>> let's get the supreme court historic ruling. this morning both sides in the contentious issue are back to work. the ruling only settles some aspects of the debate and opponents are rallying to make sure same sex marriage doesn't become the law of the land. joe jones is here. where do we go from here? >> reporter: now that the supreme court has weighed in the question is what happens next? in the short term it's about how long it takes before couples start getting married in the state of california but longer term it's about what this means for the marriage equality movement. all night and even into this morning celebrations for historic ruling. while others denounce what they call the death of traditional values. emotional reactions following a pair of supreme court decisions giving the same sex marriage movement its biggest victories to date. the court striking down parts of the defense of marriage act that denies benefits to legally married same sex couples and allowing same sex marriages to resume in california. but what now? >> we will continue to fight in the states where we've won 37 times out of 40 ballot initiatives. >> reporter: one of the lawyers that led the case for same sex marriage at the supreme court says bring it on. >> in five years our goal is to have marriage equality throughout the country. >> reporter: polling shows support for same sex marriage has grown over the years. 55% of the respondents supported it. two years ago that number was 51%. four years ago it was far less. but there's still a long way to go. as of now 12 states and the district of columbia has voted to allow same sex marriage opinion 36 states expressly forbid it. battleground california has voted for it and against it but now the supreme court has declined to rule on proposition 8, clearing the way for couples to start getting married there. >> there's no doubt whatsoever the bells will ring and the marriages will begin. >> reporter: both sides in this battle have plenty of money and are highly motivated and been doing this for years. you haven't heard the last over the fight on same sex marriage. over 1,000 federal benefits were affected by the restrictions of the defense of marriage act. the administration and its officials are saying they want to move quickly to put the new ruling into effect. thank you. the rulings that hit close to home. for many americans regardless of their sexuality including the cleveland justice himself, john roberts' cousin and her partner can now get married thanks to the ruling on california's proposition 8, a cousin of the chief justice. both women spekd last night with cnn's anderson cooper. >> your cousin, dismissed on procedural grounds mean you can get married. how do you feel? >> i'm so excited. i have told everybody that i was expecting this, but it's still a shock. >> jean, you said a few months ago you know your cousin chief justice is a good man and wise enough to see where the tid of equality is. on the doma case your disappointed? >> i am. i was completely stunned by the split, but i'm sure this is just in keeping with his conservative beliefs. so, i want to take this still as a win. >> what have your conversations been with like with him over the years in terms of who you are, your relationship, have you had those conversations? >> we only see each other at family functions. it's hard to say hi john nice wedding cake i'm gay. it's not easy to have that conversation. i have come out to him. i can't say we've had these conversations back and forth about how does he feel about me being gay. >> the majority opinion in the doma case based on equal protection grounds sets the stage for another case one asking for a national right to marriage equality in all 50 states. do you believe that he could come around by the time the court might revisit the issue? >> even john has used the word sea change several times. and i do believe that the next time this comes before the court it will be two years, four years, i hope he grows to accept the sea change that he has talked about himself. president obama is in senegal this morning promoting democracy and business but looming large is south african nelson mandel gentlema who is e will. brianna? >> reporter: good morning to you chris. the president's itinerary remains the same going from senegal to south africa and then t tanzania. the white house is monitoring news of mandela's health very carefully and no doubt, they are making room for contingencies and we expect when the president heads to south africa we can see the tone of some of his events change. this morning he's on schedule meeting with the president. he'll then give a press conference with the president. and visit the supreme court of this nation before heading to gory island. his message here in africa is one about the economy but he chose senegal because it's an example of a democratic nation in africa. the president replaced an incumbent who tried to change the constitution to serve a third term. that obviously wasn't successful so president obama emphasizing rule of law and democratic principles here in senegal today. >> thank you very much for the report. as we've been watching it was a dramatic day in the george zimmerman trial. one witness taking the stand, the last person to speak with trayvon martin. 19-year-old rachel gentel was on the phone moments before he was killed. her testimony could be key for the prosecution and she faces more cross-examination again this morning. let's get a wrap up of everything we know so far. >> reporter: she came across as raw, she seemed uncoached and every word and every action could have a great impact on the outcome of this case, but given her answer to some of the questions yesterday, the question now, will this jury believe her? she's the last person to have spoken to trayvon martin on his cell phone the night he was fatally shot and killed. a key witness to the prosecution, whose testimony took various turns throughout the day. at first rachel became emotional when questioned about why she lied saying she was in the hospital and couldn't go to her friend's funeral. >> i didn't want to see the body. >> you didn't want to see the body? >> no. >> reporter: she said martin used racial slurs like the n-word to describe the man following him. >> he