Transcripts For CNNW New Day 20150611 :

Transcripts For CNNW New Day 20150611

that's where it is blocked off, not allowing any cars into and out of that area. not even allowing us to one of the feeder streets leading to 374. that's why we are just now parallel with 374 on route 3. again, down here you see one of the checkpoints. this coming last night, this closure of the road coming last night after some sort of suspicious activity was spotted in the area. at that point they immediately shut down this section of route 374 asking residents last night to keep their lights on keep their doors locked to stay inside until they could get this situation all sorted out. you remember new york's governor saying yesterday it was important to follow-up on every lead no matter where it leads. and that's what they are doing at this point. checking all these cars if i had to give it an estimate in terms of how long this section of route 374 is closed i would say about four miles. and we are located just about four miles from the clinton correctional facility. in terms of how long route 374 will be closed we are not being given any indication how long that might be. but for now it remains closed as they follow-up on this new lead. >> jason, we'll check in with you throughout the entire show. thank you for that. the search in katieville coming hours after officials shifted gears to vermont. they discovered the convicts discussed going there to avoid the large police presence in new york. we are live outside of the prison in dannemore, new york. paul you have more on the convicts give us everything. >> reporter: that's right. that could lead to a break in this case. a lot of the investigation has been focused on joyce mitchell the worker here at the correctional facility. investigators believe she provided some form of support to one of the inmates, richard matt but at least allowing or making phone calls or allowing access to her cell phone there. her family coming forward defending her against the allegations, mainly we heard from her daughter-in-law yesterday, paige mitchell, saying 95% of what is being said is untrue. and then going on to say that the allegations are apalling to me. i'm totally disgusting anyone would think she's had a relationship with these men and that she would knowingly help them. that's a direct quote from paige mitchell. she's offering an explanation between her family member and these individuals. meantime out here in new york we are seeing a significant increase in police presence. jason brought you a little bit of the scene. i'm the opposite on highway 374. eventually he would pass through the road block and appear at the prison which is fairly interesting here as we get investigators continuing to expand their search area. just yesterday we heard they were going to include the neighboring state of vermont. officials believing the two likely were headed there, but we are told this area is not as hot as new york. in this area we have heavy police presence as the investigators continue to follow-up on this lead here that could potentially lead to an apprehension. now, six days of searching. >> right. let's just lay it out here right now up. this is what they do they have to close down the roads in the surrounding areas because it's always safety first. so you want to -- you don't want to mistake the process for any urgency, but it is an interesting look at how the searches with. different countries, they were set up canada mexico vermont here along the border. and yet as you see, here's the prison. and here's where they are right now. how can you explain that? why would it be that you have these wide ranges of possibilities? well it's because their plan went bust. we are going to discuss with a couple experts how that changes everything. common sense tells you if you were expecting one thing and now you're left with an entirely set of circumstances, everything's going to change. so they were supposed to be in a car, yes, they were heard talking about wanting tooing to inging to go to vermont. it is wet and cold and they are not survivalist. now you get them taking off to a random area. here's their problem, and it's a good problem because we want the bad guys caught. they have a big water border on one side the saranac river. and they have to deal with lake champlaign. in the middle they have all these rural areas. we have randy zukala the former police chief in new york who has friends that grew up with richard matt one of the escapees and the formal commander of the regional fugitive task force for new york and new jersey. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> we'll start with the circumstances and go to the man involved. we have good insight from both of you this morning. people will see this they are closing down the road doing all these things. not to get ahead of ourselves, this is the protocol. you must do this right? >> absolutely. when this sort of tip and possible sighting and whatnot, that will shut it down. bring in the canines and the calgary. >> to give people perspective, one minute you're talking vermont and canada. now they are just a few miles away, you got it wrong. as you have been teaching me that misunderstands what happens when a plan goes bust. what are the new circumstances for these guys? >> well, first of all, let's hope they are still in the area. they could be anywhere. i hope they are. if in fact the intel is coming in is true and if there's a coop ray or the cooperator who was supposed to be there when they popped up from the manhole cover, hopefully they are miserable and wet. do they have money? did they get a cell phone before they smuggled out? we have no idea. and the good news will be what do they need on the outside? they need a vehicle, hopefully you get a report. they would love to have weapons, i'm sure. hopefully you get a report. so the absence of information suggests that they have not been able to find their way. >> certainly you would think that yeah. that's how i would think if i was up there working with them. that's good news. no one said anything. no there's no break-ins, no hostage situation, barricades -- no suspects that's good news for law enforcement. >> now the men involved we'll talk about that with mr. zakala. not only do you understand the policing in this area but you understand this man. is it true that it's a good fact for the investigators and searchers that he's not known to be a guy who would be adept to these circumstances? >> yeah i would say so. the -- he's been in prison his entire life his entire adult life. so he's not known to be out and able to survive in these conditions. >> and in terms of what you know about the character and potential danger that may be motivating the situation, when he is found, what do you know? >> well, i know we are similar age. and living in the nearby town the friends of his, well, acquaintances that knew him, described him as -- he was pretty much a terrorist on the bus. he would be on the school bus terrorizing everybody. after his arrest they would come to me and tell me the story of how they knew him. and then relate that it really didn't surprise them because they could see that coming out in him all through his childhood. >> what does it mean when you know a bad guy, what does that do in terms of preparing you for what type of proliveties they may have other than you have to be careful? >> to us at fugitive hunters, they are all bad. we treat them all the same and accordingly, armed and dangerous before did they get weaponenry? what's their mindset if cornered? suicide by cop? i mean there's a lot going through an investigator's mind at this point. >> but you know you are not just dealing with the typical brood because he was able to con this woman somehow, you know he's known for someboy to be a little bit of a sweet talker an unusual combination there. >> from my understanding, he could sell you your own shoes but so could we. when it comes down to it they are brutal animals, both of them. the homicides committed were unbelievable and they need to -- we'll react accordingly and it is all up to them. hopefully they give up peacefully without incident. >> you keep teaching us about the concept of time here. now you are through five days of these guys being out there, is time starting to work against them in terms of forcing them to have to do something? >> if, in fact if they are there, we are casting a big net. the u.s. marshall says this leads out to three to four different states which i can't share, unfortunately, but questions are being asked as leads come in. it could be simple surveillance or possible q&a with a relative or known associate of one of them. so you know we are not just staying local. viewers need to know that. if they are, you know in miami or san francisco and they happen to see somebody that looks like them don't think that they are cornered somewhere in new york. you have to keep your eyes out and be diligent. >> mr. tzukala, just in case they are in this immediate area how can you tell us how active people are there, reporting unusual presence and getting in touch with the police up there, would they be good at see something, say something? >> i think they would, but in the area that i'm from where it actually occurred it happened so long ago that i don't really know if the public is in tune with what type of person he really is. it's almostbeen several years since the crime. the thought up here is it happened we know it happened but they don't know -- 20 years ago, people change. residents and -- it's not in the forefront of everybody's mind. >> right. >> i would certainly hope they would see something and call us or the media to let us know it's out there. >> that's the hope. thank you so much for the insight, mr. tzakala. the attorney for the texas police officer who resigned over the viral video that happened at a pool party is now speaking out. she says former officer eric capebolt let the emotions get the best of him when handling a group of teenagers. brian young is joining us live from mckinney, texas, with more. good morning, brian. >> reporter: good morning, allison. of course that attorney is saying that casebolt is facing death threats. that's why he and his family are in hiding at this hour. which he did step forward to offer an apology to give sort of a background of what happened with that officer