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India where i u sat down with the richest man as well as the biggest star. The better of the sempcentury. And the battle between bali wood and hollywood, who will win. Finally, why one former treasury secretary wants the 100 bill to disappear as a public service. Ill explain. But first heres my take. A key sign of the republican partys dysfunction in recent years has been its unwilling ness to produce serious policy proposals. Instead its leading lights routinely present outlandish plans that they well know can never be enacted or in which the ma doesnt add up. What will republicans do if elected to the white house. All gop candidates would reveal obamacare. Some would pass an amendment to balance the budget and others would deport undocumented workers. Needless to say, none of this will actually happen. Take their tax plans. The Nonpartisan Tax Policy Center estimates that marco rubios would produce deficits of 8. 2 trillion and the plan clocks in at 10. 2 and donald trump predictably outdoes them all with the deficits and would raise the National Debt bier nearly 80 of gdp. So why u do republicans do it . Because they know what the base wants to hear or whether none of it is plausible and so have decided that policy proposals are no longer, well, actual policy proposals. Instead they serve as signals, emotional impulses that are meant to energize supporters. The fact that none of the proposals ever get implemented is why the conservative base is so enraged and flocks now to ted cruz. Now while not blameless, the democrats since bill clinton have avoided the path. They budget policy with real search by scholars if they made some assumptions these tend to be within the bounds of reason, thats why after being seen as taxes and spenders in the 1960s and 70s the Democratic Party has convinced many voters that it is the responsible party of governance these days. Enter bernie sanders, who makes the republicans look like models of sobriety and scholarly exactitude. The proposals he listed on his Campaign Website add up to around 18 to 20 trillion over the next decade according to the new york times. If you add a higher estimate on the health plan, that it brings the total cost to about 30 trillion. This week four respected economists who served democratic president s in senior positions wrote a letter pointing out that no credible Economic Research supports the assumptions and predictions. They were referring to claims by an economist who has tried to make sanders math work. He assumes that per capita growth would average 4. 5 , thats more than double the average rate over the last three decades. Even more magically, productivity growth would rise to 3. 18 . There has never been a tenyear period since world war ii in which productivity grew. Sanders supporters argue that criticism misses the point. Hes setting forth a vision on purpose, his fwoel is to shift the spectrum. But that argument is premised on the fact that america would be better off with 30 trillion of extra spending, college that would be absolutely free and essentially government controlled and top tax rates of 85 . It wouldnt. But to him none of this nitpicking matters. Hes painting with a broader brush, an authentic man who speaks his mind without willing to present bold ideas geared to capture the imagination, never mind the establishment e elites criticize them as unworkable or radical. For more, go to cnn. Com and read my Washington Post column it week. Lets get started. Lets get right to the big stories from around the world with tom freedman of tthe new york times. Tom, welcome. Good to be with you, fareed. Let me ask you first. The president is being hammered on the campaign trail by some republicans. Is it a good idea or naive . Its a great idea. Go down there, e engage with the people, e show them the best of america, our economic model, political openness. Whoever out there in your audience is afraid of cuba, have them raise their hand. Im not afraid of cuba. Its well past time that we ended our isolation of cuba. Its lab tested. The more we engage them, the more well enhance their own move to a political system. Its a great idea. More complicated is syria. Is there any path out there . I have been thinking about this issue. Ive been quite weary to get involved in syria over the last couple years because i just didnt see a path going forward. And aye certainly been deeply concerned about the humanitarian dimension of this. Im doubly concerned both about the humanitarian dimension and its become. Ing syria has now spilled out so many refugees that destabilizing the decent states around it. Turkey, jordan, lebanon, kurdistan and at the same time, even more strategic for the United States. The pressure of all these refugees flowing into europe now is really causing the European Union to start to close in on itself. I have a soft spot for the European Union. The minute i raised the subject, half your viewers changed the channel when they hear European Union. Its not a subject near and dear to most americans. Let me make it simple. The European Union is the United States of europe. Its the center of Democratic Capitalism if that union begins to seize up, thats a negative strategic trend for the United States. And because of that i think we have to reexamine how they construct a safe zone on the border of both syria and libya. Otherwise when the