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Welcome to inside politics. Im john king in washington. Very busy news day. Thank you for your time. Provocation or pretext, the creme lun accuses ukraine of trying to assassinate Vladimir Putin with a drone attack. The president said, we dont attack russia. Plus a surge and a search for a solution. Migrants prepare to overwhelm the southern border. The Biden Administration snaps into Action Ordering troops to the border, o traiting a new deal with mexico and erecting new processing centers. And reading is believe ing. The text message that said the fox decision to fire Tucker Carlson are reveals him rooting for a mob to kill someone. We begin with dramatic images of red scquare and the kremlinses expla thags na ukraine launched drones at the heart of the russian government with the goal of killing Vladimir Putin. The kremlin statement came after social media reports showing explosions over the president s residence. We regard these actions as a planned Terrorist Act and an attempt on his life. We rezeserve the right to take measures where and when it sees fit. Ukraines president in finland says his country had nothing to do with his attack, saying we dont attack putin or moscow. Lets begin with Nic Robertson in eastern ukraine. Its a drama in any event, whether it is an actual ukraine strike in moscow or russian propaganda. Reporter it is. And in a way, russia has ratcheted up the potential for what could come next by claiming without providing evidence so far that cnn is aware of that this was an actual attack on president putins life, an Assassination Attempt is the way the kremlin is framing it. The fact that the drones appeared over the kremlin at 2 27 and 2 43 a. M. Local time this morning is a blow to the narrative to the kremlin is well defended to putins narrative that the war in ukraine, he call it is a special military operation, is something they are doing well at, and isnt touching mainland russia. So that myth has been busted. What worries people in ukraine is how putin and the kremlin having ratcheted up the narrative that this was an Assassination Attempt by ukraine, how will they respond . Volodymyr zelenskyy has been very clear, we do not attack putin or moscow. Indeed, he said we dont have enough weapons to fight on our own territory at home, which is what president zelenskyy said the country is doing. Another official describe d wha the kremlin is saying as trickery, that this is a maneuver, an obvious maneuver by their enemy. They say this is the kremlin trying to Gin Up Support for this stalling, failing war in ukraine, and in particular ahead of an important parade in moscow kplem kmem rating the losses of tens of millions of troops during the second world war. Big parades opt red square. Theres a lot that we dont know, but a lot now hangs in the air, larcenily because putin may use this potentially to rain something down on ukraine. That ukrainianss say would with be more terrorism. Back and forth, Nic Robertson grateful on the ground for us. Lets get more reporting from Matthew Chance live in london. Theres a the lot we dont know that were still trying to sort through. But you see in the images, even nic was mention ing the bleaches set up, striking to see images of two drones over that complex. Thats one way of putting it. Striking, astonishing is what i would say, having been in that position watching that Kremlin Palace for so many years, and seeing it attacked in this way is unprecedented. I have not seen anything like this ever before. Youre right. And you can see the parade set up outside just on red square. Sex days from now, the Victory Day Sprad was scheduled to take place. I wouldnt be surprised if the kremlin pulled back. Theres not going to be an air show. I wouldnt be surprised given the situation and these Drone Attacks if they are real, then that the kremlin wouldnt go further and to perhaps scale back the Victory Day Parade even further. Well wait to see what they say over the next couple days. Extraordinary images and extraordinary show of vulnerability on the part of the kremlin. Remember, this is a war that the kremlin doesnt even call a war. It call it is a special military operation. It does that bhauz it wants to perpetuate this idea to the russian people that its not really a fullon conflict. Its at arms length. S its happening somewhere else. This is a stark potent reminder, a wakeup call, it you like, for people inside russia who are watching this on the Television Screens that that war is coming home. So thats going to be something significant as well. If the russians have done this on purpose, that will be the price they bay pay for it. The days ahead from the russian leadership, grateful for that reporting. Lets continue the conversation with the bureau chief Jill Dougherty and National Security reporter natasha bertrand. Let me just start first. Heres a picture of the kremlin complex. This is about the palace. Now lets look at this video thats remarkable to see. If you watch closely, you see the flag. You see a drone come into space. Then im going to stop the video. This building that our viewers are seeing, what is it . How important . Well, the yellow building beyond the kremlin wall is the senate building. And that is inside the fortress of the kremlin. That also includes the president s residence. We understand that he was not there at the time because he does have many other residences. One is outside of moscow and then he has several in various parts of russia. So again, what you can deduce from