Transcripts For CNNW New Day Weekend With Victor Blackwell A

Transcripts For CNNW New Day Weekend With Victor Blackwell And Christi Paul 20210109

that allowing conspiracy theorys and hateful speech to fester on their platforms for years had a role to play. the nation's top infectious disease expert said the government is actively monitoring new variants, including one from the uk. >> right now, the data indicate that the uk mutant is still quite sensitive to the antibodies that are induced by the vaccine. this is "new day" weekend with victor blackwell and christi paul. good saturday morning to you. more members of congress now say that 11 days is too long to wait for president troubump to leave office. >> there is partisan call for the impeachment resolution on monday. >> draft contained by cnn contains one article of impeachment for insightful of insurrection. and twitter says the further incitement of violence is why they have kicked the president off their platform permanently. >> his final tweet announce head would not attend the inauguration of president-elect joe biden and vice president-elect kamala harris and that's something that only three outgoing presidents have done. now, the president could soon be the first in american history to be impeached twice. >> let's start this morning with cnn's sarah westwood at the white house. the president traying to hold on to power in the last few days, trying to hold on to his cabinet members. how is the west wing reacting? >> reporter: well, victor, the white house is also criticizing this move from house democrats as partisan politics. but top aides to the president sat him down on thursday and warned him that there was this serious possibility that he could be removed from office before the end of his term, either through impeachment or through the 25th amendment that was discussed among cabinet members, two of whom resigned this week in the wake of the president's incitement of violence at the u.s. capitol. all of that pressure led the president to release the more conciliatory tone of the video that he posted, that came after the video he posted the initial response to the violence in which he said he loved the rioters. as you defied mentioned, his final tweet before the account was suspended was announcing he would not be attending the inauguration of president-elect joe biden on january 20th, the first time that has been done since 1869. that's the last time a sitting president skimmed the inauguration of his successor. now, the president's focus is turn towards what he might do after his presidency. how he might spend his last 11 days. a lot of uncertainty surrounding that. to tell cnn his plan is to go to mar-a-lago on january 19th. of course, with everything with trump that is fluid. because he's facing the looming impeachment in the house that has gained a lot of momentum since wednesday's events. and i want to read you the statement the white house released yesterday in response. as president trump said yesterday, this is the time for healing and unity as one nation. a politically motivated impeachment against a president with 12 days remaining in his term will only serve to further divide our great country. now, even though talk of the 25th amendment is starting to die down among the cabinet, and vice president mike pence is pointly not until favin favor o that, there's concern among aides with fallout among republicans and allies coming out denouncing him with few lefts in office, christi. >> sarah westwood, thank you. let's go to capitol hill. cnn has obtained articles of impeachment drafted by house democrats. cnn's international correspondent suzanne malveaux is there. suzanne, not much time to get this done. >> reporter: not at all, it's on a fast track. there's an article of impeachment saying donald john trump for high crimes and misdemeanors. what we're going to see in days ahead, on monday, the house rules committee will meet and set up the terms of the debate and a privileged resolution that is offered. that means this is on a fast track, that they could debate this within two days or so. it would take a simple majority in the house. the democrats have that majority, to impeach the president. and that is something that is the sole duty of the house of representatives. what he is being charged with is the impeachment incitement of insurrection for his role in inciting the violence that occurred on wednesday against the u.s. capitol. and interfering with the u.s. election. now, speaker pelosi says they have many options on the table. they will use all of those options. the one thing they will not do is stand by and do nothing. that this president must be held accountable. she made that very clear on "60 minutes." >> sadly, the person joining the executive branch is a deranged, unhinged dangerous president of the united states. and only a number of days until we can be protected from him. but he is has done something so serious that there should be prosecution against him. >> reporter: so the president had already been impeached in december of 2019. i covered that. and there were no republicans on the house side who voted for it. there was a lone senator mitt romney who voted for the president to be removed from office. we are seeing a different kind of landscape this go-round. at least some republicans offering the option of the president to resign. or have the 25th