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But mere hours later, the president went completely off the intel script at a rally in pennsylvania. In helsinki, i had a great meeting with putin. We discussed everything. I had a great meeting. [ cheers and applause ] we got along really well. By the way, thats a good thing, not a bad thing. Thats a really good thing. Now, were being hindered by the russian hoax. Its a hoax, okay. Ill tell you what, russias News, analysis and interviews with politicians and observers. Realizes, finds the i. D. , recognized the Name Pappas Thanks to the efforts of the media who have been great partners in getting out this information and on social media in terms of twitter and everything else. He notices its suspect pappas. He calls back and says, this is mr. Pappas. I found his wallet and i. D. At 9 34, units finally, when we got a better location, arrived in the area. A solo officer patrol unit at 9 35 gets even a better address right over here behind us, where you all can see those police cars. One of our officers spots the suspect. The officer recognizes him, gets out of his police car, and at gunpoint starts ordering mr. Pappas, starts giving commands. Suspect pappas had his left hand up and had his right hand secreted where the officer could not see his hand. The city of houston and the texas medical center. Im thankful that we in this instance, the Community Came forward. The community was our absolute greatest force multiplier. Obviously our detective, our Patrol Officers did not rest. Our Command Staff did not rest until we had this suspect in custody. Im very thankful that this suspect, although he committed suicide, you normally dont put on a Bullet Proof Vest when youre thinking about suicide. When you start thinking about just based on my experience, an opinion, a hunch but i thank god that Second Officer got there when he got there because the suspect was not complying with the commands or the officer kept his strong hand with the weapon in it secreted where the officer couldnt see it. It wasnt until he saw that Second Officer. Im convinced that had we not had that Second Officer arrive from a different angle, we might have had a shootout here. I just thank god. I also thank god our witness who works for the parks board, i really believe when he was doing this and stopped, hes trying to get him to come up. We talked about his skills, talked about the fact hes a good marksman and actually had a holster secreted in his clothing that we found. So a very dangerous person. The other thing i want to say is well conduct an investigation into this shooting like we do any other shooting. The investigation will continue. This morning weve heard reports that some Media Outlets are putting out there was a hit list by this suspect. Let me just address that quickly. When our officers, our investigators conducted the Search Warrant On Sunday Night into Monday Morning excuse me, tuesday into wednesday at the suspects residence, they found a very extensive Intelligence File that this suspect had put together on dr. Hausknecht. He knew everything there was to know. Inside that Intelligence File, we found one sheet with some of dr. Hausknechts information. Contained within that sheet was probably, you know, a couple dozen names of potential doctors and other employees of the texas medical center. When we determined that those were potential employees at the texas medical center, we actually passed that information on to the medical center, and they dealt with it to make sure that notifications were being made as they identified those employees. Again, this has been the culmination of a lot of great work by the men and women on the Houston Police department. A lot of outstanding leadership by the men and women you see here behind me that have not slept. And obviously by our detectives that have not slept. Lastly, i think this case illustrates that with the cooperation and with the engagement between local Law Enforcement and the communities we serve, this is what we get. We get resolution. We get it quickly. And we get it before theres another loss of life. With that, ill open it up to any questions. Chief, do we know how pappas has been getting around . Thatll be part of our well go straight to cnns ed lavandera for more. Ed, talk about the extent of it manhunt. Reporter well, it has been rather intense throughout, really concentrated in the city of houston. Police, as you heard the police chief there talking about, had found his car inside his home, and they suspected that Joseph Pappas left his home earlier this week on this tenspeed schwinn bicycle, the same bicycle hes suspected of having ridn to carry out t ridden to carry out the attack and killing of mark hausknecht. Really, the search for this suspect has been concentrated in the houston area simply because he was believed to have left on his bicycle. So there wasnt a sense that he could have gotten terribly far. Obviously this kind of plays out to the scene because the neighborhood were at is a little over a mile away from where Joseph Pappas lived. All of this very concentrated in the southwest area of houston. Ed, thanks, and well be right back. Liberty mutual saved us almost 800 when we switched our auto and home insurance. With liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. Hey oh, thats my robe. Is it . 