Transcripts For CNNW New Day Saturday 20160820 10:00:00 : co

Transcripts For CNNW New Day Saturday 20160820 10:00:00

we should fit into your life. not the other way around. well, good morning, welcome to saturday. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. nld "new day" starts right now. what do you have to lose? >> donald trump making a passion in addition pitch to american voters. >> they can make him read new words from a teleprompter. but he's still the same man. it's been confirmed to the miami beach area. >> what if you are a pregnant woman living in that neighborhood? can you imagine the toll that must take on you. >> when you get this much rain
in this area, it's devastating. >> come on down, love to have you. >> i want to thank donald trump for coming to louisiana. he brought attention to our state. >> president obama will travel to louisiana on tuesday. and attention on lochte. >> an unprecedented triple-triple for usain bolt. >> i can't think of another athlete since muhammad ali that has so captured the public imagination. and good morning to you. also ahead this hour, a travel warning in miami, florida, where the zika virus is spreading. and now many families are in that really -- a pad place. worried there. extremely worried. >> what if you are a pregnant woman living in that neighborhood. you can mav gin the emotional
toll that must take on you saying, i worry about the mosquito bite possibly leading to a birth defect in my unborn child. >> again, usain bolt with a triple-triple in rio. we're live for you in rio this morning as well. >> well in just a few hours, donald trump will be at a rally in virginia. the trump campaign going through a major overhaul. the campaign chairman paul manafort is out. >> and with new leadership, trump has given it's a new approach to specifically ask american voters to cnn's jessica schneider. >> what do you have to lose by trying something new like trump? >> donald trump making a passionate pitch to african-american voters, telling this mostly white audience near
east lansing, michigan, that democrats are the ones keeping america down. >> america must reject the bigotry of hillary clinton whose communities of color only not as human beings, worthy of a better future. hillary clinton will would rather provide a job to a refugee from overseas, than to give that job to unemployed african-american youth. >> reporter: trump started the day in baton rouge criticizing the president for staying on vacation in martha's vineyard during the worst natural disaster since superstorm sandy. the white house announcing just as donald trump's jet took off that president obama will travel to the devastation on tuesday. but donald trump didn't let up. >> obama ought to get off the golf course and get down there. >> in hillary clinton's america,
the system stays rigged against americans. trump's first tv ad hit the air for campaigns spending $4.5 million in battleground states like pennsylvania, ohio and north carolina and florida. >> terrorists and criminals kept out. the borders secure, our families safe. >> reporter: clinton camp already on the attack. campaign spokesman ryan balon tweeting if case you felt for a split second trump is genuine about feeling regret he is back to deem onnizing immigrants again in his new ad today. paul manafort resigned as campaign chairman. sources told cnn that manafort told trump he was becoming a distraction and wanted to end it. donald trump hasn't spoke about paul manafort's resignment only to release a statement that he was appreciative to manafort for his help in the delegate and convention process.
and what they've called the odd romance between donald trump and vladimir putin. jessica schneider, cnn, diamondville, michigan. >> let's take a list ton and the approach to black voters. let's watch what he said. >> is that a message? >> for african-americans? i don't think we've seen a candidate that is more uncomfortable around people of color in recent history than donald trump. donald trump has work 0 do. he has to show that he has policy work for a lot of the ills he laid out. donald trump's language today was an offense and affront to many african-americans and if he can't own that what do we expect -- >> you can't sit there and consa dend people in an all white audience when you haven't been
one interaction. >> the director for obama 2012 and hillary clinton supporter and jack kingston, former republican from georgia. good to have you both this morning. >> good morning. >> so, let's, again, play that bit of what donald trump said in dimondale and his bid for votes. watch. >> i say again, what do you have to lose? you're living in poverty. your schools are no good. you have no jobs. 58% of your youth is unemployed. what the hell do you have to lose? >> congressman kingston, that was not part of the scripted remarks planned for dimondale, is that what donald trump believes about the african-american community in america? >> i think what he's saying, the democratic party has had the black votes and traditionally taken that for granted.
and what he's saying, look at the results did for you. what did it do for you in milwaukee? what did it do for you in baltimore? what did it do in ferguson. he's reaching out. he's set on a diversity committee on his campaign a year ago. we have right now, a more recent poll from the "los angeles times," 14.6% of the african-american vote. so he is going after it, and democrats are scared to death because they know that's a vote he's lost and they can't afford to lose but the competition between the candidate would be a positive thing not just for black americans but the country. >> for the 14.6% that you cite comes from the "l.a. times" poll by it's own error has at least double that. i'll tweet that out later so people can see that for themselves. what you say, democrats have
not, and i'm paraphrasing the african-american community well -- that's not what he said. african-americans, you're living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs. again, it seems to be no statistics to support those claims. is that what he believes? >> i think what he said was, if you look at milwaukee, you look at baltimore, and there's a democrat mayor in milwaukee. and most of these cities, that they have not delivered. what he is saying -- and i can say this politically, it's not good for any one group to just be -- have a monopoly on a constituency. you need to have consistent policy. >> but what the hell do you have to lose? >> well, as we all know, donald trump has his own blunt way of talking. he is not a politician. he's not an inside the beltway person. he's running against a very
polished insider, if you will. he said it himself, he doesn't know the language of the beltway. he talks that way to everybody. whatever your group. >> the congressman here says this is his outside the beltway talk. aaron, donald trump said he's going to get 95% of the african-american vote in the next election. >> let me tell you this, i know congressman kingston personally, i think the congressman is in a tough condition. congressman kingston represented a part of southeast georgia that had a very large african-american community. congressman, the problem is, he went into a community that is 93% white and literally didn't have any african-americans in the audience. i totally reagree from earlier, the tone at which he talked to the african-american community was so disrespectful and so condescending. the problem is, now that donald trump is losing in the polls,
he's now begging african-american voters to vote for him. it's not going to work. also, congressman, would you say that milwaukee and ferguson and baltimore were because of democrats -- no. it's because we don't have the proper training for white police officers who are killing armed and unarmed african-american men and women. so, listen, congressman, the problem is you would have never in the county, where you represented, went to talk to the african-american community in a 93% area and all-white crowd. the first thing that donald trump needs to do if he wants to appeal that, he needs to embrace us and sit down and understand our issues. i think the democratic party has an outstanding party for us. and more importantly, what did we get out of it? we got president obama who has done a wonderful job as president and a 54% approval rate. >> let's give the congressman an
opportunity to respond. donald trump has more than a few black pastors who support him. why not go to one of those churches, goes to deliver one of the messages? >> let me say this, you're going to say that and that -- >> when has that happened? never. >> let me make this point. wherever presidential candidates face the microphone of the nation, it's not the crowd that's there. when he has his rally 15,000 people show. when he spoke in north carolina the other inside, it was an integrated crowd. he is out there reaching out. and hillary clinton -- >> before you get to hillary clinton -- we'll talk to her after the break -- when donald trump wanted to court the christian conservative vote he went to the faith. if you want the african-american vote, don't you have to go to actual african-americans and ask them for their vote.
>> let me say this, what you saw this week san invitation to start that engagement. i think you're going to see it. and i think you're going to be pleased. when you see it, the democrats are going to be scared to death because they've taken the black vote for granted. >> we're going to take a quick break, going to talk about hillary clinton. jack kingston, aaron jackson, stick around. and the hillary clinton e-mail controversy. a federal judge gives her one month to answer questions about the scandal. the team says this is a win for her. also, the swimmer scandal, the international olympic committee reportedly diving into that now. what it could mean for ryan lochte and his teammates. and it's a travel warning in miami, florida, where the zika virus is spreading. >> the department went through one of their investigations that five individuals have already been confirmed as cases of local transmissions of zika are connected to the miami beach area.
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can show you coverage options to fit your budget. oh -- ohhh! she slimed me. [ laughs ] all right, back now with our panel, aaron johnson, former south regional director to hillary clinton. and jack kingston, former republican congressman to georgia. aaron, i want to start with you, a federal judge has orred secretary clinton to respond under oath to questions from
judicial watches from a watchdog group, about why she initially decided to use a private server for business-related e-mails from the state department. she'll have a week until after the election to respond to those questions. but this guarantees there will be an active story line, through the elections on the e-mail, something that the campaign has had a difficult time responding to. >> yeah, listen, it's something that she has got to be honest and transparent about. she's admitted it was a mistake. at the time that colin powell came out and said he had a private e-mail server and encouraged her to say one. >> colin powell said he had an e-mail account and he said he doesn't recall the conversation over dinner in which a clinton biographer said he suggested she use a private e-mail. but go ahead. >> we're talking about when the investigation was going on with
30-plus thousand e-mails. really a few e-mails that were marked as classified. listen, she's got to answer those trust questions. she's got to be as honest as she possibly be about it. i think the campaign will stay on that vision going into november. >> congressman kingston, what do you say to people who say there have been investigations by the fbi, and these questions have been asked and answered? >> well, they absolutely have not been answered. i mean, right now, there's a discussion about perjury, the fbi director who called hillary clinton reckless with the way she conducted eat mails. said that, number one, there was not one server. hillary clinton said to congress there was one. the fbi director said there was four. she said she reviewed ever single e-mail. the fbi director said that she did not. he said that there were none classified.
i believe the count is 133. so, the idea that we have somebody who is a nominee in a major political party who apparently very recently committed perjury is a scary thing. i think this is what you have with the clintons, they're always one step away from a scandal. you have the clinton foundation now, the revelation, oh, we're going to close it down if you're becoming president. either you're doing something wrong or you're not. why would you close it down if you're following all the rules? >> we just have a minute left. i want to finish with donald trump visiting louisiana, meeting with the people there who are struggling with the flooding going on there. and the president, not until after donald trump was on the ground and out, the white house announced that he will be there on tuesday. why has president obama -- i understand not gone because of logistics and all that is involved with secret service. but why not step in front of the camera in martha's vineyard.
if he does it, i promise we'll air it. there's not a statement of empathy. the white house has released statements after the deaths of pop stars and compheed yans. and tens of thousands are struggling in louisiana. and nothing from president obama, why? >> well, there's a process, victor. as you know, the president is going to go down there. >> it's been more than a week. more than a dozen people are dead. >> what's happening in louisiana is very tragic. as you know, this president has no problem going into red state or blue states and consoling the american people and helping them to get back on their feet. i know the white house staff is isn't communication with the governor and others there in louisiana. i think he'll come and offer as much assistance as he possibly can. >> after robein williams died ad whitney houston, he released a
statement. >> he's trying to be the president and saying the majority of african-americans will be affected by this. >> if you review donald trump from the equation, if donald trump didn't announce until midweek he was going. we were confving the statement. >> i think there was a statement, victor, that was released. >> not at >> well my point is this is a president that goes to all communities. we have gun victims who have been shot. and flooding victims. he goes there and consoles the community. i think he's done that as far as responding to the tragedies. >> thank you for the conversation. we'll continue throughout the morning. there is a warning to any of you who may be pregnant right
now. federal health officials telling you to avoid two particular parts of florida right now as the zika virus could be spreading. stay close. good morning, indeed. v8. veggies for all.