amendment invoked. representative adam kingser being one, ben sasse, as well as senator lisa murkowski. saying he needs to get out. he needs to do the good thing but i don't think he's capable of doing a good thing. a lot of people are asking, well, if he's impeached, why would the next senate, the senate that requires two-thirds and republicans to get on board still go forward with trying to remove him from office if he's already out of office? well, if they vote to remove him, that means he would never be eligible for holding a federal office again. if it fails in the senate, it means he still makes history as the president who's been impeached twice. >> suzanne malveaux. let's bring in michigan's haley stevens. she's joining the push to impeach president trump after calling the capitol attack a result of failed leadership. congresswoman, good morning to you. >> good morning, victor. thank you so much for having me today. >> so, let's start here. adam kinzinger, a republican congressman who believes president trump should go, the 25th should be invoked or he should resign, saying impeachment would maybe look like him look like a victim give. and gives fuel to see him in that light from his supporters. why isn't impeachment the right strategy here? >> well, certainly, i'm not concerned with making this president look like a victor or a hero. he has proven himself to be a threat and danger to our republic and our national security. and he must be removed. one thing that also occurred late into the night on wednesday was a cabinet meeting to consider invoking the 25th amendment. we are in a moment of national crisis, a national security crisis. and we need to use the tools in our toolbox to exercise our constitution and to bring some calm. we are certainly in an unprecedented time, victor. and we need to take this seriously. >> you were one of the final holdouts of the michigan delegation, at least for the democrats, of course, to support impeachment in 2019. this time, you support his removal hours after the riot on capitol hill. this is what you said back in 2019. it was october then about the impeachment inquiry then. you told a michigan news outlet his actions certainly speak to impeachable offenses, and i'm taking them very seriously. but i'm also a big believer in the process. this time, this will not be going to committees of jurisdiction because the committees really haven't been formed yet. we don't expect there will be many witnesses. what about the prospect now to get this done over 11 days? >> this is a new moment. and let me be clear, victor, anyone who cannot join the american people in denouncing the violence or things that incite this violence is a traitor to this nation. this is a catalytic moment in which we need to act quickly and expeditiously. we were all hoping that this 25th amendment meeting would work. that when fellow republicans, which, by the way, we're seeing an incredible eruption in the republican party. a fracturing like we've never seen in a modern day political party. when these individuals came to the president and said, it's time, that he would resign. that hasn't -- that hasn't happened. it has been days. it is time to act. and i am not going to sit quietly and stand by in my responsibility and duty to the american people. >> your comments this morning about traitor to this nation echo what you tweeted yesterday. let's put this up, if you're an elected member of congress or any office or incurring or excusing an insurrection to this nation's capitol, then you're a traitor to this nation and the oath that you took. this is alabama's mo brooks at the start of his remarks on wednesday and a few minutes later, here's what he said. >> i've got a message you that i need you to take to your heart and take back home, and along the way, stop at the capitol! today is the day american patriots start taking down names and kicking ass. >> and then that group turned around, walked to the capitol andel of them broke in. and we saw, of course, what happened there. should he face consequences? and if so, what should they be? >> mo brooks needs to take accountability for his language and words against the american people. this rally certainly got out of hand. i would hope that he would participate in the investigation in identifying the hundreds of people who stormed our capitol, vandalized our capitol. stole federal equipment and materials that belonged to the number 3 person in our government. the speaker of the house. we have to have sanctity for the temple that is the dome of our democracy. this is what our capitol is, as well as the role that fulfill our government. and so whether you're going to vote for nancy pelosi or not, if you're an 0 the other side of the aisle, and we certainly have seen a lot of republicans, and i want to give them credit denouncing this violence, that's where i take hope and consideration. but history is looking down on this moment. and i'm not going to sit by and litigate, you know, what's the most expeditious way. we've got these tools. we need to remove this president. it's time to also get back to work. we saw the national association of manufacturers, victor, calling for the 25th. our private sector, corporate america, twitter banning our president. we got to keep moving forward here. we've got a virus to defeat. >> congresswoman, let me play this for you, this is the president-elect