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A Great American city is unacceptable. I condemn this violence unequivocally. And he also said, the president tweeting about law and order may he believe make him strong, but his failure to call on supporters to stop the unrest just shows how weak he is. Reporter caravans of pickup trucks rolling into portland before they clashed with protesters and after a man who was identified as a supporter of a farright group was shot and killed. Tomorrow, President Trump plans to visit with kenosha. The governor is pleading with him not to come. And the National Intelligence decided to end inperson briefings on National Security just two months before the president ial election. Lets begin with cnns lucy kavanaugh live in portland with our top story. Whats the situation, lucy . Reporter alisyn, good morning. President trump and the portland mayor now a war of words over the deadly violence on saturday that saw one man lose his life. Authorities still not releasing the name of the victim or the suspect. There was concern, according to law enforcement, of Trump Supporters coming to portland last night to seek retribution that has so far been averted. But this city now a powder keg that could ignite. Reporter President Trump, you bring no peace. You bring no respect to our democracy. Reporter portlands mayor, ted wheeler, slamming President Trump after a weekend of unrest in a city that left one man dead. Your campaign of fear is as antidemocratic as anything youve done to create hate and vitriol in our beautiful country. And now you want me to stop the violence that you helped create. What America Needs is for you to be stopped. Reporter after the death of george floyd in may, portland has seen three months of intense protests, with demonstrators demanding the mayor, who also serves as the police commissioner, put an end to Police Brutality and racial injustice. But on saturday, protesters against Police Brutality clashed with a caravan of Trump Supporters. According to the New York Times, one video shows counterprotesters shooting a paintball gun into a crowd of protesters from the back of a truck. Then later in the night, gunshots were heard and a man was shot and killed. The New York Times reports the victim was wearing a hat with the insignia of the farright group, patriot prayer. Police have not yet released the name of the victim or any information about the suspect in the shooting who remains at large. And its critical that everyone refrain from conjecture. Our institution permits freedom of speech and assembly. And individuals are free to disagree. But criminal activity, especially violence, is out of bounds. Reporter the president responding to the mayors attack in a string of tweets, calling wheeler, quote, weak and pathetic and even, quote, whacky and a dummy. Earlier sunday, the Trump Administration threatened to step in if portland doesnt gain control of its city. Weve been asking portland to do their job really for over three months now. We need them to step up and if they cant and they dont have the ability or the resources, ask the federal government, well provide those resources. Reporter President Trump has tried to vilify black lives matter protesters in democratic cities as violent agitators, a theme that is becoming a focal point of his reelection campaign. You know what i say, protesters, your ass, i dont say, my ass. Theyre looters, theyre arra e anarchists. Governor brown planned a forum for people to work towards Racial Justice and police reform. But with tensions in the city so high, it remains to be seen whether thats going to be enough. Alisyn, thank you very much for reporting from the streets there. Now to kenosha, wisconsin, and the tensions there. Police are extending the capurf ahead of President Trumps planned visit tomorrow. Cnns Shimon Prokupecz is live in kenosha with more. Whats the situation there . Reporter yeah, alisyn. And the governor writing a twopage letter to that president donald trump, urging him not to come here. And heres what he wrote in the letter. He writes, i am concerned your presence will only hinder our healing. I am concerned your presence will only delay our work to overcome division and move forward together. I am likewise concerned that an inperson visit from you will require a massive redirection of these resources and to support your visit at a time when it is critical that we continue to remain focused on keeping the people of kenosha safe and supporting the communitys response. Thats the governor here, urging the president not to come here tomorrow. Now, the white house has responded, and said that the president intends to still visit this city. The white house says that the president has heard from businesses and some of the Community Leaders here and they want him to come. If hes coming here and still intends to come here on tuesday. Now, the white house also responded over the weekend, actually, the president spoke about the jacob blake shooting, saying it was not a good sight. But when asked about his reaction to some of the police violence, heres what he said. What you dont see is the thousands and thousands of great decisions that are bhaemade whe people are saved. So we have to understand that. People can make a mistake. It doesnt make them