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A news and interview program, anchored by Erin Burnett. Admitted to lying about and cheating. It doesnt get more clear than that. Is manaforts bet at this Point Go For Pardon from the president . Or is it what, have people think gates is a worse liar . Whats the strategy . I mean, the pardon play is a lot of moves out here. So i think the strategy seems to be to run down gates to say, you know, i was just a patsy. I wasnt that hands on, which was contradicted by his own bookkeeper and i was the victim of gates nefarious activity. The problem is here, first of all, everybodys dirty. This is only the best people, erin. As we say. Only the best people. But it also really does show the way that the International Political consultant class really has become a grift. These folks, really, they talk about populism, they use it as a political strategy, but they are making more money than most working folks will ever see in their life in a year and still go broke. Thats how corrupt and incompetent they are. After 60 million from ukraine alone, allegedly, paul manafort says hes bankrupt in 2016. Now, the thing is, gates was sayi gates admitted to a lot of lying. Cheated manafort out of Hundreds Of Thousands of dollars. That was an incredible admission. He admitted to lying to his own accountant. Hes an admitted liar. Does this help manaforts argument that gates was the mastermind, even though, of course, manaforts landscaper and Ostrich Coat Provider and Mercedes Benz dealer said that he did it all himself . Well, you know, its going to come down to not just what gates says but all the other evidence admitted in the trial. Whether thats through other witnesses, the other accountant who testified last week, the documents, the digital evidence, all the types of evidence that has been assembled and the prosecutors have put on. Gates testimony is in addition to that. But from my perspective he is incentiveized to tell the truth that phycologically and, you know, caras completely right. Hes up there fighting for his life. He wants to be able to get out of jail faster and have a life with his kids, but for the defense thats also good fodder. He can be incentiveized to tell the truth or they can say he is incentiveized to lie and say anything the prosecution wants him to say. To get to be back with his kids. One of the people gates says was listed on manaforts foreign Bank Accounts, i mentioned this, is the same person that manafort emailed. Yep. To get to oleg deripaska, a putin insider and a billionaire. Manafort offers him these private briefings around the convention of the campaign. Totally normal. He goes through this guy who is believed to be a russian, you know, agent, informant or close ties to russian intelligence, perhaps the best way to say it. Thats who he is talking to. That guy is now turns out hes on some of these accounts. Yeah. Okay. Theyre not allowed to talk about, quote, unquote, russia. But this is a key link to trump and it just got established. This is a key think. This is actually, i would argue, the biggest news so far out of the trial because it does establish that Trumps Campaign manager is taking money from the kremlin. Look, its bad enough when, you know, you live in virginia and have a Cyprus Bank Account youre funneling money through, but this is a direct connection to the credible and the spy services. The ties bhished and the unusual amount of contact between the russians and the Trump Campaign. Was manafort the primary conduit . Who knows. There is a money trail here and that is indelible. A crucial thing they tried to establish today, right . You have one of these guys, you know, with ties to russian intelligence and to a putin insider who manafort was making promises to, offers to, who is now on one of these Bank Accounts. Right. Theyve established the Bank Accounts. The Bigger Picture is that the president s Campaign Manager is someone who had also worked for a russianbacked candidate in ukraine for many years. I mean, so this russia connection pervades the manafort relationship and so many other members, there were so many different contacts between members of the campaign and russia. So one does wonder whether this particular piece is something that is relevant to the broader Special Counsel investigation looking at deeper russian influence in the campaign and potential other coordination or communication with the campaign generally. All right. Obviously that, of course, is the heart of this, this trial, which is the first big test for bob mueller in his Russian Investigation. Thanks to all. Next, trump told to stop tweeting about that now Infamous Trump tower meeting. Just how damaging is his latest admission that the whole point of the meeting was to get dirt on clinton . Plus, the president taking his war with the media to a new level. Could the secretary of defense, though, jim mattis, lauded as a voice of reason by so many, be on his side . And were just hours from the first votes being cast in a crucial special election. Should be a shooin for republicans. Is the president helping or hurting . I dont believe that our