Transcripts For CNNW New Day Weekend With Victor Blackwell A

Transcripts For CNNW New Day Weekend With Victor Blackwell And Christi Paul 20191026

driven teams. it takes four wins. no one's got it yet. well, good morning and happy saturday. the weekend is with us. >> it is. >> and this poor guy is not getting a weekend. >> i'm christi paul. >> and i'm martin savidge. so good to have you with us. >> let's start on capitol hill. >> there will be testimony at 11:00 a.m. he's the top state official who oversees eurasia. if he testifies, he'll be the first to appear, going against the express consent of the white house. meanwhile pg&e may shut off the power. the company said it's making that decision by 8:00 a.m. local time. this planned outer outage could last for several days. and houston astro fans are breathing a sigh of relief. they could tie up the series tonight as they play on the road. they bead the nationals, 4-1 as they beat them last night. the federal judge has ruled the impeachment inquiry being held in congress is legitimate. it significantly undercuts the republican argument that the process is invalid. >> the same judge also ordered congress to give the grand jury information that had been redacted from the mueller report. she ruled that the information is in the public interest and should be released. i want to go to kristen holmes. kristen, good to see you. is there any indication that's working, particularly with his supporters? >> well, good morning, christi. that's an interesting question. it depends on who you ask. i was in pittsburgh with some of his most ardent supporters who say the impeachment inquiry is a scam, a witch hunt. think about the people still on the fence who don't know exactly what to believe. this lawsuit -- excuse me -- this ruling really undermines this idea that it's a sham, that president trump has been pushing. whether or not this will stop them, we know president trump liked to paint himself as a victim saying everyone was out to get him. in fact, yesterday at an event for criminal justice reform, he was touting his accomplishments there. he seemingly looped himself and the impeachment inquiry into a conversation about past injustice in america. take a listen. >> in america you're innocent until proven guilty, and we don't have investigations in search of that crime. it's a terrible thing. it hurts people very badly and it divides the country. innocent people and those surrounding innocent people, we're being humiliated and destroyed. we have so many people that have been hurt, destroyed, and humiliated in ways that we've never seen before in the history of our country. >> yeah. so right there it's kind of unclear. he uses a little bit about the impeachment there talking about himself but clearly talking about the past legal system and injustice there. again, clear here he is painting this picture that he is innocent. >> i'm wondering, is the white house sort of believing that they're losing the p.r. battle here in this impeachment probe. >> i would say this, martin. they know they need help. they're trying to build a communications team. president trump says he doesn't need a war room. he's implied to his staff he's a one-man rapid response. take a look at the tweets here. he's setting up some sort of messaging here. he's talking about how the democrats should be sued, they no longer want the whistle-blower to testify and this somehow undermines the situation. he, again, refers to the perfect ukrainian call. this is his messaging. the white house as well as republicans on capitol hill, they want a more strategic approach. they want to streamline this so they have the sort of war room we saw when president clinton was going through the process. again, they're looking outside, trying to bring in outside counsel. and i want to say this. senator lindsey graham was asked directly this week whether or not they felt they needed a different strategy. he said, yes, they need some sort of communications system going forward and we know the lawmakers have been up at the white house talking to the president daily, trying to figure out what exactly this is going to look like moving forward. >> we'll wait to see. kristen holmes, thank you very much for that. we're expecting another busy week on capitol hill. former deputy of national security adviser charles kupperman is expected to testify on monday. alexander vindman is expected to testify on tuesday and then kathryn wheelbarger. >> and then timothy morrison is expected to testify. now let's bring in federal prosecut prosecutor sham wu. let me start with you. how significant sit especially for democrats going forward. >> i think it's significant. it's really just a sign to the gop all they can do is delay. there's no substantive defense, merit, nothing to be gained by trying to attack the process. i think it's something, too, that the judge is releasing the mueller investigation because unlike the nixon and whitewater impeachment investigations, these don't have the benefit of a special prosecutor tied to this topic. mueller tangentially has information that may be relevant. it's important it's being released now. one of the reasons they had to proceed in private is they don't have the benefit of a special counsel having done closed private investigations leading up to this. >> given the fact, shan, that it's going to that, is it of benefit going to the impeachment inquiry? >> i would say generally what could be seen as part of the pattern of the obstruction, part of the pattern with being open to reaching out to foreign influence, that could be part of what we're seeing he, trump, has done to the ukraine. >> emily, let me ask you this. what does that do as far as knock the legs out from under the republicans who say it was done? >> i don't expect the republicans to stop saying the impeachment inquiry is not legitimate, but it really does put a blow in the republican strategy on how to fight impeachment inquiry. it looks like trying to stone wall and not letting them ask, it's not working with the way the impeachment inquiry is behind that. one of the things the republicans have been saying is this isn't a legitimate inquiry or process because the house hasn't voted on it. one of the things this ruling said is it doesn't need a vote in order for it to have the wait of the impeachment, so i think that's going to be important going forward. >> right. and another thing brought forward here is the judge said the whole strategy of obstruction on the part of the white house actually was going against them here, and that was part of the reason the judge ruled the way she did. >> certainly. i think that's what the president and advisers will consider going forward, is how much blocking and if they'll use the same tactics. it might hurt them with impeachment with the