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And good ooempk. Evening. Better late than never. Two Top Republicans today getting up the nerve to debunk trumps thry now initially, only republicanss to stand up. They met with top fbi ab presidd evhing right and now paul ryan, who saw that same classified material, was at the briefing is king his silence togowdy is right. Do you agree with him . Normally, i dont like to comment on classified briefle i think his initial assessmentu. And the speaker of the hois the republican chairman of the burr, who by the way, isinvesti and waieied eting says i think gowdys description of the process was correct. Youve got burr joi gowdy and mcconnell, all s there wa there. Nothing to support what the president says. That is four of the Top Republicans in the United States who saw the classified info and are suggesting the president s accusations about ta spy have n basis in any of the single facts theyve seen. And yet, as recently as last night, the president kept poundo be b a totally mad up accusation. Spy gate, full force, i Mainstream Media interested yet . Who would be who believe belief . Its a great question,ecause no trey gow dpr wrkgowdy. While burr and ryan speaking out is bter late than never, they had they have allowed the president to pedal this theory for weeks without calling it all youave to do is look at the basics and youll see. It looks like a very serious event. Hope its not true, but it looks like it is. H do you like the fact . They had people infiltrating our campaign. Can you imagine . Can you imagine . Es pedalling i whlieve it. Poisoning the system. E president is also tweeted or said said some variation of the word spy at least 17 times since april. Making wild claimsquote, he was only there to spy for political reasons and to help crook ed hillary win. Why now are ryan and burr drawing a line today of all days . Could it be in part because they have their eyes on theexit . Said running for reelection and ryan is in his final months in congress. The reality is that right now in the gop, trumps toughest critics are not running for reelecti ree jeff flake say his concerns about trump have made him unelect unelectable. Corker saying hes like a tod todayerer. Manu is live on capitol hill, and whe ryannd burr finally speaking out now because as we point out, gowdy and mcconnell obviously camous days ago. Those were the only ones in th republican side aisle in con reviewed this classified intelligence and ryan in particular is very close to gowdy. Someone ryan clearly may have been taken aback by all the backlash that gowd yy got aftere biid what it was supposed to do based on the classified briefings. But after he made those rurk remark, Rudy Giuliani, others on the right, came out to repudiate gowdy. Paul ryan did this, to say he was right, the sameefing crediblen thi very issue. Hes been the person that the has gone into these briefings where nunes who has taken a much different approach. Really, nunes the o republican and member of congress who has seen this classified spey eied intelligeny gate claims. He said he would not comment the me but has previously talked to fox news and hes criticized the Media Coverage and demanded more records, but hes not going to where gowdy, chairman burr, paul ryan andven Mitch Mcconnell have gone in the several days here. Getting off of these indito s outfront now, ngressman, great to have you back. I know you have supported the president on this concept. Do you accept what your leadership is now saying . Top republicans who were in the briefings have seen the classified intelligence. In fact, every one of them except for nunes, who as you heard today, didnt want to comment. Do you accept what their all saying . Which is they dont see anything there . Well, a couple of things. One is the documents were not actually given to them to review. So they have, they went to this meet, but did not review the documents. They didnt come back to congress. You think they were lied to by thebi . No, im saying there are documents and the speaker mentioned it this morning that there are documents that they havent been able to review yet. So thats part of this. Additionally, we could have a difference of opinion with colleagues regardless of whether theyre on my side of the aisle, doesnt matter to me. I believe that if for whatever reason, fbi, doj, the intel rying toet involved with b to the president ial that they should sit down with that major Party President ial candidate and let them know. Im not aware of any evidence that this coelligence effort was launched. Targeting the president of the United States. Im sorry, the nominee for president of the United States. He was told in at 2016 the russians were going to attempt to infiltrate his campaign. So they did have such a conversation in august of 2016. Up front as the decision was be to send an to infill essentially, to infiltsurveil t point in time, i believe as a matter of practice, that it would be reallynt Going Forward forward. Can wa cant recreate history, but sit down with the major Party Candidate and let them know as its happening before you start sending individuals