covering it a lot less. the other cable networks have broken away to cover something else. speaking of reporters, they are all trying to go home and stop writing about this thing. they are sick of writing the stories. they want this thing to be over. >> that shows that rick santorum, for his 30 years in politics, doesn't understand anything about reporters. if you're on the campaign for a particular candidate, i'm not saying that you root for him to win, but if you're the reporter, you get more time on air, more ink a. if you should happen to make it to the whoite house, you'll get this plum assignment at the white house. most reporters like to see more conflict, more drama, more debate rather than less. it's good for them. otherwise the story shifts to other things. so he is completely wrong. >> whatever reporters think on the trail, it does seem like the media has made a collective judgment that this thing is pretty much over. we've talked about the delegate math and focuses heavy on romney and son for is a good example. >> i think that is the case. we saw it back in 2008 when might allen wrighting for politico said that it was over, that hillary clinton couldn't catch up with then candidate obama. if was hopeless for her to try. that she should throw it in and focus on then senator obama and his race to the democratic primary. i think we're seeing that now. but another theme i've seen in the media is that if a race isn't close, it's not worth reporting. that it's boring. if one candidate is 20 points ahead. so we might as well move on to the next story and i think that's been a disservice to both mitt romney and rick santorum. >> a disservice in deed. president obama is blaming fox news for spreading the news that he's a muslim. is that a fair claim against the network? plus, end of an era at c-span. i'll bring you my conversation with the founder, brian lamb. 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[ female announcer ] new intensive professional effects whitestrips. you made news with your new book called "showdown." let me play something for the audience and then play it on the other side. >> he told labor 4r50e8ders that he was losing white males because fed up by fox news they hear that obama is a muslim 24/7, and it begins to seep in. we never found example of that saying that obama is a muslim. >> where is the fair and balance comment from fox at this point? >> there is no -- i was quoting what the president was saying in a larger meeting about where the political culture is. okay. so he was talking about glenn beck and sarah palin representing the senate republican party and was not blaming fox news. he was saying, basically in part fed up by fox news. they hear obama is a muslim 24/7. >> you don't think fox deserved the right to respond to that? >> he did and he got it wrong. >> we'll come back to your beef but let me get amy holmes in on this same question. is it fair for david to report it the way he did. >> whether or not it's fair for president obama to make it, we've seen that president obama is quite preoccupied with the coverage of himself by fox news. it's not the first time he's mentioned fox news and i see that there is certainly a story there as to why the president is like lyndon johnson was. president bush got attacked for not following the press, for not reading the new york times every morning. as for david us aing this bit in his book, i haven't read the entire context so i don't know if he used it fairly or not. but president obama's own preoccupation i think is the story. >> now, i didn't find any example of a fox host saying that president obama is muslim. here's a look at an interview about the question of why obama is perceived by some, inaccurately i need to add, as a muslim. >> do you think maybe people have taken all of those things and his actions as president and come to a wrong conclusion or what do you think? >> finally people are paying attention to things after the fog has been lifted off of their eyes as to who did we elect as president? the signs and information is out there. president obama was born into the islamic faith, a father who was a muslim. attended islamic schools. >> they did add that president obama spent 25 years in a christian church. what's your beef with what brett buried said? >> well, there are lots of cases where people on fox are either validating this or sort of creating an environment. donald trump comes on. he says why don't we have the birth certificate? maybe because it says he's a muslim. they had robert jefrs on asked -- he said, actually, why do people think obama is a muslim? duh? >> others have made the claim. all right. i've got to go. amy holmes in new york, david corn here, thank you for joining us this saturday morning. the embarrassing retraction on "this american life," why won't he answer questions about it? while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today. we led our program this week with a stunning retraction of "this american life." ira told listeners that he mistakenly aired confessions about conditions at an apple factory. he deserves credit for doing that. but now he should answer questions about this very serious mistake. i since the retraction broke late on a friday, we asked him to go on reliable sources this week. they said, we're not making further public statements about this at the moment. ira feels that he's said what he needed to say about this on the air and on our website. i'm sorry. that is a copout. a journalist who asks questions for a living should not hide behind his pr people when his organization makes a big mistake. mr. glass, our invitation