Transcripts For CNNW Navalny 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW Navalny 20240703

>> good morning, we're rolling down here. down here. >> we're going guys? let's say i want to talk about wh touched on thiats morning and yu might hate this but i really want you to think about it. if you are killed, if this does movie behind to the russian people? >> oh come on, danil. no, no way. let i it's like you'ret making a move for the case of my death. i wo your question but please let it be another movie, movie number twon 2. let's make a trailer out of this movie and in the case i would be killed let's make a boring movie of memory. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ speaking non-english ] >> alexi navalny is stepping back into another showdown with the kremlin. >> what to do with navalny presents a conyou undrum with the kremlin. locking him up knowing it could turn him into a political martyr . al >> areex you not scared alexi? >> what is said in moscow? [ speaking non-english ] crowd: [speaking russian] alexei navalny: putin? crowd: [speaking russian] alexei navalny: putin? crowd: [speaking russian] alexei navalny: [speaking russian] reporter: unexpectedly, vladimir putin has a genuine challenger, a handsome 41-year-old lawyer alexei navalny who was chosen one of the most dangerous occupations in the world, running against the man who controls the kremlin. >against the man who controls te kremlin.speaking >> more than any other >> more than any other opposition figure in russia, alexi nax any gets ordinary protest. >> if i want to be a leader of 61 i have to do something practice at about it. supporter: [speaking russian] alexei navalny: [speaking russian] crowd: [speaking russian] alexei navalny: [speaking russian] i was banned from everything. television, banned. newspapers, blacklisted. rallies, forbidden. i realized i can do a lot on my own with the support of my wife yulia, just small group of people i can rely on, zero money, a lot of work, internet, and that's it. [speaking russian] reporter: his youngest fans have turned to tiktok, which has been crucial in spreading the word. reporter: navalny has posted hundreds of videos about his corruption investigations, and they're wildly popular. alexei navalny: [speaking russian] reporter: the kremlin hates navalny so much that they literally refuse to say his name. vladimir putin: [speaking russian] alexei navalny: [speaking russian] our office raided and they just confiscated everything, everything. they splashed a toxic liquid into my face, and my first thought was, jesus, i will be kind of monster until the end of my days. police: [speaking russian] alexei navalny: [speaking russian] as i became more and more famous guy, i was totally sure that my life became safer and safer because i'm kind of famous guy. and it will be problematic for them just to kill me. daniel roher: and boy, were you wrong. alexei navalny: yes, i was very wrong. crew: [speaking russian] alexei navalny: [speaking russian] crew: [speaking russian] alexei navalny: [speaking russian] so we went to siberia to make a nice movie about local corruption. i expected a lot of police. i expected a lot of people who tried to prevent our filming, confiscate our cameras, or just break our cameras, or try to beat us. i expected that sort of things. and i was very surprised, like, hmm, why is nobody here? why is there a kind of-- i even have this strange feeling like lack of respect. seriously? i'm here, and where is my police? the whole trip was the smoothest trip i ever had in regions. i am a slave of thursdays because on thursday, i have my online youtube show. and then weekend, i can spend with my family before another trip to another region. i was going home and then i died. reporter: passengers on his flight from siberia heard alexei navalny cry out in agony. reporter: other passengers filming just after the plane makes an emergency landing in siberia. navalny then rushed to the hospital where he was put on a ventilator. his spokeswoman, saying navalny was poisoned. reporter: his wife raced to be by his side. reporter: [speaking russian] security: [speaking russian] yulia navalny: [speaking russian] security: [speaking russian] yulia navalny: [speaking russian] security: [speaking russian] yulia navalny: [speaking russian] security: [speaking russian] yulia navalny: [speaking russian] supporter: [speaking russian] security: [speaking russian] yulia navalny: [speaking russian] security: [speaking russian] yulia navalny: [speaking russian] doctor: [speaking russian] interpreter: we've come to the conclusion that judging by the fact, there were no poisons found in his blood or other biological materials, he has a metabolic disorder, lowering of blood sugar levels to be specific. reporter: we're hearing state news agencies here that are backed by the kremlin suggesting that hallucinogenic drugs may be involved but not poisoning. reporter: [speaking russian] reporter: [speaking russian] reporter: [speaking russian] crew: [speaking russian] crew: [speaking russian] kira yarmysh: [speaking russian] reporter: [speaking russian] yulia navalny: [speaking russian] reporter: [speaking russian] angela merkel: [speaking german] reporter: this morning, an air ambulance a german charity landed. introducing new buttermilk biscuits in sweet and savory flavors. so, everyone can have their perfect biscuit. ♪ or add one on the side. get a breakfast biscuit sandwich with a side for just seven dollars for a limited time. hello patrick mahomes! hut...hut...? wait, who do you even play for? t-mobile! and i'm here to protect you from wireless companies that blitz you with phone deals that sack you with a 3-year device contract. even i could get sacked? not at t-mobile! they have plans that make upgrades work for you. they even have a plan which makes you upgrade ready every year. thanks ben! now can i do the thing? do the thing! excellent! take charge of your upgrades with our best go5g plans at t-mobile. let's have a huddle! you don't know what huddle is do you? no. the best advice i ever got was to invest with vanguard for my retirement. the second best? stay healthy enough to enjoy it. so i started preparing physically and financially. then you came along and made every mile worth it. hi mom. at vanguard