to start surveilling the campaign. What im confuseded about and just right now politico has come out with a story. They just spoke with tom rooney. Hes been involved in the investigation. He said to them, quote, what is the point of saying there was a spy in the campaign when there was none . You know what im say iing, it like lets create this thing to tweet about knowing the its not true. Maybe its just to create more chaos, but it doesnt really help the case. Does he have a point . The president just says okay, i can throw a fire bomb out there, congressman, and i can say it to people who come to my rallies and who gives a if its true, right . Thats what this is is looking a whole lot like. Yeah, i think the president believes that his campaign w spied on. But what basis does ef to believe that . Because theres not a single fact to report it. Nunes said theres not a single fact they have seen to support it. So it sounds like hes it upf thin air. No, i mean you have at least one person who was sent to the campaign who was meeting with members of the trump campaign. That you know, at the beginning of this counterintelligence effort before they sat down with donald trump of the nominee to let him know that they were, whether you want to call that someone was there surveilling, infiltrating, spying, informing, theres a lot of different words getting thrown around. The fact is there was a person sent there by the government. At least one person theres a difference, quong man, between sending someone. I agri with you. Some of these words without a difference, but sending someone in to spy on, to help hillary clinton, which is what the presidspecifically alleged is extremely different than someone saying hey, guess what, we think russians are trying to get into campaign. Why dont you just go find out whats going on there. Those are two extremely different things. As far as motive and individuals making the decision, thats one of the reasons w i believe its important before concluding that the justice department, intel community, did nothing wrong. It would be importairst to re the that they provided when t went to that meeting. And i also, im one of these people throughout this entire process, im in favor of more information being provided, not less. I would like to see as much of that fisa application be declassified as possible and let the American Public read it and decide for themselves. That you know, there have been documents that have been provide ed to the American Public. Theres been some transcripts that have been provided. The inspector generals r is in th next few days. So i think the information coming out to the American Public is most important sothey for it, mine. Speaking abclinton, but were talking about accusation made by the president of the United States that a spy was planted in his campaign with the expressed by theess purpose of and we all know this. You have the people who have been briefed, ryan, burr, mcconnell, gowdy, saying nothing has supported that. What asking you is at what point if someone just keeps Say Something and throwing out bombs is it not worth running down everything theyre saying just it. It whats the point of saying there was a spy when there was none . Its like lets create this thing the tweet a knowing the its not true. That is a republican saying this about the republican president of the United States. Yeah, and again, i do believe that the president when he says that campaign was being spied on, his definition, his use of the word and many other people who are calling it spying, t its being consistent, not misleading. Thats notes saying. On hes saying planted by the fbi to help hillary clinton. He has been very specific about it. So as far as the second part with regards to helping hillary clinton, there is clear asay evidence. Peter had a role in this process, as to what were talk ing about now with regards to the end of the email probe with regards to the beginning of the trump probe regards to the fisa application. Peter struck played a hugely important role. Now he hasnt even come to congress. The clinton email investigation. He was also invved in the russia investiga. The person who teed had a role to play in the overlap. He was definitely involved. He was a deputy head of counter. Through that role, as the deputy head of counterintelligence, when the fbi is launching a campaign am i just confuse d about, youre trying to make a days and i get it. Youre supporting trump a the other people in your owny i there there. Im wondering what it will take for you to say hes full of it. First off, its important to get all the documents that the people who are making conclusions have not read yet. So in order to be ablesay this is what the document say, you have to be able to read the documents first. But again, the deputy head of counterintelligence and you have not been briefed or seen any of them. No one. Youre basing everything upon what . No one has seen those documents. Burr, mcconnell, ryan, gowdy have been briefed by the fbi in a classified setting about that. Well, and again, i would point you to part of speaker ryans comments this morning where he said there are still