spring comes and these refugees start to flow into europe, its going to have serious political implications for the other United States of the world. What is going on with russia and ukraine. The United States is sending forces to europe. Sounds like the days of the cold war. Is this something that we have to really worry about which is that the United States may actually have to defend the Baltic States or credibly threaden to defend them so that this deters russia . Hes a man who keeps looking for dignity in all the wrong places. Rather than unlocking the talent and entrepreneurship of his own russian people, hes been looking for sugar highs by feeding that kind of nationalist frenzy retaking crimea, throwing his weight around the middle east. But these are all just shiny objects to distract his people that the russian economy is shrinking radically. I cant believe that the middle class is happy about this. But because of that one does have to worry that where putin might go for his next sugar high. I u dont think that it is reckless of us to be putting up barriers and i hate to say it in the case of the administration because they have gotten trouble but drawing red lines. In the past when the price of oil is low. We do know when the price of oil got down to 18 in the 80s, for a sustained period of time we saw the end of the soviet union. We saw the Peace Agreement but id say give it time. Theres a chance of that. It may be we get disorder before a consensual politics. I can can assure you this. For the regimes for so many years tapping their oil rather than people unlocking their creativity men and women when they get that resource taken away from them, i think its going to be destabilizing. Tom freedman, always a pleasure. Thank you. Next on gps, has the u. S. President ial campaign convinced you that americans are doing terribly. Do you wonder if if donald trump is right when he says the country is going to hell. Lets go with one of the finest journalists who has just spentd three years traveling around the country reporting on its actual condition. I am totally blind. I lost my sight in afghanistan. If youre totally blind, you may also be struggling with non24. Calling 8448442424. Or visit my24info. Com. Trust safelite. With safelites exclusive on my way text youll know exactly when well be there. Giving you more time for what matters most. team sing safelite repair, safelite replace. We said goodbye to the day. And to the city. And drifted off into the twilight. And when we woke, we found that the whole world had reinvented itself. Sail with princess cruises, the best cruise line in europe. Limited 7day mediterranean fares from 999. Call your travel consultant or visit princess. Com. Princess cruises. Come back new. Real milk vs. Almond milk ingredient spelling bee lecithin lecithin. Les buzzer sound your word is milk. Milk milk wins. Ingredients you can spell. man hmm. Hat do you think . stranger good mornin store p. A. attention shoppers, theres a lost couple in the mens department. vo theres a great big unkhaki world out there. Explore it in a subaru crosstrek. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. I think we shouldve taken a tarzan know where tarzan go tarzan does not know where tarzan go. Hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is . Waterfall . No, me tarzan, king of jungle. Why dont you want to just ask somebody . If youre a couple, you fight over directions. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Oh ohhhhh its what you do. Ohhhhhh do you have to do that right in my ear . If youve been listening to the rhetoric on the campaign trail, you might believe america is in a terrible state of decay. We hear about the communities, disruptional schools and the anger and dispear. My next guest traveled to sioux falls, south dakota, bend, oregon, and what he found will surprise you. Hes a National Correspondent for the atlantic and is the author of the cover story. A terrific read. He along with his wife rediscovered america in the tiny single engine prop plane. Pleasure to have you on. Thank you, fareed. Why did you do this . One reason was we just came back from living in china and found it so enriching to be on trains and buss and we thought when e we came back everything we heard was that a country in collapse. We thought what we would like to go out to the country itself and not just the coastal cities but the center and see how its there. Interestingly, one of the first places you talk about is San Bernardino, which happens to be right where you grew up. Its a place i have known all my life as a troubled place. And yet even there the story we found was people thinking that prospects in the country were bleak, but there in San Bernardino they were finding y ways to train kids for better jobs, work with the schools and other aspects of rebuilding. You say in San Bernardino, you see this pattern everywhere, which is that if you ask people how is the country doing, what do they say . The country is in terrible shape. Here in San Bernardino, here in sioux falls, horror in greenville, things are moving in the right direction. We all know this as a cliche about congress. People hate the congress. It was fascinating to us to have people see that about the country. The country they hear about in the news is falling apart. The country they see around them is actually respond iing to the pressures of these times. You talk