This coming as President Trump does appear to be going ut alone. Essentially acting as his own lead attorney. This was according to sources who say the president feels misled and no longer wants anyone else in charge. It is a decision with massive implications, given the fact President Trumps personal lawyer and ficker of a dozen years is under investigation and his documents have been seized by federal prosecutors. That means the president , who does not have a law degree, is trying essentially take over his own defense and today he went on offense on twitter about the russia investigation, tweeting slippery james comey, the worst fbi director in history, was not fired because of the phony russia veinvestigation. Where by the way, there was no collusion except by the dems. Of course, theres a huge problem with the tweet like that. And that is this. The president himself said last year on National Television that comey was fired because of russia. Regardless of recommendation, i was going to fire comey. Know iing there was no good tim to do it. And in fact, when i decided to just do it, i said to myself, i said, you know, this russia thing with trump and russia is made up story. An excuse by the democrats for having lost an election that they should have won. President trump also lashing out today against Stormy Daniels and her sketch of a man she claims threatened her in a las vegas parking lot. He wrote a tesketch years later and a nonexistent man. A total con jobplay Injob Playis Media for fools. Daniels attorney coming on cnn with wolf blitzer to say this. Likely going to be amending our complaint. Looking at doing that now, to add a Defamation Claim directly against the president. And lets go to jeff now. Who is at that Press Conference where the president said there was no collusion at least five times in West Palm Beach when he appear ed with the japanese prie minister. Erin, it certainly seemed like President Trump was responding to questions about this investigation from a year ago. Never mind the fact that there have been guilty pleas, never mind the fact this has developed so much hes still using the word hoax going back to what he has called it from the beginning. But he did shed some new light on questions that have been lingering. He seemed to down Play Suggestions that he would fire Rod Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney general. In fact, the Acting Attorney General in this matter and fire on bob mueller. He said this has been discussed for four or five months. Didnt rule it out spientirely. He said we want the Sbes Investigation to be over with, put behind us so we can get back to business. The question of course, how does that ever happen when he doesnt acknowledge the full extent of the investigation . Of course this has changed so much in the last week and a half or so because of Michael Cohen, the person whos closest to him of really any other advisers now is in legal trouble. So the president trying to say no collusion at all. He cited that house intelligence committee. You know, the findings of that. We should remember that was the republican finding of the committee that said you know, there was nothing to see there. The democrats disagreed with that. The senate still investigating and the Bob Mueller Ve Investigation very much alive here. So the president in a bit of a denial saying its still a hoax as we know. Acting essential ly as his own lawyer and going his own way here. But one other thing, the very end o the News Conference as he was walking away, asked about russia sanctions. He said well do sanctions as soon as they desieve it. That would be in the eye of the beholder. Onef the reasons he changed his mipd. Thats something that will get many talking. Thank you very much. Were going to talk more about that in a moment. I want to go to the former assistant u. S. Attorney for the Southern District of new york. Harry. Thats where the Michael Cohen case is right now. Wendy murphy is the former prosecutor and david gergen served as adviser to four president s. Harry, look, as you heard jeff reporting, the president essentially acting as his own lawyer and in a sense, you hear that now when hes saying going off with his list of things and going back to a year ago before there were guilty pleas and all sorts of p inindictments. But hes tweeting one thing that clearly contradicts what he said before. This is what happens when someone who isnt a lawyer essentially takes on their own defense. Thats absolutely right. And this is not a good idea. Hes saying one thing. Theres Videotape Showing something the opposite. Hes continuing to call the investigation a hoax. When many people have gone into court, under oath, admitting theyve committed serious crimes. Even if it doesnt lead back to him to say the investigation is a hoax at this point doesnt really make any sense. Gamble. But i suppose it is possible. And if at the end of the day, he faces no charges, he gets in no trouble and none of the documents connect him to the daniels payment and theres nothing there with with regard to him and russia, then he not only comes across as arrogant, but kind of smart and you know, strategic. The problem is most of what he says if you just think about from a defense per spspective, m a criminal defense perspective, even from a civil lawyers defense