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0 with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. welcome to "new day," thursday, september 26th, 6:00 in the east. yes, of course it is. coming up, secretary of state john kerry and his iranian counterpart are meeting and it matters. why? it will be the highest level meeting between the country since the 1979 iranian revolution. what is on the table for syria and iran's nuclear problem? we'll tell you. and former president bill clinton sat down with piers morgan in a wide-ranging interview. they covered syria to the looming government shutdown, even talking about clinton's wife's, hillary clinton's presidential ambitions. a fight breaking out between the brewers and the braves, clearing the benches, really. only the first inning. save this till the end at least. >> it looked like hockey. >> we'll tell you why a home run brought both teams on to the field. that's coming up in our "bleacher report." let's begin with the perfect storm forming in our very imperfect congress right now. four days left until a government shutdown. senate leaders hoping to approve a spending bill by tomorrow that would keep washington running beyond october 1st. and also include funding for the president's health care law. when republicans scramble to find ways to stop obamacare, another bigger deadline loom, the debt ceiling must be raised in just about three week or america won't be able to pay its bills. dana bash live on capitol hill. >> reporter: you and i have seen this movie before. people out there who are fed up with congress careening from crisis to crisis won't be happy with the double whammy around the corner. it would be one thing for the government to shut down in four days. national parks would close, medical research interrupted. but then economic catastrophe may come 17 days later when the u.s. could default on its loans if congress doesn't raise the debt ceiling. the white house is warning not to use it as a bargaining chip. >> there is no negotiating over congress's responsibility to ensure we do not default. >> reporter: gop sources tell cnn that as soon as saturday, house republicans are planning to pass a bill that raises the debt ceiling but also adds several gop priorities like the keystone pipeline or tax reform or even delaying obamacare for one year. >> the real play here is going to be leading up to the debt ceiling discussion where we could get a full delay for a year, including taxes of obamacare and i think the president is ready to do that. >> reporter: fat chance say democrats. >> their strategy will fail. because the financial markets will pistol whip the republican conference into doing then what they should be doing now. and that is pay america's bills. >> reporter: but let's go back to that first deadline, the looming government shutdown. >> senator, i know you're exhausted. >> reporter: ted cruz finally sat down after his headline grabbing -- >> i do not like green eggs and ham. >> reporter: conservative celebrity making -- >> i tweeted a speech that ashton kutcher gave. >> reporter: 21 plus-hour talk-a-thon against obamacare. >> how do you feel standing there for so long? >> to be honest i feel terrific, energized that the american people had an opportunity, i hope, to engage in this debate and have their voice heard. >> reporter: but cruz only wants to fund the government if obamacare is defunded. i got an e-mail sent to conservative activists asking them to, quote, melt the phone lines to advocate for ted cruz's strategy, assuming that doesn't happen and he doesn't get enough republicans to come his way, the senate is expected to pass a bill fund the government but not defunding obamacare by friday or saturday. but that only leaves a couple of days for the house to act. wouldn't be surprised if he saw maybe a short-term stop gap measure, chris. >> thank you very much for the reporting. let's turn now from the politics to the practicalities. i know it seems like the same old down there in d.c. but they're playing with your pocketbook. cnn's global economic analyst and assistant editing manager of "time" magazine and christine romans, our own expert and anchor of "cnn's money." let's get to this problem. shutdown, who doesn't go to work if there's a shutdown. >> federal workers, tens of thousands of them and anybody who's waiting on the federal government for paperwork, right? a lot of private businesses. back in 193, 1995, you didn't have so many private contractors working for the government, main street companies. it would be thousands and thousands of people would not go to work. >> i still get paid, right? >> it depends on if you're work for the federal government or not. there may be furloughs as there were in -- >> furlough means i'm off but i'm not paid. >> anybody who works for the federal government or gets paid by the federal government is worried right now. >> but if i am vulnerable, on social security, i'm getting disability payments, medicare, i still get it if there's a shutdown? >> if that's a shutdown, that's mandatory spending, medicare, social security. there could be delays if you have staffing issues. here's what's interesting, chris. if three weeks later within we go to that debt ceiling congress doesn't raise the debt ceiling, those are in jeopardy. you could see seniors not getting a social security check, hospitals not being paid for medicare and medicaid. main street would feel that immediately, the