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A morning newscast featuring breaking news and weather reports. Reporter good morning, martin. Thats right, President Trump is spending the week at new jersey amid the stwirl of Unanswered Questions surrounding that now infamous meeting at trump tower and his son and a russian lawyer, leaving the twhous yesterday, President Trump refused to take questions of his former Attorney Michael Cohen that cohen had advanced knowledge. Trump and his legal team denied. They say trump is privately furious about the legal scrutiny facing him and his circle. Trump is trying to fire off a series of tweets attacking democrats and making remarks yesterday at the white house about the economy because this is all coming at a backdrop for the successful trade talks and what was able to taught strong growth in the Second Quarter of this year after the numbers came out on friday. Russia has continued to pull focus from the president s economic message, washington was fixated yesterday on an incredibles coincidence. Donald trump jr. Was spotted waiting at the gate in this photo him despite the social media frenzy. A spokesperson for mueller says the two men didnt speak to each other. Thank you very much for that. Cnn politics reporter, cnn political analyst josh rogan and cnn legal analyst paul cowan with us here. Paul also a former New York City prosecutor. Thank you gentleman for being with us. We certainly appreciate it. Paul i want to go to you first, so if trump u President Trump did know about the trump tower meeting in 2016, has there been a crime committed . Its an interesting question. You would think is president having, its true if he knew hes publicly lied about it on previous occasions. However, we now have information from Michael Cohen his personal lawyer who says the president did, in fact, know about the trump tower meeting. Now i think that puts the president in a difficult meeting. He was lying about it. It puts his son don, jr. In a worse decision. He testified before congress that the president knew nothing about the meeting before it took place. If that is true, it is possible that don junior has committed the crime of perjury by lying before a Congressional Committee under oath. So don junior has the big problem here that was created by the president , really. When you talk about cohen the thing is, he has no Corroborating Evidence of this, the allegation that President Trump knew and approved of this meeting. There are no recordings, no documentation as far as we know. But we do know that the meeting hammond. With that said,otalk to me about the importance of the intention of that meeting, whether it was known or not the intention is also in question here. Right. We know from donald trump juniors revealed communications he expressed an interest about receiving dirt about Hillary Clinton from these russian nationals who had links to the russian government. We also know that this proffer turned out to be largely false the information they actually had wasnt true. It was related to their overall lobbying campaign against russia sanctions in exchange for a push to release russian reinstructions on american adoptions. So whatever you want to call. That can you call that attempted cohen once on Abc On May 6th and then with chris cuomo just this week. The man is an honest, honorable lawyer. I expected Something Like this from comey, hes been lying all week. He has been lying for years. The two completely different sides of the spectrum here on con. What do you make, first of all, how how much credence anybody can put into cohen at this point . I think what this shows is that there are problems with the Nar Raters On All Sides of this rudy guiliani, he is praising cohen. He will tell the truth. All is fine. We hear him this week, he is a lierk everything he says is a lie. You put on the flipside, though, dont forget, Michael Cohen is saying donald trump knew about this meeting. I was there when donald trump junior told him about it. Go back to his testimony before the house and Senate Intelligence committee, which again is a lie to congress. We know he didnt say anything about donald trump knowing. So he is also as much of an unreliable nar rater in this story as the president is. Now, someone here is lying. We dont i dont think yet know who that is. But thats going to be without that, you know without a tape or some other Corroborating Evidence, its going to be hard to figure out who that is. Paul, what kinded of evidence would they have to have to prove intention or to prove that President Trump did, indeed, know and approve of this meeting and how much does it matter at the end of the day . Well, if you focus back on don juniors testimony before congress, few wanted to prove he committed perjury in saying the president didnt know about it. You would need Corroborating Evidence. Its called the two witness ruchl it doesnt have to be live or circumstancele evidence suggesting cohens new testimony is, in fact, accurate about don junior. I think getting back to a legitimate point that josh ra raises. The meeting is important not because they colluded with the russians. They got dirt on Hillary Clinton in the meeting. It would show an intent to cooperate with russian sources to sabotage the Hillary Clinton campaign. Now, if there were other acts later on, this would be the intent and the other acts would fill out the collusion theory. So you cant rule this out as evidence of collusion. It could be the start of collusion the there is other evidence. Josh, the president tweeted this yesterday, i did not know of the meeting with my son don junior. It sounds like someone is making up stories to get himself out of an unrelated jam. That does not sound like someone who can count on a pardon anymore. Is there a risk for the are the there . There are a lot of people saying, he will pardon cohen. Cohen will not cooperate. This does thought sound like that pardon could happen. Is there a risk for President Trump in kind of making that known in. Well, i would say yeah he issing a only inning