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With us. President trump is working the phones trying to get his biggest tax reform across the finish line by christmas. Concerns are makeing it a bit trickier. The Washington Post out with a stunning report. Nearly a year into his presidency, russia meddled in last years election. Republicans in a panic mode about 2018 after the Alabama Senate results after roy moore still wont call it quits. We have not received the final counts. This has been a close race and we are awaiting certification by the secretary of state. I understand the frustration. It is a close race, but its time to move on. Within the hour, brimming with confidence they will deliver giant tax cut legislation for President Trump by christmas and the American People will soon see results. This tax cut will mean less of a paycheck going to washington and more to the hardworking person who earned it. Thats the whole purpose of this bill. Your paychecks for the people to provide for their families and what comforts is the fact that the results are going to produce fantastic results that will improve the lives of Hardworking Taxpayers in this country. Im convinced this is going to help capital and launch more investment in businesses and in workers. Im convinced this is going to give pig biggbigger paychecks. The House Speaker is pumped. This is his largest priority. The sources described it as slash the Corporate Tax rate from 35 to 21 and all individual rates would go down, including for top earners. The individual mandate and ob a obamacare would be undone. Democrats not in on the deal making. Nancy pelosi said her party has done everything it can. We still continue that fight. If it does happen, we had the votes to take it down unless the republicans see the light. They do pass the bill, they lose in the of Public Opinion and we have to hold them accountab accountable. Phil matingly is up on capital hill. Despite the public confidence, you have two senators who have been missing because of health issues. John mccain and cochran. Are they certain they can get this deal to the finish line. Now they need the votes. Thats the ageold votes. When and how will they get there . The health of general and thad cochran is something they were not expecting. They always assumed the senate would go first, but now thats up in the air. He didnt know if the house or senate would go first. They are waiting to see what will happen. The spokesman said he is in washington and plans on voting on the tax bill. Senator mccains office said he is still receiving normal treatment that came over the course of that cancer treatment. Recovering from that. Both will be back, but that raises questions and that adds to the questions that stand right now on the senate in terms of where the votes are. We cover this a lot when the senate was dealing with the tax bill. Keep the eye on susan colins and jeff flake, marco rubio and bob corker. Corker was the only one who originally voted against the tax plan. They should be able to keep the votes together, but Susan Collins wants to make sure concerns are in the final compromise. Separate and apart from tax reform she needs addressed. Senator flake had a phase out of the expensing provision and wants to make sure thats in the final deal and marco rubio had a problem with the Child Tax Credit and expects it to be more refundable. That is an open question. That costs a lot of money. The health of two senators has risen to be one of the top issues. It would be nice if we had the paper. Break it down. Transparency. Some day. Appreciate it very much. With us to share the reporting and insights, Michael Bender with the wall street journal and cnns lauren fox. A huge priority for the president. They seem tloob o be there. Is this finally it . Tax reform has been the priority for republicans and after failing on the Affordable Care act, they cant mess up on this. The margin will be incredibly tight on the senate side, but i think they will get there and leaders are feeling confident. As the conference report and the details were revealed yesterday, a lot of republicans on capitol hill seemed pretty optimistic about what they were hearing. Susan collins was saying she wants to look over the full bill when the text comes out which could happen as soon as tomorrow. She didnt say im a hard no. How this will affect me if it takes effect quickly . It caps the state and local property tax at 20,000. Thats down from a million. Keeps student Loan Interest deduction and keeps graduate school benefits. They sell it as a middle class tax cut. What you hear from republicans is despite the unpopularity of the bill, they believe that people will see results from the bill pretty much immediately and see taxes go down and that will make enthusiasm among the public for the bill. It doesnt look like a winner right now. This is reminiscent of the argument you heard from obamacare. The process was messy and it looked unpopular at the time, but people were going to start benefitting and everyone would see they had done a good thing. It was a stone around their necks for years. Why is that . Washington is cutting taxes. You would think that sentence is great. I dont Like Washington and it cant get much done. I will take more of my money. Quinnipiac asked will they cut your taxes . 