perspective, theres no advantage to saying things like this is about to collapse on its own and its all about to wrap up soon. I mean, cohen just had his office searched. That does not look like an investigation thats about to end soon. So in a sense, he sets him up, sets himself up for looking like he doesnt have a clue for Whats Going On. Hes not approaching this as a chess game, which you want to do in a case thats a lot of politics. Hes playing it much more like a politician than a Defense Attorney and i think thats dangerous. Again, his behavior, people like trey cao Di Gowdy Have called this out. If theres not to hide, why act as if there is. About the raid op your personal attorney thats nothing thats a problem b that could be unveil nd that raid. David, the president of course is coming out as all this is happening, he said Something Else tonight at the Press Conference, which is backing off a little bit off firing Rod Rosenstein and bob mueller, which of course he himself said the other day at a meeting with his cabinet, well have to see. Well have to see about bob mueller. Heres what he had to say. As far as the two gentlemen you told me about, theyve been saying im going to get rid of them for the last three months. Four months. Five months. And theyre still here. So we want to get the investigation over with. Done with. Put it behind us. And we have to get back to business. David, that is backing off big time. Saying that a man who serves as his own lawyer has a fool for a client. Donald trump could well Pay Attention to that. Its an old proverb. But you do need in the capacity to tiptoe through dangerous mine fields when youre being criminally investigated. I do think this president is making a leap to think he is superman. Doesnt need anybody elses help. He does need help. He needs legal protection. I thought overall in the Press Conference that what he was doing was trying to keep his options open. He leaned away from where hes been. On the on going back into the Trans Pacific you know, pa partnership. On one issue after another, i think he was trying not to be definitive because it can go either way. I think that is also something he needs the think about because as in the sanctions case, you know, hes undercut his own representative at the u. N. Nikki haley. By saying you know, she had it all wrong. Which we are going to have a lot more on that. Theres been big developments on that. But this is all coming in, when you talk about the criminal investigation into Michael Cohen, the president s personal attorney and fixer, the new York Attorney general did something today that could change the game. Hes asking New York State to basically change the law in New York State. So if someone is quicked and pardoned by the president of the United States, they can still be tried in new york. And therefore, still go to prison if they are convicted in new york. That could change the game for Michael Cohen because if hes think iing oh, ill just stick d be loyal to the president because i know hell pardon me, maybe you say, wait, maybe not. Right. Theres something behind door number two at this point. And it could be an investigation. Either by the new York Attorney general or potential lly by a District Attorney in new york, the manhattan District Attorney or someone else. New york has this law which gives defendants more rights than the u. S. Constitution entitles them to and the attorney general is asking the State Legislature to amend this law so that if someone is charged and tried or pleads guilty in federal court, they can also be prosecutor eprosecu time. So the president cannot save you from prison essentially if youre convicted. Right. Obviously could be very significant when talkin about this and the developments and whether cohen ever does turn on his boss. Thank you very much. Next, breaking new, President Trump changing his mind on imposing sanctions on russia. Just moments ago though, insisting that no one has been tougher on moscow. Plus, the man who the white house aides reportedly say is the unofficial Chief Of Staff. What is hannity . An Opinion Journalist . Advocacy . Im a talk show host. And a Chief Of Staff . And calm under pressure. We have part of the aircraft missing. Were going to need to slow down a bit. Just imagine what was going on when she had that call. Who is the hero pilot who saved more than 100 lives . Is it possible to save someones life. From thousands of miles away . Yes. Thanks to the dedicated technicians at the american red cross. Who worked with vmware. To develop technologies to help redirect the flow of blood to the areas and people needing it most. Helping them recover. And refilling everyone with lifeaffirming hope. Magic cant make Digital Transformation happen. But we can. 