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To. Ji joining us with more is our cnn correspondent. Good morning, paul. Reporter good morning. He is apparently, according to all friends, headed here to las vegas, just off to my right is the Probation Office and just down the street is the courthouse where he was sentenced in the first place. Where will he live . According to everybody that is close to him, he is going to live in a gated community in the summerland area of las vegas and there a golf course in that area. They say simpson plans to spend next few days with friends and family reconnecting and then eventually he will probably golf. How did he get out of lovelock . How did this go down tonight . Even prison officials didnt know until the last minute they were going to pull it off this way. Their concern . Safety of simpson and safety of other inmates and they were worried the paparazzi might try to chase. At 12 08 he walked out of the prison. There was a brief exchange they said dont come back and he said, i dont intend to. They said he sed that light heartedly and there was conversation about travel and food. His lawyer told me the other day after talking so simpson he was looking forward to seafood and steak. There is going to be strict rules on simpson as a parolee and it lasts five years. Basically, he is not allowed to have any guns. He has got to be very careful with his alcohol consumption. And he also must not be associating with excons. Here is the conversation i had with his lawyer just the other day on simpson trying to stay straight and narrow while he is free. He has restrictions, okay . Cant drink alcohol to excess. Cant associate with known felons. Basic conditions like that. Here is the thing. Hes had Perfect Performance in prison and that is a tough place to be but he has Perfect Performance there. I have no doubt he will have a perform performance on parole. Hell do everything his parole officer tells him to do. Florida said he would like to move to there. Simpson will start his parole here in las vegas. Paul verkammen, thank you. President trump is visiting puerto rico on tuesday. He said the federal response is going great but the latest we have from the ground, remember, 11 days after the storm, that 95 of the people there still dont have power. Think about that after 11 days. Only 50 have access to clean water and communications is still a prime problem there. Only 11 of cell phone towers are operating at this point. We want to bring in cnn correspondent brynn gingras. How are People Holding up and what are they expecting from the president when he comes on tuesday . Have you talked to anybody. Reporter i think people want to hear they are getting help at this point. You read those numbers. Its pretty dismal. We traveled to some of these areas that are seeing some response. You know . There are more than 9,000 federal workers, boots on the ground here in puerto rico. But there is so much work that really needs to be done and, remember, we are ten days now after this storm hit. We went about an hour and a half outside of san juan yesterday to a mountainous area city. We saw people as we were driving in bathing and trying to drink from the spring water that was coming down the mountain. Theres a river that runs through this area, this city. It flooded, guys, 20 feet. 20 feet that is how much. It caused landslides. It actually knocked out this major bridge in this city and across that bridge are communities. Ten days after the storm, we followed a search and rescue people who finally, you know, they had been working all week to get to these little communities across this flooded river at times. We followed them on one of their last missions to one of these communities that had about 40 families there who hadnt seen relief. I want you to see how they reacted when they finally saw these search and rescue crews arrive. When i saw them come the first time, i saw heaven. Reporter what do you want to say to your daughter in texas . Youre surviving . That man is crying because he pointed out 11 of cell phone towers restored. We drive on the highways outside of san juan and cars lined up for miles with People Holding their phones up to their windshields trying to get some sort of service. Some sort of communication with the outside world at this point because that is how bad it really is. But we should mention the search and rescue crews we followed around, they are pretty much 100 complete with that First Response of trying to save people who are in dire straits. Now a major humanitarian effort. Back to you guys. Really powerful moment there. Brynn, thank you so much. We are getting reaction this morning from the mayor of san juan. The president accused her of poor leadership after she made several emotional pleas for help saying people were dying in her city and the relief is bogged down with red tape. We want to share you a bit of that conversation now with anderson cooper. You woke up this morning to a tweet of the president of the United States. What did you say . I smiled. I smiled. I really have no time for small politics or for comments that really dont add to the situation here. Reporter he said that he talked about you, your leadership and he said they i dont know if he meant they, the leaders, or they, the people of puerto rico, want everything done for them. I believe you know, it was kind of funny because i got them real late because we dont have internet. Its spotty, at best. But he did say that we wanted things to be done. You know, the truth is staring us in the face. Just today, i was telling you we had to evacuate yet another hospital because the generator