that, that video originally was shot by a neighbor that lives on the other side of the river, kind of behind the kremlin. So i think its very interesting. Who was up at that hour at 2 00 a. M. With a video on the kremlin. Maybe they do it all the time. Maybe not. Then it eventually kind of slowly to my mind comes out on the russian immemedia. So many questions. And well see how this develops. Well see how it develops. Nat natasha, i want to bring you in. You see the drone. We have verified its a drone. Right there above where the president president lives. Russian social media showing some images and try to verify, but they say the information that they have from the damage that it could be an attack drone. Thats what the russians are saying. We know ukraine has this capability. Let me ask you from the pentagon per sspective. Its no secret the United States and nato have eyes on the skies. They know when things go Up In The Air Ask where they come from. Do we have information . Can the pentagon say where this drone came from . The short answer is no, not at this point. Thats exactly what intelligence officials across the u. S. Government, including at the pentagon are looking at right now. Now we are told that u. S. Officials do not have any indication at this point that there was chatter overnight suggesting that an attack was being planned either by Ukrainian Forces or by russian partisans or really anyone at this point. They did not have any fore warning. But they are pouring over intelligence, including intercepted communications, including Satellite Mechanical ri to try to figure out what might have happened here and who might have been responsible for it. But at this point, they are pretty much coming out and saying publicly, look, you need to take the russian claims with a grain of salt. Secretary of state Antony Blinken said that at a recent event they dont have any evidence yet it was the ukrainians. They dont know what happened here. But at this point, the United States has also been warning ukraine privately not to conduct these kinds of attacks inside russia. We saw with the leaked documents a few weeks ago that allegedly ukraine was planning an attack and the u. S. Kind of walked them back from that. This is something that ukrainians are well aware that the u. S. Does not want them to do things like this and president zelenskyy is denying it. The u. S. Doesnt know one way or another, but thats what analysts are now really digging into. To that point, we have seen headlines in recent weeks and months about Cross Border Attacks and the ones close to the russian border, everyone would say thats part of the war. If you get deeper into russia, thats been part of the debate. Be careful if its true. But i want to come back to this in a moment. As i come back, lets listen to president seth will lent skit. He said, no way. I can repeat this message, and i think it will be understandable for everybody. We dont attack putin or moscow. So as someone who understands how the putin communications, the Propaganda Machine works so well, im going to stop this video here. This is, as you said, the building that includes putins residence. If this happened from outside force, what does it say . We have seen battlefield of this war. But that you could fly two drones what is supposed to be the most secure facility in the heart of moscow, whether this was somebody inside russia, some decent, some and the Russian Military preparedness for this government. I think that is the big question. Because if that really did happen, where did it come from . If it came from ukraine, how did he evade an entire country. Kilometers and kilometers to get to the kremlin, how did it get so close to the kremlin. How was it drat dramatically video taped. Thats a beautiful shot. So we got this kind of propaganda side going. Could be the ukrainians. They denied. It could be groups that support the ukrainian government. It could be russians, but it could also be the kremlin trying to gin up fear and patriotism as we get farther into this war. If it is that last option to gin up fear and patriotism, you might succeed with that, but at the same time, youre telling your people if its a lie, thats pretty weak. Thats supposed to be part of the government. Thank you both. Up next, the border crisis. A bus full of migrants arrives in new york sent by the governor of texas. This as cities along the border and governments brace for an influx. While loading up our suv, one extra push and. Crack so, we scheduled at safelite. Com. We were able to track our technician and knew exactly when hed arrive. 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In New York City Bus loads arrived this morning. What are you seeing . Reporter we have seen this political theater in the past with Governor Abbott in texas tapping into state funds to offer free rides to Asylum Seekers after they have been processed and free to travel anywhere they would like. More times than not, were hearing new york continues to be one of their main destinations because they might have someone or they are hearing about the services. So once again, we saw that this morning with a abbott chartered bus. The Port Authority bus terminal, about 41 people left and arrived and expect another bus to arrive today. Its important to point out it really is just a small fraction of the hundreds of Asylum Seekers that have been arriving per day here in new york city. However, every single migrant that arrives here certainly further strains the resources of the city. So the big concern now as we