president currently has my best interests at heart. Its a little scary. Sometimes a day at the ballpark is more than just a day at the ballpark. Stadium pa all military members stand and be recognized. Sometimes fans cheer for those who wear a different uniform. No matter where or when you served, tmobile stands ready to serve you. Thats why were providing half off family lines to all military. Humira can help stop the clock. Prescribed for 15 years, humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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The problem with going on twitter and saying things like that is that the record with the president is very public. Remember, it was trump himself who was involved in the crafting of that statement on Air Force One about the meeting in which he claimed the meeting was about adoptions and explicitly not about dirt on hillary clinton. Now hes saying the opposite. Earlier today don jr. Was asked about the contradiction on Laura Ingrahams radio show. Let me play for you what happened. Do you want any comments on that, don . Theyre hitting you on that for contradictions. Theyre calling it worse than contradictions, obviously. Hello . Donny, what is your reaction to all of that . Were going to see if we can reconnect with donald trump jr. On this because we cant seem to hear him. Don, did you hear that . We dont know where he went. Okay. Well, whatever. He did something for a couple of minutes and then he called back in and he said this they played the recording and then it got cut off. In a 20minute meeting it ended up being about essentially nothing relevant to any of these things. Thats all it is. Jeff zeleny is outfront. Hes with President Trump in new jersey for his vacation. And, jeff, obviously that was a moment today. Do you have any indication that the president will listen to his advisers advice about these tweets, explicitly his need to weigh in on the meeting at trump tower. Reporter if the past is any indication the president rarely, if ever, listened to his advisers about what to tweet, or more importantly not to tweet. Don jr. Was doing something that his advisers want his father not to do, not give oxygen to this tweet. Thats what were told, they want him to stop tweeting about that Trump Tower Meeting explicitly. Were on to explanation 3. 0 or 4. 0 adding more fodder and oxygen, if you will. Don jr. Having a bad connection or hanging up there and not talking about it, but, look, the president the context and timing of this is fascinating. A, the Paul Manafort trial is happening now. B, always remember he knows more about what bob mueller and his team are doing in the moment than any of us do. So he clearly felt some reason to try to explain that meeting again over the weekend. Thats why he tweeted that out. Well see if he actually follows the advice of not tweeting again. Also we know, erin, that Rudy Giuliani and other Legal Advisers are saying within the coming days they believe that they will respond to the Special Counsels request for an interview. So maybe by the end of this vacation week here in new jersey we will finally have an answer to if the president will sit for an interview or not. Of course if its not, will a subpoena come . Thats what is going through the president s mind, at least, here in new jersey, erin. The team threatening to take it to the supreme court. Well see what happens. Obviously didnt work for somebody like bill clinton, but they could try. Next, lets go now to democratic congressman from illinois, mike quigley, who sits on the house intelligence committee. I appreciate your time tonight. You heard jeff reporting, right, advisers of the president are telling him to stop tweeting about this Trump Tower Meeting after the president s tweet yesterday where he admitted the point of meeting was getting dirt on hillary clinton, it was not about adoptions. Obviously in the statement he helped draft said the exact opposite. How significant do you think this tweet was yesterday about the Trump Tower Meeting, given that it so directly contradicted a statement that he helped author . I think that gap you heard this morning in the interview, as the president s son, id be calling my dad and saying, dad, dont do me any more favors. I think this was extremely damning to the president and his son, as if they didnt need any more damage at this time. I think the president is under the belief that if he says something is legal then it must be legal. Obviously this is not. He also ignores the fact that this event took place with the russians and trump jr. Said, this is what we want, i love it, indicates that they were this was a conspiracy to work with the russians to attack the democratic process. Well, certainly not anything the fact that they were disappointed by this and the fact yeah. Lets just put the timeline with it. Two months before, George Papadopoulos was told by the russians that they have information, troves of information on hillary clinton. The message from trump is, if you have it, we want it. Just days after the Trump Tower Meeting, wikileaks announces it has that information, it has those emails on hillary