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we want to talk to you this morning about this warning for pregnant women and their partners. hey, stay away from certain areas of florida's miami-dade county. this is according to the director of the cdc. >> this advisory comes after five new cases of the zika virus that points to a 1.5-square mile portion of miami beach.
here's governor rick scott. >> five individuals have already been confirmed as cases of local transmissions of zika are connected to the miami beach area. this brings the total number of local transmissions to 36. >> cnn senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen is in miami and has details and you can imagine how the residents are taking this. >> reporter: victor, christi, this is as unprecedented travel warning and this is because this is an unprecedented situation. this is the local transmission of zika, that means people are getting bit by mosquitos in florida. these people didn't travel to latin america or the caribbean, they contracted the disease here. that's why the cdc is saying don't go to these two specific neighborhoods in the miami neighborhood area. and consider postponing travel to the entire county. what does that mean here?
talking to obstetricians locally, they say people are not freaked out but nervous. some people who are really nervous have left the area but that's pretty unusual. but they say a lot of pregnant ladies say they're going to stay indoors as much as possible. victor, christi. >> and aour chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta talked to cdc director tom frieden discussing the thinking behind this latest travel advisory. >> these are unprecedented travel advisories recommending pregnant women not travel it to particular american cities. is the cdc saying pregnant women should not travel to all of miami-dade county now? >> we're saying very specifically, there are two one-mile areas in miami-dade county where there is confirmed spread of zika. pregnant women should not travel to those two areas. we're also providing additional information about what has happened in the rest of
miami-dade, so people can make informed decisions. pregnant women and sexual partners of pregnant women may want to postpone or delay travel to other parts of the miami-dade. but it's an area where they're looking hard for the zika virus and they're finding some of it, other isolated cases of spread of zika. and it may be a few weeks until we can be sure it's spreading. we're providing that information openly and carefully so people can make an informed decision. >> a lot of that informed decision, if a patient came to you, or a family member came to you, dr. frieden is pregnant and said, thinking about going to miami date county, should i go? what do you tell them? >> it depends why you're going to any area. we make a decision that's right for us. we're saying certainly for these two one-mile areas, we urge you not to go into areas living in
that one-mile areas to avoid mosquito bites. >> the cdc said if you're planning to go to that area and plan to get pregnant, basically wait for another eight weeks. still ahead, the saga, it continues to dog hillary clinton. a judge is ordering her to answer questions under oath about her private e-mail server. also, could ryan lochte and other swimmers be in deeper trouble? and one of his teammates talking about what happened in rio. your whole day stops. try this. but just one aleve has the strength to stop pain for 12 hours. tylenol and advil can quit after 6. so live your whole day, not part... with 12 hour aleve.
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welcome back. so grateful to have your company on this saturday. i'm christi paul. >> and i'm victor blackwell. donald trump has a message for african-american voters, what the hell do you have to lose? >> that's a quote, by the way. appealing to african-american voters while in front of a prominently white audience. >> i say it again, what do you have to lose? what do you have to lose? you're living in poverty. your schools are no good. you have no jobs. 58% of your youth is unemployed. what the hell do you have to lose? >> he went on to say it several times, he would win 75% of the
african-american votes at this point in time it may be a tall order. >> in a new poll, trump has just 1%. clinton called trump's speech, quote, so ignorant, it's staggering. hillary clinton has 30 days to provide written answers to questions submitted by judicial watch. after the group asked to interview her under oath as part of a freedom of information act lawsuit. let's bring in cnn commentator errol louis. errol, as we hear about this, a lot of people are saying, wait a minute, what about judicial watch, okay. this is an organization not necessarily connected to the government by any means, why would they be able -- or this judge, why would the judge mandate that she makes these answers available to them specifically? >> that's a very interesting question, christi. the reality is anybody can file
a freedom of information act request. they happen to be a politically nonoriented organization. anybody editing this broadcast could send in to get the kind of documents that this group is seeking. they, of course, have an agenda. what they're asking about is, in case anybody has forgotten, information about huma abedin, one of the top aides to hillary clinton. and she had been given a waiver to do outside work at the same time, and a full-time employee of the u.s. state department. so, they were asking about information about it. the state department replied they have some information. and there were other e-mails that they couldn't come up with. and then it came to light that a lot of this information was actually on the private e-mail server. that triggered sort of the reopening of the lawsuit and a request to get as much information as possible and to turn over this stuff. is this is really in some ways a
routine pretrial way to explaining information and that's what the judge has ordered hillary clinton. >> when you look at the time line, they have to submit on the 14th she then has 30 days to respond which puts her beyond the election. do you think she will answer those questions prior? >> i have a hard time believing she will answer any of this before november 9th. she's got plenty of time after the outcome of the election, and much bigger fish to fry, frankly, to yet take another pass through all of the e-mails to respond to the group that is clearly going to use any information given to leak it to the press, to embarrass her politically. i think she wants to keep this in the courtroom and not in the media, quite frankly. >> one of the things that has come occupy this week, that the clinton foundation announce they had will stop taking foreign
money when she becomes president. which left a lot of people saying if you weren't doing anything wrong, if there was no conflict of information as secretary of state, why would you have to make that decision? >> that's a great question. it raises a lot of questions. why were you taking money from foreign business interests, foreign government even, when you clearly have to sort of imagine that these groups try to curry favor with the clinton -- well, with the obama administration and with the potential clinton administration. the answer was always given, christi, that we're taking this money and using it for good work. we're helping women and girls in different poverty situations world. we're helping worthy projects to help clean water and do other kind of innovative stuff. and bill clinton used to say, look, we can leave the money alone in which we won't be able to do all of this good, between the clinton global foundation
and the clinton foundation, there's a lot we can do and we've chosen do that. of course, now they're trying a different approach. >> all of those things we just talked about and of all of the things th s thas tha s thas tha last night, this came out as well. take a listen. >> one thing we know for sure, is that if you keep voting with the same people, you will keep getting the same exactly -- exactly the same results. >> but he's not just speaking to african-americans there. he's speaking to a wide array of the electorate who may not be happy, who may be struggling. is that a strong enough statement to override some of the other things he's said with people? >> well, that's a good question. this is what bill clinton ran on in 1992. change versus no change. this is what political strategists would call a changed
election. peop meaning the voting public is overwhelmingly ready for a change. the problem is, at this point, we've had 15 months of controversial statements from him. a pretty significant body of evidence that he may not be the change that people are looking for. he may not possess the right temperament. the right experience. basically, the right character to be that change. and if that's what the election is about, then that's actually a pretty good place to be. doing this change, yes, is this the right change? we'll see. >> "the washington post" is reporting this morning that bernie sanders will campaign for hillary clinton after labor day. do you believe he still has the influence of the people who were behind him to get them to change their vote to her? >> well, what i see happening here, christi, is that hillary clinton is trying to create
almost a european parliamentary kind of election strategy. she's got all of these player, michelle obama, barack obama, joe biden, bernie sanders, now, out there campaigning for her. allowing people to pick sort of any flavor democrat they want, saying this is what you get when you vote for hillary clinton. yes, i think bernie sanders is tremendously popular. he'll bring out an extension of the vote in november. again, it's unclear whether the strategy will work. i see her doing this again and again with moderate democrats. conservative democrats and moderates like bernie sanders. >> errol louis, good to see you. this morning, there's new information in the ryan lochte mess. olympic officials are reportedly getting involved. what that could mean for one of america's most decorated swimmers.
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the olympics are almost over, but the controversies, they are not. according to reuters, the international olympic committee has now set up a disciplinary commission to investigate those four u.s. swimmers. >> and they will decide whether ryan lochte and three teammates for their behavior in rio. this comes as one of lochte's teammates gunnar bentz is the one who tore down the signs and yelled at security guards. cnn has more from lochte's neighborhood in south carolina. >> reporter: christi and victor, it's not the way the officials wanted the olympics tond with a scandal around the u.s. swimming
team. it's possible all four men could face disciplinary action. 12-time medalist ryan lochte apologized. i want to apologize for my behavior last weekend for not being more careful and candid in how i described the events. in a statement posted to instagram, lochte did not back down from the most dramatic part of his initial story. >> they pulled out their guns, they told the other swims to get down on the ground. i they got down on the ground. they took my money, took my wallet. >> reporter: the 32-year-old sticking to the story that he and his teammates were robbed at gunpoint. writing it's traumatic to be out late with your friends in a foreign country with a language barrier and have a stranger point a gun at you and demand money to let you leave. brazilian police say the two
swimmers put most of the blame on lochte, describing him as drunk and unruly and that it was lochte who damaged the gas station bathroom including the sign and door. surveillance video shows the swimmers first trying to get into one taxi and finding their cab. and then security guards who pointed a gun at them ordered them out of the cab. a witness telling a knob that the swimmers pleaded with the fashi gas station not to call police. michael phelps, the most decorated olympian of all time, breaking his silence on the incident. >> you have looked into what happened in brazil? >> no. >> do you think it's all going to work itself out? >> we have good people taking care of it. >> reporter: we know the u.s.
olympic committee are each independently conducting their own investigations. they're saying they don't condone this behavior, it's possible that disciplinary action will follow not just lochte, but possibly all four men involved. christi and visibilivictor. >> thank you so much. meanwhile, usain bolt, allyson felix making history in rio. coy is still there. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, christi and victor, usain bolt making history, allyson felix making history.
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usain bolt sprints into his history, winning the triple-triple. i've never even heard of that. >> i have not either. >> gold medals in all three sprint events in three con s consecutive olympics. >> we have never heard of it because it never happened before. coy wire is there in rio. co-i wonder what it must have been like to be there. it had to be thunderous applause? >> reporter: yes, the race there and that stadium, the way he commanded the crowd. the whole stadium shh'd before the race. it's seeing that presence outstanding.
victor, if you didn't know, a triple-triple, a third consecutive clean between of the 4 x 100 meter. running the anchor leg and bursting into history. he turns 30 tomorrow. but the party got started as soon as he crossed that finish line. usain bolt going out on top. finishes his olympic career with a record tie nine gold medals. after the race bolt told reporters, quote, they know i'm the greatest. end quote. team usa ended up getting disqualified because they said the baton was outside. the u.s. track and field is appealing this decision. we'll see what happens there. the american women they didn't have any problems in their 4x100 meter relay, they extended it. allyson felix, now the first woman in history to collect five
gold medals in track and field. he'll be back on the track in the 4x400-meters tonight. she's not done. the u.s. basketball team is one win away from capturing a 15th gold medal. haven't lost since 2004. nba all-star team in the semifinals yesterday. another ugly win. there were five technical fouls in both games in the first half. against spain. usa on top. next up will be serbia for all the marbles tomorrow at 2:35 eastern. 30 up for grabs today, 17 of them -- the u.s. is on the top with 105 medals. china, great britain, a tie for second place, five medals separating the two. it looks like another beautiful day. it's a little cloudy now but it usually burns off. going for another gold. >> even in the rain, copacabana is a beautiful city.
coy, thanks so much. >> you're welcome. we'll see you in just a bit. up next, meet the south korean who just came the first competitor from south korea to qualify. and donald trump has retooled his campaign. and for the second consecutive speech, talking about getting black voters to support him, but also who has a lot of work to do. i'm hall of famer jerry west and my life is basketball. but that doesn't stop my afib from leaving me at a higher risk of stroke.