get ready to see a potential increase is how that will translate in new york city, a city that struggles to take fair of other a Asylum Seekers. Polo, thank you. Lets go to the white house. I ticked through some of the new steps they are take ing. Connect the dots for us. Is the hope that it will significantly impact the number of crosses, modestly impact the number crossings . Reporter thats the hope. This would drive down border crossings. The bottom line here is that this is shaping up to be a massive logistical and political challenge for the Biden Administration and for this white house, which is aware the issue is a political vulnerability for the president who received criticism from democrats and republicans. They are trying to show they are putting preparations and plans in motion in anticipation of the covidera restriction. That includes sending additional 1500 troops to be in a Support Capacity along the border, as well as sending nonmexican nationals back to mexico. That would be the first time the u. S. Deported nonmexicans to mexico. Another show of force from this administration to say theres consequence if people cross illegally. Politics looms large. You saw it there in new york. Mayors have been criticizing the administration on this. Im told from a source the department of Homeland Security yesterday was having calls with cities and local Law Enforcement across the country to brief on their preparations knowing whats to come. Whats to come likely includes more migrants to cities that are willing to take them. We appreciate the reporting. Lets bring the conversation in the room to sar their reporting and insights. Lets listen to somebody the president knows well. He served with him in the who thinks the administration is trying to do its best, but needs to stress things and stress them better. I would be constantly sending the message over and over again theres a right way and a wrong way to come here. They have been doing this, but in washington, you have to repeat yourself 50 time bfrs anybody listens. Is that all it is . They have had a lot of internal disagreements and now you have this crunch moment. Are they ready for it . I was just talking to a lawyer for migrants on the ground in El Pa Louisiana so and they said that it isnt just a messaging issue. There are so many migrants that are coming regardless of the fact that the white house is putting out this. When harris traveled to the northern triangle, she repeated that message. Migrants are still going to come. Especially now as they see title 42 being lifted for reasons due to danger, due to them seeking asylum for a better life, and the Immigrant Lawyer that i spoke to said that its really difficult for them right now to plan around title 42 being lifted because they arent actually hearing, she said, preparations from the administration about what their plan is to handle the influx. You hear this debate, whats the plan and the specifics. The president tried toot one thing, to send more troops. The troops will not be on the front lines of the administration. The border patrol, department of Homeland Security who are on the front lines, but senator menendez, they say the president and Vice President have been absent on this issue. Thats the political argument. The administration disagrees. Now mainenendez says the Biden Administrations militarization is unacceptable. Theres already a crisis deploying military personnel. Its a threat to contain. Nothing could be further from the truth. The madministration has a problm on its hand. The problem is going to mushroom quite soon. And even if their own party, some poking as well. If you continue reading senator menendezs statement, this was a trumpera policy that the administration has kept. That just shows its another example of the challenges that this administration has faced on the immigration issue, where obviously, then Vice President joe biden was a kcritic of what the president was doing. Once you get into office and look at your options, when congress is not helping you, when this situation is happening, when there are all these diplomatic issues, youre left with very few options. And i actually asked the white house about this yesterday. They said, look, troops have been sent to the border for two decades under both administrations to help with these more clerical tasks. What they are pointing out here, theres a speck tort for migrants if you do send troops to the border and what that entails, the Administration Promises that they will be treated humanely. We have seen how messy and terrible conditions can get on the ground. Thats the political challenge for president and for democrats as well. Whats going to happen next week on capitol hill is republicans are going to highlight the problem that the administration has by putting forward their own Border Security immigration plan. They are going to do everything to show incompetency from the Biden Administration and meanwhile, you have the progressives like menendez and others who are furious with the Biden Administration for sounding like donald trump and opposing policies. It would go back to finish ing the trump border wall. It would put in place policies. It has nothing. It doesnt have any, and heres a pot of money. You have these problems in new york and chicago, where we have sent migrants. You need more judges and more processing centers. You need more shelters. Any of that in the plan . The thing thats missing from the House Republican plan is what to do with the people who are here undocumented and how to increase perhaps or help the people who are trying to get into this country. We mwill not have that conversation. Up next, were waiting on the fed and watching the banks. The big Interest Rate decision is less that be two hours away. It comes at a very uncertain moment for the american economy. The jojourney isnt about where youre going, its who youll be when you get there. The new 2023 Lincoln Corsair with available lincoln bluecruise. The future is here. Weve been creating it for more than 100 years. From the most advanced technogy to the broadest, most Reliable Network of sales and serviceealers. We lead. Others follow. Im Jonathan Lawson here to tell you about Life Insurance through the Colonial Penn program. 