last month after he crossed the threshold of electoral votes. >> this battle for america, democracy prevailed. we the people voted. faith in integrity remains intact. and now it's time to turn the page as we've done throughout our history. to unite, to heal. >> he went on to say that we need to work together to give each other a chance to lower the temperature. is that something you consider the goals of this incoming president, as potentially, his term will start with an impeachment trial in the senate, when he's trying to get through his cabinet appointees? how do you balance those two? >> well, what we see in president-elect joe biden is a compassionate focused and dedicated expert leader who is going to know exactly what to do right when he takes those first steps into the oval office in terms of rebuilding our economy. getting people back to work. and making sure that the american public are vaccinated. and we want to give him the framework for the best government possible. and i know, victor, i was there. i saw how much oxygen impeachment took up. but we are asking ourselves a question of integrity right now. about what type of nation we are going to be. and what type of leadership we are going to allow. in our country. and certainly, where we are seeing a place of unity is around the disavowing of violence and words that incite violence. particularly political violence that can never lead to a means to an end in this country. >> congresswoman haley stevens of michigan's 11th. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. we're going to tell you what we have learned about breaking news out of indonesia. rescue vicrews may have found debris in the waters of jakarta. this was a boeing 737 mraen that disappeared before 7:00 lowell time there. flight 24, the plane dropped 10,000 feet in less than a minute before disappearing from the radar. authorities say there were 50 passengers and 12 crew members on. 43 of those passengers were adults, seven were children. ships and boats from indonesia, search and rescue bodies are in that area right now. cnn did reach out to boeing, and they said in a statement, they're aware of the reports from jakarta and are closely monitoring the situation. we'll keep you posted as we learn more. you heard the congresswoman mention there covid. well president-elect joe biden has a new strategy to boost vaccination numbers. we're going to tell you how it's different from what we're currently going through and how soon it could lead to more shots in arms. also, a decision by the rnc may signal that the republican party isn't ready to break all ties with president trump just yet. and uk prime minister boris johnson has had some harsh words for president trump. >> i'm reservedly condemned, encouraging people to behave in the disgraceful way that they did in the capitol. >> the leaders condemning wednesday's riots. we've got a live report from london, ahead. 11 days until his inauguration, and president-elect joe biden says he's focused on taking office and leaving it up to congress whether to impeach president trump. >> cnn's jasmine wright is with us now. jasmine, we know that the president-elect wants to unite the country. has he mentioned that any concerns about a potential impeachment that may. thwart that for a while? >> reporter: good morning, christi and victor. and, that's right, president-elect joe biden really billed himself as a candidate uniquely qualified to unite the country. but yesterday, in wilmington, he did not hold back. his harsh criticism of president donald trump, saying that he was an embarrassment. and that he was unworthy to hold the office. and like you said, he did not really weigh in on that question of impeachment, kicking it to congress. saying it's up to them to decide. biden said that he was focused on those three things, the vaccine, the virus, and economic recovery. he also added that, you know, if it were six months ago, he and democrats would have done everything that they could to get trump out of office. but now, the fastest thing that the country can do to remove trump is to inaugurate him and vice president elect kamala harris in 11 days. but one thing that he did weigh in on is that question of donald trump not attending the inauguration. biden really changed his tune. take a listen. >> i was told on the way up here, on the way over here that he indicated that he wasn't going to show up at the inauguration. one of the few things he and i ever agreed on. it's a good thing on him not showing up. >> reporter: again that is a president-elect joe biden not shying away from expressing his anger at president trump and his actions that helped incite that violent mob that breached the capitol on wednesday. however, biden did say that vice president mike pence was welcome to come. aides have told cnn that is a possibility, to expect him there. and if he does come, he would join the ranks of former presidents also in attendance, like biden's former boss president barack obama, president bill clinton and president bush. victor and christi. >> jasmine wright for us there in wilmington. thank you so much. so, the republican party reeling to some degree after what some have said might really a disastrous three months for the party. they lost control of the white house and the senate. and now, they're trying to figure out what to do in the wake of the pro-trump rioters that