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by finding a policy to fit your budget. [ coughs ] sorry, tickle in my throat! water would be nice, but that would go right through me. ghost problems. later today, rhythmic gymnasts will take the stage for the individual all-around finals. >> there's one athlete that we need to keep our eye on here,
she's known as south korea rhythmic gymnast. >> i'm 21 years old. i am south korean gymnast. i first started gymnastics when i was 5, i can't even remember myself before i started the sport. i feel strong and ball and cup and rhythm. we're training a lot because we have to perform without any mistake. we have to show like all of our emotion and everything.
i was fifth place in london in the olympic games. and i got the gold medal in 2014. and i got the medal in hoops. i'm so proud of myself because people say first time, first time korean gymnast. everything is first. ♪ i think rhythmic gymnastic is fighting with myself. because it's competition, i go to the floor alone. and i go there and do my performance. i feel so free and i feel so happy.
>> well, good morning, and welcome to saturday. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. "new day" starts right now. what the hell do you have to lose? >> a new era for donald trump trump. his supporters believe that it is. his campaign manager is out. but will this new direction mean a new trump. >> he's still the same man who insults gold star families, demeans women and thinks he knows more about isis than our general. >> hillary clinton talking about donald trump but there's new controversy about her. her camp is responding now to a ruling that she is mandated to answer questions about her e-mail server to answer to a legal watchdog group. plus, the recovery effort in louisiana becomes a political battle of sorts. the gop nominees visiting the flood-ravaged region. and now president obama has scheduled a tour in just a couple of days.
>> that's the triple-triple. the world's fastest man races into the record books with his third gold medal in three straight olympics games. we've got a lot coming up. also before we get to politics, i want to let you know that we're following this travel warning in miami, florida, where the zika virus is spreading. >> now, a lot of families are extremely worried. we'll tell you what's happening. but first -- let's begin with donald trump. in a few hours he's going to be at a rally in virginia and the campaign is going through a major overhaul. >> his campaign manager paul manafort is out. and trump is trying a different approach to reach out to
african-american voters, watch. >> i say it again, what do you have to lose? what do you have to lose? you're living in poverty. your schools are no good. you have no jobs. 58% of your youth is unemployed. what the hell do you have to lose? >> i want to bring in cnn's chris frates who is some washington for us. chris, are you getting any reaction from anybody in washington about what he said last night? >> you know, lots of reaction from, you know, folks here in washington, christi. but i want to start with this shake-up at trump tower continuing yesterday. as trump advisory paul manafort announced his resignation. remember, manafort was hired to run the delegate operation. and ended up taking over the campaign when corey lewandowski was fired. but days after trump hired a new
campaign manager, manafort was gone. he said, i'm very appreciative of his great work and helping us get to where we are today. in particular, his work guiding us through the delegate and convention process. paul is a true professional and i wish him success. a senior campaign aide told me that trump lost faith in manafort a couple weeks ago, saying that manafort wasn't quick enough with his answers of questions. and manafort has been facing increasing scrutiny over his lobbying ties with ukraine and russia, told trump he was becoming a distraction and he didn't want that to continue. in fact, law enforcement officials tell cnn that the fbi is looking into manna tort, with possible u.s. tied to the former russian president of ukraine. trump's son eric talked about the distractions in an enter
knew yesterday. >> my father didn't want to be distracted with anything that paul was dealing with. he was make. helped us with the convention, a great job with the delegates. we look at some of the other people we're bringing in, they're absolutely fantastic. they're going to be the ones that bring us through november 8th and get us the victory. and quite frankly, the overall issues in the states right now. >> now, hillary clinton's campaign jumped on the news saying in a statement, quote, paul manafort's resignation is a clear admission that the disturbing connections between donald trump's team and pro-kremlin elements in russia and uric are untenable. you can get rid of manafort, but that doesn't end the odd
bromance trump has with putin." >> let's talk about it now, let's bring in amy kremer. and a. scott boldwin. scott, amy, glad to have you. amy, i want to start with you, with the trump statement that made headlines, what the hell do you have to lose? your schools are no good, no jobs, and you're all poor. >> i think what he was talking about the african-american unemployment rate. i mean, we are concerned about jobs. so, what his statement, i think, what he said yesterday, is the equivalent, not just to african-americans but all
americans to what ronald reagan said in 1980, you know, are you better off now than you were four years ago? what is the definition of insanity? to do the same thing over and over again. it's that different result. we had eight years of president obama in his administration. i believe that hillary clinton would be four more years of the same. why not try something new. >> it seems like a very different argument what you're describing and what donald trump said yesterday. we should say that his comments were not part of the scripted, prepared remarks for dimondale. but he described african-americans as a whole, as poor, poor schools. i don't know if that's a commentary on education of black people or the institution, and having no jobs. we know the statistics don't support that characterization? >> well, i think education is say big issue for families automatic across the country. >> i'm sure everybody does. why characterize a group of people as poor be not working,
having these poor schools? >> i don't think that's how he characterizes that for the people. i think what he's talking about is the policy of this administration and that this president has not done a lot for the african-american community. when he talks about the figure -- >> 58%. >> -- 58% unemployment rate for the youth. that's a concern. >> it is a concern. and i don't mean to cut you off, when you get to the numbers, i think it's important to match that with that. the number that i think donald trump is coming up with because it is unclear is the inverse of the statistics in may. 41% of people 16 to 24 were participating in the market. so that 58 changes the inverse. but that counts everybody 16 through 24, including 11th grade football players and college students who wouldn't normally be in the workforce anyway, and that would bring the number down. let me come to you, scott.
and i've got you both live. when you hear what donald trump said about african-americans not being much better off after the obama administration than before, are you concerned that that argument could resonate? >> i have zero concerns that that argument would resonate. i mean, his broad face statement is just northerly offensive remark and insensitive and based on ignorance. i'm part of black america. i'm educated. i have a home, and i've got lots of friends who are employed. entrepreneurs or even looking for jobs for that matter. to say black america which is not homogeneous by any means is not showing lack of knowledge. he's making these statements in front of all-white audiences. he attacks president obama be the first african-american president of this country and is with 1% of black voters.
this kind of broad face statement is not getting him black votes. he won't go and talk to the knapp and urban league and black audiences and give us a plan. like everything of donald trump, he has a statement but he doesn't have a plan. >> amy, back to you, he's sitting in dimondale with a percentage of white residents, 93, give or take a half percent, the makeup there, the dem graphics. why doesn't he go to detroit or one of the churches? >> it's not to say that he's not going to. >> why hasn't he? >> i can't speak for the campaign. i'm not in the middle of these decisions. what i will say, he is giving a speech that everyone across the country and anywhere across the world can hear. with technology today, you can hear it anywhere. there's plenty of time. who's to stay he's not going to go there. but i will say, they don't throw these events together at the
last minute. whose to say he didn't already have this event planned and he's -- >> i don't know that anyone is saying that. >> this is the thing, it's that, you know what, we're all americans. we all bleed red. let's stop with the race stuff. if he had sat down and talked to women -- no way. is he going to be accused to reaching out to women? >> is that a bad thing that he's reaching out to women? >> no, but that's what i'm saying, it's like he's bad that he's reaching out. at least he's reaching out. he's got a diversity poll issue. >> we're going to have the coalition up at 10:30. when you said he's reaching out, how? he talks about african-americans in the speech. but from the reporting there, there aren't many african-americans there. he's got black taxes to support them, why not go to the black turfs. he denied the urban league, the
denied the ncaa. if he has this message for african-americans, say it to a black person in person. >> i as a voter want to be an educated voter, i can go to hillary clinton's website and donald trump website and where where their events are. you should be paying attention to these candidates and you should attend their events. you should read their issues on their website and listen to what they're saying. he's at least reaching out. he is reaping out, i believe. you have to start a conversation somewhere. >> part of the conversation is having the person hoping to speak with on the other end of it. we'll take a quick break, we'll start with hillary clinton. a. scott boldwin right after the break. defeating malaria. improving energy efficiency. developing more clean burning natural gas. my job? my job at exxonmobil? turning algae into biofuels. reducing energy poverty in the developing world. making cars go further with less.
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hillary clinton has 30s to provide answer as to a questions in a lawsuit from a watchdog group after that group asked for
interviews under oath as part of the information for freedom act lawsuit. the court saying in a statement, the decision is a reminder that hillary clinton is not above the law. back with us now, amy kremer, and a. scott bolden. scott, this e-mail issues continues to dog secretary clinton. her unfavorable numbers still remarkably high when it comes to trustworthiness. i imagine, that the clinton campaign is concerned that this will continue through election day? >> well, it's certainly a concern. remember, victor, these numbers are baked into the polling, and right now, it's not hurting her. she's projected even by cnn to be almost if not exceeding 270 electoral votes. while it's relevant for the material of the media and the result of wanting to keep it there. she's apologized. she has been cleared by the fbi. more importantly, these
questions that the judge sullivan, a fine judge in washington, d.c. indicated, listen, there's a lot of information out in the public already. ask her the questions about that the judicial watch is a right ring republican organization that's been after the clintons for 20 years since she's been in public life. but she's answered questions. she'll answer with veracity and consistent to what she said to the fbi. again, it's a distraction. and it really isn't going to have any impact or at least has not had any impact on her numberses. american voters believe, based on the numbers that she's trustworthy enough to be president. and more trustworthy than donald trump. that's all i have to say. >> when you get to the more trustworthy than donald trump, i think those are up to the polls. again, we've gone through the
information wea've gone through the controversy. >> we should note. there are the 33,000 e-mails? we should have been through this whole thing and be done. it's not like they walked into a courtroom yesterday, got up and filed a lawsuit. all of a sudden, this has been ongoing for a long time. why are they dragging it out, why is the state department releasing them drip by drip by drip. just get it all out there and let the american people decide. we have a right to know. what is there to hide? that's the question. what is there to hide? i would say to scott, being trustworthy enough, that's not enough. we want a commander in chief that we can trust and certainly not -- >> hold on. >> certainly not a commander in chief that's going to jeopardize our national security and send classified information over an unsecured server that's in a
basement or bathroom. even an fbi director says that somebody in her position should know that, come on. >> scott, you can respond. >> well, it's just not her, first of all. and donald trump never serving in political office, when he has led on the business front, he's left a travel debt and stiffed several subcontractors. so when you think about who's qualified, just look at the polling numbers, even in purple states, more importantly in red states, his numbers are deplorable. even when republicans should be at the top of the vote. >> exactly, those polling numbers -- >> hold on. is he trustworthy enough? i don't know. the voters are speaking. >> scott, thanks so much.