documents we need to review. He was referring to the documents that when they went to the meeting, they were not allowed to review. Now, those documents did not come back to congress with them. Im not aware of those documents being here in congress. But you know, second part of what youre asking me with regards to motive and intent and the personal involved in a decision, to we have to understand that fbi, the highesr struck in the position hes in, the role hes playing, he clearly was, its in his Text Messages, he was anti trump. He was pro hillary. Also theres no there there. Thats not true. You look is. Im not going to repeat the expletives of f trump. Oh, he had a personal political point of view, but made it clear he didnt think there was a ur, yes, he had a political point of view. As does everybody. Right. So i think though to answer your question as to when President Trump is makinwith regards to te Counterintelligence Department the fbi and their motives ce that aware of peter struck involved, being the numbertwo, in this process and knowing his biases. So he knows peter struck personally, personally wasnt going to vote for him. He could assume that, but its a big step from that to say the fbi is corrupt to spy on my campaign the preside it, cr hillary. I think we can acknowledge thats a different thing. Its a whole new ball game. But to say that theres no evidence. Well there isnt as of yet according to gowdy, ryan, m, burr. As of yet, they have seen no evidence to support it and clearly, they believe it is important to say that to the american people. And i would encourage my colleagues before concluding as to what these documents say to read the documents first. By the way, id like to read them and whatever is releasable, id fmerican public to read them and for all of us to be able to do more to form our o independent judgments rather thantaking everybody elses word for it. Those developments have not be read by the people who are saying this is the conclusion being made based off of those documents. Just saying to read them first. I apprecir time. Thank you. Thank you. Next, the president heaps praise on his cabinet, except for one person. Us,stmy daniels filing a new laut saying Michael Cohen colluded with her former lawyer to benefit trump. Plus, Rudy Giuliani. Went out of the country, so i guess he thought people might not be rolling tape, but they were. I dont even think theres a slight suspicious its true when you excuse me, look at Stormy Daniels. Youre just too good to be true cant take my eyes off you i love you baby and if its quite all right i need you baby to warm the lonely nights applebees 2 for 20, now with steak. 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Booking a flight doesnt have to be expensive. Just go to priceline. Its the best place to book a flight ys b trip d still save up to 40 . Just tap and go. For the best savings on flights, go to priceline. New tonight, love fest. President trump heaping glowing praise on member after member of his team today during a round table at fema. Secretary michael pompeo. What a job youve done and we appreciate. Secretary ryan, great job. Secretary ben carson, what youre doing is great. Elaine chow. Secretary. All you do is produce. You do it in a very quiet way and so effective and so incredible. Secretary nielsen. What do i say about you . You are doing great. General john kelly is here some ace. General . Good general. Great job. Administrator pruitt. Epa is doing really, really wel and you know somebody has to say that about you a little bit. A friend of min for a long time, administrate or linda mcmahan, e of the real stars. Just didnt stop. Everybody was gushed over except one person. Attorney general jeff sessnk you, jeff. Thank you very much. All right. Sorry. Outfront now, since when did the words thank you just s much . White house correspondent, april ryan, former special assistant to george w. Bush and former counselor to bill clinton. Scott sh, ben carson is inspirational, elaine chow is incredible. Kearsen nielsen, whom trump has berated to the point she reportedly quit. Shes great. Jeff sessions, thank you. All we got. Yeah, nielsen and pruitt, i thought those were the two most interesting things today given the history hes had with her, but on jeffns, clearly the president is mad cls mad about the russia investigation and jeff session ss the person who closely associated with that building. Hes made no secret of his displeasure with session job. The thing is is, jeff session is doing a good job for the president. Just puts his head down and goes to work every day. I think attorney general sessions has a thick hide and i think he sleeps easy at night because a, he believes he did the right thing on the recusal and b, when he recused, he gave the president a gift. Which is that. When this investigation is over, if they find theres no usion and Jeff Sessions was not part of the investigation because he recused himself, hes taking a key argument off the board. Can you imagine if sessions was still running this thing and they found no collusion . The democrats would be all over the president. So, paul, look, to scotts point, we