stormed the capitol. so, let's have this conversation. scott jennings is with us today, former special assistant to president george w. bush and cnn commentator, ann applebon, she's a historian as well. thank you for being with us. we appreciate it. ann, i want to start with you, you wrote the latest piece, history will judge the complicit, saying president trump governing in defiance. saying the overall issues were so trivial. they overlooked the lie of inauguration because it was silly. they ignored trump's appointment of the wealthiest cabinet in history and his decision to stuff his administration with former lobbyists because that's business as usual. they made excuses for ivanka trump's use of a private email account and jared kushner conflicts of interest because that's just family stuff. all of that at the capitol, they're far from trivial. where does this leave the republican party, in your opinion? >> yeah, as i wrote in that piece published last summer, i think the signs of president trump were there from the very beginning from the moment of his inaugural address when he actually attacked the american political system. he wasn't attacking democrats. he was attacking washington. he was attacking the capitol. he was attacking the system as a whole. that's been part of his language and style from the beginning. this, of course, leaves a dilemma for the republican party. do they continue to go through that path. and change all the rules. or do they become a party that accepts the rules of democracy that seeks compromises with the opponents and then operates using something other than demonization and disinformation to motivate their followers. and the parties clearly split on that. and i think we will find out over the next six months which path these leaders choose. >> so, scott, i want to talk about the sudden shift in tone. and even potential targets for the republicans since the attack on the capitol on wednesday. i talked with marianne williamson yesterday. she, of course, is an author and former candidate for democratic na nomination for president. here's what will she said about the republicans who are now seeming to distance themselves from the president. >> to all of a sudden, because this time, they were in the line of fire. because this time, the consequences of the president's actions might have certainly, literally, physically harmed them, all of a sudden, they're outraged. and i think all of a sudden, they realize, the wind is moving in the other direction now. because every american can see what's going on here. so, let's not take tool seriously -- there's no moral authority there in the fact they have awakened to the fact that we have a deranged mentality exercising power. >> what is your reaction there to and her assessment of this shift? >> well, look, i think that republicans who are assessing what happened this week correctly are doing the right thing. and i've seen marianne, and a lot of other people come out and make similar statements. i mean, is this what you would consider to be helpful? we had an insurrection against the u.s. capitol. right now, we need everybody to realize that's exactly what happened. we need everybody to realize and watch the videos of the police officers being crushed in the doors. we need everybody as americans living under the constitution to say for just this moment, there's two parties, there's the constitutionalists and the insurrectionists. for those of us who want to live under the democratic norms of the constitution that we've been all broadly accepting for the last couple hundred years, for those of us who want to level under that, i think we need to stick together. i think the people like marianne, quite frankly, taking potshots or whatever they are crystals told her to say are not helpful. i think republicans broadly understanding what donald trump has done. i think republicans are broadly understanding the wages of this lie of not accepting the election results. instead of stepping forward and saying this is wrong, you ought to just say yeah, i agree with you. >> i do want to ask you, if you're talking about the framing of the republican party from this point forward, they just reinstated, re-elected, ronna mcdaniel as the chair of the rnc. she's a staunch supporter of president trump. here's what she said in the last days she was mad about the election results. and said we're not going to feed our country to the far left. she mentioned socialism. she set, democrats, buckle your seat belts, because we're coming. how do you -- if this is your chosen leader, that would indicate, would it not that president trump is still alive and well in the party and accepted by the party? >> i don't necessarily agree with that -- sorry. >> that's okay. anne, go ahead. then i'll let you come into is that one, scott, certainly. anne, go ahead. >> so, i believe that accepting the results of the election is a kind of litmus test for every politician and everybody who wants to be involved in politics. do you accept reality? do you accept facts? or do you prefer to live in an alternate reality where other things that you've made up or somebody on the internet has made up is true? and as i said, already, you know, we don't know yet which way the leadership of the republican party is going. and there are some disturbing indications that some of its members and some of this propaganda still want