remains open. after the break, my conversation with c-span founder brian lamb on the network he created and the push to televise this week's supreme arguments on obama health care law. there's a lot a home improvement centers out there. but does paying more for less mower really improve anything? at's why sears brought the latest craftsman line here. to put our money where our mouth is. welcome to the turf war. compare any craftsman tractor, mower, or trimmer to any other brand, and we guarantee sears has the lowest price. you won't find a better deal there, or there. and if you do, we'll match it. and give you up to a hundred dollars to spend on anything at sears. it's a turf war. because your lawn in worth fighting for. want proof? see our prices and theirs at have more fiber than other leading brands. they're the better way to enjoy your fiber. if ever a media company represented its founder, it would be c-span. brian lamb's style is relaxed and right down the middle. >> american vietnam, why did you write the book? >> doesn't say where it's coming from. he says here, c-span sucks but not as much as you do. i always thought you liars on c-span were a bunch of bed-wetting but now i'm convinced. >> he's stepping down and taking the title as executive chairman. i sat down in his never before used studio. >> i think of you as the anti-anchor. i have never seen you push a guest or inject your opinions in a way that you try to tilt a view. how do you get to be so restrained? >> i was born that way. >> you don't have to work at it? >> no. look, it's very simple. it's our mission, we set out to do that, and when you have a goal, you should stick by it or you might not be around anymore. >> but the whole trend in tv, as you know, is for the host or anchor to analyze and to jump in and to raise his voice and to inject his personality. i know you have a personality but you're very, very cautious on the air. again, that just comes naturally to you. you don't ever have to pull back. >> well, remember what our motto is. it's a nonprofit. and our cable industry has said, go ahead and do it that way. we'll back you. if you had to make a profit, it's been proven you couldn't do that. you wouldn't make enough profit to matter. >> so you couldn't do this in the jungle of commercial television, obviously? >> not as it's developed, no. and, look, i love watching all of it. i think the good thing is that people have a choice. >> does it trouble you at all that some cable channels, notably, msnbc and fox, have gotten so partisan in their primetime programming? is that a trend that causes you any concern? >> i'm not the slightest concerned. they can do whatever they want. >> okay. how did you infuse in the people who work here as you build this, that they, too, are very restrained on the air and i don't think or know where they are politically? >> most of them care here for their first job in broadcasting so we didn't have to retrain them and they came here knowing what our mission was. they went along with it. some of them fight it a little bit because it's human nature to be more involved but we don't have much trouble with that. everybody is pretty much on board. >> is there a risk in this approach that it let's the guest say pretty much whatever he or she wants without challenge? >> there is a certain risk but i have a great deal of trust in the intelligence of people watching. i think that people that come to us realize what our technique is and our way of doing business and they genuinely like the fact that we don't tell them what somebody just said. >> or take issue with what somebody said? >> we do take issue, if you watch closely, there's a follow up. >> okay. i remembered the first time you interviewed me, my first book, media circus and you asked why did you write this book and then you said, on page 236 you said this. i realized, not only that you did your homework, obviously, but you create a lot of space for the guest to talk and in a way it pushes you off any scripted points you may have in mind. >> i always feel that way. but we have the luxury of time. without commercials and, again, if you look at the economic format that we have, that's why we can do this. and the kind of people that watch us want that. they can flip over to the other channels if they want a faster-paced channels. >> when callers call in, sometimes using rough language, does that bother you? >> the rough language bothers me. we don't have a delay and we're very close all the time to enacting that device, which we don't want to do. >> you've thought about it? >> oh, yeah. we had one. >> and you got rid of it? >> no, it's in-house. >> you don't use it? >> we don't want to use it. because what happens is, if you have a device that delays the calls, people get jumpy and people who work hearsay, i can't possibly get that through. overall we'd let them let them through than have us edit what they say. but it gets close. sometimes people abuse it. >> when you started c-span back in 1979 and then people realize it you started with the house, did you ever think you'd become a fixture on the television landscape? >> i never thought about it but i did think that the draw would be about what it is. it's not dramatic but i always thought because of just my own personal experience and i never -- i didn't come to this as some sort of highly educated person that wanted to talk policy. i came to it because i just wanted to watch for myself what was going on in politics and the government. and i always thought there would be a certain number of people and the real trick was this constant how much can we spend, how much should