about one of the places most hard hit by this. We have been to this place called the glden triangltriangl. Its columbus and west point in mississippi. Traditionally very poor. The manufacture iing was low. They had a toilet seat factory, a blue jeans factory, these all went away because of nafta. Nafta and world trade in general. Over the last decade just by dent of a thousand people doing interesting things, i brought in a helicopter factory, steel works that pays 70,000 a year, they have a a tire with its most modern plant in mississippi. And mississippi has big problems. So does the golden triangle. They are moving in the right direction, which was the surprising point to us. An important point to make is in many of these city, you went back and spent ten days. This is not an afternoon. Most of the places we went to for two weeks. I love duluth. I was once a rich city. The iron ranges and all the rest. It went to a a long decline. Now its reviving to a combination of aerospace technology, the kind of airplane we fly, i know you have been in is made there in duluth. Its a modern Wright Brothers story. Medical technology and outdoors. They have the most Interesting Company there something called furniture and designs where a couple outdoorsman said we want to live our life in duluth because we love the experience and a story i wont give you the details of they are now ship pig this high end kitchen and furniture products to 60 countries around the world from a former burial vault factory. If you walk inside, you think this could be a cnn studio new york, a tech company in seattle or san francisco, but its in duluth. It strikes me as how washington may be dysfunctional, but most of American Government takes place at the local level. Its that bottom up energy that makes america thrive. Yes, you and i and many people would prefer to have a functional government but we dont have that right now. I may not for the foreseeable future. If you hear the press, you might think the entire nation is viewing itself as objects of these failed national systems. America doesnt seem like an object country when you go place by place. People think what can we do here in south dakota or in iowa to make the future better 20 years from now. Stay right there. When we come back, well look at american anger over immigration. You see it turns out that many people arent so angry after all. Were back with a great James Fallows talking about his fascinating journey across america and the surprisingly optimistic perspective he witnessed. But again when you went to an actual town with actual immigrants and minority, what did you find . We found something in keeping with the long american saga of immigration, which you know well you have talked and written about. On the one hand, immigration is always disruptive in any country around the wrorld. And always has been. So its always change, but the other hand the u. S. Has found ways to continue to absorb people and thats what if you werent listening, especially to the gop campaign, you wo going. Sioux falls, south dakota, its a largely white city, upper midwest, plains, and german lutherans there. They are one of the main places for absorbing refugees. You see Somali People walking to their jobs. In a pork packing house in Downtown Sioux Falls where tens of thousands of pigs meet their maker every day, most people a large number of them are muslim women refugees from the rest of the world there sometimes wearing their head gear and work ing at this pig slaughter house so their kids with go to high school and college and join rotc and do these things. There was no correlation between where immigrants were arriving most rapidly and where people were alarmed about that. The u. S. Demographic is changing, but it seems to be a fact rather than an emergency in most of the places. When you look at these, and theres so many examples and you spend so much time with them, that in this case the plural seems to be data. What do you make of the problem of inequality that when you look at the recovery against so much of the gains have gone to so few people, how does that play out . Every problem that people know about the United States and that you broadcast over the years is true. It is their polarizing forces here as there are in every country. Its the second guilded age. We have the pressure of the National Fabric we know about. The surprising news were trying to convey is the countereffort towards that. Its happening in many places. The main thing we have seen is an effort to connect people with no jobs or welfare or Service Sector jobs, food service or walmart, with these medium wage tech jobs of being repair people. Being welders, robotics repair people. Theres an actual job shortage in that category. It takes you from 10 an hour to 20 an hour. So that is that doesnt solve the worlds problem of inequality, but is a buffering effort. You talked about you have been flying this little single prop plane for awhile u. You have been playing for a 25 years. I have flown on this plane. Its a magical experience. Its particularly magical to do it in america. You talk about this in a terrific article. Why . The reason i got have fallen in love is you have a unique perspective. A century ago anyone would be a writer because the perspective it gives you so unique. In america in particular, you fly at low altitude in the eastern third of the country america is a big