you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. helping you prepare for today's longer retirement. that's the value of ownership. [it's the final game, folks. this one wins the series.] struck out with the cheap seats? important things aren't worth compromising. at farmers, we offer both quality insurance and great savings. (crowd cheers) here, take mine. (farmers mnemonic) christo grozev: the moment when i heard the news that navalny was poisoned, my first thought was, can this be the kremlin? would they be so dumb to try to kill an opposition figure, the main opposition figure? i was skeptical. i thought, hmm, maybe it's one of the many oligarchs on whose feet he has stepped. either it's a state-ordered attack, or it is somebody who is trying to assassinate opposition figures in order to appease putin. reporter: the closest anyone's come to tracing a poisoning to vladimir putin, the 2018 attack in salisbury, england. reporter: a defiant kremlin insisting again that it had nothing to do with a brazen assassination attempt of former russian spy sergei skripal. reporter: skripal was poisoned by the military grade nerve agent novichok. christo grozev: the insidiousness of novichok is that it actually starts switching off your nerve connectors in your body one by one. if it's dosed properly, it will just turn you off as a body, but then within hours, any trace of it will disappear. so it will always forever look like it was a natural death. and this is why it appears to be the preferred form of killing for people whose death will be in the public scrutiny such as navalny. there was a lot of pressure for us to start investigating. media partners in russia reached out to us and said, can you help? we looked at it and we thought there's no hope in hell. we can investigate the crime that happened in russia in the remote corners of siberia sitting here comfortably in europe. we didn't even try in the beginning. reporter: alexei navalny arrives at this hospital in berlin with his wife, yulia. a spokesperson tweeted, "the struggle for alexei's life and health is just beginning." here at the hospital, both inside and out, he'll be watched. yulia navalny: [speaking russian] dasha navalny: to have your dad, an opposition leader, being poisoned by we don't know what, we don't know how, we don't know when, and just be in a random hospital, it was just-- it was surreal. it was literally like a book. leonid volkov: [speaking russian] the doctor said charity can't say anything about his brain to which extent he will recover even if they managed to wake him up. many millions of navalny supporters were trying to figure out how to help. we, in berlin, our small team, we had to dive into actually getting things done. maria pevchikh: we all were very skeptical about investigating alexei's poisoning. as opposed to previous cases, this poisoning took place on the russian soil. so no one is going to share cctv footage with us. we're not going to have fancy videos from the airport where the poisoners fly in and out. and as much as it hurts to admit, while putin is in power, we'll never find out the truth. reporter: yulia, how is your husband this morning? yulia navalny: [speaking russian] leonid volkov: it was so crazy. like, it's putin's signature poison. yulia navalny: [speaking russian] leonid volkov: we were actually so shocked that he didn't just decided to murder him but to poison, and not just to poison, but exactly this novichok was like, really, like, leaving a signature on the crime scene. when you come to a room of a comatose patient, you start doing-- you just telling him the news, telling him his story. alexie, don't worry. you were poisoned. there was a murder attempt. putin tried to kill you with novichok. and he opened his like blue eyes wide and looked at me and said very clear-- [speaking russian] alexei navalny: come on, poisoned? i don't believe it. leonid volkov: like, he's back. this is alexei. alexei navalny: putin's supposed to be not so stupid to use this novichok. leonid volkov: his wording, his expletive, his intonation. alexei navalny: if you want to kill someone, just shoot him, jesus christ. leonid volkov: like, real alexei. alexei navalny: it's impossible to believe it. it's kind of stupid. the whole idea of poisoning with a chemical weapon, what the [bleep]? this is why this is so smart because even reasonable people, they refuse to believe, like what? come on, poisoned? seriously? angela merkel: [speaking german] at denny's, the super slam is now only $7.99. come get the biggest, crispiest, fluffiest, sweetest deal in breakfast for only $7.99. and for a limited time, try our new pumpkin pecan pancake breakfast. at denny's, it's diner time. 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and then for another $25, they would be able to sell that flight manifest to anybody who asks for it just because they'll double their income for the day. this is a whole industry. data brokers are on the dark web. you negotiate a price, and within a few minutes, they say, yeah, i can get that data for you by tomorrow. and then you have to send bitcoin. now, bellingcat can't pay for that data because it's a foundation. so i have to pay for that data myself. over the last five years of me working on data journalism, i would say i've spent $150,000. my wife has no idea about this. my wife suspects i've spent probably $2,000 or $3,000. if she knew the real quantum, she wouldn't be my wife daniel roher: but she's gonna watching the movie. christo grozev: she's not watching this movie. daniel roher: and you just outed yourself. christo grozev: i'm absolutely sure. she's not watching this movie now. alexei navalny: [speaking russian] leonid volkov: our expectation was once he is released from intensive care, he will have a desire to go to russia immediately. to our great relief, he told me, i better spend several months here. i want to go back to russia strong and fully recovered. zakhar navalny: [speaking russian] christo grozev: for the longest time, i wasn't sure what to make of navalny. i'd always wondered how much of an independent thinker he is, or is he one of the many fake opposition figure created by the kremlin? i criticized him on twitter. i mean, he was known for having flirted with the extreme right in the early days of his career. he walked side by side with some pretty nasty