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His top Intelligence Officers spoke at the White House Briefing yesterday on Election Security saying it was and is a serious problem. But the president persists in blasting what he calls the russian hoax. Here with me to share their reporting and their insights, michael sheer with the new york times, ayesha rasco with npr, michael warren. Michael, you were in that Press Briefing yesterday. What do you see as the daylight between the Intel Community and the president . It appears to be gaping daylight. The thing that was striking sitting in that Briefing Room yesterday was the number of times and the kind of overwhelming way that all of the nations Law Enforcement and intelligence officials that were standing there repeatedly said what the president has refused to say, which is that russia was, is, and will be meddling in the elections. I think whats important about it is if you talk to the people charged with trying to prevent the meddling, and thats both the kind of information warfare, the facebook and the social media warfare from russia, but also the potential hacking into the infrastructure of the Voting Machines and the voter rolls and the like. If you talk to the people who want to prevent that, they can do a lot, but it requires the president of the United States lighting a fire under everybody. It requires the president s moral leadership and the bully pulpit that only the president has to both motivate the private sector in the case of facebook and the other companies, and to motivate the government to really move to do this important thing ahead of the elections in 2018 and 2020. Thats the thing that is so striking that isnt happening. His absence very much felt there yesterday when you see all those intel chiefs. And ben carden, a senator from maryland, sayis that means something, particularly for putin. What they were saying at that meeting is mr. Putin will fill a void. He thinks he can move with impunity and attack our system, hell attack our system. What President Trump did in held k sin i c helsinki and what he did yesterday calling it a hoax gives putin The Green Light to compromise our system of government. How do you think putin sees this . Well, look, theres discord and chaos coming out of the message coming out of the United States right now. Putin, thats kind of the objective if youre russia. Keep everything a little off balance. Keep everybody fighting each other. Thats what russia tried to do with the population during the election, but now its happening with the trump administration, which is a bonus really for putin. That message that ben cardin. But he doesnt do it, and congress does not have the power to push him to do it because theres no real appetite from the leadership to directly cross the president with any sort of a bill that would slap new sanctions. They dont want to rush. So youve got this people are stuck in the middle of the road. It seems very, very unlikely that anything tangible or concrete is going to change before the midterm elections. And trump says his critics have essentially got it all wrong, and he talked about this last night at that rally in pennsylvania. I got along great with putin. A couple hours later, i started hearing these reports that, you know, they wanted me to walk up. Heres a podium here. They wanted me to walk up and go like this. They wanted me to go up and have a boxing match. Whatever happened to diplomacy . Not exactly what people would have made great tv though. We cant deny that. Whats interesting also is its clear that at least some folks in the Intel Community still dont know what trump said behind the scenes with putin, let alone what he did or didnt do in front of the cameras. Right. This is the perfect example of the way trump perceives how state craft is done. Its don betwee between two lea. All the stuff the State Department or Foreign Ministry have done beforehand, all of the history that backs up all this, thats less important to the president than what happens in a room one on one. But of course, thats why we have this daylight here. Thats why we have this divide within the administration. It was a little odd at the briefing yesterday. They kept insisting, Sarah Sanders insisted this was the president s idea to have all of these people out there. Thats what makes it so confusing. I sort of wonder if all of this focus on this only makes the president sort of dig in harder because he has conflated the two ideas that Russia Meddled in the election and somehow that invalidates his own victory in the election. We dont know if any votes were changed. Its hard to quantify that. For the president , it seems to be admitting what everybody around him admits and tells him is the same as admitting hes not really supposed to be there. And it also means that the intel chief can be on one page and he can still be at his rallies talking about russia being a hoax. It was a really strong show of force to have all of those people at a briefing. Thats really unusual to have all of those security people there. But to not have President Trump backing that up, President Trump is the one whos been giving them mixed messages. It hasnt been coming from the rest of the administration. Really, until he gets out there and really starts driving that message home, theyre still going to have questions about whether this administration is really committed to Election Security. Well see if that happens over these next crucial weeks and months. Up next, prosecutors move from Paul Manaforts fancy jackets to the gaping holes he allegedly left on his tax forms. Keep it comin love. If you keep on eating, well keep it comin. All you can eat riblets and tenders at applebees. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Named park in the u. S. 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More drama in day four of Paul Manaforts trial with more testimony on trumps former campaign chairmans taxes. The prosecution is seemingly paving the way for their star witness, manaforts longtime deputy rick gates. Gates has already take an plea deal with the Special Counsel, and yesterday manaforts bookkeeper testified that in 2016 manafort was nearly broke and he lied to banks about his finances to get loans. The indictment alleges that manafort asked gates to doctor those financial documents. Weve got cnns shimon prokupecz, whos been all over this case. What have we learned so far . Another devastating day, quite honestly, for Paul Manafort. They just wrapped up a witness on the stand. Theyre now at lunch. The witness, who works at an accounting firm, said they riched out to Paul Manafort and rick gates in emails saying if Paul Manafort has any foreign accounts, we need to know. Paul manafort and rick gates both said, no, dont worry about it, there are no foreign accounts. Here again, another day of just building out this case for the prosecution, showing that manafort was trying to hide this money, was not reporting it to the irs. Really just devastating evidence. These are kind of boring witnesses. This a lot of financial documents. But this goes to the heart of the prosecutions case. So everything is leading to gates. He may or may not testify. Thats right. There was some indications it could be today, could be monday. Were half a day into this case today. We know this judge likes to go late and likes to work fast, quickly. So it could happen today or, if not, monday. And the level of detail in this case thats been laid out so far, the documents, some of the documents laying out that manafort is having these financial documents where the actual revenue is zero dollars, but what hes circulating to Bank Employees is 2. 4 million. Hell really doctoring these documents. If you were watching this trial, michael, i imagine if youre donald trump, that level of detail might make you a little nervous. Right. I think theres been a lot made about how we should connect the two investigations. The manafort case doesnt directly have anything to do with russian meddling, doesnt directly have anything to do with the Obstruction Of Justice case. But i do think youre right. When you look at the just methodical way that the Special Counsel has developed the information, developed the level of detail in these documents, and bringing witnesses to testify at just the really granular level, that if youre donald trump and youre his associates, thinking about fast forwarding in your head how a trial for you might go forward, you know, you got to be worried that mueller is not a guy, and his team, theyre not people that just make broad generalities. They get the details. Thats whats going to be problematic for the president should that ever get to that point. And i think the public part of this case as well. Almost the pr side of things. You look at the way trump and his associates and other folks have been making the argument that all of these people caught up have been treated unfairly. Michael flynn is being treated unfairly, Paul Manafort. He said earlier this week hes being treated unfairly. Well, its harder to make that case when youve got all these details that are pretty salacio salacious. The ostrich coat, jacket or whatever, all the spending going on here. Manafort is not exactly coming across here as a witness or rather as a person who you feel sympathy for. And this idea that he seems to be blaming gates. Thats essentially what their defense is. Theres some evidence that manafort was basically creating these false documents. He would send reports to gates, and gates would change them from a pdf to a Work Document and fiddle around with the profit essentially. Then allegedly show those documents to the banks. Theres a lot of finger pointing going on in general. So if youre the guy who goes on trial, youre blaming it on the little guy. But the little guy is cooperating with the prosecutors. Thats whats kicking it back up a notch. You could use this as an example of whats going on in all corners of trump world right now. Theres various different legal cases being built against various people that were trump subordinates along the way. Trump is pointing the finger and saying, not me, its their fault, at every turn. Cohen, for instance. Exactly. The most present example right now. But if those people are working with muellers team or with other prosecutors and saying, no, actually, i was asked or told to do this through a chain of command that goes back to the big fish, thats problematic for the big fish. Youre seeing that play out here in a different way between manafort and his deputy. Shimon, maybe well see gates at some point today. What would be the Gotcha Moment for gates if youre the defense . Well, look, i think gates will be a big witness certainly for the prosecution. Were all looking