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Act, he talked about american policy. We are still exploring why he chose this particular place to attack. Reporter this as Police Defend their tactics as the killer carried out his rampage inside the popular gay nightclub in orlando. There was never a time when we were just sitting there doing nothing. Reporter 45 minutes after the first shots were fired, more than 100 officers and s. W. A. T. Members were on the scene. They waited to engage the shooter as the calls for help grew louder inside. I was calling for them to enter. Reporter the s. W. A. T. Commander saying they mounted strategic efforts. The misconception is that officers did not go inside until 5 00 or whatever time the last was. Officers were going inside from the beginning of this incident. Reporter over the weekend, several funerals and Memorial Services for the victims of the attack, more than 50,000 gathering in the city of orlando to pay their respects at a candlelight vigil. Mourners in awe as a giant p rainbow appeared to remember the lives taken one week ago. The days ahead, we could see new information regarding the wife of the shooter. Several sources say a grand jury is taking a closer look at all the evidence thats been collected over the last several days. Did she have any knowledge that this attack could be in the works and remain silent. That is a question that remains unanswered eight days after the sound of gunfire. Polo, on that street where all the people lost their lives. Hope for real change to americas gun laws on the line yet again today. The senate set to vote on four new gun measures. Chance for a break seems to be a long shot. After all this, one more shooting, you are saying it is just not going to happen . Thats right. The immediate aftermath, senior senators began discussing whether there was a compromise that could be struck from preventing suspected terrorists from getting guns. Republicans want greater involvement by the fbi and the courts before banning the sale of a firearm. What we ended up is something thats been quite common on capitol hill, stalemate. The senate set to vote on four gun control measures. I am frustrated with the ability to come to terms with figuring out some of the restraints. One week after the worst mass shooting in u. S. History. The amendments all expected to fail. I admit the background check will be tough to get 60 votes on. We all hope we can get support for them to stop terrorists from getting weapons. This requires tougher background checks on gun shows and sales. And many republicans say that democratic plans violate the rights of americans mistakenly placed on terror watch lists. Republicans have voted consistently to ban people on that list from having a gun but to give them an opportunity to prove they shouldnt be on the list. The nra called the democrats gun measures political poise diverting attention away from the failure of the government to fight terror. They are coming. They are going to try to kill us and they need to be prepared. This president by diverting the president to gun control movement, thats not going to solve the problem. The nras choice for president us renewing his call to racially profile muslims. It is not the worst thing to do. I hate the concept of profiling but we have to use common sense. Reporter trump reiterating his belief that fewer would have died had clubgoers been armed. One of the people in that room happened to have it and goes, boom, boom, that would have been a beautiful, beautiful sight, folks. Even the nra takes issue with that, i dont think you should have firearms where people are drinking. Later today, senator Susan Collins of maine, a modern republican plans to unveil a compromise bill with the support of five colleagues. That bill would bar the sale of anyone on a nofly list and alaw for an appeals process for anyone denied the right to buy a gun. The prospects of such a bill on this polarizing bill of gun control seem grim at best. It will be very interesting to see what happens. Joining us now, former Counter Terrorism official, phil mudd along with evan perez. Evan, what is the point of releasing these transcripts . What does Law Enforcement hope to accomplish . Well, first, its the law down in florida. There is something called the sunshine law there that requires the government down there to release transcripts, at least transcripts of these 911 conversations. News media has requested them. This is also part of what the fbi and the Justice Department think will help bring some transparency, as you know, and as polo mentioned in his piece, there has been some criticism about the fbis previous contacts with this killer as well as the Police Response the initial hours there in orlando. So, phil, the thing about this shooting, right, is that it seemed to have multiple motivations. Yes, he made this claim to isis but we dont want to grandize that with him. He was a wife beat are and had anger issues, got rejected from the police academy, might have had some gay, hate crime motivation. Did you expect some information, someday ta as to why from these transcripts . I think we are going to walk away frustrated object overinterpreting this. Hundreds of thousands of investigators gathering everything from what happened at school to what he was a child, to what his relationship was with his wife, whether he had gay dating apps. We are trying to anticipate a few minutes of tapes between this conflict, was he a terrorist, did he have mental issues, was he a suppressed homosexual. We think these are going to offer resolution. I think not. I think it will take us in the other direction opening more questions. Phil, what is the investigative point of releasing these . Are they thinking that somehow this will help people in the public pick up the phone and call and give more information about this guy who is dead . What are they chasing at this point . I dont think there is an investigative point. The type of information you are looking at, looking at his laptop to determine who he was communicating with, trying to reconstruct his cell phone. Huge amounts of data, not only to look at pattern of life, what was he up to, but to make sure he understands who he was talking to. If the public thinks this will resolve their questions about what happened here, i would say step back, frustrating day ahead. Evan, here you have a guy who he called 911. He clearly wanted to talk to the police, talk about his motivations. He called a television station, imagine that. Clearly, he wanted the attention, is the fbi concerned th they give him more p attention. They are not going to let him do his pledge to isis or his pledge. They released a video and calling for more attacks during the holy month of ramadan. The danl is already done. The fbi is trying to limit the amount of value this has to isis. The attorney general was on all the shows yesterday and said they are redacting pieces to keep from revictimizing the victims. People are saying, the biggest mass murder in American History and we dont have a clue about what was happening. They are saying the feds are trying to protect something that will give us real clues. I assume they are excises material that doesnt relate to the investigation but is brutal in how it portrays the fight and telling americans, if we know something, we will try to tell you. There is no secret story here. I have to ask you, whats the latest with the wife . She knew a lot. She may not have known the attack was coming on that night against this target. She knew something was brewing. Are they closer to charging her . I think there is still a lot of work they have to do on that account. There are some legal hurdles just to be able to get to that, jim. I think you are right. She has given contradicting accounts. Thats one reason why there is still so much work to be done, not only interviewing those around her, looking at her computers and the computers of the gunman and try to better understand whether or not this was, as you mentioned, a mix of some kind of jihadi view of the gunman. There is still so much evidence they have to go over. Phil,we have also learned a few things about the wife. One of her teachers from grade school and has come forward and said, she had cognitive processing issues. She couldnt understand cause and effect. For Law Enforcement, does that mean they dont charge her if Something Like that comes to light. I dont think so. I think you have to wait to watch this roll. We are looking at the initial stage of investigation. Nine days in isnt that long. You are looking at initial interviews. Those might come back again. You go through an interview process and talk to people. Then, you learn, she told you something, one of her neighbors, friends, family members told you something. You have to go back and reinterview her. You find out about her mental state. Dont think of this as a snapshot that takes a week or two where you go through one stage and can come through final decision. It is a process that it ter rate that is repeats over time. We might not learn things for months glchlt is th months. They are looking for patterns for this case so they can be better for spotting that. As somebody who looked at this, what pattern do we determine here . Someone who showed signs of mental distress talked to coworkers. Not much came up. Evan, phil, thank you very much for all of that. So the taliban, meanwhile, claiming responsibility for a deadly suicide bombing in afghanistan. Officials say at least 14 were killed and eight wounded in this Early Morning attack on a minibus in kabul. The building was carrying nepalese secured guards. This is the first attack since the holy month of ramadan. Hollywood mourning the death of 27yearold actor anton yelchin, perhaps best known for his role in the star trek movies. Police say he was pinned by his own car when it rolled back in his driveway. J. J. Abrams reacted saying, anton, were you brilliant, kind, fun any as hell and supremely talented and you werent here nearly long enough. A freak accident. Lets talk about something much lighter and celebratory. The city of cleveland finally endeded heartbreak this morning. They are celebrating their first nba championship. Andy scholes is all smiles. He has more on lebron james big night in the bleacher report. Reporter what a night for the city of cleveland after 52 years of sports misery, the fans here can finally call themselves champions. We watched the game. Throughout the night, they were hoping, praying, this would finally be their year. We finally got a close game after six straight blowouts. Time winding down. Lebron james comes through with one of the most epic blocks you will ever see to keep the game tied. That set the stage for his running mate, kyrie irving to hit one of the most incredible shots we have ever seen in the nba finals. The cavs, the First Time Ever to come back from a 31 deficit. Lebron james, unanimous finals mvp as he delivered cleveland their first championship in 52 years. Our fans are there no matter whats been going on. The browns, the indians, all the teams support us. For us to be able to end this drought, our fans deserve it. They deserve it. It was for them. As i said, i watched the game with all the fans here in downtown cleveland. The quicken loans arena sold out for the watch party. Thousands of more fans lining the streets of downtown. I dont think i have ever seen a fan base want a championship as much as these fans wanted. When the final buzzer sounded, everybody erupted with pure joy. The common theme was that this was one of the happiest moments of their lives. 52 years of frustration. I have been there. This is wonderful. Finally, we did it. Cleveland is finally champions. If you look around at this city, this is what we have been longing for. This is what we wanted. We deserve it. We have got the greatest fans and the greatest players on the planet. I cant describe. Cleveland deserves this. We have been waiting so long. Cleveland needs nice things. Of course, the celebration winlded down here late last night. Kind of quiet here right now. The cavs celebrated at the arena in oakland and hopped on a plane and went to las vegas to continue partying. They are going to be back here in cleveland later today and the whole city is going to shut down on wednesday as they are going to have the championship parade. They won the championship for cleveland. They went to vegas. Those fans look like they might have pulled some muscles celebrating. Thanks so much. That is a great moment. The fans looked mildly happy. They did. Gun control facing amy juror test today after a series of Mass Shootings. Democrats hoping to get at least something meaningful passed in the senate today. Do any measures stand a chance. We are going to discuss right after this. Fight heartburn fast. With tums chewy delights. The mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds to conquer heartburn fast. Tum tum tum tum. Chewy delights. Only from tums. Its how you stay connected. With centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you get an industry leading Broadband Network and cloud and hosting services. Centurylink. Your link to whats next. That can camp out in between our teeth, if well let it. Use gum® brand. Softpicks®. Proxabrush® cleaners. Flossers and dental floss. Gum® brand. Welcome back, the senate set to vote today on four separate gun control proposals. This in response to the biggest mass shooting in modern u. S. History. Do any of these measures stand a chance of passing. Joining us, political anchor of time warner news, political analyst and host of podcast. David gregory . Guys, you have these four measures here from both sides of the aisle, republican and democratic proposals. David, i have to ask you, it sounds like none of them are going to pass. It does look pretty narrow and the view in the house is more difficult for these measures. There are a couple of movements i think around some legislation that senator collins is proposing that would effectively bar from people who are on a watch list, on a Government Watch list from buying a weapon but as long as there is enough due process that took place so they could appeal the ban on buying the weapon. They might have to do it under one proposal by senator cornyn that has 72 hours for the government to prove that they shouldnt be able to get the gun, that there is probable cause. The level of how much due process you get is what i think will determine whether this can go anywhere or not. It doesnt look like democrats want to vote for these. They have their own ideas. It is still something of a mud hole. I think the path is pretty doubtful for any of these measures. Jacque, it is so disheartening to hear that. Niece are all nings that everybody has said they want. Expanded background checks. 