inquiry behind it. at the same time what we hear, the rhetoric from the white house and talk in congress, i don't expect it to change all that much. no matter what the courts say, they're going to see this as a corrupt process or delegitimate process, and so between the difference -- the difference between what we're hearing from the republicans and courts is going to be something to look at going forward. >> shan, what about the whole thing of messaging, the white house can't seem to get the message straight and is now trying to come up with the right messenger. >> i think to emily's point they're not trying to change their blurry attempt at messaging primarily because president trump thinks he won in the mueller situation by being obstructionist. he's the one-trick pony. that's the only thing they know how to try. they only have two choices. the messaging can either be that we are being unfairly treated. when they lose that and the impeachment moves forward. their only other choice is to lean in and say, okay, we've done nothing wrong. ultimately that's where they're going to arrive at. i would like to see continued confusing messaging from the white house because the message from the top rambles with whatever they feel like. it's going to be very hard for the republicans to have a solid communication strategy with the white house because this white house has repeatedly shown itself to be incapable of the disciplined message strategy. >> emily, let me ask you this. again, the judge's ruling here. what does that seem to do to lindsey graham graham's resolution because it has now, i believe, 50 co-sponsors. >> certainly it does sort of fly in the face of lindlindsey grah resolution. its going affect all of the republican senators who have signed onto it, particularly those looking into reelection and potentially really difficult races. they're sort of in not that great of a situation here because if they don't sign onto the resolution, they could get the wrath of trump and look like they're not going to back the impeachment resolution, but if they do sign onto it, they look like they're going to vote on it before hearing all the evidence. there are three senators now -- republican senators who are not signed onto this impeachment inquiry yet, in part some saying they want to see all of the evidence before they commit to it. >> it will be interesting to see how those three act in the aftermath of this ruling. emily larsen, shan mu, good to see you. a breaking operative just returned to our country. moments ago maria butina arrived in moscow. she tried to infiltrate conservative political groups and promote russian interests. after serving more than 15 months behind bars, she was released from a federal florida prison yesterday and immediately deported. again, there she is with flowers apparently in hand, welcomed home to moscow. >> welcome back. meanwhile a fire emergency in california. new evacuations under way. massive power outages planned for tens of thousands as fears really grow that the wind and extremely dry conditions expected this weekend could be historically bad. also, while the attention is on the impeachment inquiry behind the scenes, the president is looking at new jujs. we'll take a look at the rebalancing in the years ahead. we saw something in our nation's capitol last night that hasn't happened in 86 years. it's not the result nationals fans were looking for. andy. >> reporter: yeah, martin. fans getting ready to celebrate their first world series, but the astros ruined the party. i'll show you how it unfolded coming up. ♪ ♪ oh! you got a fast one there just can't get him to slow down this class will help with that we get it... you got it! we're petsmart! i've always been i'm still going for my best... even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin, i'll go for that. eliquis. eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis is fda-approved and has both. what's next? sharing my roots. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a 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to one of their transmission towers may have sparked the fire and today the utility said it may cut off power preemptively to over 850,000 customers across california as they issue a very dire warning about the dangers still ahead. >> i have been in this business for more than 40 years, and i have worked all over the world, and i have never seen overall conditions like the one we are seeing and forecasting for this weekend. >> now, in southern california, the tick fires burned more than 4,000 acres thus far, and some residents in los angeles county are being allowed to go back home, but firefighters are keeping an eye on some hot spots that could certainly spark up again. >> reporter: the tick fire in southern california, engulfing homes, evacuations mounting. >> this is the largest evacuation that we've had in santa clarita. >> reporter: a similar situation at the kincade fire in northern california, forces hundreds of thousands to flee. flames already scorched more than 20,000 acres. >> the winds are just blowing embers all over. >> reporter: with bad air quality spreading. >> it could go deep into the lungs. >> reporter: back in southern california in santa clarita, firefighters working overtime. >> approximately 20-mile-per-hour winds with gusts up to 30 to 40 miles per hour, so we're going to work on containment. >> reporter: upnorth vineyards are burning in sonoma county's wine country. >> we have the best and the brightest in this business, some of the finest folks that exist in the business doing heroic work. >> reporter: pg&e reporting an outage of a high voltage transmission line was spotted right before the kincade fire sparked. >> what appears to be a broken jumper on one of our transmission towers. >> an investigation into what sparked both fires in northern and southern california continues. >> thanks to natalie romero for that update. i want to go to cnn's ivan cabrera now. as i understand, this is an event that's going to last at least until monday. >> it's going to last until monday. good to see you, christi and martin. notice the theme, worsts ever, never seen anything like it. these are people who have worked with them every year. er -- every year it seems to be getting worse. the diablo winds. the fuels are there as far as the dryness. the winds are going to exceed at times 70-mile-an-hour gusts, and we're going to continue to see that spread as we head through today, tonight, and heading into tomorrow. there you begin to see some pink. let's talk about what's going to be happening over the next few days. less people affected to the north, but this is the area where it will be worse. 