Hackers this time it was former secretary of state colin powell he got hacked and in part of his email cache we have him calling donald trump a national disgrace. Hillary clinton is set to be back on the trail tomorrow. And she has to get there, because theres only 55 days left in this election. And a lot of people are going to vote even sooner than that. Just nine days from now in some states. We have the state of play covered for you. Lets begin with senior washington correspondent joe johns. He has more on trumps child care plan. Good morning, chris. Well, this is clearly a play for the womens vote. And unveiling it in a critical state like pennsylvania is a political calculation. A bit unusual for a republican candidate, especially the idea of six weeks of paid Maternity Leave in the form of Unemployment Benefits for new mothers whose employers dont offer Maternity Leave. The critique on that is that this doesnt address leave for fathers. There are also some subsidies here otherwise known as tax breaks allowing parents to deduct the average cost of child care in their state based on the age of the child. And that would be available for up to four children, or elderly dependents. And the plan would also provide Tax Deductions for stay at home parents who have a working spouse. Donald trump speaking last night explaining his proposal, but in the midst of it, also mischaracterizing the work Hillary Clinton has done on the very same issue. Listen. For many families in our country, child care is now the single largest expense. Who would think that . Even more so than housing. Yet very little meaningful policy work has been done in this area. And my opponent has no child care plan. What trump got wrong there is the last part about Hillary Clinton. In fact, she has had a child care plan up on her website for a year. Her plan calls for 12 weeks of paid family leave, also essentially would put a cap on the cost of child care at no more than 10 of a familys income, and providing free prek for all 4yearolds. The Clinton Campaign says the trump proposal doesnt go far enough. They put out a Statement Last night. It says after spending his entire career and this entire campaign demeaning women, dismissing the need to support working families, donald trump released a regressive and insufficient Maternity Leave policy thats out of touch, half baked and ignores the way americans live and work today. So back to you, alisyn. Okay joe thank you very much. Former secretary of state colin powell tearing into donald trump in a series of leaked emails exposing how powell really feels about the republican nominee. Meanwhile, president obama slamming trump with some brandnew economic ammunition. Cnns correspondent Phil Mattingly has all of that. Hes live for us in flint, michigan, this morning with more. Hi, phil. Hey, alisyn. Yeah, colin powell has some thoughts you could say on donald trump. National disgrace. International pariah. Among the words powell, in those private emails, used to describe the republican nominee. Now powell hasnt publicly stated any of these things. As you noted his emails were hacked and those were some of the ways he described trump. The emails were confirmed authentic by a spokesperson for powell. Now, president obama, hes not keeping anything private. These are his feelings on donald trump. I really, really, really want to elect Hillary Clinton. Reporter dubbed Hillary Clintons surrogate in chief, president obama blasting Donald Trumps qualifications to replace him. One candidate whos travelled to more countries than any secretary of state ever has, and the other who isnt fit in any way, shape or form to represent this country abroad and be its commander in chief. One candidates Family Foundation has saved countless lives around the world. The other candidates foundation took money other people gave to his charity, and then bought a sixfoottall painting of himself. Obama rejecting trumps claim he is fighting for the working class. This guy who spent 70 years on this earth showing no concern for working people. This guy suddenly going to be your champion . Reporter in discrediting trumps portrayal of the economy. We have a false economy. We have a bad economy. By so many measures america is stronger and more prosperous than when we started out. On this journey together. Reporter obamas case bolstered by new u. S. Census numbers showing the middle class wages rising for the First Time Since the recession. And poverty rates dropping sharply. The president also slamming trump for his praise of russian president vladimir putin. Their nominee is out there praise iing a guy, saying hes strong leader because he invades smaller countries, jails his opponents, controls the press, and drives his economy into a long recession. Reporter trump fighting back on social media. Tweeting, why isnt obama working . And russia took crimea during the socalled obama years. Why does obama get a free pass . Obama pressing the media to do more to hold trump accountable. Donald trump says stuff every day that used to be considered as disqualifying for being president. And yet, because he says it over and over and over again, the press just gives up and they just say well, yeah, you know, okay. We cannot afford suddenly to treat this like a reality show. Reporter trump keeping up his attack on clinton for calling half of his supporters deplorable. Well my opponent slanders you as deplorable, and irredeemable. I call you hardworking american patriots. Reporter and continuing to go after his rival over her onetime use of a private email server. This is far bigger, and a far bigger scandal, than watergate ever was. Chris you kex expect those attacks to continue today. One of his stops is here in flint, michigan. Thats interesting for a number of different reasons. Flint