90 of americans want that. A Mental Health component. Thats something that all of the republicans after newtown said, thats where we should start. We should start focusing onement tall health. These are common sense measures that, again, had bipartisan support at one point. Why today will nothing happen . The problem is the details. David mentioned senator cornyns propose that will would require a 72hour wait for someone who might have been pinged by one of these lists. Well, senator feinstein yesterday said that is not enough time. There is no way they can go through that process in that amount of time. You talk about some of the Mental Health issues. There were questions during that debate on whether that would prohibit soldiers returning from iraq and afghanistan with ptsd from buying weapons. There are all these pieces and provisions in each of these bills that allowed them to be picked apart. It is a very complicated issue. The other problem is, there is a lack of political will with some of these members who are very much tired to the nra. This is the tactic you often hear. This is a political tactic which this measure by itself would not have prevented this attack. What you could say is there are multiple motivations. You also have this line saying that by talking about gun control, democrats are turning the debate away from terrorism. Lets have a listen to what Wayne Lapierre, the president of the nra had to say. If you had gun s in that roo, even if you had a number of people having them strapped to their ankle or their waist, where bullets could have flown in the other direction right at them, you wouldnt have that kind of tranldy. I dont think you should have firearms where people are drinking. Thats a different thing but Wayne Lapierre says, dont look at the terrorist, look over there and divert your attention. Thats what the antigun movement is doing. This was about guns and terrorists. You can read this as a question about immigration. Donald trump talked about it in that regard. You could look at it as a hate crime against lesbian and gay communities. You have a lot of different communities to frame this. There are other wrinkles when you try and reduce this legislation in a short period of time. If you are going to delay somebody, because they are on a watch list. Maybe they are looking at somebody who they may have questions about. Now, this alerts them that they are under the microscope. There are a lot of Different Things that are going on here. The reality is, because there is such a high hurdle. They have 60 votes. That xlincludes what you are talking b are there Mental Health issues, hate crime issues, immigration issues all woven through this. All of those things are present. Lets talk about that sound bite. Donald trump sort of goes off message. Not only has he strayed from the republican orthodoxy when he was suggesting dont let terrorists or people on the watch list get their hands on a gun. Then, he says, if only somebody in that club had a gun sdpchlt whether who exchanged fire. An offduty police officer. And the onduty Police Showed up within minutes and exchanged gunfire. Then, Wayne Lapierre says, i dont think i like the idea of people drinking having firearms. Then, Wayne Lapierre clarified later, it is find to carry a gun in that circumstance but you just shouldnt drink. I think what donald trump is supporting has a lot of people worried. Members of the military, general mcchrystal who commanded our forces in afghanistan had made the observation that without the proper train, the notion of arming up citizens to be ready for a situation like that is even more dangerous. I think the larger point you were discussing is that there is the potential to have an all of the above approach to dealing with the accessability of guns, terrorism, Mental Health and a hate crime aspect. All of which appears to be present in this particular case, which you have in congress and our political system and on the part of the National Rifle association and such disdain of government and government compiling lists of people who shouldnt be able to ebber size their Second Amendment rights. It is almost impossible to clear that hurdle. It is to keep somebody who is being looked at by the government as a potential terrorist. You have this suspicion of government compiling list and donald trump talking about a giant list of all muslims. In an effect profiling here. Is there an inconsistency there. I dont think consistency has ever been Donald Trumps forte. He doesnt think of the real world application of people carrying loaded gun when is you are drinking or what it means for someone to have a card that says they are muslim. The fact that donald trump says he is not a fan of profiling. He could have fooled me. He talk bs it all the time. It doesnt seem like there is a real thinking through what exactly he is proposing. He sort of just says it. We know this is a controversial, emotional issue. Whats your take. Please tweet us or post your comment. We want to hear what you think or have to say. Summer arrives. Arizona and Southern California in the grips of a deadly heat wave. Five wildfires are burning triple digit ps. Is there any relief in sight. Well get to that shortly. But im not gonna let em catch me, no no, not gonna let em catch the midnight rider, yeaaahh. But im not gonna let em catch me nooo not gonna let em catch the midnight riiiiiiiideer welcome back, extreme, dangerous and recordbreaking heat on this first day of summer. At least four people have died in arizona where the temperature climbed to 120 degrees in some places. That blistering expected to grip the east this week. Cnn meteorologist, chad meyers joining us now. Any relief in sight. It is coming this way. If you consider 110 relief from 120, then maybe. Im not sure where you draw that line, jim. Look at the record yesterday in phoenix. 118. The old highest, highest temperature ever was 122. Didnt break that. Close enough. If you could feel the difference between 118 and 122, you are better than me. 130 people die every year in the United States from heat. That is more than flooding, tornadoes, lightning and all that other stuff. We have to be careful out here. People were without hike can without water and it was 115120 degrees. It will be that way today. It is hot all the way in l. A. Not so close. If you are Huntington Beach, you might get a little wind off the ocean. Here is how it sets up. We have a big ridge of High Pressure on top of the southwest. Temperatures are going to be hot again. Look at phoenix, you are in the hundreds, over 100. Right now at sky harbor airport, it is 98 degrees. It is not cooling down at night. Thats another part of the problem where it is hot forever. Lax, Huntington Beach will cool down for the rest of the week. Not today. It is still hot. Palm springs is going to be 117. Go to the ocean if you can. It looks like it is on fire. The dump Trump Movement is still alive and kicking. A last stitch effort by some gop delegates to stop trump from being the partys nominee. What they are doing and their chances of success next. St grea. Its tmobile only tmobiles lets you stream video and music for free and we doubled our lte coverage in the last year. The other guys cant say that we got you covered. You wish your dog could fight off fleas and ticks. But since he cant. You rely on frontline plus. Because frontline plus unleashes a deadly killing force to kills fleas and ticks, plus flea eggs and larvae, preventing a new flea infestation. Its protection lasts a full 30 days. No wonder frontline plus is recommended by vets for killing fleas and ticks. After all, your dog is a lover not a fighter. Frontline plus. 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Some 1,000 people reportedly took part in a Conference Call last night, part of a last stitch effort to change rules and block trump at the gop convention. Joining us to discuss this and more, cnn commentator jeffrey lord and cnn political commentator. Jeffrey, lets talk about this phone call last night. 1,000 republicans, including some delicates and some apparently rules Committee Members trying to figure out how at the convention to stop donald trump. Margaret . He is the nominee. This would be subverting the voters of the United States. How do they plan to do this . It would be subverting a plurality of republican primary voters who have put donald trump over the top in terms of the people who said they would vote. Those are the rules. Actually, this is their point. There are no rules yet, because the rules Committee Sets the rules for each new convention. If they change the rule toss allow delegates, in some cases, these delegates from the early primary states are legally bound to vote for trump. In other cases, they are not legally bound to vote for him. The rules will be set the week before the convention. What they are saying, if they can change the rules, might they not get enough people to vote for him. I will tell you, i am not a deep trump supporter in any way, shape, or form. Even if they do it, who is going to be the candidate if it is not donald trump. It is incredibly unlikely. It shows the lack of confidence that donald trump has engendered. How about that. How about them trying to change the rules before the convention to try to get rid of him. Two things. Margaret has hit the nail on the head here. They dont have a horse, as it were. The last time, not to date myself but the last time this happened was 1964 when governor Nelson Rockefeller had lost the prima primaries to barry goldwater. In june of 1964. Governor scranton of pennsylvania was pushed to get into the race. He did get into the race. He got clobbered in San Francisco and lost. However, at least they had a candidate. There is no candidate here. No mitt romney. No jeb bush. Number one, you have to have that. Secondly, allison, lets just say for the sake of the argument, what if they succeeded, there would be an uproar like you wouldnt believe from the 14 Million People that voted for him. I would imagine. Voters dont like being told that they didnt know what they were doing when they went to the ballot box. I dont know. Yes, and no. Sure, he won a plurality of votes but if you take all the other delegates, he did not win majority of republican primary voters. Neither did mitt romney or john mccain. But, jeffrey, we have seen a lot about the candidate. A lot has happened since the early votes, since south carolina, since new hampshire, since iowa. We have seen a candidate who increasingly has not been able tone gender increasing support for the republican primary. There is this conscious clause. If you cannot in good conscious, even paul ryan obliquely referred to this, then you dont have to vote for that candidate. If their conscious wont permit it, they should resign and get someone else to do the job. Ive been a member of the pennsylvania delegation, they have what they call alternate delegates. If you cant vote for donald trump with your conscious, then resign and let the alternate delegate do the voting. This is how extraordinary this year is now. The speaker of the house, the highest, most prominent republican in the country is telling delegates and any of his members that they dont have to vote for the nominee. Thats how bad this is. This is a sign of how weak the presumptive nominee is. It is not just establishment. If you call 1,000 delegates at that convention, these are people that are part of the process. They are not the elites or the people elected in congress. These are regular operatives. Neither were the people that voted for him. Something interesting is happening on the trump side. I want to talk about the strategy he is using. Jeffrey, i will start with you. There are millions of dollars in battleground states being spent by the Hillary Clinton campaign as well as superpacs supporting her. Zero from donald trump, from his campaign or superpacs. Now, i know it is june. We still have five months to go. Do you think that thats wise . He is running his campaign in his own unique fashion which has won the nomination here. Let us not forget that in january of this year, the word on the street as it were in republican circles was that jeb bush, who was busy raising 100 million was going to walk away with this. Of course, he got clobbered. He too failed, failed bigtime with all of that money. So i would suggest that what we may see is that hillary is the new jeb and over time, this advantage is not going to be there. So money does not always equal success. We know that. What do you think about that disparity . This idea that hillary is the new jeb is incredibly new comfortable to some republicans that do not like Hillary Clinton. The republican primary versus the general, trying to fend off other guys, versus