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Shes terrible. Reporter donald trump unleashing yet another tirade against democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton at a rally in michigan. Hillary, thats not a president. Reporter the billionaire coming under fire for using an rrated derogatory term. She was favored to win. She got schlonged. She lost. And weighing in on her bathroom break. I know where she went. Its disgusting. I dont want to talk about it. Its disgusting. Trump going after clintons claim that isis is propagandizing the gop video a isis is using him on the video to recruit. And it turned out to be a lie. Shes a liar. Reporter clintons press secretary doubling down. It is a confirmed fact that the footage of donald trump making those hateful comments earlier this month was played all across the middle east. Reporter trump discussing the controversy over Vladimir Putins praise and allegations that the russian president has ordered the killing of journalists. They said trump should have been much nastier. Thats terrible. And then they said, you know, hes killed reporters. I dont like that. Im totally against that. Reporter the gop frontrunner then reconsidering. I would never kill them. I would never do that. Ah, lets see. No, i wouldnt. But i do hate them. Some of them are such lying, disgusting people. Reporter trump continues leading in the latest National Poll but texas senator ted cruz is closing in. The rest of the gop field making the rounds in the battleground state of New Hampshire where trump rivaled jeb bush again went on the attack. This is not a serious man that has serious plans. Reporter as has happened at some other trump events during this campaign, last night the candidates remarks were repeatedly interrupted by protesters who were removed by the venue by Security Guards. Trump responding at one point, calling them a bunch of losers. Chris. Thats the least of it, joe johns. If i dont see you, best for christmas to you and the family. Thank you for bringig us this gift this morning. The democrats, the quinnipiac poll Shows Hillary dominating. Thats been going on for a long time. Its becoming a much more complex picture. 61 to 30 . Despite the pleasantries at the debate, the issue over the Sanders Campaign data, that breach is not going away. His campaign has a countermove. Theyre asking the Clinton Campaign to join their call for an independent audit of the d. C. s voter data system. Its safe to assume they dont believe its going to hurt them in the final analysis. The campaign also not expected to drop its lawsuit against the dny, adding to the intrigue about the fairness in that process, alisyn. We have a lot to talk about. I dont know how well get through this show without a euphemismfest, which were about to have. We have errol louis and maggima. Somehow we lower the bar. Last night, donald trump had a Campaign Rally in which he had two sort of eyebrow raising moments. The first was he talked about Hillary Clinton taking a bathroom break during the debate. Let me play for you what he said about that. Im watching the debate and she disappeared. Where did she go . Where did she go . I know where she went. Its disgusting. I dont want to talk about it. No, its too disgusting. Dont say it. Its disgusting. Maggie, you cover politics and you have for a long time. And i visit rest rooms. Youre appalling. Whats going on . What is going on here . Whats going on here, i think, this goes back to saturday evening where Hillary Clinton at the debate talked about how trump was the star of recruitment videos for isis. She didnt say exactly that but that was the impression everyone had. Trump went on the sunday shows, called her a liar, demanded an apology. Which is interesting for the person from whom people are usually demanding an apology. Her spokesperson said no. The way hes hitting back, i dont think it will offend his supporters at all. Theres a lot of people it wont offend. It could motivate her supporters a great deal. I dont think this is a lose for her. I think its much more dangerous for her, frankly, when he is calling her a liar with that loud mega phone of his. This is a much better fight for her. I dont want to get too deep into why did he say this . He has a great technique of saying something terrible but saying we dont want to talk about that. But youre talking about it. Lets go to this proposition which is something that will hurt hillary. She has a problem with being up side down as they say in politics with the ratings, her positive negative is flipped. The positive is supposed to be higher than negative. Donald trump has the same issue. Its more troubling for hillary because shes more legitimate to the proposition. Imaginezy says she didnt you fight say what trump said she said. Do you believe she said isis using videos of donald trump as recruitment tools . Yes. Theyre parsing out the words. When she said they, did you hear this one, isis is using they, theres a piece written that says they, she didnt mean isis. That is dangerous territory for clinton to get into. Who did she mean . Social media uses some of his quotes. Why dont they even the statement and yes, i said what came out of my mouth and heres why i said it. Its one of the more frustrating part of politics. This happened during the administration of george w. Bush. Never back down, even if youre clearly wrong. Take a page from the book of steve harvey, no matter how embarrassing it is, own it and move on. The lefties make a fairly capable case. You are making it not you because youre fairmind. Youre making like theres one video shes referring to. They say there are actually many videos, much propaganda, they do this all the time through the media. Why didnt they just say that right away . The video is a metaphor for the media they use instead of getting caught in this trip. Totally agree. One thing thats a myth about Hillary Clinton thats existed a long time, shes a polished politician. Everything she does is by design. No, she actually make mistakes be, not infrequently. She does better the more shes out on the stump and the longer shes out on the stump. She has a runway she needs before she takes off. I think she misspoke. If you want to look strong, dont did the ever admit a mistake. Thats what weve seen donald trump do this entire time. They have decided the only way they are going to be able to take on trump and they have struggled with this for months and months is to go right at him the same way. The problem is, that is not supposed to be her branddefined not only is that the irony, when trump said thousands and thousands of muslims were celebrating, his supporters said i dont worry that much about the specifics because i know the spirit of it is true. Thats what they felt. There were some. I dont care if its thousands and thousands. Maybe there were three or eight. But there were some. Thats the same thing her supporters are saying. Maybe there wasnt an actual video. But thats good enough. Its the same rules. The people who do this intentionally or not, maybe they dont understand, the unintended consequence, perhaps, is we end up degrading all political speech. People assume all politicians lie or exaggerate or fabricate or distort. Thats just the way politics is supposed to be. There need to be a lot more people, not just in the media or partisans saying no, no, no, no. If there are not thousands of people in a video, lets not assume a couple i heard about is the same thing. Facts matter. Accuracy matters, especially in the next commander in chief. Emotion matters most. Right now it does. They do not trust you, they do not trust me. They do not like the other politicians. This man, donald trump, has somehow delivered from above to them to tell the truth and get it done. It makes it a lot harter for Hillary Clinton, the next time donald trump says something she thinks is not true, its going to make it harder for her to go at him and say thats not true and people should listen. He is segenius at finding th weak spot in any issue. Her credibility is the weak spot. Anybody who is trying to defend Hillary Clinton says when she said they, she might not have meant isis. I think its a problem. Guys, stand by. We have a lot more to talk to you about. We havent cursed once. Not yet. First, a look at more top stories for you. Breaking news out of texas this morning. A grand jury has not decided to indict anyone in the death of sara bland. There will be no indictment. Custody after three days, being actual pulled over in a traffic stop, remember this, the incident raising questions about Excessive Force and race. No indictment. Thats the headline. We have Boris Sanchez live with the latest. Controversial to say the least. Certainly. This is not what her family want, chris. The grand jury deciding not to indict anyone in connection with the death of sandra bland. The 28yearold africanamerican woman was found dead in her cell three days after she was allegedly pulled over for not using her turn signal. Blands death came during the midst of a series of questionable Police Actions against africanamericans. Her family called the process secretive and demanding the testimony be released to the public. Listen to what her sister had to say. We feel that the grand jury process and the secretiveness of it is reflective of our experience with Waller County officials to date in terms of what has been furnished to us. The fact that five months after sandys passing we dont have the that report, that gives us cause for concern. The special prosecutor in charge of the case held a press conference after the indictment where he addressed the familys concerns. Heres what he said there. We have left no rock unturned. And the grand jury, anything theyve asked for, weve done our best to give it to them. Jordan also says that the case is still open and the grand jury will reconvene in january to consider other indictments. Alisyn . Boris, thanks so much for that update. The Baltimore Police officer whose trial in the death of freddie gray ended in a hung jury goes before a judge today. William porter is expected to be retried on june 13th. Porter was the first of six officers to be tried in connection with grays death. He is accused of failing to buckle gray into a police van which may have led to the deadly spinal injury. New information on the war against isis. Iraq says its military right now is trying to retake the town of ramadi from isis. Back by coalition and iraqi air power began the operation just this morning. Ramadi fell to isis back in may. Its a pivotal place not just for industrial reasons but strategic ones. Were learning more about the six americans killed in a Taliban Attack in kabul. Joseph lemm was a new york city Police Officer and national guardsman. Two other Service Members and an American Contractor were wound. Its the deadliest assault on u. S. Forces in three years. Meanwhile, British Forces are fighting to keep a key city from getting into the hands of the taliban. British troops have been deployed to help local forces. They are only offering advisory support. Theres an assumption that the situation with Bowe Bergdahl is over. Thats wrong. It is just the beginning. Hes facing a courtmartial on endangering fellow soldiers and leaving his base in afghanistan in 2009 without any instruction. Bergdahl was held for five years until that controversial prisoner swap. Stunning pictures as spacex makes history, blasting its falcon 9 rocket into orbit and landing the rocket back on earth. Spectators erupting in cheers as it touched down. This is the first time an unmanned rocket returned to land vertically at cape canaveral. Its a huge win for Billionaire Elon Musk who wants to open up space travel to more people. It is odd we have left space to private industry. Isnt it weird . It defined a generation and a half to American Innovation and ingenuity to reach above. It is but this just might work. Bringing it back down, it was a problem because of the force. You have to land the thing. The future is now. Let me Say Something dirty about it. No, no, no. Thats the president ial campaign. Rubio versus cruz emerging as a true battle inside the battle. What are the numbers that show the state of play and where does it go from here . We have a look with facts, next. The keys to this home belong to mark and alissa anderson. They bought the place four months ago on what was arguably the scariest day of their lives. Neither has any idea what the future holds for them. But they bought into a 30year mortgage anyway. That was bold. They must really believe in themselves. Buy in. Quickenloans home buy. Refi. Power. Another republican candidate out of the president ial race this morning. South carolina senator Lynn Hsu Graham has officially left the contest after pulling in low Single Digits through his campaign. Im going to suspend my campaign. Im not going to suspend my desire to help the country. Ill probably go back to iraq and afghanistan and get another update. 