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Welcome to our viewers in the United States and all around the world. This is new day. It is monday, april 20th, 6 00 here in new york. The death toll in the United States is now nearly 41,000 people. When john and i came on the air last monday, that number was 21,000. In the space of a week, the casualty number has almost doubled to 41,000 americans. Thats a number that a few months ago would have been unthinkable. But on a positive note this morning, the white house says several hotspots, including new york, connecticut, rhode island and detroit and new orleans are stabilizing. They say theyre seeing progress in stopping the spread if those places. Over the weekend, the hospitalization rates in connecticut and new york dropped after weeks of a steady climb. So which places are next to be hardest hit . Chicago, boston and philadelphia are being closely monitored as areas of concern. So are we on track to reopen parts of the country soon . Well, thats hard to say because of the continuing problems with testing. But now you are familiar with the terms test being and tracing. Now you can add the word tension to that. Over the weekend, thats what we saw between the white house and a group of governors. Many of the nations governors from both parties say theres not enough tests. Things like swabs are in short supply. Researchers from harvard estimate that testing rates must triple, triple before the u. S. Can safely reopen. The president disagrees. He does now claim, though, that he will use the defense production act to push the manufacture of more swabs. A new wall street journal nbc news poll shows nearly 60 of americans are concerned about reopening too quickly. Nearly 60 , keep that in mind when you see the pictures of the small pockets of protesters calling for an end to the stayathome orders. One bit of key Economic News this morning, word is that a deal on additional Small Business aid could come as early as this morning. Were watching that very closely. A lot to get to. Cnns Brynn Gingras is live here in new york. Brynn . Reporter hey, john and alisyn. Good morning. There continues to be a push to reopen the country. At least parts of the country. Major warnings, particularly from governors to proceed with caution as you guys laid out the nationwide death toll nearly doubled just within the last week. Here in new york, hospitalizations are down. But Governor Cuomo says, listen, were only at halftime here and that these strict measures are still vital. President trump eager for states to reopen. Theres one major component needed to even move into the white houses first phase. Testing. Hour testing is expanding rapid rapidly, by millions and millions of people. In reality, only 150,000 americans are tested daily according to harvard researchers. State leaders say they do not have nearly any of resources as the president claims. But the testing has to improve here and in every state. To try to push this off to say that the governors have plenty of testing and they should just get to work on testing, somehow we arent doing our job is absolutely false. Weve been fighting for testing. For the National Level to say that we have what we need and really to have no guidance to the state levels is just irresponsible. Trump insists its up to the states to figure out their own testing programs. Testing is welcome. You cant have it both ways. Testing is local. Its very important. Its great. Its a local thing. New york state appears to be past its coronavirus peak and Governor Andrew Cuomo warns residents now is not the time to relax. Its only halftime. We still have to make sure that we keep that beast under control. We keep that infection rate down. We keep that hospitalization rate down. While some florida beaches like this packed one in jacksonville begin to open up, leaders in hotspots highlighting data how it shows social distancing are working. Were in a much, much better place than we thought we would be. Its because of the citizens of louisiana taking the stayathome orders seriously. We want to work. Open our state. Meanwhile, in a handful of cities from auston, san diego and denver, people are protesting stayathome orders. According to President Trump. These are great people. Youve heard the term cabin fever. Theyve got cabin fever. They want to get back. They want their life back. Their life was taken away from them. In states like michigan which faces the third highest number of deaths. Governor whitmer says she can withstand Harsh Criticism for keeping strong restrictions if it means saving lives. Weve got to be really smart about the actions right now to protect life, as well as the actions to reengage. As tough as this moment is, it would be devastating to have a second wave. Reporter and about testing, today new york will be the first state to roll out Antibody Testing. 