in the water crisis still going on here was a huge issue in the democratic primary. Not so much at all in the republican primary. Trump more or less avoided weighing in on this issue. But his campaign is coming here. There are plans for him to stop by and tour a Water Treatment plant. Of note, this city is the second largest majority black city in the state of michigan. So trump continuing that outreach to minorities and working through at least public a address and arrive at a crisis that has been ongoing for now almost a year. And very interesting also a place that people will soon learn its not a place where you go and just say whats wrong. These are a people who are desperate for answers. So well stay on that. Phil thank you very much. Lets discuss. We have the Republican National committees chief strategist and Communications Director mr. Sean spicer. Good morning. Lets start with trumps child care proposal. Sure. A quick note but to put to the side, trump goes out and says Hillary Clinton has no plan. Untrue. Shes had a plan for over a year. But thats politics, okay. Hes wrong. Well put it to the side. The plan itself. Not typical gop thinking on this issue. We had steve king on. He was being diplomatic but he was saying well theres a couple of these things ive got to drill down on before we get to it and ive never seen a plan paid for by finding waste and fraud. Problems . No, i think this is absolutely bold. As ivanka and mr. Trump noted last night the way that our tax code was set up to deal with child care is almost 60 years old, right . The modern work force isnt dad goes to work and mom sits home. You now have two working parents in most cases and a lot of times the wife being the breadwinner. Child care is one of the biggest expenses that families have to deal with. I think what was outlined last night was a really bold, fresh plan that recognizes the modern world that we live in now. That allow middle class and lowincome families to address one of the biggest problems that families face. How to pay for child care. But one of the things that was really interesting about it was that it wasnt just about child care. It talked about dependent care and elder care, as well and recognized that the world that we live in now, sometimes, its a sick individual or a family member, but its also mom and dad now potentially moving back in, because they need to be cared for in a lot of cases. So the tax code doesnt recognize that aspect of how we live our lives know. And it ensures that we have the ability to care for our elder parents or family members that need care. Democrats say thats what weve been telling you guys for ten years. Can trump get his own party no, no. But i think the difference is the democrats talk about government providing everything. I think what you saw last night was a really bold, fresh, innovative way of ensuring that its paid for, and that and that it recognizes the different facets of how whats innovative about how its paid for. He said ill pay for it by finding waste and fraud and abuse. Looking at that unemployment aspect of it. The democrats just want to add up new spending. I think the difference is what trump did last night was made sure that he had a mechanism to address how to pay for it. He said ill find waste, fraud and abuse. Right. Steve said hes never seen that work thats the problem. What trump is talking about overall is saying were not going to have business as usual. Were going to go to washington, were going to make change, and were not going to settle for the status quo. Lets talk about the state of play. Hillary clinton says 50 of Trump Supporters are in the basket of deplorables. Right. And the other 50 are desperate. I mean lets not forget that. Its not just that 50 are deplorable. Its that if youre not deplorable youve got to be desperate. Trump plays to advantage and says look at the way she talks about you hardworking american. You cant be president when you talk like that. When he says Hillary Clinton has a hatefilled campaign a hypocrisy flag pops up and starts waving back and forth. Who is donald trump to say that anybody is a hate filled campaign with all that he has said. Look, first of all, every time that donald trump opens his mouth Hillary Clinton and every other democratic supporter and commentator goes off on donald trump. So he cant say this. When Hillary Clinton does it its almost like in a lot of cases she gets a pass and everyone tries to explain what she really meant. The reality is, this achbs insight into what she thinks, not about one candidate or another. Its one thing for candidates to go back and forth. You and i have seen that. Candidates go at each other. Its one thing to describe the entire degree of support that youre either this or youre that no but she didnt no, no, she didnt. She said 50 , she then said that was a mistake and she was talking about a small number of the altright people no, no, stop. Thats what she said lets talk what she literally said. She said deplorable half of which are racist, sexist she said half was too much. And the other half, and then she said and the other half were desperate. Okay. And then she came back the next day and she says i regret using the word half when speaking about deplorable. Meaning she stands by the fact that some, a good whatever majority are still that but she never addressed the other half. So she never addressed that saying that the other half are desperate. Understood and thats a point for criticism for her. But how do you set that up against this . When mexico sends its people, theyre not sending their best. Theyre bringing drugs, theyre bringing crime, theyre rapists, and some i assume are good people. If you look at his wife she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably maybe she wasnt allowed to have