to go down that road of falsehood. of alternate reality. of cult like behavior. that's the essence of trumpism. it it wasn'tpopulism, it was to do with the encouragement of alternate false facts. yes, there are probably some republicans that want to continue down that road. and it's the obligation of the other members of the party to stop them. >> i'm sorry, scott, go right ahead. >> with all due respect to chairwoman mcdaniel, it's not her job necessarily to do anything other than operate the political party for the purpose of winning future elections. so if the party -- i didn't hear them saying this, but if the party is going to want to continue forever to relitigate the 2020 election and forever and ever claim it was stolen. that's just not right. that cannot be. the broad acceptance of our democratic norm starts with winners and losers. you have to accept that some people win and some people lose. parties exist to win elections. if you're going to stop accepting the idea that elections will have winners and losers, that would be you, then you have to recognize, i think the republican party elected leaders there's really two good rules that they should be thinking about this morning to define the party. one, mobs are bad. two, constitution is good. if we can start there, then i think we can begin to rebuild out of this horrific wreckage that we saw this week. >> scott jennings, ann applebaum, grateful to have both of you here today. thank you. >> thank you. so, the attack on the capitol this week was seen around the world. so what does this do to america's global image? is it still the shining city on a hill, as reagan described it? we'll examine that, next. uent hn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? resso to help you remembermber commthat liberty mutualgia. customizes your home insurance, here's one that'll really take you back. wow! what'd you get, ryan? it's customized home insurance from liberty mutual!!! what does it do bud? it customizes our home insurance so we only pay for what we need! and what did you get, mike? i got a bike. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i discovered my great aunt ruth signed up as a nursing cadet for world war ii. she was only 17. bring your family history to life like never before. get started for free at so, there has been shock, there's been worry, there's been regret. that's what america's allies around the world are feeling in the wake of this week's attack on the capitol. >> well, for america's enemies, there's been excitement. let's go to cnn's nic robertson live in london. you know, we watched in the u.s., but the world watched as the capitol was attacked on wednesday. talk us through some of the reaction around the world. >> reporter: well, you heard direct condemnation of president trump from the prime ministers of sweden, norway who said he is absolutely responsible. in fact, members -- some members of congress are responsible as well. is what's been said by those prime ministers. boris johnson who formally, you would think as being a relatively strong ally of president trump said he unequivocally condemns what president trump did by calling on people to go to capitol hill and instigate violence. angela merkel from germany, who is sort of the moral compass, if you will, of the europe framed it this way. she said, look, the loser here in all of this is democracy, if president trump -- which she said she regrets, if president trump doesn't accept he lost. that's how democracy works. winners and losers. no doubt, the united states enemies are taking advantage of this. president erdogan called a disgrace. the russian politicians are saying this is essence -- united states can no longer sort -- can no longer cast itself as a leader of global democracy. this is fundamentally undermining to u.s. international interests. >> nic robertson, thanks so much. let's bring in presidential historian tim natale. tim, i want to start here with what you told one of our producers, that the insurrection, of course, not only made history, but that it changed american politics. explain how. >> well, the insurrection, the fact that a mob ransacked the capitol and controlled it for a number of hours, was the culmination of a process of radicalization led by the president of the united states. i'm not suggesting that some of these folks weren't extremists before donald trump came on to the political scene. but the executive branch of our government, systematically radicalized them. so what the challenge for the republican party is to deradi l deradicalize these folks. to reintegrate them into the american political community. and that is going to be a huge challenge. it's a challenge -- i'm not saying that elected republicans can all do this. i'm not sure all of them want to do it. most of them do. but it's going to be a challenge at the local level. where local republicans have got to begin a dialogue with these folks. because at the moment, they are driven by a poisonous conspiratorial world view. fomented by a man who is about to leave office. so, that is one element of th thissingthis age of american politics which needs to happen. the president wille go away, but this anger and extremism won't. >> not only that, house democrats are planning to introduce an impeachment resolution on monday. talk to us about the historical significance of a president who could potentially