fighting a democratic candidate that has the increasing unification of her party behind her and half the country starting off at a baseline, it is cold comfort. Mitt romney was raising 1 million a day at this stage. What is needed is not just for donald trump to have money for his race. It is not about him anymore as a presumptive nominee. It is about all of these down ballot races, the senate, the house. If he is not raising money not just for himself but for the rest of party, not only do we lose the presidency or the senate, we have tighter margins. We are out of time. I owe you one. Great to see you. Margaret, thank you very much. One quick programming note to tell you about it. Chris cuomo will be hosting a town hall with the libertarian nominee, gary johnson and his running mate, bill wells. It is wednesday night, 9 00 p. M. On cnn. Shock and grief gripping england. Brits set to decide whether to leave the European Union in three days as they mourn an beloved member of parliament who was murdered. A live report right after this. Its more than a network and the cloud. Its reliable uptime. And multilayered security. Its how you stay connected to each other and to your customers. With centurylink you get advanced technology solutions, including an industry leading Broadband Network, and cloud and hosting services all with dedicated, responsive support. With centurylink as your trusted technology partner, youre free to focus on growing your business. Centurylink. Your link to whats next. The highly anticipated brexit vote is this thursday. Today, they will set aside political differences to pay tribute to a slain lawmaker, jo cox. She wanted to see britain remain in the European Union. Fred pleitgen is live in england with more. Whats going to happen there today, fred . Reporter hi, jim. There is going to be that memorial thats going to take place for her in parliament where the senior members of parliament are going to have a procession and remember jo cox, the person she was and the role that she played in the parliament there. Here, in her community, where i am right now and exactly the place where she was killed last thursday, some people here are still very much sad and angry that Something Like that could happen in a Small Community like this one. Many people here in britain are shocked at some of the political rhetoric that was taking place with regard to whether britain is remain ng the European Union. Certainly, a lot of people here still shocked, angered and very sad. Many people coming out to this makeshift memorial in the center of town bowing their heads in disbelief. A quick word on the vote itself. It is still very unclear which direction it is going to go. It seems as this point in time, there is a small lead for the people wanting to remain inside the e. U. At this point in time, way too close to call. That one is so important. Thank you for all that reporting. Courage under fire. A navy s. E. A. L. Killed in combat and honored in death. He is being recognized for bravery in a battle that no one even knew about until now. We have details ahead. When josh atkins books at laquinta. Com. He gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. So you know what he gives . Ill give you everything ive got and then some. He gives a hundred and ten percent im confident this 10 can boost your market share. Feel me lois . Im feeling you. Boom look at that pie chart. The ready for you alert, only at laquinta. Com. We are learning new information about the deof a navy s. E. A. L. Killed in Northern Iraq during a fire fight with isis. Charles keating iv, recognized for valour but not for the battle that he died in, a previously unknown skirmish which carries some painful parallel. Barbara starr is live at the pentagon with the details. Barbara . Good morning, jim. U. S. Military advisers in syria and iraq are not supposed to be in combat but combat is coming to them one navy s. E. A. L. Team caught twice. It was a fire fight in Northern Iraq against 100 isis fighters that lasted more than two hours. When it was over, navy s. E. A. L. , charles keating, was dead on a tour of duty that was not supposed to involve combat. Hundreds of friends and family gathered to remember him. He was awarded the silver star, the nations third highest citation for valour but not for the battle north of mosul that killed him but for a different fight two months earlier, one that was not disclosed until after his death. That morning, they were atked by more than 100 isis fighters. The initial assault was pushed back. Keating kept up a counter attack running back and forth along the front lines to stop the enemy advance. Exposing himself to automatic weapons, mortars and rocketprepared grenades. When a suicide car bomber approached his position, his team attacked with sniper and rocket fire. Then, on may 3rd, it happened all over again. Isis assembling a large attack force again in Northern Iraq. Keatings unit was behind the front lines as advisers with local kurdish forces. At 7 30 a. M. , the s. E. A. L. S and local forces are attacked by more than 100 isis fighters who charged the front lines with bulldozers, trucks and weapons. At 7 50, the americans call for help. Keating and about to other s. E. A. L. S arrived quickly. The s. E. A. L. S moved to each side of the front line, military sources tell cnn initial battlefield reports describe fighting so intense ammunition was running low. Then, keatings weapon malfunctioned. He went to a nearby vehicle for a new weapon and more ammunition. Now, equipped with his sniper rifle, he climbed on top of the building and began firing at isis when he was hit. His death and the two fire fights, a stark reminder that u. S. Troops in iraq and syria are in combat more than the military discloses. Jeffrey egger says there are new dangers for sfegs operation forces. Whats new in this environment is that the advisory admission which is not a combat mission, is close to where the fighting is taking place. Barbara, i have to tell you, i look at those exchanges there, boeing the one where he was killed and the one he was award the medal of valour in. How can the pentagon and Administration Call that anything other than combat. You know, jim, what the pentagon will tell you and i know they have told you the same thing, they are not putting troops in there to be in combat specifically. Combat is coming to them. They are in a very dangerous situation. Isis is nearby. They are not on the front lines, the u. S. Troops. They are supposed to be advisers. Jeffrey egger, as he pointed out, he said, he said, this is the new reality. This is the gray zone somewhere between peace and war. Jim . One thing we know, they are putting their lives on the line. Barbara starr at the pentagon, thanks very much. We are following a lot of news. Lets get right to it. This was an act of terror and hate. The fbi is releasing these partial transcripts of the three phone calls between the gunmen and the hostage negotiators. He talked about his motivations for why he was committing this horrific act. We need to pass these laws. It is a new america. This was not about guns. Is this was about terrorism, pure and simple. There are already 300 million guns in america. Thats almost as many guns as citizens. Lets get the bad guys off the street, attack the terrorists and leave the good guys alone. It is over, it is over. He the cavaliers are nba championship. Be able to end this, end this drought. Our fans deserve this. This is new day with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. Quite a game. Did you stay up late . I had to walk her through it. This is the nba, a game called basketball, cleveland won, cavaliers were the team. Even i knew this one. They were such two titans playing against each other. Even i get the significance and celebration of this one. Look at them there. 52 years, i believe, since clevelands last championship in any sport. Wow. That is beautiful. Well talk more about it. Good morning, everyone. Welcome back to your new day. Chris is off this morning. Jim sciutto is here with me. Great to have you. It is great to be here with alysin and the whole time. We are about to get a look inside the mind of the worst mass shooter. The fbi set to release three partial phone calls he made to Law Enforcement right in the middle of this deadly rampage at a gay nightclub in orlando. All the victims honored by an estimated 50,000 people. That would be at a candlelight vigil and senators will vote today on four new gun control measures. Believe it or not, none of them are expected to pass. So we have in all covered the way only cnn can. Lets begin with polo sandoval. He is live in orlando. Whats the latest there, polo . Alysin, good morning. Officials saying it is too soon to say whether or not we will actually get to hear omar mateens voice heard on those recordings the night of the shooting. The department of justice and fbi says you can expect more light to be shed on the tense moments between the gunman and police the night of the shooting. This morning, authorities set to release the killers words. The fbi and local Law Enforcement will put out limited transcripts and a timeline of the conversations with negotiators during the threehour standoff. The reason we are going to limit these standoff is to avoid revictimizing those. Think reveal three phone calls before he was shot dead to police. He talked about his pledge to a terrorist group. He talked about his motivations and why he was committing this horrific act. We are still exploring why he chose this particular place to attack. This as Police Defend their tactics as the killer carried out his rampage inside the popular gay club. Reporter 45 minutes after the first shots were fired, more than 100 officers were on the scene. They waited to engage the shooter as the calls for help grew louder inside. I was cursing for them to enter the building. Police mounted strategic efforts to surround the killer and rescue hostages before making the call to blow through the clubs wall. Thats a misconception that officers did not go inside until 5 00 or whatever time the last breach was. Officers were going inside from the beginning of this incident. Over the weekend, several funerals and Memorial Services for the victims of the attack, more than 50,000 gathering in the city of orlando to pay their respects at a candlelight vigil, mourners in awe as i giant rainbow appeared to remember the 49 lives senselessly taken one week ago. One of several tearful tributes that we have seen here in orlando. As we await those transcripts, we could see new developments in the days ahead regarding the killers wife. A grand jury is weighing all the evidence. They would ultimately decide if they believe she likely had some knowledge that this attack was in the works. That is that lingering question still today. Absolutely. Polo, that rainbow appearing of the vigil was just an incredible moment. Im really glad you included that and showed everyone. Thank you. In the wake of the orlando massacre, the hope for any answer to gun violence is on the line today. The senate is set to vote on four new gun measures. Chances for a breakthrough appear to be a long shot. Manu raju is live with more. After last weeks massacre, a Top Republican senator and leading democrat began discussing whether there was a compromise that could be struck on the issue preventing suspected terrorists from getting guns. Those talks quickly stalled. Democrats wanted to give the attorney general the north to ban gun sales. Republicans want some checks in the system, namely greater involvement. We ended up with something thats quite familiar on capitol hill, stalemate. The senate set to vote today on four gun control measures. One week after the worst mass shooting in u. S. History. I am frustrated, bewildered at the inability to come to terms with figuring out some of the restraints. The amendments expected to fail. The background checks bill is going to be tough to get 60 votes on. We still have hope we can get republicans to support the bill stopping terrorists from getting weapons. These amendments include requiring tougher background checks on gun shows and online sales and barring terror suspects from purchasing a firearm. Many republicans say the democratic plans violate the rights of americans mistakenly replaced on terror watch lists. Republicans have voted consistently to ban people on that list from having a gun but to give them an opportunity to prove they shouldnt be on the list. The nra calling the democrats gun measures political pose diverting attention awhich from the failure of the government to fight terror. They are coming and they are going to try to kill us. We need to be prepared. This president by diverting the attention to gun control movement. Thats not going to solve the problem. The nras choice for president , donald trump, is renewing his call to racially profile muslims to prevent terror attacks. I think profiling is something we are going to have to start thinking about. It is not the worst thing to do. I hate the concept of profiling but we have to use common sense. Trump reiterating his belief that fewer would have died had clubgoers been around. If one of the people in that room happened to have it and goes boomboom. That would have been a beautiful, beautiful sight, folks. Even the nra takes issue with that. I dont think you should have firearms where people are drinking. A couple of developments. Tonight, Susan Collins, a mod ral republican, wul ill unveil t she is saying is a moderate compromise. It would bar the sale of a gun to anybody on the nofly list o to. Donald trump tried to clarify his statement about people being armed at the pulse nightclub tweeting. When i said that, if someone the orlando club you had some people with guns, i was obviously