amy kremer thanks as well. we have to talk to pregnant women and their partners. stay away from parts of florida's miami-dade county. that's according to the direct of the cdc. the advisory comes after five new cases of the zika virus. that is down to a 1.5-square mile of miami beach. cnn's elizabeth cohen is there with details. victor, christi, this is an unprecedented travel warning and that's because this is an unprecedented situation. here in south florida, they got what is called local transmission of zika. people are getting bit by mosquitos in florida and getting zika. they contracted the disease here. that's why the cdc is stay saying don't go to these two specific neighborhoods in the
miami area and consider suspended travel for all counties. they say people are nervous. they're not freaked out, but nervous. some is people have actually left the area. but they say a lot of pregnant ladies have decided that they're going to stay indoors as much as possible. victor, christi. one performance in rio, people are asking is he the best after? simone biles said her dreams came true. >> reporter: i sat down with the high flying simone biles. wait until you hear what they're going to do when they get back home to the states. you'll never believe it coming up on "new day." from albany to utica, creative business incentives, infrastructure investment,
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23 minutes past the hour. have you ever heard of a triple-triple? that's because it never happened. until now, the jamaican usain bolt won his fourth gold medal in rio, the only man to win a 100, 200-meter and a relay. initially the usa won the bronze and then disqualified in the relay. we're going to allyson felix collecting her goals. coy wire is in rio with the
highlights. i understand you had a conversation with her? >> reporter: yeah, she's such an enticing individual. so pleasant, christi. kind of like you, 30-year-old allyson felix came down to be with the current team usa's most decorated female athlete ever. yesterday, she added to that stack of medals. defending their gold medal from the 2012 games in london with authority. the second fastest time ever. the allyson felix now the first woman in history, christi, to collect five gold medalses in track and field. not jackie joyner-kersee, not flo-jo. i got to sit down with simone biles. they're saying she's the most dominant gymnast the world has ever seen. one thing i've learned she is just as dynamic out of the sport as in it. the one and only humble and kind
simone biles. four gold medals. you're going to compete in 30-plus cities after this, going on talk shows to talk about gymnastics. what's the first thing you're going to do when you get home, completely unrelated? >> well, we actually fly to new york after rio after the closing ceremonies. us girls want to throw a pizza party and watch the team finals. >> now, all of your help came from here. you met zac efron, you have a leotard, a cutout. how have you imagined could be? >> oh, gosh, i thought i would like die if i met him. then i got to meet him and i thought i was going to die. it was the same exact feeling except i didn't die. just thought i was going to die. the girls kept asking, simone, are you okay? i said, i think i'm okay.
it was amazing and awesome. for him to fly way over here for us. >> now, be honest, were you more nervous meeting him or going out there on that floor and performing? >> i was definitely more nervous meeting him. my hands were like shaking. i was like i'm probably weird. >> has anyone given you advice about how intense it is going to be when you go to the shows and talk about confidence, what did they sayy. >> abbey and gabby guide us through it to make sure you keep your family and friends close. you'll go through a hard time. everyone is surrounding you and it's really hard. and they just said is, once you have each other, you'll have everything. >> maybe 2020 in tokyo? >> i guess. after we take a break. after we reward ourselves with vacations and stuff like that,
then we'll get back to it. >> we'll be seeing more of you? >> yes. i've been quizzing these olympians with a quirky quiz on twitter. the biggest pet peeve, christi, she's fine. >> i'm just glad you told everyone i'm 30 years old. thank you. let's go to louisiana, the water there is receding. and we're getting now, new images of the destruction left behind. and now, with at least 40,000 homes damaged, the state is facing some tough times and recovery. paolo sandoval is following it for us. >> reporter: yeah, victor, it's been seven days since that rain start and yet some the water remains in that neighborhood, including here in avention
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it's always good to have your company on a saturday morning. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell.
good morning to you, tragedy strikes louisiana. look at this, more storms, flash flooding expected to hit the state again today. >> just look at what they are finding there. we know at least 13 people have died. 40,000 homes have been damaged. not clear how many can even be prepared. the red cross telling cnn at least 7,000 people are in their shelters, alone. thousands more don't have power. >> this storm dumped three times as much rain as hurricane katrina. consider that. and the red cross is calling this the worst natural disaster since hurricane sandy four years ago. our paolo sandoval joins us live from baton rouge. we understand having seen similar disasters that it could be weeks or months before this community can recover. and in some cases, before it can really start. >> yeah, victor, as you put it, not only will that turn out to
be one of the worst or the costliests. you can see behind me, the situation on the ground in southern louisiana is far from over from people that live in these neighborhoods. many people hoping a visit from president obama expected early next week will really shed more attention on what people here are struggling with, i can tell you, victor, having seen this not only from the ground but also up in the air, there's two very different post-flooding situations and scenes that are playing out here. you have the neighborhoods a little bit to the north of where we are here, the entrance to ascension parish. those neighborhoods, the water is receding and making their way back to homes and throwing out anything from the floodwaters. and then you have the sort of the southern regions here, many places still understand wat wat now. many people not able to make it to their homes to see what if
anything is left. now the new numbers released by the chamber of commerce suggesting that at least 15% of the homes in the affected area were actually insured for flooding. which means the rest, or the people who were deeply affected by this would have to rely on the federal government for fema funds. we know at least 87,000 people have applied for that assistance. at this point, christi, that's the only hope that people have for rebuilding. because, as you've talked to folks here. many who have lived here for 40, 50, 60 years have never seen this kind of flooding. they had no reason to actually get that flooding insurance. that's what we're going to be seeing, long-term, the financial effects or the region. the last thing i should mention, after touring the area with the head of the national guards. and the newly promoted chief here. we've heard, over and over, as some of the commanders told them that the need for food and water is as great as we saw with
hurricane katrina. >> as we said before your shot, still more flash flooding possible today, polo sandoval there for us. thanks so much. that flooding disaster in p louisiana, it's going into the campaign trail in a way. donald trump and mike pence viewed some of the state yesterday. those people criticizing president obama for not conduct short his vacation in martha's vineyard. we're glad you're not playing golf. >> those were just shof the conversations being had there. let's talk with lieutenant governor on the lines with us. before we get to that, i want to ask you from your perspective, these are the people you represent. this is your home. what is your most urgent need and how is everybody holding up? >> well, we're trying to get
supplies to those people in their homes. we have volunteers and faith-based groups starting to help people get to their homes. but as you saw, we still have homes that are flooded. we're responding to homes, keeping as many dry with sand bags, getting those people out. it's crass 20 parishes, it's a lank event. so responding to different levels of this catastrophe. >> i understand a lot of people didn't have flood insurance because is an area that is not in the flood zone. can the state help in any way? >> well, we're hoping, as we saw after katrina, a lot of people have been made whole by fema. those laws will change. the maximum you will get is a little over 30,000, if you did have flood insurance. some of these people as i heard early on in your program, 40, 50
years, lived in a home and never flooded. when you're juggling bills, it's hard to do that. it's going to take faith-based groups, volunteers to get people back into their homes and make them whole. >> so good to have that information, lieutenant governor, i want to skip now from what we were talking about earlier. i understand were you there to greet donald trump and mike pence there yesterday. what did you make of the impact it had? >> i think as you saw people along the route and into the homes to see a presidential candidate come down here. it lifts them up. it makes them seem that he cares. i think anytime public official as a governor or myself goes into those communities they know they're not forgotten. it's a great boost to those communities. we applaud anybody to come down and bring attention to this
catastrophe, because it's going to take a lot of help in the way of donations and volunteers to make louisiana whole. >> the governor did not want president obama to get there yet. so they could logistically deal with some of the things like security and resources that may complicate the people getting the need at that point if the president didn't make that trip. do you think that president obama is being fairly criticized for not stepping foot in louisiana just yet? >> you know, my concern is getting louisiana back whole. i met with president obama when i was the parish president many times during the oil spill. and i've heard now that he is going to visit louisiana. i think any attention we can get on a national level to how bad this flooding is, will help louisiana recover. so i first invite anybody to
come that wants to lend a hand and bring attention to this horrible event. >> lieutenant governor, we so appreciate your time and the crews down there and all you folks the very best. thank you. >> thank you for your help. y'all have a great day. >> you, too. it doesn't seem that the robbery scandal involving ryan lochte and other swimmers isn't going away anytime soon. while he is apologizing, he still saying a gunman demanded money at gunpoint. brynn gingras is there to clear things up for us. >> reporter: victor, another member of the usa team is also apologizing and putting some of the blame on lochte. we'll have that as far as what that could mean for disciplinary action for the four. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for
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comcast. 44 minutes past the hour. more problems for ryan lochte and his teammates this morning. according to reuters, the international olympic committee has now set up a disciplinary commission to investigate. as one of lochte's teammates gunnar bentz has his own version of how things went down. we've seen the apology from the swimmers. any indication how lochte will react? >> reporter: you know, christi, we've been checking his instagram and twitter just trying to see if he does respond. that's where he's putting out his statements.
yeah, gunnar bentz's apology was very detailed and pointing his finger at lochte. just to give you a description, gunnar is one of those boys, men, was taken off the plane after headed back to the u.s. in his apology, he said that he was only a witness during this whole thing and that's how rio authorities characterized him when he gave his statement. and he really explained in his state exactly what he told authorities. and again, he pointed a lot of that blame at ryan lochte, saying ryan lochte is one that tore up the sign at the gas station. also let me created a quote exactly what he said. he said, i cannot spoke to his actions, but ryan stood up and began to yell at the guards after jack and i both tugged at him in an attempt to get him to sit back down, ryan and the security guards had a heated verbal exchange but no physical
contact was made. of course that was different than what lochte had to say. ryan's statement sort of cleared up a little bit yesterday. saying he apologized for not being more clear and concise for what exactly his version was. and also being more responsible as being the oldest one of the group involved in the incident. yeah, we're getting all of these statements. sort of what we were getting from the very beginning of this. will these apologies even matter. we know the international olympic committee. we know the u.s. olympic committee and usa swimming, they're all looking at this incident carefully. they say it's against their code of conduct. and now the question is will disciplinary action follow for these four men. that's what we're still waiting to hear from. >> not only that, you look at how people are reacting, just in general, people who are fans, a blistering op-ed in "the washington post." and the chicago tribune this
morning calling him stupid. calling him the dumbest bell that ever rang. just have to wait and see what happens from a legal standpoint. but also from a social standpoint and what happens. brynn gingras, appreciate it. let's go to the west coast where the blue cut fire is spreading. we've got the latest on the fire near san bernardino that has droid over 100 homes. >> i didn't want to leave. i didn't want to be in that rural valley with all of that smoke. it was like we were trapped.
