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Good morning and welcome to inside politics sunday. Im brianna keeler. Prieb wrapping up a News Conference on the heels of his trip to the g20 sum knit india. He told reporters that hes sincere about improving the United States relationship with china even as he tries to counter beijings influence in the region. Cnns Jeremy Diamond is traveling with the president in hanoi. Jeremy, tell us the latest. Reporter well there is what the president is doing in this region and then the message that hes trying to send china about those actions. What we have witnessed from President Biden over the last 48 hours has been a concerted effort to try and provide a counter weight, an alternative to chinas influence in this region and in the developing world. No more clearly than right here in hanoi, vietnam, where President Biden has now upgraded the u. S. Vietnam relationship to the highest level of diplomacy. The comprehensive strategic relationship directly aimed at countering the influence in the region. But the message from President Biden today in a series of questions that were largely focused on china and foreign policy, whats to tell china im not trying to contain you or see you fail. Here is the president earlier today. We have an opportunity to strengthen alliances around the world to maintain stability. That is what this trip was all about. Having india cooperate much more in the United States and vietnam being close to the United States, it is not about containing china, it is about having a stable base. Reporter and the president also making it clear that what hes trying to do here is to continue engage with china. Those efforts so far have been unsuccessful. Weve seen a series of Cabinet Secretaries Travel To Beijing over the summer to try to restab ligs military to military communication and with very few tangible results. Those results could come should the president get a meeting with the chinese president at some point later this year which is something something that has been discussed. I also was able to get a question into the president very briefly at the end. I asked him whether as hes making the moves is he putting the u. S. Strategic interests above those of rights. Vietnam is the Third Largest jailer of journalists in the world and the president said i dont put anything above human rights and he said that he has raised issues of human rights with every leader he has met with, including today with the vietnamese general secretary. Brianna. Thank you forgetting that question in. I want to bring in kim dozier to talk about this. Kim, biden said this trip is not about isolated china or hurting china, it is about making sure that they abide by rules. That is not how china operates so how does that land domestically here in the u. S. And how does china here this . Well weve already had gop officials, candidate nikki haley Bashing Biden for not being Strong Enough for china. But of course biden has to thread this passageway between not defending members of the g20 who have to do business with china and also signaling that to u. S. Businessmen, he understands that they need to find a more secure alternative. But that is going to take five years, ten years, and so were seeing him navigate this you got to keep beijing on side now as you find alternatives. After all, this is the place where in hong kong, beijing has reasserted control and you have people like publisher, jimmy lye, in 75, for Publishing News in apple daily and awaiting further Prison Sentences for demonstrating in tiananmen square. Their trying to find a safer place for american businessmen to do business. He defended the g20 unified statement, which we have to point out, unlikely last year, it stopped short of condemning russias invasion of ukraine. Biden said there was sufficient agreement in the room for the need of just and lasting peace that respects sovereignty and territorial integrity. Is it sufficient if it is watered down . It feels like the Biden Administration officials decided this is as good as they were going to get this time around and trying to take the win from embracing india, bringing in the African Union to the g20 and talking about climate change. Understanding that a year plus into this war, war fatigue is setting in. The sanctions that the Biden Administration has asked a number of these countries to maintain against russia are starting to hurt while theyre not hurting moscow. Sanctions have a diminishing rate of returns. After a bit, moscow and other countries that have been under sungs find other ways to do business. You see the channels that they are creating with china. The scary part is that china and russia were able to influence biden, influence the g20 without having their top leaders there and then the other thing you got to say is biden is going into his last year, what people consider the lame duck presidency unless he gets a second term and the recent polls including cnns dont show him being very strong at this point. And World Leaders are looking at that and saying we have to hedge our bets because the next u. S. President might be at least more prorussia than this one. They are watching those polls and they are sending a loud message. Kim dozier, thank you so much. I want to bring in our panel now. We have isaac dovere, and eva mckend and Marianna Sotomayor and heidi pryzbyla. Thank you for joining us on this sunday morning. It is interesting when you hear what biden said defending that g20 agreement. Because gop president ial candidate nikki haley saw some political opportunity in what happened at the g20. I want to listen to what she said to jake tapper this morning on State Of The Union. It was a win for russia and china. Theyre celebrating today. I mean, what we should have had was biden should have really pushed hard to acknowledge what he acknowledged a year ago. That russia invaded a proamerican freedom loving country and that is a fact. And to deny a fact a year later