3,000 tests across the state to hopefully get a true percentage of how many people had the virus and may, may be immune to it. Chg inching toward the goal of we will be talking about the antibody tests and immunity, what we know and dont know with about it. Joining us now is an Infectious Disease specialist at school of Public Health, bloomberg. National security analyst, juliette kayyem. She served under president obama. Great to see both of you. Dock torques i want to start with you. Of course, its good news that some of these highprofile hotspots, new york, connecticut, new jersey, are seeing a decline in hospitalizations, intubations and the death rates, but if we loosen the stayathome orders, should people expect, even in these hotspots, for it to go back up, those numbers . We know this. It is a fact, if you allow people to social distance, youre going to get more cases. It spreads the case is are we going to be able to find them, isolate them and Contact Trace them so we dont get a rate of cases that exceed hospital capaci capacity. We want to keep it at a low clip. The way we do that is with a multiprong strategy in which testing is a crucial part of that. Talk to me about the numbers as far as testing goes. Were testing 150,000 a week right now. This harvard Study Suggests we need 500,000 to 700,000 per week. Were seeing about 20 positive tests in testing. Harvard says we need to be at 10 or lower, why . Were trying to test enough people so we know where it is and isnt. If you have a number of testing done throughout the country. The average rate is 20 . That tells you youre not testing enough. When it gets lower and the w. H. O. Numbers less than 12 or so, you start so youre testing enough people where you have a handle where the cases are and arent. It may be that there are cases in the country that are at that. Its not going to be homogenous. But in the hotspots, they need to get the number of positives down. You test wider so you have a better idea where it is. Juliette, i do not understand the disconnect between the white house and the governors about testing. This is head spinning. The president says that testing is a local issue. Okay. Its done locally. But the governors say they cannot procure the ingredients needed, the reagents, the nasal swabs without help. Theyre crying from the rooftops for this help. The president , i dont understand he could be a hero if he could help secure the nasal swabs that are needed, but he has resisted doing that until yesterday where said that he will, i think, briefly invoke the defense production act. He called it a tremendous hammer that i suppose he didnt want to use. Why not get the nasal swabs that people need . It is so true. It is one of the oddest of many odd things about the white houses approach to this. [ inaudible ] as to what the white house is saying, they say words like, the states have the capacity, they have the infrastructure and the capabilities. Its all sort of future tense. Its like weird language. Theyre not saying they can do it. Theyre saying they have the capabilities. Well, i have the capabilities to test. What they need is the swabs and the tests. So finally, the president invokes or lets be clear here. He says hes invoking the defense production act. To get the swabs to the states and to get businesses to begin to produce. It will be a delay. Companies do not switch on a dime. It should have been done months ago. We knew that the sufficiency would be here. The governors are right in the sense that they will execute on the testing. Of course, they will. Its their hospitals, their local Public Health officials. But you need the federal government, as you do in every disaster to monitor and assess what the supply chain looks like to drive the resources to the states that they can begin to test. The white house can say they have the capability and the capacity. Those are nothing words. The other thing, were talking top to bottom here. Top down as opposed to bottom up. So much of this. The president can say he wants parts of the country to reopen. About 60 in the wall street journal poll, people say theyre concerned about reopening too soon. Youre talking to Business Leaders around the country. What are they telling you . Theyre saying the same thing. Nothing would be worse to bring employees in. Have one of them get sick and close down again. They are thinking through a layer sort of security approach. The first question is do i need to bring them back . A lot of people have gotten used to this. Productivity is not low. You dont want people on public transportation. Thn we think architecture of everything from offices and cubicle spaces. Do we need to travel as much as we used to . Theyre not going to say go until a lot of them, until they can protect the employees. We are now in what ive been calling the preparedness para x paradox. Things have gotten better, although lets be clear, 40,000 people plus are dead and more to come. We have done better because weve been successful at flattening the curve. People who are critical of social distancing say, look, those people overreacted. Lets open up. Thats the opposite of what you want right now. You got to keep lowering the curve so that you can drive the resource toss protect our hospital capacity. Dr. Adalja, i want to ask you about immunity. Dr. Birx said we dont know anything about the immunity of people who have had this. Listen to dr. Birx this weekend. In most Infectious Diseases, except for hiv, we know that when you get sick and you recover and you develop antib y antibody, that antibody often confers immunity. We dont know if its for a month, six months or six years. How can we learn that quickly . We can extrapolate from other coronaviruses. When we do that, we realize that immunity isnt ironclad in the coronavirus. What it means over time and sometimes you can be reinfected in the laboratory setting. I think theres reason to believe this immunity may be fleeting and it may not be completely durable. Its an important question to ask. We still need to do serology test to go understand where its been and where its going. Thats a big deal if its fleeting. Correct . It is. What we know with other coronaviruses, you can get reinfected experimentally. But you dont have any symptoms r they still contagious is the question. Thats an important question to ask. You likely have immunity as measurable by