the risk that already exists. He didnt make the risk. The risk started when Michael Cohen decided to turn on the president. Its a race to the bottom between, you know, all of these guys and theyre all losing. Okay. The whole idea that his most closest personal fixer and lawyer for all of these years is leaking horrendous details true or not to the press as bait to get him out from his own legal troubles. Its a disaster for the president legally and he is lashing occupant. So, yes, i think the pardon is off the table for Michael Cohen. He is clearly pursuing a different strategy now. I heard paul say on tv and lots of other cnn lawyers, it doesnt seem like Michael Cohens strategy is that good. The he was looking for a deal, he wouldnt be leaking to the press. Its not really the best way to gain the trust of all of these prosecutors, envelopes, theyre all desperate and failing from i have 15 second left, palm said the real legal risk comes for donald trump jr. How strongly, what do you think President Trump is willing to do to come down to it . Its a good question. We seen trump lash out more and more and more as this investigation comes closer to his inner circle. If it gets to donald trump jr. Thats as close as it gets. I dont think we should see should it come to that down the road. Always so grateful to have the three of you on with us. Thank you. Thank you. The car fire in Northern California has already claimed two lives. Now a family in Northern California is calling hospitals, archbishop of newark, new jersey and washington, d. C. In washington, he became probably the Premiere Broker between america and the nations political establishment. He played an incredible Important Role in the late years in the john paul ii Tape Unseeding Pope Benedict xxviing and he was instrumental in getting pope francis elected in 2013. The accusations is that he is guilty of a variety of acts, Sexual Misconduct and abuse including in at least one case with a minor. Of course, pope francis has pushed himself to a strong policy on sexual abuse. Today the vatican announced that i have accepted his resignation from the college of cardinals. As of today he is no longer a cardinal and the pope has suspended him, which moons theas not able to act as a priest. He cannot celebrate mass. He cannot do confirmations. So on. While a Church Investigation against him is unfolding. So what we have is fairly dramatic and rapid papal action against the highest rung of the catholic power structure. This kind of thing is really unprecedented since the early 20th century. We should point out he is innocent. The 88yearold cardinal is one of the highest ranking american leaders to be removed because of sex abuse charges. All right. There was a number that everybody was buzzing ability. This 4 ontario 1 really strong Economic Growth number for the u. S. The strongest in four years, in fact, it fulfills one of the president s big campaign promises. The question is what is it telling us about u. S. Economy and Where Do We Go From Here . Mark, kristi, the Economic Growth, there are details, top line, it grew, 4. 1 . That is the strongest increase in 2016. President trump took no time holding a Press Conference to tout the numbers. This is only one report. His predecessors hit high remar remarks. The president said on friday growth is sustainable and the hes right and strong growth remains, it can mark a high point. Right now, economists are predicting a slower growth. In part because of one time factors in the Second Quarter, like a boom in exports, which surged . Some of that driven by orderers for soybeans. Business investment was also a bright spot. Many executives i talked to were feeling good, because of reduced tax cuts and concerns over trade and geopolitics could threaten that optimism. Consumer spending and Government Spending increased as well, bottom line, these numbers are ro bust and will be a Talking Point tore republicans headed in midterms. Its not guaranteed the year will be strong. Especially with the ongoing trade negotiations. Thank you. A family in Northern California this morning, theyre calling hospitals, theyre calling shellers, because theyre svenlg for two children and their great grandmother who had been missing the challenges ahead for the fear fighters working to gain an upper hand on this fire in california. You might take something for your heart. Or joints. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Our new, hot, fresh breakfast will get you the readiest. buzzer sound holiday inn express. Be the readiest. Welcome to saturday. Its just about 28 minutes past the hour. Im krischristi paul. Firefighters are battling a car fire in Northern California. It has destroyed hundreds of homes and businesses. There are two firefighters who have died trying to stop the flames. This morning its 5 contained. Its in that area and i cant help but look at whats behind you, what is left behind you, palm, for this family. Yes, and its heart breaking and let me just show you a little of thisle it tells the story the Corona Family lived here almost 30 years. We were speaking with chris corona, he and his wife. They were reflecting on the times he has here. To give you a sense of what its like to return to a house like this, extremely thrilled, relieved his parents mad it out, evacuated. Still you look at whats left of the laundry room, for example, you can help but have your heart go out to a homeowner and someone who lived here. Lets listen. Its unbelievable. You know, my parent bought this house when they moved up from san jose when i was born. Then everyone else that put so much work into this house. I cant believe its gone. You tow. All those memories, you know, childhood memories. You know, all the stuff that parents say that, you know you build it for your mom. Im glad we got, my mom got all the valuable stuff she wanted out. Also, Something Else found in all this, chris pointed out that there was one green spot left of this entire piece of property. That was a bush and inside it they found the family cat missing and they were euphoric over that. Burning down this house tells the larger tale. We have several major wildfires in california right now. In the over arching picture. Some 89 large fires, most of them burning in the west. More than 900,000 acres. This is strapping resources, because you cant put all the crews, of course, this one or two places. Firefighters are really up against it with this so far menacing fire season. Thank you so much. A great point to make of how thin the resources are, for those people out there. As we said, two firefight verse already died, meteorologist Alisyn Chinchar is here. Weather plays a role to some degree . We were helping, there was some good indication for the firefighters out there. Martin, i wish i had good news for you, the forecast maintains that hot dry conditions for not just, but for much of the west. Thats the key here, california is thought the only state dealing. 