bad. They choked. Bad things happen. And it can happen. And we have to protect our police. We have to allow our police to have the respect that they used to have. And if you look at these democratrun cities, its a disaster, whats going on. And john, just some context around perhaps the reason why, really, the president is visiting this county, this city. He was the first republican to win kenosha in over 44 years. Obviously, also, he won this state by less than 23,000 votes. So that is something to consider, as his visit draws closer. Just to be clear, shimon, bad things happen, people can choke. This was the first time the president actually directly addressed the shooting of jacob blake, isnt that so . Yeah, that was the first time that he addressed the shooting, in any way, really, right . So this was the first time, john. Shimon prokupecz for us, i appreciate your reporting, please keep us posted. Reporter this morning, growing fallout over a decision first reported by cnn. The director of National Intelligence has canceled inperson briefings to congress on Election Security. Why . Why would he want to Tell Congress less with an election just two months away . The change comes just weeks after a top counterintelligence official warned of russian efforts to promote President Trumps reelection, also activities from china and iran. The head of the house intelligence committee, representative adam schiff, is slamming the decision. President trumps motivation is, as always, solely about himself. Its to get himself reelected. And he realizes if the country learns again that the russians once again are intervening to try to help him in the election, he feels that that takes away from their assistance. So he doesnt want the American People to know about it. Doesnt Want Congress to know about it. Reporter cnns joe johns is live at the white house with the latest. You would think, joe, with the election 60plus days away at this point, thats the very time you want the American People and congress to know even more about meddling. Yeah, you would think that. But, look, this is about openness and transparency in government in the runup to the november election. The Administration Made a promise on transparency, but now the director of National Intelligence, in fact, says they wont be giving live briefings to house and senate committees. They will be providing, they say, written updates, so the reason for that, according to the administration, according to the director of National Intelligence, is because informing from some of the briefings leaked. Listen. I reiterated to congress, look, im going to keep you fully and currently informed, as required by the law, but i also said, were not going to do a repeat of what happened a month ago, when i did more than what was required at the request of congress, to brief not just the oversight committees, but every member of congress. Within minutes of one of those briefings ending, a number of members of Congress Went to a number of different publications and leaked classified information again for political purposes. Reporter so what this change means is that people from the administration will not be subjected to live, on the record questioning from members of the house and senate committees. They wont have to be put on the spot. Adam schiff, the chairman of the House Intel Committee says he is not ruling out the possibility of subpoenas to compel people from the administration to testify. This comes, of course, at a time when the president has been seeking to undercut the election, even before it occurs, including cutting off funding to the United States Postal Service and other measures, if you will. John, alisyn, back to you. Joe johns at the white house, keep us posted throughout the morning. The question is, whats the impact of this on the safety of the u. S. Election . How might it help russia . Also, could russia have a role in the protests were seeing around the country. Thats next. Watch me while i break the ceiling yeah i do it right cuz im a diamond. 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Well, i think this is very disturbing, particularly, you know, just about two months away from the election. Not to brief, in live sessions, the congress, particularly the two oversight committees. And whats missing, of course, is the back and forth give and take with responding to probing questions. Which, i guess, insulates the dni from responding or saying something that might displease the white house. And obviously, the rationale given that, well, well provide writtenbriefs, doesnt you know, that dog doesnt hunt to me, because you can leak written materials just as easily as oral. Yeah, sorry to interrupt. If theyre worried about leaks, why not stop the leaks, why stop the briefings . Yeah, exactly. And its too important a subject not to brief. And the other thing thats odd about this, alisyn. Apparently representatives from the department of justice and the department of Homeland Security will continue to brief, but the most important voice in all of this, that which would portray the threat, the profound threat that the russians are posing to election 2020, just as they did in 2016. A lot of that gets lost. And alisyn, if i might, i think theres a bigger issue here, which has to do with, this is another