forest. You see ribbons of road, a couple shopping centers, but its a forest. In the middle its a big farm. In the west its a desert. You can see the logic of how settlement took place. You can see the fault line of the appalachians. Its both beautiful and instructive. St. Louis is where the mississippi and missouri come together. It makes you weekender why dallas is. Theres no natural feature. Some places that try yum of american enjen knewty. Do you leaf this wishing you could get americans to kind of rediscover the country . America is a big complex place. We have strangely a flat three dimensional view from above. Understanding how complex is the machinery of this nation thats trying to respond to the challenges were all facing now. You end up optimistic. The seeds of a second reform age are being sewn around the moisture to ripen well see. But just as the first guilded age led to reforms, some time this will happen and the preparation is being set now all across our great land. James, such a pleasure. Terrific article. Next up, the richest man in india with a staggerly vast plan bringing high Speed Internet to indias billionplus population in four years. bear growls burke smash and grub. Seen it. Covered it. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum twell what if i told you that peanuts can work for you . Thats right. 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Victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. Victoza® is not insulin. Do not take victoza® if you have a personal or Family History of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing. Tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. Serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza®, including inflammation of the pancreas pancreatitis . Stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. Taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. The most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. If your pill isnt giving you the control you need ask your doctor about noninsulin victoza®. Its covered by most health plans. Im just back from india where i sat down with the richest man who was also the ceo of its largest company. Forbes estimates his net worth as being almost 20 billion. Reliance industry is the company he heads has a Market Capital of over 40 billion according to bloomberg. He talked to me a about what seems to be the most hopeful stories about india and a piece of positive news in a gloomy world economy. In the next few years, an extraordinary thing will happen. 1 billion will get access to the internet, most for the first time. What does that mean for india and the world . His company through a venture has bet billions of dollars that this is the Economic Opportunity of the moment for india and for his company. The other te le come companies are planning to build up capacity. We sat down to talk in his home, which some reports claim is the worlds most expensive private home. Thank you so much for come ong the show. Thank you, fareed. Its always a pleasure. Your Company Generates huge amounts of cash. You have been pouring all of this into one huge venture, which is to provide the internet to people essentially on cell phones. Why do you think this is worth that massive investment. I believe that humanity is at the doorsteps of massive u change and we are just at the begin ining of the information d digital age. And in the next o 20 years, nz in a network society, were going to have change much more than what we have seen in the last 100 years. And its really Digital World that is going to lead this from an india point of view, india cannot be left behind in this revolution. As we saw the year 2013 india is 150th in the world in mobile broadband penetration as well as quality. And its conceived to change this perception. To put it simply would it be fair to say india has not really been connected to the internet in a broad sense because inf infrastructure being such that the landlines that provide wired internet only reach 150 million indians. What youre o proposing this revolution, how many million indians will will get connected to the internet in the next year, year and a half . We are ready to launch and in the second half of 201680 of indias population will have high speed mobile broadband internet. So 80 of the 1. 3 billion indians will have high speed mobile internet and by 2017, we will cover 90 and 2018 all of india would be covered by this Digital Infrastructure. So in 2018 will a a rural farmer in india have Better Internet capacity than somebody in america . I think that if you lock at what you have in the u. S. After five years all the media carriers today cover only 75 to 80 of the u. S. And we would be pretty much doing that by 2016 itself. You have reliance throws off enough cash that could be inv t invested anywhere. Do you think this is the best Investment Opportunity in the world right now . This Digital Infrastructure i think is a very good investment. For me personally, e we made this investment just to make sure that the youth of india, which is still the bulk of india, which is a young country, is empowered and they have an equal opportunity to not only prosper themselves, but to contribute to this new world. That was really a main reason and thats why we took very high risks. Astime as passed, this now looks like being pretty good even business wise. Pleasure to have you on. Thank you. More