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A Senior Administration official telling cnn that the administration called the Russian Embassy directly to say there will be no new sanctions against russia. And its a huge about face for President Trump because it was done. The United States was going to sanction Russian Companies linked to syrias chemical weapons program. It was completely decided. And nikki haley announced it on television. We dont know when the president changed his mind, but no one told her before she said this on National Television. Youll see that russian sanctions will be coming down. Secretary mnuchin will be announcing those on monday if he hasnt already. Okay. That was a done deal. I think pretty safe the to say. No one told her that it wasnt. The president has changed his mind then kcalled the russia nso tell them. This has set off u a scuffle with larry kudlow saying haley must have been confused and haley saying with all due respect, i dont get confused. I always laugh when people start a sentence that way. It means the opposite. She felt disrespected by the white house slam. Outfront now, former u. S. Ambassador to nato, nick burns, samantha and former republican congressman and chair, mike rogers. Congressman, let me start with the news that we have here. Someone on the Trump Administration is told after haley announces the sanctions. Clearly, that was a done deal. And call it is russians to say do not worry, nikki haley is wrong. It seems Increde Bable that such a phone call would happen. It does to me. This has been the gripe from the National Security folks for months about the lack of an int interagency process inside the white house. So i have ever confidence that nikki haley was talking to probably people in both the National Security counsel and the treasury. And they said hey, were going to do this. Were going to go after Russian Companies that have something to do with chemical production in syria. Thats why she was so confident on sunday, but without that process, changed their mind and called the Russian Embassy. Its not just bad. Its a little danger, these mixed signals on something as important as this can get you in trouble in a hurry. And pam bass dorr, its pretty stunning. Someone from the Trump Administration picks up the phone, calls the russians and says dont worry about ambassador, forget her. Dont worry. Theres nothing womcoming. This is the problem with the undisciplined nature of donald trump. You cant hang your own people out to try. He needs to pild her build up ny and miami pompeo and the others in the administration. Hes not doipg it. When the going gets tough, the president points the finger at someone who works for him. I think shes been one of the stars of this administration. Shes a very precise, exacting person and if she thought a decision had been made, she wouldnt have made this announcement if she hadnt thought a decision was medicine and the president just cant change decisions on a whim. He says hes the strongest president against russia. I think a case can be made hes been the weakest since the well before the second world war. Hes never really acknowledged the cyber attack on our election by russia. He never formed a National Commission to help our 50 states. It took him eight months to implement the sanctions the senate voted 982. This is a weak president when it comes to russia. And this is something which is very interesting. Not only did Ambassador Haley go out and do this, having clearly spoken to maybe even secretary mnuchin, when it comes to russia, nikki haley has taken a strong stand and been firm. She has done so completely and opposite to the president of the United States more than once. Heres some examples. With cannot trust russia. We should never trust russia. We want to be able to get alopg with russia. Its a good thing. Not a bad thing. Everybody knows that Russia Meddled in our elections. It could be russia, but also china. Could be lots of other people. It could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pou pounds, okay. Not on the same page. No. And nikki haley has not been a Wilting Flower on russia. Much like mike pompeo. Its interesting. Both pompeo and haley have been further on front on russia than the president. Both have not been fired, where as weve seen secretary tillerson, who had several differences of opinion with pruch. He was give b ben the boot. So for some reason, they seem to have more Yob Security Anjob Se will be be interesting to see how she goes to the u. N. On friday night, President Trump said as we announceded the syria strike, we would be putting more financial pressure syria and its backers. So he contradicted himself when he rolled these back and she was left out to dry. Im curious, chairman. Tonight, nikki haley said she was walking through the halls of the u. N. Someone yelled whats your relationship with the president. She said it was perfect. We can talk about it given the fact this moment just occurred. But you know, she had down played any kind of tension between the two. Even though they have so often and strenuously said opposite things on things like russia. Here she is. Ive always been true to myself. And when i see something wrong, i call it out regardless of who it is. He knows that b about me. He doesnt tell me what to say. I dont have to take directives. So chairman, can she continue to walk the line when she has been so publicablely, i mean, frankly, neutered on this particular issue of russian sanctions. And take him on when frankly other members of the cabinet have paid the price for that with their jobs. Shes performed well in the united nations. Ed served the country well. This reminds me of the old quote from george shulgts. There was kerfuffle and someone asked whats your Foreign Policy view. He said i dont have a Foreign Policy view. The president d does. So you have to, at some