chipping away at the efficacy of our threebranch system, three coequal branches. And so this is disturbing to me on several levels. So why do you think dni ratcliffe is doing this . Well, i think hes doing it at the behest of the white house, because some, i think, uncomfortable revelations have already been made about the russians again favoring President Trump and by the way, the fact that the chinese might favor Vice President biden pales in comparison to the active aggressive effort made on by the russians to sew doubt, discord, distrust and exploit the divisiveness in this country. And you can bet the russians are messaging black lives matter and white supremacists. So lets talk about that. So you think you can see already evidence as we saw in 2016 that some of this unrest, some of this online ginning up of discord, you see russian fingerprints . Absolutely. And compounding that, of course, is, i am sure, disinformation they are spreading about the pandemic. And particularly how disproportionately minorities are affected by the pandemic. And theres no question the russians are exploiting this. Why shouldnt they . They had huge success in 2016. Why not do it again in 2020. So its, to me, beyond logic that they wouldnt be doing that. You say that, in fact, you liken the unrest and whats happening at, well, not just the unrest, the election interference and the lack of briefings to the president s covid response. If you shut down testing, you dont know if you have an outbreak. And if you shut down briefings, what, you dont know if you have election interference . Exactly the point. If we dont test, well, then, i guess we dont know the magnitude of the number of people that are actually affected. And if we dont talk about the russian interference, then, seemingly, it isnt there. This is, you know, another orwellian world here, quite divorced from fact. Since you already see evidence of the kremlin sewing the discord, what can be done about it two months before the election. Well . You know, thats a great question. What needs to be done actually devolves, i think, to individual voters. And it is up to everyone, the citizenry and the electorate to try to corroborate information and not to believe everything they see, read, or hear on the internet. And unfortunately, a lot of people dont do that. They dont probe, they dont question the information theyre getting. So at this point, it really boils down to individual citizens. It would be great, you know, if the president , occupying the unique bully pulpit that only he occupies, would speak to this and what the russians are doing to the public. But of course, hes chosen not to do that. I think its really hard to ask individual citizens to be investigative reporters or to be g gumshoe detectives and to figure it out. And youll remember in 2016, one of the things that the kremlin did was gin up protests, like, they basically staged fake protests and people fell for it. And showed up at those protests. So they were, you know, faux online listings, postings of upcoming protests. It wasnt a grassroots effort. It was a kremlinsponsored effort. People showed up. And already, we may be seeing some of that in terms of whats happening in portland or kenosha. That there are these militias that are one of them was in ghettysburg, pennsylvania. People are falling for these brutes. Exactly. And i well recall very vividly, an interview that cnn did with a woman in florida, who couldnt just couldnt believe, it was just beyond her belief that the russians actually instigated a meeting, a gathering that she attended. Thats why, getting back to the issue here, its so important that the dni, the director of National Intelligence, be able to speak freely about this. Not only to the congress, but to the public. And i couldnt help but think about, you know, if i had written a letter like that and dropped it on a weekend, a friday or a saturday, the reaction i would have gotten to blow off hearings with the two overnig oversight committees, i would have the wrath of god from both parties. Yeah, i think your bringing up the timing is really important. They announced it on a weekend. Doesnt that tell you the kind of the level of attention that they were hoping it wouldnt receive . And so, director, just explain again, without the inperson briefings, what is lost . Well, again, that interplay between the members and either the dni himself or his senior representative. And hearings are and i can attest, theyre often more painful. But they turn out to be better when you have that interchange. I think senator angus king spoke very eloquently about the value of having that interchange. And there should be probing questions from both sides. This is not a democratic or a republican thing. This should be something that is of concern to them and to all americans. We have foreign nation states meddling in our election process. I mean, this is a genuine threat to the safety and security of this country. Senator king is sounding the alarm about all of this, as you say, and he will be an our program in the next hour. Thank you very much, director clapper. Great to talk to you. Thanks, alisyn. The head of the fda says hes open to fast tracking approval of a vaccine before largescale trials are complete. Will that be safe . We discuss, next. From prom dresses. To soccer practices. And new adventures. You hope the more you give the less theyll miss. But even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past. They may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. Lets help protect them together. Because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. Ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. Ask your doctor if your teen robinwithout the commission fees. So, you can start investing today wherever you are even hanging with your dog. So, what are you waiting for . Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. 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Enbrel fda approved for over 20 years. The United States will pass 6 million cases of coronavirus today with 183,000 deaths. Took about three weeks to add the last million cases. This comes as the head of the fda says he would be willing to approve a Coronavirus Vaccine before phase iii trials are complete. So joining us now is cnn political commentator, dr. Abdul al sayyed. Hes an epidemiologist and Public Health expert. What exactly does that mean that he would be willing to approve a vaccine before the phase iii trials are complete. And what questions does it raise for you . The fda has a history sometimes of giving emergency use authorizations before a complete investigation of evidence is made. I find this, to be honest, very frightening. The reality of it is that just today, if you were to poll americans, 33 , about, would say that theyre unwilling to take a vaccine. And that reflects a distrust in the process that created that vaccine. And of course, theres a difference between vaccines and vaccinations. The theoretical existence of vaccines is one thing. A vaccination, a shot in the arm for millions of americans that would get us to that herd immunity that would stop the spread of this virus, thats another. That requires trust. So given what happened with what we saw just a couple of weeks back with convalescent plasma and the rush to issue that emergency use authorization, seeing that on the heels of seeing this comment on the heels of that issue, i worry a lot about the way that politics may be shaping the process here. So im going to hold the fda chief hahn to his word to say that hes going to let the data speak. And of course the community of scientists has to be very vigilant to make sure whatever comes out of that process is, in fact, a vaccine that americans can trust. This is not russia. We should not have political impact on the scientific process. And americans need to be able to trust the vaccine that comes out of this process. But in terms of the emergency use authorization before the completion of all the trials, does that just mean for frontline emergency workers . Meaning for Health Care Workers and hospitals . Is that what theyre talking about . It could. But the problem is, is that given the way that the conversation was had, the American People need a lot more clarity about exactly what it means. And the reality is that usually these phase iii trials are only ended or theyre concluded before theyre completed if and when you see that there are negative outcomes. We hope, of course, that each one of these phase iii trials gives us positive outcomes in a vaccine that will work, but weve got to let the science take its course. We just need a lot more clarity from this administration, given the track record that theyve had, both from the president and of course from his fda chief under political pressure of potentially putting politics ahead of the science. And we cant ignore the context here. Were barreling toward an election in november, a highly tested election, and theres always been this question of an october surprise. And so to hear the fda chief playing into some of those consternations, i think, is really worrying, particularly falling on the heels of what we saw a couple of weeks ago. Thats right. He made gross misstatements or at least one gross misstatement in terms of the convalescent plasma that raises serious concerns about what he might say then. And hes got to address that. He has, to an extent. There is something happening at colleges across the country, dr. Al sayed. We have 8,700 cases of coronavirus in 36 states right now, including 1,200 at the university of alabama in tuscaloosa. It does seem as if so many of these colleges, which have brought students back on campus, are having serious issues. What does this tell you . And how much of a concern should it be to the communities beyond the campus . Well, what its telling me is that young people are being young people. And sometimes young people dont make the safest decisions. And colleges and universities have brought students back, really having focused on what they can do to make the classroom environment safe. But of course, when you come back to college, the classroom environment isnt the only place that youre spending your time. Neither is the dorm, when young people come together, especially after theyve been cooped up for the entire summer and the spring with their families, theyre looking to engage their peers. And sometimes that means that the basic things that were doing to protect ourselves from this virus, sometimes that falls by the wayside. And what were seeing here is the natural product of