is a win to russia and china is looking at taiwan as this is happening and it is ashame. Does she have a point . How tough is this for joe biden . I think joe biden is playing for an International Audience when hes overseas and talking about this relationship with the countries. Nikki haley as a problem that shes talking about how this Works In Domestic Politics but within her own party there is not support for the top position on ukraine that she wants joe biden to have. So, it is really muddled and hazy and the republican primary process on that seems like it is going to have to sort out for first nikki haley. The messages couldnt be any or different but President Bidens goal right now is to admit competency and stability and that is what he went over there to do and to show the american people. Ambassador haleys goal is very different. It is tough, marianna, because when you look at what voters say in this poll, 50 say hes making the position in the world weaker. He has a tough sell here domestically as well. Absolutely. And he ran in 2020 talking about his foreign policy. This is something that he has been able to do throughout his Senate Career and improve on that stage. So the fak that americans are not buying that selling point, which im sure the campaign will continue to stress, is not a good thing. That is on top of a number of other issues domestically that he has to prove to the american people. I dont think that voters are actually going to remember this statement 400 days from now. But what i do think is interesting is nikki haley, this is another example of her taking a risk to set herself apart from her contenders in the primary. She did that during the debate on abortion and on fiscal spending, she attacked trump and pence on think record on spending. And this is just another example of her saying, you know what, look at those poll numbers right now, theyre in a totally different stratosphere from President Trump so why not try something different. Lets look at what biden is facing. If youre in his camp and looking at the latest poll numbers, you have to be concerned. Job approval, 39 . And the trajectory here not great, right. This is been dipping. How are things going in the country right now, badly 70 say. Does he have the stamina to serve effectively, 74 say no. What is going on here as you see it . Yeah, if you talk to people an owe the campaign and even in the white house, there is a very evident gap that as much as they might be going out there and saying, hey look, Unemployment Rate is very low, the economy is Getting Better and inflation is lower, people are not believing it. And to try and get people to understand that things might be Getting Better over time or have been Getting Better, that is a problem. And at this moment, we are not necessarily seeing the president or his Campaign Going out there trying to fix that gap. And i mean, if youre seeing that things are still costing more, i think the economy is one of the bigger pieces that biden and his campaign have to overcome, because when you look at it on the republican side, that is all that they could talk about in terms of issues. And those that have supported democrats. Black voters and progressive voters, they feel as though they keep voting for democrats and their lives are not changing in consequential ways. So rather than dance around that, President Biden, the administration has to address that head on. I will say, though, from traveling across country during the midterms, speaking to democratic voters, there is nothing more animating that just ra rank hatred for trump. So if trump does win the republican primary as it seems that he may, given the polling, that is going to be a huge motivation for democratic voters that i dont think we see reflected right now in the polling. Lets listen to senator warren because she said voters are going to vote for biden to vote against trump. Here it is. Voting for President Biden is going to be about preserving or democracy and i think a lot of americans are going to show up to do that. I think that every time donald trump opens his mouth, he draws that contrast pretty starkly. And every time the Supreme Court gets out, and decides that they know what decisions women should make about their own health care and their own families, i think they draw that distinction pretty starkly. The poll numbers are abysmal. But does biden have a point when he said, dont compare me to the almighty and compare me to the alternative and that is donald trump. That is what we should expect to go on over the course of the next year. I went back and a read an article that i wrote in late 2011 about Barack Obamas poll numbers which were going down, the economy was down, it was the article looked at how even in blue states obama was in trouble. And i dont know if you remember this, but obama ended up winning. That is right. A lot could happen over the course of the year. And when you talk to people in the white house, they say why arent people seeing it. But white house aide that i was speaking with said to me, that the feeling is sort of at this point the politics will resolve itself eventually. That it will start to click in. I dont think it is going to be over whatever happened at the g20 as heidi was saying. But i do think it will be whether people feel in a credible way that their lives are better than they were and that they are scared off enough by trump if theyre going to be scared off. But the fascinating part about what ava said, is that when you drill down on the poll numbers,s it minority voters but it is young minority voters and unlike past elections, were not talking about the Ultra Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party that is the problem here. Were talking about minority voters who may be a little bit more cultural conservative and theyre not worried about the culture wars and they care about what is happening with inflation. You cant sit down and tell them, look, youre paying more for bananas