anything to say. A total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the United States. You call women you dont like fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals. Oh, i dont know what i said. Oh, i dont remember just a taste because how much do you really want to see . How does your candidate then become the man whos going to speak out against hate filled campaigns . And again i think one, Donald Trumps taken a ton of criticism from Hillary Clinton and others on some of those comments. Two hes expressed regret for saying that he believes that when he caused never apologized for a single statement. My god he literally got out and said i regret the comments that ive made that have caused personal pain to other individuals. Ive chosen words at incorrect, wrong time. I dont know how much more he could have said. And everyone says well he should have said more. He did express regret for the way he, he said certain things and addressed certain people. So he did do that. In a lot of those cases hes talking about other countries or foreigners. What this was, what makes this thing that Hillary Clinton did very, very different is she basically said that if you dont support me, Hillary Clinton, and youre an american citizen, then youre either deplorable, or youre desperate, and theres nothing in between. Thats 20 million, 40 Million People that fit into that category. Thats a vastly different thing than singling out sometimes incorrectly so, a, a, a individual. If its a numbers game, and i dont think it is by the way, but just to give you the you know the benefit of your own premise, there are over a billion muslims in this world and he had said he didnt want any of them in. And now hes changed because were not like that in america and hes been learning that slowly. If its a numbers game he still loses. No, no. Theres a difference between addressing the safety of the United States and who were going to let in and why, and he wasnt addressing the safety 20 million american citizens hes saying that faith is nefarious. That theres something wrong with it and we need to keep them out. Thats what he was saying. Hes changed but you got to own what you say. Thats your point. What im talking about in that context he was talking about how to protect american citizens. What Hillary Clinton said was she was describing american citizens. That is a vastly different thing. Except she said that she overreached with the 50 . And youre now doing what you accused them of, explaining what he meant instead of what he said. And youre doing very well at it. But i also think that there is a big difference between anyway well go round and round. Theres a big difference, what she said described a huge, magnificent swath of american citizens that are voters in this country and it goes to her state of mind. Which is if youre not with me, if you dont believe in Hillary Clinton, somethings wrong with you. And i think state of mind, what did you go to law school all of a sudden . Let me ask you about something else. Your case is made and heard. By the way, the one thing that i think is really important to note, weve talked about this before but trump is starting his message continues to catch on. Ive taukd about it before that it wasnt just the National Polls we saw on ohio poll this morning from bloomberg up five. These polls in florida and ohio and nevada and iowa, are starting to mirror the National Polls. Theyre all trending in the direction of donald trump. We saw a poll in maine that hes tied. He continues to press forward even states like pennsylvania we were down 10 and 12. Were now down three and four. True the polls are tightening. All of them. When you see his message. Whether its child care, national security, immigration, its catching on. People are hungry for change in this country. Theyre either tired of the status quo, tired of a clinton that continues to tell you that i can live by one set of rules and you can live by another and hes also fanning a lot of flams of what make people angry which he had an entire field of republicans point out about him ad nauseam. It just wasnt effective because the mood was more important than their message. There is a chance that this man will be president of the United States. The polls are contracting. Were seeing that. What do you really know about him . This newsweek piece, it is odd. That your partys nominee is the first weve ever seen with this kind of business. Weve never had a guy with this success in the modern era running for president. Do you know anything about who holds the debt that he has about what his foreign relationships are and what they might mean . Do you know anything about sure, look. He filed a 50plus page Financial Disclosure form almost nothing in it about the nature of foreign partnerships. But what it does is it must by law require someone to list all of the assets that they have, and all of the debts that they are incurring. So everything is out there for folks to see. This no, we dont know who holds his debt, sean. We dont know. The piece that youre referring to is a hit piece and a recycled hit piece from the wall street journal that they did the other day. Now newsweek recycled it. The fact of the matter is they never contacted the campaign, they never talked to anybody. What we have is a series of hit pieces instead of a substantive discussion as far as what the Trump Organization im asking you what you know im saying i cant have a substantive discussion about something where i dont have any of the facts. Like i said, all of his debts and assets are outlined for anyone to go look at online through the federal election commission. Thats not true. Yes it is heres what he did. He put out a list of assets, as he once no, as required by law. As required by law. But it doesnt but it didnt