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Candidate Hillary Clinton spoke before donors and offered this blunt assessment, not of donald trump himself but of his supporters. Listen. To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump Supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. Right . The racist, sexist, homophobic, islamaphobic, you name it. Unfortunately, there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. In the meantime, donald trump also went off script at a rally in florida. Heres what he said. She could walk into this arena right now and shoot somebody with 20,000 people watching right smack in the middle of the heart and she wouldnt be prosecuted. Cnns Scott Mcclain is joining us from washington. Well start with Hillary Clinton, the reaction youre hearing this morning to the deplorables comment. Yeah, the deplorables comment, christi, is going over like a lead balloon with donald Trump Supporters, as you might expected. It is a Trending Subject on twitter and it is causing genuine offense. In fact, breitbart, the conservative news site of Trumps Campaign ceo steve bannon is saying this could be clintons 40 moment, referring to the comment mitt romney made in the 2012 campaign caught on camera during a campaign fundraiser. Now the Clinton Campaign spokesperson Kellyanne Conway responded on twitter saying hillary placing people in baskets, slandering, but at mitting after eight years they are desperate for change. Hillary clinton herself does not have any Campaign Events planned for today, but her Campaign Spokesperson on twitter tried to clarify a little bit perhaps of what Secretary Clinton may have meant saying that, nick merrill saying this, not everybody is altright supporting donald trump, but if you look at the altright, about half of them seem to come from that faction of the party. Lets talk about donald trump. Why does it keep going back to Somebody Shooting Someone . Yeah. So donald trump has been pretty disciplined as of late of really sticking on message. And really forcing Hillary Clinton to up her game. Not really giving her very much in the waytrovercontroversy. Last night donald trump took a different approach. He had the teleprompter and went off script a little bit as well. Really a sign that donald trump is trying to brand Hillary Clinton using his primary style as really a corrupt insider who believes that shes above the law. All right. Scott mclean, appreciate it. Thank you. This morning two Major International headlines both playing out. Both with huge implications for the race for the white house. The groundbreaking deal between the u. S. And russia on cooperation in syria. And then the new outrage after north korea claims it successfully tested its most powerful Nuclear Device yet. Lets go first to geneva where u. S. Secretary of state john kerry and Russian Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov announced for the first time both sides will be working together to end the conflict in syria which could, if this deal is successful, could help them both battle isis in the country. This agreement comes after months of talks and at a time when u. S. russia relations had been frosty at best. Today the United States and russia are announcing a plan which we hope will reduce violence, ease suffering and resume Movement Towards a negotiated peace and the political transition in syria. Cnn has Live Team Coverage of all this developing, all this developing information were getting in this morning. Well start with Cnn International diplomatic editor Nic Robertson live in geneva. Nick, what are the rumblings there now this morning now that the ceasefire deal, specifically about the ceasefire deal and the seven days that its going to take to make it official . Reporter sure. Well, the u. N. Is saying this is a real opportunity because the u. N. Behind me here, they are the ones that will have to take this and run with it, if you will. A given that if the seven days, the ceasefire, the humanitarian aid to get to aleppo, if all that worked so the United States can break the new ground by working closely with russia to target isis and alnusra, the former al qaeda affiliate in syria. That would make them bring the Opposition Side and the government together. And the u. N. Themselves say this is the best opportunity, what they have been waiting for. The opposition say they have concerns about it and are totally happy for the ceasefire. They believe this is a good deal and want to get underneath from the bombing. But they have a real worry that russia is expected to put pressure on president Bashar Al Assad to a degree and put into effect all the new things on the ground. And beyond that as well, hes going to need pressure on him to force from power. And russia in the past hasnt done any of this. So hope, concern, thats the picture from here. Nic robertson, we appreciate it. Now to the rising global fury after north koreas stunning claim that its successfully dead nighted the most powerful Nuclear Device yet. Cnns will ripley is live from tokyo. You reported from pyongyang in north korea several times, more than any Tv Journalist in recent years, what do you think that kim jong un is trying to accomplish with the latest test . Reporter hey, victor. Most analysts will tell you that the chance of a Nuclear Strike from north korea is very low. This is more about selfpreservation for kim jong un. He wants to project power to those at home, which is very important, and abroad. He can also advertise the weapons regime. So this Nuclear Technology could end up in the hands of a terrorist organization