talking about additional guards or employees. Lets discuss this with new York Democratic congressman, steve israel, who has endorsed him. I was down in orlando. Like you, this is the umpteenth mass shooting we have experienced as a country. When you look up on the hill, it sounds like there arent the votes for these fairly incremental measures. Do you share that assessment . I do. This is dangerous deja vu. I thought after sandy hook when 20 children were massacred, i thought after san bernardino, congress would do something. This is a moment of truth. We have at least four votes in the senate doing something. Noerpd, in the house of representatives, here is what we are going to do, come into session on tuesday night and go on vacation on friday. That is unconscionable. There is going to be a Conference Call with every democratic member of the house. We are going to talk about using every tool in our tool box to stop paul ryan from allowing the congress to go on vacation without a gun vote in the house of represent it is. Plets lolets look at some o things that are out there. Harder to add mentally ill people to background check. Expands background xhex, delays sale to targets of terror investigations. Look at these. These are not expansive xhancha we are talking about here. I would imagine these are fairly simple, basic things. Why today can you not change that, whether it is on the senate or the house side . What is holding back change like this. Politics and fear of the National Rifle association and fear of the special interest lobby. On the issue of enhanced background checks and the issue of, if you cant buy a plane ticket, you shouldnt be able to buy a gun. 75 of nra members support that prospect. When you have 75 of nra members supporting common sense gun measures. One person will decide whether we vote on these issues this week or whether we go on vacation. I hope he will do the right thing. The best you can see is a vote on it. Without the votes necessarily going to pass but to get a vote on it. Here is a thing. On the issue of no flying, no buy, a republican conservative, peter king, introduced that bill. His cosponsor is a democrat named mike thompson. Nearly 180 have signed a petition demanding a vote on that. Virtually, every democrat will vote on that today or tomorrow when we go back into session. All we need is 30 republicans. Paul ryan has an obligation to at least put that up for a vote. I believe na if he did, it would pass. I ask you this. You have a lot of friends on both sides of the aisle on the hill. You have been there a long time. It is sad that you are leaving congress. Not for me. In private conversations, do you find people frustrated on both sides, listen, i know it is crazy but they see 49 People Killed here. You watch their faces. I have done the memorials a million times over. They are human beings. In private, do people say, i want something to happen. The most candid place on capitol hill is the members only elevators. No press, no staff. In those conversations, going from the basement to the second floor of the house of representatives, what i hear is, amazing frustration, extraordinary frustration. And a desire to get something done. People know, my colleagues know and i know, people are angry with congress for not doing stuff. If you dont want to do an assault weapons ban, at least pass one bill that 80 of americans agree on, no fly, no buy. If we leave congress on friday and go on a oneweek vacation without passing that bill, it would be unconscionable. You heard donald trump talk about racial profiling, rather profiling, religious profiling, i suppose in the wake of this attack. He says it is necessary. It is common sense. The reaction is, a couple weeks ago, two palestinian terrorists dressed up as jews, walked into a restaurant in israel and slaughtered people. Most Law Enforcement experts and israelis agree racial profiling isnt effective, because there are ways around it. Behavioral profiling is something we should look at t racial profiling is just another donald trump evidencefree talking point. Let me ask you this. There are people at home who are watching this as well. They have watched. They have cried. They have responded to yet one more shooting tragedy. What do you say to them that congress is going to do this time thats different . I tell them this is a moment of truth. This week is a moment of truth. If they want something done, it is time for them to take action. Dont wait for congress to take action. Paul ryan and the republicans have shown us, they will not do it. If people begin to contact their member of congress. If there is mobilization, maybe, maybe this week will finally be the Tipping Point and we wont go on vacation before a vote. Whats your betting that something gets passed this week . My betting is that it will not get passed, because paul ryan has said, we are not going to have a vote on it. Incredible. Congressman, thanks very much. South korean intelligence warns the u. S. That isis has information about dozens of u. S. And nato air bases around the world and is urging its followers to attack them. Computer hackers with the terror group have also collected and put out personal details of targeted individuals in more than 20 countries. The u. S. Military is expected to make a statement on this today. It is good to be the king. Lebron james triggering a huge celebration in cleveland after leading the cavaliers to a 9389 game seven win over golden state last night. It is the first major title for the city of cleveland since 1964. The third nba championship for lebron. James was named the unanimous mvp with 27 points, 11 rebounds, 14 assists in the clincher there. They look pretty happy. Although, it was noted that on their way back from california, they stopped in vegas before going to cleveland. They are entitled for a few hours of that celebration. Listen to this. You will remember this story. This toymaker is giving the chewbacca mom a new reason to burst out laughing. That was the original video that made that mom famous and hasbro now honoring candis cayne, with her own custom action figure. It features the texas moms face on a wookie body and it includes her infectious laugh and a dozen other catch phrases lifted from her now famous viral video. I will say that laugh scared me a little bit but that may just be me. In hours, we are going to learn what the orlando terrorist said to the police during the atk. Do survivors and families of the victims want to hear those words. We are going to ask one of those survivors. Thats next. I sleep extremely hot. I wake up and i just feel like sticky. Have the windows open, the ac on id close it in the middle of the night. Hed open it in the middle of the night. It was a nightmare. My new tempurbreeze stays cool to the touch. Not cold but cool. It naturally adapts to your body and somehow creates the perfect temperature for you. I feel like this was made just for me like they had me in mind. I dont know how they do that. vo sleep cooler, wake more refreshed. Discover the new tempurbreeze. You wish your dog could fight off fleas and ticks. But since he cant. You rely on frontline plus. Because frontline plus unleashes a deadly killing force to kills fleas and ticks, plus flea eggs and larvae, preventing a new flea infestation. Its protection lasts a full 30 days. No wonder frontline plus is recommended by vets for killing fleas and ticks. 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Yeah you do lets do this watch out he just had a whole thimble full of coffee. Woot woot the ready for you alert, only at laquinta. Com. La. Quinta yeah the fbi planning to release transcripts between the fbi and the shooter. Joining us to tell us his feelings is samuel maldonado. How do you file about these transcripts being released today . I feel glad, because each day we are hearing things that are coming up. Im actually glad this is coming forward and each day, we are going to know more and more and more what was the reasons and stuff like that for this attack. What do you think you will learn from these transcripts between the gunman during the shooting and the calls he made to police . To be honest with you, i havent been as much in the news. Sometimes it has just been difficult to hear things over. It gets painful sometimes. For the Little Things i have heard, it is just sad and things like that. What this map wman was capable f doing and things like that. Of course, it is hard for you and all of the survivors to go back to that time and to think about it. Thats why we were wondering with the transcript release. Sometimes these things can be more painful for the victims. Yes, maam. But are you hoping that you will learn something about his motivation today . Yes, maam. Im actually more anxious and more into the tv and trying to hear and figure out what was his motive, whats going on in his head. What was the reason that he was doing that . I know that what i saw that night p t night. The shooting to these people. The way he was doing it, that hatred over and over, seeing the way he was doing it. It was just awful. Samuel, i met you a week ago in orlando. You described then how you escaped and the unimaginable things that you saw that night. How are you doing today . What has this week been like for you . Each day, me and my partner have gotten closer. We are coping each day, getting stronger, of course. We are talking, getting the help we need, talking about friends, families are appreciated more. Each day, i think, this is just to let the people know and orlando, we north giving up. We are getting stronger each day. We will be getting stronger. This is not going to knock us down each day. I think we are going to get stronger and stronger. As of yesterday, this vigil, it was amazing how amazing to see everybody unite together and it was unbelievable to see how many, many people were there. We do have pictures of that. 50,000 people strong, came out in orlando for this candlelight vigil and it does show how strong you are and how strong orlando is and so, sam, where does this leave us . Today, in the u. S. Senate, there are four different proposals on how to stop gun violence. What do you want to see happen . My opinion, i think it will be just to stop the gun violence. I wish it would go forward to be honest with you. Thats my opinion. In other words, in your opinion, you do want to see some sort of gun control measures. You do think that helps that night. Do you know specifically what you are looking for . Just p to look into this situation that has happened. I know not just here but anybody anywhere else, just to stop the violence and to stop the gun. It is just to get a little bit more input into that situation that is going on, i believe. Donald trump has suggested that if more people inside the club that night had guns on them, that that would have been the answer. Do you agree . No, maam, i do not agree with that. Why not . I think it would have been more of a disaster. Why not . It was just this person. Imagine people just with guns throwing. I dont think it would have been a good idea, to be honest with y you. Samuel maldonado, we appreciate your time. We appreciate checking in with you. It is nice to see you. We know you have a long road ahead. We will stay in touch. Thank you very much. Should the u. S. Consider racial profiling to fight terrorism . Donald trump thinks so. Well ask two Muslim Americans about his idea to prevent future terror attacks and get their reactions right after this. Developed our most revolutionary feature yet. A car that can see trouble and stop itself to avoid it. When the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety tested front crash prevention nobody beat subaru models with eyesight. Not toyota. Not ford or any other brand. Subaru eyesight. An extra set of eyes, every time you drive. The already twisted case of a 51yearold pennsylvania man found living with 12 girls takes another turn. A couple accused of gifting their underage daughter to the man claims they are the parents of nine of the other girls and the grandparents of the remaining two. Lee caplan faces Sexual Assault and other charges after police say he fathered two more children with the now 18yearold girl, a neighbor called police after she saw two girls outside caplans house looking unhappy and sad. Oh, my goodness. The United Nations putting the worlds migration crisis in a new context. A justreleased report finds the number of displaced persons climbing by nearly 6 million to more than 65 Million People. That breaks down to 1 out of every 113 people on earth being displaced. Officials say the on going conflicts in afghanistan, syria and south sudan are key factors behind that increase. The wife of mexican drug lord, el chapo, traveled to washington, d. C. Earlier this month. Emma coranel wants an International Investigation launched. She claims her husbands rights are being violated while he awaits extradition to the u. S. She met with the commission on human rights. She claim that is Prison Guards are depriving el chapo of sleep in his prison cell. Disneys finding dory makes a big splash. It holds the opening record for a film passing the debut of shrek. Donald trump says he hates the concept of racial profiling but in the wake of the orlando nightclub terror attack says trump says it is something the u. S. Should start looking at to prevent future attacks. Joining us now senior fellow and director of development for the center of Global Policy and Senior Correspondent for religious, founding for the gay and illegal immigrants. Miguel, ali. I wonder if i can talk with you just to get your reaction. Beyond the muslim travel ban, now, you have donald trump suggesting racial profiling, mink really religious profiling for muslims. Let me ask for your reaction. What