during that day. apparently he faced two suicide calls, one where a man committed suicide and another where a girl said she was going to commit suicide. but this is the video that so many people have seen across the country and wanted to know exactly what he was feeling and what he would say in that apology. you never heard from him but the police chief said his actions are not that of his police department. there were several officers who did the right thing that day. we actually heard from his attorney yesterday. >> eric regrets that his department was reflected this way. he never intended to mistreat everyone but was only reacting to a situation and the challenges that it presented. >> reporter: and it was the 15-year-old's lawyer yesterday who talked about the pain she's experiencing after the fact of having that video not only being played all over but having the knee stuck in her back and being pinned to the ground. she talked about what that 15-year-old is going through at this hour. >> she's been having a hard time sleeping and a hard time eating. she's felt like she has to be stuck at home. and her legal guardian is keeping a tight watch on her. >> reporter: so obviously there's been some conversations throughout this community about what happens next. casebolt did resign but obviously people are still talking about what happened here and whether or not the officer will now face charges. >> okay ryan thank you so much for that update. all right. we can take a breath from the breaking news to say miguel ferrera is off this morning and we have annika cabrera joining us this morning, good morning. good morning. there are accusations of excessive police force but this time in orlando, florida. two officers caught on camera kicking a man repeatedly while trying to arrest him. the alleged victim is filing a complaint claiming he was battered. but orlando's police chief doesn't see it that way. >> reporter: two orlando police officers are accused of police brutality after the release of this video. an onlooker captures 30-year-old noel carter sitting on the curb kicked repeatedly and tased by police arresting him resulting in several injuries. >> he was being kicked he was being hit and he was tased while, yes, he was doing nothing. >> reporter: carter claims he was having a disagreement with his girlfriend when police approached him and beat him before he ran away. >> i was shoved, i was sprayed and i was essentially battered prior to any conveyance of what my disorderly conduct could have been. >> reporter: but police say that's not the whole thing. >> what you see in the seconds of that video is only a small piece of what happened. >> reporter: officers david cruz and charles may say carter was using physical force against his girlfriend grabbing her, refusing to let her leave. >> based on witnesses and officer reports, it is clear that carter was intoxicated, resisting officers uncooperative and attempting to flee multiple times. >> reporter: the officers say they tried to arrest him but carter fought back arguing, struggling even lunging at them as they tried to subdue him. this witness video taken outside the club shows carter running from police resisting their commands. that's when officers tased him twice and another hit him with a baton. a third video captures carter sitting down as the officers give chase. then they kick hit and wrestle him to the ground. carter denies the police account and is filing battery charges against the officers. >> you did not have to look at the totality to see the abuse that is done in the unlawful force used by the officers. >> carter was arrested on domestic battery and battery of a law enforcement officer. his attorneys plan to fight those charges. there is an internal investigation underway to determine whether excessive force was used but right now the officers are still on active duty. noel carter is going to join us live to tell his story a little bit later this hour. and i want to also say that those officers have no history of disciplinary problems and there's at least one witness statement that does back up the officers' claims that carter fought back. >> i mean the problem is we always see the snip-its, the clips seem so compelling. it seems like we know what happened because we see it with our own eyes but they are only 30 seconds of a larger moment. but, at that moment when we see him subdued, he was on the ground and not fighting back. >> you can easily argue it the other way. it doesn't matter what happened because that gives you a moral rational for what the officers did. you know if you look at it in the isolated moment what are they supposed to do when there's the fact of resistance? they shouldn't kick the guy like a pinata. there's two of them and there are a lot of other training methods they use. they have to justify kicking the guy that way and the other stuff they did. the fact he was beating up his girlfriend may make him a bad person does not mean that you're allowed to kick him like a pinata. >> it seems when you see that moment it looks like they are angry. >> it's a he said, she said. >> they are not equal combatants. it's not you and me. >> we don't have the whole story. >> we'll talk about it more. this is the dialogue we're having. trying to encounter the advance of isis is a big topic. what do you do? president obama is authorizing the deployment of up to 450 additional u.s. military personnel. what are they going to do? train, advise and assist iraqi forces that are in the anbar province where isis controls the capital of ramadi. and they are going to promote sunni tribes, which is a problem there right now, to fight ishs cyst. a massachusetts man who joined with kurdish fighters battling isis and syria has been killed according to the state department and kurdish forces. 36-year-old thomas broomfield was killed outside of kobani. it is not clear when he died but american officials are in touch with his family. new details this morning in the d.c. mansion murder. a bloody baseball bat was recovered in the bedroom where three of the victims were found according to an affidavit just unsealed in the case. three family members and their housekeeper were found dead last month. darin wint is charged with murder and police believe he had help. authorities believe that there's a good tip to shut down the road that got the choppers out looking for the killers on the loose. and president obama sending more troops to iraq. some call this mission creed. we'll discuss. woman: for soft beautiful feet i 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(vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. the twenty-fifteen subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. . this is exactly how vietnam started. and if you don't think you're putting them in harm's way, then you're not living in the real world. >> well, that was democratic congressman charlie wrangle, one of the critics of president obama to send 450 additional u.s. troops to iraq to fight isis. the white house says the troops will train and advise iraqi forces. joining us now is the senator who served in iraq for three years. good morning, sir. >> good morning. >> do you think this scenario is fair? >> well, i don't see it how congressman rangle does at all. in fact this is a reinforcement of the training mission that i see truthfully as a good thing because it shows the iraqi government is becoming more inclusive. >> after the president sends the 450 troops to iraq the number will be up to 3,500. let me show you and the viewers how we got to this number. so the president on june 16th authorized 275 troops. a few weeks later, 300 troops. another week later, 200 troops. in september, 350 troops. a few weeks later, 475 troops. in november 1,500 troops. and now june 10th 2015 450 troops. people say this is mission creed. doesn't this look like mission creed? >> it does to the untrained eye, allison, but what i would suggest you do is let's look at what the troops were doing and let's see how the iraqi government was requesting those troops. they were for a different mission set. some were initial guidance in terms of helping with intelligence. some were contributing to humanitarian relief operations when we had this situation into our mountains. then when the iraqi government said we need desperate help in terms of training our forces and conducting more operations we put more on the basis for support. now, that line of -- that trend line that you're talking about, not only consisted of what was asked for, but it was also how they arrived. you've talking about a mobilization effect back in the united states of how do you get troops ready to go and train them up. so it is not just a creeping up but it is truly in line with what the strategy is which is to train and equip iraqi forces. >> and part of the strategy is to defeat and degrade isis. so how does sending the additional 450 troops defeat isis? >> well, let's talk about where they are going. they are going to a location right between ramadi and fallujah. what are they doing? they are training something that mr. alabadi, the new prime minister six months ago said he wanted to do. he wanted to get sunni tribes involved in a national guard for anbar. and he's been blocked by his own government in doing that. well i think the conversation between him and mr. obama over the last week or so during the g-7 conference is that hey, we really need help in overcoming the blockage of the sheia government. so i think this is a good thing. it's pressure on the iraqi government. hey, you really have to knock down these sectarian walls, be more inclusive in your establishing of an iraqi security forces. let's get the sun kneenis trained and get more equipment to them through the government not directly to the sunnis but also to the forces inase where they are going to be training with 450 guys is right smack in the middle of anbar province between those two key cities that they have to defend. >> the problem we have heard from the pentagon is that in the issue is not too few trainers too few u.s. soldiers. the problem is too few iraqi recruits willing to be trained. so how does this address that? >> yeah i'm not sure it's a willingness, allison, but what you're talking about, and i've experienced this when i was there, you have the tribal leaders saying hey, we have a thousand men to give you. we want them to be trained to fight isis but when you're talking about just three bases in iraq where they are training them the ability of getting those fighters between one place and another where isis is somewhat surrounding the areas, they are going through dangers and going through roads that are lined with ieds, they are being sniped at there are explosive devices and they are killing the men as they are going to the training centers. so when you get a base right in the middle of the sunni heartland, by the way, there are seven major tribes in anbar province. some of them have supported isis because they hated the malaki government. some have been fighting isis. so you want that training location right smack in the middle of them so you can build that national guard. it would be like the equivalent of saying, we want to build up the pennsylvania national guard, but we're going to have the training center in texas and there's going to be danger all along the way. you've got to get the training site where the sunni tribes are and that's what we are attempting to do with the 450 guys. >> general, always good to get your information. thank you. >> thank you. >> let's go over to chris. we have action in the search for two escaped inmates in new york. helicopters are circling over a neighborhood near the prison where they broke out. we have the latest for you coming up. e d sleeper, or a mouth breather. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. ♪ ♪ (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. 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374 now closed only allowing residents in and out. no one else close since last night after there was some sort of suspicious activity going along the area. some sort of suspicious sighting. that's what we are told. that's why we have this section now shut down. as a precaution last night, police are asking people who live along the affected route to stay indoors and leave their outside lights on. also to lock their doors as a precaution. this morning, the local school district has, in fact closed the schools in this particular area. again, as a precaution. yesterday you remember new york's governor asking for the public's help to be vigilant to report anything at all that might be suspicious. they have to follow-up on every lead as you know because any lead might eventually lead them to richard matt or david sweat. so again, no indication at this point. how long this section of route 374 will be closed we don't know but for now it is closed. >> jason carroll reporting from katieville new york. house republicans are setting the stage for a high-stakes vote to give president obama the fast-track trade authority he's been asking for and will bring him one step closer to completing that signature-specific trade deal. a vote could take place as early as tomorrow but democratic leaders are still planning a fight threatening to derail this legislation over procedural issues. >> well, that former mckinney police officer involved in the pool party altercation is speaking out through his attorney. she says eric casebolt let his emotions get the better of him during that pool party chaos caught on video. but she says there's much more to that day than the seven-minute video revealing that he responded to two suicide calls beforehand. but the attorney for the teenager before says that's no execution saying the officer violated the girl's civil rights. okay. so the eastern half of the u.s. has been a sweat through the first heat wave of the season. we're talking temperatures well into the 80s and 90s. how do i know? cnn meteorologist chad myers, a.k.a. the heatmeiser told me. today is not the first day to get out to run your marathon across the northeast. 90s will be the rule everywhere 10 to 12 degrees above where you should be today. philadelphia making a run at your old record which was 95. today you'll get to 92. so plus 12 plus 11 where we should be. it's in the lower 80s for new york city where it should be 78. nowhere near that for the next few days. 88 all the way through saturday. and there's your unhealthy air, a lot of ozone in the area. we call that smog. limit your outdoor activities this afternoon if you can. because it's that muggy air, that air that might get in your lungs especially if you have asthma at all. guys? back to you. >> chad are you the heatmeiser or the heat meister? >> i think i'm the heat monster. >> thank you so much. do stay with us as we continue to follow that breaking news. the search for the two inmates who escaped from the upstate new york prison. we also have another police officer accused of excessive force. the incident caught on video and police say the man was uncooperative. he says that's not the case. the man in this video is going to join us live with his side next. that will be interesting, but first a programming note. tonight the new cnn original series "the 70s" premiers at 9:00 p.m. eastern. here's a little look. ♪ >> the '70s awakened us and polarized us. >> the '70s saw terrorism. >> with bombshell after bombshell after bombshell. >> the water gate scandal broke wide open today. >> here in the 1970s i think more, more hair, more naked people more misbehavior. >> the world is getting crazy. >> the culture of evolution kind of exploded in fascinating chaos that emerged. >> because of what was going on people came home and they wanted to laugh. >> one thing was archie bunker and me. one, two, three. >> it was a period of discovery for a lot of people. >> my only defense was, it was the 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because of the video i'm going to show you right now, this is what it looks like. a police officer kicking repeatedly a man named noel carter as he sits on the curb after a confrontation with the cops outside a nightclub last week. now the police say, you're only looking at the bad part. there's a whole story here that you don't see, which is why mr. carter is actually the one who is in trouble. and he's being charged for things that he did. so let's get to the heart of it right now. we have noel carter and his attorney, patrick lawler joining us. patrick, thank you for being here. let's go back to the begin, noel and take it from the officers' perspective. is it true you came to the scene because you were beating up your girlfriend? >> no definitely not. i definitely deny that in any way. we were having a disagreement. and it was a public disagreement between two individuals. i've known this woman for some time. and we were having a public disagreement. so definitely i deny any accusation that is made in that manner. >> they are charging you with domestic battery, which is the same thing in this circumstance as hitting your girlfriend. does the woman involved say the same that you do? does she say that you were not hitting her? >> well, contrary to the reports, her statement was released yesterday. and i think if you had a chance to review the statement, chris, you can clearly see there's no mention of battery, there's no mention of assault or striking or any like that. we were having a disagreement. and unfortunately the disagreement she detailed that she wanted me to leave her alone. and maybe i should have heeded that warning at the time but there was no description in her report or her sworn statement that there was any battery or touching or any violent action in my part whatsoever. >> so one way or the other, the cops get called and what happens when they come? >> to my recollection we were separated. at that point, the situation essentially escalated. the female and i, when i was talking to her, she was not crying but when the officers did speak with her she began crying. and i have known this woman for some time and to see her cry, it did jerk an emotion in me that definitely wanted to comfort her and figure out what was going on. and that's what i wanted to do. clearly you can see in the early videos shot by the bystanders on the patio of the nightclub, my hands were raised in the air and i think you can see repeatedly me requesting just to talk to her and just saying talk to me. and around that time you can see the officer shove me in the video. which i think is just unprofessional. i mean if you're a police officer and you're saying you're attempting to arrest me if that's what you're saying why would you shove me in that manner? why are you trying to instigate me to do something that i wouldn't do that's going to be out of my character? >> their answer would be because you were drunk and you were resisting and you were running away from them when they told you to stop. and you may have come at them at one point and you're a big guy and they felt they had to use force to deal with what you were bringing their way. clear criticism? >> definitely no i don't agree with that criticism in any way. as far as being drunk, i had had a couple drinks at dinner earlier over the course of a full meal. so and classification of intoxication or drunk, no definitely not. we were attending a concert. and i think most individuals will have a drink or two at dinner before you actually attend that concert. i don't think that's out of the ordinary. so to -- their claims of intoxication and all of that i completely disagree with that. and you can see from the earlier footage i was pushed and not justified in any way. >> did you go at the officers? >> no sir. no, sir. not in any way. >> you never pushed charged, nothing like that? >> no sir. not once did i or any video account that you can see, my hands are raised in a submissive fashion. so no, i don't agree with any statement that i lunged at an officer. or in the officer's detail that i lunged at his taser gun. you can clearly see in the video once i saw the taser gun up went the opposite direction with my hands in the air. >> and you wind up sitting down on the curb and that's where the ugliness starts off. you sat down why? >> i sat down because, well, essentially the reason i ran because i was in fear of my life. i was in fear of my livelihood. it's not a situation i'm accustomed to being in. i have zero criminal history. so in dealing with police officers being tased and being almost slammed to the ground and being pushed that's not normal. and from what i have seen on the news over the last year and a half of what's going on in baltimore and ferguson all these cities where you have police brutality