or another rogue state. And the key here is that kim jong un hopes this gives him the chance to force the United Nations to acknowledge north korea as a nuclear state, somebody president obama said on friday wont happen. But what is concerning is the rapid progress and the development of the weapons despite all the international sanctions, the size of this explosion compared to the one in january, was 10 kilaotons, just smaller than the one that erupted in russia. Thank you. We have foreign experts there well talk to as well. And wells fargo, boy, a lot of talk, a lot of backlash after being accused of creating millions of fake Bank Accounts for unknowing customers. And samsung has a new warning for galaxy note 7 phone owners after reports that the phone can catch fire. Policewoman scalpel. I have no idea what im doing. Im just a tv doctor. I never went to college. scream i dont do blood. But now, thanks to cigna, i can do more than just look the part. Is that a foot . We are the tv doctors of america. 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Honestly, i dont know the gentleman, but hes been nice to me. If hes nice to me if we got along with russia, that wouldnt be so bad. Well, earlier this week tim kaine who is on the ticket with clinton attacked for what he calls his, quote, bizarre fascination, unquote, with Vladimir Putin and Bashar Al Assad and kim jong un. We have our panel here with us this morning, and well get to the headlines overnight of baskets of deplorables and shooting people in the heart in a moment. But i want to start with you, boris, and a response from the campaign on this announcement of the deal between the u. S. And russia as it relates to syria. Obviously, Hillary Clinton is a hypocrite. She tried to reset with russia and tried working with them, just like barack obama and kerry are trying to do now. But all of a sudden now shes become an unhinged warmonger to try to start a war with donald trump. You say shes trying to start a war and that is supported by what on her platform. Look at everything shes saying about russia and the leader, Vladimir Putin. All she says is negative, negative, negative. Meanwhile, barack obama and secretary kerry are trying to work with russia to fight ishs cyst together. So that is not productive and it is warmongering. He didnt answer your question, victor. Look at the comments with russia. Shes deplorable at some tomatotomatopoint. The United States government today is working with putin and working with russia to fight isis in syria. Thats the campaigns response to the deal in syria. I havent spoken to mr. Trump this morning, im sure hell make a comment on it. But here is the position and heres the bottom line here. Hillary clinton is completely unhinged out there warmongering and is way too trigger happy in order to win votes while donald trump is saying to work with russia to fight isis. And it seems like barack obama and john kerry are taking his leadership. Maria, here is your response to that. Those comments underscore what most americans believe, that donald trump and his campaign and his frankly leadership or lack thereof would be a complete danger to the country. This is absolutely ridiculous what boris is saying. Hillary clinton has said what Many American leaders have said in terms of criticizing what Donald Trumps bizarre bromance is with Vladimir Putin. And that is this is a man who Vladimir Putin is a man who suppresses his opposition, who has killed journalists, who doesnt believe in equality, who is a strong man dictator. Now that doesnt mean that we cant work with him. Boris, im talking and youre interrupting me. Boris, please, hold on. That doesnt mean we should not be working with him, and clearly, Secretary Clinton is the one proven and has the experience that she can work, not just with him, but with other leaders around the globe. And specifically to focus on the greatest threats to our global what is the example of that . Iran . Clearly donald trump is completely clearless. Let me bring larry into this. You heard the response from the Trump Campaign to this deal. Do you see that Hillary Clinton wants to start a war with russia . From your view, straight down the middle, not speaking for either candidate or campaign . Of course not. Victor, by the way, listening to them, its okay if you leave now. Ill stay on the sidelines. But Hillary Clinton is looking to start a war. It boils down to this, thing that is go well during the international campaign, its going to benefit the party in power. Thats the democrats, barack obama, Hillary Clinton. Things that go wrong internationally or domestically during the campaign will benefit the party out of power, thats donald trump. Thats how most of us who analyze elections interpret events during the election campaign. All right. Larry, maria, boris, well continue this. Hillary clinton disagrees with barack obama. [engine revs] [cheering] the highly advanced audi a4. I thodid the ancestrydna toian. Find out im only 16 italian. So i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors was eastern european. This is my ancestor who i didnt know about. Soon, shell be bingestudying. Get back to great. This week 50 off all backpacks. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. Fresh ingredients, tokyostepbystep recipies, delivered to your door for less than 9 a meal. Get 30 off your first delivery blueapron. Com cook. Back now with larry, maria and boris. We have a few minutes together. Ill ask that we not interrupt each other. Ill have to join in occasionally to move us along, but lets not interrupt each other. If we can do that, or we cant, ill end the segment and move on with the show. Lets start with what Hillary Clinton said to a group of donors in new york. To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of trumps supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. Right . The racist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, you name it. Unfortunately, there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. Racist, sexist, hope phobic, xenophobic, islamophobic. I gather you disagree with that. Why is this. Hillary clinton said this is a gross generalization that many of Trump Supporters that he has brought into his campaign are people who support the views of the altright. People who are white supremacist, people who are racist, sexist. She did not say anything thats untrue. The reason why its important to point this out is because donald trump has normalized this kind of hatred. The kind of feelings that are focused on intolerance and on divisiveness that is completely the opposite of what we as a country of american values, of inclusion, inequality and diversity should be empowering. I applaud her for doing that. Its nothing different than when she focused on the altright. When you have steve bannon, Sheriff Joe Arpaio who demonstrate that, its not a wrong assessment. Boris, let me talk to you about the altright. You bring steve bannon on as the campaign ceo, are some of the criticisms fair . Absolutely not. Heres what Hillary Clinton did. She went to a high ticket, highdollar fundraiser on wall street where shes most comfortable. She was sipping cocktails with Barbara Streisand and told us how she really feels about the American People. Shes disgusted by americans and does not deserve to feel that way. So now we know where Hillary Clinton stands with the American People. She feels that voters are in a basket of deplorables. Thats old School Washington thinking at its absolute worse. Thats why Hillary Clinton is plummeting in the polls and losing in this campaign. Donald trump is able to relate to voter. Hes able to relate to everybody from a cab driver to a businessman in the boardroom. Hillary clinton cannot. And its because of her views on the American People, which are deple completely condescending. This phrase of basket of deplorables, with this stay with the campaign . Well, i would expect the donald trump people to use it and donald trump himself probably will. I think her mistake was in using the word half. There are deplorable people in this campaign, i have seen them on twitter and other places. You cant hide the White Nationalist that is a part of this. However, its wrong to generalize and characterize what will be at least the low 40s, maybe higher than that, of the American Public. We dont want to do that. So i think it was an exaggeration shell probably want to avoid in the future. But let me read victor, Kellyanne Conway, now the Campaign Manager said earlier this year that Trump Supporters were downright sleazy. Thats his Campaign Manager. Hold on a second, let me read the full statement from the Trump Campaign on Hillary Clintons remarks. And i just want to make sure we get into this conversation. Just when Hillary Clinton said she was going to run a positive campaign, she ripped off her mask. Tonights comments were more than an example of clinton lying to the country about her emails, jeopardizing National Security or calling citizens super predators. This was clinton as a defender of washingtons rigged system telling the American Public she care less than them. And what is truly deplorable is that Hillary Clinton made a mistake about the huge supporters that were around to catch it. This is how she thinks of hard working men and women, thats from jason miller, a communications advisor. Heres what donald trump said yesterday getting a lot of attention. Going back to this analogy of shooting someone. Watch. She could walk into this arena right now and shoot somebody with 20,000 people watching right smack in the middle of the heart. And she wouldnt be prosecuted. So we get the point. Before you go there, boris, i understand where hes going, the Trump Campaign believes she gets off scottfree. But why does he return to the analogy of shooting someone, this time in the heart . Look at the history of the clintons. Everything from white water, the loan scandal, everybody around them went to prison, they didnt. Look at the Down Klincoln Bedrom and the fact that she lied to congress, she perjuried herself. And theres Obstruction Of Justice because she had her team bleach her emails after the Preservation Letter and after there was a subpoena from congress. So shes obviously committed crimes before but never been fully prosecuted for them. Shes not been convicted of any crime, lets just make that clear. But she should have been prosecuted for the crimes. That is a view that you have and many have, that she should have been prosecuted for the crimes, but my question was, why does donald trump return to keep Shooting Somebody and keep getting away with it this. Hes saying shes done everything in this country illegal. Shes committed perjury, shes committed Obstruction Of Justice. You look at her history, shes really done a lot for what a regular person, like that naval officer reported. Boris, youre just lying. Dont interrupt me, please. She said that i would be in prison if i did what you did. And thats what happened to her. She keeps getting off scottfree. And that is what the American People are hearing. Maria, quickly two. Quick things, donald trump clearly loves his shooting analogies and that should make every american