scares a lot of muslims and a lot of other minorities is that this isnt the farthest he has gone. He has talked about special i. D. S, databases, war crimes and he has used pretty inflammatory languages. The fear in my mind is not just that racial profiling could become a reality under him but that it would be a lot worse than that. If you accept the premise that muslims are somehow uniquely violent, why would you stop with a travel ban or profiling . Is it illogical that if we shouldnt let muslims in the country, why do we have them in the country in the first place . We talk a lot about the muslim ban. So seldom do we talk to muslim that is would be affected by that ban. Lets say that tomorrow and the president does have enormous powers to enact Something Like this if donald trump were elected. I want to say, first of all, when you look at the end of osama bin ladens reign. It became the white, blueeyed terrorist. We saw this with jihad john from australia and jihad jane from colorado. We apprehended jihad jane specifically because george w. Bush banned racial profiling at a federal level. I dont think isis is as intelligent as osama bin laden. If you are a muslim extremist group, you are going to look for white, blueeyed people to carry out your attacks. Jihad jane had 99 attacks to facilities. I feel like to suggest racial profiling within this era is kind of like doing Crime Fighting from the 1950s. It doesnt work anymore. As a tech entrepreneur, what i can say, we could have found this orlando shooter this we had employed an algorithym. Oddly, the people that can write these algorithms, it is muslim immigrants mostly from muslim countries. Google just opened up a tech accelerator in pakistan to find talent there. My own tech team is in pakistan, dubai and india. If we issue a travel ban, we are going to lose out on the top tech talent. This is the talent we need to fight terrorism. I want to ask you, a big issue here is cooperation with the authorities. It is a delegate balance to strike. Law enforcement wants muslim communities to say, hey, if you see something, Say Something. Here you have a case where clearly the family knew something was going on. At least the wife and she didnt speak out. People have loyalties within families and so on. In terms of muslim communities, is there fear about cooperating with authorities about it, pointing out one of their own, the represent percussions, et cetera. Sna happ sna happening . There is definitely fear. Have i ruined this persons life forever. Nobody wants to make that decision. There are a lot of different muslim responses to the orlando shooting, to the attack. Some of them were very positive in the direction they took. I was deeply appreciative of where some major institutions went. I saw one trend that was a little bit disturbing. I saw it on social media not just with average person on facebook but people in leadership positions, whose First Response was, this is so close to muhammad alis death, it strikes me as suspicious. A healthy skepticism is good. Everybody should have a decent amount of skepticism to have a robust conversation. If you are in a leadership position and your first instinct is, this is a conspiracy, one, you have no sense of agency and to you really believe them there is any such thing as a terrorist attack. If thats the case, can you actually see something and Say Something . A person in a position of Community Leadership who thinks there is an operation, within a muslim community, it is even more alarming. Then you are not paying attention or ignoring evidence. Orr imagining there is not a real problem there. I spent a lot of time in the middle east and i would often hear the Conspiracy Theory or it was the cia. Do you hear the same thing or the same skepticism going on in muslim communities. Sometimes i do. I think islam, when you read the koran, it is such a long book. It offers ten different opinions on every topic. So i think anybody who practices islam is already conditioned to have a long and indepth discussion and naturally some skepticism will come up. I would say the fact that some muslims have skepticism. I would rather see a group of global muslims saying, look, we didnt do that. Someone else did it rather than them celebrating it. So whenever i see muslim skepticism take place, i actually think thats a positive thing. It shows groups and large groups of muslims who dont want to take ownership of an attack and are basically saying, someone else did it. We had nothing to do with that. In an odd way, i think thats a healthy thing. Conspiracy theory is not confined to any group in this country. Thanks so much for joining us. It is a difficult topic. What is your take on trumps call for racial profiling . Please tweet us at new day or post your comments on facebook. Com newday. It is an interesting, difficult conversation. We want it to continue. Thanks, jeff. Could the never trump folks pull off a convention coup. Well tell you what they are planning next on new day. Ill give you everything ive got and then some. He gives a hundred and ten percent im confident this 10 can boost your market share. Feel me lois . Im feeling you. Boom look at that pie chart. The ready for you alert, only at laquinta. Com. Premium like clockwork. Month after month. Year after year. Then one night, you hydroplane into a ditch. Yeah. Surprise. Your Insurance Company tells you to pay up again. Why pay for insurance if you have to pay even more for using it . If you have Liberty Mutual deductible fund™, you could pay no deductible at all. Sign up to immediately lower your deductible by 100. And keep lowering it 100 annually, until its gone. Then continue to earn that 100 every year. Theres no limit to how much you can earn and this savings applies to every vehicle on your policy. Call to learn more. Switch to Liberty Mutual and you could save up to 509. 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Lets bring in two people, spokesperson for the courageous conservatives pack, steve lanigan, a gop delegate from Washington State who also supported cruz. Thanks so much for being here. Steve, we have heard there was that phone call of 1,000 people. Reporter ywhere you discussd trying to stop trump from being the nominee. What is the upshot . We are taking this Grassroots Movement and organizing it with a Strategic Plan to where we nominate the party best suited to defeat Hillary Clinton. You got some delegates on the call. How many . About 200 delegates on the call. Were people on the rules committee on the call . How many . About 1012 that we are sure that are with us. We need 57 votes on the rules committee for the moral consciousness amendment. There are no rules. These candidates are not bound going into this convention. It is up to the rules committee to pass the rule to bind them z you are creating the rule. This is where you think the wrinkle is that if you create a new rule and it isnt donald trump, so be it. We think the real wrinkle is that the Republican Convention should represent all the republicans in the Republican Party not just those that voted for donald trump. Eric, it sounds like this call went well. What is the plan now . The plan in general is to reach out to leaders in all 50 states in the territorys delegates and try to get them to query their delegation and get supports from the Grassroots Movement of delegates that want to stand up and have the delegates be unbound. The status quo is already that the delegates are unbound. If we look at his book unbound, they go through chapter and verse from 1864 that delegates are, in fact, unbound in their attempts from time to time to bind them. I understand that technically, they are unbound. Voters, who voted for donald trump, feel that you would be subverted democracy. They went to the polls. They pulled the lever for the person that they felt they wanted to be their president. Now, you are saying that their votes dont count. The reason i wanted to stick with you is that 75. 8 of the people that voted voted for donald trump in may. He got all 41 of the bound, socalled delegates. So your state in particular has a tough time making that argument. I think i can provide you a good answer. The answer comes in several layers. The indiana primary was on may 3rd. After the indiana primary, all of the candidates left except for donald trump. Three weeks later, donald trump was essentially running against nobody and still only got 75 of the vote. I might take exception with your assertion that thats some powerful mandate. If i was being honest with you, i might go in the other direction and say it is a very weak showing. Having said that, the point is, there is new information that has been made available to me. By that, i mean the fact that now im aware of this and i read it. I always assumed like everybody else na what you say is true, that the primary processes do bind me to a certain vote. Now that i am aware of something, i have a responsibility. I have to act according to my conscience. I cant pretend that the voters said such and such a thing. Im one of those delegates. I have to take my responsibility very seriously. Like eric said, besides, since the indiana primary in washington, a lot has happened with donald trump. We have seen that he is no conservative. We have seen p the thing he has done to destroy the Republican Party. He seems to relish in taking it apart piece by piece and claiming, ill win on my own. Dont come into our convention and try to take over the party. Here is the fly in the ointment . Who is your candidate . Who is your other candidate . We have a lot of great candidates. Such as . Marco rubio, ted cruz. They lost. Not when they go to the convention. Those delegates can vote and have ballot after ballot after ballot. I dont care if we go until 5 00 or 6 00 in the morning. We are going to pick the candidate best suited to beat Hillary Clinton and advance the Republican Party. We cant allow donald trump to take the Republican Party down. Are those guys interested in running, marco rubio, ted cruz, are they interested . We are not advocating for any particular candidate but to defend the Republican Party platform against an assault. Is jeb bush involved in your movement . Absolutely not. Donald trump has asserted that. I have to touch on the previous statement. The cruz Team Leadership here in washington has been absolutely clear on this to us. Starting four weeks ago. Senator cruz is not interested at all in having People Revolt on his behalf and nominate him. Okay. Then, back to my question. Let me explain if i could. Quickly. My question is hold on, go ahead, eric. I would like to answer. That is the logic is that senator cruz didnt think that even if it succeeded and gave him the nomination, it might make it very difficult to succeed in the general and damage future prospects for him. Whether that is meritorious or not. The cruz leadership has been straightforward telling us, dont do this. I got a fairly scathing email. As far as jeb bush or any other establishment person, no. I am as grassroots as they come. This is me standing here. Hoist candidate, a two word answer . Dont know, dont know. We will see who decides to put their hat in the ring if this effort is successful. Right now, the key is will enough delegates stand up to try to stop this . When that happens, then we will see who wants to be considered. Eric, steve, thank you very much. I appreciate it. He did give me a twoword answer. Dont know. Thank you very much, steve, for being here. We will follow this. Lets get over to jim. Coming up next, a democratic senator pushing hard for gun control measures. How she feels about the chance of success when the senate votes later today. The senate will vote today on several gun measures just one week after the worst mass shooting in modern American History. Four separate bills, including two aimed at those on terror watch lists from buying weapons as well as two others on expanding background checks. Will anything change after this horrible tragedy . Amy klobichar from the great state of minnesota. Thanks for joining us this morning. Thanks so much, jim. Senator, youve been active on this issue for a number of years. In the wake of orlando, you support senator feinsteins proposal to deny gun sale if theres any reasonable belief that the buyer would engage in terrorism, lower standard than probable cause. What do you say to the opposition that this is a slippery slope, chipg away at the Second Amendment rights . First of all, this is a set group of people that have been suspected of terrorism. Someone didnt just make it up that day. Theyve been on one of the lists. Either they are on the list or they have been on the list in the past. It simply gives our Law Enforcement that kind of discretion. Im actually surprised that our republican president ial candidate have said people on the terror watch list shouldnt be able to go out and purchase a weapon. And you have the fact that they have repeatedly talked about not just going after terrorist groups like isis and al shabaab where they are, in their enclaves, but also here at home. They influence people either in an organized effort or by social media. I agree with our republican colleagues that that has to be part of the focus. But clearly then you have a set list of people that our Law Enforcement has identified as having been suspected that they might go into and commit some kind of incredibly violent act, as this man did, and massacred 49 people at this club. Its an unbelievable story. And i dont understand why they wouldnt want to go to where we know this guy was. He had been suspected of terrorism. And you at least want to give Law Enforcement that ability to deny him a weapon. And then this never would have happened. Let me ask you i had the opportunity a short time ago