punish over reporting so he listed lots of assets, lots of money, lots of net worth thats what he wanted to do with that statement. We understand that. We dont know who holds his debt. We dont know who he does business with overseas. We do not know. Its not in that disclosure. Bet your lunch on it. People can look for themselves. Do you think we should know . I think he is a from the number of people that have run for president in terms of elected and unelected hes probably one of the most scrutinized people in the world when it comes to whats been written about him, whos been interviewed with him and i think he will continue to have that conversation with america. But its a private organization. Sure. Only he can release the information. He has released none of it. But he has released what is required by law of every single candidate. And i mean but there is no candidate like him. Okay but thats fine. But you cant turn around and say well he should be held to a different standard why. Hes the only this applies to the law was written to apply to all candidates. You cant turn around say okay because you have a successful businessman thats not a washington politician, he should now be held to a different standard. The reality is, is that he is running, because hes a successful businessman. He has met the requirements and the legal obligations of every politician. Those politicians wrote the rules for what you had to disclose. And now what you want to do is say we want to hold him to a different standard. I dont think thats fire. Sean spicer. Appreciate you being on here. As always. Thank you. Donald trumps campaigning while Hillary Clinton recovers from pneumonia. Is the Clinton Campaign concerned about questions about her health moving forward . Well ask them, next. By Willie Nelson ]d again, on the road again [ rear alert sounds ] [ music stops ] just cant wait to get on the road again [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] on the road again like a band of gypsies we go down the highway [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. Hurry in and lease the 2017 passat s for just 199 a month. One of many pieces in my i havlife. Hma. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for 12 months free at mybreo. Com. In other words we can talk about that but lets talk about energy, lets talk about whos actually taking the case directly to voters and whos not. The idea that that she did not have the worst 48 hours of her drs of her campaign and people would cover up for her i think is frankly astonishing. That was Donald Trumps Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway saying donald trump has more stamina than Hillary Clinton. So what happens when clinton returns to the campaign trail from her pneumonia bout tomorrow. Lets bring in former democratic michigan governor and Senior Adviser for the proHillary Clinton super pac correct the recorder jennifer granholm. Excuse me governor. Great to see you this morning. Hope you dont have pneumonia. I hope i dont, also. I think this is just seasonal allergies. What about what kellyanne just said there which is that this has been the worst 48 hours of Hillary Clintons campaign . Do you agree . Well, im sure for her because she feels lousy, its not been a great 48 hours or a little bit longer. But you know, she had a great day yesterday in terms of surrogates. I think that president obama being out on the stump talking about not just her comparison with donald trump, Hillary Clintons comparison with donald trump, but how the economy has rebounded according to census data yesterday. Thats great news for her. Five jump or more, 5. 2 in real wages. Thats really good news for her. And when you have bill clinton going to california, shes got an aplus in surrogates, who are taking care of business while shes recuperating. What this episode represented to many people and pundits and certainly her opponent was her lack of transparency. That there were questions after she was seen falling or fainting into her van. There was a lot of concern about what was going on. And only later, after 48 hours from friday for saying that you know she everything was fine she was diagnosed but we didnt know about it. On sunday they said she was dehydrated. Then it calm out hours later that she had pneumonia. Do you think she could have been more transparent . Well her Campaign Said that they could have done it better. But, alisyn, within the from the time that she was seen being put into the van, until the it was all in the same news cycle that the media found out what had happened. How long has it been now since donald trump has not turned over his tax records . I mean whats more important to this election . He just had chris just had a great conversation with sean spicer about that news week article. Truly what is more important to america . To know that your president , your potential president , has financial dealings with adversaries to the United States, with with with people who have been indicted in other countries, according to that newsweek article, people should read that article. You want to put the United States in jeopardy, put someone like donald trump in office, who refuses to say that he would disentangle himself from the Trump Organization, his kids would still be running it, and hes gaining profit every day from people who are doing business with countries that we have relationships with. Is he going to pull his punches as president . Because erdogan, from syria, hes got business relationships in syria, with somebody who is adversarial to erdogan. Hes got big financial stake in the United Arab Emirates in india. This is serious stuff. I mean the fact that she had walking pneumonia and the news and the the the news media found out about it within the same news cycle compared to