36 trips has informed me. The one thing i feel really good about is i did it with a smile on my face. I talk about things that are important to me and somebody better fix one day. The bottom line is people are coming my way in terms of more robust Foreign Policy. You often talk about the men and women in the military that you meet in your travels, that you served with. Yes. You say you are there to fight for them. Jeb and marco get it. I think Everybody Loves the military. Its not that i care about them more than anybody else. I just think i understand their world and they truly want to one. There was a Lieutenant Commander Phillip Murphy suite, he was an engineer is one of the worst parts of baghdad. He showed me around and as i left, i said, man, youve done a hell of a job. I took off and i went one way in a helicopter, a few hours later he left and he was killed. I remember when i went back home. I called his wife and i told her how sorry i was and how proud she should be. She said, dont worry, i wanted him there. And she wrote a letter that they read at the Memorial Service that just knocked everybody to their knees. They determined that i would meet him and he would get to tell me about what he was so proud of and the accomplishments he had made and most of its been lost. And it really pisses me off. What are your parting words for donald trump . The Republican Party future may be in your hands but the future of the country will be in your hands if youre president of the United States. This is not a game show. This is not a reality show. The reason i know that is ive been over there enough to know what it costs to defend this nation. I think donald trump can beat Hillary Clinton . No. Without major adjustments. Reevaluate. Its okay to adjust. Youre good at business partnerships. In Foreign Policy partnerships youre making it really difficult. Think about what you say. Lindsey graham, showing there as he exits, really the value that he was adding more and more to this campaign, despite his ratings. Lets bring back errol louis, cnn political commentator and political anchor for Time Warner Cable news and maggie haber man, Political Correspondent for the new york times. He didnt have a realistic chance. He didnt have the infrastructure, the money or the poll ratings to sustain. They say suspend but they mean its over. The strength of his voice, recently especially, the last debate or two, what do you think is lost with him gone . He was most vociferously defending george bushs legacy. Thats what Lindsey Graham represented. He represented this antiisolationist strain. He represented, especially at a moment where National Security is taking over, he was the voice of we need to basically maintain what we are doing, maintain the gains we have had. We need to not back down. We need to make sure that we are controlling and being much more aggressive about the islamic state. And he was much more about sort of a thoughtful argument as opposed to trumpism for lack of a better way of putting it. Lindsey graham was one of the earliest victims of donald trump. Donald trump reading his cell phone number aloud at that South Carolina rally. That became the moment when most of us realized this is a different race than we are used to seeing. We assumed this would blow up and donald trump would get criticized. He didnt. Lindsey graham had to play that game. I think it is a loss but i think it is more a reminder that that voice has not really existed in a long time. The policies are now getting focus but thats because of global events, not because of the establishment roaring back. Lindsey grahams poll numbers never matched. The impact of his sound bites which he delivered with a punch. Lets look at the latest numbers out this morning, the quinnipiac National Poll. Donald trump still leading, errol. Hes at 28 . Ted cruz now, number two. He went from 16 to 24 . Marco rubio, number three, ben carson has fallen off since november, at 10 now. Christie, 6 , Jeb Bush Still stuck at 4 to 5 . What do you see, errol . Cruz doing very well. It may in fact reflect what is said to be a pretty good Ground Organization thats out there. We should keep in mind it doesnt play itself out on election day. In the runup to election day, if youre doing your job, building support, it may start to find its way into the polls. That was one number that jumped out at me. Also, the krifchristie number, back in the pack. From 2 to 6 is more than he started at. Hes ending up the year with another threeday swing through iowa where hes doing a whole bunch of meet and greets and a couple of town halls. He seems to think he has room to grow and to make a good enough showing that that plus a good showing in New Hampshire will sort of launch the Christie Campaign in a big way. Thats whats worth noting in this poll. Do you want to do the embarrassed thing. The embarrassed thing. Would you be embarrassed if soandso were president. We have Hillary Clinton and donald trump. 50 embarrassed. You get to clinton. And thats not exactly a gift either. You get 35 . I tell you what, very often im not impressed by questions in polls. Theyve only asked that a thousand times. This gives you a flavor of how thing things are out there. Its a leading question. You could have a very high not embarrassed. Polling is always about how the question is asked. It reflects a general conversation thats being had among the general election voters about how they would feel about these two choices. If youre Hillary Clinton and youre looking at that in ub, its not ideal. Its also a third, a third, a third. Donald trump is half the country. Thats the problem. The problem for donald trump is always the electability argument. Were at a moment where voters dont trust. They are angry and they dont trust their political leaders they dont trust their candidates. Theres been a psychic break since the fiscal crash of voters with the people who represent them. They have gotten angrier and angrier. You add on terrorism anxiety and this is what you have. This next question goes to that, who do you find honest and trustworthy, Hillary Clinton or donald trump . Here you see in terms of trump, honest and trustworthy, yes, 36 , no 58 . Clinton, yes, 35 , 59 no. Very similar. Identical for all intents and purposes. With trump, hes a new phenomenon. Never been a candidate before. They say he doesnt have the right qualities to be the president of the United States and yet hes doing well in the polls. Hillary clinton, you know, shes a known quantity. Shes been around for a couple of decades now. For her to be considered other than trustworthy is really kind of a different even though its the same number, its a different interpretation because weve seen a lot more of her. Weve seen her try to do this job. Weve seen her run for president before. Yet, still people think theyre not honest and trustworthy. On the other hand, politicians are never seens aall that honest and trustworthy. Its not as if people are going to i hope going to boycott simply because they dont trust the candidates. You know, we all have this tough choice to make about the best thats available to us. And this appears to be what weve got. Static choice is very important. You have to remember when you look at the polls right now, youre dealing with a field of 15 people on both sides. It will ultimately be one person versus one person. Thats where it comes down. There was one politician who was not viewed negatively in terms of honest and trustworthy numbers. That was barack obama. In 2012 he had that number and he won staggeringly over mitt romney with cares about people like me. Cares about people like you is usually how its asked. She needs to have her numbers be better than they are. I assume she can get them there in a static race. That trustworthy number is a warning flag. Great to see you guys. New details emerging from that deadly driving rampage on the vegas strip. What we know now about the driver and her possible motivation for plowing down those pedestrians. Ver, were always here to talk. Good, cause i dont have time for machines. Some Companies Just dont appreciate the power of conversation you know, i like you i like you too at discover, we treat you like youd treat you. Get the it card and talk to a real person. But i think women would agree. Watching football together is great. Huddling with their man after the game is nice too. The thing is, about half of men over 40 have some degree of erectile dysfunction. Well, viagra helps guys with ed get and keep an erection. Ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension. Your Blood Pressure could drop to an unsafe level. To avoid longterm injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. Stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. Ask your doctor about viagra. Available in single packs. Answers are coming about why a woman plowed into pedestrians on the vegas strip, killing a mother of three, injuring 37 others. This is the suspect. She is facing multiple charges, including murder with a Deadly Weapon which is the car in this case and child abuse because her 3yearold was in the car during the incident. Ryan young is here with the latest. What do we know about her and the motivation . Chris, a lost questions about this one, vegas, a busy area. The strip, a place where a lot of people were walking along when this thing happen. A lot of people actually witnessed this and were upset where they were banging on the windows to try to get her to stop from running people over. The sheriff says they believe she wasnt under the influence of anything and the fact that people were trying to get her to Pay Attention to them. She kept running people over, then she went to another part of the strip, turned herself into a Security Officer saying she had run people over. The Sheriffs Department believes she was maybe involved in a fight with her babys father and thats the reason why she ended up down here where she was homeless for about a week. A few years ago she was part of a system where she was talking about the idea of how she was fighting back from being homeless and being out there on the streets. I was a scared little girl who knew that there was more to life outside of crime, drug addiction, lower income, alcoholism, being undereducated, all things i grew up being familiar with. Today im not the same scared girl i used to be. Im a mature young woman who has broken many generational cycles that those before we hadnt. Reporter we had some people here on the strip screaming at us from behind the camera here. The whole idea is, people are trying to figure out exactly what happened to this woman, what led her down here to the strip and led her to unfortunately run over so many people. What will happen next . Shell face a Court Appearance in the next few days and in the next few days, hopefully investigators will get to the bottom of this. That video, very helpful in understanding how wrong this womans life went that she wound up doing something so terrible. We look forward to more answers. Ive seen you stay calm in a lot worse than the vegas strip. Ive seen you in ferguson and baltimore. I didnt want you to hear all the cussing. You are rock solid, my pren. In indictment in the case of sandra bland, the woman found dead in her jail cell. Did the grand jury get this one right . Well break it down. Breaking overnight, a situation thats going to be met with controversy and outrage but requires a sober mind as we go through the facts. Heres what we know. A texas grand jury deciding not it indict anyone in connection with sara blands death. Youll remember her. She was found hanging in her jail cell after allegely asoughting an officer during a traffic stop in july. What are the facts . What are the implications . Lets bring in cnn Law Enforcement analyst and retired nypd detective mr. Harry hauck. And mr. Profess mark lemond hill. Gentlemen, thank you both. Mark, ill start with you. This is going to be a very controversial situation here because people, you hear just the rough facts, traffic stop, dead in cell. It is upsetting. Let us remind people some of the sound and circumstances that came out about the actual travis stop and arrest. Lets play that first. Im going to yank you out of here. Youre going to yank me out of my car . Okay. All right. Get out. Lets do this. Were going to. Dont touch me. Get out of the car. Dont touch me. Im not under arrest. You dont have the right to touch me. You are under arrest. That is sandra bland in the car. Theyre in an argument, it turns into a tussle. She winds up getting arrested. Whats your primary reaction . My primary reaction is this is the reflection of a dysfunctional system. The stop itself disturbing to me. I wonder if it would have happened if she were someone else. What happened in the jail cell. I wanted to see transpaurnscy and the family involved in the process. For me its no the a question of whether the nonindictment is wrong. I dont think this is a Mike Brown Darren Wilson situation. I think the question is, is the system prepared to deal with these sorts of issues or is there a more fundamental problem here. Mark was talking about the stop. What happens afterward, the three days in the cell, the plastic bag . What is alleged as a suicide by authorities and the medical examiner . The assault of an officer there. Lets put that all after because it begins with what we just saw there. Where is that line about how you deal with this . Should we deal differently with these stops or are you still of the school that once you start down the wrong road it gets worse . What happens, the stop was perfectly legal and she became uncooperative. At the time, listen, Police Officer cant tell you to put your cigarette out in a vehicle. Youre smoking in your vehicle. Thats a question of whether or not he should have told her that or not. The fact is when the officer told her to get out of the vehicle because she started coming an attitude or was getting combative to the officer. The officer probably felt at the time it would be better to get her out of the vehicle for his own safety at the time. Heres the bump question on that. Does the officer have a responsibility in terms of how they conduct the stop to reduce tension and hostility . Because we all know the officer has of course. All the control of the situation. Right. If you tell me put your cigarette out and youre