know trump missdespic sessio russia. Ump said the russian hoax continues all because Jeff Sessions didnt tell me he was going to recuse himself. So many lives ruined and sessions knew better than most that there was no collusion. So i guess if you look att measure, paul, the president held back today by thanking Jeff Sessions. Yeah, he kind of wimped out e, actually. You know, easy there. Whatever, all over somebody on a tweet but when youre looking them in the eye, i guess you duodugo to thank you . I guess so. We find ourselves in a remarkable historic moment though where the president of the United States has a warmer relationship with putin than he does with his o attorney general. He says tely, last few weeks, nicer things about kim jongun than he does about Jeff Sessions. Thats a, thats a really remarkable situation that we find ourselves in. April, heres the thing though. The president , obviously you have theuxtaposition of Jeff Sessionsith everybod but he was saying is to trumpian. Heaping praise on people. Its easy for him to do. Its a crutch. Here he is doing it on episodes of celebrity apprentice. So governor, you have a hell of a lot of guts, i have to tell you a that. I have friends where things have happened to them, they crawl into a corner, they die. Youre out there punching. Hi, kim. You look great. I love your fragrance. Really special. Im going to get some. And khloe. Shes a terrific person just like you. Cindy, i love your hairdo. Youre a big believer in hair like i am, right . Yes. That was the disingenuous. April. Trump only said 11 words about Jeff Sessions. Five of which were attorney general Jeff Sessions and jeff. So whats the game at this point because Jeff Sessions obviously has refused to resign. Well, there is no game. This president is sincere and strategic. He heaped all the praise on everyone around that table to include thed pruitt. He told the transportation secretary, he produces quietly. He praised on ben carson. But when it came to Jeff Sessions, that was a jab. That polite thank you was a jab because he didnt get anything else. What i will say is Jeff Sessions is that fly in the ointment for this president for various reasons. One, u. S. Senators are, republican senators are very ainngry with this president abo messing with Jeff Sessions. Two, if the president does decide to fire Jeff Sessions, its obstruction of justice and three, this is the interesting piece to me. Since the president doesnt like Jeff Sessions so much and really doesnt want to hear what he has to say, Jeff Sessions is allegedly the hold up to bringing a sentencing reform to the white house. Theyre only doing prison reform, not linking it with sentencing reform becaus sessions does not want to do it. Thats interesting right there. So Jeff Sessions yields a lot of power and the president to a certain extent has to eat it even though hes jabbing him with a thank you and making those little tweets about his you know the first sitting senator to come out and endorse him and oall this and now, Jeff Sessions, the guy just every single day, trump a thorn in his side. I want to ask before you go, paul, bill clinton. The fallout to his remarks about in his defiance about not apologizing personally to Monica Lewinsky. Here he is in the initial interview when he discussed it and then ever since, trying to fix it. You ever apologize to her . Yes. I apologized to everybo in the world. But you didnt apologize to her. I have not talked to her. The truth is, the hub ub, i got hot under the collar because of the way the questions were asked. I was mad at me. You said in the interview you did ize. Heres what i want to say. It wasnt my finest hour. What wasnt . The way hes handled himself to craig mel fact that he still has not tried to personally apologize to Monica Lewinsky and hes defiant about that. That he mishandled that interview so badly. Hes publicly apologized to miss luewinsky and her family and he did again this week. Thats not the same thing. No, its not, but never had an affair, but if i do, i dont think my wife is going to want me to call somebody i used to have a relationship with. The damage, so much of the damage to this young woman was done in public and the apology was in public. I think thats the appropriate venue. And if you go back, viewers ought to take a look at their google machine. Google the speech he gave. I was there. September 11th, 1998. The New York Times described it as one ofhe most remarkable speeches in american history. He publicly and tearfully apologized to her and her family, rightfully so and his own family and the rest of f the country. Thats what a person does when he takes responsibility for his fl flaws and mistakes. A far cry from the current president who wont apologize for anything. Thats a pretty important lesson there. All right, thank you all. And next, porn star Stormy Daniels filing a new lawsuit tonight. This time, this would be hugely significant if its true. Saying her former lawyer was colluding with trumps lawyer. Do newly revealed Text Messages make her case . Plus, trumps testy call slamming canada and talk iing about how canada burned down the white house. Did trump get history right . Tomy over 200 allergens. 