be impeached twice. >> well, it would be the first time in our history that a president is impeached twice. the machinery of impeachment was actually revved up three times for andrew johnson, only in the last -- in the last instance was he impeached by the house. and there was a trial in which he was acquitted in the trial in the senate. though, it would be the first time a president is impeached twice. let me lay out what i think are the reasons why this will happen in the next week. i think it's very important for the house, at least, to record its condemnation of the attack on the capitol. and i think it's absolutely important, agens part of the deradicalization of the trump republican party that at least 40 republicans join with democrats, that this not be a partisan vote, that this not be the impeachment process of 2019. because it's a way of sending a signal that there are limits to appropriate dissent in america. and violence is never acceptable. whatever your views, when you cross the line and commit violence, you are no longer part of the american political community. that's what i think impeachment could possibly do, which is to make the national dialogue about acceptable political dissent. i don't expect the senate to take it up. the signal so far from mitch mcconnell is that he would not take up a trial during the rest of president trump's term. if you could get a bipartisan vote in the house, i think that would begin the process of appealing and deradicalizing trump supporters. >> let's stick with the senate, because overnight, "the houston chronicle," the editorial board said that it's time for senator cruz, ted cruz, to resign. he's now trying to separate himself. it said, cruz knew exactly what he was doing when he was risking and who he was inciting when he stood on the senate floor wednesday and passionately fed the farce of election fraud even when a seething crowd of believers was being whipped up by president trump a short distance away." now, what now of the republican lawmakers who embraced this -- we saw, you know, lindsey graham being shouted down in an airport after he said enough is enough, after the riot. but four years leading up to it, he was as close to president trump as, you know, one can be. i'll leave it there. what about what the leaders of this party in the senate now have to do to resurrect their images to get closer to republican orthodoxy even. >> i think there are two challenges. one is the problem of riding a tiger. usually, you get eaten. and a number of these lawmakers have been riding this tiger. they've been feeding it. and now the tiger is eating them. and lindsey graham being shouted down, he's being shouted down by people that helped up to a couple of days ago that they were the victims of a stolen election. so, i think part of the problem is that the chickens have come home to roost for these particular lawmakers. they're going to have to figure out how to deradicalize they're support efforts and those like tread cruz and josh hawley who really stirred up with the president the anger in the crowd, they have to face the consequences at home, because their states will determine what happens to them. nationally, they should be shamed. we should bring back social sanction. we have a shameless president -- or we still do for the next few days, we should bring back the importance of shaming. they should be shamed. and we'll leave it to texas and missouri to decide if they have political futures. >> tim naftali, thanks of course, we'll reach out to you over the next 11 days, as this impeachment is likely to begin on monday. thanks so much. >> thanks, tim. >> thank you. so, on the coronavirus pandemic, it continues, of course, to rage across this country. the number of people dying tragically high every day, and now states are asking for help from the federal government to speed up the vaccine distribution, which goes much slower every day than expected. between ideas and inspiration, trauma and treatment. gained a couple of more pounds. that's good for the babies. between the moments that make us who we are, and keeping them safe, private and secure, there's webex. ♪ ♪ beautiful. since you're heading off to dad... i just got a zerowater. but we've always used brita. it's two stage-filter... doesn't compare to zerowater's 5-stage. this meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. our tap water is 220. brita? 110... seriously? but zerowater- let me guess. zero? yup, that's how i know it is the purest-tasting water. i need to find the receipt for that. oh yeah, you do. always have and always will be. never letting anything get in my way. not the doubts, distractions, or voice in my head. and certainly not arthritis. voltaren provides powerful arthritis pain relief to help me keep moving. and it can help you too. feel the joy of movement with voltaren. wonderat new chapter,ly goes into your multivitamin? its' innovation, organic ingredients, and fermentation. fermentation? yes. formulated to help you body really truly absorb the natural goodness. new chapter. wellness, well done. president-elect joe biden says that he will release nearly every available dose of the coronavirus vaccine when he takes office. that's a break from the trump administration strategy which reserves half of the vaccine production to ensure that second dose for later. you know right now, the surge of deaths is just jaw-dropping. 