antibodies, and its complicated and we havent worked it all out because they havent been considered that important to figure these things out because they were common cold viruses. This is important from an operationalized serology testing to be able to say youre going to be a frontline worker. We have to know what the immunity is and what level of antibodies and how soon do they decline. Were so early in understanding this virus. Thanks so much to both of you. The push to get the country back open again is sparking the small pockets of protests around the country. Makes for pictures here. But 60 of the country says theyre concerned about opening up too early. The president seems to be egging them on as well. Well discuss next. vo at sprint, our priority is keeping our customers, employees, and communities safe. During these Uncertain Times we want you to get Great Service without leaving the safety of your home. Shop at sprint. 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Serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. As have tears in the stomach or intestines, serious allergic reactions, and changes in lab results. Tell your doctor if youve been somewhere fungal infections are common, or if youve had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Needles. Fine for some. But for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. Ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. An unjection™. So youve probably seen these pictures from olympia in washington state. Its a couple thousand people rallying outside the state capitol. Theyre protesting the stayathome orders. This is among the largest gatherings in cities across the country. It comes as governors continue to urge residents to stay home to stop the spread of coronavirus. Also, it comes, we should note as nearly 60 of americans in polling say theyre more concerned about lifting these orders too early. Joining us now, cnn political analyst and dr. Mario ramirez. He served under president obama. Dr. Ee mer is, i want to start with you. Not just because we saw these pictures, small groups from around the country. But we saw the president egging them on with tweets saying liberate michigan, liberate minnesota, et cetera. As a public official, as a doctor, as someone who treats patients, when you see Something Like that, whats your reaction . Thanks for having me. I think youre right that some of those statements and those images [ inaudible ] from a Public Health standpoint, theres i mean, if we look at the virus task forces recommendations, youre supposed to have a decrease in cases for 14 days, influenza luelike cas before you lift [ inaudible ] weve talked a lot about testing. The truth is that we havent [ inaudible ] even if we can test these people, we dont have a way to trace them and their contacts after that. The third thing, weve also underfocused on other critical things and not a lot of emphasis for what we do with children and education. What are we going to do with these folks . I think its dangerous to say that we are not going to coordinate those activities across the state and even though organizations can step in to fill that void, when we have the president say were going to lift those, when the criteria arent met, it makes it difficult to coordinate those things from a Public Health standpoi standpoint. David gregory, i just want to be cognizant that the four of us as we sit here today are approaching this from having lived in a hotspot and from having jobs. So that, of course, colors the feeling of how desperate and dire the staying at home is. If you lost your job or are at risk of losing your job or in a place where it doesnt feel as acute as here, i understand them saying lets get back to our lives, were desperate to work, we want to get back to our lives. Obviously, were some sort of National Vision or voice, i think, might help quell some of that anxiety. Your thoughts . Yeah. I think thats totally leg legitima legitimate. We have to recognize that the president , even when he goes over board, he feels it. Its total economic ruin that hes seeing every day from the Vantage Point of being president of the United States. What people are feeling around the country. And that has to be balanced here. The Public Health officials, though, that it has to be balanced. Dr. Fauci hears that every day, feels that every day. So thats real. Whats disturbing about this is not only is it wrong to egg protesters on because its not responsible from a health point of view. It also raises the specter, too of the partisanship. That youre egging on states where youve got democratic leaders. Somehow not having a national response, having a more broken up response based on ideology which is completely wrong. The last point is, this issue of when are we safe to go back is very much in the hands of individuals and families. You dont live through Something Like this without stepping back and saying, hey, when do i feel safe taking my family to the restaurant in our neighborhood and being around other people or getting on a plane or train or going into a fast food place or a store . Were going to make those decisions based upon how we feel and even the government telling us oh, its all clear now, that may not be enough . David, i have to tell you, the American People are watching all of this, too. Its sinking in. We see it in the nbc news wall street journal polls. When you ask americans who they trust to handle this be pandemic, the president is in the 30s. Hes in the 30s in trust to handle this. Peoples own governors are in the 60s and 70s. Dr. Fauci is, you know, 400 . But the president is in the 