70-mile-an-hour winds. the winds come off the mountain, dive down across the coast and go back. all the while we see the wind and dry air-conditioning. look at the wind speed over the next several day, 20, 30, 40, and at some point we begin to relax those winds. i'm afraid by the time that happens, it's too late here because the fire is going to be significant. boy, are we covering a lot of stuff. i've just jumped over to the gulf, if you haven't heard of olga, yes. it's a tropical storm causing problems that we'll continue to see with a continuing flood threat. it's picked upwards of 10 inches of rain. california could use that. they're not going to get that, even lessing a olga continues southeast. we're going to keep you posted on the ever-changing fire conditions in california as well. >> ivan cabrera keeping track of fires and flooding. >> thanks, ivan. the budget deficit has bloobed to nearly a trillion dollar at this point. we're talking about this next. not one, not two, but five. you're looking at justin walker. he's the fifth to be confirmed despite being not qualified by the american bar association. i need a ride. here hold this. follow that spud. 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>> well, the republican strategy is to call attention to what they believe is a secretive process in the house that's not being done out in public for everyone to see. it's being done behind closed doors and they're using selective leaks to painted a picture where we don't have the full context of what's being said in the strategy. now, the facts are going to come out and the facts are the facts and over time you'll see more information and i assume at some point nancy pelosi will have to take this thing public. she can't put this whole thing behind closed doors because at some point you have to put it on the floor and have a vote. but they're having some success, saying if nancy pelosi had -- >> scott, on these three committees. there are republicans that sit on these three committees. it's not secretive. they have the opportunity to ask their own questions. >> sure. you asked me what the strategy is. you say, why behind closed doors? >> are you saying when they talk to the whistle-blower, that that should be public and the whistle-blower shouldn't be protected, although by standards and protocol he should be, he or she. >> no, i'm not arguing the whistle-blower should have their cover blown, but i think when you have a witness come in under s&p and there are public officials currently serving in our government, it's a legitimate question to ask why their testimony can't be done in public and must be done behind closed doors. >> i want to ask you, the material doesn't connect with the ukraine call. this is about the mueller report. how you do connect the two? >> i'm not exactly sure. i think if democrats fall into the trap of bringing up the mueller investigation and probe again, i think it would be a catastrophic mistake. when you look at most battleground states at large, it's not a top concern for voters. so some of what scott was saying, what republicans are doing is not necessarily attacking the substance of the inquiry. they're attacking the process. it's not with democrat iic voters because they're going to be against the president but those in key swing states we know have seen an increase in support for impeachment inquiry, twhier doing is making shoe the numbers don't increase. >> but per protocol, they are following procedures because this is going to go public mid-november. >> correct. >> is it not fair argument to say we don't want to -- we don't want to give any sort of sway or taint the testimony from anybody else based on somebody else's previous testimony, which may have been public? >> look. i always say when i try to describe this to people. i say imagine this as being the grand jury process of this entire thing. democrats are trying to get information, collaborate what one person has said against what another person has said. keep in mind when trey gowdy ran a committee hearing regarding benghazi, a lot of those meetings were held behind closed doors before they went public. again, i understand the criticism from my side and i think the criticism is to scott's point raise some doubt in the minds of independent voters, but i think democrats are following protocol in the rules as written in the house. >> i'm want to move to the federal deficit for 2019 budget year. it is reportedly now $984.4 billion. that's the highest it's been in seven years. the trump administration and the congressional office are pojecting it will hit $1 trillion in a budget year. that scare as lot of people. the president promised to reduce or eliminate the budget deficit and now it seems to be surging. is there a plan? do the republicans have a plan to reduce it? >> i'm sure republicans would love to cut spending, but the increase is a by-product of divided government. we saw actual revenues surge by mar than 4% last year, but spending surged twice that much largely on things like defense spending and entitlement spejd. over the last ten years, my wife and i have had a lot of kids in the house. i've learned one thing, it's not popular to have one parent say no. you need a parent to truly have resolve. you won't see spending cuts until both parties are together and say enough is enough. the problem is spending is popular. the spending priorities, the american people haven't changed. they want stuff. there's always one party who wants to give it to them. >> schehermichael? >> the only thing the president has going for him is the strength of the economy. i think they're extremely critical because we talk so mucher fiscal responsibility and control. we have control, we have the senate, we had the house for a while. what did we do? we only added to the budget. i'm sure there are people who wish they had an unlimited credit card where they could keep swiping and swiping and swiping. that's not the reality here. at some point we have to balance the budget. >> we appreciate you both being here. thank you. >> thank you so much, guys. >> thank you. the world series made its return to the nation's capitol for the first time in a long time. andy. you weren't there back then, but -- >> reporter: yeah. game three ended just about six hours ago, but it didn't quite go the way the fans here in d.c. wanted. we'll show you how the astros got back into this world series coming up. man 1 vo: proof of less joint pain woman 1 oc: this is my body of proof. and clearer skin. man 2 vo: proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis... woman 2 vo: ...with humira. woman 3 vo: humira targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further irreversible joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. humira is the number one prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. avo: humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. man 3 vo: ask your rheumatologist about humira. woman 4 vo: go to to see proof in action. pampers is here to help every parent love the changes a baby brings. 