caught on fire. So this is in another hospital that we wont be able to work for another week. We transported 14 patients to one of our facilities. The damp in the eastern part of the island is two towns, for the first time that i know of in my lifetime on puerto rico, two towns are being completely evacuated. People are still coming and saying the mayor of san loren or the mayor of this city, this city, saying where is the help . We need it. Please help us. Reporter do you feel your speaking out has been effective . I dont know. But if it has, you know, good. Reporter the president also said in a tweet early this morning that you had been nice to him early on but that democrats told you you have to be nasty toward him. You know, i dont know. Maybe he is used to women who have to be told what to do. But, you know, that is not who we are here in san juan. But really reporter have democrats said anything to you . No. Reporter about how you should treat actually, i am not a democrat. I share values with the Democratic Party in the United States, but i do not participate in the Democratic Party. So its interesting. Senator marco rubio sent representatives to here. So hes not a democrat. I just think he is looking for an excuse for things that are not going well. Reporter brock long, the fema administrator, has said today about you that there is a joint command and that is essential. There is a unified command and that there is a joint field command office and that you should go by there to kind of get clued into what is really going on. Well, yesterday, after my press conference, all of a sudden, things started coming in from fema. And when they give me my phone, i can show you the text. I got a text saying that more supplies were coming. And all i want is more supplies. You know . Reporter you feel speaking out has actually pushed fema to bring more a lot of people, a lot of mayors are scared of speaking out because they think if they speak out, whatever help they havent been getting will not get to them. Lets continue the conversation now with the former puerto rican attorney general jose fuentes and cnn political commentator maria car dnchdoma grew up in puerto rico. Good morning. Its 11 days since the Hurricane Maria came ashore and 95 of the people are without power and without running water. How do you think the response is going . I think the response is going very well. You have to understand what happened here. We got hit by a storm not catastrophic but pretty bad and then days later we got hit by a storm that gave us no impact. We cant talk to the people down there and they cant talk amongst themselves. For 48 hours, it drenches the island. Nobody expected this was going to be as bad as it was. In a hundred years, we havent seen anything like this. So it took a while to get up and running. Most of the people that the government of puerto rico and fema had down there suffered the storm so they couldnt get out. They couldnt start working. It took a little bit to get the effort going. Through no fault of anyone. So we have to understand that an island in the middle of the ocean, people cant get out like they did in florida and houston and drive somewhere else. We cant take trucks in with all of the equipment we need with the cell towers to put them on. Everything has to either ship, which is five days at best from florida or flown in. I get that. We have gone over a lot of this, jose. My question is what do you think of the president s response to the mayors plea for help . Well, the president has done great. The president has been great . Yeah. He has been great he criticizes the mayor of san juan the mayor of san juan is a political hack wow she is saying the praises the president until her political adviser from gutierrez from chicago got there and brought her the tshirts and said you want to run for governor, if she wants to run if i cant hear you, i cant go back and forth with questions. Until i get this fixed. Maria, ill let you try to get a response while i try to get hearing you fixed. Clearly, my colleague jose has drank the koolaid because he is spewing out ridiculous republican talking points or apologizing for the dismal response this president has done toward puerto rico. This was not something unexpected. Im sorry. We knew Hurricane Maria was coming. Yes, it was on the heels of irma and harvey, but we knew that if puerto rico had a direct hit, which it did, it was going to be cataclysmic. This is something that could have been much better planned for. The president took seven days to repeal the jones act which could have given foreign vessels the opportunity to take supplies much earlier on to puerto rico than it did. He did that for florida. He did that for texas. Why did he attorney puerto riig . He was too busy focusing on the nfl players rather than the lifethreatening situation of 3. 