30s. When you look at that, one of the reasons why, there are 755,000 cases in the country right now. Thats 500,000 times more than the 15 cases the president said were going to be here at the beginning of march. There are 40,000 deaths in this country. They want leadership it seems david. Right. I think people who felt like, whoa, this isnt that serious and has a president validating that, being confronted with the reality, its more serious than they thought. I dont know about you, but one of the things i feel when i wake up is a sense of dread or uncertainty about the future not only fearing the worst, but just not knowing. The not knowing is really hard. Where governors have been effective is theyre focused on facts and the road ahead and Public Health. You cant pronounce yourself a wartime leader. If the president he could have much higher support in a crisis like this. Instead, hes done what hes always done which is create division where people have different views depending where you sit and what your view of trump is initially is how you may view his handling of the crisis. Dr. Ramirez, david gregory, thank you both very much for all of the information and perspective. So more relief could be on the way for some hard hit Small Businesses. We have details on a new aid package that could happen as early as this week. But whats the fine print. Thats next. More than ever, your home is your sanctuary. Thats why lincoln offers you the ability to purchase a new vehicle remotely with participating dealers. An effortless transaction all without leaving the comfort and safety of your home. Thats the power of sanctuary. And for a little extra help, receive 0 apr financing and defer your first payment up to 120 days on the purchase of a new lincoln. Petsmart has everything your pet needs delivered directly to your door. 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Police are investigating a shooting rampage that left 16 people dead in the canadian province of nova scotia. This is the deadliest attack in canadas history. Were live in ottawa with the breaking details. Reporter oh, gosh, john. Incredible what canada is waking up to this morning. John, this is a small town canadian scene. You know the place. Leave your front door open. It was an absolute reign of terror for hours. Police started getting calls late saturday night. They arrived at a property and found several victims inside and outside of a property. What happened next, they started to see fires all over that property and then were getting more calls of fires throughout the community. Youre talking several dozen miles away. The suspect, a lone gunman, gary wartman, 51. A businessman. They started that manhunt all over the community. They didnt know what they were going into, in a lot of different crime scenes. They told people to lockdown in their homes. John, they were already locked down because of coronavirus. They were told to barricade themselves in the basement. Add to that the information from police that he may the suspect may or may not have been wearing an rcmp police uniform. Plus could have been in a police cruiser. This ended 120 hours later at a 12 hours later at a gas station gunned down by police. Not before quite a tragedy ensued up and down the country roads. There will be so many stories of heartbre heartbreak. Heidi stevenson, a constable from that force, mother of two, died. Many people here talking about a people say how can you make sense of this and any kind of a motive . They call it a random act. He knew some of the victims. Were in the middle of a lockdown. How do you begin to mourn these people. Its ohman i levels. Please bring us anything new that you have. If youre a Small Business owner, listen up. A 450 billion deal to replenish the relief fund for Small Businesses could be announced as soon as today. What do we know about the fine print . Julia chatterley joins us now. Whats happening . Let me walk you through that fine print. It cant come soon enough. Were talking about potentially up to another 310 billion to be allocated to the ppp. The paycheck protection scheme. Also likely to be around 60 billion for the Economic Injury disaster loan program. That gives grants up to 10,000. That would be useful, too. The key questions for me, condition at. Will there be a chunk to underserved services. When i was hearing about the details of this last week, i was hearing no conditions. We spoke to treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin this weekend. He didnt really hint at this too. Fast forward to today. Weve had time to analyze some of the data thats come from the Small Business administration about the last chunk of money. Guys, 25 , plus of the money given went to just 2 of businesses. It went to big businesses. Shake shack was one of the big box for money. The ceo came out over the weekend and said, look, were giving the money back, all 10 million. There are more deserving causes. Hes absolutely right. So when we get the details of this, will there be conditions attached . John, the money needs to come. Thats the bottom line. Part of the issue is with the banks, julia. There are some companies that are approved for these loans but then the bank cant process them quickly enough. Youre completely right. Well talk later on in the show about the online lenders. Because the key difference, i think, between what well see this time around and what we saw last time is youve got Access Points for some of the smallest businesses in the country. That will be key. Theyve got to figure it out. The money has to be there for the people who need it. Julia, thank you very much. More than 