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We need to send a clear message this is not all talk and smoke in mirrors, but serious about getting this information. Mr. Trump is making it clear that obstruction is his middle name. Good morning to you. Happy saturday. Take a nice, deep breath. Made it to the weekend. I know. Im christi paul. Im Martin Savidge in for victor blackwell. So good to have you. There is no deal between the u. S. And china. Thousands of items are going to be more expensive after trade talks broke down. Matt rivers is at one of the main shipping ports in china. Reporter Consumer Products could be more expensive. China is going to retaliate. We will tell you how and why. That might hurt the economy. 20 Million People are currently under a Flash Flood Watch as Severe Weather pounds parts of the south. Allison is tracking it. A foot of rain has fallen over texas. How much more is expected to fall, coming up. A California Teacher battling Breast Cancer is forced to pay for a substitute teacher while she is out of work. Dan simon is following growing outrage there. Its going to take california lawmakers and the Teachers Union to come up with a fix for what everyone acknowledges is ridiculous. We begin, hours after Rudy Giuliani said he was going to ukraine to push for an investigation into joe biden, giuliani now says hes not going to go. I will get out of it. In order to remove political suggestion, i will step back and i will watch it unfold. The news of the canceled trip came after President Trump told politico he planned to talk to giuliani about that trip. Giuliani said he wanted to convince ukrainian leaders to look into former Vice President bidens calls to remove a top prosecutor in 2016. Biden was joined by other World Leaders in making that call. Opponents said the prosecutor had been investigating a Ukrainian Gas Company connected to bidens son. It was dropped after the prosecutor was removed. Speaking of joe biden, the president seems to think he knows who his 2020 opponent is going to be. He sees parallels to his own dominance in the 2016 primary. Joining us live from the white house is jeremy diamond. Sounds like a growing bromance there, jeremy. Reporter right. As far as the xecomments to kee the door open to investigate his 2020 rival, joe biden, the president saying he is keeping the door open to investigating the former Vice President. Saying, certainly, it would be appropriate for him to speak about, but i have not done that as of yet. It could be a very big situation, the president said. Again, we have to point out how remarkable it is the president is talking about the possibility of investigating his former political opponent. We know the president wanted to prosecute his former 2016 rival, Hillary Clinton. That was revealed in the Mueller Report and the president raised the issue with Top Justice Department officials in terms of prosecutoring Hillary Clinton. Certainly nothing new as far as the president pushing the bounds and looking into these various issues, this coming as the president is making clear joe biden could be his potential rival in the 2020 general election, comparing, indeed, his run in 2016 to that of the former Vice President this early in the race. Those issues coming together this morning in remarkable fashion. Martin . Before you go, is the white house not concerned about that imagery that, of course, they wanted dirt on Hillary Clinton and now seem to be wanting the same thing on joe biden . Reporter seems to be part of the reason why the former new york city mayor, Rudy Giuliani is no longer going on this trip. Those were some remarkable optics we saw developing as the, as, you know, this was being reported out. The idea the president s personal attorney would go to a foreign country to suggest they investigate a potential rival. Certainly, the white house decided to step back. Again, the president is keeping the door open to discussing the issue with the attorney general, bill barr. Well keep an eye on that. Speaking of the white house, its a battle they are fighting as Congressional Democrats battle for the tax returns. House ways and means issued a subpoena for President Trumps financial records increasing pressure on the irs and treasury to turn over the documents. Cnn learned don mcgahn refused a white house request to publicly state the president did not obstruct justice to paint the Mueller Report as a total vindication of the president. This, as the former top lawyer of the fbi countered conspiracy theories pushed by the president in why the russia investigation started. There was a point and time relatively recently where i just became sick of all the bs that is said about the origins of the investigation. I just got fed up with it. The case was about russia. We have written about this. It was about russia, period, full stop. Federal and constitutional attorney with us with a few things to discuss. I want to ask you first about the president s tax records. Lets just, for clarity purposes, does the law require the irs to hand over those returns to congress of the president . I know an individual tax, us normal people, they would be. Is the president protected in any way . No, theres nothing that says this applies to everyone except the president. They have to show this request is for a legislative purpose. They are saying we need this information to make sure the way you are handling the audits is properly done. They have made the