13 to be compact are dealing with large fires. Nearly 90 of them. This is just the large fires. This does not include the smaller fires spread out throughout these estates. Car fires, 5 contained, ferguson fear 29 contained. Those numbers are important the Containment Numbers you want as close to if not at 100 . Unfortunately, we havent seen much movement in the past few days. Again, because you have those hot and dry conditions. What you are looking at. You are actually seeing those Pyrocumulus Clouds form and take off. Its a fire cloud as its often called is a cloud performed because of that fire, sometimes even volcanos can produce the same thing the key this inc. To note here is that the forecast is allowing these fires they have in the mast and will continue in the future to allow them the perfect conditions to spread. We have already have low humidities. Strong winds and localized spots. Again those temperatures will remain in triple digits for at least the next threetofive days. Allison, thank you so much. We will tell you russia is hosting International War games, dozens of countries, including china, is showing off the military might. The president met to discuss Cyber Security. Yet there isnt a concrete plan to combat the russian threat. More on that add. Please dont, im saving those for later. At least you dont have to worry about renters insurance. Just go to geico. Com. Geico helps with renters insurance . Good to know. Been doing it for years. Thats really good to know. Ill check em out. Get to know geico. And see how easy homeowners and renters insurance can be. Three are fha, one is va. E so what can you do . 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So, first and foremost, sam, i know that president putins information is coming with conditions as reported. Is there any indication what those conditions might be . Reporter well, frankly, not really. These would be i think the sorts of conditions that International Diplomacy would expect. I think the russian would like to see progress on a level that they say were raised by Vladimir Putin and donald trump during that two hour secret meeting this helsinki some they would want to see official progress. Weve seen hints on talks about syria, arms reduction, so that if there is a summit down the line, possibly after the Mueller Investigation has been concluded, there would be something substantive to talk about. I think, frankly, even from the russian perspective, the bromance between the two president s is beginning to look a little awkward and from the russian perspective, they actually want to move it to substantive rules as a result of what this very warm relation would ipeer to be. Sam, i want to ask you, there is more, lets go onto the war games, what is exactly going on here . Reporter well, this is a kind of annual arms bizarre sedation of International Military prowess, a bit like a kind of arms fair but on the hoof, there is even i think attaching biathlon, tank racing around the course the chinese will be bringing their latest aerospace investments, some of the planes theyd like to be selling to the sorts of what would have been in the olden days the eastern bloc countries, really a competition tore buyers between russia and china, principlely, and an opportunity to remind the world that russia is expanding its military capably capability. The russians are demonstrating new Technology Way ahead of nato and advancing the idea that they should, indeed, be having the sums with u. S. President s and others precisely to talk about about arms reduction. That plays in this, into that. Sam kiley, i always learn something from you, thank you. The president held his first meeting focused solely on foreign interference, it discussed ways to help state and local Elections Officials as well. It didnt offer any plans to counter the russian plant that has interfered with the congressional campaigns. Reporter facing growing criticism, he hasnt focused enough on the election Cyber Security threat from russia, the president met with his National Security team in the white house situation room to discuss election interference, so far, vague on the details. Rest assured, there are elections or to expose any external, by anybody, external efforts to influence the american public, it shows false news, that sort of thing. Reporter it comes as missouris senator Claire Mccaskill accuses russian operatives of hacking into her office last year. Saying in a statement, while this attack is not successful. It is outrageous if they will think they can get away wit. I said it before and again, putin is a thug and a bully. Mccaskill is one run running for reelection this year. People have been targeted targeting democrats in 2016. They were people because of their positions might have been interesting targets from an Espionage Standpoint as well as an election disruption standpoint. Reporter the hackers used sfauld phishing attacks. They are on high alert for similar pages they say they take down when discovered. Its the campaign rather than the Voting Systems among the most vulnerable targets. I think the fact is the Campaign Staffer will neff get to the level of these adversaries and staring them