16 of americans say yes. Only 16 think they will get a tax cut. 32 of republicans and 7 of democrats and 14 of independents. If they said its thursday, the American People would doubt it . I think so. A big part on the republican side is done and better than good. You played a clip of paul ryan who is unequivocal despite the analysis this is going have a Major Economic benefit. Janet yellin backed them up. There is argument with that there. This thing can be painted as a give away to corporations and the rich. As they put that up there, there are tax cuts for the middle class and it can be pointed as the biggest cuts for corporations. Longterm benefits from corporations. The same groups that trump explained about repeatedly from the campaign trail about having outside influence. Its a big cut to the Corporate Tax rate that trump can and will claim as a victory. It will be a tough sell out in america. Does the president want it if you go through the blue states turned red in wisconsin and pennsylvania, that is i am your voice. If a lot of the people thought he was their voice dont get a tax cut, what is he going do . You see the process where he is not involved in writing the bill. He has been a capitol hill person during the process. Thats about job creation and those may be a long way up and they may not colorize. This bill may not help americans and some credit for that. The president doesnt want to get to the details on this one. A lot of republicans thought about the obamacare debate to set them back. What is the sense right now . Is the president important to get this to the finish line or if you are mitch mcconnell, you want them to call people up and stay out of the way . It depends on the individual member of the senate. With Susan Collins, the president might have less influence than with someone like rand paul. It depends on individual members and the relationships he established. Maybe they will have a tax bill they can read. President trump and putin seem to share the same doubts about who meddled in last years election. Shes nationally recognized for her compassion and care. He spent decades fighting to give families a second chance. 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The situation in which the personal insecurities of the president and his refusal to accept what even many in his own administration regard as objective reality have impaired the governments response to i National Security threat. The repercussions radiate across the government. The story said trump never convened a cabinet level meeting of russian interference or what to do about it. Although the oosh has been discussed at lower levels, one former high ranking official said there is an unspoken understanding within the National Security council that to it is to acknowledge the validity. The president would see that as an a front. Greg with the Washington Post, its fascinating reporting, but just to see more than the president s reaction and the domino effect across the government. Russia nobody disputes except the president that putin meddled in the election. If the president of the United States wont call a cabinet level meeting and say this is a big deal, how do you deal with the next election and the one after that . We set out that try to examine that. We know he refused to accept this and calls it a hoax and fake news. What does that mean . It affects every corner of the National Security apparatus. The deals with russia and the cia and the pentagon and Homeland Security and fbi. His refusal is an impediment to deal with the issue and get guidance and a clear instruction from the white house of what to do. There are other instances that they seek to undo the unishments that the Obama Administration wanted to do. It paralyzed the government more or less. What does it mean for 2018 or 2020 . Reading the story again, it reminded me putin has won. Essentially. I have a strong sense of how this affects the ability. It does affect the government to respond. There is a need for a response to the threat of russian Cyber Attacks and if the government effectively has their hands tied in multiple agencies, that gets more difficult and its more of a threat. You guys mentioned this in the story. This is the president on january 11th. People saying put this behind you. Say russia meddled and get it over with. You dont have to say anything about your win. Just please say they meddled so we can move on. As far as hacking, i think it was russian, but we also get hacked by other countries and other people. You are around the president a lot. He cant stop. He couldnt put the period there. They say he like walked out of that room saying i shouldnt have done that. I regret that. That was a mistake. I was with him in asia when he sided with putin on his concerns about the ongoing nature of this. I was talking to other reporters and editors about figuring out what he said and when. Thats one of the real successes of this piece is it really delydeli dely delynniates the effects. That clip is one of the times when his white house advisers were most successful in convincing him the intelligence is being given is accurate and meaningful. And the part that is stunning when you see it reported so clearly is the why. I get the instinct like i won the election and i wont let them say russia helped me. When you are told heres the evidence and its penitentiary as a country to deal with this and put the russians on notice. This is about when the president was briefed about this during the transition. Clapper, the former director functioned as a moderator and yielded to brennan and others on key points which covered the most highly classified information they assembled including an extraordinary stream of intelligence that captured putins specific instructions on the operation. This is not a weak thing. Forget the president with a slam dunk case. He will not accept it that bugs the question, why . The stunning thing is in last december, im not surprised that he has the job. Hoe is still not moving the issue at all. On thought, you talked about the show. Im not surprised its going to donald trump as ignoring evidence, but the fact that it changes how government policy works and how he is briefing. The president s tone is important to talk about. How it affects the rest of the government. Not just donald trump issues, but