request. This has not been challenged before in court. It will be interesting to see what a judge does with it. What is the strategy to counter this . Delay, delay, delay. They refuse to provide the tax returns, which is what they have done, then they say im going to subpoena it as well. Thats two ways to approach this. Im going to use the law that says usual furnish it and issue a subpoena. The next step is court. That process, depending on the judge could take a long time. Thats the ultimate strategy of the white house. Play the delay game. We are going to refuse to provide it, go to a judge, file briefs, have hearings, appeals. They will see how long they can hold off. Get beyond the 2020 election. I want to ask you about former white house counsel, don mcgahn as we get this information that Administration Official said the white house asked him to say there was no obstruction here. I know that chairman nadler subpoenaed mcgahn. He has to appear by may 21st. If not, he will be held in contempt. President trump has instructed mcgahn to defy that subpoena. What is your initial reaction to that . Don mcgahn, i think, tried to do the best he could to play by the book. Hes been a good lawyer. He served the white house well. Hes not the president s lawyer. I think hes tried to make that clear during the time he served as white house counsel. Hes not going to do something simply because President Trump tells him to doette. When it comes to testifying before congress, the white house has executive privilege. Don mcgahn said, look, its not up to me to give this information, its up to the president. If the president says its executive privilege, im not going to talk to Congress Unless a judge tells me i have to. We have a congressional finding of contempt, perhaps. That doesnt mean a lot unless a judge formally holds the person in contempt with the threat of throwing the person in jail. Let me ask you this, what difference does it make, legally, if mcgahn says the president obstructed . No difference, legally. Ultimately, hes not the one making the decision to pursue criminal charges of indict the president. It would make the president feel better. He was in the white house. He was on the receiving end of some of these instructions that some people have called obstructed. If he says i didnt feel obstructed, maybe obstruction was not relevant. Legally, it has no significance at all, but makes trump feel better. What do you make of the fbi saying, you know what . This was a valid investigation . How much does that matter . I think it matters a lot. Think of how unusual that is for an fbi lawyer to publicly say the reason we undertook this was for a legitimate investigative purpose. We dont see that for other investigations. I think this particular lawyer felt there was so much misinformation in the public about the reason the investigation started that he wanted to clear the record. I think he did. There are many who support the president and believe the fib is tainted to begin with. Well see, right . There is an ongoing Inspector General investigation within the department of justice to determine why the investigation began, how much related to this dossier and how much related to hard, evidence. Try to do it before we have the facts is what would have to be present to show the investigation was invalid or politically motivated . You know, since this is a fisa investigation, its murky. The information you provide to fisa, the thing that is different from a normal court subpoena, its not done in public, its in secret for good reason. The type of information they want is not highlights. They want as many details as possible. Its not unusual, in my practice to see a Law Enforcement officer approach a judge and get details that may not be the single motivating factor or the strongest factor, but part of the whole picture. The judge wants to know the entire picture. You cant criticize them for giving information about a dossier, even if it wasnt the most critical piece of evidence at the time, its the entire part of the picture. Thank you for walking us through it all. Good to have you here, thank you. Talk about the goods worth 300 billion facing a new tax. A u. S. Trade representative said President Trump is adding tariffs to essentially all imports from china after trade talks with top negotiatored failed. What we are hearing from china this morning about it. Plus, troubling information about whether two suspects in the Colorado School shooting this week. We hear from a former classmate who says one of the suspects always joked about killing his classmates. New details in the disappearance of 4yearold ma leah davis. What is on a video, straight ahead. Ng and you want to make sure to aim it. Im aiming it. Ohhhhhhh i ordered it for everyone. [laughing] dad vo we got the biggest subaru to help bring our family together. 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As have tears in the stomach or intestines, serious allergic reactions, low blood cell counts, higher liver tests and cholesterol levels. Dont start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. Your doctor should perform blood tests before and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if youve been somewhere fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Dont let another morning go by without asking your doctor about xeljanz xr. Dont let another morning go by without asking your doctor just waitll you get to the beregister. Isnt it . Introducing new lower prices on produce. Atta boy burke at fso we know how ton almost evercover almost anything. Even rooftop parking. Strange forces at work . Only if youre referring to gravityand we covered it. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum the trade war between the u. S. And china heats up, again. President trump is set to raise tariffs on all remaining imports from china. They are valued at approximately 300 billion. This comes after the Trump Administration and china failed to strike a trade deal. The u. S. Slapped a 25 tariff hike on 200 billion of goods. Some of the goods, fish, produce, electronics, building materials, a lot of things you use every day. Overnight, the Chinese Government responded saying they are not scared and vow to take all necessary counter measures. I want to get to Cnn International correspondent, matt rivers following the story from china for us. Matt we know that the retaliation from china is inevitable. Do we have answers as to when and how that might happen . Reporter not anything specific, yet, from the Chinese Government. We are expecting the Commerce Ministry to come up with a set of measures because thats what they have done throughout the trade war. A lot of different theres a lot of different ways china can and will retaliation against the United States. The first thing you look at is american imports. When america sends things to china through ports in the east coast city. Most of those products are already facing tariffs. The Chinese Government could raise the rates on the tariffs and make the products more expensive to import here and chinese buyers would go elsewhere. They can do other things to hurt the heartland of the u. S. We have been reporting about soybeans. It might seem obscure, fwu u. S. Ships billions of dollars of soybeans from the u. S. To china every year. There were restrictions put up and chinese buyers stopped buying them. Could they come back up . Its a possibility. The odds of a deal working out here is the question we have. Lets play sound with the top chinese economic negotiator. Translator at present, both sides reached consensus in many aspects, but frankly speaking, differences still exist. We think the differences are crucial issues regarding our principle. Every country has its principle and we will make no concessions on matters of principle. Reporter not to get too deep into the weeds, but what the United States wants china to do is operate the economy differently. The state runs the economy. The government has its hand in every single industry. That gives Chinese Companies an unfair advantage. China says, no, thats how we do things here. Thats our principle. Its unclear how the two sides meet in the middle. I think we could see this trade war continue to escalate. Matt, theres politics, of course, on both sides and pressure on both president s. For xi, its the impact on slowing down what has been a slowing economy. What are the feelings of those there that you talked to . Reporter i think, if you believe what the white house is saying, it was really the chinese side that changed the agreement at the last minute and kind of style, china knew how that was going to be received by the United States. You are right when you say inner politics are in play here. Its like in the United States. The hard liners are winning out. They would then give you the notion the Chinese Government, right now, has enough confidence in the economy, they think they can weather the storm better than the United States. If you ask outside experts, theres opinions of how long china can do this. They dont have to deal with the politics the United States does. Theres differences in terms of which economy is stronger. Both sides feel now is the time to push for what they want. Their economies at home give them coverage. This will play out. Thats the only way to tell which economy is stronger in the end. Matt rivers, thank you so much for break it down for us. Good to see you. Coming up, new allegations in the disappearance of maleah davis. She thinks the stepfather bears responsibility in the disappearance. Details coming up. That have made the rx the leading luxury suv of all time. Lease the 2019 rx 350 for 399 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. On a john deere x300 series mower. Because Seasons Change but true character doesnt. Wow, youve outdone yourself this time. Hey, whatre neighbors for . Its beautiful. Run with us. Search john deere x300 for more. Since youre heading off to dad. I just got a zerowater. But weve always used brita. Its two stagefilter. Doesnt compare to zerowaters 5stage. This meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. Our tap water is 220. Brita . 