talking to me like im a piece of garbage and pushing me to a point of disrespect, i give you disrespect, you have the control and im immediately the bad guy. I i dont see disrespect by the officer until she started getting combative. Why . Thats the question. Right. You think she wanted to mess with the cop. Youll have to ask her. I cant tell you why. We cant ask her. Maybe she didnt like the police or the fact she was pulled over for something. You could see shes combative. Youre pulling me over for changing a lane without a signal. She was really upset about that. But you know what, thats against the law. Thats why the Police Officer pulled her over. Understood. Mark, im not for getting the circumstances under which sandra bland died. It was really about the context of the stop where they were considering indictments. Whats your concern about how this happens and where the responsibilities lie in terms of the conduct . Okay. So theres two things. One, in these circumstances and harry makes an interesting point. We should ask sandra bland. Sandra bland is dead, obviously. That seems to be the outcome all the time. Theres a questionable amount of facts and one of the key people in the situation is dead. Its always not the cop. I dont want to see anything dead here. The reality is, often times were forced to rely on the polices word against no one elses. Because the police have not been transparent about the process, in this case in particular, in other cases we often see this as well, it becomes a very frustrating circumstance. They were transparent. The family even had a chance to meet with the District Attorneys office. They refused to meet with the District Attorney in this case. Basically theyre listen to their attorney whos looking for a payday. All right . Theres no evidence here that the Police Officer did anything wrong. The jail did anything wrong. Miss bland is dead because she killed herself. Its not a result of the stop itself. She committed a crime and she got stopped. All right. She was arrested for that crime. She resisted arrest also. Another person came and helped that officer at the time. They told her to calm down and calm down. She would not. So that stop has nothing to do with her death. Heres what we know. At the end of the day, the grand jury met eight hours and wound up returning no indictments. More information will come out about this. We know that. Well pick up the conversation. Mark lamont hill, thank you very much. The clock is ticking for rescue crews searching for do n dozens still missing after a massive landslide in china. The latest, live from china, next. Nothing. Romance. 18 inch alloys. You remembered. Family fun. Everybody squeeze in. Dont block anyone. And nonstop action. Noooooooo its the event you dont want to miss. Its the season of audi sales event. Get up to a 2,500 bonus for highly qualified lessees on select audi models. Hey so im looking at my bill and my fico Credit Scores on here. Yeah we give you your fico credit score. For free awesomesauce the only person i know that says that is. Lisa . Julie . Weve already given more than 175 million free fico Credit Scores to our cardmembers. Apply today at discover. Com donald trump upping the ante and the vulgarity in his war with Hillary Clinton. Trump calling clintons bathroom break during saturdays debate, quote, disgusting. He used a term unfit for morning television, referring to clintons 2008 primary loss. New poll numbers show trump maintaining his national lead. Quinnipiac has trump with 28 and cruz at 24 . The man accused of buying assault rifles for terrorists is not getting bail. Enrique marquez remains, quote, a danger to the community. He planned two other terror attacks with the male gunman and entered in a fake marriage with a member of the terrorist extended family. Hes not entered a plea, due back in court next month. The manhunt expanding and intensifying for the affluenza teenager, ethan couch. Law enforcement believes his mother, tanya is helping him. They released photos of a black ford truck couch might be using. He was given only probation instead of jail time. He and his mother have been missing since he skipped a ming with his probation officer last week. As many as 80 people are still buried alive in china after a manmade mountain of debris collapsed. The company in charge of the waste dump alerted the local government about landslides almost a year ago. The latest from shenzhen. What do we know now . Reporter chris, this search and rescue operation has been going on for the better part of 2 1 2 days now. As each hour goes by, the chances of finding one of the 76 people that remain unaccounted for alive goes down. Its that kind of uncertainty that was on the minds of two Young Brothers we spoke to earlier today who arent sure if their parents are still alive. The massive landslide came without much warning, toppling buildings, swallowing dozens of people inside. This morning, only a handful have been rescued, many are still missing. Sideline the tears from 6yearold hong labao. They all went to the scene on monday. Their aunt breaking down, saying the young boy would trade all of the money in the world just to have his parents back. Chinese state media said it was a 20story pile of earth and construction debris that collapsed. As for the cause, poor Construction Management and lack of government inspections is being blamed. This is the latest in a string of deadly accidents in china in this year. In june, over 430 people drown after a river boat full of vacationing seniors sailed into a storm. Two months later, a large quem cal explosion. More than 160 people died. And now this, a manmade landslide that may have rendered two brothers orphans. I just want my parents back he says, but despite the massive rescue effort under way right now, as the hours and days go by, the chances of a reunion grow faint. And this operation here in shenzhen, judging by the amount of activity were seeing here on the site quickly turning from an operation that was rescue oriented to one more towards recovery. Well hold out hope. Thank you for the reporting. Lets take a quick break. While some say the Miss Universe mess may have been contrived thats you. We dismissed it. We have the truth from someone who was there and has new information about what went wrong. Next. An update now on the stunning outcome of the Miss Universe contest during which time the host, steve harvey, crowned the wrong winner. What. Nischelle turner was a preliminary judge. And true winner. She should have been. And backstge at the pageant. Entertainment tonight is reporting that steve harvey missed a critical portion of rehearsals during which they figured out how the ending would go. What have you learned . Well, what we were reporting is that a source is telling us he may have missed at least an hour of the rehearsals, and that he did not practice the ending. Usually what they do in rehearsals, they go through the whole show a few times and practice announcing the winner, just kind of a test run and theyll say different names. Its not like they were practicing announcing the actual winner. But they would have rehearsed how to go about announcing it. So he may have missed that ending. That may have contributed to the flub a little bit. You know what, maybe it didnt. Maybe he just got caught up in the moment. Maybe. Or i dont want to play chris cuomos reindeer games. Hes always filled with reindeer games. I know. Back to steve harvey for a second. He immediately came out and said, hey, my fault, i take responsibility for it but if he missed a critical portion of rehearsal, that does suggest more carelessness than originally thought. You know, it would. It definitely would. It will be interesting to see kind of where it goes from here. If that is in fact the case. We did reach out to steve as well for comment as well as many people wanted to talk to him yesterday. And he was unavailable were we told. He did, after the pageant go to the backstage press conference and repeatedly said, it was an honest mistake. It was an honest mistake. At this point, i think we have to take him for his word unless he actually comes out and maybe says that i missed part of it. I believe the tone of both of you are somewhat conspirital. I would bet they tell you a million times whats happening at the end of that pageant, theyre in your ear, coaxing, you have to default to the idea that he simply made air mistake. He simply got it wrong. That doesnt make sense. Theres nothing more nefarious. The card lays out very clearly second runnerup. Rehearsal wouldnt have helped. It lays it out very clearly. I believe it was an honest mistake. It may have been an honest mistake. Obviously no one told him in his ear its miss philippines. Its miss philippines. We dont know that. They 345i have. He may have got caught up in the moment. He would have said its miss philippines. It is odd that you dont announce the winner, you announce the first runnerup. Can you get to the bottom of that . Are you saying you dont believe this is a conspiracy . You dont believe there was a setup . Because yesterday why would i ever believe that . Thank you. He is backing off of that. He is. Back, back, back, back, back. I am disappointed in both of you. Expect coal. We have the tape from yesterday. We dont work on tape anymore. Its all digital, granny. My point, we could replay it. Dont push us. I dare you. Time to go. Producers. Hes thrown down the gauntlet. Roll the tape. A lot of people Say Something was going on there, it may have been intentional, a press ploy. A lot of people in your head. Whos that . Heres the deal. I think most of us know steve harvey. Good man. We know the man that he is. Good man. I dont think theres any amount of money they could pay him that would make him put his reputation and good name on the line like that. I mean, i just dont believe it. I dont know why people are having that conversation, really. There you go. Nischelle turner, thank you. I submit it is better for him Going Forward because hes a man of integrity. Anybody can mack a mistake, few own it. A lot of news this morning. Lets get to it. Demagogues coming along, people like donald trump. Hillary clinton will not be apologizing. When you see hillary, did you watch that . What happened to her . The last person that she wants to run against is me. The largest number of american casualties in afghanistan in well over a year. The suicide bomber on a motorcycle. Whenever you lose a soldier near the holidays, its especially difficult. 2 1 2 years ago, crashed and killed four people. He went missing and his mom went missing, too. Hundreds and hundreds of leads, those leads continued to pour in. This is new day with chris cuomo, Alisyn Camerota and michaela pereira. Good morning, everyone. Welcome back to your new day. Michaela is off this morning. An ugly twist in the rhetoric from donald trump towards Hillary Clinton. Trump called her bathroom break during saturdays debate, quote, disgusting. And yet new poll numbers this morning will show no negative change. Trump growing a percentage point but maintaining a healthy lead among all gop candidates. Ted cruz an emerging story, taking from ben carson, popping as well, the question, where will this lead . Cnn senior washington correspondent, joe johns. Good morning. Reporter good morning, chris. Even compared to some of the language donald trump has used to compare other candidates in this race, these latest comments made in a public forum and directed at Hillary Clinton are surprisingly personal and only adding more fuel to the feud between the two candidates sitting atop the polls in the race for their partys respective nominations. You see hillary. Did you watch what happened to her . Shes terrible. Reporter donald trump unleashing yet another tirade against democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton at a rally in michigan. Hillary, thats not a president. Reporter the billionaire coming under fire for using an rrated derogatory term referring to her loss to president obama. She was favored to win. She lost. And weighing in on her bathroom break. I know where she went. Its disgusting. I dont want to talk about it. Its too disgusting. Dont say it. Its disgusting. Reporter trump then going after clintons claim that isis is propagandizing the gop frontrunner. Donald trump is on video and isis is using him on the video to recruit. And it turned out to be a lie. Shes a liar. Reporter clintons press secretary doubling down. It is a confirmed fact that the footage of donald trump making those hateful comments earlier this month was played all across the middle east. Reporter trump discussing the controversy over Vladimir Putins praise and allegations that the russian president has ordered the killing of journalists. They said trump should have been much nastier. Thats terrible. And then they said, you know, hes killed reporters. I dont like that. Im totally against that. Reporter the gop frontrunner then reconsidering. I would never kill them. I would never do that. Ah, lets see. No, i wouldnt. But i do hate them. Some of them are such lying, disgusting people. Reporter trump continues leading in the latest National Poll but texas senator ted cruz is closing in. The rest of the gop field making the rounds in the battleground state of New Hampshire where trump rivaled jeb bush again went on the attack. This is not a serious man that has serious plans. Reporter as has happened at some other trump events during this campaign, last night the candidates remarks were repeatedly interrupted by protesters who were removed by the venue by Security Guards. Trump responding at one point, calling them a bunch of losers. Alisyn . Joe, lets talk about the democrats because this new quinnipiac poll shows Hillary Clinton dominating the race. She has a more than 21 advantage over Bernie Sanders nationally. 