clinton. The timing is there. Obviously the president has done nothing but help us prove the fact that this was a conspiracy. Lets just, though, one thing, obviously in the tweet he is saying something very different than the statement. The tweet he is saying the whole point of this was to get information about hillary clinton. The statement was, oh, it was just about adoptions. But this whole thing that it was about to get dirt, this tweet is actually not the first time the president has said it. I just want to play for you, congressman, him back in july of 2017, so a year ago. I think from a practical standpoint most people would have taken that meeting. Its called Opposition Research or Even Research into your opponent. Ive only been in politics for two years, but ive had many people call up, oh, gee, we have information on this factor or this person or, frankly, hillary. Thats very standard in politics. Then days after that, congressman, he tweeted, most politicians would have gone to a meeting like the one don jr. Attended in order to get info on an opponent. Thats politics. When you take that context, right, he had already contradicted the statement from Air Force One. So does that make you think the tweet yesterday is less significant . Hes admitted before thats what this was about. Obviously they were disappointed. According to them it was only about adoptions. This all would then seem to add up, no . No, i think you take Steve Bannons comments of all people. He said that meeting was treasonous. He also said it was very, very unlikely. A chance of zero that the president didnt know about that meeting. The same thing mr. Cohen said last week. So clearly this is a much bigger deal than he wants to acknowledge. And the fact that all the other dots are being connected, given the fact that his Foreign Policy adviser has already pled guilty and is cooperating, his campaign chairman is on trial and his own personal attorney is positioning himself by all rational analysis for about to flip on the president. So this is a president reacting poorly. I was a Criminal Defense Attorney for ten years. I had clients like the president , in that their ego made them forget the fact that theyre not lawyers and they dont have any idea how the law works. The president is hurting himself and his son at this time. Now, you talk about being a Criminal Defense Attorney, so i want to ask you about the Paul Manafort trial. Rick gates took the stand today as former protege, admitted manafort had secret Bank Accounts in cyprus, a place you visited, you told me was central to the Russian Investigation overall. Congressman quigley, do you think manaforts trial in which theyre not supposed to use the word russia, will lead back to trump and russian collusion together . Its hard to predict exactly where the prosecution will take this trial or the other Manafort Trial as it goes forward. This is a complicated web that involves personal finances and i think criminal behavior, but its all interconnected with the Russian Investigation at exactly the same time. Its easy to forget what happened five news cycles ago, but previously we learned in Court Documents that mr. Gates was in the weekend before the Campaign Meeting with russian intelligence officials. The same people, the people russian intelligence Military Intelligence officials that work with mr. Manafort and mr. Gates in ukraine. It all comes back. These folks were all swimming. There is no other way to describe it. They were all swimming in the same cesspool. If you talk about Money Laundering it does go back to cyprus, where the russians were laundering money, where apparently these accusations mr. Manafort was laundering money. The fact that mr. Ross had a bank there at the exact same time. So its hard to believe all of these coincidences. There is a lot of dots. Its going to take a long time to connect them. There are different threads. Its why its all the more important to let the Mueller Investigation take its course. All right, congressman quigley, thank you very much. When you say mr. Ross, just so everyone knows, referring to the commerce secretary wilbur ross involved with banks of cyprus. The president not on the same page as his own daughter and top adviser. I dont believe journalists i do not feel that the media is the enemy of the people. Plus, with just hours before polls open, why are republicans scrambling to hold on to a crucial seat that should, frankly, for them be a complete slam dunk . vo when bandits stole the lockbox from the wells fargo stagecoach, well help you resolve it. Its a new day at wells fargo. But its a lot like our first day. President trump taking his selfproclaimed war with the media to a new level, now claiming the media can, quote, cause war, tweeting, the fake news hates me saying they are the enemy of the people only because they know its true. Im providing Great Service by explaining this to the american people. They cause Great Division and distrust. They can also cause war. Theyre very dangerous and sick and causing war. Its very unclear what the president of the United States could be referring to. But it does appear when it comes to the media the president may have some support from the defense secretary jim mattis himself. A hugely significant thing to say. Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr is outfront. Barbara, obviously its not just the president s message anymore, others in the administration are echoing his notion that the media is a National Security concern. You know, jim mattis, someone who is embraced by moderates, people on the left, the right, seen as a voice of reason and calm in this administration, him everyone having this Point Of View could be hugely significant. What have you learned . Lets start with tonight. Look, the president offering no examples, we dont know what he means. The White House Press secretary offering one example of concerns about National Security reporting. Her example widely debunked. It simply wasnt true. The defense secretary james mattis, like every defense secretary, is concerned about confidential, Classified Information getting out there in public. Hes concerned. Hes talked about this. About information about troop movements, which can be sensitive, information about military readiness. There is no question he has really put a clamp on parts of the military from talking about what theyre doing because he feels that it gives enemy forces, adversaries an advantage. Whether you agree with that or not, the fact is there is simply no evidence that a free press in this country is causing or leading to any wars. Worth remembering, the president of the United States, and this is not opinion, this is fact, he and the defense secretary send troops into harms way to defend the nations values, which, of course, include a free press and free speech. Erin . Barbara, what are you hearing about who is influencing this campaign, really, of the administration coming out more forcefully, backing the president s view that the media is the enemy of the people . This may be one of the most interesting questions right now. It has escaped no ones attention at the pentagon in positions of authority that there is a new Communications Chief at the white house, former fox news executive bill schein. Nothing publicly pointing to him but bill schein is someone who keeps a very tight rein on the communications message, and there is a lot of questioning about whether any of this would really be happening. Would the rhetoric be so hot and so difficult if bill schein didnt want it to be . Erin . Barbara, thank you. I want to go to joan wash along with amy kramer. So, joan, you hear barbaras reporting. Trying to get more on the same page. Bill schein, former fox news executive, top executive, obviously. Right. Sort of a longtime Consignificant Lear Consin i think its the president s thinking but its ratcheted up since bill schein came along. The way i think about it, erin, what bill schein and roger ailes did at fox news, they didnt depict democrats as people we merely disagree with on policy or politics or taxation, they depicted democrats as being the enemy, as being bad people, as being soft on National Security. So it does strike me that this is something that the president s been doing, but to flip it into a National Security concern could reflect bill scheins influence. Lets make the media just as awful and evil as they could possibly be. Amy, What In The World could the president be referring to when he says the media can cause war . Just to contextualize this, the medias job in the past year has included reporting on a president of the United States, who has promised to unleash fire and fury unlikes the world has never seen on kim jongun. Called kim jongun little rocket man. Then went to a summit with him where they were best friends but we are causing war . Well, erin, look, i think the whole point is hes fed up with the fake news. Hes echoing the sentiment of the millions and millions of people across the country. It doesnt matter what Sarah Sanders believes or what i believe. What matters is what he thinks. Thats why Sarah Sanders stood at that podium last week and defended the president and did not elaborate on what she thought. I mean, you know, its perception. Perception is reality. Last monday night i was on this program and before i went on i tweeted asking, do you agree with the president that the press is the enemy of the people . I didnt actually put in there that fake news is the enemy of the people, which is technically what he said. It had almost 40,000 votes and 93 of the people said yes. I mean, thats a problem thats scary. When perception is reality. Thats really scary. It is a problem. Of course its a selfselected group of people who choose to reply to anything. Im not trying to denigrate who you asked, but its a problem of not trusting a pillar of what this country stands for is coming from the top. Barbara reports you have some in the Defense Department agreeing i think its significant what shes saying, their frustration is things like troop movements. Longstanding battle between the press democrats and republicans. Not ideological whatsoever. There is a debate, it appears, in this administration on this issue. Let me just play for both of you Kellyanne Conway and ivanka