because there is a war in ukraine. That is not a breakthrough message. That is why not the biden came but the super pac is coming out historically really early now with a huge multimillion dollars ad campaign that is launching to try to tout some of those accomplishments and to warrens point, there is no bed wetting here unless the candidate is not trump. Because once the candidate is it is clearly trump, it is not a message for democrats of democrats versus republicans but it is democrats versus as bill crystal said, the end of democracy and that is their message. I went back to my reporting from 2011 and 2012 right before the election, it is a good reminder also what a difference 14 months could make. He has some time and a lot of things will happen that we dont know at this point in time. Stick around because we have frat boys and football and a former president from back in the first in the nation state next. 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Ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. This weekend, iowas biggest rivalry was not about politics. It was about college football. Iowa state Beating Arch Nem sis iowa 2013. But naturally politics werent too far from the field. Donald trump showed up to tailgate at a frat house. He flipped a burger, just one. No flip cup but he did toss a few footballs and took pictures and watched the game from inside of a private luxury suite while Governor Desantis watched with the field with Iowa Governor kim reynolds and in between he took a jab at more hands off Campaign Strategy in the hawkeye state. And im actually started to hear a lot of people say because youre showing up, im supporting you because that is the way you got to do it. Wians dont want the campaign about the past or about the candidates issues, they want it to be about their future an the future of this country and that is what i represent. He represents showing up. Hes trying to hit all of the counties, eva, in iowa, he is making the point you have to show up if you want to win iowa, but if you do, donald trump, pretty good at the retail politics we see. But he is sort of testing that. And Governor Desantis is not the only one. I mean, the reason why vivek Rama Ramaswamy is meeting voter by voter is how the contests work, how you do well in the early nominating contests. I thought it was curious that the former president want to south dakota. That seemed sort of it is not an early state so that surprised me. Why he was there to sort of stroke his ego. And you do have to wonder if he does have to spend more time in these early states but hes so far ahead out in the polls that he seems confident in not having this aggressive ground game. Could he regret not doing this . Could he get rengret not gettin out there in iowa . He has name recognition. He doesnt have to be out there all of the time. However, sure, im sure there are voters in iowa and New Hampshire that love to be courted this early who would love to see their preferred candidate. Should he go back . Yes . Could he spend time in south dakota running a general Election Campaign . Probably, too as well. Hes so far ahead, he does not have to go there. But im sure he wants to keep his foot on the lid on the 30point plus lid he has over his challengers. And the visit to north dakota just shows how confident he is and how hes using State Parties as well to pay for the photo ops of him with adoring crowds and that hes at a point where he could do that. He could go to a state that is not competitive, that has a late pro primary and katie noe auditions for Vice President. And i wan to talk about that but first i want to talk about the south dakota event that we saw which is this moment, a promise that former President Trump made about if he reelected, how he might seek political retribution. But remember, it is a its a democrat charging his point. Nobody has ever seen anything like it. That means if i win and somebody wants to run against me, i call my Attorney General, and i say, listen, indict him. Well he hasnt done anything wrong that we know it. I dont know, indict him on income tax evasion. Hes challenging that there will be no difference. Hell just accelerate that. And he spent a long time at rallies chanting lock her up for hillary clinton. He did try to get his Attorney General to indict people when he was president. But over the course of the next year, we are going to see Donald Trump On Trial on maybe on several trials. It is seemingly inevitable that well hear this rhetoric as there is more attention and pressure on him and that will put forward to voters whether hes the republican nominee or not, what this means as a choice in this election, not just about the economy and all of these things, but about institutions and how all of these things work. Can i weigh in on this. Because that did happen in 2016. And some people laughed at it. They thought that it wasnt serious and lock her up. But i think the difference is how much more transparent it is. There are white paperers being drawn up by his colleagues who are working on policy to fold in major aspects of the Justice Department under the control of the president. So essentially blow up that wall that has existed since nixons problems between the Justice Department and the Executive Branch and the same thing with gutting agencies. Agencies that are meant to provide very important oversight of industries and businesses. And that will be the argument that democrats use, that our institutions we know them, if the former president is reelected, will cease to exist. It will be interesting to see how this goes with voters who maybe kind of soured on donald trump. Do they want this drama . Hes putting it out there front and center. Veep takes. I want to talk about that now. Kristi noem and you alluded to this, the pictures and this popped up. Trumpnoem popped up for just a moment and this was a south Dakota Republican party event. We dont now this popped up. But what do you think about this