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"baby shark." they could not knock in any runs. the astros would win game three, 4-1, the final, to get back in the series. >> the fans were awesome. i mean it was electric. the boys in the dugout, they were fired up, they were. i'll relay a message to the fans. bring it again tomorrow. it was great. i love it. >> we're not afraid of playing in any venue. the fans here were incredible. just alive like you would expect in the world series. and our players thrive on that too. >> all right. nationals fans, they hope to see a win tonight in game 4. the first pitch just after 8:00 p.m. eastern. it's, again, a very expensive ticket. standing room only going for more than $900. now, with the astros' win, that does guarantee a game five on sunday, and president trump plans on attending. the commissioner said he spoke with president trump and in order not to interfere with fans, he'll arrive after first pitch and leave before the game is over. these days we know there's plenty of disagreement in the nation's capitol, but one thing we can agree on at least for a couple of weeks is cheering for the nationals. i caught up with our own nationals super fan wolf blitzer and he said it's just a special time in the city. >> it just brought the whole community together during a rather tumult russ political environmental, liberals, conservatives, democrats, republicans. you see them all at the games. i go to a lot of the games. they're always there. everyone loves the washington nationals. they're on a roll right now. let's hope for the best. >> yeah. you might have seen me wearing an astros jersey talking to wolf. i was born and raised in houston. i left with a smile on my face. >> we'll look forward to it with you. great to see you, andy. >> thanks, andy. following the letter of the law and moving to more serious topics, the constitution sets forth no specific requirements for becoming a federal judge. we'll tell you how the president is taking advantage of that. wit looks like 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court system is changing at a record pace. >> and we're going to be putting in a lot more. >> reporter: it's true george bush sat 152 judges. clinton, 154, barack obama, 94. president trump has already sworn in 157. democrats are howling over the sheer number and the idea that some nominees appear distinctly unprepared. indeed eight have earned the bar association label not qualified. but many democrats are even more concerned that the president is picking jujs because of their conservative views on everything from immigration to gun control to gay rights to abortion laws. >> conservatives for decades have understood it. >> reporter: they crow how many of his picks are in their 30s or 40s. >> the president has said on quite a number of occasions that he looks for people who are not only extraordinarily well qualified but who are young because judges serve for life, and it's good to have someone on the bench who's going to be there for a long time. >> reporter: and that is already settled. impeachment north, re-elected or sent away, trump's judicial legacy will remain. >> we'll still be talking about judges appointed by president trump well into the 2050s and even early 2060s. >> reporter: don't expect this march of judges to end any time soon. in the coming weeks we'll see more of them. somes who qualifications or lack of the same will have democratic alarm bells ringing. tom foreman, cnn, washington. >> tom, thank you. so the trump hotel in washington as you know has been circled by a lot of controversy and lawsuits. well, there's news now there could be a selloff. details on reports that the president may be checking out of his own hotel so to speak. i recently spoke to a group of students about being a scientist at 3m. i wanted them to know that innovation is not just about that one 'a-ha' moment. science is a process. it takes time, dedication. it's a journey. we're constantly asking ourselves, 'how can we do things better and better?' what we make has to 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year's honor. after years of backlash over taking over washington's historical post office and then turning it into a hotel, the trump organization is reportedly thinking about selling it. >> this news comes amid ethical violations on the part of the executive branch. cnn's correspondent alesci walks us through this. >> there's more to the story based on my reporting. let's take a look at the statement eric trump put out. he's running the trump organization on a day-to-day basis and he's telling us, quote, people are objecting to us making so much money on the hotel, therefore, we may be willing to sell. others believe it's a conduit for corruption. two, there are question wls the president is actually allowed to receive payments from foreign and domestic government entities and that issue is the subject of at least three lawsuits. and as far eric's claim that the hotel is making a ton of money, well, it's unclear. i've reported on this property for years, and while it's true the business profited during the inauguration, it does appear the hotel's business did trail off a bit. now, remember, many conferences or executives who visited the city may not want to book there to avoid controversy altogether, so the trump organization may be losing out to competitors on that specific front. they have to be careful not to market to foreigners. so the business may have decided to explore how much it could make by unloading this property. now, "the wall street journal" is reporting that the trump organization wants $500 million for the lease rights to the billing. that's a lot of money. in fact, the paper says a deal of that size would make that transaction one of the biggest hotel deals in the city's history. christi, martin? >> cristina, thank you so much. we'll be back. a judge ruling the impeachment probe is legitimate. i'm your cat. ever since you brought me home, that day. i've been plotting to destroy you. sizing you up... calculating your every move. you think 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Transcripts For CNNW New Day Weekend With Victor Blackwell And Christi Paul 20191026 :

Transcripts For CNNW New Day Weekend With Victor Blackwell And Christi Paul 20191026