bringing young people together on a College Campus. And we cant just blame the young people. We also have to ask, what was the wisdom. What was the argument from the higher higherups who made a decision to concentrate a group of young people on a College Campus when theyre predictably going to do what young people do on a College Campus. Do you know about these conspiracy theorists online who are trying to claim that the death toll from coronavirus is much lower than what we report every day, than what obviously all of the models show . And what it sounds like theyre doing is saying, if theres a kor mo comorbidity, diabetes, obesity, it shouldnt count as covid, although they wouldnt have died unless they had contracted covid. So what are your thoughts . We have to see this in the broader context of the politicization of this virus and the reality of it is youre exactly right. Had there not been covid, many of those people would not have died. And so as an epidemiologist, its unfair to count or to discount any of the deaths where there were comorbidities that may have made covid19 more lethal. In fact, had covid19 not hit us, many of those people would still be Walking Around today. So this is because of the pandemic of covid19 and the whole goal of misinforming the public is to dissuade us from doing the things we need to do to stop this pandemic from being transmitted between us. So is there an argument that we shouldnt be Wearing Masks . Is there an argument that we shouldnt be doing lockdowns if the case counts go high or shutting down schools . Of course, it is. Why . It fits a political narrative thats been driven from the very top of a particular strain of our politics. So recounting the numbers to try to justify something is, ill be honest, just a slap in the face of science. And its wrong, its misinformation. And frankly, it is deadly. And weve got to do something about this misinformation. And frankly, the platforms that are hosting it need to step up. Its not Public Health. Its the opposite of Public Health. Its public death. Its literally promoting something that will keep people. Dr. Abdul elsayed, thank you very much for being with us this morning. Thank you so much. Thank you for having me. This morning, its not just the russians spreading misinformation. The number two republican in the house tweeting a manipulate video of joe biden and now tw t twitter is taking action. To support us no matter what. Whether we see them or not, we need to know that theyre always there. For the past 25 years, masimo has been monitoring patients in hospitals around the world so that doctors and nurses can make sure you feel safe. As new challenges have arisen, weve grown to bring that same safety and support to the place that you want to be most. 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So whats this all about . I think this weekend was a real preview of what were going to see more and more in the lead up to novembers election. Social media being used to misinform and mislead people about every aspect of american politics. As you mentioned there, addyi barken, an activist, had that conversation with joe biden and i think what is particularly distasteful, i guess, in what representative scalise said here was that barken uses a voice machine, he has als, and a machine to help him speak. So the fact that his voice was sort of edited and manipulated this way, was particularly distasteful. Now, i want to show you what addyi said. He tweeted yesterday before scalise took down the video. And he said, these are not my words. I have lost my ability to speak, not my agency or my thoughts. You and your team have doctored my words for your own political gain. Please remove this video immediately. You owe the entire Disability Community an apology. Scalise did remove that video. The video was also up on facebook. Twitter had placed a label on it saying it had been manipulated. Facebook didnt do anything about it. Weve reached out to them. John . Oh, my gosh, donie, ill itae it. Just the idea not only do we have to worry about the kremlin doctoring videos been our own elected officials is chilling. Tell us about what happened yesterday. What did twitter do after President Trump retweeted that Conspiracy Theory about how the death toll of coronavirus is much lower than we all know . Yeah, again, as i mentioned, a weekend really of misinformation online. The president of the United States, retweeting accounts called melq. You may have a guess and say that, yes, this is a qanon county. Dangerous Conspiracy Theory that the fbi has warned about. President trump yesterday retweeting accounts, a qanon accounts that had false cdc information about the coronavirus. Weve seen in recent weeks the president s failing, refusing to sort of disavow this movement and certainly followers, i think, of this dangerous Conspiracy Theory see the president retweeting Something Like this and theyre very happy about it. And donie, you follow facebook very, very closely. And its interesting, because mark zuckerberg, the ceo, is sort of, sort of making an apology over postings having to do with kenosha. Whats going on here . Yeah, john. This really is the most important story here. Weve heard just earlier in this show, from director clapper, how russia, china, and iran and nation states