or excessive force, you know i see tear gas being used on the public on non-violent protests. so if i'm standing there and not being violent and being submissive and being pushed and tasered and pepper sprayed when the whole time i'm being submissive my human mechanism to survive is going to kick in. and that's why i wanted to avoid the situation and that's when i ran. so when you talk to me about sitting on the curb i knew at that moment that you know what? i had been brutalized already and had made it down the block a considerable distance. and i was running essentially for my life. but i came to my senses fortunateicallyeicallyely enough and knew it was best to sit on the curb. i am sitting on the curb and he waits for another officer to approach before he literally stops me on the head. and the other cop comes up and they continue to brutalize me at that point and literally beat me as a dog in the street. >> chris, you can see that the police try to change it. first they start with domestic violence. you're seeing the statement where the girl just said that they actually called him friend. and said -- if you look at all the reports, the initial arrest affidavit and the supplemental report and her statement, there's no issues whatsoever about any domestic violence or any type of hitting. then they try to say resist when they were very aggressive. then down to where he's sitting, until yesterday we didn't have the grainy tape on the backside of "the orlando sentinel" building where the officers come up. and their intent that's the critical thing, their intent was not to arrest. their intent was to brutalization. and they continued to stop him in the head both of them and they continued to beat him. when he sat up again, that's when the video of the second woman kicked in. and you can see them tasering him to the chest. >> what is your response to the chief saying hey, you have to know the whole story. what about the fact this guy was beating up his girlfriend? you say you don't care about the earlier analysis of the arrest why? >> no you do. you do. you do look. that's the point, the beating up let's be perfectly clear. there was no beating. there's nothing. and the chief went on there to talk about domestic violence and talked about how it leads to homicide. this is a young man who, this young lady asked him to come up from south florida to go to the concert. she bought him a ticket. they went to the concert. they had a disagreement and went outside to talk. the cop, the cop that interacted went over with them brought them over and it started to escalate the situation. he pulled his taser out, tasering him, pepper spraying him while he was on the ground. >> counselor, where are the cops there or were they called to the scene because of the altercation between your client and the young woman? >> they were doing off-duty work for the club. >> so they were already there. >> they were already there, yes, sir. >> so noel how far are you going to take this? you're suing for battery on behalf of the police that they were abusing your rights and just violent when they were supposed to be acting professionally. how far are you going to take it? >> i'm taking advice from legal counsel. i understand the ramifications of what happened that evening and definitely want to defer to my attorneys in any proceedings moving forward. i know my rights as a human being and know my rights as a u.s. citizen and definitely feel i was brutalized by the two officers. that's the statement we made yesterday under the direction of my legal counsel and that's the statement i continue to make today. all i seek is justice. as my attorney said if another citizen were to beat and kick and taser and pepper spray another citizen of this country, that individual would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. and that's all i'm asking for. is that my rights as a human being and my rights as a u.s. citizen be taken into consideration in this instance. >> noel? >> chris, i think where we are going to go is if you look at the grainy video, because what the officers look at is totality. when you look at noel sitting down initially, this grainy tape shows the totality of what happened. and if you would take in the fact that the two were officers and citizens came up to a young man sitting on the curb and proceeded to kick him and beat him and then after it stopped initially he sat up and then to kick him six times and taser him, if this video was shown to the state attorney's office and these weren't officers they would be charged already and would be charged with battery. and now you're talking about a taser, which we all know can cause death around this country. so it's a very significant situation. we want criminal charges. >> understood. understand the case you're making. noel thank you very much for coming forward and telling your side of the story. it helps in situations like this for us to understand the video better. we'll stay on this story going forward, we promise you that. allison? chris, much more ahead on the manhunt for the two escaped killers. the search now focused on an area near the prison. is law enforcement finally closing in on the fugitives? we are live at the search scene. out of 42 vehicles based on 6 different criteria, why did a panel of 11 automotive experts name the volkswagen golf motor trend's 2015 car of the year? we'll give you four good reasons. the volkswagen golf. starting at $19,295, there's an award-winning golf for everyone. before i had the shooting, burning, pins-and-needles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet... ...served my country... ...carried the weight of a family... ...and walked a daughter down the aisle. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda-approved to treat this pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new, or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, 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sometimes falling in love can play a part between prisoners and prison employees. >> it's going to be fine baby. >> i am trying not to lose my job. >> it's one of the dominant story lines in the hit show "orange is the new black." a prison guard in a romantic and sexual relationship with a female inmate that gets pregnant. >> we can figure something out. >> reporter: hundreds of consensual relationships between prisoners and prison employees are documented each year. case in point, this woman was accused of sneaking into rooms to have sex with ronald wilson a man convicted of killing two police detectives execution-style on staten island. this 2013 video of gonzalez walking from court showed her pregnant with wilson's child. >> she is 8-month-olds months pregnant and you can see she is upset. >> people find love in the strangest places and people get together in the most difficult circumstances. we live in a society where these events happen. these type of cases are unusual but they are not uncommon. >> reporter: gonzalez pleaded guilty to having an unlawful relationship and was sentenced to a year in prison. according to a study last year by the bureau of justice statistics more than half of all substantiated events of staff sexual misconduct in america's prisons and jails were committed by female staff. experts say oftentimes the guards who initiate the relationships have a psychological condition. >> this is the sexual attraction to someone who has committed a terribly outrageous act. and usually the more violent or heinous the act, the deeper the attraction. >> reporter: one notorious case includes that of bobby parker the wife of a prison warden in oklahoma. she disappeared in 1994 along with a convicted murderer named randolph dial. a decade later she was found living with him in texas. prosecutors say the two fell in love while parker insisted she was kidnapped. a jury convicted parker but she served only half of a one-year sentence. >> a female correctional officer or prison worker very often believes she's in love with the male prisoner or she's the only one who understands him or can save him or reform him or rescue him. >> reporter: even if it is consensual any sexual contact between an inmate and a prison staff member is illegal. but the data showing only half of the workers are ever prosecuted. dan simon, cnn, san francisco. we are following much more news this morning. let's get to it. good morning, everyone. welcome back to "new day." annika can bare rabrera is joining us this morning. we have a search happening five miles near the prison where the two inmates escaped on friday. >> roads are shut down and people are told to stay indoors as choppers are overhead. cnn is there at the search area of the prison and following all points in this investigation. so let's start off with jason carroll in western new york with breaking news in this search. >> reporter: this is the new search and the spot on route 374. you can see behind me they have closed off a seven-mile stretch of routes 374. i have to say we are probably about seven miles from where the prison is located. this chunk of 374 closed off since last night. that's when there was some sort of suspicious sighting that triggered all of this. once that happened new york state police asked residents who live in this affected area to stay inside to leave their outdoor lights on to leave their doors locked. as of this morning, the saranac central school district closed as a result of the ongoing search. in this particular area you remember when new york's governor told the public to be vigilant and lookout for anything that might be suspicious. but they have to follow-up on every lead as if they might be the lead that takes them to these two fugitives. that's what's happening right now. this particular section still closed. we are hearing it is at least going to be closed throughout the morning. chris? jason, thank you very much. these developments come just hours after officials were suggesting that the convicts may have fle

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Vietnam , Republic Of , New York , United States , Canada , Fallujah , Al Anbar , Iraq , Saranac Central School , Chad , Texas , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Vermont , Florida , Syria , Ramadi , San Francisco , California , Staten Island , Oklahoma , New Jersey , Anbar , Massachusetts , Saranac River , Orlando , America , Iraqi , American , Paige Mitchell , Jason Carroll , Patrick Lawler , Dan Simon , Darin Wint , Subaru A , Joyce Mitchell , Thomas Broomfield , Noel Carter , Ronald Wilson , Bobby Parker , David Cruz , Miguel Ferrera , Annika Cabrera , Richard Matt ,