nationalist and racist. had he moved beyond that? had he actually become a reverse dark knight? host: [speaking russian] alexei navalny: [speaking russian] crowd: [speaking russian] alexei navalny: [speaking russian] crowd: [speaking russian] alexei navalny: [speaking russian] crowd: [speaking russian] alexei navalny: [speaking russian] crowd: [speaking russian] alexei navalny: within all my career, i've been asked the same 15 questions all the time. are you afraid? are you working for kremlin? what is your family doing? you have a responsibility for your family. when if it's foreign journalists, they're asking about nationalism and russian march, and every one of them, jesus christ just watch previous interviews. daniel roher: hold on. were there not a couple of sieg heilers at that thing? alexei navalny: sorry. daniel roher: were there not a couple of nazi guys at that march? but certainly, sieg heiler would be a different category that you would not want to associate with or march beside? alexei navalny: well, in the normal world, in the normal political system, of course, i would never be in the same political party with them, but we are creating coalition, broader coalition, to fight authoritarian regime just to achieve the situation where everyone can participate in election. daniel roher: because a lot of politicians will be uncomfortable even associating or being in the same photograph with one of these guys. alexei navalny: no. daniel roher: you're comfortable with that? alexei navalny: i'm ok with that. and i consider it's my political superpower. i can talk to everyone. anyway, well, they are citizens of russian federation. and if i want to fight putin, if i want to be a leader of a country, i cannot just ignore the huge part of it. well, there are a lot of people who call themselves nationalists. ok, let's discuss it. we live in the country when they are poisoning politicians, and killing people, and arresting people for nothing. so, of course, i'm totally fine to sit with the guy who's rally looks kind of not very good for me. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ introducing new buttermilk biscuits in sweet and savory flavors. so, everyone can have their perfect biscuit. ♪ or add one on the side. get a breakfast biscuit sandwich with a side for just seven dollars for a limited time. here's how tommy lost 30 lbs on noom weight. i'm tom. noom helped him use psychology to lose weight. the mindful aspect made me feel more conscious about what i was eating and why i was eating it. it's actually working. lose weight and make it last with noom weight. loving this pay bump on our allowance. wonder where mom and dad got the extra money? 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[speaking russian] christo grozev: the russian media didn't find anything, and german investigators didn't have the jurisdiction. so we realized there's nobody who is going to actually actively investigate this, unless we jump into this. we knew that the poison was novichok, and novichok, we had proven in the previous investigation is only manufactured in this facility called the signal institute. the signal institute in moscow works under the guise of a r&d center that develops advanced form of sports nutrition drinks. that's the legend. yet they employ, for this work, 12 scientists whose only experience and background is in chemical weapons. our hypothesis, this is the entity that actually provides the poison for the killers who travel around the world poisoning people with novichok. so what we did is we bought, from the russian black market, the phone records for the head of the signal institute. we looked at numbers that only appear just before the poisoning of navalny, and those were suspicious. but once we have a suspicious number, you go through a number of russian apps that allow you to see how that phone number is listed in other people's phone books. so for example, i put in my number, and it will show up as "christo the journalist from bellingcat" because somebody would have put my name into their phone book and that description would have been shared into this app. first number i looked up showed up as alexei doctor from fsb. well, that was interesting, a doctor from fsb, alexei, but that was not enough. we couldn't place a real person behind this name. then i would look up if this number showed up in any car registration databases. and we found out an actual alexei alexandrov who owns a car. and this number was listed for contacting that person. so then you have a real person with a birth date. then you look up his passport file. you see his face. and you repeat that many times with the other suspicious numbers. and then you have a short list of interesting people. and these became our prime suspects. now, we knew when navalny had traveled to siberia. we had the actual passenger manifest of six different flights that had flown into novosibirsk where navalny flew from moscow on the day before, during, and after the day on which he arrived there. so we needed to see if any of those suspicious people traveled to siberia at the time of the poisoning. and we found an overlap. we found a nest of wasps. we didn't know existed. it's a domestic assassination machine on an industrial scale. i was absolutely shocked that this was so fast and the whole plot disentangled so quickly. so i just reached out via twitter and said alexei, i think we may have found who poisoned you. alexei navalny: after i went out of the hospital, i decided to move in the black forest and live in some small village. you can just walk for hours and not meet any person at all. these are my german friends, actually. little pony is my friend and donkey is yulia's friend. and this is a routine of our walk. come here, my little pony. isn't he sweet? better than your donkey. come here. yulia navalny: everybody likes this small pony. it's like usual, but donkeys-- alexei navalny: come to me. you're scaring him. go away. go away. poor guy. donkey, of course, you like me. oh, come on. this is a very evil woman. oh, come on, my mighty horse. come here. more carrots. you will grow big. they are cute, but they are not very smart. so they decided for their fence not to provide electricity. yulia navalny: don't do it. [speaking russian] alexei navalny: [speaking russian] yulia navalny: [speaking