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Yet to come here. Our live coverage beginning on the gulf coast, cnn anchor and National Correspondent erica hill live in baton rouge, louisiana. Weve been talking to erica about the 150,000plus people who dont have power. We see youve got it. Looks dry where you are right now. What have you seen, say, in the last couple of hours . Reporter there is power here where we are in baton rouge. What were actually waiting for is the rain that is set to come. Because this is such a big storm, there is much more rain on the way and there will be on the way. What were hearing locally for residents to be prepared that there will be heavy rains throughout the day. There will be bands, there will be breaks as were seeing right now. A little lull in the wind, but dont get come place its because that will not last. Were on the banks of the Mississippi River. The Mississippi River has been in flood stage for months. Flood stage is 30 feet. Its expected to crest at 43 feet. Where does that water go when youre dealing with saturated ground . Not just here in baton rouge, but, frankly, throughout the southern part of louisiana. As you know, so many of these areas are lowlying areas. They have already been saturated, st. Marys parish. A good majority, 72 m of that parish is still without power. Getting people there, dealing with people in the roadway, dealing with water covering the roadways. Thats going to be a major concern as well. Moving forward then into what could be a lot of flooding. For a better sense of whats happening now on the ground in different areas, i do want to check in with cnns gary tuchman whos in new orleans, whos been getting hit with some of the heaviest rain youve seen in the last 24 hours. Reporter thats right, erica. Its lightened up over the last five minutes. You were talking about the Mississippi River near you. Its different here in the city of new orleans. This is the river behind me. Were on the west bank of the Mississippi River near the French Quarter, new orleans. Normally the level of this river in new orleans is under 11 feet, but because of heavy rains over the past weeks and months, before the storm came, the level got to 16 1 2 feet. Thats a dangerous stage. When it gets about 17. 1 feet, thats flood stage. Thats what its expected to get to today, 17. 1 feet. The dangerous number is if it gets over 20, because the levee system in new orleans is built to contain 20foot floods. That was the fear as the week started. As the storm started coming, it would go over 20 feet. Forecasterss say they dont anticipate at this point, we must say anticipate because this isnt over. They dont anticipate it will go over the 17. 1 feet and thats good news for new orleans. Behind me, this is the natvhez steam boat on the Mississippi River, it hasnt gone out for two days. They are hoping to get back out on the Mississippi River tomorrow. This is the French Quarter. Its been quiet over the past two days. They anticipate business will come back tomorrow. They are breathing a collective sigh of relief. Thank you, gary. As we look at where we stand now, as gary points out, a sigh of relief but a lot more rain is expected to come. A whole bunch more. 70 of Tropical Storm barrys moisture is still offshore. Its moving ever so slowly onshore at this point. Yes, youve still got time before a lot of that rain ends up pushing inland. Now, yes, the majority of that will hit mississippi but its raining in alabama, florida, texas is even getting some moisture from barry as well. Look at the widespread rain totals that have already fallen. We talked about widespread 5 to 10 inches. Were not there yet. Weve been looking at rainfall totals of upwards of 4 to 6 inches. You have to keep in mind, 4 to 6 inches may not sound like a lot but the ground is already saturated. Its going to be runoff and well keep adding to that as well. Heres the radar. You have heavy bands making their way into jackson, mississippi. A heavy band to the west of baton rouge, to the west of morgan city. Baton rouge and morgan city dry at the moment, until that rain begins to shift and slide into those communities. We expect widespread amounts of 5 to 10 inches of rain out of this storm. Some areas, especially if you get into the heavier feeder bands, as theyre called, you could see an excess of foot before the rain pulls out. And the convection is still offshore. That will move onshore, bringing with it the potential of rotating storms. The track itself is moving incredibly slow. Right now just a few miles more than it was yesterday. We averaged only a 5mileperhour range yesterday. Today up to 8 miles an hour. A normal person rides a bike at an average of 9 1 2 miles an hour. You could ride a bike faster than this storm is moving. With that you still have gusty winds and 150,000 people without power in louisiana alone. Thats a lot to think about and a lot to remember as we hunker down and wait for the rest of this, the fact that 70 of the moisture is still in the gulf. Thank you. A lot well keep an eye on here. Another thing i want to point out as we talk about flooding in baton rouge, a lot of people in this area thinking back to three years ago when there was major flooding in 2016 and thats influenced a lot of the decisions made in preparation for both this storm and the floods that could come after. Christi . I guess thats the one way that serves us, we know how to prepare, you you would think we would know how to prepare after going through Something Like that. We want to take a moment to show you this report from our affiliate wvue. They were on the scene