possibility, what this matchup could mean . You could tell that the Trump Campaign is looking past the primary and is trying to see, you know, what is loyal to me. I would throw in some other names from my perch on capitol hill. Elise stefanik has amped up and really amped that up in a hey, look at me over here. I am here for you. Obviously people like Marjorie Taylor greene who has recently weighed in a lot more or trumps position as you were talking about in terms of weaponization in and the doj. So it is interesting to see that hes already kind of going around talking to a number of people, people are putting their names out there. It is interesting though, that the Iowa Governor has been spending a lot more time with ron desantis. It is not like trump has necessarily been next to her cozying. Hes been more critical of her. And we have a situation where trump is leading by so much that a lot of republican politicians could make the calculation that it is good to try to attach them sfz to him. He wants their endorsement and he could hold it open and have that be the story, the pol story over the course of the next year until he picked a running mate if he ends up being the nominee. And what it does, it puts the rest of the Republican Party in the situation of who is endorsing trump versus who is not endorsing trump, not who is endorsing other people. And when our cnn polling this week about the republican race not just didnt just show trump ahead in the horse race, but showed him with a massive lead on every issue. That means there is just not that room at the moment for the other republican candidates to say, like, hey, think about who might be my running mate and think about whether theyre going to get more than 5 in iowa. Well theyre throwing stuff at the wall and coming up ron desantis one of them trying to turn back time on covid to do that. Think again. Flex any style. With Hairspray Thatat Flexes with you. New tresesemme hairspray. Im orlando and im living with hiv. I dont have to worry about daily hiv pills because i switched to everyothermonth cabenuva. For ults who are undetectable, cabenuvas the only complete longacting Hiv Treatment you can get every other month. Its two injections from a healthcare pvider. Now when i have people over, hipills arent on my mind. Dont receive cabenuva if youre allergic to its ingredients, or if youre taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. 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Download Duckduk Krarng up the volume because ron desantis is playing all of the hits. On covid that is. His attacks on Covid Lockdowns and Vaccine Mandates are what made him a conservative star and now hes hoping it could reinvigorate the campaign. A lot of the leftist, think that the lockdown policies works. They did not work. Here in florida, we did not and we will not allow the dystopian visions of paranoid hypochondriacs control our Health Policies let alone our state. So this is not really thing. Yes, some individual businesses and schools have responded to recent outbreaks with Mask Requirems or other precautions, but we should note that florida, desantiss state has the highest rate of new covid hospitalizations according to the cdc. So here he is. Hes playing the oldies. Are people listening . Covid is not a major concern for pretty much anyone any more. And the question of whether it will continue to whether it will grow as a concern over the winter, has a lot to do with whether the cases go up. There is no indication that at this point there is a major spike. Some people are kind of worried about it. If it is, maybe there will be people who remember it. But i think covid feels more and more remote by the day, which is in general a good ing this a good thing. And whether hes connected to this idea of the government being over everything and telling you what to do, that is where he may have more of an opening and more of an immediate sense in peoples minds. There is not a huge pool of voters i think for this argument. Continuing to sort of remind people he went principally concerned about the health and safety of his residents. But a lot of people suffered economically during the pandemic and i was in georgia last cycle and covered Governor Kemps reelection and he em facized that he bucks the pressure and got businesses reopened as quickly as possible. And i was a dewally celebration, some people who didnt always support republicans and they liked Governor Kemp for this reason. Small Business Owners who were happy that their businesses got reopened quickly. So i do understand why Governor Desantis is making this political argument. It is important to them. Why is he doing this . He has a lot of ground to make up. And hes also playing the expectations game. His team sort of is saying, a strong secondary in iowa is fine. Second place is fine. Hes not, marianna, a strong second right now in the polls. He is so far behind trump in iowa . This is the one issue that one could argument gave him that National Name i. D. During the pandemic so why not lean into it. It is not going to hurt him. And it is one of the very few issues where he could make differentiation on policy with trump, because trump was president. Operation warp speed and get vaccinated was the administration message. And what he did open up things early and floridians love that. Im from florida and i heard from democrats and independents that they very much appreciated how desantis took on the pandemic. So this is a strong suit for him. And i could see why hes leaning into it more while the conversations is ramping up. But is it going to make a difference . And a tacit admission where his war on woke where he was going to make his mark has ground to a halt in terms of the narrative. That prior to this, the narrative has been that maybe picking a fight with disney wasnt the smartest idea, maybe all of the schools wars was not the smartest idea and now youre kind of seeing him pivot to the next thing, going back to