61 to his 30 and despite dismissing it at the debate, the issue over the Sanders Campaign data breach is not going away. The Sanders Campaign asking the Clinton Campaign to join his call for an independent audit of the dncs voter data system. Sanders campaign suing the dnc. Chris . Lets bring in senator Bernie Sanders jonathan ticini. Hes author of a new book. I have the book here. Not signed. A little bit of a cheap gift but ill take it. Well take care of that. There is no chapter in here, maybe it will be volume two, about whats going on right now. What is your understanding and your take about what the Sanders Campaign did in terms of pilfering information from Hillary Clinton and now in a strange twist is somehow asking for her help in going after the dnc. What is this . I think senator sander has been very clear. He fired one of his employers and suspended two people as this came about. This is not the first time it happened. There was a data breach before. What Bernie Sanders wants to do, the honest man that he is, he wants to get to the bottom of this. I think one of his concerns is, if theres a data breach, there could be one beyond these two campaigns. Were there outside forces that were able to access the data . For example, republicans. Who had access to the data who could damage all democrats prospects. What bernie wants to do is ask the Clinton Campaign to have an independent audit, investigation, to know firmly what happened. It seems like a smoke screen that he did something wrong and the campaign is trying to blow it into something bigger to mitigate what he did. He didnt do it. The campaign. Thats very important. That goes to Bernie Sanders authenticity and honesty. Something happened in the campaign. He wants to get to the bottom of it. He wants this to be open, thorough and have an independent audit. Everybodys on board, everybody sees whats happening and everybody has equal information. Nobody thinks senator sanders was behind the keyboard finding a way to hack into the system. You have to own the actions of his campaign, obviously. He did. He fired someone immediately. Well see what happens like that. Now that gets us to the book. His vision for america. Lets put up some polls. Very interesting here. He has a lot of road to hoe against hillary. Shes 21 on him. When you look at them in a vacuum, bernie versus potential rival donald trump, he does better against donald trump than Hillary Clinton does against donald trump even though shes besting the senator 21. How do you explain it . When the general electorate looks at the campaign, they are drawn, the reason you see tens of thousands of people come to bernies campaign. 2 million contributors. Hes done better than barack obama who was the standard for grass roots campaigns. Bernie has enormous support. I think thats reflected in the electorate. I have argued he will win the nomination. When how does he beat Hillary Clinton when hes done 21. Thats a National Poll. Lets start with iowa and New Hampshire. Hell win iowa and New Hampshire as well. The energy in four states is unbelievable. Your point, 2 million contributors, tens of thousands of people coming out. The Grass Roots Energy is unbelievable. As you fight well know, in iowa, the turnout is fight important. Some of the polls are closing. I think his people are energied and excited about electing someone who has a different vision for america, who wants a Political Revolution and wants to kick the status quo to the curb. As you well know, it is sometimes suggested that we dont cover the senator the same way we cover Hillary Clinton. It is not suggested. It is true by the facts. Ill give you some facts, my friend. Yes. We ask for the senator all the time. Hes gotten very busy, too busy for tv time. If you look back when he was plain old senator sanders, not even in the race yet, cnn was doggedly saying if your Voice Matters so much, get in the race. You have to be careful. Since you invited me into your house. Heres some actual facts. Another network, its news program devoted 81 minutes to donald trump, 20 seconds to Bernie Sanders the entire year. Not cnn. Not new day. Dont bring me your stilted stats. Is there a chapter in this book that says one word away from being president . Is the word socialist insurmountable in a society like america . Absolutely not. Bernie is proud that hes a democratic socialist. Heres what im for, health care from every, krad toll grave, expanding social security, breaking up the big banks. Against bad trade agreements which Hillary Clinton has traditionally supported. Against the iraq war which Hillary Clinton voted for. Those are the kinds of things that represent what he stands for. Those principals and the authenticity will bring victory. We are about, at our worst, quick slogans in politicking. When you say socialist, all that rings into peoples heads is free, free, free, free, free, free, for everybody. My taxes are going to jump. Democratic socialist. When you say to someone, ive seen this all across the country when i travel. You say someone Free Health Care from cradle to grave and that will lower your cost by thousands and thousands of dollars. Students, free tuition and tax wall street to make sure that happens, every young person will say, where can i sign up for that. Mr. Tasani, you know the implication is the taxes have to go up. Bernie pays for everything. Wall street speculation tax, financial transaction tax. They dont count as regular people, because theyre successful and on wall street, theyre not regular. Theyve made a ton of money. We bailed them out when they came to us when they screwed up the economy. Now bernie is saying he wants the wall street and banks to play for the middle class and everything to have the chance to go to college. Jonathan tasani. The book is called the essential Bernie Sanders and his vision for america. Say hello to the senator. He is always welcome here. Ill get a sign copy for you. We do have breaking news out of texas. Tensions are high there after a grand jury refuses to indict in the death of sandra bland. She was found hanging in her jail cell three days after her arrest. Boris sanchez is live with the very latest. What have you learned, boris. Reporter the grand jury deciding not to indictme anyonen connection with the death of sandra bland. Blands death sparked interNational Outrage. Investigators determined she committed suicide inside her cell using a plastic bag. Her family, though, disputes that. They also strongly question the jurys decision yesterday, calling the process secretive and demanding the testimony to be released to the public. This is what her sister had to say. We feel that the grand jury process and the secretiveness of it is reflective of our experience with Waller County officials to date in terms of what has been furnished to us. The fact that five months after sandys pgaiassing we dont hav that report, that gives us cause for concern. Dorell jordan was the special prosecutor in the case. Heres sound from that. We have left no rock untur d unturned. The grand jury, anything theyve asked for weve done our best to give it to them. Jordan also says the case is still open and the grand jury will reconvene in january to consider other indictments and other possible concerns. Chris . Well stay on that, boris. Thank you very much. The baltimore officer whose trial in the death of freddie gray ended in mistrial will go before a judge today. William porter is expected to be retry as early as june. He was the first of six officers to be tried in connection with grays death. Porter is accused of not buckling gray into the police van which may have led to the 25yearolds deadly spinal injury. We now know the name of one of the six americans killed in that terrorist attack in afghanistan, as the country grapples with how to beat back the taliban. Barbara starr is live, giving us all of the latest. What have you learned, barbara . Reporter good morning, alisyn. One of those who perished in this motorcycle bomb attack in afghanistan was a new York Police Detective and the nypd commissioner, william bratton, issued a statement discussion the man who served that department and served his country. Let me read part of it. Detective joseph lemm epitomized the sellessness he strived for. He not only served new yorkers as a member of this department but served his country as a member of the u. S. Air national guard. Detective lemm was a 15year veteran of the nypd, promoted to detective in january of last year and he served in a bronx warrant squad. One of the six we expect to learn, of course, the names and about the lives of the other five who perished in the coming hours when the pentagon makes the formal announcement of their names. All of this very difficult, of course, for the families, coming at the holidays. Two other Service Members and a contractor wounded in this attack. Alisyn . Oh, boy. Just seeing that video of him with a child there is also really touching. Barbara, theres more developing news. Can you tell us about whats under way right now, the operation going on in ramadi . Yes. In ramadi, iraq, the iraqis have announced that a major operation is under way to retake the center of the city. They have asellibled over the last many weeks about 10,000 iraqi troops in circling ramadi, theres about 500 or so, they believe, isis fighters inside the city. The iraqis have many times before said they are ready to retake ramadi. The u. S. Offered help and the iraqi said no, were fine, we dont need it. We will see in the coming days how the fight for ramadi in iraq goes. Let me turn back to afghanistan, though, for one minute. In southern afghanistan right now, a very desperate fight going on in Helmand Province in the south. Afghan fighters there are really up against it. The taliban are making some serious advances. The u. S. Watching that situation, southern afghanistan, hour by hour. Alisyn . Barbara, thank you very much for the reporting. Appreciate it. We all want to go now to the search for answers after a woman allegedly intentionally mows down pedestrians on the vegas strip, killing a mother of three, injuring 37 others. The suspect is a 24yearold woman, facing multiple charges, including murder. What we still dont know is exactly why. Why did she do this . Cnns ryan young is live in vegas for us with the latest. How close are we to getting that big answer . Good morning, chris. A lot of people want to know the answer to that. What we do know right now is this woman was homeless for about a week in the las vegas area. From what the sheriff tells us she was trying to get sleep at several Different Properties when Security Guards kept booting her out of those locations. She came down here to the Las Vegas Strip and started hitting people on the sidewalk. Dozens of people were witnessing this. In fact, three people are still in critical. You talk about the mother who died out here. They tried to stop her from doing this. All this going on while her child was actually in the car. Overnight weve confirmed holloway was in a video in 2012 from a portland opportunities industrialization center, a place that helps atrisk youth with education and career training. Heres that sound from then. My mom tried to do what was best for my sister and i. She drank more and cared less after it became too hard. Ive never held any of those hits and misses against her. As a result of things becoming too hard for her, i became homeless. Alisyn, you have to think about the fear for all the people out here on the Las Vegas Strip who were just walking along when this car comes on to the sidewalk with her child inside. She drove the car about a mile down the road. Stopped and told a Security Guard what she did. They dont believe she was under the influence of alcohol. Theyre still trying to figure out exactly what may have set her off. Its so striking to see that woman giving the testimonial about trying to get ahead in her life. You see that and you have to ask that question, what possibly could have happened from the time she was booted from the lot where she was obviously homeless and staying in that car with her child right next to her and doing all of this. Ryan, thanks so much for updating us on that story. The centers for Disease Control investigating another outbreak of e. Coli linked to chipotle. The outbreak last month was in kansas, north dakota and oklahoma. About 140 people got sick after a neurovirus up said at a chipotle in boston. They started impleling new food safety measures. Bill cosby hitting another one of his accusers with a defamation lawsuit. This time, the comedian is targeting supermodel beverly johnson. Koss bye areby said he never drug and tried to rape her at his new york home in the mid1980s. The lawsuit says johnson made accusations against him to promote her career and sell her memoir. Johnson fired back at cosby saying abusers always try to weaken their victims and, quote, force them to stop fighting. Well, the taliban appearing to be regaining strength in afghanistan. How should the u. S. Tackle the terror group while also fighting isis . Well explore that. Yes, we are twins. When i went on to ancestry, i just put in the name of my parents and my grandparents. I was getting all these leaves and i was going back generation after generation. You start to see documents and you see signatures of people that youve never met. I mean, you dont know these people, but you feel like you do. You get connected to them. I wish that i could get into a time machine and go back 100 years, 200 years and just meet these people. Being on ancestry just made me feel like i belonged somewhere. Discover your story. Start searching for free now at ancestry. Com. 