Taliban and the United States. Nic, we have to enter ript y interrupt you here. Lets listen to secretary of state mike pompeo. Thank you to qatar in the valuable hole as hosts for these historic talks. The support of you mr. Foreign minister, in support of both sides in helping to reach this momentous day. The United States and taliban have endured decades of hostility and mistrust. Previous talks have faltered. This effort only became real for the United States when the taliban signaled interest in pursuing peace and ending their relationship with al qaeda and other foreign terrorist groups. They also recognized that military victory was impossible. I then asked embassy khalilzad to serve as our negotiator to gauge the talibans sincerity. The agreement that we will sign today is the true test of this effort. We will closely watch the talibans compliance with their commitments and calibrate the pace of our withdrawal to their actions. This is how we will ensure that afghanistan never again serves as a base for international terrorists. The negotiation process in doha, with all of its twists and turns, has shown it is possible for us to take this step together. Over the past seven days, violence levels have reached their lowest point in the last four years. U. S. And Afghan Forces responded to the reduced number in the attacks by also respecting peace. It was not perfect, but the taliban demonstrated even if only for a week, that when they have the will to be peaceful, they can be. The Afghan People have rejoiced. Theyre moving freely about their country to visit family and friends. Theyre trading, theyre even dancing in the streets. But were just at the beginning. Furthering the cause of peace will require serious work and sacrifice by all sides. United states, the coalition, the taliban, the Afghan Government, other afghan leaders and the Afghan People themselves, to maintain the momentum needed to reach a comprehensive, inclusive endurable peace. This agreement will be nothing and todays good feelings will not last if we dont take concrete actions on commitments and promises that have been made. When it comes down to it, the future of afghanistan is for afghans to determine. The u. S. taliban deal creates the conditions for afghans to do just that. Heres our take. Heres our take on what steps by the taliban will make this agreement a success. First, keep your promises to cut ties with al qaeda and other terrorists. Keep up the fight to defeat isis. Welcome the profound relief of all afghan citizens, men and women, urban and rural, as a result of this past weeks massive reduction in violence and dedicate yourselves to do continued reductions. It is this significant deescalation of violence that will create the conditions for peace and the absence of it, the conditions and the cause for failure. All afghans deserve to live and prosper without fear. Sit down with the Afghan Government, other afghan political leaders and civil society, and start the Difficult Conversations on a political road map for your country. Exercise patience even when there is frustration. Honor the rich diversity of your country to make room for all views. Afghan governments have failed because they werent sufficiently inclusive. The Afghan Government of 2020, and indeed, the afghanistan of 2020 is not the same as in 2001. Embrace the historic progress obtained for women and girls and build on it for the benefit of all afghans. The future of afghanistan ought for draw on the godgiven potential of every single person. If you take these steps, if you stay the course and remain committed to negotiations with the Afghan Government and other afghan partners, we and the rest of the International Community assembled here today stand ready to reciprocate. I know there will be a temptation to declare victory, but victory, victory for afghans will only be achieved when they can live in peace and prosper. Victory for the United States will only be achieved when americans and their allies no longer have to fear terrorist threat from afghanistan. And we will do whatever it takes to protect our people. The United States will press all sides to stay focused on the goal of a peaceful, prosperous and sovereign afghanistan. And afghanistan free of maligned foreign interference, or all voices of communities are heard and are represented. This is the only way, this is the only way a sustainable peace can be achieved. And for all of us here and most importantly, for the security of the americanAfghan People, this must happen. Thank you. Secretary of state mike pompeo there in doha before the signingthe president sent him there to witness the signing. The signing will be between u. S. Envoy to afghanistan and the taliban representatives there. I want to bring Nic Robertson and kylie back in. Nic, i want to get back to you, mike pompeo said something that was interesting. Again, we know as youve said, this is not a peace deal or treaty. This is an agreement to step forward to get talks going between the taliban and Afghan Government. He said that the taliban expressed agreement in this. Obviously, it was negotiation between all sides but primarily because the taliban i dont want to say save up, i dont feel like thats the right verbiage to use here. But the taliban had just decided they wanted to do things differently and how trustworthy are they . You know, if we think about how long the taliban has been at war which is almost 30 years now, 1992, to 1993, when they first came on to the scene in afghanistan, theyre in the second generations, son and fathers, there on the front lines. Theres elements there. Theyve imposed their will on the elements of the Afghan People, they know that. The taliban havent been able to take a major city in the country and for the last three years they were hoping to do that, it was control of the provincial center and project more so theres an element of that there as well. Theres an element that the taliban understand even if they were to fight their way in afghanistan, they would be the International Pariah as they were before 2001, that they wouldnt bring in international aid. They wouldnt be able to pay the budgets of the government. They couldnt run the country. Theyd be out of fire and power. Theres an element on that. But also on the taliban side, theyre recognizing that the United States was going to leave. Were hearing that commitment from possible time frames on further leaving. This gives taliban the confidence that they can leverage what strength they have against the current Afghan Government and claim legitimacy in some areas of the country over the Afghan Government. So when secretary pompeo says that the taliban should avoid being triumphous and claiming victory, thats a big message for the grassroots supporters. The reality is, that the taliban know that they that they havent won a victory. But it is a narrative that we are liking it to hear them put forward. But the Afghan Government from their part, thinks that will sort of evaporate over the weeks ahead. Reality will set in. That taliban fighters are no longer fighting will want to rejoin civil society. But again, none of this is a guarantee. Its all a prospect for peace and its still a long way to go. Kylie atwood is in washington for us, kylie, there is significant bipartisan skepticism about this deal. And the potential for the taliban to break some of the agreements and the deals that will essentially be signed today. Talk to us about these republican members of the house. We know they sent a letter. Yeah. Earlier this week, expressing serious concern. Yeah, they did. So there