are trying to interfere in the election. We know russia did it in 2016, using social media. Last week, when the developments were playing out in kenosha, a group took to facebook, and advocated for people to take to the streets with arms. We obviously saw that a lot of that ended in violence last week. So this was an example where facebook was on notice. I mean, they knew, as we all knew, what was playing out in kenosha. Yet even with that information, they were unable to find, on their own platform, a group advocating for people to take up arms in kenosha. Farright conspiracy websites actually wrote about the events being promoted on facebook. So farright conspiracy sites were finding these posts before facebook were. Mark zuckerberg came out on friday, as facebook tends to do. They like to make these announcements late on a friday and heres what he had to say. The contractors and the reviewers who the initial complaints were funneled to, didnt basically didnt pick this up. And on second review, doing it more sensitively, the team that was thats responsible for dangerous organizations recognized that this violated the policies and we took it down. So, i mean, you see there that hes blaming contractors, not fulltime facebook employees. Contractors, of course, are a lot cheaper for facebook to employ. But look, we see this all the time. You know, facebook keeps missing these big things. They keep choking in the big moments. I mean, they could have found this group, which was promoting violence, in kenosha, had they literally just typed into kenosha into the search bar of facebook. The fact that they couldnt find this really doesnt inspire a lot of confidence in the company being able to find what russia, china, and iran and others might be doing to target whats happening here in the u. S. John, alisyn . Donie, thank you very much for continuing to cover this and alert us to the failings and exactly whats going on online. Thank you very much. So tributes continue to pour in for actor chadwick boseman, who died friday after a private fouryear battle with colon cancer. He was only 43 years old. Last night, mtv Video Music Awards began by honoring him. We dedicate tonights show to a man whose spirit touched so many. Hes a true hero. Not just onscreen, but in everything he did. The most celebrated role in bosemans career was as marvels first black superhero in black panther. Ryan kugler, who directed the film, wrote a moving tribute to his star, saying in part, he lived a Beautiful Life and he made great art. Day after day, year after year. That was who he was. Former president obama said when he first met boseman at the white house in 2016, you could tell right away he was blessed. And one of bosemans youngest fans, 7yearold keene westbrook held a heartbreaking memorial in front of his missouri home. He had place his black panther home on a shoe box wrapped in plaque silk, all of his avengers Action Figures were in attendance. What cko wakonda forever, th symbol hes making with his arms. Chadwick boseman was a remarkable, remarkable man. Everything you hear about him, he made such an impact, although he did play such impactful characters, but off the screen as well, he taught theater in harlem, when he lived in brooklyn before he became a giant star, he was always making sure to be part of the community. And you could sense the minute that people got the news, and they were so surprised. Because he worked while he was sick and people didnt know that. And he worked so well, you know, though he was sick. And his family said that he was going through chemo and he was strong through all of that, but nobody knew that. Makes it even harder. Well be right back. Discover new worlds discover whats good pantene nutrient blends now that the rents due but theyve cut your pay. Now that the virus has cost lives but your healthcare costs too much. Now that our president has had months but he still doesnt have a plan. What happens now . Joe biden knows how to lead through a crisis because hes done it before. 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Cnns will ripley has traveled to north korea 19 times to report and he joins us now with more. What have you learned, will . Reporter alisyn, we know that kim jongun has not been out in public very much this year and there have been a lot of rumors swirling around about his howaealth. Most recently that he was in a coma. What we know is that this leader has a reputation as a micromanager is now del indicatiindicate i delegating authority to his sister and other members in his circle. And that raises questions about why. Reporter north koreas Propaganda Machine portrays Supreme Leader kim jongun as a modern man of the people. Like his father and grandfather before him, the Third Generation kim rules with absolute power. Power protected by an oppressive military and police state. Growing nuclear arsenal, and seven decades of prokim propaganda. The family formula kept the kims firmly in power. Failure is not part of the kim family brand. Except, this month kim did something almost unheard of. A shockingly rare admission that his plans failed. Kims made big promises of a properous future. A future derailed by a dangerous triple threat. Sanctions, plus coronavirus, plus mass flooding. So it would actually be foolish for