as locals were rescuing horses from floodwaters in terre bone parish. Its too deep. Horses are up to the top of their neck as they tried to swim through this area. As we talked to the owner, hes on that boat right there. Most of the waters have spared residence but theyre coming up to the back of peoples properties. Thats shawn right there. Theyre going to try to herd the horses out. They dont have names but he certainly wants them to be high and dry. I think theyll be much happier once they come out. Oh, wow, that was a hairy situation for a few moments there. They werent certain how they were going to get those horses out. They were being very stubborn. Well go ahead and see if we can talk to shawn again and see what that was like because now you have the horses, theyre safe and sound. Nothing to worry about. They look like theyre going to be in a much better situation especially high and dry. I want to back away because i dont want to spook them. They see that blue jacket. Maybe theyre spooked by that. Well get them out of there. Theyll load that boat back up. Thanks to Good Samaritans helping out. Incredible work there. Just glad everybody is okay there. So this morning the other big story were watching is i. C. E. Agents fanning out in nine cities across the u. S. , rounding up undocumented workers. Coming up, a live report from chicago where that community is helping to pledge those who are being targeted. Ple think a buttn is just a button. That a speaker is just a speaker. Or that the journey cant be the destination. Most people havent driven a lincoln. Discover the lincoln approach to craftsmanship at the lincoln summer invitation. Right now, get 0 apr on all 2019 lincoln vehicles plus no payments for up to 90 days. Only at your lincoln dealer. Plus no payments for up to 90 days. Thanks for the ridealong, captain ive never been in one of these before, even though geico has been ohhh. Ooh ohh here we go, here we go. You got cut off there, what were you saying . Oooo. Oh no no. Maybe that geico has been proudly serving the military for over 75 years . Is that what you wanted to say . Mhmmm. 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According to police, he was trying to set cars and buildings on fire. The white house has said criminals are the focus of these raids, but sources tell cnn among the targets are families whose only crime is they are in the country illegally. Rosa flores spoke with one such family. Reporter this woman has lived in chicago for some 20 years. Shes the mom of four u. S. Citizens who she raised in the outskirts of town. For the past two years, she has lived inside a church, away from her family and hoping to not be deported. Nu she is undocumented and says she worries about getting pulled over and put in die tension facilities. She took sanctuary in this church, a place i. C. E. Agents typically avoid raiding. Do you have a plan . No. Reporter now shes worried it could all come to an end this weekend when planned i. C. E. Raids in cities across the country, including chicago, are set to begin. For more than a decade, a time span covering administrations of both parties, she checked in with immigration officials twice a year and there was no issue, until donald trump took office. Cnn was there the morning of 2017 during her first checkin during the trump era. Translator that brings me a lot of fear. Reporter it was an emotional affair for her entire family. First, an immigration agent told her she could stay for another year. Translator i feel very happy because i was given another year. Reporter and then sir, cameras away from the building. Reporter her joy turned to heartbreak when she was asked to return to the Federal Building in four months with her bags packed and a oneway ticket out of the country. Her daughter became physically ill. You were having a panic attack upstairs . Yeah. I couldnt breathe. I was choked up. I couldnt talk. Reporter she says thats what hurts her the most about being hunkered down these last couple of years, is not being able to simply hug her daughters outside of this church. Especially when they needed their mom. And thats something she may never do again on u. S. Soil come this weekend. She is in sanctuary but technically not in hiding. As you saw, she does media interviews. People in this Community Know that she is here. She is hopeful she will be able to stay after this weekend. Christi . Rosa flores, boy, that is something. Thank you so much. We appreciate it. Really is good. This morning on state of the union with jake tapper, he will be speaking with the acting director of u. S. Immigrations and citizenship. Hell also be joined with bill de de blasio on state of the union. Tropical storm barry is showing its power a little more, particularly in new orleans. Erica hill is in baton rouge, louisiana, watching things. Good morning, erica. We talked a lot about how important the early Emergency Declaration was from the. The. It came from the governor but for louisianas entire delegation in washington. Well speak with Ralph Abraham, from the fifth delegation. Hell tell us what hes seen since barry came to town. Wed love some help with laundry. Spray and scrub anything with a stain. Wash the really dirty clothes separately. New tide pods with upgraded 4in1 technology unleash a foolproof clean in one step. Aww, you did the laundry its got to be tide. This is not just a headache. This is not just a fever. This is not just the flu. Its meningitis b. And youre not there to help. While meningitis b is uncommon. Once symptoms appear, they can progress quickly and can be fatal. Sometimes within 24 hours. Before you send your teen to college. Make sure you help protect them. Talk to your teens doctor. About meningitis b vaccination. This melting pot of impacted species. Everywhere is going to get touched by climate change. Hey i live on my own now ive got xfinity, because i like to live life in the fast lane. Unlike my parents. You rambling about xfinity again . Youre so cute when you get excited. Anyways. Ive got their app right here, i can troubleshoot. I can schedule a time for them to call me back, its great you have our number programmed in . Ya i dont even know your phone anymore. Excuse me . what . I dont know your phone number. Aw well. He doesnt know our phone number you have our fax number, obviously. Todays xfinity service. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Ill pass. Right now there are more than 11 Million People under flash flood watches. Tropical storm barry is so slowly just crawling north. Yeah, lifethreatening floods are a major concern. Remember, it is usually flooding that kills far more people in the aftermath of hurricanes than the winds of the storm itself. The National Hurricane center says that tornadoes could also be a problem and they could pop up in louisiana, mississippi and eastern arkansas. There are huns of people that spent the night in shelters in the area. More than 150,000 do not have power right now as well. Erica hill is in baton rouge, there is power there, at least in the part she is in right now. But, erica, i know that we have had reports. Listen, do not think this is over. As allison was saying, 70 of the moisture is still over the gulf. And it is coming this way. Reporter absolutely. Things are very quiet here in baton rouge. We probably got down to our live location about two hours ago. Keep in mind, there hasnt been much rain since then. If you were to walk out of your house right now, you may think its over. Its so important, you just brought up what allison said, that 70 of the moisture is still over the gulf. Much more to come. With that could be heavy bands of rain. There will be rain for hours. And also the flooding that will come after for a better sense of what is coming our way. I want to bring in meteorologist allison chinchar. As we look at this, this may be a lull but its certainly not any indication that barry is done with the region. No. All you have to do is look at the radar hypbehind me to see t. You see all of this intense rain. Look over the majority of the heavy rain and lightning. Look at this huge cluster of lightning to the east of houston and south of louisiana. Again, thats what were worried about. We dont want this section to come on land because thats where youre talking 2 to 3 inches an hour rainfall rates, not to mention damaging winds and a lot of lightning. We have a new cell starting to fire up over mobile, alabama. You also have this heavy band of rain sliding up from hattiesburg and jackson, mississippi. Its starting to come onshore, we just havent seen the worst of it yet. To the west of hattiesburg, you have heavy rainfall. Any of these major interstates across mississippi and portions of louisiana, youll have off and on pockets where youll drive through it and drive through a downpour. Not just now but throughout the morning. Another thing were concerned about are the severe storms that are here. We have a brandnew Tornado Warning just north of hattiesburg starting to push off. Its not large rotation. Youre not talking a massive tornado. These are tight tornadoes which will be quick to fire up, which means the warning time wont be very long. We tell people to be cautious of that. The threat for tornadoes like this will continue throughout the day because it still exists. As weve all mentioned, 70 of the moisture associated with Tropical Storm barry is still out to sea right now. That moisture is gradually going to shift inland, albeit very, very slowly. Thats also part of the problem. The longer it lingers over this region, the longer time it has to dump the rain. You will have some areas that can pick up in excess of a foot of rain. Thats important. Also combining that with the threat for tornadoes, its the combination of both. The flooding threat is especially concerning because a lot of this region is already saturated because of months of rain. And also flooding from all of the other feeder rivers, creeks and streams that flow into the mississippi and some of these other rivers. You have nine rivers at major flooding stage. 33 observation stages, 33 of them are at moderate flood stage. This is one thats going to linger well into the upcoming week. Reporter allison, thank you. Joining us is representative Ralph Abraham representing the fifth district. Well talk about whats happening on the ground as opposed to the campaign. I know you along with your fellow lawmakers from louisiana signed the letter that the government sent, that Emergency Declaration from President Trump. That early declaration has been so important. Its huge. It gives us ready to submit data. Once we do, hopefully that emergency funding will come in the way of resources. Reporter youve been making your way around the state. We are. Reporter what have you seen . Mild wind damage, blown down trees, blown down road signs, debris on the roads, local flooding. And, you know, we understand public safety, human life is critical and top priority, butter weve sebut weve seen a lot of damage to our agriculture area. Reporter youre a veterinarian. When were dealing with an event like that, how do you handle in terms of protecting livestock . Its difficult because theyre out of the elements. When you get major events