russian] alexei navalny: [speaking russian] yulia navalny: [speaking russian] alexei navalny: [speaking russian] yulia navalny: [speaking russian] alexei navalny: ah. yulia want an apple and ask me to take it, but it's germany, so it's someone's apple. and there is a police over there. yulia navalny: i'll come there when it would be dark. alexei navalny: and no police. so you're a russian criminal who arrived to germany. yulia navalny: no, it's like it's ok. it belongs to-- i don't know alexei navalny: how do you know? how do you know that it belongs to village? yulia navalny: because it's open place. there's no anything which-- alexei navalny: this is a very russian style of thinking about property. like, it's belong to everyone because it's an open place. just come and get it. maria pevchikh: the story of this guy who lives in vienna but is bulgarian but works in russia, and he has a lot of his own money, and he spends them on investigation russian crimes. he just sounded too suspicious, too good to be true, too capable. he sounded a bit made up. daniel roher: are you confident that he is not an mi6 or cia? maria pevchikh: i'm pretty confident. i wouldn't say that rule it out, but i'm pretty confident that he's not. alexei navalny: i was suspicious about this guy from twitter. i just saw his old laptop and all these tables with data. it turns out-- and i was very surprised-- that the whole thing about bellingcat is just one smart guy, no cia involved, no mi6. he's just a nice and very kind bulgarian nerd with a laptop. [it's the final game, folks. this one wins the series.] struck out with the cheap seats? important things aren't worth compromising. at farmers, we offer both quality insurance and great savings. (crowd cheers) here, take mine. (farmers mnemonic) introducing new buttermilk biscuits in sweet and savory flavors. so, everyone can have their perfect biscuit. ♪ or add one on the side. get a breakfast biscuit sandwich with a side for just seven dollars for a limited time. christo grozev: when we discovered this clandestine operation, it was so shocking that even to us it looked unbelievable. i mean, come on, the government is paying a whole team of 20-plus people whose only job is to poison other russians? that sounds improbable. so we needed other journalists to look at it. i would like to share the limelight with some local media, so that it is validated by more than just us. so cnn and spiegel are fine with you? alexei navalny: yeah, yeah, absolutely. maria pevchikh: that means that we need to film exactly like a week from now, maybe like-- alexei navalny: yeah. [speaking russian] christo grozev: we had a nightmare trying to get everybody to stick to the same time. it's all time for simultaneous release. all the media channels are going to drop the bombshell simultaneously. tim lister: there's a huge debate as to whether this was intended to incapacitate or kill. expert: incapacitate or kill? i would say kill, 100% kill. tim lister: if for example navalny had laundry returned to him while he was staying at the tomsk hotel the afternoon before he left, would that be a point of access? expert: that's definitely a possibility. the question is, how well you can dose the agent that way? you put, let's say, 10 times the deadly dose on the clothing. you must be sure, however, that at least one lethal dose gets into the body. yulia navalny: [speaking russian] christo grozev: tomorrow, i will set up a phone with fake id. alexei navalny: so if we can call them through this number, we can try to be someone else. we can try to prank them. yulia navalny: yes, of course. crew: navalny will call personally his poisoners one by one. and we will record this. alexei navalny: hi, this is navalny. you may remember me from trying to kill me. [speaking russian] reporter: [speaking russian] alexei navalny: [speaking russian] man: i say, great to see you. man: hi. man: thanks very much for coming. man: hello. interviewer: is it your contention that vladimir putin must have been aware of this? alexei navalny: of course. 100%. it could have not happened without-- [non-english speech] who's the most stupid? man: most stupid of them? alexei nevalny: yeah. man: well, definitely these are spetsnaz guys with no real training. alexei nevalny: i think it makes sense to try to prank stupid guys and maybe these non-military guy. interviewer: when you were a kid, did you have any political awareness? was this a political family? did your family talk about politics? alexei nevalny: yes. my family talks about politics all the time, and it was a very-- they start to talk much more after the chernobyl disaster, because actually, my father and his family, they are from chernobyl, from the small village two kilometers away. so i would say 10 kilometers away from the nuclear station. everyone knows that it was an explosion of the nuclear station, but news keeping silence. and so all these nuclear and radioactive dust was on these fields. and they were forced to go to plant potatoes just to prevent rumors just to explain population that everything is fine. everything is ok. go and work to the fields. and with the first appearance of putin on the screen, i just felt it. i have this same feeling like i'm watching tv and i'm watching political leader. and he's looking in my eyes and lying to me. [soft music playing] this is the biggest challenge for me. i try to practice juggling. interviewer: for how long? alexei nevalny: about a month. and because of coordination and balancing, because you need some balance here. it's-- i'm very bad in it. fidelius schmid: i think he wants to make sure this hits home in russian media, and he thinks that's based on if he does it. alexei nevalny: one more time. fidelius schmid: so we're not being journalists reporting about some politician, but we're reporting about a politician who has his own youtube show with over 30 million followers and who considers himself half a journalist. alexei nevalny: yeah, baby. ah. yeah. actually, the first time. you're lucky. fidelius schmid: that's a very unusual situation, and it doesn't make things easier. dasha navalny: mom, is this yours? no, you have your water. alexei nevalny: hold my beer while i'm making a tiktok. no, no, no, no. just this second one, you're just filming me with the whole scheme. and i'm asking, how