afraid, number one. Number two, its rich coming from the Trump Campaign about Hillary Clintons comments when this is a man who started his campaign day one insulting mexican immigrants, latinos and continued insulting women, veterans, insulting a whole religion of muslims. Americans are sick and tired of a candidate who does nothing but insult them. Hillary clinton is the one to bring them together and believes that we are stronger together. I wonder if his comment of calling half his supporters jeopardizes that message. Well have that conversation throughout the day. Maria, boris, thank you, all. Quick break, well be back. Hmmmmmm. Hmmmmm. [ dreams by beck ] hmmmmm. The turbocharged dream machine. The Volkswagen Golf gti. Named one of car and drivers 10best, 10 years in a row. Welcome back. Im christi paul. Im victor blackwell. Hillary clinton offered this blunt assessment of Trump Supporters. To just be grossly generalist generalistic, you can put half of Trump Supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. Right . The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, you name it. Unfortunately, there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. In the meantime, donald trump went off script at a rally in florida to attack Hillary Clinton. She could walk into this arena right now and shoot somebody with 20,000 people watching right smack in the middle of the heart. And she wouldnt be prosecuted. Well, thats just part of what were talking about today in terms of the words that are being used here. Both candidates we should point out have also talked about the military endorsements for candidates that are coming out for them. 88 military leaders signed to back trump. Hillary clinton has 110 and that her officers are more highly ranked. We also heard the two candidates talk policy this week. Heres what Hillary Clinton and donald trump said about their plans to defeat isis. We have to defeat isis. That is my highest Counter Terrorism goal. And weve got to do it with air power, weve got to do it with much more support for the Arabs And Kurds who will fight on the ground against isis. Look, i have a very substantial chance of winning. Make America Great again. We are going to make America Great again. I have a substantial chance of winning. If i win, i dont want to broadcast to the enemy exactly what my plan is. Lets talk about the important issues. Will fisher and amber smith, both with us now. Before we start, i do want to thank both of you so much for your service. Thank you so much for having me on today. Thank you. Thank you for being here. All right, i want to get your reaction to that, first of all, will, why first of all, she says air power and more support for arabs and the kurds. You served in iraq, do you think that is a possibility, to bring arabs, kurds and the u. S. Forces, to bring everybody together to fight isis . Absolutely. Absolute lit. Look, i think this week in talking about this issue, what we had on one side was secretary Hillary Clinton, someone who knows how to maintain that bearing, someone with pose and a plan to keep america safe by bringing people together. And someone who is aptly prepared to be president of the United States and commander in chief. On the other side, we have donald trump. A Capricious Charlitan who is vandancing for Vladimir Putin. I dont believe that will get the job done. Amber, i would like your assessment of what you just heard. First of all, im just speaking on behalf of myself. But i think that in reaction to what your other guest just said, in terms of being levelheaded, Hillary Clinton just called americans a basket full of deplorables. How is that president ial to attack americans who are going to be voting in this election . And i think on the other hand, in terms of donald trump and his Foreign Policy, i think its very clear that it is one that is led by Americas National interest. Hes interested in putting america first. One that puts security and regional stability, you know, at the forefront of those issues. So i think that we have seen a very clear Foreign Policy stance from donald trump. And what we have seen from Hillary Clinton is that she wants to continue the failed Foreign Policy stances that have come out of the Obama Clinton administration. Well, i want to listen to some of what donald trump said as we get away a little bit from that part of the Military Policy and to what our veterans are dealing with when they come home. Heres what he talked about when referring to veteran suicide. Its almost impossible to conceive that this is happening in our country. 20 to 22 people a day are killing themselves. A lot of it is they are killing themselves over the fact they are under tremendous pain and cant see a doctor. We are going to speed up the process and create a Great Mental Health division. They need help. Speed up the process, create a Great Mental Health division. Will, what does that menial Health Division look like for. You what do they need . Donald trump wants to privatetize the v. A. Hes made that very clear. And again, that just goes back to the way hes been throughout this entire campaign, talking out both sides of his mouth. He wants to help americans and d destroy the v. A. Look, the reality is that many doctors are not ready to face what the veterans are facing. What we need is a fullyequipped and strong v. A. Ready to provide care to all veterans and Secretary Clinton is going to work to make sure that happens. I have a whole section devoted to veterans Mental Health. And weve got to remove the stigma. Weve got to help people currently serving, not to feel