a place where he felt like he was strong. But think this is different when hes attacking vaccines or his supporters are attacking the use of vaccines and coming from a state that had some of the highest death rates and some of the highest hospitalizations, i dont think that you could go back and assume that is going to be as great of a strength given that were not talking about shutting down the economy any more. This is just in the context of protecting people from the virus. Lets talk about tim scott. Also in the contention in that hes trying to contend, right. Hes not really catching on with voters. Hes defending what he has, which is a approach which is a too nice approach. Lets listen to what he said. As the guy who grew up in tough neighborhoods, my friends were locked up, buried, i got to say that being tough is easy. But the question is, is tough enough to be successful. Weve lost seven of the last eight national elections. The loudest voices still often say so little. Really interesting. Youve been to some of his events. What are you hearing . I would say that he is resonating with some voters in a place like iowa where he has some flunsy talking about his faith, not throwing out bible verses but hes actually a christian. So that helps him with the evangelical voters there. But it is very difficult, because this sort of slugfest that this could become, that we saw in the last debate, that is not his style. And i think the challenge for him, i think for know. Debate, we have some reports that hes going to get aggressive in the next debate, he didnt want to come off as someone who he is not because that is potentially problematic as well. It reminds me of the democratic race last time around, cory booker comparing him not because hes also a black senator but because booker was trying to say that there was this message of love and connecting with people and not being the fighter and that race went badly for booker and afterwards some people on his campaign realized that the Democratic Party didnt want that right then. They wanted someone who could take on trump aggressively. It seems like the Republican Party wants people who will fight aggressively. They want what is coming out of trump and some of what is coming out of desantis and nikki haley said that she kicks forward and not to the side. And that is the base. It is a question of whether tim scotts message could connect with that kind of feeling. Clearly this voting block is activated in a certain way. Where they need a Certain Energy from candidates. I mean, i think that is just undisputable here. So i know it feels a little maybe soon to talk about the field consolidating. But actually if you go back in time to other elections youll see it was around this time near the second debate that you saw rick perry suspending his campaign and scott walker dropping out. So it is not unheard of. This is in the realm. September 11th and september 21st. When are we going to see this race consolidate . Is ha over the weekend, larry hogan said i love you, but if youre not making the debate stage, will hurd and some others, then maybe it is time to think about dropping out. But in addition to that, even if youre talking about tfolks on the debate stage, we could have a lot of great conversations about the attributes about tim scott and nikki haley and until it consolidates beyond the people not on the debate stage, i dont think were having a conversation about anything other than a potential potential vp stage this early in the game. Because when you look at those polls, 91 Felony Counts against trump and still 78 of his supporters say he was justified in trying to overturn the election. So what is a trial going to do to change that . Replay this please, if im wrong, however, if you look at those poll numbers, his support is really rock solid among the people who have already decided and a number have decided. It really is. Up next, will Kevin Mccarthy take on the right wing of his own party to avoid a Government Shutdown . [music plays] if your instinct is to help. Then clearly you care. You have what it takes to be a care professional. Home instead. Apply now. [baby crying] wherever you go. Wherever you stay. All you need is one key. Earn and use rewards across expedia, hotels. Com, and vrbo. With 30 grams of protein. Those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks uuuhhhh. Here, ill take that woohoo ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. 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For revolutionary support without underwires, and sizes up to a gcup, find your new favorite bra today at knix. Com tech need to get your windshield fixed . Safelite makes it easy. Tech vo you can schedule in just a few clicks. And well come to you with a replacement you can trust. Man looks great. Tech thats service on your time. Schedule now. Singers safelite repair, Safelite Replace. 21 days, that is how Long Congress has to reach a Spending Deal and to avoid yet another Government Shutdown and it is how long ken mccarthy has to figure out how to do it without losing his job. Republicans are demanding deep cuts and on top of that, theyve been pushing mccarthy all summer to start an official impeachment inquiry. When we get back to washington in the coming weeks, we have go to seize the initiative. That means forcing votes on impeachment and if Kevin Mccarthy stands in our way, he may not have the job long. All right, marianna, do gaetz have the vote to follow through on that . To an impeachment inquiry. To an impeachment inquiry, getting rid of ken mccarthy. There is enough of a block. On himpeachment inquiry, it is inevitable. But the Freedom Caucus is pointing out and far right lawmakers like gaetz, saying but my vote does not equal a vote for the government to fund the government. And that is a tricky point for mccarthy. Because he does really have to figure out the math here. He could only lose four republican votes and they have not have tangible conversations