trump. I dont believe journalists are the enemy of the people. I think some journalists are the enemy of the relevant and enemy of the news you can use. Ive certainly received my fair share of reporting on me personally that i know not to be fully accurate. So ive, you know, had some i have some sensitivity around why people have concerns and gripe, especially when they sort of feel targeted, but, no, i do not feel that the media is the enemy of the people. What do you think is behind that . These are two people who do not usually speak out against this president. Right. Even on the most obvious of issues on which they may disagree. Right. They did. I think there are a couple of things going on. First of all, i believe they probably had the president s permission. I dont believe they would do something this major without giving him a heads up. The second thing is both women want to live in a world posttrump. We dont know when that could be, could be two years, six years, but kellyiann is a creature of the swamp. For 20 years. She would like to have another 20 good years after this. She needs to say that. Ivanka is very mindful of how her own image is being tarnished, erin, by her association with her fathers administration. She is known for Massaging The Press and trying to get still trying to get good press. Its not totally surprising these two women would be the ones who do it. Youre saying that you agree that the president knew. Do you agree with that, amy . The that the president could have known this and is on board and loves there was more discussion about it, the one actually orchestrating this whole thing . I have no idea, erin, but we all know that the president speaks his mind. He is not filtered whatsoever and he goes out there and says it. This Isnt The First Time he said it over the past week. This has been going on for quite some time. I dont know when the first time he said it was, but its concerning that we are in an environment where there is so much hate and animosity towards anything political right now. I mean, ive had death threats, had to call the fbi after being on this network. Horrific, horrific messages left for me. I mean, i shouldnt have to go through that. My family shouldnt have to deal with that. None of us should. I think everybody need s to tak a step back and get a dog, get a life outside of politics because we cannot live like this. Its not healthy for any of us. We are seeing violence perpetrated on people. Look at Cannedice Owens being r out of a hotel in philadelphia by antifa. None of us need to live this way. All right. Thank you both. I appreciate it. Thank you. Next, trumps lastminute pitch to save a republican seat that has gone republican for 35 years. So is he helping or hurting in ohio . Troy balderson is going to help me do that right, troy . Okay. He said yes. If he said no, im out of here, okay . Plus, why was the alleged russian spy spending time with a trump aide weeks before the 2016 election . Wait until you hear the details on this. New development in this whole russia investigation. Maria butinas attorney is my guest. The more comfortable you are in it. And now theres a new way to smooth. Introducing new venus platinum. A premium metal handle boosts control. To reveal up to 100 smooth skin. Venus rewards me basically aeverywhere. Om so why am i sliding into this ski lodge with my mini horse . Because hotels. Com lets me do me. Sorry, the cold makes him a little horse. Hotels. Com. You do you and get rewarded. [announcer] the hartford is the only Auto Insurance company voted one of the worlds most Ethical Companies 10 times, and 96 of customers recommend the hartford based on their claim experience. Join the millions of customers who trust the hartford. Call to get a quote from the aarp Auto Insurance program from the hartford. New tonight, jawdropping numbers on how much money is being thrown at a crucial special election. This comes as were hours away from the polls opening in ohio. Outside groups reporting republicans, supporting republicans, im sorry, have some 5. 25 million into this one race five times more than democrats. This is the first seat that republicans have controlled for 35 years. Trump even hit the trail for the republican in ohio. Jason carole is out front. Reporter Troy Balderson should be writing his Victory Speech for tomorrow night, instead hes fighting his democratic opponent Danny Oconnor for every vote. Who is ready to win . Reporter the latest poll shows a virtual tie, yet its a Seat Republicans have solidly held for decades. A loss here would be seen as a defeat, not only for balderson, but also for the president. Mr. President , we dont want to go back. Im not tired of winning. Reporter Trump Won The District by 11 points two years ago. Held a campaignstyle rally on saturday to fire up his base. We must elect Troy Balderson. Reporter the Central Ohio District is primarily white. It covers rural stretches as well as suburbs of columbus. Both sides courting voters who could tip the win in their favor, namely independents like these two women, mara and April Kennedy are friends and coown a business together. Kennedy is