point, you have to get all on the same team. And it sounds to me, this wasnt just Nikki Haley Running Out to Sunday News Show saying something. This was a product of conversations within the National Security counsel folks to come to that conclusion and get the sanctions ready. So that change happened in a way that isnt consistent with having surrogates out on the road doing, reaffirming the president s message of what he wants to accomplish. Thats what wrong with this. So i think this is a one off for her. I think what i hope happens if they, if and when pompeo gets confirmed, theyll go back to, go back to having people in there the president trusts to make sure efbs on the same page. If you want to have an impact on russia, you have to do that. You cant do what youre doing now. But ambassador, theres also the more, The Big Question here. Which is is not just the miscommunications and how embarrassing and bad it is for the compauntry, but the very sie point of as sam pointeded out, the president of the United States said more financial pressure was coming. It was agreed to. It was announced then he changed his mind. Why . Why would he change his mind then you know, tonight saying if russia does more to deserve it, well put on more pressure. So what changed . I think this is the most important thing we can say about the president. Theres no evidence of a strategy near. There wasnt on syria and theres not on russia. With this new Foreign Policy team, pompeo, bolton, haley and mattis, theyre all tough on russia. They all think we ought to be sanctioning russia. And the president is the outlier. Sometimes, he thinks he agrees. Sometimes, he doesnt. So theyre not getting the consistent, strategic leadership from the oval office they need. Right and of course we swrus dont know the answer as the why. Aiding a Chemical Attack that was worthy of military strikes but not of sanctions is hard to understand. Thank you all very much. And next, the president s unofficial Chief Of Staff. Sean hannity, becoming so close, one adviser tells the washington post, sean basically has a desk in the white house plus the southwest pilot hailed a hero. Is your airplane physically on fire . No, but part of it is missing. Theres a hole and someone went out. Who is that pilot. Tammy joe schultz. Now im gonna tell my momma that im a traveller im Gonna Follow The Sun now im gonna tell my momma that im a traveller transitions™ light under control™ jeff and Market Volatility into retirement. Isnt top of mind. Thats because they have a Shield Annuity from Brighthouse Financial, which allows them to take advantage of Growth Opportunities in up markets, while maintaining a level of protection in down markets. 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The president sees his show as a good ash trby tor of what his b is thinking and he cares how hannity presents issues. He often talks to advise ers in the white house about hannitys rating and how extraordinary he thinks they are and hannity is one of the people that when the president has a sensitive issue and he wants to test the pulse of what supporters would think, he talks to hannity. Several advisers we poke to for this story said it would be difficult to overstate his influence in the white house and how much he channels the president. How much the president channels him back. This is a median response presidency as steve bannon, one of the president s long time advisers has said and nothing is the epitome of that more than hannity. We could see it. You see it. The word echoes are incredible. Here are the few to give everyone a taste. The reason why democrats only talk about the totally made up russia story is because they have no message. No agenda. This is more proof the Democratic Party is in total disarray. They have no agenda. I think its terrible. You want to know the truth. I think its a disgrace Whats Going On in this country. I think its a disgrace. The highly classified fisa abuse memo has been released and it is shocking. It is stunning. A lot of people should be b ashamed of themselves. A lot of people broke the law. Its more than a shame. This is to deep in its corruption. Okay. A crucial question here is going to be who is echoing whom . I think each is echoing the other. Im so glad you showed that because theres a long tradition of president s off the record, on the phone talking to media figures. This isnt coziness, this is coordination. This goes so much further. I remember when obama was president. I remember being invited to off the record lunches. He would talk about how he saw the world off the record. Sometimes a day or to later, youd see in a column, some of his thinking and language creep in. This is so many steps beyond that. Theres a context and precedence for it, but with this coordination. When you talk about the level of coordination, but your reporting is that hes a de facto Chief Of Staff. Thats not a small thing to say. That means hes sort of something this president hasnt really had. A first call to bounce an idea off of or ask something of. Right, well the president also is pretty close with jeanine piro. Talks to her all the time as well. What we have to understand about this president , lou dobbs, a fox business host, hes close with him. He sees the world through a tv prison in many ways. Several of his advisers