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Theres been some pushback to the fed plan saying maybe not no i know because of the stress in regional stocks and recent reports have shown its plan is working, the economy seems to be cooling, byet one more Rate Increase. The expectation is probably a quarter percentage point increase. Then maybe a pause, but theres big pressure from congressional democrats. For the fed to pause now. Because they are worried that more rate hooiks could destabilize and cause a recession. We can show you regional stocks. At least they were up. Higher Interest Rates have been one of the pressures on these banks. Im not excusing the management, im not excusing the regulators, but it puts stress on the bank. Thats one of the reasons that they think its a mistake to raise them again. I why would a Rate Increase potentially exacerbate the Banking Stress . The problem is that a lot of these banks have a portfolio thats kind of caught out for Interest Rates the things they own arent worth as much today as they would be in they hold them all the way to term. So they are basically exposed to these Interest Rate hikes and the more depositors get worried, they could flee and create more stress like we saw. So as you watch this play out, Elizabeth Warren is among those watching this closely, worried about the banks. She thinks jpmorgan comes in and buys one of the banks under stress. She says thats a big bank getting even bigger and she thinks we have a lot of problems. We cannot be a country that just time after time rolls through another Banking Failure and nobody gets held accountable. Not the ceos of these jientd banks and not the people in government who were responsible overall for how the government supervised and regulated these banks. Is she right . Any reason to believe given the politics of divided government that they will look at this and air their issues and nobody gets together . Thats how it continues to be. There was a big focus on this after sbas collapse. And theres another hearing coming up about this too, but its mostly really subsided. We havent seen any legislation coming forward, nothing has been fixed. Sherrod brown is someone that has the same concerns. The congress doesnt seem to be reacting. You bring in the lieders of Silicon Valley bank, this will be the first major spotlight on these bank executives. Politically speaking, the Top Republican on the Banking Committee is tim scott, who is doing a little exploring now. This could be a one policy area he could make a National Platform for himself. So this is all happening before another showdown. You have economic volatility before a showdown that could cause calamity. The question do politicians take any cues from that and say we should be adults and deal with the debt ceiling. The democrats had this plan where they would use rules to try to sneak a clean debt ceiling. You need a handful of republicans. Among the republicans youd look to they say no way. No appetite for that stance. Find some middle ground. If they will keep that plan on the table just in case, but what now . When . The president has the meeting next week with the leadership. Right now, they are sticking to their positions pointing fingers. I dont think any of us can say where this is going to head next. At that meet ing, the president is going to stick to his guns essentially. Hes going to say that he wants a clean debt ceiling hike separate from conversations about budget and appropriations. The reality is when you talk to some economists, they think this is going to end where even if there is single debt ceiling hike passed ultimate with some republican votes, its followed closely behind or tethered to som type of Spending Cuts and deal with kevin mccarthy. The big thing is whatever deal that Speaker Mccarthy can get with president biden, are there going to be enough republicans willing to vote for it and whether its a charged petition or not . Is he going to have to turn to democrats to help him get that passed. As this plays out, we talk about the Interest Rate and its impact on everyday americans. In terms of the potential, we have been here before and most people think right before they get to the clip, they will figure it out. This is a different cast of people. There are more worries they wont. What are the risks . Its a different cast of people and they have all taken different lessons from the previous brushes with the debt limit. Not in way this is would argue for a more easy resolution this time. The president is really dug in on the idea you cant negotiate with people who have held the United States hostage. The republicans are really dug in on the idea they can get more than they got last time. We will stay at an impass until somebody blinks. Maybe we have the calamity that people worry about. We appreciate it. Up next, debates