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Transcripts For CNNW New Day 20150611 :

Transcripts For CNNW New Day 20150611

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that's where it is blocked off, not allowing any cars into and out of that area. not even allowing us to one of the feeder streets leading to 374. that's why we are just now parallel with 374 on route 3. again, down here you see one of the checkpoints. this coming last night, this closure of the road coming last night after some sort of suspicious activity was spotted in the area. at that point they immediately shut down this section of route 374 asking residents last night to keep their lights on keep their doors locked to stay inside until they could get this situation all sorted out. you remember new york's governor saying yesterday it was important to follow-up on every lead no matter where it leads. and that's what they are doing at this point. checking all these cars if i had to give it an estimate in terms of how long this section of route 374 is closed i would say about four miles. and we are located just about four miles from the clinton correctional facility. in terms of how long route 374 will be closed we are not being given any indication how long that might be. but for now it remains closed as they follow-up on this new lead. >> jason, we'll check in with you throughout the entire show. thank you for that. the search in katieville coming hours after officials shifted gears to vermont. they discovered the convicts discussed going there to avoid the large police presence in new york. we are live outside of the prison in dannemore, new york. paul you have more on the convicts give us everything. >> reporter: that's right. that could lead to a break in this case. a lot of the investigation has been focused on joyce mitchell the worker here at the correctional facility. investigators believe she provided some form of support to one of the inmates, richard matt but at least allowing or making phone calls or allowing access to her cell phone there. her family coming forward defending her against the allegations, mainly we heard from her daughter-in-law yesterday, paige mitchell, saying 95% of what is being said is untrue. and then going on to say that the allegations are apalling to me. i'm totally disgusting anyone would think she's had a relationship with these men and that she would knowingly help them. that's a direct quote from paige mitchell. she's offering an explanation between her family member and these individuals. meantime out here in new york we are seeing a significant increase in police presence. jason brought you a little bit of the scene. i'm the opposite on highway 374. eventually he would pass through the road block and appear at the prison which is fairly interesting here as we get investigators continuing to expand their search area. just yesterday we heard they were going to include the neighboring state of vermont. officials believing the two likely were headed there, but we are told this area is not as hot as new york. in this area we have heavy police presence as the investigators continue to follow-up on this lead here that could potentially lead to an apprehension. now, six days of searching. >> right. let's just lay it out here right now up. this is what they do they have to close down the roads in the surrounding areas because it's always safety first. so you want to -- you don't want to mistake the process for any urgency, but it is an interesting look at how the searches with. different countries, they were set up canada mexico vermont here along the border. and yet as you see, here's the prison. and here's where they are right now. how can you explain that? why would it be that you have these wide ranges of possibilities? well it's because their plan went bust. we are going to discuss with a couple experts how that changes everything. common sense tells you if you were expecting one thing and now you're left with an entirely set of circumstances, everything's going to change. so they were supposed to be in a car, yes, they were heard talking about wanting tooing to inging to go to vermont. it is wet and cold and they are not survivalist. now you get them taking off to a random area. here's their problem, and it's a good problem because we want the bad guys caught. they have a big water border on one side the saranac river. and they have to deal with lake champlaign. in the middle they have all these rural areas. we have randy zukala the former police chief in new york who has friends that grew up with richard matt one of the escapees and the formal commander of the regional fugitive task force for new york and new jersey. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> we'll start with the circumstances and go to the man involved. we have good insight from both of you this morning. people will see this they are closing down the road doing all these things. not to get ahead of ourselves, this is the protocol. you must do this right? >> absolutely. when this sort of tip and possible sighting and whatnot, that will shut it down. bring in the canines and the calgary. >> to give people perspective, one minute you're talking vermont and canada. now they are just a few miles away, you got it wrong. as you have been teaching me that misunderstands what happens when a plan goes bust. what are the new circumstances for these guys? >> well, first of all, let's hope they are still in the area. they could be anywhere. i hope they are. if in fact the intel is coming in is true and if there's a coop ray or the cooperator who was supposed to be there when they popped up from the manhole cover, hopefully they are miserable and wet. do they have money? did they get a cell phone before they smuggled out? we have no idea. and the good news will be what do they need on the outside? they need a vehicle, hopefully you get a report. they would love to have weapons, i'm sure. hopefully you get a report. so the absence of information suggests that they have not been able to find their way. >> certainly you would think that yeah. that's how i would think if i was up there working with them. that's good news. no one said anything. no there's no break-ins, no hostage situation, barricades -- no suspects that's good news for law enforcement. >> now the men involved we'll talk about that with mr. zakala. not only do you understand the policing in this area but you understand this man. is it true that it's a good fact for the investigators and searchers that he's not known to be a guy who would be adept to these circumstances? >> yeah i would say so. the -- he's been in prison his entire life his entire adult life. so he's not known to be out and able to survive in these conditions. >> and in terms of what you know about the character and potential danger that may be motivating the situation, when he is found, what do you know? >> well, i know we are similar age. and living in the nearby town the friends of his, well, acquaintances that knew him, described him as -- he was pretty much a terrorist on the bus. he would be on the school bus terrorizing everybody. after his arrest they would come to me and tell me the story of how they knew him. and then relate that it really didn't surprise them because they could see that coming out in him all through his childhood. >> what does it mean when you know a bad guy, what does that do in terms of preparing you for what type of proliveties they may have other than you have to be careful? >> to us at fugitive hunters, they are all bad. we treat them all the same and accordingly, armed and dangerous before did they get weaponenry? what's their mindset if cornered? suicide by cop? i mean there's a lot going through an investigator's mind at this point. >> but you know you are not just dealing with the typical brood because he was able to con this woman somehow, you know he's known for someboy to be a little bit of a sweet talker an unusual combination there. >> from my understanding, he could sell you your own shoes but so could we. when it comes down to it they are brutal animals, both of them. the homicides committed were unbelievable and they need to -- we'll react accordingly and it is all up to them. hopefully they give up peacefully without incident. >> you keep teaching us about the concept of time here. now you are through five days of these guys being out there, is time starting to work against them in terms of forcing them to have to do something? >> if, in fact if they are there, we are casting a big net. the u.s. marshall says this leads out to three to four different states which i can't share, unfortunately, but questions are being asked as leads come in. it could be simple surveillance or possible q&a with a relative or known associate of one of them. so you know we are not just staying local. viewers need to know that. if they are, you know in miami or san francisco and they happen to see somebody that looks like them don't think that they are cornered somewhere in new york. you have to keep your eyes out and be diligent. >> mr. tzukala, just in case they are in this immediate area how can you tell us how active people are there, reporting unusual presence and getting in touch with the police up there, would they be good at see something, say something? >> i think they would, but in the area that i'm from where it actually occurred it happened so long ago that i don't really know if the public is in tune with what type of person he really is. it's almostbeen several years since the crime. the thought up here is it happened we know it happened but they don't know -- 20 years ago, people change. residents and -- it's not in the forefront of everybody's mind. >> right. >> i would certainly hope they would see something and call us or the media to let us know it's out there. >> that's the hope. thank you so much for the insight, mr. tzakala. the attorney for the texas police officer who resigned over the viral video that happened at a pool party is now speaking out. she says former officer eric capebolt let the emotions get the best of him when handling a group of teenagers. brian young