have said when they want to make a case to the president , they do it on television. Al lan dirk witz, i give him legal advice on television. A number of of the people around him say that these figures like handy, pi are ro, dobbs, have m power. When he watches these hosts, these influential hosts, it really can shape the presidency. Move policy. It can lead to him calling these folks on speakerphone in the middle of meetings. Remarkable amount of power. And you know, heres the thing that im curious. Sean hannity is now facing a lot of criticism. He may say he doesnt care and the president doesnt care, but its not just external sheppard smith, well respected anchor even outside fox news. And political analyst, juan williams, are questioning why did sean hannity not disclose h his connection to cohen . He is facing real pushback internally. There are journalists at fox, this really embarrasses him. He can say no, im not a journalist, im an entertainer. When youre going on night after night and railing about the raid on Michael Cohens home and hotel room and offices and youre making a big political issue of it and you never mention your incredibly close personal connection, you lose all credibility and youre not playing fair with your viewers. Thats obviously The Big Question. Thank you very much. Next, Michael Cohen skipping court to smoke cigars outside his new york hotel. So who are the men and who specifically is that man right there. Why is he connected to both donald trump and russia. Plus, President Trump blasting immigrants. What does he mean by Breeding Concept when he talk us about sanctuary cities . Allergies with sinus congestion and pressure . You wont find relief here. Go to the pharmacy counter for powerful claritind. While the leading Allergy Spray relieves 6 symptoms. Claritind relieves 8, including sinus congestion and pressure. Claritind relieves more. Whats going on . Oh hey thats it . Yeah. Thats it . Everybody two seconds dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance. Through the Tuition Assistance program, every day mcdonalds helps more people go to college. Its part of our commitment to being americas best first job. Im allbusiness when i, travel. Even when i travel. For leisure. So i go national, where i can choose any available upgrade in the aisle without starting any conversations or paying any upcharges. What can i say . Control suits me. Go national. Go like a pro. Tonight, Michael Cohen and his lawyers are going start getting documents seized in the fbi raid to review. Prosecutors are saying that will start happening as soon as next week. Cohen of course skipping his First Court Appearance to hang out with some friends outside his Manhattan Hotel including at least one friend with ties to both trump and russia. While Michael Cohens attorney was in a new York Federal Court arguing against the goth raids on his home and office last week, cohen was Holding Court with a dprogroup men smoking cigars. He described them as friends, friends with alleged connections to russia and President Trump. Rumors flying around then Michael Cohen just sit there is all w all these people. Its like he says i dont care. Its a slam. Conrad has Kickocovered Truml Estate deals an points out this man. Rosen b rosen, form er president of Africa Israel usa, a Real Estate Holding company. Ros rosen, a Company Donald trump on the trip to moscow in 2013 for the Miss Universe pageant. Joining them, alex sapi rirks, who financially backed a flashy trump project in downtown new york. They trieied recreate it in moscow. A deal that later fell apart. But that Didnt Stop Trump from Back Bragging and his russian connections in a phone call. Just starteded bragging about how many people in moscow, oligarchs in the room. How everyone loves them. How the market in moscow is very attractive to him. Rosens former employer is own ed by is is ova yet born tycoon who described putin as a true friend. He has had Close Relationships with important people in moscow, in the soviet leadership, later in the russian leadership for many, many years. The man in the gray suit. Jerry rotunda, the formerfoof the Private Banking arm of deutsche bank. He still works for the firm according to a person familiar with his employment. He was a key figure in the institution thats been bankrolling a bunch of trump deals in recent years. Including the hotel in d. C. So here we have a person at the center of this thing sitting outside with cohen and rosen. So, this picture of Michael Cohen holding this informal meeting with a collection of businessmen is a visual reminder of how close cohen is to the trump organization, its business. Perhaps its effort to build a Trump Property in moscow. And thats probably why the president is so upset about the raids on Michael Cohens home and office. Thank you very much. And Increde Bable to skip a hearing and choose to surround yourself. And next, breaking news. The president reveali intonighty hes changing his mind on hitting russia with new sanctions. A democratic congressman responds. 