from my trip to yaind from the nations richest man to the nations biggest movie star. Hes the king of bali wood, some say the biggest movie star in the entire world. He explains how bali wood could begin to rival hollywood. And stay awake during the day. Learn about non24 by calling 8448442424. Or visit my24info. Com. Trust safelite. With safelites exclusive on my way text youll know exactly when well be there. Giving you more time for what matters most. team sing safelite repair, safelite replace. I have a Resident Named joyce, and i said come to class,bout lets start walking together and i said and i bet you money youll be able to do that senior walk. That day i said ok its me and you girl, me and you i said if you need to stop, theres a bench well just hang out in the shade. She said absolutely not we are going to finish this race and we were the last ones in, but you know what . We finished the race. And she goes desiree, ill never quit walking. Ever youre an at t Small Business expert . Sure am. My staff could use your help staying in touch with customers. At t can help you stay connected. Am i seeing double . No maam. Our at t buy one get one free makes it easier for your staff to send appointment reminders to your customers. And share promotions on social media . You know it now im seeing dollar signs. You should probably get your eyes checked. Good one babe. Optometry humor. Right now get up to 650 in credits to help you switch to at t. Virgin islands nice so nice so nice, so nice spend a few days in the u. S. Virgin islands and return with a lifetime of experiences. Thats Virgin Islands nice. So nice, so nice the Los Angeles Times call ed my next guest perhaps the worlds biggest movie star. That seems about right to me. Hes the biggest movie star in india. He almost certainly has more devoted fans than any other movie star in the world given indias population of more than a billion people. The 50yearold has starred in over 70 films and made 38 million last year. If you dont know him and his work, perhaps you should. Ibd ya has long been the only major market where hollywood movies struggle to compete. Khan talking about the globalized world where hollywood movies are making serious efforts to penetrate the india market and bali wood are competing against hollywood in the rest of the world. Pleasure to have you back. Thank you to get me back. Tell me about what bali wood today looks like. How do you deal with the competition of hollywood movies that are essentially made for a global audience so that many of the movies that hollywood makes now make a majority of their revenues outside the United States and they are designed in a way to appeal to people so they have more action or cartoon figures and not a lot of dialogue, less complex character development. Are they the kind of competition the you face . I think youre completely right. I have always had this worry that if were not able to change quickly enough, we would be kind of overtaken like hollywood has. Principle movies are hollywood films. India is the only country that local cinema is better. The reason for local movies to survive is stardom. Theres still a huge balance of stardom in this country where theres an a director or actor and stardom keeps it like watching a football match. You want to see stars. You want nba because you have great basketball players. As long as the star system is retained in this country, it will be some time before International Cinema takes over. International stars are kind of becoming local stars. Like i said, the india cinema is changing fast with all the young actors and film makers. It would be quite u awhile before International Cinema becomes actual competition. I u wont deny the fact there are films that do take over at this point. Once in a year. How much of your fan base is now global because of the fact that the interpret exists and these movies are all over . Theres always been a huge indian audience, but its grown out of the gulf. It never ceases to amaze me because like the last release in peru and finland, where we never thought our film would go out. Even with sub titles. Germany, france, italy, those showed themselves that they are watching the films. But the business has increased since i last spoke with you. People are watch iing and im hearing its happening in china too. Which is quite amazing. And i think also the two different kind of cinema coming, they are also helping that. We have some really artistic films being taken in. These are small steps to creating an International Market for indian films. We are fortunate to have been in these times acceptance is happening. I have a team there and want to spend time and say how do they know and what do they understand what im doing. But its increased on social media. When im tweeting or something i can make up, i think more than half the people are from places not in india. And, you know, when i talk about something suddenly ill get a shout out from japan and really amazing theyre singing these songs and the dee logs. And its new and its very encouraging actually. And it really is new for indian cinema. Absolutely. Its now becoming kind of global cinema. Yes. Like you said. Ue or southeast asia. We still have similar cultures so you would assume they would like an indian film. Theyre conservatives and about families and some of the commercial films are nice things to say and not too edgey but now