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He never went in, Sheriffs Deputy only armed guard on campus during a deadly shooting in high school, quote never went into the building when the shooting was taking place. That was according to sheriff israel of Broward County who described how he felt as he watched the video of the deputy do absolutely nothing as the gunman killed 17 people. Devastated. Sick to my stomach. There are no words l i mean, these families lost their children. We lost coaches h ive been to the funerals. Ive been to the homes where they sit and shiver. Ive been to the vigils. Its just there are no words. Well, that deputy Scott Peterson, he resigned today. The irony this news coming on the same day that President Trump doubled down on his call to arm the nations teachers as a way to combat mass shootings in schools. I think a concealed permit for having teachers and letting people know there are people in the building with a gun, you wont have, in my opinion, you wont have these shootings. Because these people with cowards. They wont walk into a school if 20 of the teachers have guns. It may be 10 . It may be 40 . And what i would recommend doing is the people that do carry, we give them a bonus. We give them a little bit of a bonus. So practically for free you have now made the school into a hardened target. Well, lets think about that for a minute. There are roughly 3. 5 million teachers in the United States today. That according to the department of education. 40 would mean 1. 4 million teachers in this country would be armed under the president s plan. The idea sparked outrage immediately from Stoneman Douglas High School Students to even republican senators. To arm every like to arm any teacher, they are there to teach. We dont need to put guns in the hands of teachers. I dont believe teachers should be armed. I believe teachers should teach the notion my kids are dwog to school with teachers that are armed with a weapon is not something that quite frankly im comfortable with. I might say the same as a dad as well. Well, even as trump proposes teachers carry weapons in the classroom, the president says that he opposed to preparing teachers and students with active Shooter Drills. Active Shooter Drills is a very negative thing. Ill be honest with you. I mean if im a child and im ten years old and they say we are going to have an active shooter drill, i say whats that. People may come in and shoot you. I think thats a very negative thing to be talking about to be honest with you. Lets go to martin savage, in parkland, florida with the Breaking News on that sheriffs department. Really, martin only Armed Officer on campus, never went into the building where the shooting was taking place. What are you learning tonight about what happened . Reporter its an additional horrific turn in the narrative, jim. And, remember, just a couple of days ago that these families who lost their children wrl told by the fbi that they had received a tip that they had failed to act on. Now on top of that, they are being told there was an Armed Officer, the School Resource officer, a trained veteran Sheriffs Deputy in uniform with aside arm standing outside the building where the shootings are taking place, and that officer, Scott Peterson, did not do anything according to scott israel which is Broward County sheriff. They said they are launching an investigation. Asked for his resignation. Instead he is it resigning and going into retirement. But it is a horrible turn of events. Questions have been raised about Scott Peterson eversince the shooting on campus especially for the families who had lost children. Now it appears the time that he was waiting outside, the only president did comments on twitter, that he believes will make schools safer. Also heard him say he wants to get rid of though at the same time active Shooter Drills. How serious is he about that step . Reporter well, jim, there was certainly one stripping of consistent thought in the president s view on what should be done here. First, he voiced a lot of concern and ideas on social media. Then again during a Listening Session with state and local officials. And one theme was to have more guns in schools. He said Gun Free Zones in school, sign outside that says Gun Free Zone is a welcome mat, if you will for shooters. Sew said that school officials, coaches or teachers should be armed if they are prepared for that. He said not all of them, of course, will want to do it. But he talked about again and again about School Teachers being armed. Its a deterrent. But we have all heard suicide by cop. This is what shooters do. This if played out would be suicide by History Teacher perhaps. It does not make a lot of sense to republicans in this town, democrats in this town who want to do something about this. But the president also was outlining a variety of different things. Thing to keep an eye on, he said the age limit to buy these weapons he believes should go from 18 to 21. That is at odds with the nra. So that is one place he would potentially confront the nra it would be on that. But it was the Teacher Proposal the president talked about today again and again that certainly raised eyebrows at the white house. No question, jeff zeleny there at the white house. Outfront lets ask teachers. Sharon learner is teacher in Stoneman Douglas high school in parkland where the faculty and students were killed. And hes offering free concealed carry training to local teachers around the country. Sarah, if i could begin with you. You were in your classroom with stud ent students when shooting started at Stoneman Douglas. You lost two students. He heard the president to to be armed if you have aptitude, as he described t is thatit. Is that a good idea . No, i have no desire to own a gun, shoot a gun, carry a gun, touch a gun. I dont think my coming to school with a gun would have changed anything. I wasnt in the building. Im in building six, not building 12. So if i would have been on campus with a gun, there would have literally been nothing for me to do. Now, i know you initially, as i understand it, you started leaving the building where you were, which as you said was a separate building. Yes. When the gunman pulled the fire alarm. Once you heard the shooting ran back into your class room hold up there for i understand for more than two hours along with several of your students until s. W. A. T. Arrived. Yes. Was there ever a moment in there had you had a gun you might have felt safer . No. No. Because hi i i dont need to have a gun to keep my safe. I knew the s. W. A. T. Team, fbi, broward sheriffs office, local offices were here securing the campus and keep me safe. That made me feel safe. If i had begun in my classroom with 15 students, i wouldnt have used it. I didnt see the shooter. I heard the shots when i went outside. But having a gun would do me no good. If anything, if i had a gun on campus, it would have been locked in my closet, and if somebody had come in the room, in the time it would take me to get my keys and open my closet i would would be dead. Sheriff, i know you are no stranger, you had experience, 15yearold wounded four other students opening fire in cafeteria in one of your schools just last year. But i understand you agree with the president . I agree with the president. Or lets