is joining us live from mckinney, texas, with more. good morning, brian. >> reporter: good morning, allison. of course that attorney is saying that casebolt is facing death threats. that's why he and his family are in hiding at this hour. which he did step forward to offer an apology to give sort of a background of what happened with that officer during that day. apparently he faced two suicide calls, one where a man committed suicide and another where a girl said she was going to commit suicide. but this is the video that so many people have seen across the country and wanted to know exactly what he was feeling and what he would say in that apology. you never heard from him but the police chief said his actions are not that of his police department. there were several officers who did the right thing that day. we actually heard from his attorney yesterday. >> eric regrets that his department was reflected this way. he never intended to mistreat everyone but was only reacting to a situation and the challenges that it presented. >> reporter: and it was the 15-year-old's lawyer yesterday who talked about the pain she's experiencing after the fact of having that video not only being played all over but having the knee stuck in her back and being pinned to the ground. she talked about what that 15-year-old is going through at this hour. >> she's been having a hard time sleeping and a hard time eating. she's felt like she has to be stuck at home. and her legal guardian is keeping a tight watch on her. >> reporter: so obviously there's been some conversations throughout this community about what happens next. casebolt did resign but obviously people are still talking about what happened here and whether or not the officer will now face charges. >> okay ryan thank you so much for that update. all right. we can take a breath from the breaking news to say miguel ferrera is off this morning and we have annika cabrera joining us this morning, good morning. good morning. there are accusations of excessive police force but this time in orlando, florida. two officers caught on camera kicking a man repeatedly while trying to arrest him. the alleged victim is filing a complaint claiming he was battered. but orlando's police chief doesn't see it that way. >> reporter: two orlando police officers are accused of police brutality after the release of this video. an onlooker captures 30-year-old noel carter sitting on the curb kicked repeatedly and tased by police arresting him resulting in several injuries. >> he was being kicked he was being hit and he was tased while, yes, he was doing nothing. >> reporter: carter claims he was having a disagreement with his girlfriend when police approached him and beat him before he ran away. >> i was shoved, i was sprayed and i was essentially battered prior to any conveyance of what my disorderly conduct could have been. >> reporter: but police say that's not the whole thing. >> what you see in the seconds of that video is only a small piece of what happened. >> reporter: officers david cruz and charles may say carter was using physical force against his girlfriend grabbing her, refusing to let her leave. >> based on witnesses and officer reports, it is clear that carter was intoxicated, resisting officers uncooperative and attempting to flee multiple times. >> reporter: the officers say they tried to arrest him but carter fought back arguing, struggling even lunging at them as they tried to subdue him. this witness video taken outside the club shows carter running from police resisting their commands. that's when officers tased him twice and another hit him with a baton. a third video captures carter sitting down as the officers give chase. then they kick hit and wrestle him to the ground. carter denies the police account and is filing battery charges against the officers. >> you did not have to look at the totality to see the abuse that is done in the unlawful force used by the officers. >> carter was arrested on domestic battery and battery of a law enforcement officer. his attorneys plan to fight those charges. there is an internal investigation underway to determine whether excessive force was used but right now the officers are still on active duty. noel carter is going to join us live to tell his story a little bit later this hour. and i want to also say that those officers have no history of disciplinary problems and there's at least one witness statement that does back up the officers' claims that carter fought back. >> i mean the problem is we always see the snip-its, the clips seem so compelling. it seems like we know what happened because we see it with our own eyes but they are only 30 seconds of a larger moment. but, at that moment when we see him subdued, he was on the ground and not fighting back. >> you can easily argue it the other way. it doesn't matter what happened because that gives you a moral rational for what the officers did. you know if you look at it in the isolated moment what are they supposed to do when there's the fact of resistance? they shouldn't kick the guy like a pinata. there's two of them and there are a lot of other training methods they use. they have to justify kicking the guy that way and the other stuff they did. the fact he was beating up his girlfriend may make him a bad person does not mean that you're allowed to kick him like a pinata. >> it seems when you see that moment it looks like they are angry. >> it's a he said, she said. >> they are not equal combatants. it's not you and me. >> we don't have the whole story. >> we'll talk about it more. this is the dialogue we're having. trying to encounter the advance of isis is a big topic. what do you do? president obama is authorizing the deployment of up to 450 additional u.s. military personnel. what are they going to do? train, advise and assist iraqi forces that are in the anbar province where isis controls the capital of ramadi. and they are going to promote sunni tribes, which is a problem there right now, to fight ishs cyst. a massachusetts man who joined with kurdish fighters battling isis and syria has been killed according to the state department and kurdish forces. 36-year-old thomas broomfield was killed outside of kobani. it is not clear when he died but american officials are in touch with his family. new details this morning in the d.c. mansion murder. a bloody baseball bat was recovered in the bedroom where three of the victims were found according to an affidavit just unsealed in the case. three family members and their housekeeper were found dead last month. darin wint is charged with murder and police believe he had help. authorities believe that there's a good tip to shut down the road that got the choppers out looking for the killers on the loose. and president obama sending more troops to iraq. some call this mission creed. we'll discuss. woman: for soft beautiful feet i 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(vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. the twenty-fifteen subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. . this is exactly how vietnam started. and if you don't think you're putting them in harm's way, then you're not living in the real world. >> well, that was democratic congressman charlie wrangle, one of the critics of president obama to send 450 additional u.s. troops to iraq to fight isis. the white house says the troops will train and advise iraqi forces. joining us now is the senator who served in iraq for three years. good morning, sir. >> good morning. >> do you think this scenario is fair? >> well, i don't see it how congressman rangle does at all. in fact this is a reinforcement of the training mission that i see truthfully as a good thing because it shows the iraqi government is becoming more inclusive. >> after the president sends the 450 troops to iraq the number will be up to 3,500. let me show you and the viewers how we got to this number. so the president on june 16th authorized 275 troops. a few weeks later, 300 troops. another week later, 200 troops. in september, 350 troops. a few weeks later, 475 troops. in november 1,500 troops. and now june 10th 2015 450 troops. people say this is mission creed. doesn't this look like mission creed? >> it does to the untrained eye, allison, but what i would suggest you do is let's look at what the troops were doing and let's see how the iraqi government was requesting those troops. they were for a different mission set. some were initial guidance in terms of helping with intelligence. some were contributing to humanitarian relief operations when we had this situation into our mountains. then when the iraqi government said we need desperate help in terms of training our forces and conducting more operations we put more on the basis for support. now, that line of -- that trend line that you're talking about, not only consisted of what was asked for, but it was also how they arrived. you've talking about a mobilization effect back in the united states of how do you get troops ready to go and train them up. so it is not just a creeping up but it is truly in line with what the strategy is which is to train and equip iraqi forces. >> and part of the strategy is to defeat and degrade isis. so how does sending the additional 450 troops defeat isis? >> well, let's talk about where they are going. they are going to a location right between ramadi and fallujah. what are they doing? they are training something that mr. alabadi, the new prime minister six months ago said he wanted to do. he wanted to get sunni tribes involved in a national guard for anbar. and he's been blocked by his own government in doing that. well i think the conversation between him and mr. obama over the last week or so during the g-7 conference is that hey, we really need help in overcoming the blockage of the sheia government. so i think this is a good thing. it's pressure on the iraqi government. hey, you really have to knock down these sectarian walls, be more inclusive in your establishing of an iraqi security forces. let's get the sun kneenis trained and get more equipment to them through the government not directly to the sunnis but also to the forces inase where they are going to be training with 450 guys is right smack in the middle of anbar province between those two key cities that they have to defend. >> the problem we have heard from the pentagon is that in the