like this, you can have flash flooding very, very quickly. So, you know, preparedness is the key, but youre preparing for everything else. So, its difficult to literally herd the cows, herd the horses in time. Reporter its difficult to watch, especially those who may not deal with livestock every day. Were standing on the banks of the mississippi in baton rouge. We talked about 2016 flooding. Those memories linger, understandably for folks in the area. They do. Reporter the mississippi since february has been at about 30 feet, expected to crest at 43. The flooding expected to come after is a major concern. How prepared is louisiana, specifically your district to be ready for that . Were prepared. But can you ever prepare for that much flooding . Its hard. Hopefully well see some lowering of the mississippi. To your point, its been at record highs for several, several months. The levees are stat raaturated more rain is to come. Reporter looking ahead and the focus is going to be once this storm passes through on that flooding for the days, the weeks to come, what do you want to see . What do you need . Well, what we need is that Emergency Declaration instituted, if we need it. And were going to need it. We know that. But, again, looking further down the road is what is going to happen to our infrastructure. Here in louisiana, like the rest of the nation, we have some own infrastructure in these large cities. Once you get into the rural areas, then you have these agricultural crops. We are two to three weeks away from harvesting 200,000 acres of rice. And behind that you have corn, soybeans, your cotton. For us here in the south, agriculture is a huge thing. Weve got to make sure our farmers and ranchers are taken care of. Reporter do you have an impression what youve seen the last 12 to 24 hours, have been compromised . They have been compromised. How much, we dont know yet. Certainly in my fifth congressional district, barry is still predicted, as to your point, still a lot of moisture out there in the gulf. Ive seen the maps. And if its going to keep that westward track going, northeast and central louisiana, theyre in the bulls eye. Reporter thank you. Well bother you for more updates. Thank you, congressman. Christi, martin, well send it back to you. Well continue to update you, updates from the congressman and also our team stationed here around the area. All right. Erica, thank you so much. We appreciate it. We want to go to new orleans with cnn National Correspondent gary tuchman is there. You were saying earlier, you were seeing some of the heaviest rain theyve seen yet. Looks like youre getting a little lull now. Is that accurate . Reporter thats exactly right. We expect it to be heavy rains, light rains, no rain, a combination of it. Right now the rains are relatively light. The rain isnt over yet, but there is a sense of relief here in new orleans, louisiana. Behind me is the flood wall that protects the French Quarter of new orleans, the city of new orleans beyond that from the Mississippi River. That wall has not had to be used during Tropical Storm and hurricane barry. That is the good news. No injuries, no deaths, the most important news. The only casualty so far is the tourism, French Quarter, which is always crowded, perpetual party part of the city has been quiet the last two nights. They expect the tourists to come back and get the tourist dollars. This board shows them, but what was canceled yesterday were things like the cemetery and voodoo bus tour and the plantation swamp tour. Even ironically, the Hurricane Katrina tour. Its a tour that takes you to some of the infamous sites from 14 summers ago, the hurricane that devastated the city and louisiana where up to 1,800 people died. This could have been the culprit of the storm, this was the major concern if levels got over 20 feet. The thought was it would go over the levee walls of the city that would protect up to 20 feet. It did not happen. The reason they were so concerned is because the levels are generally below 20 feet, but as the storms came they were at 16 1 2 feet. It started off at that level. The concern was there would be so much rain, up to 20 inches of rain in new orleans, that it would go over these banks and get to this wall, go over the wall and inundate new orleans. But theyve got much less rain in new orleans. Theyve gotten 4 inches, onefifth of what was anticipated. More to come but still looks good for new orleans. People here are very used to this kind of thing. Theyre used to these threats so theyre sticking by their houses. Not going out but hoping for the best as its not as bad as they thought. Im sure there is a sigh of relief, gary. Thanks for the update. So, new york city is thankful for power this morning after a partial blackout caused major problems for subway riders, tourists, and, lets face it, even jennifer lopez. What happened when the lights went out and what caused it, next. Sick and tired of running circles for miles and miles. Being lost aint never really been my style. But i told ya. Yo, jer we gotta get to the show. I was looking for a sign. 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Any word yet on what exactly cause of all of this . Good morning. Reporter good morning, martin. Well, we heard from mayor de mr blas yoe of what they thought was a preliminary car. Lets listen to what the mayor said. Its something within the normal electrical grid, obviously something didnt work, but no other kind of external influence here. This appears to be something that just went wrong in the way that they transmit power from one part of the city to another to address demand. Reporter and so there you heard what they think is the initial cause. K con edison will conduct a full engineering analysis, working to find out what caused this outage and Governor Cuomo is calling for an investigation, as is mayor de blasio. 