down. Were talking about the most sophisticated intelligence the russian intelligence, the iranians. Reporter the white house is coming under fire for not thwarting cyber threats. I think its an aembarrassmet and the attention and focus on it we need. Reporter in may the National Security council was eliminated. National top officials are comparing the total state of danger to the months before the 911 attacks. Im here to say the Warning Lights are here again. Today the Digital Infrastructure u structure that serves this country is literally under attack. Reporter they oversee the countrys defense on the voting structure. On offense, its less clear with the nsa, fbi and military taking roles. We need more connective tissue, between people doing Law Enforcement and people charged with protecting our different assets in the digital realm. And last night Senator Mccaskill talked to our affiliate about the attempted hacking. We discovered because microsoft contacted the senate and the Senate Personnel let us know. So we have been aware of thissest for months. Is everybody in your Office Taking passwords at this point . We have any many steps. I have said many times putin is a thug and a bully andb who does not allow the people of russia to have freedom. That Missouri Senate race is considered the tossup. Mccaskill is seeking reelection in a state that went for President Trump in 2016. 55 box remains, u. S. Service members handed of by north korea. But this Peace Offering may come with strings attached. And look at this, a bear gets stuck inside a pickup truck and this is what he left. Vice president mike pence will head to hawaii wednesday to form alily receive what are believed to be the u. S. Remains in the war with korea. Cnns will ripley reports. Faye may soon give well into demand. Reporter just one week after his singapore sum with leader kim jongun, President Trump made this triumphant announcement. We got back our great Fallen Heroes the remains. In fact, today, already 200 have been sent back. Reporter but it took five more weeks for 55 sets of remains to arrive at south koreas osan airbase on the korean war armistice. Pyongyang didnt approve it for hours keeping u. S. Officials thanking. I want to thank them for keeping his word. Reporter this confidence Building Measure would take more than six weeks, raising serious questions about the far more complex contentions over the denuke clearation. This week mike pompeo told the Senate Intelligence committee, north korea is Still Producing fuel for Nuclear Weapons fresh off a trip to pyongyang, little if any key issues and a widely perceived snub by kim jongun, the u. S. Was later criticized tore making what they called gangsterlike demands. In may, north korean officials took cnn to what they claim was the destruction of this new test site. These new images show they may be dismantling a launching station. U. S. Intelligence believes they are upgrading key facility, including a Missile Plant and nuclear reactor. To the plans to not give up nukes any time soon. They have not done it a positive. If they have another Ballistic Missile test, thats a positive. They agreed to a concept of its own definition of denuke clear saegs, whatever that means and freezes it to let the heat go down. An official says North Korea Wantings sanction relief and a peace treaty or kim jongun my consider walking away to the talks emboldened by his increasing relationship with allies russia and china. He could make it impossible to continue the max much pressure campaign. Will ripley, cnn, seoul. I want to tell you about a bear that got stuck inside a mans truck. What can possibly go wrong with that, right . The smoother the skin, the more comfortable you are in it. And now theres a new way to smooth. Introducing new venus platinum. A premium metal handle boosts control. To reveal up to 100 smooth skin. Venus welcome to holiday inn thank you wait, i have something for you every stay is a special stay at holiday inn. Save up to 15 when you book early at hollidayinn. Com save up to 15 when you book early you finished preparing overhim for college. Rs, in 24 hours, youll send him off thinking youve done everything for his wellbeing. But meningitis b progresses quickly and can be fatal, sometimes within 24 hours. While meningitis b is uncommon, about 1 in 10 infected will die. Like millions of others, your teen may not be vaccinated against meningitis b. Meningitis b strikes quickly. Be quick to talk to your teens doctor about a meningitis b vaccine. In america is not equal. We have been working in Rural America for the last 75, 80 years, focusing on education, making sure they have in kindergarten ready to learn, working with the parents to make sure theyre stimulating their kids socially, emotionally. Save the children offers a twoweek intensive program for students heading to kindergarten like elena who has autism. Besides the fact that he learned over the past year really blows my mind. I wish you could have met her last year. After school and summer literacy components to it as well. Reporter jessica babs son levy entered the program four years ago. He took off when he started, he has this love for reading that we admire about him. We are not doing anything about it. We have to be aggressively out there helping them. We will leave with you this story. Its a black bear that somehow fixed out how to get into one mans pickup truck. Apparently the bear couldnt figure how to get out. This is what it looked like the very next day. Oh my goodness, the man when ought tout check on the vehicle. He heard the horn below. Apparently he through the horn and thats what he found inside. Oh my goodness, he called police there, using a hoerngs mind you, to open the door from a safe enough distance. There goes the bear. He got out, eventually ran. We understand that he was going after gum in the console. How, i understand a bear has a very strong sense of scent, of food, but gum. Probably a buck 50 worth of gum that just ended up with about 7,000 worth of damage

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