debt ceiling. >> let's get to debt ceiling. i am thinking about buying a car or a house. do i care? >> absolutely. it could affect interest rates. they're very likely to go up. back in 1979 we had a small technical default on a few of our treasury bills. that raised interest rates by over 0.5%. that was a tiny thing, nothing like what we're facing now. we could see a hike if this goes on. >> why is it so much worse this time? >> we've never done it before. it's bad because we borrow so much money. when you look at, for example, $30 billion cash on hand is what the treasury secretary says we have. we have $58 billion of really important bills. those are just the important bills in november. how are we going to pay that? who's going to decide you're going to pay social security but not the chinese, you'll pay for highway funding and not hospitals. >> we say more debt is bad. we want to limit debt. we're saying here no more raising the debt ceiling. whien is thay en i why isn't that good? >> they're supposed to pay their bills. >> you can't not pay your credit card bill or mortgage. >> right. >> these are things we've already committed to. being back at this place again and again, this is the third year running that we've been in this same spot, it eventually degrades people's faith in america and in our reserve pricing, in the value of the dollar. you could ultimately see the value of the dollar go down. >> chance that the markets react 100%, fair statement? >> we just don't -- it's so unpredictable. it's just playing with fire. you just don't do this. you don't mess with the full faith and credit of the united states government. you just don't do that. >> you're seeing a reactin in markets. markets have been down despite the fact that the federal reserve is still pumping money into the system. one of the reasons they're doing that, they're trying to buffer if we have a beltway bombshell. >> if we wait until you feel it on the household level, we've waited too long. >> you are absolutely right. thank you. let's move now to today's historic meeting at the united nations. secretary of state john kerry and other diplomats are sitting down with a top iranian official, it's the highest level meeting involving the two countries in more than 30 years and it could mark the start of new negotiations over iran's nuclear program. nick peyton walsh is live at the u.n. with more. >> reporter: the real issue here is can iran actually deliver? we've seen a tone from hassan rouhani. on the table today and this is high level diplomacy, the permanent five members of the security council plus germany meeting with iran on the table is what kind of enrichment of uranium can iron do? many concerned it's enriching -- it's enough to be able to make a nuclear bomb in a hurry, if it wants to, what level of inspections should iran further consent to? iran's president suggesting perhaps he may want to deal within three months. whatever we see out of today's meeting, nothing has been tried like this since 2001, colin powell simply shaking the hand of his iranian counterpart. when the iranian foreign minister zarif sits down to john kerry, that's the highest level of diplomacy for 34 years between these two countries. it simply is a big deal today. back to you, chris. >> the measure will still be what comes out of it. the so-called secretary of explaining stuff explains himself. former president bill clinton sat down with cnn's piers morgan. the potential shutdown. his wife's political ambitions and the situations in iran and syria, all laid bare, kind of. take a look. >> christiane amanpour for cnn yesterday interviewed president rouhani. he admits there had been a holocaust which was nothing ahmadinejad would ever admit to. what did you make of that? >> first of all, i think it's interesting commentary on the world in which we're living that admitting that the holocaust occurred qualifies as being a moderate. i was hoping and i think the president was, that the opening of the u.n. would give them a chance to, you know, maybe even do more. i think we just have to keep working at it. and i feel the same way about the russian effort to get the syrian government to declare, disclose and hand over their chemical weapons. we'd be crazy not to take advantage of this. >> something sounds too good to be true, it usually is too good to be true. can we really believe vladimir putin with his own self-interest for russia is orchestrating this huge maneuver to remove all of assad's chemical weapons and it's just going to happen? >> we don't have to believe it. we just have to see what happens and make the most of what happens. you work for the best and prepare for the worst in this business. but i think it would be a terrible mistake not to take advantage of the opportunity. >> then you also have to have, mr. president, a functional washington. there is a sense that it has never been more dysfunctional, more divisive, more personally abusive. you and newt gingrich eventually worked it out between you. how do you get stuff done in this dysfunctional washington. >> we worked it out while he was trying to run me out of town, we were still working together. because they shut the government down twice and wished to hold on to their jobs, the republicans, they wanted to maintain majority, they believed they had to show up for work and get something done. this re-apportionment has created a climate, particularly in the house of representatives