backing balderson. A mans character is very important and i dont believe that our president currently has my best interests at heart. Ive watched some of the things that have happened in the past few months and its a little scary. So your defining decision wasnt about both candidates but about the president . More about getting democratic back into office. Im probably a lot like millions of americans where its not necessarily that you like the candidate of choice, but its who you dislike less. And i think that during the president ial election, i believe thats how trump ended up in office, but i think that this race with balderson is the same way. Reporter kennedy says shes concerned about oconnors ties to democratic leader nancy pelosi, who is seen unfavorably by a majority of americans, according to a rnecent gallup poll. Oconnor waffled whether he would support pelosi during a previous interview and attack ads keep tying him to the minority leader. Ive said time and time again that i would vote against nancy pelosi and we need new leadership in washington because what we see is not working. Do you think thats resonating with some people on the fence who are uncomfortable . People arent focused on that stuff. Reporter the gop has spent 4. 5 million on tv ads in the race, versus democrats who spent 3 million. Despite all that, diner owner rick hawn still remains undecided. I can stay im still in a neutral zone. Im not really leaning. Down to the wire then. Down to the wire. Reporter erin, it should be noted that we did reach out to the balderson campaign, trying to get the candidate in an interview, but they did not return our calls. As for at diner owner that you heard from, hes an independent, hes undecided. I asked him if the president coming here would sway his decision in any way . He said no. I asked what issue is most important to him, is it health care, is it immigration . He said whichever candidate stands the best in terms of standing up for small businesses, that would be the deciding factor for him. Erin . Okay. Very interesting. All right, thanks so much, jason carole. Next, from a concert to a birthday party, why was a former Trump Campaign aide repeatedly inviting an alleged russian spy to associate events just before the election. Maria butinas attorney is my guest. Plus jeanne moos on trumps latest pleasure, tivoing trump. Your friend just marea. You like her. Shes really good at social media. She buys stocks in companies that stand for something. You like her. Shes always up on the latest trends. She got in early on the whole goat yoga thing. And her sunsets are always nofilter. You like her. But youd like her better if you made more money than she does. Dont get mad at just marea. Get e trade. Get more out of your water. Our new, hot, fresh breakfast will get you the readiest. buzzer sound holiday inn express. Be the readiest. New tonight, a former top adviser to the Trump Campaign firing back after a report that hes linked to an accused russian agent maria butina. The Washington Post reported that butina and j. D. Gordon, who was the former director of National Security to the Trump Campaign, socialized in the weeks before the election. Gordon invited her to a concert, to his birthday party, to drinks. This places her in closer contact with trumps team than was previously known. Now gordon responds to cnn saying, quote, from everything ive read since her arrest last month, it seems the Maria Butina Saga is a sensationalized click bait to smear steady republican and nra members she out front bob driscoll is back with me. As always, i appreciate your time. Thank you. Let me just start with your response here. Youve called these Response Interactions between butina and gordon innocuous. Reportedly told her that, quote, gordon was playing a crucial role in the Trump Transition Effort and would be an excellent addition to any of the u. S. russia Friendship Dinners to occasionally hold. It does sound like she had specific reasons to meet with gordon w. H. O. Which had everything to do with his role on team trump. Do you agree . I think she wanted to meet them for u. S. russia purposes and the dinners which were open and commented on by lots of people, even written about. And i think she did invite him to one of the u. S. russia dinners. He was unable to attend. But then they went out to a concert and drinks once, and i think that was about it. So i think that the notion that there is something nefarious about this is belied by the fact that clearly jd gordon was significant player in the trump Foreign Policy group at some point during the campaign. He would have been perfect if maria was targeting people. But its just one of those washington things where they bumped into each other at a Embassy Party and did a few events afterwards and left it there. Okay, but its interesting you say he would have been perfect. Because i do want to ask you, there were more emails between them. Gordon reportedly emailed butina a video clip of him on rt, which is the staterun russia propaganda channel. She told him reportedly he looked very good, she invited tim hymn to a styx concert, to a birthday party, to drink. 