that if they report, their sense of unease, their depression, that somehow its going to be a mark against them. We have to do more about addiction, not only drugs but also alcohol. Amber, is there anything she said there that doesnt sit well with. You look, ive been working on v. A. Reform for threeplus years. And let me just tell what you the other guest just said was completely false. And it was a Talking Point straight from the Clinton Campaign. Donald trump does not want to privatize the v. A. What he wants is he wants to reform the v. A. And get rid of that bureaucratic red tape that really hinders veterans from getting the care they need and they deserve and that they have earned. There is a difference between choice and privatization. We cakeep hearing that false rhetoric. We are trying to make it easier for veterans so they have basically a lifeline to the v. A. And something the v. A. Pay for their health care. If they live too far away from a facility or dont like the doctors at the v. A. Why shouldnt they have the chance to pick who they choose . The employees who work in the federal system get to pick their own doctor, why shouldnt veterans be able to . If they are happy and want their doctor at the v. A. , guess what . They get to go to the v. A. But nobody, including donald trump, is talking about privatizing the v. A. Thats a false rhetoric. And in terms of what Hillary Clinton said, shes talking about a system thats already in place. And it is a failure. When were talking about Mental Health care, theres a hotline already set up, a suicide hotline, that veterans can call into. And guess what . When they do, when that is their last hope because they are suicidal and see no hope, they are calling in and doing the right thing. Guess what . Sometimes nobody answers the phone and sometimes it goes to voice mail. So who is failing americas veterans . The v. A. And the v. A. Hillary clinton wants to continue. What i find very interesting i only have ten seconds so go ahead. No, go ahead. I want to give you the last word. Its very interesting she would say that despite the fact that the Rain Corporation said the v. A. Came out to provide good benefits across the board. There are a lot of different reports out there about what the v. A. Is doing. Amber, you keep using the word choice. Im sorry, ive run out of time. But i want to thank both of you for being here. Will fisher, amber smith, thank you both for your service. Thank you very much. Thank you. Well turn to one of the biggest banks now caught in a scandal involving millions of fake Bank Accounts. Christina lecce is here with details. This is a bank Many Americans have accounts with, wells fargo, is taking a major hit to their reputation. And possibly its bottom line. More on that next. Is it a professor who never stops being a student . Is it a caregiver determined to take care of her own . Or is it a lifetime of work that blazes the path to your passions . Your personal success takes a Financial Partner who values it as much as you do. Learn more at tiaa. Org and my results ended up beinge african, european and asian. It was great because it confirmed what i knew in my gut with a little surprise. Ancestry helped give me a sense of identity. Oh, my goodness. I know you heard allegations against the largest bank in the country. Federal regulators say employees at wells fargo created millions of fake accounts. And in some cases, the Bank Allegedly charged customers fees on those accounts. Well, now the company has fired more than 5300 employees. And its facing millions of dollars in fines. Lets bring in cnn money correspondent cristina alesci. How could this have happened . Thats my question. A lax oversight for sure, but it is hard for the bank to argue this was a few rotten apples acting to the sheer size and scale of this kind of activity. Here are the numbers, 1. 5 million questionable accounts opened without authorization. About a half million, a little more than that, 565,000 credit card applications. Same thing there. This has got people outraged on twitter, social media. And its raising real questions about the banks reputation, operations going forward. In some cases, people didnt find out about the fake accounts until a Collection Agency called them to tell them that their account had been overdrawn. So this is how far it got. And its got people questioning the culture of the bank. We have heard now from employees who said that they were under extreme pressure to deliver on those sales goals. Well, who is telling these people to get so aggressive . How high did this go . Who knew what when are the questions that will be asked. And people are going to be calling into wells fargo asking, am i affected . What can i do . And it could also impact wells fargos business. At this point, what has people really upset is the structure of the settlement. Its confusing. On one hand you have allegations from the government, and on the other hand, you have banks paying a huge fine, about 160 million. There are reasons for them to be critical of the scrutiny. Cristina, thank you so much. People didnt know what to do with themselves this week. More than 2 million accounts out there. Wow. Theres also a strong warning we want to talk about this morning. Apparently well get back to that in a moment. We are going to small in big business right now. Engineers turning mens businesswear ill sit back. Turning mens business wear into high performing suits that manages moisture. I went camping pretty much every month and became very familiar with outdoor gear and sports material. And going to the professional stage in my life realized that the same performance i found in outwear gear didnt exist in what i wore to work. Im one of the cofounders and chief Design Editors in ministry supply. Ministry supply is a performance brand for creating clothing that combines the same performance out of your Athletic Apparel but designing it for the office. We are able to tackle this with what is called a breathable material that acts like a battery. 