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driven teams. it takes four wins. no one's got it yet. well, good morning and happy saturday. the weekend is with us. >> it is. >> and this poor guy is not getting a weekend. >> i'm christi paul. >> and i'm martin savidge. so good to have you with us. >> let's start on capitol hill. >> there will be testimony at 11:00 a.m. he's the top state official who oversees eurasia. if he testifies, he'll be the first to appear, going against the express consent of the white house. meanwhile pg&e may shut off the power. the company said it's making that decision by 8:00 a.m. local time. this planned outer outage could last for several days. and houston astro fans are breathing a sigh of relief. they could tie up the series tonight as they play on the road. they bead the nationals, 4-1 as they beat them last night. the federal judge has ruled the impeachment inquiry being held in congress is legitimate. it significantly undercuts the republican argument that the process is invalid. >> the same judge also ordered congress to give the grand jury information that had been redacted from the mueller report. she ruled that the information is in the public interest and should be released. i want to go to kristen holmes. kristen, good to see you. is there any indication that's working, particularly with his supporters? >> well, good morning, christi. that's an interesting question. it depends on who you ask. i was in pittsburgh with some of his most ardent supporters who say the impeachment inquiry is a scam, a witch hunt. think about the people still on the fence who don't know exactly what to believe. this lawsuit -- excuse me -- this ruling really undermines this idea that it's a sham, that president trump has been pushing. whether or not this will stop them, we know president trump liked to paint himself as a victim saying everyone was out to get him. in fact, yesterday at an event for criminal justice reform, he was touting his accomplishments there. he seemingly looped himself and the impeachment inquiry into a conversation about past injustice in america. take a listen. >> in america you're innocent until proven guilty, and we don't have investigations in search of that crime. it's a terrible thing. it hurts people very badly and it divides the country. innocent people and those surrounding innocent people, we're being humiliated and destroyed. we have so many people that have been hurt, destroyed, and humiliated in ways that we've never seen before in the history of our country. >> yeah. so right there it's kind of unclear. he uses a little bit about the impeachment there talking about himself but clearly talking about the past legal system and injustice there. again, clear here he is painting this picture that he is innocent. >> i'm wondering, is the white house sort of believing that they're losing the p.r. battle here in this impeachment probe. >> i would say this, martin. they know they need help. they're trying to build a communications team. president trump says he doesn't need a war room. he's implied to his staff he's a one-man rapid response. take a look at the tweets here. he's setting up some sort of messaging here. he's talking about how the democrats should be sued, they no longer want the whistle-blower to testify and this somehow undermines the situation. he, again, refers to the perfect ukrainian call. this is his messaging. the white house as well as republicans on capitol hill, they want a more strategic approach. they want to streamline this so they have the sort of war room we saw when president clinton was going through the process. again, they're looking outside, trying to bring in outside counsel. and i want to say this. senator lindsey graham was asked directly this week whether or not they felt they needed a different strategy. he said, yes, they need some sort of communications system going forward and we know the lawmakers have been up at the white house talking to the president daily, trying to figure out what exactly this is going to look like moving forward. >> we'll wait to see. kristen holmes, thank you very much for that. we're expecting another busy week on capitol hill. former deputy of national security adviser charles kupperman is expected to testify on monday. alexander vindman is expected to testify on tuesday and then kathryn wheelbarger. >> and then timothy morrison is expected to testify. now let's bring in federal prosecut prosecutor sham wu. let me start with you. how significant sit especially for democrats going forward. >> i think it's significant. it's really just a sign to the gop all they can do is delay. there's no substantive defense, merit, nothing to be gained by trying to attack the process. i think it's something, too, that the judge is releasing the mueller investigation because unlike the nixon and whitewater impeachment investigations, these don't have the benefit of a special prosecutor tied to this topic. mueller tangentially has information that may be relevant. it's important it's being released now. one of the reasons they had to proceed in private is they don't have the benefit of a special counsel having done closed private investigations leading up to this. >> given the fact, shan, that it's going to that, is it of benefit going to the impeachment inquiry? >> i would say generally what could be seen as part of the pattern of the obstruction, part of the pattern with being open to reaching out to foreign influence, that could be part of what we're seeing he, trump, has done to the ukraine. >> emily, let me ask you this. what does that do as far as knock the legs out from under the republicans who say it was done? >> i don't expect the republicans to stop saying the impeachment inquiry is not legitimate, but it really does put a blow in the republican strategy on how to fight impeachment inquiry. it looks like trying to stone wall and not letting them ask, it's not working with the way the impeachment inquiry is behind that. one of the things the republicans have been saying is this isn't a legitimate inquiry or process because the house hasn't voted on it. one of the things this ruling said is it doesn't need a vote in order for it to have the wait of the impeachment, so i think that's going to be important going forward. >> right. and another thing brought forward here is the judge said the whole strategy of obstruction on the part of the white house actually was going against them here, and that was part of the reason the judge ruled the way she did. >> certainly. i think that's what the president and advisers will consider going forward, is how much blocking and if they'll use the same tactics. it might hurt them with impeachment with the inquiry behind it. at the same time what we hear, the rhetoric from the white house and talk in congress, i don't expect it to change all that much. no matter what the courts say, they're going to see this as a corrupt process or delegitimate process, and so between the difference -- the difference between what we're hearing from the republicans and courts is going to be something to look at going forward. >> shan, what about the whole thing of messaging, the