5 million americans this president , instead of insulting the mayor he should take cues on her from what leadership really is. I want to push forward not what has happened but what needs to be done. To that do that the conversation needs to be focused on what the president should be doing next. Jose, what should he do next . Well, the president going down to puerto rico on tuesday is very important because it brings attention to the situation and hell be able to see firsthand what is going on, not only in puerto rico, but in the United States virgin islands. That is very important. One of the things we need to do quickly is restore communication because getting the help the people need to them without communication just makes it so much harder. The mayor of san juan, for example, should be doing what they needs to do. She needs to start cleaning the streets so that trucks and things can get around. That is her job she should be doing that. I believe she is probably doing that. No, she is not how do you know . Yes, she is. Ive been talking to people on the ground. If you look at the press conferences she gave, i dont have things to take to people. People are dying. She is surrounded by food and water. Why isnt she out there delivering that stuff . Oh, my goodness. Its incredible the lack of leadership that she has shown and she is just trying to position to run for governor. Jose, jose look. Hold on. Do you believe the president that was justified in the criticisms he made of the mayor . I think he was. Absolutely justified . Absolutely. She started it. Wow she is was singing his praises. Jose, you realize people lives are on the line and this is a mayor pleading for help and youre saying that the president is justified slamming her down . Yeah. San juan is the center of all of the recovery for the island. She is getting everything she needed. She requested a special center for san juan, she got it from fema. Fema gave her more access to goods than anyone else because she was there. She was the closest one that was there. She was praises the president for a week. And then Luis Gutierrez gets to puerto rico and brings her tshirts you want to run for governor you need to start criticizing the governor. A week gone by and still segregate situations. Maria, lets have a counter. Im sorry, jose. You are completely in the wrong here. You also need to be more resp t respectful of the people of puerto rico who are dying and pleading for help. Mime family is in puerto rico. Hold on. So is mine, so is mine youre totally wrong. Have you seen the pictures of the mayor of san juan wading waist deep in black flood water trying to take residents out of the homes so that they dont drown . Until i see the president of the United States getting his butt down to puerto rico and is willing to spend one night in the shelter where the mayor is sleeping because she lost her home, along with 700 other american citizens, then he needs to shut the f up and take his little hands off twitter and needs to read what it means to be president manual and he could read the for dummies version and look up the definition of leadership and focus what he needs to do as president of the United States instead of being a celebrity joke of a tit reality president which is only thing he has done the past nine months all right, maria. You expressed that with deep passion. Jose, i will let you speak. The president has given the governor of puerto rico and the Resident Commissioner Jennifer Gonzales they have asked for immediately. They requested that the copay for fema be waved immediately. He granted it immediately. That doesnt put the water back in your home yes, it does because the governor of puerto rico has a problem. They cant pay the 25 copay that they need to pay to pay fema. Why are we fighting about whether we got the money when right now people are just trying to survive . Why is it an issue of dollars and cents . And why is it when a hand is offered, whether its republican or democrat hand . We shouldnt. I agree 100 with you. We should take politics out of this completely but the mayor of san juan tell your president to do that the mayor of san juan never mentioned trump. Never mentioned President Trump ever. Listen you talk to the. The Resident Commissioner and 77 other mayors on the island they are happy with the response the way its going. Number one, they will always they will also say they will also say that more needs to be done. Do you really believe if i ta talk to the other mayors they would say things are great . No, they are not great. Whoever told you things are great are wrong. You just said things are great they are okay with the way the recovery is going. We have now reached 100 of the island. Things are flowing everywhere. Its taken time but its island, its not easy and not anybodys fault. Its the president s fault. People are working as hard as they can. Its not the president s fault. Lets stop bring other voices into this and to do that we went to the streets of puerto rico and we spoke to puerto ricoance about how they feel things are going. So here is the voice of the people. Its ridiculous we dont we need help and he denied help. He denied us help. I think trump is wrong in criticizing the mayor. The mayor is reacting to our catastrophic situation in puerto rico. Unless youre here you dont know what is going on. If he is not here, he shenouldn be criticizing the community efforts. Trump has he is his way of saying things. Sometimes he is right but the way he says it, it hurts people. Im very happy he is coming and seeing what we are going through. Jose, so i bring up one last thing and to your point which was when you began that this was such a catastrophic storm that sometimes even the great United States in the span of a week is not able to make things absolutely right. But in this case, it was the president of the United States that made statements that were absolutely wrong here and what we are getting at. Its not whether fema has done enough. Its not whether they have the aid flowing to where it needs to go. Its the voice of the president that stepped in here at a time when the people wanted to hear him comfort, to hear him offer hope. He doesnt have the capability to do that. The president , if you look at his tweets, the president has been speaking very positively. He had been praising the governor of puerto rico, who is a democrat and the Resident Commission who is a republican and everything is going very well. The president was absolutely helping everything was not going very well. Until the mayor of san juan stepped in and politicized the issue and she should be ashamed of herself. When haiti had a earthquake two days after the earthquake, they had 25,000 troops on the ground. He had already the president had already given a general to be the point person for that disaster. So why is it that 3. 