bizarre? dasha navalny: ok. [omc, "how bizarre"] how bizarre. alexei nevalny: stop. again. [omc, "how bizarre"] how bizarre. you should remove the second one. dasha navalny: oh, we can do that? alexei nevalny: yes. of course. this is a beauty of-- dasha navalny: i don't know how to-- i don't know how to do that. alexei nevalny: who's 19? dasha navalny: you apparently. [omc, "how bizarre"] smile from the past. elephants and acrobats, lions, snakes, monkeys. pele speaks, "righteous." sister zina says, "funky." how bizarre. how bizarre. how bizarre. introducing new buttermilk biscuits in sweet and savory flavors. so, everyone can have their perfect biscuit. ♪ or add one on the side. get a breakfast biscuit sandwich with a side for just seven dollars for a limited time. i just found the biggest weight loss hack for ya'll! ♪ the truth is there is no quick fix... ...but there is a more effective way to lose weight and it isn't what you think. it's actually noom. it's two times more effective than doing it on your own. get started right now by taking the noom quiz. you won't. it's ripe in here. my eyes are watering. look how crusty this is. ugh, it's just too much. not with this. good advice. when stains and odors pile up, it's got to be tide. ♪ you were always so dedicated... ♪ we worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and our retirement. but we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for... it was always for you. seeing you carry on our legacy— i'm so proud. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. setting up the future for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. alexei nevalny: hello. now, i'm totally feel like i'm an undercover agent with the wired up. woman: are you not nervous? alexei nevalny: sorry? woman: are you nervous? alexei nevalny: no. woman: please. come on. you're a little bit. [phone ringing] vladimir alexandrovich (on phone): hello. alexei nevalny: vladimir alexandrovich. vladimir alexandrovich (on phone): hello. alexei nevalny: vladimir alexandrovich. [speaking russian] man: hung up. oh, my god. you ruined their day. alexei nevalny: not just the day, i guess. [laughs] [phone ringing] alexey alexandrovich (on phone): hello. alexei nevalny: hello, alexey alexandrovich. alexey alexandrovich (on phone): [russian] alexei nevalny: [speaking russian] alexey alexandrovich. [speaking russian] (whispering) alexei nevalny: (russian) man: hung up. woman: maybe try the prank way. alexei nevalny: ok. kudryavstev is not interesting. [phone ringing] konstanin kudryavstev (on phone): [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] konstanin kudryavstev (on phone): [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] konstanin kudryavstev (on phone): [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] konstanin kudryavstev (on phone): [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] konstanin kudryavstev (on phone): [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] konstanin kudryavstev (on phone): [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] konstanin kudryavstev (on phone): [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] konstanin kudryavstev (on phone): [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] konstanin kudryavstev (on phone): [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] konstanin kudryavstev (on phone): [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] konstanin kudryavstev (on phone): [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] konstanin kudryavstev (on phone): [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] konstanin kudryavstev (on phone): [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] konstanin kudryavstev (on phone): [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] konstanin kudryavstev (on phone): [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] konstanin kudryavstev (on phone): [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] konstanin kudryavstev (on phone): [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] konstanin kudryavstev (on phone): [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] now we got everything, yes. man: how could you do this? alexey navalny: yes! he spilled the whole story. man: whole story. this is unbelievable! alexey navalny: poor guy. man: poor guy. alexey navalny: they will kill him. literally! woman: poor kudryavtsev. man: poor kudryavtsev. alexey navalny: yes, he's dead man. man: let's offer him to defect. let's arrange for him the whole thing. woman: seriously. man: because i think that's a humanitarian thing to do. ok, well, spiegel have been begging me to call them since the morning. can i tell them this already, confidentially? alexey navalny: well, let's just decide, are we going to publish this conversation? because i think we should wait for-- woman: putin's press conference at the very least. alexey navalny: sorry? woman: till putin's press conference at the very least. man: press conference, yes. it is on thursday, or-- alexey navalny: wednesday, or- woman: thursday. man: yes. alexey navalny: thursday. man: the 17th. [speaking russian] [sighs] [tense music] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] woman: [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] man: [speaking russian] alexei nevalny: krista, before pushing this button, i want to say, that was amazing job. thank you, everyone, for your contribution, guys. [ringing] woman: yeah. alexei nevalny: yeah. high five. man: high five. alexey navalny: ok. good. good, good, good, good, good. let's go. reporter: now, an exclusive investigation can reveal a top secret mission. reporter: an elite team of operatives has been tracking navalny's every move for more than three years. alexei nevalny: [speaking russian] oh, thank you very much. it's an honor for me to be in such a big television of spain. and i'm very pleased that you are paying attention to this situation. so thank you very much. this scheme, which looks like it's from the movies, but in this particular case, it's a real scheme with real people, putin on the very top. narrator: in mid-august, navalny and his team travel to siberia. at least five members of the fsb unit make the same journey on different flights. man: well, they can't be telling him now, but, of course, i'm sure they're trying to. thank