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Michael, let me start with you in terms of what happened to these six american troops. It sounds like the taliban laid a trap. They did. We cited a taliban figure yesterday at the daily beast. Essentially they came to an air near where the u. S. Base was. They created an illumination. Its a spectacular attack, calling it a brilliant Christmas Gift for the occupiers. Of course, hitting an american or killing american soldiers ranks for them number one. The second order ranking would be killing Afghan Security forces. So sickening. This happened near bagram air base. Our service men and women have to be on guard for ambushes and attacks like this. What went wrong . Well, its combat, alisyn. This happens sometimes. What you have to be careful of, all the time is any kind of Suicide Attacks in any of the provinces, youre working in. Truthfully, in bagram, thats a relatively secure province outside the air force base that sees all kinds of activities. You dont see this kind of action. Thats really a special blow to not only the United States but also the Afghan Government because they consider that area secure. Very different than whats going on in the south in helmond. We dont talk about the taliban much. Isis has gotten a lot of our focus. There was a feeling that the taliban withered on the vine after 9 11 or been beaten back. Whats happening with the taliban . One estimate, long word journal says the taliban is in control of about 20 of afghanistan and influence in 50 of it. In helmond province, i think half of the districts are controlled by the taliban and the other half are fiercely contested by them. So theyve come back with a vengeance. One of the difficulties, allison, we talked about this before, this Division Within the ranks of jihadism or insurgency, where isis is seen as the ultraist faction, people who make up isis are defactors from the taliban, people who thought the taliban was going soft. General, what to do. How can the u. S. Fight this multipronged battle now with the taliban gaining strength and isis . Well, the taliban is not as strong as i think many would have it be seen. There is certainly, you know, it was an interesting comment you made. Truthfully, it has been the primary focus of the forces in afghanistan the taliban has. They have seen rising of isis, especially in angahar province. That was the same province with the u. S. And the kingdom supported the mujahadin back in the 80s. Youre seeing different organizations compete to gain superiority in this country while the Afghan Government is attempting to conduct peace talks with the taliban. Youre seeing some folks fall away from the taliban, join isis or support isis. Youre seeing a little bit of a resurgence of al qaeda and not much. All the while, the Afghan Government is attempting to increase security. Theyre doing a relatively good job of securing the people, except in some provinces as michael said. I know what the general is trying to say, just because we in the media are not focused on the taliban and maybe around dinner tables we dont talk about taliban as much as we do isis, the military has stayed focused on them. Of course. Are there different strategies for fighting isis and the taliban . To some extent, isis has caught everyone by surprise, not least of all in afghanistan. This was not a threat that was seen as something that would metastasize outside of the socalled caliphate. Recent report suggests that the u. S. Led coalition has taken back 14 of isisheld territory in syria and iraq. Thats not much in the last year. They grow like a cancer. They are in yemen, libya, sinai and afghanistan. This is a similar dynamic you see in, say, gaza, hamas, they go off to join islamic hamas. And then hamas looks like the moderate faction on a relative scale. I dont know what the u. S. Strategy for combatting both is going to be. As the general pointed out, the Afghan Government is in talks with the taliban. I can tell you this strategy, these attacks, they drain the morale. We interviewed afghan fighters or military officers who said my guys dont want to fight them anymore. They dont want to take up the on what they see as a weak and Central Government in this country. Weve been doing this for what, 15 years, 16 years . I probably have a more dire prognosis than the general, though we tend to disagree on these things. This is not an easy battle. It sure is not. We have to leave it there. General hertling, thank you very much. Michael weiss, great to get your expertise as well. Chris . Donald trump is on the attack as never before against Hillary Clinton. It is inherently personal and base. Is this what well see in 2016 and why is it working . You may not even think about the energy that lights up your world. But we do. Were exxonmobil. 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Available in single packs. train horn vo wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. Norfolk southern. One line, infinite possibilities. All right. So heres the situation. Last night, town hall in michigan, donald trump slams democratic rival Hillary Clinton. But this was different. This was personal. This was intense even more him, certainly vulgar by any definition. Is it a preview of whats going to happen if these two face off . Is it some ugly reflection of whats actually working in politics . Lets bring in mr. Jeffrey lord. Trump supporter and cnn commentator, democratic strategist, mr. Bob beckel. Let me play you the sound and then we will commence. Everything thats been involved in hillary has been losses. You take a look. Even a race to obama. She was going to beat obama. I dont know who would be worse. I dont know, how does it get worse . She was favored to win and she got schlonged. She lost. Schlonged was the word he just used. He went on calling her going to the bathroom disgusting. Mr. Jeffrey lord, will you please defend Merry Christmas to you, too, chris. I have nothing but respect and admiration for you. You help me all the time. Lets see if you can do it today. Can you tell me how you use these terms and still be called president ial . Donald trump has the ability to reach the average guy who is think something of the same things. This bathroom story i find interesting. T the boston globe has a report that she wouldnt go in there because there was another woman in there, a staffer for governor omalley. Hugh hewitt calls her the queen. That she doesnt want to deal with normal folks. Donald trump is poking at that image which everybody is well aware of after all these years. Bathroom habits, bob, that is what this campaign has come down to. You are a veteran at this. Have you seen language and subject matter like this . Good try, jeffrey. Good try. You know, you cant this kind of thing seems to have bounced off him over and over again. Youre getting very close. Five weeks from the Iowa Caucuses. Where hes got some serious obstacles in front of him, not the least of which is the ted cruz i was out in iowa for three days, ted cruz has a strong organization. I couldnt find a trump organization. Maybe he defies gravity out there. Maybe without an organization he can get these usually nonvoters who support him and come to the polls. Im not convinced of that yet. You better be very careful before you take on Hillary Clinton in this kind of language and not worry about ted cruz or marco rubio. Jeffrey . I mean, isnt there a possible risk at taking on Hillary Clinton in this kind of language . Not just because shes a formidable candidate but because, do women like this . Do women like this sort of vulgarity . Well, you know, Hillary Clinton is married to bill and we all know the episodes there. She defended him fairly well. I dont want to repeat on air what was done in the little room adjacent to the oval office. Theres a considerable reputation here on the clinton side of the ledger. In terms of iowa, lets just recall here that you can lose the Iowa Caucuses and still become president. You can win the Iowa Caucuses and never become president. So were going to have a long, long way to go here. Iowa is but the beginning. What interests me is that between donald trump and ted cruz, you have over 50 of the vote as im looking at this latest poll which really says this outsider element is very much alive and well. Jeffrey, bringing Hillary Clinton and tieing her up for bill clintons past, come on. Come on, bob. Theres nothing in her background she defended her husband. Thats true. I understand that. But to try to relate the two of those one at a time. Go ahead, bob. To tray to bring the two together, thats a typical trumpism thing. You cant do Something Like that. Shes running on her earn now and shes doing a good job of it i might add. Shes been beat up from every direction but she still survives and is a stronger frontrunner coming out of 15 than going in. To try to connect those two. Trump out ought to stick to issues and things that he cares about, his people care about. Hes got that. Hes a populist. Why does he need to go into the bathroom . I dont understand that. It just doesnt it doesnt comport with everything we know about a president ial candidate and the standing and stature of a president ial candidate. Jeffrey, explain that. She wants to be treated as an equal. What other candidate gets to sashe back on to the debate stage after the debate has started. This is his personality. You cant say the delay coming back is indicative of personality flaw. The womens bathroom was much farther in that locale. It was a mistake for her to be late. Whatever it is, it is. You are tied to a man, you have pictures behind you. Ronald reagan, people candice agree with the deficit and politics all they want. This is a man who tried to make america better, who took it at its best, who won people over his slogan was make America Great again. Where have we heard that . What im asking you, how can you defend these kind of tactics . Would you ever suggest if you were running a race, you should talk about her going to the bathroom, say its disgusting and say you dont want to talk about it, use the word schlong, because people dig it. When you were a candidate and do someone that was as obvious and public as she did you make her going to the rest room as an insult, a tactic and a front. It is endemic of her personality. How she goes to the bathroom is a reflection of who she is . What does that say about me . I dont know. Jeffrey, trump and his people have a tendency to deflect into Something Like this, the point was in the beginning of this discussion was what trump said and whether she was late getting back from the bathroom or whatever is not the point. Its what he said publicly. It is the point, bob. What, what trump has to use the word schlong . Come on. What does that mean . Ronald reagan would be appalled at that. He would never have done that. Donald trump is not ronald reagan. Thats for sure. But he is donald trump and a lot of people like him for his plain spokenness. Thats for sure. But his plain spokenness about going to the bathroom all right. Maybe he continues to get away with this but at some point the weight of this over and over and over again, i think is going to catch up with him. All right, gentlemen, on that prediction, bob beckel, jeffrey lord, thank you. Merry christmas. You as well. We always appreciate. You make us better, guys. Thank you very much. What is your take . Ever heard that expression . You know everything about a man when you see him go to the bathroom. Nobody has ever said that. Does it translate into this campaign, something is working and very well for donald trump. Tweet us new day or post your comment on facebook. Com newday. Alisyn with a y. Thank you. Meanwhile, another developing story, investigators expanding their search for the notorious affluenza teenager. His mother believed to be helping him on the lam. Hlns nancy grace will join us with her take on whats happening. What do you want for christmas . Hover board, not happening, kids, not mine anyway. You know what drivers are getting . A really nice holiday gift this season, the lowest gas prices in six years. Yes. Cnn chief Business Correspondent Christine Romans told me that and explains how long theyll be here. Im getting you a gallon of gas for christmas. There is money in your gas tank this year. The nationwide average got to 2 bucks yesterday is 2. 01. Now officially there, the 2 buck zone. The timing could not be any better, chris. Aaa predicts a record Holiday Travel by car this year. Youll save money. Whats driving down prices is the price of oil. Crude is the biggest component in gas len. Oil prices havent been this low since 2009. Down roughly 70 over the last 18 months. Why . Oil producers are pumping like crazy at the time Global Demand is slowing, supply, demand, prices down at 2 bucks. How long will it last . Probably through january. Refinery maintenance starts in maintenance. That will take some gasoline supply offlien and prices could tick higher. Big savings for drivers. How much . 