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well, the blue cut fire is something we have been watching now. it has burned 37,000 acres. >> and nearly 100 homes are gone, too. also a piece of history has been lost. here's more. >> a gumball machine over there. >> reporter: cecil stevens is the long-time owner of the route 66 landmark until a month ago. >> it makes me sick. i know every pipe. after 50 years you would have to repair half that stuff. >> reporter: that's right, a half century of an old hangout on route 66. steven bought the summit inn in
1966, shut down the motel and focused on food and the history of the famed route from chicago to the pacific ocean. he and his wife became the mom and pop stop for route 66 worshippers and locals. >> there's been many times i would sit at the bar right there having coffee when it was snowing and said, i'm not going to work. >> reporter: many celebrities rolled through here, too, including elvis presley. a jukebox didn't own one of his records. >> he said, maybe next time i come in here you'll have one of my records on. and you can believe when i came back, i went out and got a record right away and it was on the jukebox. >> reporter: music serenaded generations of people who pulled off the road to eat to the
ostrich burger to the hillbilly burger. >> what is a hillbilly burger? >> it was a meal in itself. >> it was huge. >> reporter: the kitchen is now a pile of charred heartbreak, but perhaps a good omen that some inside still stands. and the new owners say they will rebuild and recapture every charming inch of the cecil stevens treasure. it's a new era for donald trump, perhaps, with multiple things happening in the campaign. they are trying a new approach to reach out to african-american voters specifically. plus, we have seen athletes win gold, silver and bronze in rio. an inside look at how the medals are made. you're choosing more complete allergy relief and all the enjoyment that comes along with it. when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by overproducing 6 key inflammatory substances.
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the gold medals you see on the podium are made with a secret ingredient. >> the gold medals are not solid gold, maybe you knew that, but they have not been for 100 years. how the olympic gold medals are made and how much they are worth. [ speaking foreign language ] >> reporter: the rio olympic medals were made in secret. guerrero is one of the people who worked nonstop to make more than 5,000 of the beauties for the olympics and paralympics.
sculpting the mold alone is a process that took two weeks. he used hand precision tools instead of a computer to have more control over the design. once the hand-sculpting mold was put into the computer, the computer machine etched the mold and factory workers struck the gold with 550 tons of horse three times to create the coveted symbols of victory. the gold medals go through an extra step known as the bath of gold. you see, the gold medals are made of 494 grams of silver and 6 grams of gold. the melted market value of the gold and silver inside the gold medal is worth $587.
the last time an olympic gold medal was made of pure gold was during the 1912 summer olympics in sweden. [ speaking foreign language ] >> reporter: but for the athletes just like for the makers of the medals like guerrero, it's not what the medals are worth in gold but about the achieved dreams they represent. rosa flores, cnn, rio de janeiro. >> so coveted, no doubt about it. there's so much news to talk to you about this morning. >> here's the next hour of "new day" starting right now. >> what do you have to lose? >> donald trump making a passionate pitch to african-american voters. >> they can make him read new
words from a teleprompter. but he is still the same man. five individuals have already been confirmed inepted to the miami beach area. >> what if you are a pregnant woman living in that neighborhood? imagine the emotional toll that must be. >> when you get this much rain in one area, it's devastating. >> come on down. we're glad to have you. >> i want to thank mr. trump for coming to louisiana. he brought attention to our state. >> reporter: president obama will travel to the state on tuesday. the two swimmers blame most of this on ryan lochte. a triple-triple for usain bolt. >> i can't think of another athlete since mohommad ali that has captured this beyond imagination. well, good morning to you on
this saturday. i'm christi paul. >> i'm havivictor blackwell. >> trump's campaign is going through a major overhaul. his campaign chairman paul manafort is out. and with the new leadership trump is trying to reach out to black voters. listen. >> i say it again, what do you have to lose? what do you have to lose? you're living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58% of your youth is unemployed. what the hell do you have to lose? >> let's bring in cnn's michael smerconish, host of "smerconish" which starts in about an hour here. michael, what was interesting is this was a speech made in diamonddale, michigan, about 93% white. so the crowd was not particularly diverse. what was your first takeaway when you first heard the speech?
>> pretty much the same as victor's as he expressed last hour to say, okay, you're asking for the order, and i think that's a good thing, but you need to make a direct ask. which means you need to go into the african-american community and need to ask directly of those folks that which you are seeking. and clrmy second reaction is th is nothing new about this debate. a year ago it was steven a. smith who went to vanderbilt university and said to african-americans, why are we allowing ourselves to be taken for granted by the democratic party? competition for our votes would be a really good thing. and i find interesting the fact that it seems to be more controversial when the statement comes from donald trump than when the statement comes from an african-american. but in any event, i think all votes aught to be in play so i think it's a good thing. >> all right. i want to listen to one thing that he said last night that may actually work very much against
hillary clinton. let's listen in. >> one thing we know for sure is that if you keep voting for the same people, you will keep getting the same, exactly the same result. >> this is a direct hit towards her. i mean, getting out of the establishment, do something different, this could speak to african americans and to people really struggling right now, is it not? >> absolutely. it's a fair question. why is our vote already committed to a particular party if, in fact, our station in life hasn't changed over time and we've had such an allegiance to that party? but here's something else i have to say, there's a fine line here. and i listened carefully to the way in which he delivered those remarks. and at a certain point it gets condescending. you're schools are no good, you
have no jobs, et cetera. you have to be very, very careful. i think there's a logical case to be made, but the tone becomes very important. >> and when we talk about paul manafort and the shake-up or this resetting, let's say, of his campaign. it made me wonder, are we looking at the instability that we see there and could that be a preview of what he will do in his administration? and what i mean by that is who he chooses to be around him, how he chooses to manage that, how important is what's happening in his campaign right now to the electorate as a precursor to what may be in the future. >> you know what is interesting is when the announcement that steve ban non was going to be the top person and paul manafort was in the mix, many analysts looked at it and said, well, he's really going back to his roots, the way in which he won the primary, the way in which he
won the caucuses, which is to say, let trump be trump. let him fire from the hip because that is in keeping with brightbart news and bannon style. what did he do on bannon's watch and the way of kellyanne conway, he said, i've regretted some things i've said during the course of the campaign. so who knows what kind of trump we'll get in the next 80 or so days. it will be highly entertaining from start to finish. >> i think your show will be as well. you have mark cuban on today. >> right. so i've got the other billionaire who is a reality tv star. but my guy is not running for president. although some think that he aught to. what is interesting about cuba is he made the dallas mavericks arena available to donald trump. 20,000 people came a year ago. and he seemed eager about donald
trump's candidacy. but he did an about-face and is very much with hillary clinton. eni shall ask him why. >> michael smerconish, good to have you. looking forward to the show in an hour. >> have a good day. >> watch "smerconish" at 9:00 a.m. eastern here. victor? welcome to the conversation where we have cnn political commentator and democratic strategy, good morning. we'll get into the specifics here in the campaign, donald trump now reading the scripted remarks. i went to your website, women -- i know he says things sometimes to get himself in trouble because he's not working off a teleprompter. that could be outdated because that is what he's doing now, is
he not? >> he's working off a teleprompter but don't think he's scripted. wait a minute -- >> it is scripted. >> it doesn't matter and doesn't mean he didn't write it himself and have input into that. you can tell when people are speaking from their heart and saying things they mean. donald trump is not the kind of person that you can feed words into him and thoughts into him and then he's going to regurgitate them. he absolutely is not that kind of person and from a teleprompter does not mean that he is -- >> from your perspective, the remarks he read in charlotte and diamonddale after this turn at the top, you believe that these are written by him? >> oh, i believe he absolutely -- they are coming from him. he may not have sat and wrote him down himself, but he's not the kind to regurgitate thoughts
and words. >> we know kellyanne is taking over now. >> i think america should be concerned because there was no apology from donald trump recently and absolutely has not changed his tone. look, the reality is that it is less than 80 days until the election. the recent trump we have seen on the stump is the one that came out 128 days ago calling mexican immigrants rapists and crimin s criminals, he doesn't apologize
for that. we cannot unsee the last 128 days. and that's why when you look at women, why there is such a huge gap, you look at what he is -- how he is doing among white college educated women, which right now hillary clinton is winning by 11 points. and mitt romney won by 14 points in the 2012 election, yet he lost that election. so he is in deep trouble, not just with women, but with african-americans regardless of his ridiculous and condescending way that he is now talking about quote/unquote outreach to them. you know, calling -- essentially saying that they are all poor and uneducated and can't tell the difference between -- >> and what the hell do you have to lose is the pitch he used twice? >> you can't be more condescending than that. >> let me talk about a point you said there, maria, immigration, at the center of his new ad, the first ad out of his general
election campaign. let's watch. in hillary clinton's america, the system stays rigged. syrian wbr id "wbr78055" refugees flood in, illegal immigrants committed of crimes get to stay. our border open, it's more of the same but worse. donald trump's america is secure, terrorists and dangerous wbr id "wbr78172" criminals kept out, the border secure, our families safe. change that makes america safe again. donald trump for president. i'm donald trump and i approve this message. so amy, although there's this talk, this rhetoric about turning the wbr id "wbr78322" page and new phase and new donald trump, wbr id "wbr78355" that is the message he delivered on the day he came down the escalator to launch his campaign. and the trump campaign, i guess, believes that is their ticket to win in november. look, he's not a new donald trump. he has said, i'm going to be who i am, i am myself. and these are issues that our americans are concerned about, /b
if when we talk about immigration, it's not like he's against immigrants coming into the country. we are all immigrants coming from somewhere. but he is talking about legal immigration. it's not right that the people are coming across the borders and not obeying the rule of law. i mean, i would think that all americans would want to uphold the rule of law that sets a very bad precedence, but that is not the case. and when you talk about, you know, the crime and the immigrants coming across and the terrorism and whatnot, that is something all americans are concerned about. our families, we all want our families to go to bed at night and be safe and secure. if our nation is not secure, how can we sleep knowing that our nation's not secure? you can't guarantee our families are secure. >> maria, i want to give you a moment to respond to that. >> look, that ad got four
pinocchios from the "washington post" because he lies and injects fear. that's the only tool he has right now against hillary clinton. and you're seeing it in all the polls. there's a reason why there was a campaign shakeup. they know the trump campaign is flying off the rails. i'm glad that amy and everybody else is focusing on letting trump be trump. as long as we can let trump be trump, we can let hillary clinton be president of the united states. >> maria cardona, amy, thank you for being here. we'll look at what is happening this morning with the disaster in louisiana and the difficult road ahead for the thousands of people there. coming up, the waters are still submerging entire neighborhoods here just south of louisiana. but there is hope. coming up, we'll show you how some of the waters are receding
and what comes next for the people hit the hardest. >> thank you. also, a zika virus this morning, a new one here in the united states. if you're pregnant, the cdc says you need to avoid at least two different parts of f. florida. >> the department of health has learned through one of their investigations that five individuals have already been confirmed as cases of local transmissions of zika that are connected to the miami beach area.