to speak to democratic congressman steve israel. I asked him of the chances of something passing this weekend on the hill. Here is what he had to say. Youve been in congress a long time. Whats your betting that something gets pass this had week . My betting is that it will not because paul ryan said we wont even have a vote on it. What are the chances of something getting passed in the wake of this horrible tragedy on the senate side . First of all, we are having votes in the senate. So far, i dont know that its going to be different than when we had votes in the past. One thing is different. People are starting to talk. They there are starting to be negotiations going on. Thats important. We not only have the bill to ban people on the terror watch list from purchasing a wpn beapon bue background check bill that was similar to the two nrarated legislators in the past, senator manchin or toomey. It would say look, at least close this loophole that allows people to buy these guns at gun shows without any kind of background check. More and more, the sales are gravitating. We are not saying dont buy guns. I come from a huge hunting state. I look at these proposals and say, would this hurt my uncle dick and his deer stand . My answer is no, it wouldnt hurt him. Hes not on the terror watch list and because he would be able to in as background check. You have to think that this would be the sweet spot. By the political sweet spot on the gun issue, everyones fear both parties want to be tough on terrorists, keep guns out of terrorists hands. That this could be the one that does get passed. This sort of amazement that even now, 49 people dead in that club. If not now, then when . When is something going to get it through . Thats what we said after those dozens of children, those little first graders were killed in newtown. We know that the vast majority of the American People want to see better background checks and they also dont want people on a terror watch list to go out and purchase a weapon. The vast majority of gun owners agree with that. Thats what we are working to convince our colleagues. We are open to talking with them, to negotiating. I can tell you one thing, jim. We dont want to just pass something that doesnt make any difference at all, that wouldnt save a child, that wouldnt save the next nightclub from being attacked. We want to do something that still preserves a Second Amendment right. There are those sweet spots. Thats what we want to convince our colleagues of over the next few days. If we dont make it tonight, its not the end. Theres still room to continue to work with them. To the American People, contact them and tell them we must do something here. As you know, your republican colleagues, they catch a lot of flack for not standing up to the nra. Its true that, really, both parties are share that fear of standing up to what is a very powerful lobby. Is it fair to say that the responsibility is shared across the aisles . There are, of course, democrats that have also been endorsed by the nra in the past. If you would look at the numbers, though, the bulk of them are on the republican side. And i think whatever people, whatever endorsements theyve had, whatever support our job is to stand back from that and to say, okay, regardless of what one Interest Group says, what is the right thing to do . We even have polls saying that the majority of nra members believe we should have better background checks and terrorists shouldnt be able to get weapons, just walk into a store and buy a weapon if youre on a terror watch list. So, my hope is that my colleagues will step back and do the right thing. I remember those parents of the kids that were massacred in that school in newtown. They were in, advocating for background checks, right . They knew that wouldnt have saved their babies but decided it was the provision that could get agreement, that would save the most peoples lives. States that have background checks have much reduced suicide rates, much reduced homicide rates related to guns. That is why they were there. They had the courage to do that, put aside their personal belief that they would have done even more and say lets get this done. Thats what were asking our colleagues to do today. Saving lives seem ace simple goal. Amy klobuchar, thank you very much. Thank you. Were following a lot of news. Lets get right to it. He talked about his pledges of allegiance to a terrorist group. Transcripts of the killers phone calls with police will be made public. Well limit these transcripts to avoid revictimizing those who went through this horror. Had this proposal been in effect, it may have stop this had shooting. Within that club, if you had somebody with a gun strapped on to their hip, you would have had a very, very different result. Nobody wants terrorists with guns. We need to have the courage in washington to actually take action. Its the fight or flight response. Colorado mom saves her 5yearold son from the jaws of a mountain lie zblen she came in, engaged and fought. Were humans but were ani l animal, and that kicks in. This is new day with chris cuomo, and alisyn camerota. How about that . These two stories, alligator in florida and now the mom with the Mountain Lion. You pray this is something you never have to confront. Of course not. We would do anything for our kids and so happy for that family she was able to save him. Welcome to new day. It is monday, june 20th, 8 00 in the east. Jim sciutto joins me. Great to have you here. Great to be here. As that terrorist carried out the massacre at a gay nightclub just one week ago, the fbi will release transcripts of three phone calls that the killer made along with the timeline of the attack. Candlelight vigil in orlando, to remember those 49 lives lost there. Will lawmakers in congress do anything today to address yet another senseless tragedy . We have it all covered, only as cnn can. Paolo sandoval is live in orlando. Reporter dozens of agents arriving at the scene, beginning what is technically day eight of this investigation as we expect more details to be released by the feds, including the transcripts you mentioned. They will shed more light on the tense moments between the gunman and police the night of the shooting. The fbi and local Law Enforcement will put out limited transcripts and a timeline of the orlando killers conversations with negotiators during the threehour standoff. The reason were going to limit these transcripts is to avoid revictimizing those that went through this who ahorror. Reporter three phone calls before he was shot dead by police. He talked about his pledges of allegiance to a terrorist group, his motivations for why he was claiming, at that time, he was committing this horrific act. He talked about american policy in some ways. Were still exploring why he chose this particular place to attac attack. Reporter this, as Police Defend their tactics that morning, as the killer carried out his rampage inside the popular gay nightclub in orlando. There was never a time where we were just sitting there, doing nothing. Reporter 45 minutes after the first shots were fired more than 100 officers and s. W. A. T. Members were on the scene but they waited to engage the shooter as the calls for help grew louder inside. I was cursing for them to enter, enter the building. Reporter orlando s. W. A. T. Commander insisting police mounted strategic efforts to stop the killer and rescue hostages. A misconception that officers did not go inside until 5 00 or whatever time the last breach was. Officers were going inside from the beginning of this incident. Reporter over the weekend, several funerals and Memorial Services for the victims of the attack. More than 50,000 gathering in the city of orlando to pay their respects at a candlelight vigil. Mourners in awe as a giant rainbow appeared over the memorial to remember the 49 lives senselessly taken one week ago. And a live picture shows you dozens of fbi agents at the scene as they prepare to begin that day eight of this investigation. They will be going through that crime scene again, making sure they did not miss anything. Meantime we expect more potential developments in the days ahead, regarding noor salman, the wife of the gunman, grand jury weighing evidence trying to determine if, in fact, she had any idea that this attack was in the works. That, jim, a lingering question that remains today, among many. And she may face charges. Hope for real change to americas gun laws, senate set to vote on four new gun measures today. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are conceding that nothing will change today. Senior political reporter live in washington with more. Is this going to be just a political exercise, these votes . It really does seem that way after last weeks shooting. Top republican john cornyn of texas and Dianne Feinstein were discussing if they could strike a deal on preventing suspected terrorists from getting guns. What we saw last week is those talks stalled. Democrats wanted a broad ban and republicans wanted checks in the system, whether or not a sale should be banned to a suspected terrorist. So we ended up with something weve seen all too common on capitol hill. Gridlock. The senate set to vote today on four gun control measures. One week after the worst mass shooting in u. S. History. I am frustrated, bewildered at the inability to come to terms with figuring out some of the restraints. Reporter the amendments all expected to fail. The background checks bill is going to be tough to get 60 votes on. We have hope that we can get republicans to support the bill stopping terrorists from getting weapons. Reporter requiring tougher background checks at gun shows and online sales and barring terror suspects on watch lists from purchasing a firearm. Many republicans say the democratic plans violate the rights of americans mistakenly placed on terror watch lists. Republicans have voted consistently to ban people on that list from having a gun but to give them an opportunity to prove that they shouldnt be on the list. Reporter the nra called the democrats gun measures ploitcal poise, diverting the attention away from the failure of the government to fight terror. Theyre coming and theyre going to try to kill us. We need to be prepared. And this president , by diverting the attention to gun control movement, thats not going to solve the problem. Reporter the nras choice for president , donald trump, is renewing his call to racially profile muslims to prevent terror attacks. I think profiling is something that were going to have to start thinking about a country. Its not the worst thing to do. I hate the concept of profiling, but we have to use common sense. Reporter trump also reiterating his belief that fewer would have died inside the gay nightclub in orlando, had club goers been armed. One of the people in that room happened to have it and goes boom, boom. You know what . That would have been a beautiful, beautiful sight, folks. Reporter but even the nra takes issue with that. I dont think you should have firearms where people are drinking. Short time ago, donald trump tried to clarify his statement about people being armed in the pulse nightclub. Tweeting when i said within the orlando club you had some people with guns i was obviously talking about additional guards or employees. A bit of a walkback from donald trump. Sounds like it. Thank you very much. Well discuss all this with our panel. Cnn political analyst david fwreg gregory. Bob, ill start with you. Thank you. General pessimism, it sounds like, about what might happen on capitol hill today even though there are these four competing gun measures to cut down on gun violence that americans say they want. They say that these are reasonable measures. Do you think, bob, that the nra has that much pull and power that they can put the kabosh on all these measures today . Theyre not as strong as they say they are but these four amendments are not going to pass. We know that. There still is a possibility of finding a consensus. Feinstein and cornyn, i know negotiations broke down. But if you cant pass something after what happened in orlando on terrorists not getting guns, i dont think youll ever get gun control laws. David, whats your thinking about what will happen today . Im similarly pessimistic. I agree with bob for a couple of reasons. One, you have something that just makes common sense around keeping terrorists away from buying guns, who are being investigated as potential terrorists. You still have this due process issue. Thats where the rub is. Whether, you know, you run up against particularly advocates of gun rights. The idea of the government keeping lists on americans is either an infringement in and of itself or a slippery slope to losing further rights. Thats a hump to get over. The process in the house is very difficult. But the overall approach here is to say were not going to go for background checks, do big things but more targeted kinds of restrictions that we can build consensus around. I think that is the best approach. Carl, you have a special perspective. Youre a former navy s. E. A. L. When donald trump said yes. This weekend if only people in that club had had an more weapons, those poor people wouldnt have been killed. Do you think that people in clubs are as equipped to handle a militarystyle weapon as you are . Well, i think the fact is that if you had security guards at that club and there was one. There was one. There was an Armed Security guard. Who couldnt find back, for whatever reason abullets in the other direction have always stopped criminals. This time it wouldnt. Just answer that. There was an Armed Security guard there and this time it didnt stop the gunman. The gunman was armed to the teeth. And the Police Showed up within minutes. They, of course, were armed. This gunman was just they showed up in minutes but it was three hours before they enltd the club. Theyre trying to blame guns for this whole thing right now. You dont blame boein for the planes hitting the tower. Absolutely no evidence to the fact that gun laws will prevent gun violence. Theres absolutely zero evidence. Harvard law. Carl, hold on. Hold on. Lets stop blaming guns and start blaming the ideology. Hold on one second. Tell that to australia. Australia passed a massive gun control law in 1996 after a mass shooting. Right. They bought back hundreds of thousands of semi automatic weapons and havent had a mass shooting since. And their Violent Crime rate has since risen. Theyve not had a mass shooting. Were talking about stopping Mass Shootings, carl. Furthermore, i just want to say one more thing about this. Then i want to let the guests get in. There was another terror attack at the same time this terror attack in orlando was happening, carl. There was a terror attack in pair zblis yep. Radical islamist where guns are banned. Yes, kill ed with a knife. Two People Killed. Actually shot, too. As opposed to somebody goes in with a semi automatic rifle and can grievously injure 43. Do you think theres a difference . 