said the man looked creepy. >> reporter: creepy. she says she told martin to run but then the phone went dead. when she called him back she said martin told her he was still being watched then confronted. >> he said why your following me for. and i heard what are you doing around here. then i heard trayvon saying get off. >> reporter: then the tone of her testimony changed. at times having attitude afghanistan become questioned by attorney don west. >> i had told you -- you listening. >> reporter: the 19-year-old admitted she lied about her age claim took 16 at the time of the shooting because she didn't want to be questioned. she says she didn't call police to tell her account because she expected police to contact her like they do on the tv shows. then there's the issue of the audio recording, the witness made with the attorney who represents trayvon martin's family. she admitted to defense attorneys she made the recording hastily and didn't really want to do it. >> you didn't take it seriously? >> nope. >> reporter: at the end of court yesterday she seemed a bit annoyed when she learned from attorney don west she would have to return today and the questioning, kate, could take another couple of hours. >> another couple of hours. she definitely did look annoyed at times. thank you so much, george. i want to bring in cnn legal analyst sunny hostin. she's been following this trial very closely and also a former federal prosecutor. good morning, sony. >> good morning. >> a lot to talk about and what happened yesterday. i want to get your big takeaway from day three especially rachel gentel. >> i thought she was certainly credible. i thought she was believable. there was no question she was be emotional. she was raw. i don't know she appeared she was coached. i thought bottom line is she did help the prosecution. she is not the only witness, those to contradict george zimmerman's version of events, but when you look at it she's the fourth witness. so even if the jury doesn't believe one or two pieces of what she has to say, everything she is saying has been corroborated by other witnesses, and so when you look at it one context, i think that she really did pretty well for the prosecution. >> i did want to get your take there because it's been described -- her people describing she was a tough witness. she is young. it was a raw testimony. and she was difficult to hear at times which caused some issues in the courtroom. do you think the prosecution was happy with what she offered? >> you know, kate, as a prosecutor you get what you get. she was the last person to speak to trayvon martin. sure, i'm sure the prosecutor may have preferred having someone a bit more eloquent, but you get what you get. given the fact that yes she was raw, given the fact she's young, given the fact she may appear to emotional and a bit combative, she still is who she is and in relaying what she had to say i thought she was credible. >> what should we expect from further cross-examination today? as george mentioned there could be a couple more hours with rachel on the stand. >> yeah. i think we'll see fireworks in the courtroom. she isn't a shrinking violet. she will not back down from don west. this is not their first encounter. she's been deposed. i think reluctant witnesses, witnesses that don't want to be there, witnesses that are not necessarily polished, professional witnesses that don't appear that they want a book deal or anything like that, i think jurors believe them. jurors don't want to be there either. this is a difficult thing to do, get on the witness stand with all this media coverage and talk about something this difficult. i think even given the fireworks, i think that the jury will empathize with her. >> how big of a loss stoit the defense that the judge decided to allow those previous calls in the months prior to this incident, previous calls from george zimmerman to the police, how problematic is that? >> you know, i think it's very problematic for the defense. i think it's significant that the judge let the -- i knew they were coming in because they are relevant to state of mind. remember this is a second-degree murder case and you have to get into the defendant's mind. when you look at all of those repeated calls to 911 or to 311 he says over and over again, african-american, young male, they are suspicious. that tells a judge that perhaps there's some sort of pattern into what he was thinking, was he thinking that trayvon martin was suspicious simply because all of these other incidents showed that, you know, african-american males were in the neighborhood being suspicious? i think that the defense has a hurdle to get over. >> all right, sunny, we'll talk a lot more with you on this in the coming hours. stay tuned we have a lot more on the george zimmerman trial. we'll talk with nancy grace and vinnie politan and jose baez. i wonder if the defense will try to spin it he was a concerned citizen in this neighborhood. >> there's no question. i think 911 tapes, the emergency call tapes that came in yesterday are going to be the first swing of play, the prosecution thought it was for them, i thought they played just as well for the defense. you'll hear people much better saying why. zimmerman is just one story in the lineup this morning. lots of news to get to. >> good morning to the 2005 you. good morning at home. an f-16 fighter jet goes down in suburban phoenix. both pilots ejected safely. they suffered minor injuries. no word yet on what caused that crash. new this morning an american businessman being held hostage by his employees in china is now free. chip starnes said he reached an agreement with 97 of his workers. he's been trapped inside the beijing factory for six days. new developments in the search for edward snowden. the justice department responding to hong kong saying it met all legal requirements and called hong kong's request or clarification on edward snowden's full name an excuse. and someone using his screen name didn't always support openness dating back to 2009 are critical of leakers. the hits keep coming for paula deen. two more companies have parted ways. walmart will no longer carry her line and cesar's entertainment which operating paula deen themed restaurants are ending their relationship with her. in deen's first interview, she admitted she used the n-word in years ago but insists she's not a racist. >> a cool sight off the coast of san diego. thousands of dolphins swimming together at a huge mega pod. they have been spotted for several days. some folks lucky to see them in experts. dolphins are following their food to shallow water. such a cool sight. >> think if you're in that boat. >> that goes by. >> at least it's dolphin. >> as a fisherman one of the favorite mixed moments. but any fish are scrambling. >> competition for the fishermen. >> coming up, aaron hernandez held without bail in a case what police call cold-blooded murder. we're hearing for the first time from michael jackson's oldest child prince in the wrongful death suit against aeg live. what his father feared most about his come back concerts. i want to make things more secure. 