110. Seriously . But zerowater let me guess. Zero . Yup, thats how i know it is the puresttasting water. I need to find the receipt for that. Oh yeah, you do. But one blows them all out of the water. Hydro boost from neutrogena®. With hyaluronic acid to plump skin cells so it bounces back. Neutrogena® so it bounces back. Our new, hot, fresh breakfast will get you the readiest. buzzer sound holiday inn express. Be the readiest. The latest inisnt just a store. Ty its a save more with a new kind of Wireless Network store. Its a look what your wifi can do now store. A get your questions answered by awesome experts store. Its a now theres one store that connects your life like never before store. The xfinity store is here. And its simple, easy, awesome. Olly. There are new allegations in the disappearance of 4yearold maleah davis. The mother told cnn, she thinks the childs stepfather bears responsibility in the childs disappearance. They claim theres surveilness video that shows maleahs stepfather leaving their apartment with a Laundry Basket and bottle of bleach. We want to shear with you, there is a video camera at the top of the stairway by one of their neighbors. On that video camera, well show it to you, it captures the step dad coming out of the apartment with a bottle of clorox, a Laundry Basket and inside the Laundry Basket a garbage bag. Now, police recovered the car he was driving when he claims maleah and his 2yearold son were attacked and abducted. They havent heard from that man, the stepfather in several days. The coast guard is responding to an Oil Tanker Crash in texas. They say an oil tanker and a tug collided on the bay. One barge capsized and one is significantly damaged. You can see it there. Nearly 25,000 barrels of gasoline loaded on the barge, they dont know how much product spilled into the channel. No injuries have been reported. One of the Colorado School shooting suspects always joked about killing his classmates according to a former student at s. T. E. M. School in highlands ranch. Two suspects were arrested after they killed one and injured eight others. A former student says one of the suspects often talked about going on some sort of rampage. We would walk into the classroom and from timetotime say, we always thought it was a joke, he would say, when the pencil hits the floor, im going to start shooting and he would drop pencils randomly throughout the class. The hero there, he died charging one of the gunmen as the whole thing happened. His parents talked to chris cuomo moe about their son. You know, its an emotional roller coaster. Its you know, we are fine when we are busy and occupied. Theres a lot of that right now with meeting with people and everyone telling us what a hero our son is and we love that. But, you know, im not going to lie to you, i wake up in the morning, i sob and cry and cant believe this is taking place. Life is literally stopped. I mean, we our purpose has gone away. A lot of parents think that and understand what they think, feeling like their purpose has gone away. One of the suspects is being charged as an adult in this case. Prosecutors are trying to determine how to charge the second suspect who is 16 years old. Theres been an explosion at a gas station in virginia and left one person dead. The remains of one other victim have been located. At least three are unaccounted for, three others transferred to a hospital. A mom in utah is suing a former School Bus Driver because the driver targeted her son, trapping his backpack in the door and driving away. We have the report. My initial thought, glad he didnt kill him. Glad he didnt go under the wheels. Children lined up, getting off the bus when the doors closed as a 14yearold boy is exiting. His backpack is caught in the door, then the bus starts to move. For about 20 seconds, the boys body is dangling outside the bus, held up only by the straps of his backpack. As the driver is driving, he looks over three times. Hes driving forward, looking, looks. He looks over. So, he knew what he was doing. The children were animated. He knew what he was doing. Brenda is the mother of that seventh grader. Her son called her after the incident sounding terrified and embarrassed. He felt pressure across his chest. He didnt have injuries. You could tell where he had been pinched there. Reporter mays believes this is no accident, but done on purpose on the bus driver. In a lawsuit that names the davis School District, the transportation director and the driver as defendants. The bus driver had a history of targeting biracial students. All this is based upon race. Racial discrimination, racial assault and unconstitutional conduct. Davis School District approved it. They did nothing until this event. Reporter in a statement, the School District says when issues of race are found, they investigate thoroughly. They take it seriously and does not tolerate Racial Discrimination in our schools. Roberts had no comment. The driver who was going to retire had this to say. Reporter would you say you are racist . Not at all. Look at my dog, hes black as can be. Reporter a criminal investigation into his actions is ongoing. Stephanie elam, cnn. So, when Robert Mueller said a florida city was hacked, officials wanted to know which one. Next, what the fbi could tell them in a briefing. A Controversial School policy has parents outraged. A teacher in San Francisco, who is on medical leave for Breast Cancer has to pay for a substitute teacher while she is absent. Thats ahead. About your breed,he traits you e but behind them are health needs you may not see. Royal canin believes in tailored nutrition, to ensure his long back and playful spirit get the joint support they need. Or to help this gentle giant keep her heart going strong. Weve developed over 200 formulas to support the magnificence that makes them, them. Find the right formula for your pet at royalcanin. Com. Heres the story of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters costa rica paraiso. Meet sergio. 