forward to it. Its going to bring some highlights. Its going to bring some drama probably to the court. I think were going to see an aggressive move by the defense team to go after him for sure. So its going to be interesting. Also just seeing gates. We havent seen gates in so long. Hearing from him, that is whats going to be the most interesting. It certainly could happen this afternoon, if not monday. Well wait for that. Thanks, shimon. And before we go to break, we want to note a milestone in the mueller probe. One year ago today, we learned the Special Counsel issued grand jury subpoenas related to that june 2016 trump tower meeting. On one year ago today, republican senator Susan Collins had this message for the president. The president Cant Set Red Lines for bob mueller. Pro wrestlers . After years of playing a wwe villain, kain has taken off the mask and gets to play the good guy in the mayors office. Republican senator ted cruzs Campaign Launched its first tv ads for the 2018 election. As we mentioned yesterday, his opponent Democrat Beto Orourke is catching up. A quin pnipiac poll has him jus six points behind cruz. One of the cruz ads may be sensing the closeness, attacking orourke. Ted cruz, who brought home billions in Disaster Relief and passed Emergency Tax Relief for those hit by hurricane harvey. No official, state, or federal has been more involved in the recovery of Galveston County than senator ted cruz. When the hurricane hit, you stood up for texas. And ted cruz stood up for you. In that ad, its a kinder, gentler ted cruz, not the ideological fire brand were used to seeing. Hes making the case hes working for texas and hes working for local texans when they need it. The fact that were talking about ted cruz in a competitive race, i think, is what is the issue and should be concerning for republicans who want to make sure they keep the senate. I think the fact this race has become competitive is really something to watch. And if he were to be to lose his seat, that would be a huge thing for this idea of a blue wave. It would be the blue wave in and of itself in texas. Just a little bit of irony. In ted cruz, one of the conservatives who never wants voted against the sandy funding. Yes. The ad saying, oh, he got all of this money for you. Theres just some irony there. Up next, the new jobs report shows steady growth as china strikes back in the trade war. Duncan just protected his family with a 500,000 Life Insurance policy. How much do you think it cost him . 100 a month . 75 . 50 . Actually, duncan got his 500,000 for under 28 a month. Less than a dollar a day. His secret . Selectquote. 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But when you look at those average monthly job growth numbers, you see that weve been around about 200,000 jobs a month for a number of years now. White house Spokesman Says credit belongs solely to the president s economic agenda. Our economic fundamentals are strong. There is no question that because of President Trumps leadership, his vision on terms of pushing forward economic policies like tax cuts and tax reform, in addition to his deregulatory agenda, its working. Christina, youve looked at these numbers. What stands out to you in this report . Well, malika, one thing that really stands out to me is wage growth at 2. 7 . Thats been stubbornly low. Not a terrible number without context, but the context here is that we are in the later stages of a business cycle. What does that mean . That means americans who are able and willing to work pretty much have a job. So we are at or near full employment. At that stage in the business cycle, you would expect to see the wage number between 3 and 4 , not stuck at that 2. 7 . So thats going to be a persistent challenge for the administration. Now, that said, 157,000 jobs, as you pointed out, is actually a pretty solid report. I think wall street probably wanted to see the number closer to expectations, closer to the average weve been getting. But again, given the stage and the cycle that were in, 157,000, houmg more jobs can you add . I think wall street and investors and employers and companies will have to look forward and say is this the new normal, or is this just a blip and well continue on the 200,000 Going Forward . And today we saw China Thretton P threaten to put more tariffs on u. S. Goods after a similar announcement this week from the trump administration. Are there any signs that either side will blink . And are we seeing any reaction in the jobs market to this potential trade war . So on whether either side is backing down, no. We see china hitting back, proposing 5 to 25 tariffs on 60 billion of goods. That in reaction to the administration floating the idea of 25 tariffs on 200 billion worth of goods. Look, i dont think anybody in the administration is surprised by chinas response today and its rhetoric. Earlier in the week, china suggested the u. S. Was blackmailing it. So i dont think anybody in the administration really thought that china was going to stand down. But the reality is President Trump thinks that the u. S. Can inflict more harm on the chinese economy than the chinese can retaliate with. To a certain extent, hes right because the u. S. Actually imports a lot more than china imports in u. S. Goods. On a dollarfordollar basis, china cant fight back, but it can do other things. It can take other retaliatory