you. thank you very much. narrator: back in tomsk, there was a surge in communications among the fsb unit and their bosses. if it was expected that navalny would die on the flight, they were now scrambling to deal with a very different situation. we enter a rundown apartment building on the outskirts of moscow, where operative oleg tayakin lives. clarissa ward: [speaking russian] my name is clarissa ward. i work for cnn. can i ask you a couple of questions? [speaking russian] was it your team that poisoned navalny? so you've said that you want to go back to russia. you're aware of the risks of going back? alexey navalny: definitely. reporter: why do you want to go back? alexey navalny: i don't want these groups of killers exist in russia. i don't want putin being president. i don't want him being czar of russia. i want to go back and try to change it. that was a fantastic piece. woman: yeah. woman: [speaking russian] alexei navalny: for dream team. man: absolutely. man: cheers. woman: cheers. man: [speaking russian] man: [speaking russian] man: [speaking russian] alexei navalny: he opens his mouth with american songs. man: with american songs on tiktok. alexei navalny: by the way, [speaking russian] man: they're talking about this all the time. yes, they're talking about you. alexei nevalny: in their version is, ha, ha, ha, this is very funny. man: but the main point is they have a big problem. otherwise, they would not launch it. alexei nevalny: right, right, right. because, well, it's first channel. man: they allow the state number one channel that has never mentioned his name to only talk about him now. alexei nevalny: yes, you're absolutely right. this is the main point. it's not affordable for them to keep silence. introducing new buttermilk biscuits in sweet and savory flavors. so, everyone can have their perfect biscuit. ♪ or add one on the side. get a breakfast biscuit sandwich with a side for just seven dollars for a limited time. each day is a unique blend of going, doing, and living. glucerna protein smart with 30 grams of protein to help keep you moving. uniquely designed with carbsteady to help manage blood sugar response. glucerna, bring on the day. but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce. it's the sheet. at denny's, the super slam is now only $7.99. come get the biggest, crispiest, fluffiest, sweetest deal in breakfast for only $7.99. and for a limited time, try our new pumpkin pecan pancake breakfast. at denny's, it's diner time. [downbeat music] dasha navalny: [speaking russian] alexei nevalny: [speaking russian] dasha navalny: ready for a 12-hour flight. we have to sit down for good luck. alexey navalny: [speaking russian] dasha navalny: [speaking russian] starting from 13 years old, i would think about, what would i do if my dad was killed? we never had, like, the talk. you know it's not-- it's not anything that you can sit at the table and discuss. alexey navalny: so it's nice opportunity for you to see the snow, so much snow, before you go to la, right? dasha navalny: there is snow in california. there was a point a year ago where my dad was almost not there for my high school graduation. he was in jail once again. and like the whole day, i was just thinking about how my dad would have been-- i'm sorry, my dad would have been proud to see me walk on the stage and get my certificate. and he wouldn't get that option because he was in jail for doing the right thing. i know that my dad misses russia, even though it's scary to go back. and if he didn't go back, i would say, you need to go back and fight. it's something worth fighting for. [speaking russian] [tense music] reporter: [speaking russian] [camera shutters clacking] vladimir putin: [speaking russian] reporter: [speaking russian] reporter: [speaking russian] vladimir putin: [speaking russian] alexei nevalny: favorite, favorite ultimate answer for everything-- it's cia. vladimir putin: [speaking russian] alexey navalny: great. great, great, great. this is just amazing pass to us. now we have a ball because he said like, well, if we want to poison him, of course, we would have poisoned him. so kudryavtsev just will just-- we will-- i mean, the whole argumentation, we will smash it. [speaking russian] man: [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] woman: i'm just very curious how people will react to it, whether they will be as astonished as we are. hopefully, they will be. it's nothing like that's ever happened to anyone. [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] well, it's totally unbelievable. i would never believe it if i wasn't part of it. 300-- [speaking russian]. woman: [speaking russian] alexey navalny: 300,000 views for 20 minutes. man: [speaking russian] woman: [speaking russian] man: [speaking russian] alexey navalny: one hour later, 1 million views. yurick? maria? cool. reporter: the poisoning of russian dissident alexey navalny has taken an even more bizarre turn. reporter: if this was a hollywood movie, you would say it was over the top. but this is not; this is real. reporter: and boy, does this conversation punch a giant hole in the kremlin's narrative. reporter: surely, this is hugely embarrassing for the kremlin and for the fsb. reporter: oh, absolutely. it's embarrassing for mr. kudryavtsev. it's embarrassing for the fsb. it's embarrassing for the kremlin. reporter: the fsb has said that the video of the conversation posted on navalny's youtube channel was fake and that the phone call was a provocation aimed at discrediting the agency. reporter: navalny is suffering from delusions of persecution. otherwise, there's a freudian fixation on his own crotch area. this is probably how all this should be treated. man: [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] man: [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] man: [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] [it's the final game, folks. this one wins the series.] struck out with the cheap seats? important things aren't worth compromising. at farmers, we offer both quality insurance and great savings. (crowd cheers) here, take mine. (farmers mnemonic) introducing new buttermilk biscuits in sweet and savory flavors. so, everyone can have their perfect biscuit. ♪ or add one on the side. get a breakfast biscuit sandwich with a side for just seven dollars for a limited time. i'm gonna walk you through everything i eat in a day. not today, sis. unless you plan on orbiting earth, you don't need to eat powder for every meal. with noom you can still enjoy your favorite food and reach your goal weight. get started with noom, today. (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. >> tech: cracked windshield on your new car? bring it to safelite. my customer was enjoying her new car, when her windshield cracked. 