what were seeing in terms of a lack of transparency from donald trump yes. Is astonishing. What is important to the u. S. Really . Some of the things that youre saying of course were some of the same questions raised about the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative in terms of alliances. I want you to make your point. In terms of alliances there were questions about whether or not the Clinton Foundation was doing some sort of deals with lets face it some shady characters. Now that has come up in the newsweek article about the Trump Foundation or the Trump Organization i should say. So whats the difference to you . Okay. Okay. Massive difference. First of all, she and bill clinton do not take one dime personally from the Clinton Foundation. That Foundation Raises money to do good works across the globe. It is totally transparent. All of the Charity Organizations that review the the overseers who review Charity Organizations have given the trump excuse me have given the Clinton Organization the highest rating. Unlike the Trump Organization, which is operating totally in the dark. You dont know who hes got financial dealings with, and by the way hes going to profit personally. His family will profit personally from whatever the United States may decide about its relations with all of these countries. Read people who are watching, read that newsweek article and tell us you dont think that he should reveal what his entanglements are across the globe. It is dangerous to the u. S. To have somebody who could potentially take office who has a financial interest in companies that do business in other countries and who may be making Foreign Policy decisions on your behalf the citizens. It is massively different than the Clinton Foundation. Governor jennifer granholm, thank you for making the case this morning on new day. Lets get to chris. All right, heres what we know for sure. 100 . On november 8th, somebodys going to win. And somebodys going to lose. Could certain choices alter the course of history between now and then. Were going to take a look at what the answer to that question is by those who have lost president ial campaigns. Take a look. So you did want it . Of course. But, it was going to cause a problem in the convention. The one and only Gloria Borger who is mccain talking about with gloria there. Shes going to join us to preview her cnn special report tonight. What if a company that didnt make cars made plastics that make them lighter . The lubricants that improved fuel economy. Even technology to make engines more efficient. What company does all this . Exxonmobil, thats who. Were working on all these things to make cars better and use less fuel. Helping you save money and reduce emissions. And you thought we just made the gas. Energy lives here. Welli do say that, you see. Well, fantastic a lot. I study psychobiology. Im a fine arts major. Nobody really believes that i take notes this way, but they actually make sense to me. I try to balance my studying with the typical college experience. This windows pc is a life saver being able to pull up different articles to different parts of the screen is so convenient. I used to be a mac user but this is way better. Across new york state, from long island to buffalo, from rochester to the hudson valley, from albany to utica, Creative Business incentives, infrastructure investment, university partnerships, and the lowest taxes in decades are creating a stronger economy and the right environment in new york state for business to thrive. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov prepare for challenges specific to your business by working with trusted advisors who help turn obstacles into opportunities. Experience the power of being understood. Rsm. Audit, tax and consulting for the middle market. Double nickel. 55 days until election day. One candidates going to win. The other is going to lose. Thats probably the only thing we know. Although who knows i was going to say weve seen that not happen before. Gloria borger always on point. We need to take a closer look at what happens after for these losing candidates. What happens when they leave that spotlight. Heres a preview. Take the shot. The perfect title for the story of john mccains run for the white house. Thank you. Chapter one, pick a vice president. And he knew exactly who he wanted. You can actually see russia from land here in alaska. No, not her. Him. John mccain, our next great president. Mccains first love was senator Joe Lieberman of connecticut. An independent. Hes honest, hes decent, he lives his religion, and we were very close and dear friends. So you did want him . Of course. But it was going to cause a problem in the convention because Joe Lieberman was prochoice. Joining us now Gloria Borger, cnn chief political analyst and host of the cnn special report. Almost president. The agony of defeat. Yeah. Which airs tonight. This is an unusual look at the implications of the biggest gain in politics. Its a human story. Its really much more of a human story than a political story. I mean just imagine all of these people. They are winners when they get to that stage. And then youre down to the final two and youre at the top of that mountain, and then overnight, a light goes off. And the secret service goes away, the adulation goes away, the crowds go away, and runnerup doesnt count. When you run for the presidency. And so, what i decided to do was talk to these people about what it was like to put everything in to something, and then a week later, as mitt and ann romney were, they were at the costco doing their grocery shopping. Oh, my gosh is there any better symbol of how the mighty have fallen. No. And mitt romney said look you have to go shopping. You have to get back to your to your life. And its not easy. And