72,000 customers affected at one point, and customers could mean many more people than 72,000. Were talking about entire city blocks, starting here among the dividing line, entire city blocks from 51st street north. This was the last traffic light that was working. Multiple thousands of people were affected by this outage that lasted about five hours. So, lets talk about the j. Lo concert last night because i cannot imagine sitting in those seats and youre watching here, because she is just so remarkable to watch, and then this happens. Its dark. You can hear everybody, whats happening . Whats going on . Im sure theres a panic for a minute as they try to figure it out. I heard it described as all you could see were the glow of the cell phones. Athena, what do you know about this . Reporter well, we know they had to, of course, evacuate Madison Square garden. This is early in Jennifer Lopezs tour. She had only been on stage for a short time when those lights went out. There was a lot of confusion at first and then people were evacuated. This is what we saw all around town. I was coming in on a train from amtrak. At one point they wouldnt let us pull into the station. This is about a half an hour or so after the power started going out. They wouldnt let us start pulling in because there were signal issues, they said. Ultimately they were backing us up to take us back to new jersey to wait it out. They let us come into the station. Coming into the station the subways were disrupted. Several subway lines in the center of the city, people were trapped on trains, they had to be rescued by firefighters. There were elevators that werent working, street lights out, people directing traffic, civilians. A lot of disruption for those five hours. As you heard there, they dont believe it was a situation of load, too much power being used. So, that at least is one good sign. Back to you guys. Athena jones, thanks very much. Gave us the big picture down to the personal story. We appreciate it greatly. So, he already had to resign after his messages were leaked. Well, guess what. This morning there are more cables from the former British Ambassador to the u. S. What he said about President Trump and the iran deal now. 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For a noticeably whiter, smile. Trust americas 1 whitening treatment. Crest 3d whitestrips. Published by british tabloid he called it an act of diplomatic vandalism. He said President Trump did it to spite president obama. Cnn hasnt seen the leaked cables, cant confirm what they say but youll remember kim darroch had to resign after the daily mail reported on another set of cables. In those he described donald trump as inept, insecure. Any reaction from the white house on the latest, sarah . Reporter good morning. The white house so far not commenting on this latest tranche of leaked cables in which kim darroch allegedly said President Trump only withdrew from the Iran Nuclear Deal because. He didnt like the architect of it, former president barack obama saying the u. S. Didnt have an after plan. They didnt have any plans, according to darroch, for dealing with the withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal. Now, a british spokesperson for the Uk Foreign Office said that there should be consequences for the person who is leaking these cables but noted its no secret that the British Government differed from the u. S. On how to rein in Irans Nuclear ambitions. Keep in mind, this is coming on the heals of darrochs resignation, in those leaked cables in which he called trump inept, saying trumps career would end in disgrace. Saying he would no longer deal with darroch, President Trump. Uninvited him to a dinner at the white house. Darroch then resigned, in part because boris had refused to back darroch in debates tuesday night. Now the search is on for a new uk ambassador as outgoing Prime Minister theresa may is getting ready to leave. The white house so far not commenting on this latest tranche of documents, particularly because darroch in that post. Sarah westwood, good to see you. Joining me errol lewis, political anchor for spectrum news. Good morning. Another weekend and more leaks coming of the diplomatic sense. The term here is diplomatic vandalism. Seems to be a beautifully crafted british understatement here. Im wondering here, you know, the fact that its revealed or the opinion of this didnt is President Trump dumped the deal with iran basically to spite president obama. Ive heard this kind of talk before, but, of course, this is coming on diplomatic levels. How harmful is this . First of all, its very interesting, martin, theres all of this sort of reaction where the British Police are looking into who leaked the cables. Were talking now about the politics of the leaks. The substance of the actual cables, though, never gets discussed. It really is, i think, not just harmful but telling that the substance of it, even the white house is not denying that almost anything that has obamas name on it, whether its his health care policy, his nominations to the supreme court, anything resembling praise for barack obama gets targeted by donald trump. Its been that way from the very beginning. His candidacy, lets remember, was born in birtherism and backlash. Thats what the trump presidency, the initial campaign, was built on. It then carries on into the