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Why are they talking about this if they represent clients against each other. Davisson replies, 100 . Cohen texts back, thanks, pal. Bu the ties between them dont stop there. Sara sidner is outfront. The ties that bind these two men could spell trouble not only for President Trumps personal attorney, Michael Cohen, but the president himself. Cnn has learned some of the case that is the fbis investigated learn that Keith Davidson. According to sources with knowledge of of the investigation. I get involved when the situation or relationship has gone bad. Now everyone knows about the two big cases. Stormy daniels and karen mcdougle. Two women who say they ha sex w initially represented by Keith Davidson. Beth of those deals were silenced. It just seems like an awfully strange coincidence that both land ed in your lap. Dont you nt all. I have a veractive practice. And when very, there are few attorneys that would go against large corporations, powerful celebrities and thats one thing that known for. But there are three other cases involving both attorneys. Like big time republican fundraiser and vice chairthemp. In 2017, davidson represented a former playboy model who says brodey got her pregnant during their affair. Cohen represented her and cohen an negotiated a deal to pay her 1. 6 million and t keep quiet about the deal. Bella, who worked with trump on the apprentice and his beaut page according to a source, cohen connect ed him to davidson, whod a cease and desist letter after tom arnold wrote a barrage of tweets about him. And he also steered another strange case to davidso a go fund account for a homeless woman tryin protect Donald Trumps star oon the hollywood walk of fame. Someone ran off with the money collected for her and davidson represented the trump supporter who set up the account. All these cases hint acoziness attorney and Keith Davidson and thats what karen alleged in a suit against the ami. She believed ami conspired to kill her story with the help of davidson and cohen. Mcdougle later settled her case with ami and never sued Keith Davidson. He admits he called cohen after brokering the deal with ami even th cohen was not an official party to the case. It just seems o up thene to Michael Cohen and say hey. I understand the questions. And why you may think that or other people may think that, but thats not the case. Now, davidson points out that this story all came to heard him throu three different people. None of them were Michael Cohen. He says that Michael Avenattis lawsuit against him is ivolous. He said he believes he can now finally tell the whole truth about what happened with Stormy Daniels because he believes that his Attorney Client privilege has been waived. And lastly, the reason ty commg, there was a nondisclosure agreement they had all signed and agreed to. All right. Thank you very much. Sara sidner, you know the only time weve had a chance to see davidson and hear his answers. T now, kerry sand eck and former former prosecutor, ann millgrim. Stormy daniels says Keith Davidson and Michael Cohen lludedal manipulate her and help trump, which would be wrong consider hes supposed to be representing her. You see these strange whatever word youd like to use. Coincidences. Overlaps. Whats your take . So, i think a couple of thing to think b about here. First of all, lawyers always have few dush yar duties to their clients. Meaning theres trust and confidence and lawyers have an obligation to act on behalf of the client. There are some things happening here that feel unusual. Shozibed ity and i would say unusually close. Theres a lot of back and forth in conversations. Not clear in this litigation, the lawsuit is a, loogs to me as a way to keep s in the news and sort of they are tryi their case in the immediate wha not ear if there are any damages here or theres a basis for this kind of litigation. What harm happened to her in this. Its just, its not cloear to me even if theyre right, wha would be the harm. What does presid well, i thinktrue, the next question that always comes up when ever theres anything cohen related, is what did the president know about it. Did he direct any of these steps to occur and if so, would he have complicity in whatever breach of loyalty that davidson has been sued for. So lets just do some more of the tennells Text Messages here. Still talking about this interview whing ews or whetherwell to disavow t interview where she had gone into the explicit detail about herron day view with the presidt that she said happened. This is from january. Cohen says can you call me, please. Cohen texts again, 15 minutes later. Please call me. Half hour later. Anything . Then davidson responds, still trying. Less than a moment later, cohen writes, this is no good. We need her. As by doing tomorro create another news cycle instead of putting an end to this one. So theyre on the same page about the strategy. It appears they have a side afwreemt and whats interesting, again, i dont think we know for sure what the Side Agreement was. All this stuff she just went through, the Elliot