5 Million People in the southeastern u. S. Under the threat of severe storms and tornadoes. Meteorologist chad myers with the forecast. Chad . John, mainly across parts of georgia and northern florida right now. But it will continue for the rest of the day. Tomorrow gets better and guess what . Were back bo into this on wednesday. Severe weather season is here. Not what we will last week with over 100 tornadoes on easter. Yesterday only seven. The weather continues. It moves towards savannah and jacksonville and across parts of the big bend of florida. This is what your radar looks like right now. Well move it ahead for you. As you move offshore, the winds get stronger. Maybe edisto will see showers. More weather across parts of memphis for late tonight. Thats 11 00. I move you ahead to tuesday, 3 00, the chance for some weather through new york, likely not big severe weather. If you look, this is wednesday, 8 00. Were back in it again in dallas and all the way to texarkana. John . All right, chad. Watching it very closely. Chad, thank you very much. There is still a crucial demand for personal protective equipment to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. One doctors harrowing story. How he wanted to get some and it led to a visit from the fbi. Des, has stood strong through every dark hour and bright dawn our country has endured. It has seen the break in the clouds before anyone else. For the past 168 years, weve also stood by you, helping you weather storms like this one, to protect your loved ones. And well do it for 168 more. Helping you weather storms like this one, you know when your dog is itching for an outing. Or itching for some cuddle time. But you may not know when hes itching for help. Licking for help. Or rubbing for help. If your dog does these frequently. They may be signs of an allergic skin condition that needs treatment. Dont wait. Talk to your veterinarian and learn more at itchingforhelp. Com. At hospitals across the country, they continue to face shortages of protective equipment. One massachusetts doctor went to extreme lengths to try to get surgical masks for his workers which resulted frto a visit fro the fbi. We have the chief Physician Executive and chief academic officer at Bay State Health in massachusetts. Doctor, thank you for being. I read your story ifter i was riveted because of the strange details. Lets start from the beginning. You got a lead on a batch of n95 surgical masks and you and your doctors were desperate for gowns and gloves and those kinds of masks. You were so desperate, you were willing to pay five times the normal amount for them. Then what happened . Well, this is actually the great work of our supply chain group, professionals. At that point, we were able to get a small sample of the n95s. Theyre actually k n95s. The chinesemade version with sim tar specifications. We got the sample to look, feel and test. They passed the test. At that point we decided to go through with the arrangement, which meant getting on the road. Where things get weirder. You were going to have to pay by wire transfer. First you wanted to inspect the goods. You went to an industrial warehouseman i miles from where your complex is. You were met by two semi trucks disguised as food service trucks. Then what happened . Well, to be fair, that was our decision sigs and it was probably overkill at that point. The fact that we even thought about being able to get these this equipment back to massachusetts and the concern that it could have been redirected at any point along the way just shows you the situation, i think, that Many Health Systems and hospitals are in. At that point when we were down there, we were able to open some of the boxes, test some of the masks, actually you have to fit test them to assure that the seal on the face and after that proved positive, although we still only had looked at a small random sample, we made the decision to go forward with the deal at that point we were met by two fbi agents who identified themselves and told us that they were there to ensure that all of this protective equipment was going to either hospitals or first responders. In retrospect, the more i thought about it, the more i appreciate it. Even though its distinctly unusual in the profession to have anything like that happen, especially with something as relatively benign as masks and that kind of what was the fbi doing questioning you . Where did they think you were taking this stuff . Well, our understanding is they told us this wasnt just us. They were fanning out teams across various parts of the United States in response to some reports apparently that some of this material was going to resellers and to places other than hospitals and that it was a concern that they wanted to ensure that it got there. At one point the department of Homeland Security also intervened in your transaction. At this point, i dont know when i read your story and i hear industrial warehouse, two semis that are mislabeled as Food Distribution trucks, the fbi, the department of Homeland Security, you know, i dont know if youre a fan of theozark, wh called to mind for me. This is not what you as the head of a hospital and as a doctor normally have to do. So at the end of this whole process, what was your conclusion about how it is that doctors around the country are having to procure and secure this stuff . Theres no question as you suggest, its highly unusual in my ive been in this business for 30 years. Im an Infectious Disease specialist. Rarely, if ever, have i gotten involved in anything do with supply chain, especially for gowns and masks. We have people who