suddenly i find it like scotland, ireland, and america and now the other day like i was doing a showing in new york and you know out of like say 8,000 people we had about 500 to 800 americans watching an indian show and i spoke to some of the ladies and they were like we love indian films and we love you and travelled so many miles to come and see you. Its nice and a new phenomenon and actually indian films are progressively making footprints outside of india. And i think thats important. Do you think youll be doing this ten years from now . When you say ten im a little scared. Yes i may need a new knee and a new shoulder and stuff. But they tell me they are finding new body bags. So yes that would i always tell everyone my last shot, and i love acting for whatever amount i know, my lost shot should be on a when they say cut, if my life has to go it should be with a cut and okay if possible. Until then youll be the bionic man. Im the iron man. Actually i have titanium. Im the titanium man. Pleasure to have you on. Next on gps, why 100 bills are a danger to the Global Economy. Really. The plan to banish benjamins and bin ladens. Are you powered by protein . We are. Milk has 8 grams to help give you energy to unleash your potential. Start every day with milks protein and milk life. Iher lifes work has been about breaking barriers. Age. And so would her presidency. Which is why, for every american whos not being paid what theyre worth. Whos held back by student debt or a system tilted against them and there are far too many of you she understands that our country cant reach its potential. Unless we all do. Together. A stronger country. Parking is hard to find. Seems like everyone drives. And those who do should switch to geico because you could save hundreds on car insurance. Ah, perfect. Valet parking. Evening, sir. Hello heres the keys. And, uh, go easy on my ride, mate. Hm, wouldnt mind some of that beef wellington. To see how much you could save on car insurance, go to geico. Com. Ah car alarm sounds its ok man hmm. Hat do you think . stranger good mornin store p. A. attention shoppers, theres a lost couple in the mens department. vo theres a great big unkhaki world out there. Explore it in a subaru crosstrek. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. He won his second award for the audio book of his memory. A full life. Reflections at 90. Hes not the only world leader to have won a grammy award. My question of the week, bill clinton and gorbachev won a 2003 spoken grammy award together for a spoken album. What did they win for . Stars stripes, hammers and sickles. Or peter and the wolf. Stay tuned and well tell you the correct answer. This weeks book of the week is the only game in town. How come the Global Economy is now run largely by unelected Central Banks . In this highly intelligent analysis the author, respected investor and ceo explains how elected governments are failing in their basic job to take care of the economy and why this might lead to a massive unmanageable crisis. And now for the last look. Three years ago the u. S. Government released a new 100 bill complete with features like color shifting ink and 3d security ribbons. This month a study out of Harvard University says we should throw this bill out. You can find the scene in many classic movies. Briefcases full of 100 bills. Changing hands discreetly in the world. This isnt just the stuff of hollywood. Real life criminals use cash to launder money, finance terror and evade taxes. One solution, get rid of the biggest bills like the benjamin franklin. After all its harder to fly under the radar if you have to exchange your briefcase full of hundreds for a suitcase full of 20s. As the paper points out, 1 million in cash weighs about 22 pounds in 100 bills and is small enough to fit into one briefcase. In 20 bills, 1 million in cash weighs 110 pounds and would fill almost four briefcases and it isnt just u. S. Dollars. They recommend getting rid of other large denominations. Larry sommers who directs the center that published the paper and removing existing notes may have gone too far stopping the production of new ones would, quote, make the world a better place. Well find somewhere in washington to name after you. Bill clinton and gorbachev recorded a new version of the classic tail peter and the wolf and wolf tracks which took home the 2003 grammy for best spoken world album for children. President gorbachev narrated it in russian. President clinton narrated part of the story with the help of dramatic music from the Russian National orchestra. Peter and the wolf faced each other motionless. President obama will add to his collection by collaborating with vladimir putin, it would be interesting to see the story the duo would tell together. Thank you for being part of the program this week. I will see you next week. Happening now in the newsroom. I think last night was truly the beginning of the real republican primary. Heres where it really begins at this point now. I think its going to be between hilary and myself. The only campaign that can beat donald trump and has beaten donald trump is our campaign. The truth is for a campaign that started off as a fringe campaign at 3 in the polls we have enormous momentum. I understand that voters have questions. Im going to do my very best to answer those questions. All in the newsroom

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