were more than 20 republican members of congress who sent a letter this week to secretary of state mike pompeo and to secretary of defense mark esper. Essentially laying out their concerns about what is in the deal that the u. S. Is siding with the taliban today. What does this really entail. As we spoke with Administration Officials over the last few days, one of the questions i asked them was how much has been shared with members of congress throughout this negotiating process. And they didnt really give a direct answer to that. Essentially saying that it was secretary pompeo who has been the one who has determined the level of interaction that the negotiating team has had with congress. So, the bottom line here is that there are members of congress who are a little bit confused and are wary of what is being signed. Of course, theres historic precedent for that. The taliban has never been a reliable partner of the u. S. In any way, shape or form. They have killed americans on the battlefield. They have killed Many Americans in afghanistan. And that is one of the reasons that the trip that the taliban was supposed to take to the u. S. Last year was called off. So President Trump has recognized that reality. But the questions going forth are going to be how does the u. S. Share whats in this deal. Were now getting a copy of the deal. But we also know that not all elements of the deal are being shared. And thats because they have to do with how the deal is going to be implemented. And you can be rest assured that members of congress are going to want to though those details of implementation. No doubt. Nic robertson and kylie atwood. Thank you so much. Theyre going to stand by as we continue to watch the signing. When it does happen, well bring it to you. But we have to get to some other news today. There are some developments in the coronavirus. It is spreading again in the United States. Health Officials Say there are at least four cases now. New cases that are not travelrelated. Well have the latest for you, next. We have like 40 years of data thats incredibly valuable . I. I dont know. When did we introduce siracha . Not soon enough. Exactly these are our sales. By product, by region. Set against evolving demographics. You can actually see taste trends. Since when can we do that . Since we started working with bdo. announcer people who know, know bdo. When life throws type 2 diabetes your way,. Why wait . Hit back now. 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But peace talks, but that picture of the handshake between the u. S. Representative, the u. S. Envoy to afghanistan, and that leader is quite remarkable. Then new information this morning about the growing concerns around the coronavirus. There are now more than 85,000 confirmed cases around the world impacting every continent except antarctica. Two cases in the United States, its not known where patients got the virus. They didnt travel to places known with coronavirus. They didnt come into contact with any traveler or infected person. So were waiting for the cdc to confirm presumptive cases. Presumptive means that the person has been tested by state health labs. There is a confirmation test to be confirmed by the cdc to be official. Two cases in washington state. One is a woman who recently travelled to south korea. The other is a High School Student with no travel history. Theres also a presumptive case in oregon. That case is an Elementary School employee. Whose school is closed until wednesday for deep cleaning. We dont know the number of close contacts being within six feet for a prolonged period of time that this individual had. We dont know how this person became infected with covid19. Its too soon to say what impact this case has on family, friends, coworkers or the school strict district, or othe members of the community. With us we have dr. William schaffner from vanderbilt university. Its great to have you back with us. Late yesterday, the cdc released a statement saying that they want local and state Health Departments to test for the coronavirus. By the end of next week. Especially one week from today. What exactly do they mean by that, do they mean they want every person tested or just Health Officials tested who maybe had been dealing with some of these patients . What exactly is their goal . Well, i think what will happen, kristie, is that the test kits will be out to the state laboratories. And i think the cdc is saying the restraints weve had on testing can be relaxed somewhat. And if a physician sees a patient that theyre suspicious of, then go ahead and test. So were all very receptive to that. Weve been wanting to test more broadly for a while. And mrrp problthere were pro the tests. The testing sent out. There were flawed tests, are you confident in whats being sent out now . Well, we have high hopes, of course. The cdc has done their best to fix the problem. And were looking forward to testing more frequently and probably finding more cases, im afraid. What is your thought process on the potential vaccine . We know the head of the World Health Organization said theyre developing more than 20 vaccines in labs all over the world. How soon before we get the test results, and what kind of time line are we looking at something that might actually be a usable vaccine . So, lets talk about what it takes to develop the vaccine. First in the laboratory, eye have to actually construct the actual vaccine. But then you have to test it in a series of studies in people to make sure, first of all, its safe. And then, of course, that it will work. Those processes take time. I think were easily a year away from a vaccine that can be manufactured and widely distributed. What do you say is necessary now, in some of these communities . It started in San Francisco with this one patient had what they Call Community spread. There was no indication that she had traveled overseas or had contact with anybody who had the disease. What does that mean for those specific communities . Well, i think what it means is, everyone ought to be cautious, staying away from people who are coughing and sneezing. Do a lot of good hand hygiene. And i think in those communities, people are starting to avoid mass events. Crowds. Kind of retreat a little bit and let the story develop. Listen carefully to your local Public Health shorts. At the end of the day, dr. Shaffner, how dangerous do you think this could be . At the end of the day, i think this could widely spread in the United States. And were all preparing for that eventuality. We can hope for the best, but we have to prepare for something more serious. And are you confident in that preparation . Were all confident up to a point. But we know pandemics very large epidemics can stress us all. We all have to Work Together on this. Dr. William schner, a pleasure to have you here. You heard from the cdc, well, President Trump, he continues to downplay the risk of the coronavirus. This is last night in South Carolina, when he accused democrats are playing politics when it comes to it. The democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. You know that right. Coronavirus. Theyre politicizing it. Whether its the virus that were talking about or many other Public Health threats, the democrat policy of open borders is a direct threat to the health and wellbeing of all americans. Now, you see it with the coronavirus. You see it. You see it with the coronavirus. You see that. When you have this virus or any other virus or any other problem coming in. The only thing that comes in through the border. And were setting records