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When the Press Conference ended and the president was walking away jeff reports he was asked again about russian sanctions and why sudden about face. His response was do sanctions as soon as they very much deserve it. Thats the quote from the president of the United States. About russia. Well do sanctions as soon as they very much deserve it. So hes basically saying they didnt deverve it, so he changed his mind oaf the weekend and hes waiting until they do. Your reaction . They very much deserved it right after what they did in the last election. And president obama put them in place and incoming President Trumps National Security adviser, general flynn, told them dont worry about it and dont respond too harshly. Since the inception of his presidenc presidency, he hasnt been able to be tough on the russians. I would suggest it would be to counter their aggression here and abroad and what were going to do to achieve that would be he has to finally directly confront putin. Make sure impoe iing posing the sanctions and support the investigations in congress that look at what russia did and unite the country around hardening the ballot box. Just having everyone this question to understand here. He was willing to do strikes, okay, against syria. And assad backed by the russians. He was willing to drop bombs on them. On assad in russia. Against, against what russia wanted, right . And they were going to go have the sanctions. He said this himself when he addressed the country On Friday Night then changed his mind. Willing to bomb, but not do he slough loves, imposin what congress has passed. He is just incapable of doing it. So when it comes to the russian investigation, you have warned repeatedly that trump could try to Fire Bob Mueller or Rod Rosenstein. Moments ago trump was asked about that speculation and he backed off of it. I want to play it. They have been saying i am going to get rid of them for the last four months, five months, and they are still here. We want to get the investigation over with, done with. And put it behind us. So he backed down. The other day it is we have to see. Now it is they are the ones that is leaking it. I am not doing anything. Does that dissuade your concerns. No. I dont trust him. If you are at home and writing your member of congress or tweeting your member of congress about the need to protect bob mueller. This is proof that it is working. Keep it up if that is what you care about. I want to ask you about something he tweeted about, he said quote there is a revolution going on in california. So many Sanctuary Areas want out of this. Jerry brown is trying to back out of the national guard. And the people are not happy and want security and safety now. So many Sanctuary Areas want out of this ridiculous crime infested and Breeding Concept. What do you think he was saying . I dont know. It seems more racist. What we are trying to achieve is safety for new americans and also the people around them who benefit when a victim of crime comes forward who is undocumented. But you know, we can protect the border and also protect our communities. And i think we should be clear. If you are here and hurting somebody, you are gone. But the 99 of people who want to be part of the american dream, we should find a pathway for them. Thank you for your time. The amazing story of the southwest pilot who safely landed the jet with the exploded engine. Puts me at greater risk for heart attack or stroke. Can one Medicine Help treat both blood sugar and cardiovascular risk . I asked my doctor. He told me about noninsulin victoza®. Victoza® is not only proven to lower a1c and blood sugar, but for people with type 2 diabetes treating their cardiovascular disease, victoza® is also approved to lower the risk of major cv events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. 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Not on fire, but part of it is missing. They said there was a hole and someone went up. Reporter with engine one blown out, oxygen masks dropping. I thought these were going to be my last moments on earth. Reporter calm and collected 56yearold shults was guiding the plane in for a landing. We were all freaking out wondering if we were going it make it home to our loved ones and i feel so lucky to have someone with that experience. Reporter as a teenager growing up in a ranch, she wanted to fly in the air force but were told there were no female pilots. She tried the navy and after a year she got in. Saying in a book, i have finally broken into the flight club. She became an instructor and eventually selected again one of the first women to train on the hornet fighter jet. When her left engine blew out, little surprise she showed no fear. One of the first female f18 fighter pilots, i expect this was a Walk In The Park for her. Reporter her extraordinary landing was quickly compared to the landing on the hudson. Captain shults had no automatic help bringing the plane down manually. This becomes engrained in their memories, their muscle memories and becomes routine for them. And in the case of tammie jo shults, evident the training came through. Reporter now being credited by martinez and other surviving passengers for getting them to the ground safely. Thank you for giving me a Second Chance in life. Now i walk and take these breaths and feel like i am going to move forward with a newfound sense of purpose. Reporter they came out of the cockpit and was hugged by several passengers. She made her way to the back of

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