do that. But were in unusual times. To be totally honest with you, this is unprecedented unusual times. We have to do what we need to do to protect our team members who are caring for these patients. Thats our obligation. Were no different than other hospitals or health system. Did it work . Did it work out . Were you able to get enough of the k n95 surgical masks after all of the rigamarole that you went through . Well, we got a portion of what we had originally signed up for. We ended up being able to get the rest of them several days later. That will be enough to sustain us for the short run, not for the long run, though. Theres a lot of patients and theres a lot of care that goes on. You need to keep these masks fresh and ensure that theyre doing the job. Desperate times call for desperate measure. Andrew art enstein, thanks for sharing your strange personal story of securing equipment. Thank you. Two key werds, testing and treatment. Where do we stand when it comes to finding out if you even have the virus and how to help you if youre sick. Ent. Its a voice on the other end of the phone. A note to say youre on our mind. A willingness to come to you. The world and how we interact with each other is changing. But that will never change who we are at lexus. Now, more than ever, you and your needs come first. Find out what Service Options are available in your area at lexus. Com people first were returning 2 billion dollars to our auto policyholders through may 31st. Because now, more than ever, being a Good Neighbor means everything. Like a Good Neighbor, state farm is there. This morning, the british Prime Minister Boris Johnson is under fresh scrutiny for his response to the coronavirus pandemic even as he recovers from his personal battle with the virus. Max foster is live at Windsor Castle with the latest on this. Matt . Reporter john. The scrutiny on the government is all about its planning. Did it plan properly. Take the hospitals, for example. Theyre currently running out of gowns and masks and having to ration them or reuse them. Its a desperate situation and Boris Johnsons government is getting the blame. Its hard to find words to express why while british Prime Minister Boris Johnson recovers from the coronavirus a week after leaving hospital, questions are being raised about how prepared his government was to handle the crisis thats killing around 800 brits a day. The government says they started ramping up purchases at the end of january. They now admit theyre facing critical shortage of basic items like gowns. A shipment of 400,000 gowns was due to arrive from turkey on sunday. But the government said it is being delayed. I think we all recognize the enormous strain being placed on the whole system. We also recognize that right across the globe people are actually trying to get the same items of ppe from quite a limited number of suppliers. An investigation by the sunday times claims years of government cost cutting has left supplies of personal protective equipment dangerously low. The paper accused ministers of ignoring warnings about the virus, of complacency and being in a poor state of readiness for the pandemic. In a strongly worded rebuttal to the times report, a government Spokesman Says this article contains a series of falsehoods and errors and actively misrepresents the enormous amount of work going on in government at the earliest stages of the coronavirus outbreak. Doctors and nurses say they desperately need more ppe and will run out any day. But as anger over lack of medical supplies grows in the uk, medics carry on with what they have and face dark days as they care for the dying. All of a sudden now, in the environment where its its very difficult. But you know what i will say is that [ inaudible ] we do the best we can. The pandemic is unlike anything medics here or elsewhere have ever seen before. They dont know when it will end. Boris johnson was initially criticized for not bringing a lockdown in as quickly as other European Countries. It seems, though, that now hes actually concerned about lifting the lockdown as other European Countries are doing currently, alisyn. A cnn source in politics says easing lockdown restrictions would be could potentially cause a second wave of contamination. Thats his concern now. An interesting lesson perhaps hes learning from all of this. That is the fear of many people, max, about the second wave. Thank you very much for the update from the uk. So reopening the u. S. Hinges on making progress in testing and treatments for coronavirus. Where are we with the antibody tests . How about the remdesivir. How about hydroxychloroquine. Elizabeth cohen has the latest developments. Thank you very much. For weeks President Trump has talked about hydroxychloroquine to fight the coronavirus. The president seems to be a big fan. What do you have to lose . Ill say it again. What do you have to lose . Take t i think they should take it. The nations top Infectious Disease doctor says we need to study it before we know if it works or not. There are no proven safe and effective therapies for the coronavirus. Today we expect to get a hint as to whether hydroxychloroquine could help treat coronavirus patients. Preliminary results are expected from the first largescale study. Funded by the state of new york, it involves hundreds of hospitalized patients and was conducted by the university of albany. In new york, investigating possible treatments for the coronavirus and on testing as well. Governor cuomo on sunday announcing that his state will conduct the largest Antibody Survey in the nation. If someone has antibodies to covid19, it