donald trump rung the government and shifting it because of the view he cant concede on the russian issue. That was one of the thoughts i had about the piece. You talk about them putting the briefing together so as to not irritate him and avoid eruptions. Did you get the sense that anything meaningful or what they would put into the written report . The inference is to put it in a written report and it doesnt get read. Did you get a sense of that meaningful information that was being kept from him or how they weighed that . Pa. Thats a good question ask they emphasized the materials were not holding stuff back. The president absolutely has to know these are professional Intelligence Officers and they put it together by career staff Intelligence Officers every day. The way it is present and structured and tweaked and the way the issue was raised and certain subjects are raised. All of that avoids an eruption. You have intelligence professional who is have to say the around and say we have to tell the president this and this even though we think this is more important. Move it to the bottom. If we tell them that first, we go off the rails . What . That has the effect of downplay. That has the effect of reducing significance. To me the implications of this as they alluded to are the i78 peri havousness and insistence on seeing everything including a major policy issue involving american National Security. He can only see it through the lens of his personal interests and how he is perceived. That is his main thats his star and anything that affects that in any way even if its factual or important or being testified to by all of these sources, he will not accept it. To your point, all fact are facts. Its an attack on the institutions and the president should be leading and not complicating the response by not acknowledging this. The republicans reckon with 2018 as moore refuses to let 2017 go. We are indeed in a struggle to preserve our civilization and our religion. Set free of suffering humanity and the battle rages on. In this race we have not received the final count to receive military and provisional ballots. We are awaiting certification by the secretary of state. 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The republicans are looking forward to and they dont like what they see. The stunner causing a giant case of republican jitters as campaigns try to sort what 2017 is teaching us. Tuesdays upset provides a hope they found a pathway forward. Their base is clearly energized led by africanamericans. In alabama, we saw a suburban revolt against trumps gop. Quite sobering. If they can lose in alabama, they can lose anywhere. Look at jefferson county, birmingham. The democrat is going to win jefferson county, but africanamerican voters came out in droves. The Democratic Base came out even in ruby red states. Shelby county and roy moore won, but the margin is nowhere near what republicans need in these suburban areas that used to be their bread and butter. This is troublesome. The democrats won the goff fors race. 60 to 40 in what used to be reliably republican suburbs. There are congressional seats that is a slump. You look at all three of the states and how does it carry over. Thats why republicans are nervous. Democrats are coming out to play. Republicans are suffering. They head into 2018. The president s Approval Rating often drive things. 56 disapprove of the president in a new monmouth poll. That is a recipe for an antitrump wave. Who would you vote for for congress if the election was today. A 15point gap. 51 for the democrat and 36 say the republicans. Bringing it back to the table with us, most republicans say if you have a 10point generic ballot. They are at risk of losing the house. Speaker ryan is handing the gavel to nancy pelosi. It has to come from the top. This is all about trump. I was just talking to a democratic strategist and they were saying that trump is sort of a double threat here on the one hand. He is motivating the Democratic Base like never before, particularly in a midterm. Thats absolutely what you saw in alabama. The point they were making is the climate is only likely to get worse. That is really what is driving all of this and it is its hard for them to do anything absent that. You were on the ground in alabama and we know the president cant process that. Its about roy moore and about this and that and anything but him. I went to shelby county. Its white, upper income and i expect to find voter who is liked trump and didnt like moore. Some hated moore and hated trump just as much. You saw in the polls alabama was won by trump a lot, but this is about trump as well. This is a much more electorate that doesnt like trump. The turn out may be full of democrats, republicans who dont like trump while republican who is do stay home. This is not just about moore, but maybe about trump in alabama. Thats a critical piece of the puzzle, you think about a midterm map. Its all about your base turning out. Democrats are coming out and we saw it in new jersey and largely africanamerican in alabama. The other part is it has to be the suburban flight. Leaving the party to support democrats and if you add in the 30 element, part of the Republican Base stays home, you are looking at a race like the obama midterms in 2010, you are handing the speakers gavel over. Congress is not popular either. Republican who is control both the house and the senate are having to prove they need to do something. I think thats what this tax bill is obviously about. They didnt deliver on obamacare and that continues to be a factor and compound that with republican moderates not caring for President Trump and it becomes a serious problem for republicans. You have a great piece in the wall street journal about how a lot of republicans hope people get the message. If steve bannon says