3400 deaths on friday. >> cnn's polo sandoval is live for us in new york with the very latest. help us understand what's going on, won't you, polo, with the speed of the vaccine rollout and what the status is across the country. >> reporter: let's start with the numbers right now, victor and christi, the latest showing another 283,000 new cases along with the confirmed cases we've seen in the united states starting last year. as that happens, we're slowly getting closure to 369,000 deaths as you pointed out. they're certainly jaw-dropping. these are human beings, mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers. looking at this week alone, we hit that grim 4,000 grim death milestone, as we heard from officials it's going to get worse by all accounts and by all measures it seems we're at least getting there at this point. when you look at the vaccination numbers you look at roughly 22 million have been distributed across the country. unfortunately, 6.6 million have gone into people's arms. we've heard in the last weeks, that is a real concern for many states. in fact, according to the cdc, at least 17 of them haven't even administered close to 25%, or at least have administered low 25% of their allotted amounts here. that's why you mentioned a little while ago, victor, joe biden announcing as soon as he takes that oath, he would like to essentially release all available doses. of course, that would expand the availability of these vaccines. but it could potentially, according to multiple health experts could be a risky move as we've heard from moderna and pfizer, to ensure maximum protection those two doses have to be administered during a certain period of time. here in new york, we can tell you that we are expecting to see a vaccination potentially expand on monday to include multiple people including city workers, seniors, of course, health care officials and health care workers outside of hospitals. victor and christi. >> polo sandoval in new york, thank you so much. breaking news, a plane with more than 50 people on board has now lost contact with officials in indonesia. we've got details for you, next. - i've been pretty stable with my schizophrenia for a while, and then my kids asked me why my body was rocking back and forth. my doctor said i have tardive dyskinesia. td can affect different parts of the body, and it may also affect people who take medications for depression and bipolar disorder. - [narrator] in today's trying times, we're here to help you manage td. visit for a doctor discussion guide to prep for your next appointment in person, over the phone, or online. - i was glad to learn there are treatments for td. to update you on the story we're following out of indonesia, officials say the plane that disappeared north of jakarta had some sort of accident shortly after takeoff. >> we're getting this from the flight tracking service, flight radar 34, the boeing 737 dropped 10,000 feet in less than a minute before disappearing from radar. authorities say there were 50 passengers, 12 crew members on board. 43 of the passengers were adults. seven were children. we've got ships and boats from indonesia, search and rescue body in the area helping with the search operation. cnn reached out to boeing and they said in a statement they're aware of the reports from jakarta and closely watching the situation. "smerconish" is up next. >> we'll see you tomorrow early, 5:00 a.m. and you can make those memories today. rrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. serena: ask about ubrelvy. and if we win, we get to tell you and doug. how liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need. isn't that what you just did? service! ♪ stand back, i'm gonna show ya ♪ ♪ how doug and limu roll, ya ♪ ♪ you know you got to live it ♪ ♪ if you wanna wi... [ music stops ] time out! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ no one sees you need help. no one knows you're not okay. so when someone recognizes the importance of mental health and offers a hand, it means everything. my illness may be invisible. but thanks to covered california, i'm not. all covered california health insurance plans are comprehensive - with mental health coverage, and financial help for people who need it. covered california. this way to health insurance. enrollment ends january 31st. to end them, cybereason built a cyber security solutioning. covered california. this way to health insurance. so advanced... it can end attacks today -- on computers, mobile devices, servers and the cloud. and deliver future-ready protection, keeping you sharp for tomorrow. join us, the defenders, in our mission. cybereason. end cyber attacks. from endpoints to everywhere. alas, he did shoot someone on fifth avenue, but he might not get away with it. i'm michael smerconish in philadelphia. it didn't have to end this way. he could have protected even polished his legacy. but his personality wouldn't allow that. the same make-up that draws the crowd, fires up the base, gives him his populist appeal also has an underbelly of selfishness and conceit. and that's what we've seen exclusively for the past two months. fraud, rigged, stolen. those are the word most heard since november 3rd. in tandem with his contradictory request which is, hey, come participate in the georgia runoff. and all the

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