so when you went back and interviewed all these folks, is there a hollowness that was universal . Are some relieved . I think Michael Dukakis might have been a little relieved. But no i think all of them, to a person, first of all, said they would do it all over again. No matter how badly they lost. Walter mondale, 49state loss, i would do it all over again. How great it was, you know, what kind of a great process it was and what they learned about it. But, mondale told me the story that he asked George Mcgovern, you know, how do you get over . And George Mcgovern said to him, when i figure it out, ill let you know. But what im interested in this and theres no question that the human story is going to be interesting to people whether theyre into how deep theyre into politics or not. Right. But, what you learned about why it didnt go your way. Yes. Is one of the most haunting things in politics, in whom they decide to blame and how much they put on themselves. Mccain talking about wanting lieberman. If he had had lieberman in that race, it might have made a difference. Right. But he felt that he had to do the hail mary pass with sarah palin. Did he . Or did he feel that he couldnt pick lieberman he felt he couldnt pick lieberman. He wanted lieberman. Party said no. Right. Prochoice. Forget it. Thats when the party mattered. Not like now. Exactly. These are the different times. So he picked sarah palin. It went in a different direction. The these candidates, what was stunning to me, and i think it takes a few years for these people to become reflective, politicians are not the most reflective people in the world generally, but after you lose you go over it in your mind. Over and over and over again. And mccain said to me, look, i used to secondguess myself. I didnt do so well in the debates. I had, you know, romney, mitt romney, talks about the 47 and how badly he felt after he did that, because he let his people down. And to a person they all felt as if the struggle was worth it, they all believe of course they would have been better president s, let me add that, but, that they let their supporters down through their own mistakes. They they they took a lot of they shouldered a lot of the blame here. And you know mondale believes it might have been a little easier for him because he knew he was going to lose. Romney didnt think he was going to lose up until election night. So its i think a little bit harder when you expect to win. Oh, yeah. And then you dont. And thats really stunning. What a rude awakening. Gloria borger, thanks so much for sharing it all, giving us a sneak peek. We cant wait to watch it tonight. Join us this evening for a cnn special report almost president the agony of defeat thats 9 00 p. M. Eastern. All right. So is the best way to fight fire with fire . President ial campaigns pushing back against tough questions by blaming us, your favorite people. How can that work . We have Pulitzer Prize winning columnist maureen dowd joining us ahead. She has a book on exactly this. Because covering heals faster. For a bandage that moves with you and stays on all day, cover with a bandaid brand flexible fabric adhesive bandage. One of many pieces in my i havlife. Hma. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. 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Of all the fullsize, half ton pickups, its got the highest gas mileage, best payload, and 12,200 pounds of towing power. Plus, no body rust. And this is the safest f150 ever built. The only pickup to pull the governments 5star safety rating and earn an iihs top safety pick. This is the f150. And ford fseries is the undisputed truck leader for 39 straight years. Russian hackers being blamed for exposing the 34ed cal records of several u. S. Olympic stars. A group known as fancy fare is accused of hacking into the world antidoping agencys database and posting the confidential data online. All the athletes names had therapeutic exemptions for taking banned sub stans. Simone biles was among those who had her personal records posted. She tweeted saying, she has adhd and has taken medicine for her condition since she was a kid. Adding that shes always followed the rules. Now tennis star Venus Williams also responded to the hack. Saying she was disappointed, adding that she also has always followed the rules. Now fancy bear says they will release more records from other olympic teams. The russian government denies any involvement in the hack. All right the nfl announcing this morning their latest strategy to improve Player Health and safety in a letter posted to their new website play smart, play safe dotcom commissioner Roger Goodell said when it comes to addressing head injuries in our game, im not satisfied, and neither are the owners, of the nfls 32 clubs. We can and will do better. Now as a part of the new initiative the nfl will pledge an additional 100 million in support for independent medical research and advancements to make the game safer. So guys, the nfl always trying to find a way to make the game safer and bring down the number of concussions we see on a weektoweek basis. Thank you very much for all of that. All right so how would you describe this crazy president ial race . Up next a woman who tries to do it every week. Its her job. She is New York Times columnist maureen dowd and she joins us next. But first janine shepherds life came to a stunning halt when she nearly died in an accident. Dr. Sanjay gupta has her inspirational rebound. It is this weeks turning points. I was a member of the ski Team Training for the 1988 Winter Olympics in calgary and i was on a training bus ride with my fellow teammates and i was hit by a speeding truck and suffered extensive and life threatening injuries. Broken neck and back in six places. I broke my right arm, right