white house can't seem to get the message straight and is now trying to come up with the right messenger. >> i think to emily's point they're not trying to change their blurry attempt at messaging primarily because president trump thinks he won in the mueller situation by being obstructionist. he's the one-trick pony. that's the only thing they know how to try. they only have two choices. the messaging can either be that we are being unfairly treated. when they lose that and the impeachment moves forward. their only other choice is to lean in and say, okay, we've done nothing wrong. ultimately that's where they're going to arrive at. i would like to see continued confusing messaging from the white house because the message from the top rambles with whatever they feel like. it's going to be very hard for the republicans to have a solid communication strategy with the white house because this white house has repeatedly shown itself to be incapable of the disciplined message strategy. >> emily, let me ask you this. again, the judge's ruling here. what does that seem to do to lindsey graham graham's resolution because it has now, i believe, 50 co-sponsors. >> certainly it does sort of fly in the face of lindlindsey grah resolution. its going affect all of the republican senators who have signed onto it, particularly those looking into reelection and potentially really difficult races. they're sort of in not that great of a situation here because if they don't sign onto the resolution, they could get the wrath of trump and look like they're not going to back the impeachment resolution, but if they do sign onto it, they look like they're going to vote on it before hearing all the evidence. there are three senators now -- republican senators who are not signed onto this impeachment inquiry yet, in part some saying they want to see all of the evidence before they commit to it. >> it will be interesting to see how those three act in the aftermath of this ruling. emily larsen, shan mu, good to see you. a breaking operative just returned to our country. moments ago maria butina arrived in moscow. she tried to infiltrate conservative political groups and promote russian interests. after serving more than 15 months behind bars, she was released from a federal florida prison yesterday and immediately deported. again, there she is with flowers apparently in hand, welcomed home to moscow. >> welcome back. meanwhile a fire emergency in california. new evacuations under way. massive power outages planned for tens of thousands as fears really grow that the wind and extremely dry conditions expected this weekend could be historically bad. also, while the attention is on the impeachment inquiry behind the scenes, the president is looking at new jujs. we'll take a look at the rebalancing in the years ahead. we saw something in our nation's capitol last night that hasn't happened in 86 years. it's not the result nationals fans were looking for. andy. >> reporter: yeah, martin. fans getting ready to celebrate their first world series, but the astros ruined the party. i'll show you how it unfolded coming up. ♪ ♪ oh! you got a fast one there just can't get him to slow down this class will help with that we get it... you got it! we're petsmart! i've always been i'm still going for my best... even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin, i'll go for that. eliquis. eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis is fda-approved and has both. what's next? sharing my roots. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a 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to one of their transmission towers may have sparked the fire and today the utility said it may cut off power preemptively to over 850,000 customers across california as they issue a very dire warning about the dangers still ahead. >> i have been in this business for more than 40 years, and i have worked all over the world, and i have never seen overall conditions like the one we are seeing and forecasting for this weekend. >> now, in southern california, the tick fires burned more than 4,000 acres thus far, and some residents in los angeles county are being allowed to go back home, but firefighters are keeping an eye on some hot spots that could certainly spark up again. >> reporter: the tick fire in southern california, engulfing homes, evacuations mounting. >> this is the largest evacuation that we've had in santa clarita. >> reporter: a similar situation at the kincade fire in northern california, forces hundreds of thousands to flee. flames already scorched more than 20,000 acres. >> the winds are just blowing embers all over. >> reporter: with bad air quality spreading. >> it could go deep into the lungs. >> reporter: back in southern california in santa clarita, firefighters working overtime. >> approximately 20-mile-per-hour winds with gusts up to 30 to 40 miles per hour, so we're going to work on containment. >> reporter: upnorth vineyards are burning in sonoma county's wine country. >> we have the best and the brightest in this business, some of the finest folks that exist in the business doing heroic work. >> reporter: pg&e reporting an outage of a high voltage transmission line was spotted right before the kincade fire sparked. >> what appears to be a broken jumper on one of our transmission towers. >> an investigation into what sparked both fires in northern and southern california continues. >> thanks to natalie romero for that update. i want to go to cnn's ivan cabrera now. as i understand, this is an event that's going to last at least until monday. >> it's going to last until monday. good to see you, christi and martin. notice the theme, worsts ever, never seen anything like it. these are people who have worked with them every year. er -- every year it seems to be getting worse. the diablo winds. the fuels are there as far as the dryness. the winds are going to exceed at times 70-mile-an-hour gusts, and we're going to continue to see that spread as we head through today, tonight, and heading into tomorrow. there you begin to see some pink. let's talk about what's going to be happening over the next few days. less people affected to the north, but this is the area where it will be worse. 