Brodey case, both make iing a are the of mon out of these types of deals. Ieals i leads to this question of was davidson representing daniels and what was in her best interest or working with Michael Cohen to get what was best for the president. And so to your point, say theres a side deal. Say its t uncal. Whatever it might be. Again, it does come back to did the president know about it or how does this change what he says, which is that he wasnt aware of this payment. And the same question that isways bable that he woulaware of some of one of the tweet, Michael Cohen says im with the first lady while hes talking to davidson about these other issues. What actually was going on, its not entirely clear that it was for her bene at the same time, there was an agreement between her and cohen. And at some point, obviously, the plan changed a a w lawyer and went in a different direction. So vidson liabi depends on when the plan changed. And ann, before we go, youve got davidson reportedly cooperating with the feds if the you now have him cooperating against cohen. Thats interesting because he brought the brodey case to cohen and that makes no sense. It makes sense if he represents a woman that allegations donald trump did something. Why would you bring something to cohen that doesnt directly involve trump. Herings him in. Cohen personally benefits. Raises questions. Serious questions because at this point, the only appears to involve brodey. Bringing trump into that would be a big change. Thank you both so very much and next, trump wrongly accusing canada of burning down the white house in 1812. Well talk about the factual issues the white house has to struggle to explain. Plus, Rudy Giuliani talking. Beautiful women, classy women. Women of great substance. Stormy daniels . Plaque psoriasis can be relentless. Your plaques are alws there at the worst times. Constantly interrupting you with itching, burning and stinging. Being this uncomfortable is unacceptable. Tremfyifrently for adults with moderate to severe pque psoriasis. With tremfya®, you can get clearer and ayarer. In fact, mtientsho saw skin weeks. Stay clearer through 48 weeks. Tremfya® wor better than humira® at providing clearer skin and more patients were symptom free with tremfya®. Tremfya® may lower your ability to fight infections, and may increase your risk of infections. Before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. 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Available in theatural sleep section at walmart. And i am a senior Public Safety my namspecialist for pg e. My job is to help educate our First Responders on how to deal with natural gas and electric emergencies. Everyday when we go to work we want everyone to work safely and come home safely. I live right here in auburn, i absolutely love this community. Once i moved here i didnt want to live anywhere else. I love thay pearwilling to come together to maker peoples liv. Together, were building a better california. Tonight, the white house trying to explain the president s tense call with the canadian prime is included trump an erroneous reference to the war of 1812. Obviously canada ab called a National Security threat by this. Jim acosta has this exclusive reporting. Ink b about but what exact you ly did go down this this testy call with trudeau . Theyve been going back and forth for several weeks now over the ts decision to slap tariff. It is kind of incredible to wrap your mind nd and during this conversation, Justin Trudeau pressed the president and said how can you justify these tariffs for r nationa security reasons as the president , the administration laid out. At that point, Justin Trudeau a he was pressing the president was told by the president , well didnt you guys burn down the white house, referring to the war of 1812. Of course theres a historical problem. The canadians did not. That was the british. But its go to this very tense relationship that has suddenly developed between two close allies and trudeau saying its offensive the him, insulting, that the u. S. Would claim National Security reasons for these tariffs. To make a joke, not a joke, you know. Exactly. The big question of course even when you talk about this, this whole embroilio about the war of 1812 is why does canada pose a risk . Its an absurd thing on the face of it and they are using it as their justification. Have they beenlegitimaten for t excuse for tariffs . I do think its a stretch. They are trying to give a justification. I talk today a Senior Administration official today who did not try to repeat the president s justification. Because that obviously is not true. But this Senior Administration official said listen, the steel and in an event of a war, the industries would not be able to produce the tanks and ships and jets to fight that kind of a battle. Obviously one would think if a war like that did break out, the u. S. Would rise to the occasion. But going back to your comment about how the canadians are not laughing, we talk today a sourc the canadians are not laughing about this and they think if a trade war breaks out, American Workers wont be laughing. Look, putting aside the