him to deny any hardships when his people can plainly see that their country is struggling. Reporter largely unseen, the leader himself. Enough to fuel rumors ranging from kim in a coma to hiding out from north koreas allegedly nonexistent coronavirus pandemic. Kims historic facetoface meetings with President Trump catapulted the 30something leader on to the world stage. Got letters also from chairman kim. Reporter all of those love letters failed to deliver results for either side. Diplomacy is all but dead, until after the u. S. Elections. My thinking is that kim jongun wants trump to be reelected. He has a personal relationship. Reporter a new president could also mean new north korean provocations, like a longrumored icbm launch. Kim shocked many by handing over control of u. S. And south Korean Affairs to his younger sister, kim yojong, the same younger sister who threatened and delivered on a promise to blow up this Liaison Office in kaesong, an unofficial symbol of korean and u. S. Diplomacy. Kim is also handing over control of other key issues to several top deputies, sparking speculation of an internal scramble to fill a power vacuum amid rampant speculation about kims deteriorating health. Others say its a signal, not of weakness, but newfound selfassurance. I think youre seeing a leader who is comfortable, you know, in delegating authority, so that hes a degree of confidence. Reporter confidence that also comes with far less global scrutiny. Pandemic restrictions have forced most foreign diplomats and aid workers to leave. Some say it may be for good. North korea is facing its biggest crisis in decades in almost total isolation, with no way to know whats really happening beyond the propaganda. So we wait to see what happens with north korea leading up to the election in november. Now that kim yojong, his sister, who has a history of provocative behavior, is overseeing u. S. Affairs, will they try to get the attention of the president ial candidates who havent been talking about them a lot lately . And what exactly could that be . Experts have said that an icbm launch is likely. The timing, though, still unclear, john. Very interesting to see how President Trump reacts to that after this exchange of letters. Will ripley, thanks very much. So two incredible moments from jamal murray. First, on the court, then off. The Denver Nuggets star brought to tears. Bleacher report is next. For the past 25 years, masimo has been monitoring patients in hospitals around the world so that doctors and nurses can make sure you feel safe. 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Andy scholes with more in the bleacher report. Hey, andy. Good morning. What a night for jamal murray. He came up huge for the nuggets, playing 50 points for the second time in three games to force a game seven. You have to see what murray was wearing for the game. He had custom made shoes with the faces of george floyd and Breonna Taylor on them. After the big win, murray was overcome with emotion when speakispeak ing about the game and continued fight for social justice. I just want to win. And in life you find things that hold value to you, things to fight for, and we found something worth fighting for as the nba as a collective unit and i use these shoes as a symbol to me to keep fighting. It doesnt take one meeting. It takes a few meetings, takes phone calls, takes resistance. Its not going to take one night and weve been right to fight for 400 years. But these shoes give me life. Even though these people are gone, they give me life. They help me find strength to keep fighting this world. Thats why im going to keep doing it. After that interview on his way to the locker room, murray just crouching down and crying there in the hallway. Ill tell you what, an inspirational night for murray both on and off the court. It is. Its just a reminder how real this is for these players in the nba, how deeply personal this struggle is. It may be that they know people that have dealt with these situations, it may be that they have themselves. This isnt abstract to them and its moving to see what it means to someone like jamal murray. Certainly is, appreciate it. Andy, appreciate it. New day continues right now. Announcer this is new day with Alisyn Camerota and john berman. We want to welcome our viewers in the United States and all around the world. This is new day. As we begin a new week, 180,000 americans have died from coronavirus. Three americans have been killed in the protests and pockets of unrest in kenosha, wisconsin, and portland, oregon. Today, joe biden will address that unrest, in a speech in pittsburgh. In a preview, me says, shooting in the veestreets of a Great American city is unacceptable and condemns the violence unequivocally. And also says of President Trump, quote, he may believe that tweeting about law and order makes him strong, but his failure to call on his supporters to stop seeking conflict shows just how weak he is. President trump tweeted praise for a caravan of hundreds of his supporters. He called them great patriots, as they were heading into portland, where they clashed with protesters. His tweet was before a man who was identified as a supporter of a farright group was shot and killed. He also

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