130 People Killed in paris a couple of months ago. They banned guns there and still went in and did it. Criminals are going to get guns no matter what. To put a terror watch list together, whats the criteria to get on the terrorist watch list . When you can define that, we can start having a legitimate conversation about being able to ban somebody from buying a gun on that list. Go ahead, carl. Let me propose this. The fbi had conversations with this guy before he did the shooting. They let it go. But he was clearly on a watch of one kind or another. The fbi talked to him. Right. Do you think that kind of person, who has a question about terrorist activity should be able to go out and buy a gun legitimately . Well, i think that what we should do is look at the fact that the fbis hands are tied behind their back and theyre not allowed to investigate no, they did investigate this guy. Yet he was still able to locally by they had to walk away. Very dangerous weapon. If youre on a terrorist watch list, you should be in jail. I dont think you should be on a list. If youre suspected, convicted and criminalized of conducting terrorist attacks or tendencies, you should be in jail, not a list. Isnt that a violation of someones civil rights . Throw them in jail other than just depriving them of access to guns. Both are right so, alisyn, where do you draw the line . David, this is the debate happening in washington. Were watching it on our screen. This is whats going on on capitol hill right now. I think, look, historically, you have seen a huge divide politically about this. I know the Public Opinion Research Shows and what the polls show around support for greater restrictions. But we have a Political Class here that is apparently hopelessly divided this. I mean, you have in your guest here somebody who supports donald trump who is willing much more maleable on gun rights, as he has demonstrated on this particular occasion and is willing to do things that are either certainly counterproductive, certainly did not demonstrate that they work, like racial profiling or banning somebody based on their religion. But there is much more of a purity test around the Second Amendment. The reality is, this is very much about a view that government is going to compile lists, that is going to somehow either in the initial act or down the road restrict peoples Second Amendment rights. I just dont see any kind of coalescing around a real strategy here. Where do you find a way to get smaller provisions through at the national level. And lets remember at the state level there is more compromise going on. More but david im sorry, go ahead. Restrictions being put into place. Bob, is that the answer . Let me just say quickly, donald trump walked back his comments. Nancy pelosi said donald trump is the gift that keeps on giving for those of us on the other side. At some point this guy is not going to be able to dig himself out of the trench hes in. I used to say to my candidates, when you get in a hole, give me the shovel. Apparently nobody can handle the shovel from trump. Bob, david, carl, thank you very much for illuminating this debate for us. We do have one quick programming note for you. Chris cuomo will host a town hall with gary johnson and his running mate. What do they say the answer to gun violence is . This will be a prime time event wednesday night at 9 00 pm eastern here on cnn. Dangerous recordbreaking heat is gripping the west. Its fueling massive wildfires in california, including the sherpa fire in Santa Barbara county. The mercury hitting 120 degrees in parts of arizona over the weekend. At least four deaths blamed on the heat. More extreme temperatures are expected today. The heat wave will head east this week. Some baby news. First photos of Hillary Clintons new grandson have been posted online by the family. Aiden clinton mezvinsky. Grandparents look the same everywhere, regardless whether theyre world famous or not. What a joy being with our new grandson, aiden. So grateful. Big smiles. Love the name aiden, by the way. Its pretty. Colorado mom hailed as a hero after prying her 5yearold son from the jaws of a Mountain Lion. The boy was playing outside with his brother in aspenn friday. The mom heard screams, rushed out to find the Mountain Lion had the boys whole head in its mouth. The mom charged the animal, pried its jaws open and freed her son. Both are recovering from bites and scratches. Bravery, strength. You hope you have that. To pull it off. You never know if you would freeze. Just what a you hope youre never confronted with this situation. No question. That is happy that the kid got out of there safe. Absolutely. They made it out of the pulse nightclub alive while some of their friends did not. Up next, we ask two survivors how they feel about the release of the killers calls to police today. Uinta. Com. He gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. So he knows exactly when he can settle in and think big. And when josh thinks big you know what he gives . Ill give you everything ive got and then some. He gives a hundred and ten percent im confident this 10 can boost your market share. 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In just hours were going to hear what the orlando terrorist told police as he was carrying out his deadly attack at a gay nightclub in orlando. How do survivors feel about the killers words being made public . We have now brandon wolf, who was at pulse with his best friend, killed in the attack. Chris hansen as well with us. He survived and helped rescue people inside the club. Brandon and chris, thank you so much for joining us today. We know its only a week out and you have a lot of pain to go through here. We appreciate you taking the time. Brandon, i want to start with you and also get your thoughts, chris. Weve been speaking to lawmakers on the hill this morning, republicans and democrats, house and the senate. They say none of these gun measures are going to get passed. Whats your reaction . I think theyre right. Thats kind of the political atmosphere weve been in for a long time, that it doesnt matter. These lives dont matter. The 49 lives simply dont matter enough to people on capitol hill to make the change. Its up to us to make the change. Its up to us to be the activists for the change we want to see. Its about spreading a message of love and compassion. And if politicians cant hear us, then we need to speak louder. Thats my reaction. Im not surprised. Politicians have kind of been the worst of these situations and it doesnt surprise me at all. Chris, you were inside the club. You saved people. You saw what this weapon could do there. I mean, banning assault weapons, thats not even on the docket this week. That would be just two big a measure, things short of that. But as you saw this play out, do you think it would make a difference if a weapon like that was banned . Not necessarily saying that it would be banned, to pull it off the shelves. If it was only accessible to certain people. And with the background checks with it to make it to where its a lot more challenging and difficult to obtain a weapon of such mass destruction. Now, guns can be used for many Different Things. They shouldnt be used for public hands. They shouldnt be able to go to a gun show and purchase one and then wait so long to have to go register it. I dont think that should be anything at all anybody should be able to do if you are a nonofficer or anybody who is licensed or trained to use a weapon of such. It shouldnt be in the publics hands. As brandon, right . Right. As brandon was saying, we have to use our voices. If voters in charge of all of that, we need to come together as a country and community to vote them out or to vote for change to happen. Thats the only way for it to happen. If we truly are a voice and we truly are heard, then things will change. Brandon, you heard that the fbi is, later today, going to release the transcripts of the killer, of what he said some of what he said, at least. It will be edited a bit. From inside that club. I wonder how you feel about that. We arent going to hear the tape of his voice but will have his words out there. Are you comfortable with that . You know, i dont know if im particularly comfortable with it. But i know what its like, sitting with my best friends mother. Just needing that closure. Needing to understand what happened in there, so that you know, you know, what did your child go through . What did they experience . What did they suffer . And if that brings some sort of peace to people, then absolutely, we need to have that. I dont know if ill read it. But that doesnt mean that it doesnt bring that peace to somebody else. And im all for that. Whatever they need. Chris, i want to ask your thoughts. Theres always a concern after shootings like this. We know that this killer clearly wanted his massacre publicized. Even called a television station that night to make sure they were covering it. Does it worry you that this gives him more attention for this horrible crime . He was struggling with a lot of things mentally in his mind and not only gun control but it also has to show that we need more people with those with Mental Illnesses. And we need to be able to be more aware of who is feeling what. And with the shooter doing what he did, he was struggling with his sexuality and how he can as a person and who he was. And coming from somebody who used to be in the closet to coming out of a closet was a whole lot different. For him to have to fight those demons and do what he did, with the religion. Maybe he will see the 49 virgins or however he does, did what he did. He sacrificed himself because he saw how much fun everybody was having and he didnt want to see us doing that anymore. I felt like if he would have been able to seek help or guidan guidance, maybe this would not have happened and he wouldnt have had to hide who he was. His wife knew about it. And as a parent, your parents know. My dad has known my whole life. When i came out, he was like, its not surprising. So for him, it was just, i think, his scapegoat and his way of saying this is how it has to be. And its like any bad relationship. When they say if i cant have you, no one can. And thats kind of basically what he possibly may have thought in his head. And when he went in there, thinking he was going to go up there and start fireworks, that he was actually going to get a lot of attention. And with him always expressing that he hated. Lgbt community and how it disgust him, thats how most homophobic people are. They almost always express themselves with hate. If we go in this with love, showing peace and that were not going to fight back, it will change everybodys minds of how things work. With the gun control, that is one issue. But also so is Mental Illness and also those who are not understanding of our thoughts and our minds of being open and being out, that they could also seek help for that as well. Because it is challenging in our society to be a gay, lesbian, bi, transgender. And people fight the demons all the time. Like alana del rey, gods and monsters. Youre living in a garden of eden but no one is going to take my soul and music is my voice. Its devastating how everything happened. And this was his way of saying bye, i believe, by taking other people. With this sacrifice, it kind of stinks but its going to change. Its going to bring a whole lot of change. As a community, if we stick together and those who mourn afterwards. And when everybody goes home and they dont have that comfort that theyre wanting or needing, theyre going to need to seek more help. So, this is this is something thats going to live with us forever. And its going to cause change and in a better way. Not in a negative way. Well, lets hope for that change. Brandon and chris, youve been through so much. We are thinking about you. We know the battle is just beginning for you. Thank you for taking the time this morning. Thank you for having us. One florida senator says his gun bill could have preven prev the orlando attack. Whats in it . That senator joins us next. Every day you read headlines about businesses being hacked and intellectual property being stolen. That is cybercrime. And it affects each and every one of us. Microsoft created the digital crimes unit to fight cybercrime. We use the microsoft cloud to visualize information so we can track down the criminals. When it comes to the cloud, trust and security are paramount. Were building what we learn back into the cloud to make people and organizations safer. The bego where you goith you they have weight but are not heavy they teach they inspire and when they happen to you or maybe when you happen to them take these moments for all theyre worth only in minnesota my betting right now is that it will not get passed because paul ryan said we are not even going to have a vote on it. Democratic congressman steve israel telling us hes discouraged by the gun control debate on capitol hill. Still the senate is scheduled to vote on four new gun control measures. Our next guest is proposing his own bill, which he believes could have prevented the massacre in orlando. Bill nelson joins us now. Good morning, senator. Good morning, alisyn. Whats in your bill . Mine is incorporated in both Dianne Feinsteins as well as Susan Collins. And it would have caught mateen. Diane says if youre on the terrorist watch list, you cant buy a gun. That sounds pretty common sense. Yeah. But mateen was not on the watch list. Mine says if you were on the watch list, when you buy the gun, the fbi is going to be notified so that then they can make their determination if they want to go and talk to the individual. That sure sounds logical. Why isnt your measure being voted on today . Well, it is, in one version or another. It is already incorporated in Dianne Feinsteins and its, unfortunately, something as common sense as that, it doesnt look like were going to get 60 votes. But at the end of the day, Lindsey Graham and Susan Collins are defining a much narrower list. They basically say the no fly list which in the country is about 800 people that are u. S. Persons. 