played a huge part in the rise. At least for now, skipping this cycles first debate and maybe more. Avoiding triggers, but still get Migraine Attacks . Quliptaâ„¢ can help prevent Migraine Attacks. Qulipta gets right to work. Keeps attacks away over time. Qulipta is a preventive treatment for episodic migraine. Most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and tiredness. Ask your doctor about qulipta. I need it cool at night. You trying to ice me out of the bed . Only on game nights. You know you are retired right . Am i . Ya save 500 on our next gen sleep number smart beds. Plus, special financing. Only at sleep number. Donald trump is not interested in debating. At least for now. Republican president ial hopefuls will gather for their first debate in august, but trump, as of today, would be a noshow. Cnn learned trump is talking to allies about skipping one or perhaps both of the first primary debates hes pointing to his growing lead in the polls and also points to his grievances as reasons. Kristin holmes is here to join our conversation and share some reporting. Hes the big front runner when you look at the polls. Hes also someone that likes attention. Right. Thats what advisers say. Theres a caveat on this, as there always is, which is this could change. We are still early in 2024. We are three months out from that debate. And ron desantis, who is seen as his largest prooifl or biggest competitor, hasnt entered the race. Were talking really early preliminary thoughts. But what we are hearing from sources is that hes talking about how he did you want want to participate. And a lot of that is based on the fact that he has this enormous lead at this time. This is stupid for us to go up there on the stage, but hes also airing some other grie advances. He says he doesnt want to debate this early. His advisers told me he told the rnc this. Officials have push ed back on that telling me thats not true. They had all of these conversations beforehand. The other thing hes talked about is the Ronald Reagan library. He has a bone to pick with the library because he has resent want the for the fact they invited so many other leaders to speak and not him. And thats something he has told a number of his allies and why he doesnt want to appear at that debate the second debate. I believe their answer is they invite leaders to speak about democracy and trump did so the antidemocratic things. Thats their argument. The former president is talking about this openly. This is him with conservative frepds on talk radio saying, why should i . When you weigh up, you dont do debates. If youre even or down, you do debates. When you weigh youre way up, whats the purpose . The debate of the other candidate, you do. You have an obligation to do that. If hes the nominee, well save that tape for the last part. Because theres been a lot of tension between republicans, including trump, and the debate commission. But lets just show the polls. This is a new cbs ol. Trump, 58 , ron desantis at 52. If trump is not there, the debate would be about what . Who is the best alternative to trump . Because every wasnt of the other campaigns says at that trump is the front runner. Are we going to do this. And when that moment comes, you want to be the leading alternative. Is that what the debate would become . Lets look at what debates are for. Theres a lot of criticism about the format and debates in general, but the reality is that it does give people and all the candidates a platform to introduce themselves to the american public. Theres been polling goes up and down after debates dependent on how they perform. What donald trump is doing once again is rewriting the rules of how things should go for himself. And if hes not there, it does give the other candidates a huge opening. If you could put the Polling Numbers up again, just the idea that if trump is on the stage, number one, you can question his policies. Number two, you can question his performance in 2018 when they lost in the congressional midterms. But you can also see with mike pence there, you stood by when there was a crowd outside on january 6th chanting hang mike pence. You could if youre hnikki hale say, its time to have somebody who can win. What happened in 2018, 2020, and 2022, does donald trump not want to be there for that . Donald trump tends to enjoy the fight. So youd think eventually he wants to be there to take them on and answer respond to them. Im actually curious if any of them would do that on a debate stage. How aggressive will they be in the lines of attack you just laid out because of the fact that they want to win his base. So far, no one seems to be carving out a piece of that base other than potentially ron desantis. But you just saw in that polling, ron desantis keeps slipping. Were far away. A lot can happen, but right now. They are understandably afraid of trump voters. Hes at 58 . It was a little below that to begin the year. But at the same time, dont they remember when he did in 2016 . He used the debates to savage the other candidates, who had way more experience than he ever w had. It was hostile takeover. Which is why im wondering, i understand what his advisers are saying and why he strategically thinks it would be smart for him to avoid the debates, but donald trump does relish a fight here. And also if you look at ron desantis as his primary rival, we see just over the last week on his trip abroad how he withers over tough questioning. He had questions of israel and japan about political ambitions and other issues. Youd think that donald