70-mile-an-hour winds. the winds come off the mountain, dive down across the coast and go back. all the while we see the wind and dry air-conditioning. look at the wind speed over the next several day, 20, 30, 40, and at some point we begin to relax those winds. i'm afraid by the time that happens, it's too late here because the fire is going to be significant. boy, are we covering a lot of stuff. i've just jumped over to the gulf, if you haven't heard of olga, yes. it's a tropical storm causing problems that we'll continue to see with a continuing flood threat. it's picked upwards of 10 inches of rain. california could use that. they're not going to get that, even lessing a olga continues southeast. we're going to keep you posted on the ever-changing fire conditions in california as well. >> ivan cabrera keeping track of fires and flooding. >> thanks, ivan. the budget deficit has bloobed to nearly a trillion dollar at this point. we're talking about this next. not one, not two, but five. you're looking at justin walker. he's the fifth to be confirmed despite being not qualified by the american bar association. i need a ride. here hold this. follow that spud. 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>> well, the republican strategy is to call attention to what they believe is a secretive process in the house that's not being done out in public for everyone to see. it's being done behind closed doors and they're using selective leaks to painted a picture where we don't have the full context of what's being said in the strategy. now, the facts are going to come out and the facts are the facts and over time you'll see more information and i assume at some point nancy pelosi will have to take this thing public. she can't put this whole thing behind closed doors because at some point you have to put it on the floor and have a vote. but they're having some success, saying if nancy pelosi had -- >> scott, on these three committees. there are republicans that sit on these three committees. it's not secretive. they have the opportunity to ask their own questions. >> sure. you asked me what the strategy is. you say, why behind closed doors? >> are you saying when they talk to the whistle-blower, that that should be public and the whistle-blower shouldn't be protected, although by standards and protocol he should be, he or she. >> no, i'm not arguing the whistle-blower should have their cover blown, but i think when you have a witness come in under s&p and there are public officials currently serving in our government, it's a legitimate question to ask why their testimony can't be done in public and must be done behind closed doors. >> i want to ask you, the material doesn't connect with the ukraine call. this is about the mueller report. how you do connect the two? >> i'm not exactly sure. i think if democrats fall into the trap of bringing up the mueller investigation and probe again, i think it would be a catastrophic mistake. when you look at most battleground states at large, it's not a top concern for voters. so some of what scott was saying, what republicans are doing is not necessarily attacking the substance of the inquiry. they're attacking the process. it's not with democrat iic voters because they're going to be against the president but those in key swing states we know have seen an increase in support for impeachment inquiry, twhier doing is making shoe the numbers don't increase. >> but per protocol, they are following procedures because this is going to go public mid-november. >> correct. >> is it not fair argument to say we don't want to -- we don't want to give any sort of sway or taint the testimony from anybody else based on somebody else's previous testimony, which may have been public? >> look. i always say when i try to describe this to people. i say imagine this as being the grand jury process of this entire thing. democrats are trying to get information, collaborate what one person has said against what another person has said. keep in mind when trey gowdy ran a committee hearing regarding benghazi, a lot of those meetings were held behind closed doors before they went public. again, i understand the criticism from my side and i think the criticism is to scott's point raise some doubt in the minds of independent voters, but i think democrats are following protocol in the rules as written in the house. >> i'm want to move to the federal deficit for 2019 budget year. it is reportedly now $984.4 billion. that's the highest it's been in seven years. the trump administration and the congressional office are pojecting it will hit $1 trillion in a budget year. that scare as lot of people. the president promised to reduce or eliminate the budget deficit and now it seems to be surging. is there a plan? do the republicans have a plan to reduce it? >> i'm sure republicans would love to cut spending, but the increase is a by-product of divided government. we saw actual revenues surge by mar than 4% last year, but spending surged twice that much largely on things like defense spending and entitlement spejd. over the last ten years, my wife and i have had a lot of kids in the house. i've learned one thing, it's not popular to have one parent say no. you need a parent to truly have resolve. you won't see spending cuts until both parties are together and say enough is enough. the problem is spending is popular. the spending priorities, the american people haven't changed. they want stuff. there's always one party who wants to give it to them. >> schehermichael? >> the only thing the president has going for him is the strength of the economy. i think they're extremely critical because we talk so mucher fiscal responsibility and control. we have control, we have the senate, we had the house for a while. what did we do? we only added to the budget. i'm sure there are people who wish they had an unlimited credit card where they could keep swiping and swiping and swiping. that's not the reality here. at some point we have to balance the budget. >> we appreciate you both being here. thank you. >> thank you so much, guys. >> thank you. the world series made its return to the nation's capitol for the first time in a long time. andy. you weren't there back then, but -- >> reporter: yeah. game three ended just about six hours ago, but it didn't quite go the way the fans here in d.c. wanted. we'll show you how the astros got back into this world series coming up. man 1 vo: proof of less joint pain woman 1 oc: this is my body of proof. and clearer skin. man 2 vo: proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis... woman 2 vo: ...with humira. woman 3 vo: humira targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further irreversible joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. humira is the number one prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. avo: humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. man 3 vo: ask your rheumatologist about humira. woman 4 vo: go to to see proof in action. pampers is here to help every parent love the changes a baby brings. 