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My goto toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. For the first time, the fbi is going to brief florida members of congress about a claim a florida county was hacked by russian intelligence. We have been talking about this for a while. We knew russians targeted florida election, but what we didnt learn is it might have worked. We learned that with the Mueller Report when it was released. Joining us is cnn Cyber Security reporter, kevin. Good morning, good to see you. Morning. Take us back. Refresh us. Remind us what exactly happened here. There was a multipronged attack in 2016. The one element that was new here with the Mueller Report is the specific county the russian intelligence breached. According to marco rubio, it was on the Senate Intelligence and the russians were in a position to change or alter voter roles at that moment, which was in the summer of 2016. Thats news to most of us. To most officials. So, as i understand, your reporting shows the issue was taken care of before the 2016 election. There was not a similar issue in the 2018 midterms. What does it tell you about any concern that should be had moving forward, as we look at 2020 . Well, its worse. Its a bigger issue than we were made aware of before. There was a calculated decision to not disclose it at the time, for fear it would send people into a panic, their vote wouldnt count, the election stuff had been hacked. So, the concern now is, if this were to happen in 2020 or even, you know, god forbid the leadup to the actual, you know, Election Night in 2020, how would the government respond then and learn about it . What would the response be . It could be disastrous and cause chaos. State local Elections Officials insisted the fbi and department of Homeland Security said that, you know, it wasnt a breach. I guess im looking for your Expert Opinion here. When we say hacked, us does imply there was a way they got into the system and were manipulating, yet the explanation we get is, no, they were capable and poised to, but didnt. Which is it . The resounding line you will hear from most government officials talking about 16 or 18 was that, at no point, were any hackers in a position to change anyones vote, which, as far as we know, is indeed, true. This is voter registration. Im referring to senator rubios comments to change or alter a roll. Someone who shows up, its not that their vote is changed, they cant. They are told they cant vote that day, they are not registered to vote, they are at the wrong polling location. This is the point where i said you can create chaos. People do fear that the outcome of the election, the numbers could be changed. You could go in before a person votes and create this havoc saying they are at the wrong polling position and erase information they were registered to begin with. It would have a devastating impact and you could target specific areas. Again, we dont know the specific details. We are going to learn more after these members of congress. It is worth noting this happened briefly over the summer and mitigated before the actual election in 16. So, you know, it wouldnt have actually changed the voting process on election day in 2016. I get your point. So, if im understanding this correctly, what they are saying is, listen, this is what happened. We are not concerned moving forward. Is that what they are saying . We are clear and handling it . They are clear. They have cleaned up the county, whichever county it was at the time. The government made strides to making it happen. A lot of counties across the u. S. , the question is, you know, not every county is on the same page with the federal government here. How do we get every county on the same page . Its a different voting system. Thats correct. That complicated the matter more. Exactly. Good to talk to you. Thank you so much. Texas and louisiana are drenched by severe thunderstorms. Guess what . 20 million of you are under a flood watch this morning, particularly along the gulf coast. One of the suspects accused in the colorado shooting joked about killing classmates. The possible warning signs that may have been missed. I dont keep track of regrets. And i dont add up the years. But what i do count on. Is boost® delicious boost® high protein nutritional drink has 20 grams of protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals. Boost® high protein. Be up for life. This and even this. Hark, i deep clean messes like this. But i dont have to clean this, because the selfcleaning brush roll removes hair, while i clean. [announcer] shark, the vacuum that deep cleans, now cleans itself. Severe thunderstorms, torrential rain pounding texas, louisiana and mississippi. We want to show you this drone video from texas. You can see the entire street is under water. The thing is, there are thousands of people who dont have power. Theres more rain on the way. We are live from the weather center. How much more, allison . Only about 12 inches. You think that doesnt sound bad but you have to remember, its on top of what they already have. Richmond, texas picking up 14 inches of rain in a few days. Even 12 inches will do damage because that water is already high. Thats not the only place. Across texas, louisiana and mississippi, we have had incredible amounts of rain the last few days. The question is the forecast. Thats brought to you by the shark selfcleaning brush roll. Here is a look at the forecast. One thing to note, yes, it is going to rain in texas and louisiana. Now, we are seeing the bulk of that moisture beginning to shift to the east. Other states, alabama, georgia, tennessee, the carolinas are going