please run, say no. Think about people who can win statewide. Dont make the roy moore mistake again. The type of allegations are not a common thing. It has nothing to do with my race or move on to mississippi. I think conservatism is alive and well and they are expecting washington to change. They are still demanding washington to be changed. If you are mitch mcconnell, you are hoping that they said okay, for the good of the party, lets not have a bloody primary. Not happying. To paint bannon as a man alone here and has his revolution and him as the problem. The base is still there. Rush limbaugh is not talking about the problem with steve bannon, but mitch mcconnell. One thing that is undeniable and he is a very dynamic speaker and a motivate the troops kind of guy. He is telling the folks you just quoted to be ready. What the moore race showed you have to be ready to beat the democratic and republican establishment and they will play just as dirty as the democrats. He is telling all the guys that you have to be ready to face sexual stuff and the sexual questions and you have to be ready and want to do this more than anything. We will see if that enthusiasm translates to the polls in the swing states. I can say also that republicans on the ground in alabama, the turn out surprised them as well. They were celebrating early and had a number of vote counts for moore. Not only hit that, but exceeded it. As we saw tuesday night, the cities came in and took the camp by quite a bit by surprise. Thats the same thing that happened in virginia. Gilespie is like im doing okay, but the urban areas and the suburbs came in and boom. Listen to nancy pelosi. Just one race, you say okay. Blue, new jersey or purpleor leaning blue again. Nancy pelosi said you have to focus on the suburbs. You saw in virginia before that. Suburban republicans are in trouble. Very serious trouble. If republicans think they have a problem now, wait until they raise taxes on millions of middle class families and hand a tax break to corporations to ship jobs overseas. November 2018 is a long ways off, but if you are just over the bridge here in washington, d. C. Or Northern Virginia or a map at the maps that Hillary Clinton won, a lot are in suburban areas. They are targeting after the elections what we thought was a long shot, we have a chance. Trump allies see that risk too. Even bannon who declared war on the republican establishment is all focused on it. He is not backing anyone in the house. If his gamble doesnt pay off in the senate and they lose the house, the next question is going to be impeachment. Excellent point. Or investigations and the like. Im not sure if the Senate Candidates or moore was unusual, but gilespie lost as well. This is an antitrump wave. It may hit conserfative or moderate republicans. We are seeing a 2010, 2006 style wave where the issue and people are talking about the tax bill and how much they do not like trump. They are moderate republicans saying this. Anyone will say the president will change his behavior in any way . A lot of people are complaining about the tweets and the tone. That writing in the new york times, there will be no course correction. Only the trump who would rather have the gop fall in ruins than give up on the feuds and insults. The trump who made doug jones our reality and responsible for the larger wave. That is the fear of republicans. Whether they are conservative and the like and if you look at the numbers. The one thing is 2017 seems to be going back to traditional politics. The first term president and horrible poll numbers and the republicans think there is a wave. One caveat i would put on this. If part of the reason republicans, particularly based republicans are staying home is they feel they are not getting what they want out of congress, they share trumps frustration and maco maybe that changes if they prove they can do something. Thats the hope about the tax bill as lauren was saying. They will be able to say to their base, we got something done for you. The question remains. If those republicans stay home, do they decide they can bring themselves to vote for a less offensive republican candidate in 2018 or are they still so discouraged by trump that they just decided its not worth it. We should make a note to take that ballot for the democrats if they pass the tax cut bill, lets see if it holes up. Somebody remind me to do that. Up next, sexually demeaning language and a former aide reveals behavior by blake farenthold. Mike and i are both veterans, both served in the navy. I do outrank my husband, not just being in the military, but at home. She thinks shes the boss. She only had me by one grade. We bought our first home together in 2010. His family had used another insurance product but i was like well ive had usaa for a while, why dont we call and check the rates . It was an instant savings and i shouldve changed a long time ago. 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Haley is attempting to shift the attention away from the nuclear deal and towards other activities. Theyre arming the rebel group in gemmen and supplying them against saudi arabia and saudi arabias allies there. They presented a missile which officials told me yesterday was the remnants of a missile or two that were fired in saudi arabia. One in july and one in november. They provided evidence of a remote controlled boat that can target ships. Both had clear markings and indications they came from iran including logos from companies and other evidence including photographs captured in the on board cameras. Things that pointed directly at the Iranian Regime. This is part of the strategy to ratchet up prr for what it see as the malign activities, countering places like yemen and elsewhere outside of the nuclear deal that received so much attention. Haley calling on the