21 years older than your client, inviting somebody to a concert of a group she was 2 years old when they were hot. Are you sure this was only networking . There is certainly nothing romantic between the two of them. She had a boyfriend, and im not sure what j. D. Gordons love life is like. But really, thats whats it for. You have somebody using grad school for Foreign Policy who has a chance to meet somebody who has a role in Foreign Policy and a professional job in Foreign Policy. Its kind of a typical washington behavior that lots of people do. They meet somebody and go out with them socially and see who they might know in common and what they might do together careerwise. I think thats a completely normal interaction that people have all the time. But when you say jd would have been a perfect target for a russian agent, she is russian. She is 21 years younger. But obviously, you deny that she was a russian agent. You do think he would have been a good target . I think in some ways, her conduct surrounding jd doesnt make any sense if, you know, if the argument that you see in the press that she is some kind of red sparrow kind of using her womanly wiles to get information. You know, there was no contact about jd gordon back with people in russia there was no followup. It have would have been a lot more aggressive situation if her goal was to come and get Foreign Policy influence in the u. S. , jd gordon probably would have been a pretty good person. But they went out a couple of times, never followed up and had about six emails. Again, the limited nature of it i think belies that there is anything sinister going on. I kind of agree with jd gordon that it really wasnt all that big a deal. You know, im just thinking, putting myself in a situation. It seems unusual for a guy 21 years older to invite me to a styx concert that i had only met once at an Embassy Party. The federal indictment against butina says in addition to dating erickson, whom you refer to of course as her boyfriend, that, quote, on at least one occasion, butina offered an individual other than erickson sex in exchange for a position within a special interest organization. Right. I just want to ask you, i know you deny she did this. But do you believe they are referencing jd gordon . Do you believe theyre referencing anyone else . Do you have any idea who theyre referring to there . I dont. I have my own speculation. I do not believe i note that the allegation the government made improper by they didnt provide evidence for, which i hope well see it soon does not state a time or a place. And i do not believe it had anything to do with her trips to america and the meetings with various high profile republicans. I think people have drawn that inference. I dont believe its true. But again, well have to see. Ill give the government a chance to put up its proof in court and well see. I just do not believe that that inference can be drawn. I think there is a reason the government made its statement in such a limited way. I think they might be, you know, might be something much more innocuous than people are saying. All right, well, bob, i appreciate your time as always. Thank you. Thank you. Next, tivoing trump. Jeanne moos on why its must see tv in the white house. T product, Fisher Investments avoids them. Some advisers have hidden and layered fees. Fisher investments never does. And while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, Fisher Investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. Maybe thats why most of our clients come from other money managers. Fisher investments. Clearly better money management. Guess whose obsessed with watching reruns of trump . Give up . Jeanne moos has the answer. Reporter you know who loves watching Trump Rallies . Trump. The president is often portrayed as the type who likes looking at himself in mirrors. Its going to be yuge and now axios is reporting he enjoys replaying his rallies in the tv in the dining room next to the oval office. Imagine reliving all that fistpumping, fingerpointing. And waving. Give yourself a hand for how you tossed out protesters. Goodbye, darling. Reporter got out the vote. Get your asses out tomorrow and vote. Reporter and confused your critics with puzzling sound bites. You see what they do . Bing, bing, right . You see what theyre doing . Reporter the white house wouldnt comment, but axios reports when watching replays, trump will interject commentary, reveling in his most controversial lines wait for it. See what i did there, hell say . Or imitating himself if he act more like other president s. There are parts the president might prefer to fast forward through, like the other day when he said Flamingo Dancers from argentina on the tallahassee trail. Reporter well, actually its the appalachian trail, and theyre called family ment fami dancers. Axios reports in the early days of the administration, President Trump loved rewatching his debates with hillary. This was one of his favorite exchanges. Its just awful lye good with someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country

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