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trouble sleeping, and tiredness. so much goes into who i am and hope to be. ask your doctor if starting hiv treatment with dovato is right for you. the houston astros are back. they picked up a huge win. >> andy scholes is in washington. kind of a tough place to have their win. >> a lot going on these days. >> yes. there's a lot going on, andy. >> it's the first time it's been in the city in 86 years. this is the first time the nationals as a franchise got to play a world series game. you walk around anywhere here in washington, d.c., all you see is go nats, and the fans were just ready to go nuts last night at the ballpark in game three with the team up, 2-0. but every time the nationals had a chance to do something big, they just came up short, the team going 0 for 10 with runners in scoring position. they left 12 runners on base. now, the crowd here was able to get all hyped up in the bottom of the sixth inning. that's when gerardo parra came up to pinch-hit. that's when they played "baby shark." they could not knock in any runs. the astros would win game three, 4-1, the final, to get back in the series. >> the fans were awesome. i mean it was electric. the boys in the dugout, they were fired up, they were. i'll relay a message to the fans. bring it again tomorrow. it was great. i love it. >> we're not afraid of playing in any venue. the fans here were incredible. just alive like you would expect in the world series. and our players thrive on that too. >> all right. nationals fans, they hope to see a win tonight in game 4. the first pitch just after 8:00 p.m. eastern. it's, again, a very expensive ticket. standing room only going for more than $900. now, with the astros' win, that does guarantee a game five on sunday, and president trump plans on attending. the commissioner said he spoke with president trump and in order not to interfere with fans, he'll arrive after first pitch and leave before the game is over. these days we know there's plenty of disagreement in the nation's capitol, but one thing we can agree on at least for a couple of weeks is cheering for the nationals. i caught up with our own nationals super fan wolf blitzer and he said it's just a special time in the city. >> it just brought the whole community together during a rather tumult russ political environmental, liberals, conservatives, democrats, republicans. you see them all at the games. i go to a lot of the games. they're always there. everyone loves the washington nationals. they're on a roll right now. let's hope for the best. >> yeah. you might have seen me wearing an astros jersey talking to wolf. i was born and raised in houston. i left with a smile on my face. >> we'll look forward to it with you. great to see you, andy. >> thanks, andy. following the letter of the law and moving to more serious topics, the constitution sets forth no specific requirements for becoming a federal judge. we'll tell you how the president is taking advantage of that. wit looks like 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court system is changing at a record pace. >> and we're going to be putting in a lot more. >> reporter: it's true george bush sat 152 judges. clinton, 154, barack obama, 94. president trump has already sworn in 157. democrats are howling over the sheer number and the idea that some nominees appear distinctly unprepared. indeed eight have earned the bar association label not qualified. but many democrats are even more concerned that the president is picking jujs because of their conservative views on everything from immigration to gun control to gay rights to abortion laws. >> conservatives for decades have understood it. >> reporter: they crow how many of his picks are in their 30s or 40s. >> the president has said on quite a number of occasions that he looks for people who are not only extraordinarily well qualified but who are young because judges serve for life, and it's good to have someone on the bench who's going to be there for a long time. >> reporter: and that is already settled. impeachment north, re-elected or sent away, trump's judicial legacy will remain. >> we'll still be talking about judges appointed by president trump well into the 2050s and even early 2060s. >> reporter: don't expect this march of judges to end any time soon. in the coming weeks we'll see more of them. somes who qualifications or lack of the same will have democratic alarm bells ringing. tom foreman, cnn, washington. >> tom, thank you. so the trump hotel in washington as you know has been circled by a lot of controversy and lawsuits. well, there's news now there could be a selloff. details on reports that the president may be checking out of his own hotel so to speak. i recently spoke to a group of students about being a scientist at 3m. i wanted them to know that innovation is not just about that one 'a-ha' moment. science is a process. it takes time, dedication. it's a journey. we're constantly asking ourselves, 'how can we do things better and better?' what we make has to 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year's honor. after years of backlash over taking over washington's historical post office and then turning it into a hotel, the trump organization is reportedly thinking about selling it. >> this news comes amid ethical violations on the part of the executive branch. cnn's correspondent alesci walks us through this. >> there's more to the story based on my reporting. let's take a look at the statement eric trump put out. he's running the trump organization on a day-to-day basis and he's telling us, quote, people are objecting to us making so much money on the hotel, therefore, we may be willing to sell. others believe it's a conduit for corruption. two, there are question wls the president is actually allowed to receive payments from foreign and domestic government entities and that issue is the subject of at least three lawsuits. and as far eric's claim that the hotel is making a ton of money, well, it's unclear. i've reported on this property for years, and while it's true the business profited during the inauguration, it does appear the hotel's business did trail off a bit. now, remember, many conferences or executives who visited the city may not want to book there to avoid controversy altogether, so the trump organization may be losing out to competitors on that specific front. they have to be careful not to market to foreigners. so the business may have decided to explore how much it could make by unloading this property. now, "the wall street journal" is reporting that the trump organization wants $500 million for the lease rights to the billing. that's a lot of money. in fact, the paper says a deal of that size would make that transaction one of the biggest hotel deals in the city's history. christi, martin? >> cristina, thank you so much. we'll be back. a judge ruling the impeachment probe is legitimate. i'm your cat. ever since you brought me home, that day. i've been plotting to destroy you. sizing you up... calculating your every move. you think 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