administration. It also reveals, of course, what appears to be a very petty reason to dissolve a very hard worked for negotiation that by all measures was working to try to control iran when it came to its nuclear program. Sure. This is the thing that i think stunned the British Foreign ministry, which is that something as pivotal as the nuclearization of the middle east, martin, could turn on sort of the petty whims of the Campaign Promises, frankly, of one person that, you know, things that were built up painstakingly to safeguard the most volatile region of the world or just kind of thrown away just because the president didnt want to give credit to his predecessor and just because he made a Campaign Promise that he felt he needed to follow through on. They gave the british and other allies, the u. S. Gave them every opportunity to try and sort of sensibly walk through changes to the Iran Nuclear Deal, maybe a winding down of the Iran Nuclear Deal but not simply blowing it up, which is what happened. The president has maintained the reason he wanted to get out of that deal, he said number one, it was a bad deal, it didnt get far enough, yet it appears in diplomatic circles, theyre saying he didnt want to go through with it because another president came up with it. Theres no doubt about that. The fact that foreign officials have perceived it, discussed it internally and put it on the record just makes clear what i think anybody on this side of the ocean knew from watching the situation, which is any time he needs to rile up his base, the president of the United States goes back to bash his predecessor. He does it again on health care, he does it on trade deals, he does it on this nuclear deal, diplomacy, anything you can think of. Things like bashing obamacare, saying it has to go, theres no followup. Thats the point here as well. Errol, great to see you this morning. Thanks. A tough day for Serena Williams at wimbledon. Reporter Serena Williams misses her chance to make history at wimbledon, but find out what strong message she had for the doubters after her match. So, tough day for Serena Williams at with him. She lost pretty badly but she has something to say now. Christina mcfarland was there. Shes joining us. What do we know about what went wrong for serena . Reporter thats a good question, martin. Serena williams was looking to equal the alltime record for the Third Straight final in a row and silence the critics who doubted her since she made her return from childbirth, but it seems the magnitude of the moment appeared to overwhelm her. She was nervous out there on court at times. She never really mentally settled throughout this game and hit too many unforced errors, 26, compared to simona halep, three. Halep had the match of her life and afterwards serena will yalz was asked about comments from Billie Jean King saying serena was trying to do too much, be a celebrity, a mother and fight for equality all at the same time. Heres what serena said to that. The day i stop fighting for equality for people that look like you and me will be the day im in my grave. Reporter she shut that down pretty quick. Up today we have two more legends of centre court about to go into action. 20time grand slam champion federer is up against novak djokovic. It will be an epic battle out there later on centre court. Thank you so much. Have a good day. Shell have a good seat, im sure. Tonight the allnew cnn original series the movies is explored American Cinema through the decades, showcasing the biggest hollywood stars and the most pivotal moments. Heres cnns tom foreman. Everybody, this is a robbery. Reporter some of the most iconic crime and punishment film of modern times came from the 1990s. As far back as i can always remember, i wanted to be a gangster. Reporter the movies in which the bad guys got the good lines and good guys got bad breaks. I had to come to prison to be a crook. Shawshank redemption is about seeking justice in an imperfect world. When the convicts win, you have a sense of relief. And that somehow justice has been done. Reporter in real life the headlines held plenty of drama but the economy was steaming along, heroic moments seem plentiful and for Many Americans the biggest challenge was just getting through the work day. Hello, peter. Whats happening . Reporter to the rescue, a comedy boom the likes of which has rarely been seen. Over the top. Smoking reporter relentless. Phil conners. Ned . Reporter outrageous. I just laugh my ass off. Reporter and the comedy craze had heart. Oh and you have a number of people who are especially adept at the form of the romantic comedy. You have sandra bullock, you have hugh grant, you have meg ryan and you have tom hanks. My name is forrest gump. Reporter beyond the laughs the 90s saw serious new movements in film, too. We got a problem here . You really had for the first time a large collection of black film makers documenting what was going on in the culture. Reporter animation came roaring back to the box office in a huge way. The coen brothers influenced. It was, simply put, an immense decade for the movies. Hollywood with the development of computer imagery winding down one millennium and looking to the next. Oh, just takes you back watching it, doesnt it . All the new cnn original series the movies premieres tonight at 9 00 p. M. , only on cnn. In the meantime, well be right back. Ring an spf just because i felt like it was so oily and greasy. But with Olay Regenerist whip spf 25, its so lightweight. I love it. Im busy philipps, and im fearless to face anything. 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