5 million american citizens cant expect their president to understand that they are part of this country . Clearly, as he said the other day, he just realized that puerto rico is an island surrounded by water, big water. We need more from this president. We need him to step up to the plate. Youre so wrong. The president has this isnt puerto rico. Im going to stop you, jose. One, we are out of time. Two, i realize for both of you, you have families on the island and this is not just political. It is personal and we are very sorry for what the people of puerto rico are going through and your families as well. Thank you. The president needs it understand that in a much better way than he has up to now. Thank you. Take a break. I count on my dell Small Business advisor for tech advice. With one phone call, i get products that suit my needs and i get back to business. To find smarter solutions. To offer more precise and less invasive Treatment Options than before. Like advanced Genomic Testing and immunotherapy. See how were fighting to outsmart cancer at cancercenter. Com outsmart even if youre trying your best. Be a daily struggle, along with diet and exercise, oncedaily toujeo® may help you control your blood sugar. Get into a daily groove. Lets groove tonight. Share the spice of life. Baby, slice it right. From the makers of lantus®, were gonna groove tonight. 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Help us understand what is happening here. Reporter thanks for having me. Around 8 15 p. M. , Uniformed Police officer was working Traffic Control duties at a Football Game when, out of nowhere, a white chevy malibu plowed through andity hit the officer and sent him flying through the air. Then the suspect got out of the vehicle and stabbed the officer multiple times and took off on foot and was later pulled over at a traffic stop and that led to a chase down a busy downtown street involving a uhaul. Four pedestrians were struck downtown and police immobilized the vehicle and the suspect is now in custody. I understand that there was an isis flag involved in this . Can you tell us about that . Reporter yes. So at the initial scene involving the malibu, police say that an isis flag was found in the car. But the suspect is in custody. Reporter yes. Are they looking for anyone else . Reporter at this moment, its believed that he acted alone, but police are encouraging people here to be vigilant and give any tips they may have if they see anything suspicious. Real quick, how is the officer . Reporter the officer is recovering in the hospital. He was taken to the hospital. The others who were mowed down . Reporter their condition is not known. Katherine, thank you for bringing us the latest there from edmondton. We appreciate the update and we will, obviously, continue to tell our viewers when more details become available so they can find out more about how those people are doing. Thank you. The other breaking news we are following this morning. O. J. Simpson is out. He is a free man on parol. He was released in n. Around midnight. Where will he go next . We are talking to a longtime friend of his. This calls for a taste of cheesecake. New philadelphia cheesecake cups. Rich, creamy cheesecake with real strawberries. Find them with the refrigerated desserts. 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The mayor cruz responded to the president s criticisms in an interview with cnn last night saying she is too busy focusing on saving lives than to focus on the president s tweets. Jeremy diamond joins us from the white house with more on this gro growing controversy. Reporter the president took to twitter but many of the tweets focused on criticizing many of the leaders in puerto rico his administration is working with to try and stem the devastation there. The president taking to twitter to criticize san juans mayor on twitter saying she is essentially criticizing him because the democrats have told her to do so. The san juans mayor is vocal in saying she needs more help from the federal government to be able to stem the crisis there, saying that people are dying. The president also appearing to criticize more broadly the people of puerto rico or tlos their leaders saying they should be trying to do things more themselves, despite the fact that his own Administration Officials have said that the capacities of many of these municipality local governments have been essentially eradicated due to the storm because of a lack of communications and, of course, also the devastation that many of these Government Employees themselves are facing. This comes the president s criticism comes despite the fact that his own government has made certain changes. He has deployed threestar general to the area to actually try and improve the operations there. His government also changing the model of communicating more with the state governor than with local officials. But the president will get a chance now to visit some of the devastation firsthand as he heads to the island on tuesday. That is where we expect the president to actually meet with some of these local officials and perhaps get a better perspective on what is going on down there. Right. Seeing things firsthand and meeting people facetoface could have a change of tone. We