collar bone, bones in my feet. Blood pressure was 40 over nothing. I had head injuries, internal injuries, massive blood loss so i spent almost six months in a spinal ward and left in a wheelchair and was told that id never be able to do the things i did before. Everything that i valued in my life and all my goes were shattered. I realized that i needed to find something to replace everything that id lost. That moment came for me when i was sitting outside and an airplane flew over and i remember looking up and thinking well thats it. If i cant walk, then maybe i can fly. My first flight i was actually covered in a plaster body cast and i was lifted into the cockpit. Once id been through that first flight and tasted the freedom and the exhilaration of flying, i was that was it. I thought, i can do this. It became my entire life. I got my commercial pilots license and my instructor rating. It was a completely unlikely but amazing journey. If i hadnt had my accident i wouldnt be the person i am today. And i get to travel the world and speak to people, and not only share my story, but hear their stories, which has really been an important part of my healing. Turning points, brought to you by Cancer Treatment centers of america. Care that never quits. I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. Stage four cancer. And i was shocked. The plan at that point was to start chemo. Every three weeks i would get my chemo infusion. It would work for a few months then would quit working again. My oncologist ordered the Genomic Testing. If theyve exhausted all of our standard agents, then we offer advanced Genomic Testing. In lynns case, the result of that testing showed that her cancer had two actionable mutations. An actionable mutation is a genetic abnormality in that particular patients cancer cell for which we have a targeted therapy. I feel great, ive just basically put cancer in the back of my mind. I think it was the best decision of my life to go to Cancer Treatment centers of america. It feels good to get your life back. The evolution of cancer care is here. Learn how advanced Genomic Testing is changing the way we fight cancer at cancercenter. Com genomics Appointments Available now. Now that fedex has helped us we could focus on bigger issues, like our passive aggressive environment. Were not passive aggressive. Hey, hey, hey, there are no bad suggestions here. No matter how lame they are. Well said, ann. Ive always admired how you just say whats in your head, without thinking. Very brave. Good point ted. Youre living proof that looks arent everything. Thank you. Welcome. So, fedex helped simplify our ecommerce business and this is not a passive aggressive environment. I just wanted to say, you guys are doing a great job. Whats that supposed to mean . Fedex. Helping Small Business simplify ecommerce. And im michael howard. We left on our honeymoon in january 2012. It actually evolved into a business. From our blog to video editing. Our technology has to hang tough with us. When youre going to a place without electricity, you need a long battery life. The touch, combined with the screen resolution. A mac doesnt have that. We wanted to help more people get out there and see the world. Once you take that leap, thats where the magic happens. [ala m beeping] the highly advanced audi a4. Of being there for my sons winning shot. That was it for me. Thats why im quitting with nicorette. Only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. It starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. Every great why needs a great how. There are less than eight weeks until election day and our next guest says this is an unconventional race and its unlike anything shes ever seen. It is astonishing and amazing. Maureen dowds new book is called the year of voting dangerously the derangement of american politics and Pulitzer Prize winning columnist for the New York Times maureen dowd joins us now great to have you here. Thank you. So everywhere i go, and i can imagine it is much worse for you from the soccer field to the supermarket, everybody wants an explanation for whats going on. They want to know how we got here. How do you explain it to people . Well, okay. So, this is going to be the craziest 56 days any of us have ever lived through. I mean this race has everything. It has Russian Hackers, white supremacists, fainting candidates, duelling federal investigations, kardashianlike tweets. Islamaphobia, misogyny, racism. Small hands. Say no more. So it has so is that why everybody is so captivated . Because it has all of the sort of hallmarks of reality tv, and a thriller, and all of that stuff that its just its entertaining . Well i was thinking about this last night and i used to interview chris dad and i interviewed him right before he was thinking of running, and you know, he gave me a copy and was agonizing about whether he was worthy. And ive noticed that people like your dad and colin powell, who have all this experience, to be president , agonize about whether theyre worthy. Especially of the sons of immigrants. And then the people who should be agonizing about whether theyre worthy, like sarah palin, and w. And dan quayle and now trump never agonized. They dont think about it twice. They just jump right in. Well as you know pop was a little bit of a different guy and what he used to one of the ways he would capture your genius he would say with maureen its not the stick of the knife, its the twist that is the genius. And what you do in your pieces very well about the the race is it is there is a theres a comical nature to it until you get to the stakes. And what seems to be happening in the race is all of the things that you usually want to control in the country, and try to improve on are getting worse. The tensions. The anger. Theyre