540 bucks you saved because of low gas prices. From the tank to the bank, 10 per fill up. You can expect to have those prices again early this year. What a cute piggy you have in that graphic. People are spending a lot of their gas savings. Pay down your christmas debt with your gas savings. That is the bah humbug part of it. We dont really understand why oil prices are going down. Its not about supply and demand. This could last even longer than expected on the demand curve, right . Well have to see. The whole world is pumping so much oil, chris, that literally, there are tankered cars full of oil just sitting there waiting for customers. Christine romans, thank you very much and thank you for the gift of gas. Please do not pour it over my head. I dont know how much that interest that pig by bank bears. Well be talking about the search for the infamous inf affluenza teenager. He and his mother are apparently on the run. Nancy grace will join us, coming up. I like you too at discover, we treat you like youd treat you. Get the it card and talk to a real person. Toto the nations capitalut to support an important cause that can change the way you live for years to come. How can you help . By giving a little more, to yourself. I am running for my future. People sometimes forget to help themselves. The cause is retirement, and today thousands of people came to race for retirement and pledge to save an additional one percent of their income. If we all do that we can all win. Prudential bring your challenges® the man hunt for the affluenza teenager, ethan couch and his mother is heating up this morning. Couch received probation after killing four in a drunk driving accident, his defense argued he was too wealthy to know right from wrong. And police are now asking for your help in locating the pickup truck seen on the screen. After this video emerged showing couch playing beer pong which would violate his probation. Joining us now nancy grace. I know you have been following this case for a long time. Any idea where couch and his mother would run to . Well weve got a lot of indications. We dont know yet. But where they live is about a 6 and a half hur drive to the mexican border. That is what they have that most people who go on the lamb dont have that i have hunted down in the past. They have money and a lot of it. They had multiple homes. We found out the father owns homes in different state, owns properties in different speights. That is going to make a lot more difficult for police to find him. The money is the thing. Think about it. How can ethan couch make a living say, for instance, in mexico . Probable not. So they have to get funded probably through the father. The father has a very very lucrati lucrative sheet metal busy. He is cooperating with authorities but they are watching because the mom if the mom is with him is going to need money. But they could easily hop a private jet out of this country. They have the resources which most fugitives do not. And for those who dont remember what happened in this case. Can you explain again how it was that this kid was able to dodge any jail time . How did he just get probation . Ill tell you how he did it. Hes rich. And hes white. That is how he did it. And the judge who conveniently retired when all of this hit the fan, so he kills four people. He and his buddies have been partying at his fathers second home and hes hide on weed, xanax. They go the local walmart and steal a bunch of booze. It is caught on video. Then goes out and gets drunk. And gets in his red truck. And mows down four people. Four people. And im going to address that in a moment. A mother and a daughter who are out helping a girl come up to change their tire. The girl and a youth pastor. Four are dead. Another is permanently paralyzed. They cant speak, move, they can only see. Can you imagine that . He goes to the judge. I hope you are sitting down. You may need to lay down for this. They tell the judge that he has been coddled. Is too rich. Never faced any consequences. He has affluenza. And they let him get straight probation. Judge gene boyd. So then fast forward, video shows up of him apparently having a beer pong game and never once did he say to these people im sorry, i feel awfully about what happened. Never shared remorse. Now apparently his mother has taken him on the run. And just so you know fyi, if she is charged with obstruction she can get the same sentence as him. We have a moment from the deposition in 2013 where his mother was asked about this affluenza defense and if she in fact did sort of ever teach him right and wrong. And its a telling moment. So watch. You understand, did you not, that he was likely to continue the drinking and driving if there werent consequences. I should have known that, yes. I really didnt think that that would happen again. Do you recall ever disciplining ethan for anything. Sometimes i would take Little Things away from him oral we would just discuss the problems. When is the last time you recall disciplining him for anything . I dont remember. What is the relationship between couch and his mother . It is very, very close. The mother and father divorced. Separated. Got back together. Apparently they are estranged right now. I guess so with all of this going on. Apparently there are reports that the mother actually brought a bed into her room and he would sleep in the same room with her as a teen. Not judging. But im telling you they have a very, very close relationship. Police are not saying shes being charged with a crime. They are just saying shes missing. And her own reports her missing that. Means she is now in a National Database so authorities all over the country and abroad can pull up her picture. I imagine they have changed their appearance, possibly dyed or cut their hair. They probably ditched the vehicle. It was a souped up black f 150. And one last thing about the victims. Its christmas time. Everybody and approaching that moment. And now this has really reopened the wounds of everythings happened, right before christmas. The guy who gets straight proxy for killing their mother, their sister, their loved one is walking free and on the lamb . Im telling you as a crime victim myself, its like it all happened all over again. And that is the part i really hate of this. Wh they are going through, those families. These two cant hide forever. They cant blend in very well. Lets hope that authorities get them sooner than later. Nancy grace thank you. Merry christmas to you. Merry christmas, friend. Thank you. Christmas is coming and many are dreaming of a warm one. And if you live in the eastern u. S. , that dream may come true. Chad meyers live in hotlanta. El nino has its grip and its not letting go. So much humidity in the air. This isnt usual to have the muggies into parts of december. We didnt have potential for Severe Weather later today across parts of the southeast. Record highs up and down thes coast. I know you have heard it but Christmas Eve some places could run at 70 on i95 from new york to d. C. And this is what wed expect on a normal year. December, january and february. But when normal is 18 and you were warmer than normal that could be 30. Then that could make a big snow storm. Doesnt mean snow isnt completely out of the question this winter. Just not this christmas. Hope you get better and soon my friend. We is team trump coming in to defend the latest. Lets get to it. Everybody that goes against me is like, ex, ex. Hillary, thats not a president. Donald trump is on video. Shes a liar. Found dead in her cell three days after she was arrested for failing to use her turn signal. Grand jury did not return an indictment. We feel the grand jury process and the secretiveness of it is reflective of our experience. Two guys on the wind shield and they are banging trying to get the car to stap. The suspect repeatedly droefr her car over pedestrians. Shes been charged with murder. The big question is why did this have to happen . This is new day with chris cuomo, Alisyn Camerota and michael ra pereira. Good morning. Tuesday december 22nd, 8 00 in thes and we are here with big news. Donald trump getting personal and ugly at Hillary Clinton. Launching an attack at her over her bathroom break. And other. But as usual the more wild it gets the more new poll numbers we show you. This shows donald trump in the lead with ted cruz close behind. And joe johns has the latest on the race. These latest comments directed at Hillary Clinton are surprisingly personal and only added fuel to the feud between the candidates at the top of the polls. And you see hillary. Did you watch that . What happened to her . Donald trump releasing yet another tirade at Hillary Clinton. Thats not a president. The billionaire coming under fire for using an rrated derogatory term when referring to her 2008 defeat by barack obama. She was favored to win and she got so longed she she lost. Weighing in on her debate. I know where she went. Its disgusting. I dont want to talk about it. Dont say it. Its disgusting. And isis is propagandaizing the front runner. Clintons press secretary doubling down. The footage of trump making those comments this month was played all over the middle east. The claims that the russian president has ordered the killing of journalists. And then they said hes killed reporters. And i dont like that. I would never kill them. I would never do that. Ah, lets take. No i wouldnt. But i do hate some of them. And ted cruz is closing in in the polls. The rest of the needle making the rounds in the Battle Ground state of New Hampshire where jeb bush again went on the attack. This is not a serious man that has serious plans. And there was some deja vu in michigan as has happened at other trump events during this Campaign Last night. The candidates remarks were repeat lid interrupted by protesters who were we moved from the venue by Security Guards. Trump responding at one point by calling them a bunch of losers. Lets bring in team trump. Sam cloves, how is this president ial . Well i think if you look at the type of vents people have. Been doing this since he announced his candidacy. He talks to people in a language they understand. And i think this is one of the reasons hes probably doing so well. I didnt hear the numbers on that poll. Would somebody relate those out here . Because that is a new poll i havent seen this morn. His margin is wide and deep against the field. Cruz is gaining ground ostensib ostensibly. You know trump is up at 28 up a tick. Cruz 24, rubio 12, carson 10. Bush up a tick. And my question to you is about how he wants to lead. Is this how by dividing americans . I think you are seeing a transition. That weve gone out and been very direct in our language with the American People. I think one of the things that have attracted so many people and such a Diverse Group of people into our rallies and into our events is the fact that we speak plainly. And i think that is something that people understand. It is about time that people are wanting to get someone who is not going to dance around the candle so much. And i think this is one of the things that is really been troubling. One of the things you take a look at chris, is typical politicians that run for office and we saw it. This budget deal that just arrived the 1. 1 trillion spending bill had a little bit in there for everybody except the American People and this is exactly, exactly what weve been talking about since mr. Trump announced. Right. And the fact that we have politician whose refuse to do the peoples business. They go in there and they support special interest, not the peoples interests. Right and that makes people angsry. That makes people want change and that is where donald trump comes in. Lets talk about it. Is it a coincide that i aye never heard him say what you just said. Never talked about the budget the apportionment or how he would change that metric. What im hearing is that Hillary Clinton going to be bathroom is disgusting. He raises it and then says lets not talk about it. He uses bad language and insults people and he dances around the issues with the best. He has set a new standard for not answering questions. And you know that is part of his charm. So how is this the part of leadership that makes us better . Have you heard anything about jeb bushs tax plan . Can you recite to me anything out of Hillary Clintons tax plan . Do you have any detail you would like to expand upon that you could talk about . There is nobody out here that is going to be voting in the february cauxes and t caucuse and the prime ris. What they are looking for is the character and the personality and the courage and will to lead. And people know this. People are sophisticated and smart enough to know this. We this condescending and really nasty approach to the voters because they are not sophisticated enough in the media. Well they are smart enough to figure out that donald trump is different from everybody else. And so i think thats one of the things we have to take a look at and i think the polls reflect that. So what were talking about is something totally different here chris than anything weve ever seen. Ive been watching politics since 1956. I remember your father. The traditional politician and the traditional way of doing things is not working and the American People are smart enough to figure that out. We do not know what will work. That is for sure. Its way early. Hasnt been a vote cast, sam, you have been it in forever. You know that it doesnt really begin in in the votes get cast and then we take it from there. No question mr. Trump is popular. My father as you mention. He was seen assen outsider. He was seen representing a the very hungry and immigrant group. He didnt talk like this. And thats pro one of the few democrats i really admired. And i had opportunity to see his handy work in new york. You talk about the mass, new york is probably as diverse a state as there is up there. And i have great admiration for your father and your family because i saw what he did. And i really appreciate it. I appreciate that sam and it is nice of you to say nice things. And as you know