over august recess. Lawmakers have said well find out once were all in a room and we know what the freedom caulk wants. The longer a shortterm Government Funding bill because that is what is going to have to happen, the more demands they will make. And that is part one. Making sure the government stays open for next month or twoment a monthar two. And the Mccarthy Promises Hing on Government Spending why ive been hearing from republicans since early this year that it is testing moment for mccarthy. Are there votes for an impeachment . That is a real question here. They could go after mccarthy for not doing the vote but they are far short of the number of vote thats it would take. Not just from republicans who are in districts that support biden, the 18 biden republicans but people like ken buck from colorado, Judicial Committee member who said he has not seen the evidence that points to the need for an impeachment inquiry. Ken buck is no squish. He is not someone who would be seen as a progressive member of the Republican Party. That seems to suggest they are short of where they need to be. Something very instructive happened in a tweet, which Marjorie Taylor greene gave up lets put that up. Youre one step ahead of me. She was a tweet thread and she went off on him. But shes making the case that bidens corruption guys, hey, it is so vast, and it is so difficult to untangle this that we have to have a really extensive impeachment inquiry. So we cant wrap this up and we should not rush to a vote. I know you want to do this but just stick with us. Yeah, were going to look into all of that. We need to keep the government open. What i think most likely will happen, which is based on previous sequels to this story, is that at some Point Mccarthy will be forced to give the show votes on additional rioters and all of the issues that the Freedom Caucus wants but the senate has already said, were going to jam you goo is. We you guys figure it out and Kevin Mccarthy may have to rely on democrats. It will being to see if they would support him on a motion to vacate. And the democratic feeling about saving mccarthys hide is not enthusiastic. Well, he may need them to bail him out once again. But i mean, how reliable of a negligentor is he now with the white house Going Forward . He negotiated a deal with the white house and this should not have come down to this. But senator mcconnell said everyone comes out looking bad. We know that Senate Republicans have very little appetite for that. So we know that mckconnell and mccarthy have a relationship. Im curious to see how much mccarthy puts on mcconnell to get this done. To your point, eva, Senate Republicans are irritated looking at House Republican counterparts and youre out talking to voters, they have to be thinking about how is this going to play where were maybe shooting ourself in the foot with some very important voters out there right now in. We are in such a highly partisan environment that there are a lot that cheer Kevin Mccarthy on. But it does present a challenge for more moderate independent voters who want to see ultimately their government at work. Put the political frame on it, thinking about going into bidens reelection, about what the 2024 races are going to be. What the democrats would love to say republicans are about is chaos, it the government not doing things for people. And it is people in washington getting caught up in partisan ideology fights and not helping on drug prices or the economy in any way. That may be the story that they get to tell off of a shutdown. The drama may be ensured. Coming up, one of the worlds most famous rooms get a high tech upgrade. Like ours is spoiling their dogs. Good, real food is simple. It looks like food, it smells like food, its what dogs are supposed to be eating. No living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. Its amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. The farmers dog is just our way to help people take care of them. Oh, hi youre in a hurry. 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The situation rooms director says biden was blown away when he saw it this week with stone slabs from virginia, Mahogany Paneling from maryland, led lighting, handmade seals just swapped in, Vice President harris or National Security adviser jake sullivan. The Gut Renovation took a year and more than 50 million to complete. Its on time and on schedule to be to be back on station here in the not too distant future. The secretive highsecurity complex beneath the oval office is actually five rooms most called wizard for the wsr acronym from those in the know. The main conference room, wsr jfk was born after the bay of Higgs Invasion and thats where he huddled with World Leaders in the invasion of ukraine and President Trump watched u. S. Forces kill al baghdadi. It was something amazing to see and i got to watch it along with general milley and Vice President pence in the situation room, and we watched it so clearly. Around the corner, theres the watch floor where intelligence and media feeds including cnn, are piped in 24 7. Mr. President. Mr. President. Sir . Admiral, prepare us for war. And a smaller room, famously depicted in 2011 as president obama and his National Security team watched navy s. E. A. L. S raid the compound of osama bin laden. This is where we actually had a live view of what was happening, and so as you can see its a pretty small conference room. We were all jammed up in here. Thats now two offices with the old room removed and rebuilt at obamas library in chicago. In washington, the top secret complex is now open for business, and its director says the upgrades now make it feel just like the movies. Kayla tausche, the White House Situation Room. Thank you to kayla for that. Up next State Of The Union with jake tapper and dana bash. Jakes guests include secretary of state Antony Blinken and republican president ial candidate nikki haley. 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