means they were infected and may now be immune. Well take thousands of tests, antibody tests over this next week all across the state to give us a real snapshot and baseline of exactly how many piem were infected by coronavirus. Public Health Experts are hoping to eventually conduct widespread Antibody Testing across the nation. If enough people are immune, then possibly the country could start safely opening up again. Elizabeth cohen, cnn, reporting. Our thanks to ehllizabeth fo that. So a great green glimmer of normalcy. The first professional sports in a long time on the way. Thats next. Because theyre here. Working day in, day out. At t is here. Providing support with advanced services for first responders. And connected temporary hospitals, mobile testing sites and Emergency Management centers. Because until their job is done, it is essential that we all have their backs. Its what weve always done. Its what well always do. I often see them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. Does it worry me . Absolutely. They are both very much hand in hand. So you should really be focusing on both and definitely at the same time. The new sensodyne sensitivity gum gives us the dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. By brushing with sensodyne sensitivity gum at home its giving you the relief that you need and the control that you need to take care of your oral health. And it creates a healthier environment. Theres no question its something that i would recommend. Than Rheumatoid Arthritis or Psoriatic Arthritis. When considering another treatment, ask about xeljanz xr, a oncedaily pill for adults with moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis or active Psoriatic Arthritis for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. It can reduce pain, swelling, and significantly improve physical function. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections like tb; dont start xeljanz if you have an infection. Taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra can increase risk of death. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. As have tears in the stomach or intestines, serious allergic reactions, and changes in lab results. Tell your doctor if youve been somewhere fungal infections are common, or if youve had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Dont let another morning go by without asking your doctor about xeljanz xr. That Liberty Mutual customizes your insurance, i just love hitting the open road and telling people without asking your doctor about so you only pay for what you need [squawks] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Confident financial plans, calming financial plans, complete financial plans. Theyre all possible with a cfp® professional. Find yours at letsmakeaplan. Org. Tums ver bell rings la stick with a cfp® professional. When heartburn hits fight back fast. With tums chewy bites. Beat heartburn fast tums chewy bites the pga tour, the first u. S. Sport league to officially plan its return. Its commissioner says its an important step to the road to recovery. Andy scholes with the latest on the bleacher report. Good morning, john. I spoke with tour commissioner jay monahan about getting back out there on the course. Monahan is on President Trump aes Sports Council along with others. I asked monahan, what have you learned from your conversations with President Trump and the other commissioners about sports returning . You see the collective power of an industry when we all come together and we talk about how were thinking about the impact that the coronavirus has had on our business and how were thinking about our respective returns. Whether its testing protocols, toegs distancing, fans or no fans. Being able to get those insights from other leagues to share our own at a time when the president has said he sees sports as a critical element to the reemergence and revitalization of our country is very powerful. There are very few instances, certainly have been over several years where we all come together and have that kind of conversation. In having that conversation, you realize the Important Role that sports plays in our society and thats incredibly inspiring. Pga tour plans to return june 11th in fort worth. Luckily, his sports naturally does social distancing. The first tournament to be done without spectators. I asked what does that mean for no media coverage. Trying to limit the amount of people at tournaments, it might mean that the media has to conduct their interviews personally. We need to prepare for when sports does return. So different. Youre not going to see another dugout for a long, long time, andy, i have to say that. Thanks so much for that. New day continues right now. America continues to make steady progress in our war against the virus. Weve tested 4. 18 million americans. Thats a record anywhere in the world. The governors have plenty of testing and they should get the work on testing, somehow were not doing our job is absolutely false. It would be nice if we had a National Strategy working with the states. This is only halftime. We still have to make sure that we keep that beast under control. Its not over. Announcer this is new day with Alisyn Camerota and john berman. Welcome to our viewers in the United States and all around the world. This is new day. The death toll from coronavirus in the United States is now nearly 41,000 people. Last monday morning, one week ago, it was 21,000. So it has almost doubled in one week. 755,000 cases, that is 500,000 times the number of cases from whenhere

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