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[soft rhythmic electronic music] [speaking russian] [energetic rhythmic electronic music] man: [speaking russian] alexey navalny: i apologize. i'm sorry for the record that just five minutes ago, i told daniel to get the [bleep] out of here with his camera. so like i apologize for that, because, well, it's everything is like, everything is happening in the last 10 minutes, and i have to make like a millions of emails. and let me have a seat. marie, have a seat. just you make me nervous because you're standing on your own, sorry. [speaking russian] woman: [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [laughs] woman: [speaking russian] man: [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] sorry, i have to sit. it■s a russian superstition, but it■s important. [speaking russian] man: [speaking russian] [downbeat music] [jet engines spooling] [jet whining] man: [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] woman: [speaking russian] man: [speaking russian] official: [speaking russian] man: [speaking russian] woman: [speaking russian] captain: [speaking russian] tv: try tide power pods with 85% more tide in every pod. who needs that much more tide? (crashing sounds) everyone's gonna need more tide. it's a mess out there. that's why there's 85% more tide in every power pod. -see? -baby: ah. ♪ oh what a good time we will have ♪ ♪ you can make it happen ♪ ♪ yeah oh ♪ now, try new dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints. with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! uuuhhhh... here, i'll take that! woohoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. enter the $10,000 powered by protein max challenge. ♪ ♪ introducing new buttermilk biscuits in sweet and savory flavors. so, everyone can have their perfect biscuit. ♪ or add one on the side. get a breakfast biscuit sandwich with a side for just seven dollars for a limited time. man: [speaking russian] woman: [speaking russian] woman: [speaking russian] man: [speaking russian] man: [speaking russian] woman: [speaking russian] man: [speaking russian] woman: [screams] [speaking russian] man: [speaking russian] man: the anti-riot police just started arresting everybody, including journalists, live on the air. this is crazy. jesus, jesus. i've never seen anything like this. [screaming] man: there's no way they're not going to arrest him. woman: i don■t think they will let him come close to the front. man: i think they're going to yank him away before anybody else is let off the plane. crew: [speaking russian] man: [speaking russian] woman: this is the plane, and this is moscow. and this is the plane, and this is moscow. man: [speaking russian] captain: [speaking russian] thank you for your cooperation. alexey navalny: [speaking russian] [laughter] [speaking russian] man: [speaking russian] it's a hot potato, really. woman: they realized that it's not possible to control the crowds, and they chickened out. [chanting in russian] [shouting, horns honking] [chatter] crew: [speaking russian] man: [speaking russian] woman: [speaking russian] woman: [speaking russian] [camera shutters clacking] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] man: [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] woman: [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] woman: [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] julian's about to learn that free food is a personal eating trigger. no, it isn't. (sigh) yes, it is. and that's just a bit of psychology julian learned from noom weight. sign up now at each day is a unique blend of going, doing, and living. glucerna protein smart with 30 grams of protein to help keep you moving. uniquely designed with carbsteady to help manage blood sugar response. glucerna, bring on the day. introducing new buttermilk biscuits in sweet and savory flavors. so, everyone can have their perfect biscuit. ♪ or add one on the side. get a breakfast biscuit sandwich with a side for just seven dollars for a limited time. may lead to severe vision loss and if you're taking a multi-vitamin alone, you may be missing a critical piece... preservision. preservision areds 2 contains the only clinically proven nutrient formula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. preservision is backed by 20 years of clinical studies. so ask your doctor about adding preservision and fill in a missing piece of your plan. like i did with preservision. now with ocusorb better absorbing nutrients. [chatter] man: [speaking russian] alexey navalny: [speaking russian] woman: [speaking russian] man: [speaking russian] woman: [speaking russian] man: [speaking russian] man: [speaking russian] man: [speaking russian] [downbeat rhythmic music] woman: [speaking russian] man: [speaking russian] woman: [speaking russian] [chanting in russian] [cheering and chanting] yulia navalny: [speaking russian] woman: [speaking russian] man: [speaking russian] man: yulia! yulia! [chanting in russian, applause] [cheering] [screaming] man: [speaking russian] yulia navalny: [speaking russian] dasha navalny: [speaking russian] yulia navalny: [laughs] [it's the final game, folks. this one wins the series.] struck out with the cheap seats? important things aren't worth compromising. at farmers, we offer both quality insurance and great savings. (crowd cheers) here, take mine. (farmers mnemonic) introducing new buttermilk biscuits in sweet and savory flavors. so, everyone can have their perfect biscuit. ♪ or add one on the side. get a breakfast biscuit sandwich with a side for just seven dollars for a limited time. hello patrick mahomes! hut...hut...? wait, who do you even play for? t-mobile! and i'm here to protect you from wireless companies that blitz you with phone deals that sack you with a 3-year device contract. even i could get sacked? not at t-mobile! they have plans that make upgrades work for you. they even have a plan which makes you upgrade ready every year. thanks ben! now can i do the thing? do the thing! excellent! take charge of your upgrades with our best go5g plans at t-mobile. let's have a huddle! you don't know what huddle is do you? no. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch, it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. [downbeat music] alexey navalny: [shouting in russian] [crowd chanting in russian] interviewer: alexey, if you are arrested and thrown in prison, or the unthinkable happens and you're killed, what message do you leave behind to the russian people? alexey navalny: my message for the situation when i'm killed is very simple-- not give up. interviewer: do me a favor. answer this one in russian. alexey navalny: [speaking russian] [energetic electronic music] ladies, let's go. i'm hungry! ■ ■ i am josé andrés. spain is the land where my passion for cooking began. and now i'm taking my daughters... wow! ummmm! that is pure crunch. take a look at this! taste the food... oh, my god! it■s unbelievable! ...that made me who i am. ■ ■ this is tradition. dad, where are we heading next? josé andrés and family in spain premieres next sunday at nine on cnn. hello and welcome to all of

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Background , Experience , Hypothesis , Travel Around The World , Navalny , National Eye Institute , Phone Records , Head , Black Market , Number , Phone Number , Phone Books , Example , Apps , Fsb , Phone Book , App , Christo The Journalist From Bellingcat , Description , Alexei Doctor , Alexei Alexandrov , Car Registration Databases , Times , Car , Passport File , Flights , Passenger Manifest , Novosibirsk , List , Suspects , Six , Overlap , Nest , Wasps , Assassination Machine , Scale , Plot , Village , Friends , Black Forest , Donkey , Friend , Isn T , Pony , Routine , Walk , My Little Pony , Everybody , Donkeys , Come To Me , Poor Kudryavtsev , Carrots , My Mighty Horse , Big , Electricity , Fence , Apple , Germany , Criminal , Thinking , Style , Property , Vienna , Crimes , Cia , Wouldn T , Mi6 , Guy , Laptop , Tables , Nerd , Bulgarian , Operation , Job , Russians , Limelight , Government , 20 , Spiegel , Cnn , Nightmare , Tim Lister , Kill , Expert , Channels , Release , Bombshell , Debate , Incapacitate , Point , Laundry , Agent , Access , Hotel , Possibility , Tomsk , Dose , Clothing , Let S Say , Kid , Someone Else , Yes , Poisoners , One By , Interviewer , Thanks , Contention , Speech , Alexei Nevalny , Training , Sense , Politics , Family Talk , Awareness , Talks , Father , Chernobyl Disaster , Station , News Keeping Silence , Explosion , Two , Fields , Potatoes , Dust , Population , Fine , Rumors , Appearance , In My Eyes , Tv , Challenge , Balancing , Juggling , Coordination , Balance , Fidelius Schmid , One More Time , Russian Media , Hits , Politician , Baby , Reporting , Journalist , Followers , 30 Million , Dasha Navalny , Time , Doesn T , Yours , Water , Scheme , Beer , Omc , How Bizarre , I Don T , Stop , Beauty , 19 , Smile , Lions , Elephants , Monkeys , Acrobats , Snakes , Sister Zina , Pele , Funky , Fix , Weight Loss Hack , Noom Quiz , Watering , Ugh , Shop , Stains , Odors , College , Tide , Advisor , Legacy , Hard Work , Vanguard , Ones , Hello , Vladimir Alexandrovich , Phone Ringing , Hung Up , Alexey Alexandrovich , God , Whispering , Kudryavstev , Prank Way , Konstanin Kudryavstev , Dead Man , Poor Guy , Confidentially , Woman , Conversation , Press Conference , 17th , 17 , Button , Krista , Contribution , Ringing , High Five , Good , Let S Go , Tracking Navalny , Elite Team , Operatives , Move , Top Secret Mission , Spain , Attention , The Movies , Honor , Members , Narrator , Journey , Fsb Unit , Mid August , Communications , Back , Unit , Surge , Bosses , Apartment Building , Clarissa Ward , Oleg Tayakin , Outskirts Of Moscow , Team , President , Groups , Risks , Piece , Czar , Mouth , Songs , The Way , American Songs On Tiktok , Channel , Number One , State , Ha , Version , First Channel , Silence , Blend , Doing , Living , Going , Glucerna Protein , Help , Blood Sugar Response , Hair , Bounce , Bounce Pet , Hair Off , Sheet , Downbeat Music , Luck , 13 , Opportunity , Talk , Table , Snow , High School Graduation , La , California , Jail , Certificate , Stage , Option , Didn T Go Back , Something Worth Fighting , Speaking Russian , Camera Shutters Clacking , Answer , Favorite , Ball , Argumentation , Anyone , Wasn T , 300 , Views , 300000 , Yurick , 1 Million , Narrative , Top , Hollywood Movie , Dissident , Turn , Whole , Video , Youtube Channel , Mr , Persecution , Provocation , Delusions , Crotch Area , The Agency , Freudian Fixation , Food , Powder , Meal , Isis , Orbiting Earth , Goal Weight , Scent , Allergies , Psst , Ahhh , Flonase , Spray Flonase Sensimist , Gentle Mist , Customer , Tech Vo , Allergy Headache , Dealer , Windshield , Pills , Gasp , Safelite , Tech , Technology , Replacements , Anyone Else , Vehicles , Recalibrations , Pop Music Singers , Tech Don T Wait , Safelite Repair , Devie Duckduckgo , Blocks Cooi , Engine , Pi , Fo , Searchs , Google , Doesn T Spy , Chrome , Built N , Ads , Companie , Privacy , Catch , Fre , Devices , Duckduckgo , President Putin , Task , Circle , Fair Election , Human Rights , Freedom Of Speech , Big Pie , Tax Money , Communities , Electronic Music , Camera , Record , Seat , Emails , Marie , Laughs , Sa Russian Superstition , Sit , Jet Engines Spooling , Jet Whining , Official , Captain , Pod , Tide Power Pods , Crashing Sounds , 85 , Mess , Power Pod , Supplements , Voltaren , Joints , Sugar , Protein Max Challenge , Uuuhhhh , 10000 , 1 , 0000 , Screams , Screaming , Front , Is Moscow , Cooperation , Laughter , Potato , Chanting , Crowds , Shouting , Horns Honking , Chatter , Julian , Eating Trigger , Psychology Julian , Noom Com , Preservision , Multi Vitamin , Vision Loss , Preservision Areds 2 , Nutrient Formula , Risk , Moderate , Progression , Studies , Nutrients , Ocusorb , Downbeat Rhythmic , Cheering , Applause , Crowd Chanting , Prison , Message , Unthinkable , Me A Favor , Ladies , Land , Passion , Unbelievable , Crunch , Daughters , Look , Cooking , JosÉ AndrÉs , Ummmm , Tradition , Nine ,

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