issue is not too few trainers too few u.s. soldiers. the problem is too few iraqi recruits willing to be trained. so how does this address that? >> yeah i'm not sure it's a willingness, allison, but what you're talking about, and i've experienced this when i was there, you have the tribal leaders saying hey, we have a thousand men to give you. we want them to be trained to fight isis but when you're talking about just three bases in iraq where they are training them the ability of getting those fighters between one place and another where isis is somewhat surrounding the areas, they are going through dangers and going through roads that are lined with ieds, they are being sniped at there are explosive devices and they are killing the men as they are going to the training centers. so when you get a base right in the middle of the sunni heartland, by the way, there are seven major tribes in anbar province. some of them have supported isis because they hated the malaki government. some have been fighting isis. so you want that training location right smack in the middle of them so you can build that national guard. it would be like the equivalent of saying, we want to build up the pennsylvania national guard, but we're going to have the training center in texas and there's going to be danger all along the way. you've got to get the training site where the sunni tribes are and that's what we are attempting to do with the 450 guys. >> general, always good to get your information. thank you. >> thank you. >> let's go over to chris. we have action in the search for two escaped inmates in new york. helicopters are circling over a neighborhood near the prison where they broke out. we have the latest for you coming up. e d sleeper, or a mouth breather. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. ♪ ♪ (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. 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374 now closed only allowing residents in and out. no one else close since last night after there was some sort of suspicious activity going along the area. some sort of suspicious sighting. that's what we are told. that's why we have this section now shut down. as a precaution last night, police are asking people who live along the affected route to stay indoors and leave their outside lights on. also to lock their doors as a precaution. this morning, the local school district has, in fact closed the schools in this particular area. again, as a precaution. yesterday you remember new york's governor asking for the public's help to be vigilant to report anything at all that might be suspicious. they have to follow-up on every lead as you know because any lead might eventually lead them to richard matt or david sweat. so again, no indication at this point. how long this section of route 374 will be closed we don't know but for now it is closed. >> jason carroll reporting from katieville new york. house republicans are setting the stage for a high-stakes vote to give president obama the fast-track trade authority he's been asking for and will bring him one step closer to completing that signature-specific trade deal. a vote could take place as early as tomorrow but democratic leaders are still planning a fight threatening to derail this legislation over procedural issues. >> well, that former mckinney police officer involved in the pool party altercation is speaking out through his attorney. she says eric casebolt let his emotions get the better of him during that pool party chaos caught on video. but she says there's much more to that day than the seven-minute video revealing that he responded to two suicide calls beforehand. but the attorney for the teenager before says that's no execution saying the officer violated the girl's civil rights. okay. so the eastern half of the u.s. has been a sweat through the first heat wave of the season. we're talking temperatures well into the 80s and 90s. how do i know? cnn meteorologist chad myers, a.k.a. the heatmeiser told me. today is not the first day to get out to run your marathon across the northeast. 90s will be the rule everywhere 10 to 12 degrees above where you should be today. philadelphia making a run at your old record which was 95. today you'll get to 92. so plus 12 plus 11 where we should be. it's in the lower 80s for new york city where it should be 78. nowhere near that for the next few days. 88 all the way through saturday. and there's your unhealthy air, a lot of ozone in the area. we call that smog. limit your outdoor activities this afternoon if you can. because it's that muggy air, that air that might get in your lungs especially if you have asthma at all. guys? back to you. >> chad are you the heatmeiser or the heat meister? >> i think i'm the heat monster. >> thank you so much. do stay with us as we continue to follow that breaking news. the search for the two inmates who escaped from the upstate new york prison. we also have another police officer accused of excessive force. the incident caught on video and police say the man was uncooperative. he says that's not the case. the man in this video is going to join us live with his side next. that will be interesting, but first a programming note. tonight the new cnn original series "the 70s" premiers at 9:00 p.m. eastern. here's a little look. ♪ >> the '70s awakened us and polarized us. >> the '70s saw terrorism. >> with bombshell after bombshell after bombshell. >> the water gate scandal broke wide open today. >> here in the 1970s i think more, more hair, more naked people more misbehavior. >> the world is getting crazy. >> the culture of evolution kind of exploded in fascinating chaos that emerged. >> because of what was going on people came home and they wanted to laugh. >> one thing was archie bunker and me. one, two, three. >> it was a period of discovery for a lot of people. >> my only defense was, it was the 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because of the video i'm going to show you right now, this is what it looks like. a police officer kicking repeatedly a man named noel carter as he sits on the curb after a confrontation with the cops outside a nightclub last week. now the police say, you're only looking at the bad part. there's a whole story here that you don't see, which is why mr. carter is actually the one who is in trouble. and he's being charged for things that he did. so let's get to the heart of it right now. we have noel carter and his attorney, patrick lawler joining us. patrick, thank you for being here. let's go back to the begin, noel and take it from the officers' perspective. is it true you came to the scene because you were beating up your girlfriend? >> no definitely not. i definitely deny that in any way. we were having a disagreement. and it was a public disagreement between two individuals. i've known this woman for some time. and we were having a public disagreement. so definitely i deny any accusation that is made in that manner. >> they are charging you with domestic battery, which is the same thing in this circumstance as hitting your girlfriend. does the woman involved say the same that you do? does she say that you were not hitting her? >> well, contrary to the reports, her statement was released yesterday. and i think if you had a chance to review the statement, chris, you can clearly see there's no mention of battery, there's no mention of assault or striking or any like that. we were having a disagreement. and unfortunately the disagreement she detailed that she wanted me to leave her alone. and maybe i should have heeded that warning at the time but there was no description in her report or her sworn statement that there was any battery or touching or any violent action in my part whatsoever. >> so one way or the other, the cops get called and what happens when they come? >> to my recollection we were separated. at that point, the situation essentially escalated. the female and i, when i was talking to her, she was not crying but when the officers did speak with her she began crying. and i have known this woman for some time and to see her cry, it did jerk an emotion in me that definitely wanted to comfort her and figure out what was going on. and that's what i wanted to do. clearly you can see in the early videos shot by the bystanders on the patio of the nightclub, my hands were raised in the air and i think you can see repeatedly me requesting just to talk to her and just saying talk to me. and around that time you can see the officer shove me in the video. which i think is just unprofessional. i mean if you're a police officer and you're saying you're attempting to arrest me if that's what you're saying why would you shove me in that manner? why are you trying to instigate me to do something that i wouldn't do that's going to be out of my character? >> their answer would be because you were drunk and you were resisting and you were running away from them when they told you to stop. and you may have come at them at one point and you're a big guy and they felt they had to use force to deal with what you were bringing their way. clear criticism? >> definitely no i don't agree with that criticism in any way. as far as being drunk, i had had a couple drinks at dinner earlier over the course of a full meal. so and classification of intoxication or drunk, no definitely not. we were attending a concert. and i think most individuals will have a drink or two at dinner before you actually attend that concert. i don't think that's out of the ordinary. so to -- their claims of intoxication and all of that i completely disagree with that. and you can see from the earlier footage i was pushed and not justified in any way. >> did you go at the officers? >> no sir. no, sir. not in any way. >> you never pushed charged, nothing like that? >> no sir. not once did i or any video account that you can see, my hands are raised in a submissive fashion. so no, i don't agree with any statement that i lunged at an officer. or in the officer's detail that i lunged at his taser gun. you can clearly see in the video once i saw the taser gun up went the opposite direction with my hands in the air. >> and you wind up sitting down on the curb and that's where the ugliness starts off. you sat down why? >> i sat down because, well, essentially the reason i ran because i was in fear of my life. i was in fear of my livelihood. it's not