measures, and thats the kind of thing that all businesses in the u. S. Are bracing for and watching very closely. Cristina, thanks for that report. Next, a big win and a big loss in tennessees republican primary. Did President Trump have a hand in both . Theres a lot to love about medicare. So you could end up paying less out of your own pocket. Thats nice. And these are the only Medicare Supplement plans endorsed by aarp. Selected for meeting their high standards of quality and service. It feels good to have someone looking out for you. Want to find out more . Call Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company now to request this free decision guide, with aarp Medicare Supplement plan options to fit your needs. And learn how this type of plan works together with a part d Prescription Drug plan. Heres Something Else good to know. With a Medicare Supplement plan, you have freedom. Freedom to go with any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. Youre not restricted to a network. Ever. And if you need to visit a specialist, youll have a choice there, too. 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Neulasta is for certain Cancer Patients receiving strong chemotherapy. Do not take neulasta if youre allergic to it or Neupogen Filgrastim . An incomplete dose could increase infection risk. Ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious Lung Problems allergic reactions, Kidney Injuries and Capillary Leak Syndrome have occurred. Report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, Trouble Breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. In patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. The most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. Ask your doctor about Neulasta Onpro. Pay no more than 25 per dose with copay card. President trumps winning streak with endorsements is alive and well in tennessee. Congresswoman, who likes to be called congressman, Marsha Blackburn getting well over 80 of the vote in the Republican Senate primary after enthusiastic backing from the president. Shell face the former governor, Phil Bredesen. A much different race for diane black. She ran as a trump ally, but without his endorsement, and came in third in the gop primary, losing to a political novice, businessman bill lee. Listen to the president s praise here of blackburn, versus his lackluster treatment of black. And finally, the person we are all here tonight to support, the next United States senator from the great state of tennessee, a very, very early supporter of ours and a really wonderful woman. She loves your state. She loves your country. Shes going to win. Marsha blackburn. Diane black. Diane, wheres diane . Shes in a big race. Just good luck, diane. Congresswoman black losing despite spending millions of her own dollars and getting an endorsement from Vice President mike pence. Adding salt to her wounds, President Trumps first tweet of the day, a total and enthusiast endorsement of the man who beat her. So is the president sort of the x factor here in these races . For republicans, absolutely. They need to be as close to President Trump as possible. They need to be wearing those hats. They need to be saying whatever they can to say i am with trump. That clearly is what will get you over the finish line. Diane black did not have that. She wasnt wearing her hat enough. And this is going to be a really interesting race here. Youve got a race between Phil Bredesen, who was the governor off off of tennessee. Then you have Marsha Blackburn, whos a fiery trump supporter. What do you see happening here, michael . I would say Phil Bredesen is a sleeper to actually win this seat. I dont think its a guarantee that the republicans hold on to it, even though tennessee has gotten much more republican since bredesen was in the governors office. Hes a moderate. He sort of fits the state in a way that i think not a lot of democrats in the trump era have been able to do. Maybe in some of these house Districts In California where theyre trying to beat off republicans who won in hillary districts. Bredesen, i think, fits the mold for what democrats in trump states ought to be doing. This is a race i would be watching. And what isnt fitting the mold in some of these states are people who are house members, not able to sort of get the ticket to the bigger job. We saw that of course with diane black. Shes the fifth house gop member to run for statewide office to lose in 2018. Right. You see people making these bids and trying to the traditional path. You start in the house, try to make a bid for the senate, as were seeing. Its kind of a crap shoot sometimes as to whether that works or not. At this point, were trying to see a lot of women make that advance, especially when youre talking about the governors offices. Its a difficult road and one thats going to require a lot of people to break glass ceilings. So its a lot of different elements at play. Of course, right now just the Political Landscape is so much different than it used to be. The traditional you paid your due, you were the insider that went all the way, just doesnt work in this environment. Republicans love outsiders. Outsiders and businessmen. Quickly, michael, even given the dynamics and demographics in tennessee, do you want trump down there if you are blackburn

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