will see. Jeremy diamond, thank you. Former director of the house of government ethics is with us as well as cnn politics reporter. Walter, i want to let our viewers know what you had tweeted earlier. You said this lovely day, you tweeted, this lovely day from misusing Public Office to promote your Government Club at real donald trump as mayor cruz wades in filthy flood water to save americans. This is a pattern the entire year and started with him not divesting his financial interest and then using it to fly off to the luxury resorts of him. Every one of those trips is an advertisement. In fact, at one point a brochure advertised if you rented his new jersey golf course, he might pop in on your event. In fact, he has done that on several occasions. So i view every one of these trips to his golf course as an advertisement. The stark contrast of the mayor of san juan wading in this water and we have seen images of that, and him sitting at a golf course after a couple of rounds of golf, sipping his latest Arnold Palmer and tweeting out insults to the victims of this hurricane, this is a moment in history we are not going to forget. Tom, he mentioned puerto rico, obviously, and that is the focus for so many people right now. The president is going there on tuesday. We have been talking about this this morning. Is there any indication how he will be received once he gets there and what he will be able to do based on what we have seen in the last 24 hours . Yes. Just one thing real quick. Actually with the Associated Press now, im there now. Thank you for the correction. I apologize. Of course. So to his trip, you know, its fascinating to watch this because this is the second time hes had a problem with disaster response. We were calling harvey where he was out there talking about what great crowds he had when there wasnt anyone there. He hadnt done the handtohand, the oneonone, the individual response. So you have to hope for his case here that he actually does some of that when he does hit the ground. You know, he has already taken some shots at the mayor, potentially at the people of puerto rico, depending how you read those tweets. He could be having to do a little bit of cleanup when he goes down there on tuesday. We will see about that. I do want to pivot here real quickly to what has been in the news as well in the last couple of days. The president having used private planes here. Multiple investigations we know are going on right now into this. Walter, youve been vocal on this as well with twitter saying who takes a long taxpayer funded luxury trip in his first half year and leading 33,000 v. A. To try to improve its service to vets . Yes, there is an optics issue here and the president acknowledged that himself on friday. But when you look further, is there anything ethically that can be done . Is there an ethics issue here and how do they fix it . Well, the first thing that has to be done is to recognize that this is both a problem and a symptom of a bigger problem. Tom just mentioned the Hurricane Harvey response and the president , during his press conference on that, was wearing a hat that he was hocking online for people to buy. And that tone from the top has trickled down to the cabinet and now his cabinet officials are spending our money the way he is spending our money every week and going to his clubs and they are flying at extravagant costs. For those outside of government, i can tell you this is extremely counterculture to the norms and executive branch. The first thing that has to happen, the president needs to set a stronger tone that this is not right. Well, he can get rid of secretary price, you know, to deal with the bad press that he has been getting, but the truth is he still is flying and he is there this Weekend Spending our money on his expensive trip to the golf course and those trips are expensive for us. And now we are finding out that four other cabinet officials are accused of doing the same type of thing that price did. I think before its done, we are going to find this is a widerspread problem and because its only a symptom of the bigger ethical problems, i think that this is a canary in the coal mine where we are going to find that a lot bigger departures from the ethical norms of the executive branch have occurred and this is perhaps the most visible one. This is a president who doesnt do thing as other president s have done. Tom, that is exactly a good chunk of the reason as to why he was elected. People wanted to see him do things differently. Its fascinating. I was actually talking with a couple of trump supporters, trump voters earlier this week. I bumped into down in florida and they are visiting here in d. C. One of the things, when i saw this about his response to puerto rico, and then also about what happened with the fall off of price, one of the things that struck me, they said they like about him because he talks like a construction worker. It hits at a very base level and hits at a core level. For folks, they dont see him as a politician and they like that. Walter and tom, we have run out of time. Thank you so much for being here. Thanks. O. J. Simpson, he is now out on parol. Released from prison early in nevada from prison. Coming up a longtime friend talks to us about where simpson will go next. 