trump would relish the national to take down ron desantis face to face. But were three months out. Well see what the decision is. The republican operatives, all of them do not believe donald trump is not going to debate. You thus they are going to steel the spotlight. Theres some of that going on right now too. And again, i know we said it a million times, but its so early. Were three months out. It could change. He could be working the rest. We shall see. Appreciate youre coming this. First on cnn next, the former aid reveals details about classified documents found at president bidens prooifs office and revealing. New text message from Tucker Carlson and how it factors into foxs decision to fire him. I can be free to do the things that i love to do. I hopepe when i retire someday, they say, that guy m made this place a special place to come to school and gave as much as he could to help the community. Happy mothers day oh my gosh my mom deserves the best, and the best gifts are from harry and david. Chocolate. Yum cheese. Gouda. Wine. Whats that . Its from harry and david. Aww. Thank yo want to bring you some exclusive new cnn reporting now on the special counsel investigation into the former president , donald trump. Lets get straight to cnns katelyn polantz. Katelyn, tell us what youve learned. Well, the special counsel jack smith, the man himself, the special counsel overseeing investigations into the maralago documents and january 6th, he personally was sitting in the grand jury observing testimony from former Vice President mike pence last thursday when pence was here testifying. John, that is a truly extraordinary thing. Smith has many, many prosecutors working for him. We see them coming in and out of the courthouse, wokking with the grand jury regularly here. We have never seen smith once, and it is as far as we know the first time that jack smith himself would come here and observe those secret grand jury proceedings, that testimony from mike pence. One source is telling kristen holmes, jamie gangel and i, that the two men, jack smith the special counsel and former Vice President mike pence, they had respectful interactions during that day of testimony. And all of this, it just really underlines how extraordinary of a situation it is for a former Vice President to be compelled into the grand jury to testify, so much so it brought the special counsel himself to the premises. Beyond remarkable. That special counsel getting closer to making some pretty momentous decisions. Katelyn polantz, Fabulous Reporting from you and our other colleagues. We appreciate it very much. Thanks for bringing it to us. Lets turn now to new developments in the classified documents investigation involving president biden. Cnn has now learned his former Executive Assistant testified that she did not know classified documents were among the papers she packed for then Vice President biden as he was leaving office. That information coming from a transcribed interview with the House Oversight committee. A transcript of that interview provided to cnn. Remember back in january bidens lawyers found the documents in bidens garage and his personal office. At his wilmington home. And at a washington, d. C. Office that biden used during the trump presidency. Up next for us, Tucker Carlson in his own very awful words. Before advil. Advil dual action fights pain two ways. Advil targets pain at the source, acacetaminophen blocks pain signals. Advil dual action. Im fernando, i live outside of boston. Ive been with Consumer Cellular for five years. Consumer cellular gives you all the same features that these big companiegive you. What you getor the cost is remarkable. Why would you pay more money . [annouer] why would you pay more when you c get unlimited talk text with a flexible data plan starting at just 20 a month. I think they should raise their prices laughs [announcer] sorry fernando our prices are staying low. So switch today and save call or go online. Im Jonathan Lawson here to tell you about Life Insurance through the Colonial Penn program. 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Yet suddenly i found myself rooting for the mob quens the man, hoping theyd hit him harder, kill him. I really wanted them to hurt the kid. I could taste it. Cnns oliver darcy joins us. He went on to say he probably shouldnt be thinking or texting such things. But he did. Thats right, john. And its disturbing but it shouldnt be surprisetion particularly for those who spent time watching Tucker Carlsons show. You know, over the years he has trafficked in antiimmigration rhetoric. He has promoted the White Nationalist great replacement theory. And this shouldnt really have come as a surprise i think to fox news executives. Groups like the Antidefamation League have repeatedly raised the racist rhetoric that was on Tucker Carlsons show, really a hallmark of the show, To Fox Executives including Rupert Murdoch and his son lachlan murdoch. But the murdochs, they stood by him for years. And so now the New York Times is reporting that this particular message unnerved fox executives. The only question i have is were they not watching his show all this time . Thats a great question. Why just this one . Why the straw that broke the camels back, i guess . But oliver darcy, appreciate that important reporting and thank you for your time today on inside politics. Well see you tomorrow. Cnn news central starts right now. Explosion over moscow. Russia is claiming that ukraine was trying to assassin

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