i'm hillary clinton, and i approve this message. michael hayden: if he governs consistent with some of the things he said as a candidate, i would be very frightened. gillian turner: he's been talking about the option of using a nuclear weapon against our western european allies. max boot: this is not somebody who should be wbr id "wbr80850" handed the nuclear codes. charles krauthammer: you have to ask yourself, do i want a person of that temperament /b
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than 110,000 homes in flooded areas are worth a combined total of $20.7 billion. 15% of all homes in the area have flood insurance. >> we are joined live from baton rouge. this is the worst disaster to strike since hurricane sandy four years ago. do you have a good gauge of help being offered to people? >> reporter: federal help is going to be the key here as 15% of the homes in the area did not see this coming. so it's important to remember there are neighborhoods and entrances to neighborhoods still submerged. actually a pickup truck or at least a boat is needed to get around parts in the southern regions. but the situation does seem to be getting better in terms of accessibility. when you look behind me, you can see the floodwaters still blocking an entrance to the ascension parish.
we have seen the water drop dramatically. you can see where it is right now. two hours ago it was just about here and you can see the dry patches here on the asphalt. we'll give you a better perspective of how fast the water levels are dropping. that's good for accessibility. once the water levels begin to recede, you can get supplies into some of the affected regions and some of the homeowners are able to access their homes. and this morning there is very little hope there was anything left behind in some of the hardest-hit regions. i've been speaking to those with material losses, but one woman in particular we met on the side of the road this week in one of the parishes here 11 miles south of baton rouge, she was out searching for her relatives that had been laid to rest years ago. here's what happened, she has a family cemetery on her property. she has at least 40 people that have been laid to rest there, loved ones, the floodwaters containing the vaults for a lack
of a better word popped out of the cemetery. so she was out with neighbors trying to track down the caskets of some of her relatives. clearly, a very emotional struggle for her, but really what she's going through compares to what many people here are now experiencing. as we mentioned a short while ago, guys, federal aid will have to be key for many people as they did not have flood insurance policy. >> hoping that woman finds what she's looking for. we haven't heard a story like that since hurricane katrina. we knew it happened at that point as well. polo sandoval, thank you so much. by the way, coming up in a few minutes, we're talking live with a louisiana family. they, too, have lost everything in the floods. but they are going through a struggle that we can only imagine. we wouldn't wish it on anybody, as their daughter is fighting for cancer and then this happens. we'll share that story just ahead. plus, going to florida,
federal officials with new warnings on the zika virus. elizabeth cohen is live at miami beach. >> reporter: good morning, victor. i'm here in south beach. and one of the two zika zones. pregnant women and their partners should not travel here. i'll have more on that when we come back.
as a supervisor at pg&e, it's my job to protect public safety, keeping the power lines clear, while also protecting the environment. the natural world is a beautiful thing, the work that we do helps us protect it. public education is definitely a big part of our job, to teach our customers about the best type of trees to plant around the power lines. we want to keep the power on for our customers. we want to keep our community safe. this is our community, this is where we live. we need to make sure that we have a beautiful place for our children to live. together, we're building a better california. 23 minutes after the hour now. pregnant women are being warned against traveling to certain sections of miami-dade county. and the cdc says the people who live there, they should be very
careful. meanwhile, florida's governor says the state's effort to fight zika, they are working, but they need more help from the cdc. cnn's senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen is live from miami beach. good morning to you. i'm wondering after speaking to officials there and locals there, how are they taking this news? >> reporter: victor, i've been talking to obstetricians here in this area on south beach in one of the zika zones, and they say their patients are very concerned. many of the pregnant ladies are basically not leaving their houses unless they absolutely have to, for example, to go to work. so they are not taking walks or going to the beach. and some women have basically barricaded themselves in their houses for the duration of their pregnancy. here's what governor rick scott had to say in a press conference yesterday. >> we have a new zone in miami beach that is less than 1.5 square miles. we are reducing the area of wynwood because for education and the mosquito abatement efforts we are requesting
additional support from the cdc. we are already increasing spraying. we are doing everything we can to help pregnant women all across the state to be a safe state and we're going to keep it that way. >> reporter: obstetricians here tell me that a few patients have left the area for the duration of their pregnancies. >> so elizabeth, what about the people who have already visited south beach, popular place this time of the year, and plan to get pregnant soon, in the next few months or so, what is the advice for them? >> reporter: victor, that's a pretty common question. a lot of tourists come to this area, luckily, there is a good answer. zika clears out of your immune system pretty quickly. the immune system gets rid of it. so if a woman has been in this area and then wants to get pregnant, she should wait a month or so. that's enough time for the virus to clear the system and then she
should be fine. >> elizabeth cohen in south beach, thank you so much. there are thousands of horror stories out of louisiana because of the historic flooding, but there is one, in particular, there's one family you need to hear about that has lost everything. and it happened as their young daughter is fighting for her life, fighting cancer. they will be with us here in a couple minutes. plus, the first presidential debate is a little more than a month away, about five months, but donald trump is starting to prepare this weekend. we're talking debate prep with an expertn. next.
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good morning, glad to be with you. i'm christi paul. >> and i'm victor blackwell. >> donald trump was trying to appeal to african-americans while speaking to a mostly white audience. >> what do you have to lose? your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58% of your youth is unemployed, what the hell do you have to lose? >> he went on to say in his second term he would win 95% of the african-american vote, which at this point may be a tall order. a new nbc news poll prompted 1% support among black voters. in a tweet, clinton called trump's speech, quote, so ignorant it's staggering. so this weekend donald trump is starting debate prep. here's what his new campaign manager says they will focus on
until the debate. >> i think we are going to sharpen the message and make sure donald trump is comfortable about being in his own skin, that he doesn't lose the authenticity that you cannot buy and a pollster cannot give you. voters know if you are comfortable in your own skin. >> joining us now, ed lee, debate director at emory university here in atlanta. ed, good to have you here. >> thank you for having me. >> so let's talk about this in several chapters here. there's a who, a how and a. what we'll start with the who. we know we heard a bit of a hint from kellyanne conway about the stand-in for the debate preps. let's play that. >> so back to debate prep, that's interesting that you're already engaged in it, who is playing hillary clinton? >> well, it's actually a wonderful choice for this weekend. and i think he'll be very happy with the choice. i won't say because it's
confidential. >> we are very happy with the pick, do you the ink he knows t person? >> well, it needs to be someone to present the arguments in a way the debate is doing. and you need to frame the discussions in the way they do. so what are the surprises that may come up? there are things that you want the person to bring up that will give you more information on how to prepare. and that is really difficult to do because the other side is preparing in a way to hide those things and make sure the best events are not ones known at the immediate moment. >> this is not donald trump's first debate, right? he went through nearly a dozen of them for the primaries, but there was never a one-on-one that is assuming that gary johnson or joel stein don't make the stage. but how do you pair that down to a 90-second answer, 30-second
rebuttal, where these debates will be more structured than the primary debates? >> you're right. one of the things about the primary debates are a series of elevator pitches because he was sharing the stage with ten people at times even more than that. so the amount of time that he had to speak and even wanted to speak was much less. and in a two-on-two debate, the depth of knowledge is ultimately the coin of the rail and you have to be able to go in-depth about the particular issues, whether we are talking about the economic troubles we're dealing with in our particular country or the various issues of foreign policy. and whether he may be able to ax a excel in that, we'll have to see. >> listen to the debate season. >> thank you for the vote. thank you for the vote. go ahead. we're having a lot of fun up here tonight, i have to tell
you. thank you for the vote, i really appreciate it. >> donald, relax. >> you're the basket case. go ahead. don't get nervous. go ahead. >> i promise there is nothing about you that makes people nervous. >> i don't know what is happening. >> gentlemen -- >> i don't know what that was, but i imagine we are not going the see that when you have the nominee standing there, just the two of them, when there's a shift from the unscripted off-the-cuff donald trump to what we're seeing now, the more scripted donald trump. when you look towards the debates, do you want him to go back to the scripted answers or want someone unscripted? >> it's a really tough place for the folks who are leading him. and they make decisions about what the debate performance looks like. at his best as a communicator, here's unscripted and off-the-cuff. but that could play into the
clinton campaign that he's reckless and dangerous, is this the person you want being our top diplomat negotiating security issues and economic and global issues. and that is the concern you have, as the scripted donald trump, it ultimately turns off his base because they want someone, as we heard during the last section, someone being authentic. that they want donald trump to be donald trump. but donald trump being donald trump is something we don't know about at any particular time. >> how do you prepare for this if donald trump introduces some of the, how do we put this, indelicate details of the lewinsky scandal, elements he's brought up on the stump, monica lewinsky's dress, other elements that one would not imagine to be in a presidential debate but quite possibly could show up. >> well, i think there are two
ways in which hillary clinton can address this. one, it can be ignored. that this is not what the presidential campaign is about. there are a tremendous amount of issues that every day americans are dealing with. and what has happened in my past has nothing to do with that. the second thing she could do is say these are conversations you have with women. and this is not a conversation you would have with a man on the stage. as a way to recenter the focal point about the historic nature of the debate. i think that either one of those would probably be okay. and i know that people are hinting that this is the direction he's going to go in. but i just don't see it playing very well in the ways in which we would see this come out in
dealing with crises dm domestically. >> is there a challenge, is there a threat here for hillary clinton if we see her freewill come out? if she is more unscripted, if he is more unscripted, it could help her. >> yes. she mentioned during her speech at the democratic convention, that she's comfortable in the details in talking about policy. most of us are not. we want someone we can relate to. we want someone we can gravitate towards knowing how the process
works without knowing what the process is. the more she gets into details the more people can't believe she's not being an apprentice. that's one of the things we'll test her on and think about, but not going too far in that direction. >> ed lee, really glad to have you, thank you. listen, if you think you're having a tough morning or week, i think there is something you need to hear from. we know and families have lost so much in the flooling in louisiana, but they are just trying to keep their daughter alive on top of everything that they have lost. we're going to talk to them next. stay close. get between you and life's dobeautiful moments.llergens by choosing flonase, you're choosing more complete allergy relief
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the flooding in louisiana is something we have been talking about as many are forced to watch the devastation potentially get worse. many have unique stories, obviously, and i want to introduce you to one family that does, too. 9-year-old jill bicker is battling cancer right now. and she has to watch her family essentially lose everything. she had major sunday in st. jude's in tennessee. her father, big sister and twin
are in louisiana trying to deal with the disaster. their rental home was badly damaged. there's a horrible smell coming from it. and the entire house is crawling with ants. now this family, however, said they are just so grateful that everyone is alive. let's talk with jill's mother and stepfather, ashley and dannon alvarado. jill is with us as well, how are you, sweetie. i know you had surgery on monday. how are you feeling, jill? >> i'm feeling good. >> you look so beautiful. i'm glad you could be here with us. ashley, help us understand how she's doing, what kind of cancer does she have? we want to know about her. >> okay. jillian has sarcoma, which is a soft tissue or bone cancer.
she was diagnosed end of april, beginning of may with a tumor in the top of her right femur. just kind of started complaining of very general leg pain. and then it kind of progressed really rapidly. there was a very obvious, we called it a bump at the top of her leg. we caught it fortunately very quickly. we were diagnosed the on a monday and were here in memphis and were here on thursday. it grew into biopsies and placing lines and coming up with a treatment plan, essentially. so we -- the way treatment is done, they throw you into an induction cycle and a treatment plan. and we finished our first induction cycle a couple weeks ago, which means that we have finished our first big cycle of chemo. we were able to do all of that
at the affiliate center back home in baton rouge. she just had what is called limph sparing surgery. we came back to st. jude's for that. they removed what was left of her tumor and basically saved her leg. so that was a pretty major surgery. she just had that on monday, so she's tough. she's a fighter and is up. we are already out of icu and back in our room. >> we didn't expect we would necessarily see her this morning because it has not been a full week. we are so glad we're seeing her. what are you hear iing from bac home in louisiana. >> as far as our physical home, everyone around us has moved
out. we just moved in to our new home and found that it was full of ants looking for dry land. we have a stormg area under water. we received notice that we had 48 hours to get everything out of it. we are here and have to deal with that. we have a rental house, we have stuff kind of all over the place, all of our families my husba husband, our basic essentials are there. >> so explain what you are going
to do in your house when you get there. we have nicknamed ourselves team jill. and we have grown tremendously. we have been adopted, you can see the baton rouge s.w.a.t. team, they have adopted jillian and taken her under their wings. they have loved on her and supported her through us. we have family back home, we have grand support from all over. >> what are you most in need of do you feel like, ashley? >> we are in need of everything back home. we are in need of socks and clothing and shoes and pillows and blankets, you name it, gift
cards, anything that be -- can be sent. >> jill, you are so beautiful. we're glad you're doing so well and we'll look for an update from you soon, okay? >> okay, thank you. >> thank you, sweetie. and best of luck to you, ashley and damon. please keep in touch with us. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back.
usain bolt has a triple-triple. now, it's not a delicious burger, though it sounds like one. >> it could be. sounds like it.