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J. Simpsons constitutional disaster. Thank you for joining us this morning. Thank you for having me. Id like to congratulate cnn for allowing us to be here today to provide a platform. Thank you very much. Its part of our job. Thanks. You visited o. J. Simpson a dozen times while he was in prison. We are told now he is going to live, at least for the time being, in las vegas in a suburb but eventually wants to go to florida. It sthat his plan . Yes, yeah. You know, it takes time for the interstate to come through in order to florida to accept the custody of his parole. So because he doesnt want to wait any longer, he was delighted to go to las vegas as well. Has he been told about the Florida Attorney general pam bondis letter in which he says our state should not become a country club with this convicted criminal . She is telling the Florida Department of corrections, requesting that they dont allow him to come live in florida. Well, quite frankly, i couldnt answer that because im not that uptodate. I am uptodate as regarding what me and o. J. Talked about the last time i saw him, about four weeks ago. So you dont know if he knows about the letter . Well, what i can tell you is when i spoke with o. J. , he showed that he was very interested in going back to florida but the last thing that o. J. Mentioned to me was he inquired about my research into the telephone records of the browns that would potentially completely exonerate him and change the story entirely. Exonerate him in what . Exonerate from the standpoint that nicole and her mother spoke about the midnight as o. J. Signed autographs on the red eye flight. These phone records were hidden and concealed from both injuries. What they saw were fraudulent fake telephone records. This is what we are talking about. So he is still he is still he is still is feeling the he is still understanding that people blame him still for Nicole Brown Simpsons both aded ron goldmans death . We understand he has gone through double jeopardy trial in santa monica. But there he was by others when they submitted phony telephone records is what we keep saying. Let me interrupt you there. Go ahead, sir. I want to stick to not what you may be doing in the future but lets talk about o. J. Simpson right now. His frame of mind, he was ready to be released. What was it like . O. J. Has the he has the temperance of gandhi, okay . He showed the integrity of mandel has. He has the forgiveness of Martin Luther king. That is his frame of mind. What exactly does that mean for him moving forward . What do you think he will do once he gets to a place, wherever that might be, where he is going to settle down . What are his goals . All i can tell you is he give me my marching orders to continue to pursue the phone records we know will complete exonerate him. They continue to camouflage the records. Thank you, sir. Youre not answering what we were asking to we appreciate you for joining us. I appreciate you having me. Thank you. Yes. Ahead, an isis flag found on the scene of what police in canada are now saying this morning could be a terror attack. Stay with us for more on that. If youre 50 or over, what comes to mind when you think about healthcare . Understanding your options . Or, if youre getting the care you need . At aarpadvantages. Com, you can find helpful information about healthcare options. Leaving you more time to think about more important things. Like not having to think about healthcare at all. Surround yourself with healthy advantages at aarpadvantages. Com health. But on the inside, i feel chronic, widespread pain. Like most people. Fibromyalgia may be invisible to others, but my pain is real. 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That driver sped away, leading police on a chase and hitting four people in the process. Police arrested that driver after the truck flipped and authorities are investigating both incidents as related acts of terror there. All righty, switching gears here, obviously. Anthony bourdain says parts unknown is more than a food show. And on the next episode, he dives deep into singapores political system, culture, and of course, food. Its a food show, right . Well, not really. I think it was a concept in a lot of ways. If you look at the mix of people, ethnicities and religions all in relatively close quarters here, its a relatively extraordinary success story. A place where everything works this well and a system so seemingly different than the one we are talked of venerating. Thats genuinely confusing. One of the things that was always frightening to me was how awesome the food is and how enthusiastic and knowledgeable people are about food here. If youre looking for pound for pound, most food, best food, most diverse selection of food, maybe anywhere on the planet. You are most definitely talking about singapore. You can catch Anthony Bourdain in singapore this sunday at 9 00 p. M. , as in today. 9 00 p. M. Eastern on cnns parts unknown. Thank you so much for sharing your morning with us. We hope you make great memories today. Inside politics with john king is going to start right after this short break. Have a great day. At a time. Next question. Odell. Odell. Can you repeat everything you just said . My livestream wont load. blows whistle . Technical foul. Wrong sport. Wrong network. See you need unlimited on verizon its americas largest most reliable 4g lte network. It wont let you down in places like this. Even in the strike zone. laughs . Its the red zone. Pretty sure it is the strike zone. Here use mine. Alright. See you on the court champ. 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This is a people are dying story. Plus, Health Secretary tom price is forced out for using tax dollars to travel by private jet. I think hes a very fine person. I certainly dont like the optics. I dont like seeing is anybody even have a question about, you know, flying. And after another

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