but also in some of the states where they are basically one-party states, where they believe that they don't have to get anything done. they just believe that they have to demonize the opposition and say whatever they're going to say. >> i met your wife for the first time and your daughter today, actually. she looks fantastic. she looks completely reinvigorated. seemed on fire with ideas and dymnamism. it screamed to me one thing, i'm running. can you put us all out of our misery? >> no. >> you have to keep asking at least. >> it's an interesting interview, piers morgan will come on later and we'll have more of it for you. stay tuned for that. washington navy yard shooter aaron alexis on his deadly rampage, investigators say alexis was delusional and believed that he was being controlled by electromagnetic waves. let's go live to cnn's joe johns with more on this investigation. troubling new details coming out this morning, joe. >> reporter: that's for sure, kate. we have tons of new information about what happened leading up to that horrible, bloody day last week at the washington navy yard. the picture of aaron alexis is still incomplete because it doesn't make any sense. ten days after the shooting, the fbi released the gripping silent surveillance video of aaron alexis carrying out his deadly attack. he drives into the navy yard in his rented prius. the cameras pick him up as he enters the front door of building 197, ready for a rampage that killed 12 before he was shot down. >> there are indicators that alexis was prepared to die during the attack and that he accepted death as an inevitable consequence of his actions. >> reporter: you see him carrying his bag, hidden inside, a sawed off remington 870 which he removed in the bathroom. photos also released by the fbi show he left the bag behind. 22 minutes after he drove in, surveillance picks him up roaming the hall. he readies his weapon, hunting people you see him move downstairs and make his way down another hall as people flee through a connecting hallway. we're also getting a sharper picture of what drove alexis. >> there are multiple indicators that alexis held a delusional belief that he was being control or influenced by extremely low frequency or e.l.f., elect electromagnetic waves. >> reporter: the fbi released photos of his gun and apparent reference to the electromagnetic waves on his gun. while the investigation into the mental illness continues, agents said they found writings by alexis that explained in plain language why he said he did it. >> a document retrieved from the electronic media stated, quote, ultralow frequency attack is what i've been subject to for the last three months. and to be perfectly honest, that is what has driven me to this." >> reporter: investigators don't blf he targeted specific people in his 60-minute killing spree. >> chris and kate, there has been irritation expressed by family members and one navy official that the public release of the video was insensitive. but a source said the fbi had more graphic pictures and did not release them. chris and kate. >> you can be sure of that. all right, joe, thanks so much for the update. a lot of news going on right now. let's get to michaela for the latest. making news, a just released audio message reportedly from al shabaab's leader, warning of more violence. cnn has not independently verified the audio's authenticity. in the meantime, fbi agents are there, fingerprinting, testing dna and analyzing ballistics in order to identify victims and the al shabaab attackers who died there. more than 60 people were killed in that siege. the number is expected to go up. syrian president bashar al assad says he doesn't discount the possibility of a u.s. attack even after agreeing to forfeit chemical weapons. in an interview with venezuela's state-r state-run televias. about a dozen factions including one linked to al qaeda said to have broken off. back here at home, a deadly plane accident in suburban chicago. a female passenger was killed, the pilot severely injured when a single engine plane slammed into a parking lot. it crashed into a tree, a light pole and three vehicles before bursting into flames. investigators still trying to determine exactly what caused that crash. jury deliberations in the michael jackson wrongful death case could begin as early as this afternoon. closing arguments continue this morning with rebuttal from attorneys representing the jackson family. on wednesday, the attorney for concert promoter aeg live told the jury that michael jackson died as the result of his own bad choices. aeg live claims it didn't know anything about jackson's use of propofol until after he passed away. george h.w. bush agreeing to be an official witness to a same-sex marriage last weekend in maine. they attended the wedding of two female friends in kennebunkport. those are your headlines. it is nice to see. looking well, too. >> let's move to the forecast. let's get to indra. >> is it nice to see snow already this early? i'm going to say no. >> i'm going to say yes. >> to see it, yes. to be in it, no. >> if i can snowboard in it, everything changes. >> tetons got a foot of snow already. this is so early. kate is like, yeah, bring it. even montana. yellow stone about half a foot of snow. unbelievable, this big storm in the pacific northwest caused all of this already. it is still snowing in the region. in fact we could see another 6 inches to possibly even a foot