starting to dominate the discussion. Right. Whats to be done . What good can come from this . Youre right. In the beginning i thought it was kind of wicked fun. Because that golden apple cart of the political consultant class and trump proved you could do it without money, and he was telling me one time when i was interviewing him in the book that he was going to do an instagram ad. He was doing his own instagram ads and he was going to have a bunch of chinese actors around a table going trump, no. I like that. It was kind of fun in the beginning but then the bigotry, you know, you dont want to see muslims and muslim children, abused in any way because he is spreading bigotry. So, then the fun kind of stopped. Also i enjoyed him calling out, you know, all these republicans neocons who had helped get us into the war. I liked seeing him do that from the republican side. But as you say, then i think he followed the war of the crowd to a lot of darker places. And that may make it hard for him to be president. In your columns and in your book you always come up with different angles by which to sort of see this and take it apart, and the one that were just talking about this morning is that there seems to be a role reversal in terms of gender roles a little bit in this rails. How do you see it . Well, you know, for a couple of centuries, women were considered temperamently and biologically unsuited to hold a higher office. So in this race, theres someone who gets their feelings hurt really easily and their emotions are all over the place, and moody, and gossipy, and bitchy and sort of shrewish and hysterical sometimes, and thats oh, and also obsessed with hair care. And thats the male candidate. In this particular race. Yeah, exactly. So wow. So how about this one . You know in full disclosure i often come to you for advice about how to do this job, and whether were doing it right, am i making the right impact because you own your own voice. And you do what you think is right. How do you feel that youve done in covering this race . Because were getting a lot of scrutiny about whether or not weve advanced the ball for the people, or for the state of play in the ratings that come along with it. Whats your take on how youve done and what youve seen in the rest of the corps . Well i think this is obviously the hardest race, and the most interesting race to cover weve ever had. Because its cascading on different platforms, and trump can give us a speech thats the message of the day, and then tweet something crazy and that bms you cant keep up with it. And like also because of gucher if and the Russian Hackers things are spilling out constantly you cant even keep up with it. A lot of my friends wont read my interviews with trump because they just want to stick a silver knife through his heart, and other columnists. But i just think to the extent people can reveal themselves, thats a good thing. And i think the more they reveal themselves, the more the voters understand it. I i, you know, i think americans have a right to be angry. They got deceived into this war, you know, without even knowing what shia and sunnis are. They got they didnt realize that the economy was about to collapse. They didnt know what a derivative was. You know, the middle class is gone. People, you know, make fun of the basket of deplorables trump voters who are my family, actually, but you know, a lot of americans have a right to be angry. Theyre not all racist, and of course. I mean and so do you think that that comment will hurt her ultimately that she didnt seem to embrace the voters that like him, and that feel sort of sidelined . I think it was a condescending comment, yes. It was like the guns and obamas bunch of guns and your religion. What do you think winds up deciding the race . I dont know. You know, i peggy noonan had a good line that the voters were between anxiety over trump, and depression over hillary. And its like, they dont want to vote for her but theyre scared to vote for him. You know, its they have the highest negatives of any candidates weve had in a long time, and people are voting against someone rather than for and thats kind of a sad place to be. Maureen dowd the book is the year of voting dangerous question. It is a great read, great cover. Thanks so much for being here. Thank you. Youre a great guest. You should do more of this maureen dowd. You guys are my favorite. I watch every morning. Thank you very much. Well put a camera in your house to make it easy for you. Please dont. Well see you soon. Okay, thank you. Time for newsroom and Carol Costello right after this very quick break. Well see you tomorrow. The cur. And bold styling to stay ahead of the curve. The lexus rx, rx hybrid and rx f sport. This is the rx, elevated. This is the pursuit of perfection. That lets you write con the screenen if you try to write, on a plain old mac the difference can be seen it doesnt work get the surface pro the keyboard detaches from the screen get the surface pro i like the blue [phone buzzing] some things are simply impossible to ignore. The strikingly designed lexus nx turbo and hybrid. The suv that dares to go beyond utility. This is the pursuit of perfection. Get between you and lifes dobeautiful moments. Llergens flonase gives you more complete allergy relief. Most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. Flonase controls 6. And six is greater than one. Flonase changes everything. And good morning. Im Carol Costello. A big day ahead for donald trump. In just about an hour mr. Trump will sit down with tv personality dr. Oz. Hell talk about his Health Regimen amid growing calls to release his medical records. And then mr. Trump will head to flint, michigan, where he will reportedly tour that citys

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