>> gold medals in three sprint events at three consecutive olympics. >> coy wire is live in rio. it must have been thunderous in that stadium. >> reporter: absolutely. victor, i like that. they may now have the triple-triple. usain bolt's record, nine races, nine wins. undefeated. no one has done that before. so after that unprecedented triple-triple last night, bolt dropped the mike. he said, there you go, i'm the greatest. jamaica was behind when bolt got the baton, but then he got to show that he's the fastest man that we have seen. running the final leg, he has won one gold every 36 seconds. bolt is legend. now i sat don with aly raisman, the second most decorated gymnast in history, second to shannon miller, and asked her,
aly, how does that resonate with you? she said she used to memorize shannon's scores and watch her on vhs tapes. now it's aly raisman, team captain of the final five and is making memorable moments and being an inspiration to others. after you and simone won one-two in the competition, how did that make you feel her saying nice things? >> even though we compete against each other, we don't take it that way. going in i knew the best i could do was a silver medal, so it felt like i won the gold with the silver. she said she was more proud of me for getting the silver than she was of getting the gold. so that was really kind of her. >> your parents got to take the center stage, aly. what if we take turns doing the best impression of your parents. i'll go first. okay, your turn. >> i would say they more lean.
like, my mom leans to the side. when i do my bar routine, they feel if they leap, i don't know, because it has nothing to do with gymnastics at all, if i actually did that i would fall off the event. so they lean and think it's somehow not going to make me fall off. they are crazy. >> reporter: we have all had people in our lives that inspire us. know there is someone special in your life who paved the way for your olympic career? >> i'm here with bridgestone today as they are donating $10,000 to dana farver. unfortunately, my grandmother passed away a year before the last olympics. when i competed in 2012, i would think about her all the time. and here, just thinking about her gives me the extra push for confidence when you're nervous. >> reporter: inspiration, motivation, aly raisman,
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Martial Arts , Antique Car , Hula Hoop , Hoop Rhythmic Gymnastics , Rhythmic Gymnastics , Barbell , Gymnastics , Acrobatics , Aerialist , Tights , Modern Dance , Ballet , Concert Dance , Dancer , Ballet Dancer , Artistic Gymnastics , Caving , Fashion Show , Backlighting , Trampolining , Trapeze , Choir , Biceps Curl , Computer Hardware , Computer Case , Netbook , Graphics Tablet , Film Studio , Studio , Window Treatment , Desert , Aeolian Landform , Sahara , Geology , Erg , Badlands , Wadi , Dune , Surfer Hair , Singing Sand , Footprint , Mudflat , Pocari Sweat , Drinking , Soft Drink , Carbonated Soft Drinks , Drinking Water , Water Bottle , Bottled Water , Wind Wave , Barefoot , Ankle , Tide , Surfing , Boardsport , Surface Water Sports , Surfboard , Surfing Equipment , Wetsuit , Liquid , Fluid , Solvent , Solution , Chemical Compound , Parking Lot , Pedestrian Crossing , Tour Bus Service , Trolleybus , Double Decker Bus , Sun Tanning , People On Beach , Umbrella , Outdoor Furniture , Stand Up Paddle Surfing , Undergarment , Briefs , Trunks , Outer Space , Astronomy , Universe , Planet , Campfire , Fire , Bonfire , Heat , Flame , Anemone Fish , Pumpkin , Pomacentridae , Jacko Lantern , Goldfish , Cave , Fish , Cnidaria , Marine Invertebrates , Crab , Jellyfish , Crustacean , Peach , Caramel Color , Volcano , Nebula , Household Supply , Operating Theater , Cg Artwork , Office Equipment , Sparkler , Poi , Visual Arts , Alley , Tints And Shades , Film Noir , Boeing Ch 47 Chinook , Boeing Vertol Ch 46 Sea Knight , Mil Mi 24 , Bell Uh 1 Iroquois , Aurora , Traffic Congestion , Emergency Service , Treadmill , Ping Pong , Soccer Player , Taxi , Ambulance , Automobile Repair Shop , Water Park , Bodybuilder , Stomach , Therapy , Chiropractor , Physiotherapist , Waist , Massage , Recruiter , Amusement Park , Globe , Estuary , Island , 110 Metres Hurdles , Multi Sport Event , Obstacle Race , Steeplechase , 100 Metres Hurdles , Soccer Specific Stadium , Arena , Rugby , Baseball Field , Goal , Net , Slam Dunk , Shot Put , Tennis , Commercial Building , Motorcycle Helmet , Volleyball , Touchdown , Motorcycle Speedway , Racewalking , Basketball Court , 3x3 Basketball , Netball , Sitting Volleyball , Freestyle Wrestling , Angry , Biathlon , Bocce , Ice Skating , Kettlebell , Pole Vault , Sports Training , Balance Beam , Tumbling Gymnastics , Cable Management , Electronics Accessory , Rodeo , Blouse , Sleeveless Shirt , Whiteboard , Butterfly , Pollinator , Videoconferencing , Wheelchair Basketball , Net Sports , Field House , Volleyball Net , Hobby , Coach , Elder , Recliner , Baby , Wallet , Human Anatomy , Still Life , Fractal Art , Heart , Blood Vessel , Vein , Class , Academic Institution , Fashion Design , Bench , Playground , Shooting , Salad , Local Food , Junk Food , Violet Family , Creative Arts , Viola , Alcoholic Beverage , Vegetable , Fast Food , Sharing , Golf , Precision Sports , Grandparent , Longboard , Street Stunts , Skateboard , Roller Skating , Collection , Fashion Model , Horse , Farm , Mercedes Benz W201 , Volkswagen , Classic , Garage , Countertop , Garden Buildings , Picket Fence , Identity Document , Lawn Game , Clip Art , Musical Theatre , Afterglow , Sunrise , Sunset , Red Sky At Morning , Dusk , Dawn , Sun , Motocross , Eyelash Extensions , Warehouse , Curling , Amusement Ride , Bicycle Tire , Egg , Cue Stick , Carmine , Sneakers , Ribbon , Book , Ribbon Rhythmic Gymnastics , Floor Exercise , Sport Aerobics , Skating , Balance , Tricking , Rings , Flip Acrobatic , Pommel Horse , Swiss Ball , Pilates , Mat , Daitō Ryū Aiki Jūjutsu , Martial Arts , Racket , Figure Skating , Stretching , Weights , Archery , Ice Rink , Leotard , Circus , Government , Duathlon , Modern Pentathlon , Cityscape , Skyline , Skyscraper , Tower Block , Milk , Ceramic , Ford Five Hundred , Recreation Room , Snack , Court , Wig , Lace Wig , Sweater , Tartan , Cardigan , Leggings , Plaid , Collar , Polo Shirt , Plumbing Fixture , Baby Products , Infant Bed , Mother , Bathing , Daughter , Pajamas , Pillow , Sash Window , Prison , Computer Speaker , Megaphone , Wristband , Watch Phone , Carton , Box , Packaging And Labeling , Honda Civic Hybrid , Volkswagen Eos , Home Door , Fixture , Suidae , Domestic Pig , Pomeranian , West Highland White Terrier , Goats , Pig , Welsh Corgi , Pembroke Welsh Corgi , Vertebrate , Berger Blanc Suisse , Samoyed , White Shepherd , Working Dog , Rare Breed Dog , Companion Dog , Korean Jindo Dog , Puppy , Ammunition , Cream , Herb , Office Supplies , General Motors , Sailing , Sail , Sailboat , Parallel Bars , Vault Gymnastics , Dungeon , Wat , Shrine , Arcade Game , Greenhouse , Botany , Orangery , Fixed Link , Arch Bridge , Headland , Cable Stayed Bridge , Bay , Skyway , Viaduct , Beam Bridge , Concrete Bridge , Steeple , Spire , Clock Tower , Corporate Headquarters , Headquarters , National Historic Landmark , Classical Architecture , Monument , Brutalist Architecture , Listed Building , Medieval Architecture , Seat Of Local Government , Zebra Crossing , Fell , Tarn , Tundra , Plateau , Deciduous , Chaparral , Depression , Unesco World Heritage Site , Church , Transparent Material , Factory , Hangar , Blackboard , Professor , Chalk , Aisle , Aquarium , Electricity , Transmission Tower , Buttercream , Icing , Cake , Dessert , Torte , Whipped Cream , Sweetness , Baked Goods , Meringue , Frozen Dessert , Perching Bird , Breakfast , Pancake , Tiramisu , Produce , Asian Food , European Food , Crêpe , Birthday Cake , Finger Food , American Food , Ice Cream , Cheesecake , Sponge Cake , Staple Food , Pie , Polish Food , Bread , Bánh Mì , Bakery , Fried Food , Natural Foods , Diet Food , Whole Food , Apple , Fruit , Vegetarian Food , Preserved Food , Vegan Nutrition , Onion , Leaf Vegetable , Cruciferous Vegetables , Rose Family , Malus , Rosales , Taste , Cook , Supper , Culinary Art , Side Dish , Tomato , Korean Food , Solanum , à La Carte Food , Comfort Food , Full Breakfast , Horsd Oeuvre , Greek Food , Appetizer , Hawaiian Food , Brazilian Food , Cutting Board , Placemat , Plank , Coffeehouse , Café , Hotel , Bar , Diner , Cut Flowers , Tradition , Flowerpot , Kindergarten , Dobok , Karate , Hapkido , Taekwondo , Japanese Martial Arts , Taekkyeon , Kung Fu , Tang Soo Do , Black Belt , Judo , Kenpō , Jujutsu , Martial Arts Uniform , Brazilian Jiu Jitsu , T Ai Chi Ch Uan , Function Hall , Alcohols , Frying Pan , Bowl , Captain America , Superhero , Egg Yolk , Fried Egg , Wok , Chocolate , Dutch Oven , Red Hair , Hubcap , Chocolate Cake , Refrigerator , Brain , Cookies And Crackers , Monkey Bread , Curry , Frying , Deep Frying , Chicken Nugget , Chicken Fingers , Panko , Lemon Pepper , Fried Chicken , Chicken Meat , Meat , Beef , Thai Food , Chinese Food , Soup , Sandwich , Potato , Mixer , Cutlery , Flyer , Breakfast Cereal , Cereal , Popcorn , Kitchen Knife , Knife , Cold Weapon , Kitchen Utensil , Carving , Root Vegetable , Origami , Orange , Orange Juice , Valencia Orange , Citrus , Cheeseburger , Hamburger , Breakfast Sandwich , Mcmuffin , Big Mac , Felidae , Cat , Small To Medium Sized Cats , Marsupial , Bear , Laundry Detergent , Futsal , Crew , Temple Fade , Crossfit , Squat , Bovine , Bull , Horn , Cow Goat Family , Aerobic Exercise , Golf Equipment , Golf Course , Professional Golfer , Golf Club , Golfer , Artificial Turf , Match Play , Pitch And Putt , Putter , Wedge , Golf Ball , Miniature Golf , Hickory Golf , Foursome Golf , Middle Ages , Baseball Park , Softball , Baseball , Clay Pigeon Shooting , Tennis Player , Bedtime , Lighting Accessory , Scarf , Quilting , Quilt , Tote Bag , Laboratory , Cosmetics , Distilled Beverage , Suite , Lampshade , Dinner , Coca Cola , Cola , Baggage , Headphones , Cattle , Cardinal , Robin , Smoke , Wildfire , Explosion , Input Device , Computer Component , Peripheral , Watercolor Paint , Publication , Paint , Printmaking , Computer Keyboard , Touchpad , Desktop Computer , Resort , Resort Town , Seaside Resort , Spa Town , Caribbean , Honeymoon , Tropics , Reef , Coral Reef , Coral , Freediving , Diving , Aquanaut , Stony Coral , Erosion , Coral Reef Fish , Drop , Stunt Performer , Kayaking , Sea Kayak , Kayak , Canoeing , Paddle , Boats And Boating Equipment Supplies , Diving Equipment , Dry Suit , Snorkeling , Underwater Sports , Buoyancy Compensator , Wedding Reception , Wedding , Trampolining Equipment And Supplies , Carpet , Coffee Table , Scale Model , Kitchen Dining Room Table , Fireplace , Hearth , Wood Burning Stove , Loft , Beige , Gloss , Brochure , Beanie , Cylinder , Sconce , Tsunami , Brick , Rain Gutter , Brickwork , Hardware , Historic House , Building Material , Rain , Parade , Pride Parade , Waste , Concrete Mixer , Tree House , Log Cabin , Eventing , Stallion , Bridle , Mare , Animal Sports , Rein , Fishing , Recreational Fishing , Inflatable Boat , Poker , Card Game , Gambling , Demolition , Slum , Earthquake , Strategy Video Game , Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game , Recycling , Bulldozer , Technician , Machine Tool , Electronic Engineering , School Bus , Honda Element , Tabletop Game , Research , Research Institute , Toilet Seat , Medical Technologist , Health Care Provider , White Coat , Medicine , Pharmacy Technician , Nurse , Woodworking , Workshop , Outdoor Table , Patio , Gun , Outdoor Play Equipment , Dollhouse , Nativity Scene , Craft , Golden Retriever , Conformation Show , Missile , Handwriting , Slope , Sketch , Pencil , Braid , Orienteering , Fisheye Lens , Typewriter , Keyboard , Audio Engineer , Gauge , Gravure Idol , Japanese Idol , Vascular Plant , Track Spikes , Cheerleading , Cheerleading Uniform , Medal , Spitz , Yorkshire Terrier , Shih Tzu , Terrier , Small Terrier , Snout , Miniature Schnauzer , Toy Dog , Schnauzer , Cairn Terrier , Vulnerable Native Breeds , Australian Terrier , Jack Russell Terrier , Boston Terrier , French Bulldog , Russell Terrier , Rat Terrier , Walt Disney World , Projection Screen , Home Cinema , Seminar , Memorial , Landscape Lighting , Teddy Bear , Media Player , Drum , Drums , Disc Jockey , Drummer , Percussionist , Membranophone , Tom Drum , Christmas Lights , Jury , Explosive Material , Sikorskys 64 Skycrane , Air Sports , Wind Turbine , Rocket , Pollution , Rescue , Hard Hat , Sackbut , Head Restraint , Hyundai Sonata , Audi R8 , Mercedes Benz Viano , Mazda Mazda5 , Mercedes Benze Class , Mercedes Benz Cls Class , Mercedes Benza Class , Mercedes Benz Sl Class , Mercedes Benz W219 , Toyota Camry , Hyundai Grandeur , Boot , Volvo Cars , Tire Care , Saab Automobile , Bmw X5 , Elliptical Trainer , Coffeemaker , Telescope , Shoulder Pads , Jersey , Feather , Glacier , Troop , Mythology , Statue , Gautama Buddha , Sculpture , Ancient History , Monk , Waterfall , Rapid , Sea Cave , Glacial Landform , Underground Lake , Fluvial Landforms Of Streams , Action Adventure Game , Video Game Arcade Cabinet , Outcrop , Bedrock , Lagoon , Picture Frame , Twig , Plant Stem , Mural , Mirror , Home Accessories , Step Cutting , Makeover , Antique , Scale , Measuring Instrument , Guru , Riot , Newspaper , Tabloid , Humour , Military Vehicle , Fast Food Restaurant , Custom Car , 1941 Ford , Plymouth Deluxe , Chevrolet , Gaz M20 Pobeda , Pickup Truck , Chevrolet Advance Design , Hardtop , Muscle Car , Edsel Ranger , Foundation , Jukebox , Slot Machine , Food Court , Buffalo Burger , Veggie Burger , Burger King Premium Burgers , Whopper , Baconator , Cemita , Slider , Patty , French Fries , Kids Meal , Chivito , Pan Bagnat , Rou Jia Mo , Salmon Burger , Gelato , Sundae , Strawberries , Cherry , Canadian Cuisine , Penne , Fish And Chips , Crash , Scrap , Wrestling , Greco Roman Wrestling , Grappling , Collegiate Wrestling , Folk Wrestling , Scholastic Wrestling , Meeting , Sari , Outdoor Shoe , Poster Session , High Speed Rail , Entertainment Center , Fur Clothing , Actors , Vase , Bronze Sculpture , Bust , Award , Coin , Gold Medal , Gold , Chemical Engineer , Mo Ney , Payment Card , Chinese New Year , Food Craving , Pottery , Porcelain , Relief , Angel , Supernatural Creature , Stone Carving , Bathroom , Surgeon , Medical Glove , Control Panel , Toolroom , Bullet , Gun Accessory , Brass , Cricket , Bat And Ball Games , One Day International , Twenty20 , Wicket , Currency , Cash , Banknote , Bronze , Money Handling , Lamp , Easter Egg , Limited Overs Cricket , Skiing , Frost , Boarding , Fête , Throwing , Javelin Throw , Warship , Submarine , Naval Architecture , Frigate , Storm , Drizzle , Bodybuilding Supplement , Beer , Energy Drink , Vodka , Energy Shot , 5 Hour Energy , Handyman , Galaxy , Speedboat , Skiff , Bass Boat , Endurocross , Liqueur , Toilet , Handgun Holster , Granite , Skateboarding , Wine Glass , Stemware , Blender , Château , Palace , Stately Home , Manor House , Official Residence , Courthouse , Movie Theater , Auditorium , Theatrical Scenery , Performing Arts Center , Porch , Garage Door , Water Bird , Mitsubishi Endeavor , Rowing , Angling , Fishing Rod , Carp , Shade , Villa , North American Fraternity And Sorority Housing , Farmhouse , Golf Cart , Valentines Day , Barrel , Stool , Bar Stool , Folding Chair , Riding Mower , Lawn Mower , Outdoor Power Equipment , Mower , Mobility Scooter , Power Tool , Snow Blower , Pool , Fire Apparatus , Sunflower , Perennial Plant , Wildflower , Daisy Family , Flowering Plant , Automated Teller Machine , Carbon , Telephone Booth , Locker , All Terrain Vehicle , Lego , Rocking Chair , Chevrolet Hhr , Chevrolet Uplander , Glove , Rays And Skates , Cartilaginous Fish , Stingray , Manta Ray , Marine Mammal , Arborist , Valdivian Temperate Rain Forest , Backpacking , Hiking , Cornales , Vitis , Magnolia , Clown , Carousel , Birthday , Private School , Cherry Blossom , Paddy Field , Riparian Forest , Riparian Zone , Spruce Fir Forest , Northern Hardwood Forest , Stream , Mountain Biking , Downhill Mountain Biking , Freeride , Swamp , Path , Grove , Swing , Freestyle Bmx , Mountain Bike , Bicycle Motocross , Bmx Bike , Segway , Military Uniform , Military Rank , Security , Non Commissioned Officer , Liquor Store , Pantry , Food Storage , Bookcase , Bricklayer , Microwave Oven , Crest , Trial , Mercedes Benz Gl Class , Mercedes Benz Glk Class , Mercedes Benzm Class , Mercedes Benzr Class , Mercedes Benzs Class , Mercedes Benzc Class , Comedy , Saint Patricks Day , Espresso Machine , Melee Weapon , Mop , Moisture , Fish Pond , Lacustrine Plain , Gardening , Airboat , Marsh , Jon Boat , Hovercraft , Powerboating , Salt Marsh , Flagstone , Spray , Motor Oil , Lubricant , Food Truck , Eco Hotel , Sunlounger , Sand Wedge , Fourball , Birch , Birch Family , Maserati Quattroporte , Ford Mondeo , Car Seat Cover , Bentley Continental Flying Spur , Bentley Continental Gt , Rolls Royce Ghost , Maserati Coupé , Mercedes Benz Slr Mclaren , Tvr , Bidet , Volvo V70 , Seat Belt , Ferrari F430 , Ferrari California , Porsche Cayman , Mclaren Automotive , Maserati Spyder , Tread , Maserati Ghibli , Porsche Panamera , Porsche 911 , Porsche Boxster , Windscreen Wiper , Colorfulness , Ford Expedition , Truck Driver , Dodge Neon Srt 4 , Nissan Leaf , Nissan , Blossom , Saturn Vue , Volkswagen Jetta , Subaru Legacy , Hearing , Headset , Ophthalmology , Body Piercing , Earrings , Dog Walking , Nordic Walking , Binoculars ,

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