800 or 800,000 . 800. Oh, okay. We had it as 800,000 were on some terror watch list as some kind. Youre right, 800 is extremely narrow. Extremely narrow. The terror watch list as a u. S. Person is about 5,000, a u. S. Citizen or legally in the u. S. 800,000 or million, thats the worldwide terror watch list. Senator, who is fighting yours . Yours sounds like, yes, the fbi should be alerted when somebody theyve investigated tries to buy a gun. Who is fighting that on capitol hill . The nra. And theyre trying to clamp down and say they dont want any kind of impediment to buying a gun. And that, to me, defies common sense. Why does nra have so much control in congress . In a low turnout republican primary, they activate their members. Just like the tea party, they are skew the results in a low turnout Republican Party. Here is whats crazy, senator. Even nra members, gun owners, 90 of americans say in poll after poll that they are comfortable with expanded background checks that would include online gun sales as well as gun show gun sales. Of course. Yet that cant pass congress. Explain that. Its the same explanation. And thats another bill we will vote on. Do you have to get a criminal background check when you buy a gun . In most states you go into a gun store. Its an instantaneous check. It doesnt hold up the purchase. Then theres whats known was the gun show loophole. Yeah. Who dont have to get that. Were going to vote on that one today as well. Is that going to pass. Sadly, the expectation is that youre not going to get enough republican senators with 46 of Us Democratic senators to get to 60. All you need are 14 republican senators. How can congress not take steps to try to solve this problem of gun violence and Mass Shootings in our country . Well, thats exactly the reason we had the 15hour last wednesday filibuster, to try to draw attention to this. I started early, by the way, in my part in the filibuster. I held up a picture of the two rifles the ar15 and the sig sauer that the killer used. Then i put up a picture of the trauma blood stained shoes he wrote so eloquently about on his facebook page. Here i am. 40 some are coming into the trauma center. We dont know if theyre black or white or gay or straight. All we know is that they are screaming. Theyre crying and were doing everything that we can to try to save lives. And he said he has not stopped wearing those shoes to work until last victim leaves that hospital. We know orlando is in your state, hear your emotion. We wish you luck in solving gun violence however that can happen. Well be following what happens today. Thanks, alisyn. Thank you. Great conversation. Pick pockets are going for the gold at the upcoming summer games in rio. What you need to know to protect your smart phone, right after this. You wish your dog could fight off fleas and ticks. But since he cant. You rely on frontline plus. Because frontline plus unleashes a deadly killing force to kills fleas and ticks, plus flea eggs and larvae, preventing a new flea infestation. Its protection lasts a full 30 days. No wonder frontline plus is recommended by vets for killing fleas and ticks. After all, your dog is a lover not a fighter. Frontline plus. Vet recommended flea and tick killer. New security concerns in rio, pick pockets setting their sights on the phones of tourists. Reporter behind me are the beaches that will have so many tourists here. Even athletes being targeted. We spoke to one of the men at the heart of that dark trade. Sundown empties the beaches. Phones, jewelry sparkle, sea of opportunity for this man, one of rios army of street robbers. More or less five phones stolen, thats a good days work. Reporter his crimes arent sins, he says, just a way of making a living. Olympics will be boom time. Translator very, very busy time. Its going to be good but at the same time youll have a lot of tourists and thieves as well with jewelry, watches. Police might go to the Police Station but when its just a phone many dont go to the police. They get on a ship, a plane and leave. Reporter he prefers to work in a pair, approach from behind and shows me his move while the other partner bump into my front. He shows us where he immediately take ace stolen phone. Throws the sim card not touching the buttons. Mostly legal resellers, hawking very cheap phones on the corner. Some, he says, can wipe and reset a phone for about 10. He then sells the clean phone on. If you can get the new launch, a 6s, all the iphones are guaranteed money. You dont have it at home for even a day. You can steal it in an hour, two hours later youll already have the money in your pocket and its far away. Reporter a brazen industry, caught on amateur kr here in the center. O approximate. Portunism and thuggery. Rio police have set up a hightech center that they hope will encourage people to report crimes and let them see culprits in action. Grainy view of the citys heartened trade. You do realize youre potentially ruining somebodys holiday, right . I dont really think about that. If i did, no one would do it. When its time to go and steal you always think these are the people with more money than those here zblsh pedros advice to not get robbed by him . Put your phone in your front pocket. Pay attention when you use it. Check it if someone bumps into you. Now its up to you to decide if hes left something out. The real concerns are rio has declare aid state of emergency in its finances and pointing how that may impact public security, ie, police on the streets. Theres a real question about how much money the country has to get the pops out here to keep people safe. You saw the kind of anticipation these thieves feel ahead of the games. Jim . Nick, ill take it. Thanks for all your reporting from down there. It doesnt seem the situation is getting any better there. Donald trump says profiling muslims is the answer to preventing terrorism. A former radical islamist responds. Ltilayered security. Its how you stay connected to each other and to your customers. With centurylink you get advanced technology solutions, including an industry leading Broadband Network, and cloud and hosting services all with dedicated, responsive support. 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Someone who has a unique take on all of this, a self described former islamic radical, who is also a gay muslim man. Thank you so much for being on new day with us. Youre absolutely welcome. Its an absolute pleasure to be on here. You have a very unique take. Can you explain how being a gay muslim man was actually connected to your radicalization . Well, as i was growing up, i basically started searching all of the verdicts that had been written by the islamic scholars on what you should do if you have samesex attractions. And one thing came up more and more again, to become more religious, more devout. Considering i was brought up in a certain background it was easier for me to become more radical whilst i was trying to become more religious. Paradoxically, i became more radical in an attempt to cure myself of my sexuality. Were you consider a terror attack, akin to the type that weve seen in orlando . Im extremely ashamed to say and it all is really hard every time i do answer this question but, yes, at one point i was considering carrying out an atrocity. The atrocity i was considering carrying out was basically using an improvised explosive device. Why . What would the point of that have been . The point of that would have been basically i was brought up within the islamist ideology. I was indoctrinated with it. Nonmuslims are at the war with muslims, neverending war thats going on and basically nonmuslims want to destroy muslims and specifically at this particular moment in time its the west, led by the United States and United Kingdom. So i believed and this was something that i was basically brought up with that my country was at war with islam. Therefore, it was my religious duty to fight against my own country. How did you become deprogrammed to become the reasonable, rational person that were speaking to today . Well, it was a number of things. But initially it was doubts regarding literal sharia law, the idea of stoning people to death just simply didnt make sense to me. It didnt seem right on a visceral level. But what happened after that is that i kind of started looking into the theory of evolution. That might seem strange, but when i kind of accepted the theory of evolution, i basically opened my mind to changing my religious beliefs as they pertained to sharia, as they pertained to violent jihad. That is because the fear of evolution basically dealt a blow to my that i was brought up with. The worlds first counterterrorism think tank in the United Kingdom that basically led me out of extremism. Sohail you are obviously a very bright, thoughtful person and worked your way around to your own readings to be getting deprogrammed from that. But given the spread of it, what is the answer to fighting radicals . See, the thing is, i think its important to kind of fight the ideology. A certain proportion of them would be in terrorism. Its basically youre primed into kind of becoming a potential terrorist. Basically you dont wake up one day thinking im going to carry out a terror attack. You have to have brought bought into the entire narrative of us and them, this neverending war to even get to the stage where youre considering carrying out terror attacks. The way to counter this ideology is twofold. We need to counter the ideology, point out to muslims and vulnerable individuals considering terror attacks its important to point out to them that these questions regard ing vital violent jihad, they were being discussed openly by the old scholars. Its time to continue on in the evolution and islamic thought that had been going on but which now, unfortunately, has stopped. Donald trump in theu has suggested that because of some of what youre talking about, spread of radical wahabism that the United States should ban muslims from coming here and should start profiling. What do you think of that . Its a very contentious issue but i think it is reasonable for countries to control immigration from countries where the populous holds contrary views from ours. However i dont think a blanket ban is the answer. Not the least because i think we should be opening our arms to liberal muslims, secular muslims, progressive muslims, to reformist muslims simply because these kinds of muslims there are many, many muslims like that. They simply do not have a voice. Whenever they talk out, they are persecuted both by the law, by the state and by their communities. I think we need to open our arms to those kinds of individuals. For that reason i do not think a blanket ban on muslims is the answer. Sohail ahmed, we appreciate you speaking out. It is fascinating to hear your personal story. We will speak again. Thank you very much for being on new day. Youre welcome. Newsroom with Carol Costello will pick up right after this break. Ill see you tomorrow. Is a delicious, beefflavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. So its easy to give, easy to take. Reported side effects include vomiting, itching, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. Why mess around . For powerful flea and tick protection, ask your vet about nexgard. The 1 choice of vets for their dogs and yours. Whe gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. So you know what he gives . Ill give you everything ive got and then some. He gives a hundred and ten percent im confident this 10 can boost your market share. Feel me lois . Im feeling you. Boom look at that pie chart. The ready for you alert, only at laquinta. Com. Happening in the newsroom, the orlando shooter in his own words. Today, the fbi releases conversations he had with police. He talked about his motivations for why he was claiming, at that time, he was committing this horrific act. Plus, showdown in the senate. Four bills. One issue. Gun control. We still have hope that we can get republicans to support the bill stopping terrorists from getting weapons. And cleveland rocks the cavs and the king take home the first major sports title since

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