there is a connection between him and Donald Trumps mothefather. And its question of animus and. His numbers are big. His numbers are getting bigger. He gains, that is the truth. There is a question suggested today. Would you embarrassed if hillary were president . Would you be embarrassed if trump were president . Hillary is about a third, a third, a third. Hes 23 proud, 50 em pirsed 24 neither. I dont believe that. I dont believe it for a minute. Because i think what were looking at is a seat change in the voter population. If you got time i got a quick anecdote. Go ahead. Up in spencer iowa recently in clay county event. Clay is a very prosperous county in our part of the state. We went to an event with 1500 people. The population of clay county is only 15 thousand. So we had 10 of the population in at 10 00 in the morning on a saturday morning. I went out and introduced mr. Trump and did the warm up and i asked the crowd, i said how many of you in here have never caucused and about 20 of the hands went up. And how many of you have signed up to caucus and caucus for donald trump today. The same 20 of those hands went up. And this is whats happening all over. Were getting people to engage who have been disenfranchised by our system and the fact that people are disgusted by whether is going on. I think this is one of the things that is not whole. That a lot of people dont report on. And i would invite you. And i mean this from the bottom of my heart. I would love to have you come out o iowa and come out to an event. Because i think one of the things you would take away is take a look at the diversity of the crowd and the enthusiasm that comes with that. And i think it would be very instructive. Not that you need it. Trust me. Because you do a fabulous job. But the whole issue is to come around and just experience that. And all of a sudden i think it may change your perspective or at least help shape that perspective and round off an edge ear to here. Hes got a dog fight on his hand there with ted cruz and others. Well see you out there. I hope i dont have to fight my way out because he keeps telling people its okay to hate reporters. The best to you for christmas. Take care. A grand jury in texas decided not to indict anyone in the death of sandra bland. The young women found dead in her cell days after a minor traffic stop. The grand jury deciding not to indict anyone in connection with the death of bland. She was found dead in her cell three days after being arrested for allegedly failing to use her turn signal. Her death sparked National Outrage after a series of questionable Police Action against African Americans and investigation found that she had committed suicide inside her cell. The family disputes that. And they also calling the process secretive and demanding the testimony be released to the public. We feel that the grand jury process and the secretiveness of it is reflective of our experience with wahler county officials to date in terms of what has been furnished to us. The fact that five months after her passing we dont have that report. The prosecutor in the case held a press briefing yesterday. Here is his reaction. We have left no rock unturned. And the grand jury, anything they have asked for, weve done our best to get it to them. Jordan also saying that the case is still open and the grand jury will reconvene in january to consider other indictments. So this minnesota judge is expected today to rule on restraining order filed by the mall of america against black lives matters protesters. The mall says it is private property and a similar event last year led to,0 thousands of lost customers. Organizers say the protests will happen its way. And the United States cnn barbara star is live tracking the latest in afghanistan. New york city detective joseph lemm was one of the six fallen serve members in afghanistan killed when a motorcycle bomb detonated in their midst as they were on patrol. The nypd commissioner william brten issued a statement about detective lemm and his service saying in part detective lemm pit miezed the selfishness we can only strive for. Putting his country and city first. Detective lemm was a 14 year veteran of the nypd. He recently made detective. He was assigned to the bronx. We expect to learn the identities the names and about the lives of the other five fallen in the coming hours when the pentagon makes an official announcement. This attack in northeastern afghanistan just the latest unrest in that country. In southern afghanistan right now there is a very bitter nasty fight going on in sangen province as the taliban are making advances against Afghan Forces and the afghans just in the last several hours are getting rivers from kabul. Chris. Thank you very much. Appreciate the reporting on that. Stay on it because it is obviously a situation were going to want to follow throughout the day f. There is nstill no clear motive to that terrible incident on the vegas strip. They have the suspect. Shes in custody. Facing murder with a Deadly Weapon, that would be the car and child abuse, because her 3yearold was in the car during the incident. There is reporting out there about what motivated her. What can you tell us . The sheriff saying she had a dispute with the father of her child and then she was homeless for about a week here in vegas. And apparently she was trying to get some sleep for several locations throughout vegas and security was kicking her off the property. And then look the unthinkable happened. She started plowing through the people on the strip. And we do know one person died during this. And three other people are now in critical condition. She then drove down the street and stopped and told the security official what she had done. So far they are telling us they dont believe she was under the influence of alcohol. But there is a video from 2012 that shows this woman speaking that she had turned her life around. And she had experienced homelessness before but unfortunately all that came to an end out here. I was a scared little girl who knew there was more to life outside of crime all of those things i grew up being familiar with. Today i am not the same scared girl i used to be. Im a mature young woman who has broken cycle those before me hadnt. Had actually gotten a job where she worked with Park Services and she believed she had changed her life. You could say maybe there was a fight that made her disturbed and that brought her out here. But then to run into people over and over again a lot of people will be asking questions for quite some time. One million migrants arrived in europe in 2015. This is according to the International Organization for migration. The tracking counts people coming to fwrooes, bulgaria, spain, italy, malta, and cypress. Arrivals include those coming by sea which accounts for 97 . Expecting a baby again. The former first daughter revealing in a tweet of course, next summer, charlotte is going to to be a big sister. Expect proud grandma Hillary Clinton to talk about it as she often does with her first grandchild. Are you claiming this is a Campaign Stunt . Absolutely not. What makes you happier. It is great news. Weve been talking about donald trump using vulgar language in his latest attacks on Hillary Clinton. Has he gone too far . Or do the voters not care about language . Well debate it. Coughing. Sniffling. And wishing you could stay in bed all day. When your cold is this bad. You need new theraflu expressmax. Theraflu expressmax combines. Maximum strength medicines available without a prescription. To fight your worst cold and flu symptoms. So you can feel better fast and get back to the job at hand. New theraflu expressmax. The power to feel better. Tm gegiving up all the thingsan she loves to do. It should just mean, well, finding new ways to do them. Right at homes professional team thoughtfully selects caregivers to provide help with personal care, housekeeping, and of course, meal preparation. Oh, that smells so good. Aw, and it tastes good, too. We can provide the right care, right at home. Donald trump at the Campaign Stop in michigan last night using vulgar language about clinton, hitting back over her refusal to apologize for remarks calling trump isiss best recruiter. Joining us now to discuss all of this, cnn political analyst Ron Brown Stein and senior political reporter malika henderson. For viewers its important to get the context and hear what trump said last night but this is a morning show. Okay. Ill play it. Lets been. Im watching the debate and she disappeared. Where did she go . I know where she went. Its disgusting. I dont want to talk about it. Everything thats been involved in hill has been losses. Take a look. Even race to obama. She was going to beat obama. I dont know how it gets worse. She was going to beat. She was favored to win. And she got sclonged there. He used a word there ive never really heard as the verb. But it doesnt matter. His poll numbers once again this morning are huge. Where are we with this is it. His voters like the rough talk. That subset of people. He can say whatever he wants and they just like it. It is almost as if they feel more of a sense of attachment to him. Again this is a word i havent heard before used as the verb but it certainly gets him attention there. He is revealing himself and talking about Hillary Clintons bathroom breaks. Its always been said hes something of a germaphobe. So were getting into that territo territory. But this is trump. He knows part of politics is marketing but also about emotions and making people feel something and hes certainly been very good at that. People argue that is the criticism. He does nothing by accident. Not that it is a gaffe. He wants to say these things. And brings up this recent poll from quinnipiac. Would you be embarrassed as he or she as a president . They are upside down positive to negative. Shes a third a third a third. Hes at 50 embarrassed. Is there still an argument to be made that he is dividing and ultimately it will come back to get him . I think its a much more complex picture than usually painted. For a portion of the trump constituency who feels economically squeezed and culturally marjzed, the more outrageous he gets the more he feel they feel he will do whatever it takes. Ginalized, th more outrageous he gets the more he they feel he will do whatever it takes. The quinnipiac poll, if you look at that poll, twothirds of all americans, including threefourths of all collegeeducated americans say he does not have the right experience to be president. So it is not as if all of this is happening without any cost. Yes there are voters who get more attached to him the more outrageous he gets but there are also other whose look at this and say this is not the that we need as the president. The feud seems to have a stemmed have saturday night when Hillary Clinton said that donald trump is being used as an isis recruitment video that. Video has not been shown to exist. So donald trump once again this morning on fox called for an apology. There is no video at all. And thats been now confirmed. And i would say that she should apologize. I would say she would. But she probably wont. I actually think it would be good for her. But thats okay. Hillary Clintons Campaign responded. Hell no. Hillary clinton will not be apologizing to donald trump for collectly pointing out how his hateful rhetoric only helps isis recruit more terrorists. Whos winning on this one . I think they are both winning. Hillary knows the very name of donald trump is an energize are for democrats. And again, Hillary Clinton is an energize are for the kind of voters that like donald trump. I think the long game here, Hillary Clinton has a real strategy to win her democratic primary. She has an infrastructure there and is doing much better against Bernie Sanders. I think for donald trump there is a going to be a day of reckoning. Starting with these votes in iowa and South Carolina and New Hampshire as well. I was talking to people about this and they feel like there is going to be a fade factor that weve seen from other candidates who were similar to donald trump, particularly in states like South Carolina where things start to get serious, they want to pick a president and all the rhetoric could get to voters there, particularly the majority in places like South Carolina and even New Hampshire. Lets still look at the other side of this. Ron, there is a reason to donald trump is going strong on this point. And my guess is that it is because he believes she got it wrong. That there is no video. And that when she was saying they do this, she was talking about isis. Did she get it wrong . And if not, how not . I think she overstated it. She undercut her point by going to a specific example that at least to this point had not been able to support. The broader point that the kind of rhetoric and policies. Not only rhetoric but policies of bars muslim entry into the u. S. Threatens to radicalize more people against us not only abroad but potentially at home i think is a valid one. When you go down to the specific example you have to have that example right. When he says hell never apologize for anything . Of course. It is dripping with irony. The video he said there were thousands and thousands of muslims celebrates in new jersey after 9 11. This morning he final qualified it rece really bothered you. It has bothered me. Because that was wrong. That wasnt true. What did he say . He said well it was a big number all over the world. A lot of people saw it. It was all over the world. They were dancing and celebrating. The only purpose with my saying it is that there was something wrong. So that is sort of vintage trump. When pressed for the specifics, then he changes it and clarifies to what he really meant. On that note, thanks so much. Lets take a quick break. When we come back were all over the story of what happened at the vegas strip. It is like a horror movie. Were going to speak with a doctor who witnessed the wreck and sprang into action. The story has not yet been told. Now it will. Heres a little healthy advice. Eat well, live well, and take of what makes you, you. Right down to your skin with aveeno® aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion with the goodness of active naturals® oat and 5 vital nutrients for healthier looking skin in just one day. Healthy skin equals beautiful skin. And for shower softness, add the body wash, too aveeno® naturally beautiful results® im mary ellen, and i quit smoking with chantix. I have smoked for thirty years and by taking chantix, i was able to quit in three months. And that was amazing. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. It absolutely reduced my urge to smoke. 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Donald trump launching a new attack at Hillary Clinton. He called her bathroom break disgusting and used a vulgar term to describe her 2008 loss to senator obama. A grand jury deciding not to di indict anyone in the death of sandra bland. Investigators still trying to figure out why a female driver ran over pedestrians on the vegas strip killing a mother of three and injuring 37 others. The suspect now faces murder and child abuse charges. Bowe bergdahl set for arraignment today facing court marb marshal and desertion charges. And space ex launched a rocket in into space and then landed the rocket back on earth. It was met with massive cheering. First time an unmanned rocket returned to land vertically at cape kah nashville. For more new day cnn cot dom. Dropping the hammer on odell beckham, jr. Suspending him for one game for his actions in monday nights game. Isnt there a little more to this story about what beckham says happened before the game and why he was so amped up . What do we know . He says before the game the panthers had a bat on the field and they were pointing it at him. And peckham was fleed three times for unsportsman like conduct. But it was this helmet to helmet hit that got him the suspension. Running full speed and just launches himself at the players head. And the saints host the lions on monday night football. Drew brees becoming the fourth quarterback to surpass 60 thousand passing yards. The lions got the last laugh though. Stafford throws three touchdowns and two to tate as the lions won 3527. Most people have santa claus on their minds but not this guy. He looses a tooth here on this play. He then went home and put it under his pillow and woke up with a crisp 5 bill. I made that last part up. What is the going rate right now in the cuomo family . We go big with the teeth. Of course we dont have anything to do with it. The tooth fairy takes care of all that. But he or she has been very, very genus. F generous. When we come back a doctor wbss this crazed driver ramming into the pedestrians on purpose. And so many were hurt. Why werent more lives lost . Well tell you the story when we come back. This holiday season, get ready for homecomings. I see you brought a friend . I wanna see, i wanna see. Longing. Serendipity. What are the. Chances. And good tidings to all. Hang onto your antlers. Its the event you dont want to miss. Its the season of audi sales event. Get up to a 2,500 bonus for highly qualified lessees on select audi models. Whether your car is a red car. A white car. A blue car. A red, white, and blue car. A green car. A car with this on it. A car with this in it. A car with wings. A car with a tail. A car with a fin and a tail. All you have to do is plug in hum for a smarter, safer car. Diagnostic updates, certified mechanics hotline and pinpoint emergency assistance. Hum by verizon. Put some smarts in your car. A crash that killed a woman and injured others. Joining us now is ateef, a doctor who saw the accident and rushed to help after the incident. Tell us what you and your wife saw as you were driving down the vegas strip sunday night. Hi. Well i was driving up the vegas strip towards an outside. And we were in the right lane and my wife who was in the non driver seat, she saw a very fastmoving car driving up the sidewalk. And at first she thought it was an emergency vehicle. But then she saw that the car just plowed into a group of people on the sidewalk. And she described it as if a bowling ball hit some bowling pins and the people literally flew in the air and fell to the ground and the car kept going. Shroud a little bit because we think it hit something but it just kept going on the sidewalk of the driveway of the opposite of us. I immediately turned into the driveway of the nearest casino and opened the door and rushed out to help. I saw about six or seven people. Yes . Before i get to what you did because you ran to their aid. Authorities quickly figured out that this was intentional. Was it your wife who are watched this, was it her impression that this was an intentional act . Yes, i think. You know, because why would anyone else walk on drive on the sidewalk with such precision. You know that was the thing. She was driving. She plowed into the people. She didnt stop. She just kept going. So that is like what made it look like very intentional. Whether it was under the influence or not. We dont know. So your wife tells you she sees people flying in the air. You are a doctor and you pull over to help. Tell us what you saw. Well i saw about six to seven people who were lying on the sidewalk and then more injured were sitting on the sides and people were screaming for help. There was another person who identified herself as a doctor. One as an emt, one as a nurse. So it was as if a team came out of nowhere and we started triaging people to see who was injured most and needed the most help and we went from person to person making sure they did not need cpr. A that time everybody was breathing and they had a pulse. There were a few unconscious people and it is sad to know that later on that one of them passed away. But at the same time Nobody Needed emergency cpr, so we waited for the ems to arrive. And as soon as they arrived we told them the sickest person and so on and so forth and helped them identify the more the people who were hurt more. Thank goodness you were there. You just because you happened to be driving by and you were a doctor and you did the right thing, you helped people. You may have saved people. But how long did it take for the emts to arrive . I beg your pardon . I was reading in some notes but i find this hard to believe that it took a long time for the emts to arrive. Longer than it should have . What was your impression . It was about 15 minutes i think from the time the accident happened. Thats a long time. I think it was just the traffic on the yeah. But like i dont know how things work out in vegas. It is a busy city. And the boulevard was packed with cars and it was a busy time of the evening too. So yeah. It took about 15 minutes i would say more or less at least. Doctor, the injured thank you for pulling over and doing the right thing and we thank you on new day. Thank you so much. Im sorry to hear that one life was lost. And hopefully it was a sad time before christmas but hopefully everybody will be safe from now on. We share your hopes. Thank you again for being here. Good thing people like him jumped into action for sure. When we come back, Mission Accomplished for space x. Its falcon 9 completes history. Completes a flight landing vertically. Watch it all unfold right after this. I use whats already inside me to reach my goals. 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Ask your doctor about viagra. Available in single packs. Big news. Spacex successfully launching a rocket into orbit, and landing it back on earth to be used again for a future launch. So what . No this is something that has never been done. For a better understanding we turn to cnns aviation analyst miles obrian. They say rockets go up. They come down we see it all the time. That is not true. This is a perfect ten. Even from the romanian judge. It is a big deal because for years and years ever since the space age began weve tried to come up with ways to make rockets reusable. They tried with the Space Shuttle and didnt work so well. Elon musk is now pursuing this, along with others trying to bring these expensive parts back to earth so they can be reused, making it cheaper. We did a documentary about what it takes to get up into space which is really cool. Whether did you learn about how difficult a task it is to make this a fungible commodity, something that can be used again and again. On the Space Shuttle, the Space Shuttle had a million moving parts. All of them from the low bidder, i might add. The it was an incredible complicated machine that never achieved any sort of cost savings. It cost about 10,000 a pound of anything on the shuttle if im ever going to go to space, we have to do it cheaper and that is what elon musk helped demonstrate last night. And where does the road lead . Now they decided they can take it up and bring it back down, what is the next step . Well you start increasing the pace of launches. You start doing this more frequently. And we start driving the cost down. Nasa moves out of low earth orbit as it has been doing. The private sector comes in and pretty soon we have space hotels. Well that might take a little time. Little bit. What is the next big break you you see and the next big challenge . I think as they say they are going to have to prove they can repeat this again. And this particular rocket that you saw last night will not be reused. They are going to look at it and see how it performed. Down the road it really comes up to almost an Assembly Line approach to space. That is the real challenge. They have proven technically they can do it. Now it is a question of increasing the pace. And i think that is no small task. So no small task. What is the guess work here about when well be looking at the ability to do anything like what we all watch in the movies about people just jumping into a cruiser and flying off and coming back from where there is no oxygen. Well weve been saying its 20 years off for ever since ive been around. And i hesitate to make predictions because space is hard. But the fact that there are these billionaires. Jeff bezos did a similar thing this past month. This happened twice in about a months time by two billionaires who have their eyes on the stars. And the more the merrier. The more these people invest their money on these seemingly crazy ideas which may in fact pay off a rich bonanza on low earth orbit the better. So are we even close to miles obrian coming on new day and saying im ready to go, they are just fitting me for the suit. Well ive been tanned, rested and ready for a long time on this one for sure. When ill get my seat, i dont know. I think the next big step will be watching to see these private sector players fly u. S. Astronauts to the International Space station. If that goes well and they can truly get people to low earth orbit safely, then i think we are really going to see a change in the way this works out. It really is interesting to see how they can figure out how they can make money. They they can recoup on investment by doing this. Thank you for helping us understand this as always. Youre welcome. As we know it is the time of year for giving. And we have a good one for you. A secret santa takes it to the next level and then some. Big day . Ah, the usual. Moved some new cars. Hauled a bunch of steel. Kept the supermarket shelves stocked. Made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. Whats up for the next shift . Ah, nothing much. Just keeping the lights on. laugh nice. Doing the big things that move an economy. See you tomorrow, mac. See you tomorrow, sam. Just another day at norfolk southern. Shell use that educationing to get a job. Shell use that job to buy a home. This is lilly baker. Her mom just refinanced their home and is putting an extra 312 a month toward lillys tuition. Lilly is about to take over the world. Whos with her . Buy in. Quickenloans home buy. Refi. Power. Secret santa, like never before. Okay. Yup yup. Im over selling and i cant because it is too good. Take a listen. Needless to say i was surprised and shocked. And, umm, just a little bit overwhelmed. Y . Because notes were left at not one but six non profits in colorado. The note read you dont know me but i know you. I see the good work you do. And it doesnt stop is there. Were saying thanks and we hope he or she is out there watching because were so grateful. Not just for the organizations but to all of the employees too. And were not talking a hundy here or there. The secret santa donated over 250 thousand. Yes. . Now what do you have to say . Im prez impressed. That is a wonderful christmas story. There are good people doing good things all the time. Even when they have a lot of money they are still good people. We seem to be forgetting they are out there. And now carol costello. Another good person. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. I was just laughing at your exchange. It was lovely though. Have a great day. Newsroom starts now. And good morning. Im carol costello. Thank you so much for joining me. The republican battle for the white house and a new quinnipiac poll that shows ted cruz and donald trump are running neck and neck. Trump 28 , cruz 24 . The poll released

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