people support ? so that's been kind of a tight rope for the last 35 years. >> do you get ratings? do you know how many people watch? do you care how many people watch? >> we really don't care. we don't want to be worthless. we don't get ratings. we do do surveys to find out if anybody cares and we have that call-in show where we hear every day the voices of 60 people every morning. >> so, that's your focus group of sorts? >> yeah. and we have -- we have focus groups from time to time. >> you do? >> we do to find out what is it they like, dislike, what matters them what are we wasting our time doing but the worst thing we can do, given the nature of what we have as a mission, is to manipulate what the audience sees based on whether it's popular or not. >> on monday, the supreme court starts oral arguments on president obama's health care law. you asked for permission for c-span to put cameras in the courtroom. you were turned down. disappointed? >> of course, but i was used to t we have been asking the gridiron club for 25 years let us bring cameras into a journalistic evening and they have turned us down. and so the court is just about in that category and they have their own reasons and we can't change their mind. >> the compromise in this case, which is that there will be audio tapes made available on a delayed basis, which c-span is going to air that is a pretty inadequate substitute, isn't it? >> i think it is a tremendous addition to what we have available to us. it used to be you had to wait in the end of the term plus six months and now, chief justice roberts says let these tapes go tend of the week and on special occasions, tend of the day. so, seeing that the court doesn't make a decision right away and we don't know for three months or so what that court decision is, i think it's a very positive thing that they are doing right now. we just hope they can take one more step. >> i'm still waiting for the court dom into the 21st century and see what goes on there as we see in congress thanks to c-span. when c-span airs hours and hours of congressional testimony, congressional hearings, floor debate or in the case of the presidential campaign, off kind of cinema ver day approach you get see the event without much chart or commentary from the host, why do people in this kind of fast-paced society tune in to watch this? >> the same reason that journalists are sitting in the hearing room or that you go to campaign speech and you watch every move that's made before and after. i just was watching joe biden with a crowd, i think he was in florida and mir with a crowd and being able to be that close to them and watching them tend of their speeches is tremendous. it is like being there. that is something yaex plain. everybody wants to be an insider that is the best way we can do. >> that the rating here to any commercial television, rem busy, they want the digest, they want the eight-second soundbite. you are giving them the whole event. clearly, down the do ratings there is an audience for that people maybe don't want the filter that many of must the media put up. >> i think it is a choice. we don't have a felter and cnn or any of the rest of them do but that's very important job and they -- you-all decide from an editorial standpoint what you think is important. we just give them chance to see the whole thing of t they are not there every day. they are not there every hour. very few people sit there saying, wow this is exciting. >> not even your immediate family? >> no, and. i don't we have three choices plus the radio station, that's four different information choices plus we put stuff on the web that is the best thing built both revolution. >> brian lamb, thank you very much for letting us into your office. >> thank you very much. >> brian lamb has never said his own name on the air. a jam-packed media monitor in a moment. all energy development comes with some risk, but proven technologies allow natural gas producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today. 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"new york times" took a gamble last year by adopting a pay wall if you want to read the paper online, 000 subscribe after 20 free articles a month. we can now declare the experiment a success. the times has more than 450,000 digital subscribers but this week a bit stingier about the free stuff, cutting the allot tonight ten free articles a month all throw ways around that through twitter around face book. the l.a. times and gannett are putting in pay walls as well, which while it might seem annoying is a good thing because someone's got pay for the quality reporting these newsrooms do. dick norris makes no secret that he is rooting for the republican bus he recently went a step further. he offered a guided tour of the fox news studios in new york to raise money for a republican organization in florida. went for $6,000 but the network suspect having t fox executive vice president bill shine reprimanded morris telling the website tv news her the tour will absolutely not take place nor would something like that ever have taken place if we were aware of it. morris apparently saw no reason not to use his fox status to shell for the gop. karl rove the bush white house strat just turned fox news commentator can be as partisan as he want bus can't mangle the facts n his wall street column, rove wrote, as for the killing of osama bin laden, mr. obama did what virtually any commander in chief would have done in the same situation, even president bill clinton says in the filament, thank's the call i would

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