to see heavy rain move into their area as well. The Late Afternoon and evening hours, that moisture starts to spread north to the midatlantic and the northeast. Washington, d. C. And new york, getting rain from this season. The heaviest rain Going Forward is likely going to be from richmond, virginia, stretching back to new orleans where we are talking 35 inches of rain. Some areas, however, could get higher amounts on top of that. The one thing to note, look at this area, where we have the Flash Flood Watches. The ground is saturated. The rain came down. The water in the rivers, the creeks, the streams. Do not drive in it. This person, driving their truck, thinking its safe because they are higher than the water. Same thing here, what you dont know is what is in that water. There could be debris. That could be potholes so the car sinks lower, then you are that car that gets stuck. Dont do it. If you cant see the ground, dont drive in it. The other thing to note, look at the rivers, creeks and streams. This is the mississippi river. You are looking at what it looked like last year. Fast forward to this week. Look at the water overflowing the banks where the river normally would run. Now, again, crossing back over. Thats what we are seeing, a lot of areas are having that water inundate. Thats not the only river. Look at this. You have almost 250 river gauges, either at or above flood stage, pretty much from north dakota down to the gulf coast. Unfortunately, martin to add insult to injury, you have the potential for severe storms today. The best chansz is this yellow area here. We are talking damaging winds, potential for large hail and the threat for isolated tornadoes. Good heavens. Thank you so much for that. Appreciate it. A California Teacher is on medical leave for cancer treatment. Listen to this. She has to pay, yes, she has to pay for her substitute teacher while she is absent. This is school policy. Oh, you can bet there are things being said there. 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Makes me worry later on if that were to happen to me. I have to plan accordingly. Thats not fair. Its part of a little known state policy that dates back decades. Here is how it works. California teachers get ten sick days a year. If they need more, they can take an additional 100 days of extended sick leave. Theres a catch. They have to pay for their own subs. The money is docked from their paychecks. 200 per day, in the case of the San Francisco teacher who wishes to remain anonymous. She is a teacher, thats crazy. It falls under a 1976 provision in which teachers dont pay into the states disability program, so they dont get the benefits. In a statement, the San Francisco Teachers Union says they are consulting with members on priorities for contract negotiations next year. As always, we look forward to making improvements in this and other parts of the contract. Educators say its part of a larger issue about the lack of money in public education. We need to fix funding in california. We have the fifth largest and pay 42nd. That isnt right. Its not clear how many times this has happened. It was a gofundme page that brought the issue to light. The teacher being fully reimbursed and beyond. Its going to take california lawmakers and the Teachers Union to come up with a fix for what they acknowledge is ridiculous. A cancer ridden teacher having to pay for her own substitute. Dan simon, cnn, San Francisco. Known for the struggling economy, smoking, drinking, aversion to exercise and we all want to go. Dr. Sanjay gupta explores how food, family, faith, all contribute to the surprising Overall Health of the country. On the menu, a prized family recipe, minestrone soup. Let me ask you, what is the secret to a long life. [ speaking Foreign Language ] what do you think . [ speaking Foreign Language ] watch chasing life with dr. Sanjay gupta tonight at 9 00 p. M. Eastern here on cnn. The battle over abortion laws after a fetal heart beat is detected. The new law is affecting georgias huge industry. We cant continue to allow these sorry, white men, middleaged men to dictate what we are able to do with our bodies. It is not fair. We are taking a stand. Our industry st taking a stand. Next week, the Alabama Senate is said to vote on one of the countrys most restrictive abortion laws. We are working on this story for cnn new day. From any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase sensimist relieves all your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist. You can barely feel. Forget about vacuuming for weeks. The new roomba i7 with Clean Base Automatic dirt disposal empties the roomba bin for you. So dirt is off your hands. If its not from irobot, its not a roomba. Not to worry about changing their minds in retirement. 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Im not going to go because i think im walking into a group of people that are enemies of the president. In some cases enemies of the United States. President trump jacked up tariffs on thousands of goods. I like the president a lot. He is a friend of mine, but im representing the usa and he is representing china. The question here in china is not if china is going to retaliate, but how and when. The president lost another battle in the war over his tax returns today. We need to move this along. We need to send a clear message, this is not just all talk. Its smoke in mirrors,

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