fact there is some humor in it, the absurdity of it. Why even bring it up if you dont know anything about the war of 1812 as sitting president of the United States. Look one for his. I kmaybjue fact. And now to Rudy Giuliani. So, rudys in israel and b has been weighing in on everything from frump trumps marriage to Stormy Daniels, to how she looks, to whether shes a porn star or not, to whether he watches porn to kim jongil on. Heres what he said about how mel ania feels about her. She believes in her husband. She knows its not true. I dont think a slight suspicious. Excuse me, when you look at stormy da i know donald trump and look at his three wives. Right . Beautiful women. Classy women. Women of great substance. Stormy. Okay. Joining me now, and also friends Rudy Giuliani. Kristen, let me start with you. T he said today. So, what do you say . Trump has been married three times to classy women of substance and oh, Stormy Daniels . It is astonishing, even the way he is speaking about her, supposedly a porn star, den gradi grating her. I guess he was casting dispersions on the way she looked. Looks like a beautiful woman to me, but what do i know . Look, it doesnt matter what you do f a living. People who have jobs like her who have immense integrity, and i think that she is a businesswoman, this is what she has chosen what to do with her life and she deserves to be treated respectfully. The pure issue of whatever h issue with somebody who sells her body but not with people who pay money to keep her quiet . The business yo are in, entitlou to no degree of give can your credibility any weight. She has no reputation. If you are going to sell your body for money, you just dont have a reputation. Well, she has a reputation, andlook, how many moms and dads out there are praying each night that their daughter grows up to be a porn star. It is not what i want for my daughters, not casting any aspergs on her. But you are. She chose to do that. It is a rhetorical question, but i dont think you or most people want their daughter to grow up to be a porstar. Tell you what do i abo men who decide to be with porn stars andir wife at. It happens. It has happened. We dont know if it has happened. We do know that she has made a living doing this. She had an agreement which she is trying to get out of. She got paid which may be she wants more, who knows. But i think, what rudy was saying, can we boil this down, this happened in 2006, has nothing to do with him being president of the uniates. I would but kristen i will let you make the point. Rudy is boiling it down to she is ugly, she is a prostitute. And you cant listen to anything she say. It is miss songist. Rudy giuliani cheated on his wife. He is in no position to be lecturing people about integrity. Nothing that Stormy Daniels has done that cowl be close to that up and act like Rudy Giuliani, no i would not. He should back off and stick to the facts. Before we go, this happened in israel. He talked about kim jongun, getting on his hands and knees and begging for it. This is one of many things of what he said. We have video of him waving a towel over his head. Is this the rudy you know. He was having a good time and i would, if i were rudy, is probabne going to tape me and put it on the internet . But what is he doing there . He is having a fun time. The left is making Stormy Daniels to be joan of ark, i mean, please. I dont think he was making her to be joan of ark, but i dont think you should disparage. Next breaking news, the husband of kate spade detailing news about their life together. S until exxonmobil scientists put it to the test. They thought someday it could become fuel and thats why exxonmobil scientists think its not small at all. Energy lives here. I thought i was managing my moderate to severe Crohns Disease. Then i realized something was missing. Me. My symptoms were keeping me from being there. So, i talked to my doctor and learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of Crohns Disease after trying other medications. 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And i am appalled that a private daughter left to my daughter has been so heartlessly shared with the media. He does go into great detail about the separation of the couple. He said that they have been living apart for ten months. He lived blocks away from right here at the apartment where kate lived. He had been sharing their daughter, d together, never mentioned the word divorce but trying to work through their problems as the best friends they were and he says this is the truth, erin. And he also referenced her great love for her daughter in a poignant way. Reporter she loved her daughter hing. S battling and anxiety many years. She said there was no sign of this, and we were in shock. Thanks for joining us. Ac 360 with anderson joined tonight. Tonight a mother and daughter reunited on this broadcast. Alice Marie Johnson was released after 21 year prisosentenced fo time nonviolent federal drug conviction. Act, President Trump commuted her sentence. It came after Kim Kardashian west lobbied herelease. Her sentencing or the real

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