International Community to present a united front as it confronts iran and activities with regards to missiles and other weapons in the region. John . Thanks. We will keep an eye on things as they try to make the case at the security counsel. Big Important News here in washington. Blake farenthold who faces allegations of Sexual Harassment will not run for reelection according to a republican source. It comes as a former aid reveals damning new details to his own employees. The runningman made demeaning comments and regularly berated his staff. Paul ryan asked about whether he should resign rather than wait and finish out his term. I had a couple of conversations with blake yesterday and he is making the right decision to retire. There are new stories that are disconcerting and unacceptable behavior that has been allege and he made the right decision to leave congress and that reflects the conversation. Cnn joins us now. Fascinating reporting. Share some of what you can about these details. These are very disturbing details coming from a former aide to congressman farenthold. He was Communications Direction for the congressman in 2015. Two of the more e greejuous examp examples i want to point out, when he was about to leave to get married, the congressman using terminology for performing oral sex said this. Better have your fiance do that before she walks down the aisle. It will be the last time. He made a comment about whether or not she could wear white on her wedding day suggesting whether she had had premarital sex. The second was profanity and i will use a short hand because i dont want to say the full thing on air. This is what farenthold or the aide said about his behavior and how he used the term to his aides. Every time he didnt like something, he would call me an f tard or fly off the handle and i couldnt find a way to control it. We did reach out for comment and the congressman denies making that comment about oral sex, but he did acknowledge that he referred to aides as f tards and he said it was in just and he said i admit it was not appropriate. The aide cooperated with the investigation . Is that right . He reached out to the House Ethics Committee and the investigation has been ongoing and it relates to another former aide, lauren green who made Sexual Harassment allegations and its important that thou this other aide wants to cooperate with this ongoing investigation. Sharing exclusive reporting and i respect as more republicans read that, pressure will grow to not wait until the end of next year. Next up,oma rosa is out. She said she has stories you want to hear. Dramatic . Be any more ive had it. Im taking mucinex sinusmax. Its got a triple action formula. Carl . Carl mucinex sinusmax. Tripleaction fights pain, congestion, pressure. Lets end this. On a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. 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Re, it penetrates deep to treat. It soothes, moisturizes, and creates an spf 30 barrier, to protect against flareups caused by the sun. Herpecin l. Todays reality tv segment. Omarosa insists she was not fired, but white house officials told cnn she was indeed shown the door. Omarosa insists she resigned and denies reports of a dramatic confrontation with john kelly. She hinted she is in the hunt for a publisher or a reality tv producer. When i have a chance to tell my story, michael, quite a story to tell. As the only africanamerican woman in this white house, as a Senior Scientist and assistant to the president i have seen things that made me uncomfortable and affected me deeply and emotionally and affected my community and my people. When i can tell my story, it is profound and i know the world will want to hear. You have a senior adm Administration Official saying i will tell my story, i dont like that. She was a villain on the apprentice and part of the reason she stayed as long as she did and despite having enemies, they knew she was dangerous. She is making a very explicit threat to the white house and i think she is absolutely prepared to make good on it. The bigger part the misfits voted to trump specifically and many of them came through the campaign with him and many likeicly that want a more normal white house and ahead at to get people like omarosa out of the building. The more of the loyalists leave, the more trump is surrounded by people he doesnt feel are loyal to him. They tweeted they deactivated her pass. They are not getting involved. They deactivated her pass. You want to hear her story . I definitely want to hear her story. At the white house almost every day and i dont see that much of omarosa over there and i dont hear about her. Omarosa in the white house would be a revelation to a lot of people. Thanks for joining us. Appreciate you staying with us. 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Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ready for a new chapter . Talk to your rheumatologist about humira. This is humira at work. This s electricity. This is a power plant. This is tim barckholtz. Thats me this is something he is researching at exxonmobil using fuel cells to capture Carbon Emissions at power plants. This is the potential. Reducing co2 emissions by up to 90 . While also producing more power. This could be big. Energy lives here. Im wolf blitzer and its 1 00 in washington. From wherever you are watching, thank you for joining us. Republicans hitting the home stretch on there 1. 5 trillion house plan. The deal is mostly set and putting it together. They reached agreements including lowering the top individual rate to 37 from 39. 6 . Setting the corporate rate at 21 down from 35 . We agreed on state and local Tax Deductions and lowering the estate Tax Threshold and eliminating the health care individual mandate

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