a situation i'm accustomed to being in. i have zero criminal history. so in dealing with police officers being tased and being almost slammed to the ground and being pushed that's not normal. and from what i have seen on the news over the last year and a half of what's going on in baltimore and ferguson all these cities where you have police brutality or excessive force, you know i see tear gas being used on the public on non-violent protests. so if i'm standing there and not being violent and being submissive and being pushed and tasered and pepper sprayed when the whole time i'm being submissive my human mechanism to survive is going to kick in. and that's why i wanted to avoid the situation and that's when i ran. so when you talk to me about sitting on the curb i knew at that moment that you know what? i had been brutalized already and had made it down the block a considerable distance. and i was running essentially for my life. but i came to my senses fortunateicallyeicallyely enough and knew it was best to sit on the curb. i am sitting on the curb and he waits for another officer to approach before he literally stops me on the head. and the other cop comes up and they continue to brutalize me at that point and literally beat me as a dog in the street. >> chris, you can see that the police try to change it. first they start with domestic violence. you're seeing the statement where the girl just said that they actually called him friend. and said -- if you look at all the reports, the initial arrest affidavit and the supplemental report and her statement, there's no issues whatsoever about any domestic violence or any type of hitting. then they try to say resist when they were very aggressive. then down to where he's sitting, until yesterday we didn't have the grainy tape on the backside of "the orlando sentinel" building where the officers come up. and their intent that's the critical thing, their intent was not to arrest. their intent was to brutalization. and they continued to stop him in the head both of them and they continued to beat him. when he sat up again, that's when the video of the second woman kicked in. and you can see them tasering him to the chest. >> what is your response to the chief saying hey, you have to know the whole story. what about the fact this guy was beating up his girlfriend? you say you don't care about the earlier analysis of the arrest why? >> no you do. you do. you do look. that's the point, the beating up let's be perfectly clear. there was no beating. there's nothing. and the chief went on there to talk about domestic violence and talked about how it leads to homicide. this is a young man who, this young lady asked him to come up from south florida to go to the concert. she bought him a ticket. they went to the concert. they had a disagreement and went outside to talk. the cop, the cop that interacted went over with them brought them over and it started to escalate the situation. he pulled his taser out, tasering him, pepper spraying him while he was on the ground. >> counselor, where are the cops there or were they called to the scene because of the altercation between your client and the young woman? >> they were doing off-duty work for the club. >> so they were already there. >> they were already there, yes, sir. >> so noel how far are you going to take this? you're suing for battery on behalf of the police that they were abusing your rights and just violent when they were supposed to be acting professionally. how far are you going to take it? >> i'm taking advice from legal counsel. i understand the ramifications of what happened that evening and definitely want to defer to my attorneys in any proceedings moving forward. i know my rights as a human being and know my rights as a u.s. citizen and definitely feel i was brutalized by the two officers. that's the statement we made yesterday under the direction of my legal counsel and that's the statement i continue to make today. all i seek is justice. as my attorney said if another citizen were to beat and kick and taser and pepper spray another citizen of this country, that individual would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. and that's all i'm asking for. is that my rights as a human being and my rights as a u.s. citizen be taken into consideration in this instance. >> noel? >> chris, i think where we are going to go is if you look at the grainy video, because what the officers look at is totality. when you look at noel sitting down initially, this grainy tape shows the totality of what happened. and if you would take in the fact that the two were officers and citizens came up to a young man sitting on the curb and proceeded to kick him and beat him and then after it stopped initially he sat up and then to kick him six times and taser him, if this video was shown to the state attorney's office and these weren't officers they would be charged already and would be charged with battery. and now you're talking about a taser, which we all know can cause death around this country. so it's a very significant situation. we want criminal charges. >> understood. understand the case you're making. noel thank you very much for coming forward and telling your side of the story. it helps in situations like this for us to understand the video better. we'll stay on this story going forward, we promise you that. allison? chris, much more ahead on the manhunt for the two escaped killers. the search now focused on an area near the prison. is law enforcement finally closing in on the fugitives? we are live at the search scene. out of 42 vehicles based on 6 different criteria, why did a panel of 11 automotive experts name the volkswagen golf motor trend's 2015 car of the year? we'll give you four good reasons. the volkswagen golf. starting at $19,295, there's an award-winning golf for everyone. before i had the shooting, burning, pins-and-needles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet... ...served my country... ...carried the weight of a family... ...and walked a daughter down the aisle. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda-approved to treat this pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new, or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, 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sometimes falling in love can play a part between prisoners and prison employees. >> it's going to be fine baby. >> i am trying not to lose my job. >> it's one of the dominant story lines in the hit show "orange is the new black." a prison guard in a romantic and sexual relationship with a female inmate that gets pregnant. >> we can figure something out. >> reporter: hundreds of consensual relationships between prisoners and prison employees are documented each year. case in point, this woman was accused of sneaking into rooms to have sex with ronald wilson a man convicted of killing two police detectives execution-style on staten island. this 2013 video of gonzalez walking from court showed her pregnant with wilson's child. >> she is 8-month-olds months pregnant and you can see she is upset. >> people find love in the strangest places and people get together in the most difficult circumstances. we live in a society where these events happen. these type of cases are unusual but they are not uncommon. >> reporter: gonzalez pleaded guilty to having an unlawful relationship and was sentenced to a year in prison. according to a study last year by the bureau of justice statistics more than half of all substantiated events of staff sexual misconduct in america's prisons and jails were committed by female staff. experts say oftentimes the guards who initiate the relationships have a psychological condition. >> this is the sexual attraction to someone who has committed a terribly outrageous act. and usually the more violent or heinous the act, the deeper the attraction. >> reporter: one notorious case includes that of bobby parker the wife of a prison warden in oklahoma. she disappeared in 1994 along with a convicted murderer named randolph dial. a decade later she was found living with him in texas. prosecutors say the two fell in love while parker insisted she was kidnapped. a jury convicted parker but she served only half of a one-year sentence. >> a female correctional officer or prison worker very often believes she's in love with the male prisoner or she's the only one who understands him or can save him or reform him or rescue him. >> reporter: even if it is consensual any sexual contact between an inmate and a prison staff member is illegal. but the data showing only half of the workers are ever prosecuted. dan simon, cnn, san francisco. we are following much more news this morning. let's get to it. good morning, everyone. welcome back to "new day." annika can bare rabrera is joining us this morning. we have a search happening five miles near the prison where the two inmates escaped on friday. >> roads are shut down and people are told to stay indoors as choppers are overhead. cnn is there at the search area of the prison and following all points in this investigation. so let's start off with jason carroll in western new york with breaking news in this search. >> reporter: this is the new search and the spot on route 374. you can see behind me they have closed off a seven-mile stretch of routes 374. i have to say we are probably about seven miles from where the prison is located. this chunk of 374 closed off since last night. that's when there was some sort of suspicious sighting that triggered all of this. once that happened new york state police asked residents who live in this affected area to stay inside to leave their outdoor lights on to leave their doors locked. as of this morning, the saranac central school district closed as a result of the ongoing search. in this particular area you remember when new york's governor told the public to be vigilant and lookout for anything that might be suspicious. but they have to follow-up on every lead as if they might be the lead that takes them to these two fugitives. that's what's happening right now. this particular section still closed. we are hearing it is at least going to be closed throughout the morning. chris? jason, thank you very much. these developments come just hours after officials were suggesting that the convicts may have fle

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