of snow, idaho, montana, pushing in through wyoming today. the big story if you're on the pacific northwest is not just that but it is cold. keep in mind to have snow this early the temperatures have to go way down and it's chilly. we're talking 15, maybe 20 degrees below average for your afternoon highs. here's where it gets tricky. east of the area, temperatures are 15, 20 degrees above average for the afternoon high. what does that mean for us? we'll start watching as that same cold front that produced that snow makes its way east. we'll see the two air masses clash. we'll be talking about thunderstorms picking up over the next several days. the east coast, 70s, perfect, it's like the west. straight from the east to the southeast, dry and beautiful. >> is it time to plan our team snowboarding trip? >> yes. >> why is there silence? >> because he has no game. >> i feel like this plan ends up with me driving and pay for most of this. >> i'll show up. >> i'll do the planning part of this. >> good idea, michaela. coming up on "new day," serious question. how much jail time do you think a teacher receives for sexually abusing a 14-year-old student? years, right? how about a month? the story gets even more shocking when you hear what the judge said. we'll tell you. safety advocates are suing the federal government, demanding rearview cameras in all new cars. why they say washington is costing people their lives. we'll have that, ahead. ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ with our new, improved peanut butter chewy bars. some kind of... this is... an alien species. reality check: a lot of 4g lte coverage maps don't really look like much at all. i see the aleutian islands. looks like a duck. it looks like... america... ish. that's a map. that's a map of the united states. check the map. verizon's 4g lte is the most reliable, and in more places than any other 4g network. trade in your old device and trade up to america's most reliable network. i've got the good one! i got verizon! that's powerful. verizon. jim, i adore the pool at your hotel.ver had to make. anna, your hotels have wondrous waffle bars. ryan, your hotels' robes are fabulous. i have twelve of them. twelve? shhhh, i'm worth it& what i'm trying to say is, it's so hard to pick just one of you, so i'm choosing all of you with a loyalty program that requires no loyalty. plus members can win a free night every day only at welcome back to "new day." this morning, a former teacher convicted of raping a 14-year-old student will walk out of a montana jail after 31 days. the short sentence sparked outrage, as did comments from the judge that seemed to partly blame the young victim. here's cnn's kyung lah. >> reporter: prison has been stacey rambolt's home for the last 31 days. he's set it walk out after having just served one month behind bars after raping his 14-year-old student. charisse was tormented by blaming and victim blaming. before the case was heard, charisse morales committed suicide. >> she's beautiful. hopefully he'll get justice. . i hope. >> reporter: justice has failed at every step says charisse's mother. not only did she lose her daughter, the judge, todd baugh handed down a short sentence saying morales looked older than her chronological age and was as much in control as the then 49-year-old rambolt. the judge who has ducked cnn's questions has since admitted the sentence may have been ill laleh. state laws mandate a two-year minimum for this crime. the sentence and the judge's comments sparked national outrage. earlier this week, petitions with the 140,000 signatures were delivered to a montana judicial watchdog panel, demanding the judge's removal and the court's, prosecutors have appealed the sentence to the state supreme court, hoping to send him back to prison. for the victim's mother, a cry for justice, a hollow search along a trail of anguish. >> does that pain ever fade? >> no. no. i think we just get used to it. so you don't cry every day. >> reporter: kyung lah, cnn, billings, montana. >> thank you, kyung for that update. coming up next on "new day," republicans are regrouping after their latest attempt to defund the president's health care law. is appearing to be headed for failure in the senate. what is their new strategy? john king is here to break it all down in this morning's political gut check. question for you. you have a rearview camera in your car? you're supposed to. it's been years since congress said all new cars need them. they said it but never passed the law. now, safety advocates say that foot dragging in washington is costing lives, we'll tell you why. from our marketing partners, the media and millions of fans on social media can be a challenge. that's why we partnered with hp to build the new nascar fan and media engagement center. hp's technology helps us turn millions of tweets, posts and stories into real-time business insights that help nascar win with our fans. you know who you are. you can part a crowd, without saying a word... if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts... well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour one on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour three. zyrtec®. love the air. claritin® doesn't start working until hour three. we raise natureraised farms® on a 100% vegetarian diet with no antibiotics ever. look for natureraised farms® chicken at your local store.

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