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Donald trump is a phony, a fraud. Hes not a serious adult. I cant vote for donald trump given the things that he said. Trump should not be supported. I believe hes disqualified himself to be president. I just cannot support donald trump. Colin kaepernick will continue to protest and kneel during the national anthem. In the meantime, more players are joining his cause. We know three have joined him so far. He started the protest three weeks ago by himself. Since then, more people have joined including soccer star megan rapino. Starting tomorrow well see more players join the cause. As the nfl returns to the spotlight, Colin Kaepernicks Peaceful Protest has sparked controversy about shedding light on the minorities in this country. Players are not comfortable speaking what is on their mind and what is right because they are afraid of consequences that come along with it. And that is not an Ideal Environment for anybody. And i think that also speaks to the oppression and culture that we have here where if you dont fall in line, then were going to get you out. Reporter other nfl players are joining in on the protest. Kaepernicks teammate eric reid, Brandon Marshall and Seahawks Jeremy Lane have refrained from standing during the anthem. This sunday before the game with the miami dolphins, the Seahawks Team is planning to honor the flag but also to express solidarity with kaepernick. Even if it wasnt September 11th, the point of the protest is to get people to think. You know, i think its very ironic to me that 15 years ago September 11th is one of the most devastating times in u. S. History. After that day we were probably the most unified we have ever been. And today we struggle to see the unity. And it is very ironic to me that this date is coming up. So its going to be a special day, a very significant day. Not everyone agrees with kaepernicks movement. He was booed during the last preseason game. But president obama stood up for him. Agree or disagree with kaepernicks method, good is coming out of the protest. Hes pledged the first million of his salary to community inequality. And Coach Mccarthy will donate 100,000 to the Green Bay Police foundation to improve partnerships between the police and the community. Kaepernick is giving his portion of sales to his no. 7 jersey that has climbed to the top of the best seller list. The jersey sales jump because peoples belief that there can be change. And we can make this country better. And that they believe that i was someone that could help that change. So tomorrow every nfl team will have a special tribute before the game to honor those who lost their lives on 9 11. I tell you what, all eyes will be on the seattle Seahawks Team to see what they do as a team on the field in terms of the Peaceful Protest. Andy scholes, we appreciate it. Thats it for us this hour. Well see you back at 10 00 for an hour of newsroom. Dont go anywhere. Smerconish starts right now. Now she writes mostly in emoji. Soon, shell type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. Get back to great. All computers on sale like this dell laptop. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. Doesnt stay on the track, learn on the track, it just finds more street legal form. Experience the power and precision of the Lexus F Sport performance line. This is the pursuit of perfection. See me. See me. Dont stare at me. See me. See me. See me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. Im not contagious. See me to know that. I wont stop until i find what works. Discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75 Skin Clearance at 3 months. While the majority saw 90 clearance. Do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. Such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. If you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. See me. See me. See me. On my way. Find clear skin. And a clearer path forward. For a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. Im Michael Smerconish live from philly. Labor day is behind us. There are now just 58 days until november 8. But yesterday early ballots were mailed in north carolina. So were in the homestretch. Where do things stand . Drowning in a sea of negativity with both candidates saying new, shocking things just last night. You can put half of trumps supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. She could walk into this arena right now and shoot somebody with 20,000 people watching right smack in the middle of the heart. And she wouldnt be prosecuted. Meanwhile, the pundits keep critiquing donald trump. But he is gaining ground. Both nationally and in swing states, leading democrats to wonder, why isnt she doing better . Also, in the closest thing to a debate that weve had so far, the big loser was the moderator, matt lauer. Will the medias Rough Treatment of lauer impact moderators of the real debates . And as we mark the 15th anniversary of 9 11, congress has just approved letting victims sue saudi arabia. But will the president stop that with a veto . I will ask the nations first secretary of

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