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[ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. welcome back to "new day." there's a huge development in the aaron hernandez case. the patriot football star charged with first degree murder. prosecutors say he orchestrated the execution of his friend and insisted he be held without bail. cnn alina cho has the latest. what do we know? >> reporter: chris, good morning. what a difference a day makes. aaron hernandez is waking up in a single person jail cell this morning. no longer a free man. a little more than a week ago he was simply a star football player and today he stands accused of murder. stone-faced and silent, only briefly wiping his brow, aaron hernandez made his first appearance in a massachusetts courtroom wednesday, arraigned on first degree murder. >> the evidence will show the defendant had motive, means and opportunity to perpetrate the crime. he orchestrated the crime from the beginning. >> reporter: prosecutors laid out in detail what they believe happened on june 17th, in the hours before a jogger found the body of 27-year-old odin lloyd. a semi pro football player and fend of hernandez shot in an industrial park less than a mile from hernandez home. hernandez and lloyd dated sisters. surveillance video taken from hernandez owes own home security system showed the player with a firearm. that cell towers tracked his moments. text messages showed he picked up lloyd from his home. that additional surveillance video captured the car arriving and leaving the crime scene. and that shell casings found there matched shell casing found in the rental car. as for a motive -- >> two of them had gone to a club on friday night. ended up spending the whole night together and there were certain things that happened during the night that he was upset about and now didn't trust the victim. >> reporter: this photo obtained by tmz shows hernandez holding what appears to be a glock handgun in a photo he took of himself on his cell phone. it's not clear when the photo was taken or if the weapon is in any way tied to the crime. >> it is a circumstantial case, it's not a strong case. this defendant comes to court without any record. never been accused of a violent crime. >> reporter: a dramatic fall from grace who less than a year ago signed a contract extension worth as much as $40 million. the patriots have released hernandez and the nfl calls the case deeply troubling. aaron hernandez will get no special treatment at the jail behind me. in fact on the dinner menu last night. chop suey, green beans and a slice of bread. he'll be treated no better or worse than any other inmate. one other note. the nfl and the patriots have already stopped selling the aaron hernandez football jersey. in fact, we're told they have already been yanked from the shelves. >> that's the least of the deprivations he has to worry about. >> shows just how quickly things change. let's get straight over to the "weather center" on what you need know before you head out the door. >> good morning. speaking of things changing. gorgeous weekend last weekend. rain headed our way. you can see where the cold front is. not too hard to tell. you can follow the line of storms from ohio to alabama and you're talking about rain. unfortunately it's moving east. we have this warm moist heat coming from the gulf. thunderstorms. unfortunately doesn't look like they are going anywhere. heavy rain really heading to the northeast for the next several days. three to five inches of rain. heavy rain we're dealing with not just in the northeast. moderate rainfall extending down to the southeast. that's the story as we go through the weekend. not what we're looking for but it's better than the ridge of high pressure that's building in the southwest and bringing very dangerous heat to that area. a lot of record breaking temperatures will be out there, even in vegas, a lot of people spending their weekend in vegas talking about temperatures going up as high as 117 by this weekend. even hotter than that once we go to places like death valley, 120 to 130. >> if you're in the east plan indoor activities for the kids. >> raining in the east, hot in the west. we have to get to christine romans for the business news. >> i got sunshine. my forecast is sunshine on wall street. futures higher right now after a strong showing yesterday on wall street. it was the dow's 14th triple-digit move out of the last 18 sessions in june. i want has been wild. the dow closing up about 150 points yesterday the nasdaq, s&p 500 also posting significant gains. really important student loan news. a compromise could be in the works to head off an increase in student loan interest rates. those interest rates set to double in four days. today democrats are going to hold a press conference to discuss ways to keep theate from rising to 6.8%. there's indications both sides might be willing to reset rates retroactively if they can find a solution before the july 1st dead lynn. it's worth about $5,000 for students over the lifetime of their loan. >> how can the banks borrow money for free but our students, our future may have to borrow at 6% or 8%. >> these are government set loans. that's a very good points. some democrats have said we want student loan interest rates to be the very same as what banks borrow which would be interesting. >> i like how politics get involved. >> we'll see how the politi