say the president agrees with me. We had a school shooting. I have talked to teachers in the school where we had the school shooting. They would have liked to have a gun. We are not talking about everybody having a weapon. The teacher you have on here i can understand if you are not comfortable with a weapon and trained, i agree with her. But still the teachers are being shot. Kids are being shot. Within five minutes the shooting is over. 8 minutes the police are there. The only thing you can do is hide and wait. We have to train. Teachers should be trained at least to see a gun, no what it looks like, sounds like, what to do. They should be trained in first aid. We arrested two yesterday one said they would beat the 17 number. One said they were going to do shooting. The day after the shooting we arrested five just in our local area. Thats just here not the whole United States. Let me ask you this. We had a test case of this, did we not at parkland. Because there was an armed school research, Resource Officer, sor as we know, trained uniformed guard, who didnt do anything. And listen i dont want to attack this one person too much. I spoke to a u. S. Retired u. S. General tonight who commanded troops in iraq and said that reaction to violence is not uncommon. I mean, if the Armed Trained Uniformed Security Guard at parkland didnt do it, why would we expect teachers like sarah or others to be that Frontline Responder . I wouldnt expect sarah to be a Frontline Responder. I would expect, when you have people like the officer there, just imagine if we had some teachers in the school that were certified and trained, we would at least have somebody in that school with a weapon. But there was someone in the school with weapon. Please. They didnt go in. We had an officer in our school with a weapon also. He was in the cafeteria. And when he waited for him and the principal to leave the cafeteria, then the kid jumped up and shot four people, emptied weapon out, 15 years old. You need backup in the schools. Officers arent always the answer. You need someone twout a weapon that can be trained. When people say go ahead. Lets give sarah a chance because shes in the classroom. Sarah, what do you think . Sure. Okay. So just for argument sake, sheriff, if i were to have a gun and carry it at school and this happened in the cafeteria where i am not, how am i helping . If someone comes into my classroom and im on the other side of the room not near ply gun, how is the gun going to help keep me safe . Hes going to shoot me before i can access my gun . Sheriff, how do you answer that . Youll be shot anyway. Youll probably going to be shot anyway. Students will be shot. Only thing you can do is beg for your life or wait for the police to get there. You have people that are trained. So if im going to be shot anyway, then why do i need to car ka carry a gun . Because youll save the lives of other students. If you had the gun you wouldnt be shot. That doesnt make sense. Thats not necessarily true, sir. We agree to disagree. We do agree to disagree. Because i dont think that Arming Teachers one at a time, so the audience can follow. Sheriff, go ahead, and then sarah, trust me i want to give me your due. But sheriff if you can complete your shot. Okay. Sure, i talked to a teacher in Florida Today who said shes okay with weapons in school. She personally doesnt want a weapon. We have people that are trained with weapons before they become teachers and School Boards have to approve the weapons in the school. And here in ohio i had 300 teachers sign up in less than eight hours that want to be trained in firearms and want to have guns. So when people say that they dont want guns, the teachers dont want to be armed, sure there are those. But just as many that wanted to be harmed and should be. Lets give sarah a chance to respond. Yes, sir. I believe the overwhelming majority of teachers do not want to be armed. And the president said that those of us who would be willing to be armed would get some kind of a bonus h im not even given adequate money to buy supplies for my classroom. But now if i choose to carry a gun, a gun will be provided for me and ill be given a bonus . I would rather see all of that money go to having more Security Personnel on my campus. Giving me more money in my paycheck. I dont need a gun. Give me the money instead. Sarah and sheriff, well have to leave it there. But thank you. Its a difficult issue. You disagree on it but you gave each other time to make your points. Sure. And i know on a topic like that thats tough. Thank you to both of you. Lets keep up the conversation. Thaupnk you, guys. I appreciate it. Up next, the nra out to blame everything but guns. Prying white mott horse to you and many in the legacy media. Plus Breaking News in the russian investigation, new charges against manafort and gates, is mueller putting squeeze on them to make a deal. And father of a teenager killed just a week ago calls out senator marco rubio to his face. That father is my guest. Insura it was really easy. Easy. Thatd be nice. Phone for help with chairs, say chair. Phone for help with bookcases, say bookcase. Bookcase. I thought this was the dresser . Isnt that the bed . Phone im sorry, i didnt understand. Phone for help with chairs, say chair. Does this mean were not going out . Bookcase. See how easy renters insurance can be at geico. Com. Of being there for my sons winning shot. That was it for me. Thats why im quitting with nicorette. Only Nicorette Mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. It starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. Every great why needs a great how. Every great why dont we need that cable box to watch tv . Nope. Dont we need to run . Nope. It just explodes in a high pitched yeahhh. yeahhh try directv now for 10 a month for 3 months. No satellite needed. But mania, such as unusualrder can changes in your mood,able. 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If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Aleve. All day strong. New tonight head of nra comes out swinging after days of silence following the Florida School shooting massacre. Wane lapeer, using his speech to attack the media and democrats calling for new Gun Control Measures and calling his group as a victim. As usual, the opportunists wasted not one second to exploit tragedy for political gain. Chris murphy, nancy pelosi, and more, cheered on by the national media, eager to blame the nra and call for even more government control. They hate the nra. Outfront now is former adviser to the Trump Campaign, steve cortes and former Clinton White house aide steve boy ton. If i can begin there with the argument folks supporting gun control, brings in the media as well, are somehow just pursuing antinra gaepd. Do you think thats a fair argument with any discussion of gun control after a shooting like this . No, i think its part of it. Because i think its telling how quickly people immediately and particularly people in politics and media how quickly they try to blame the nra for this tragedy. And in fact the nra has brn diligently working to try to prevent these kinds of tragedies through things like arming our schools properly. I believe and the nra believes its outrageous in america that our priorities are so misplaced that we grd our money and our jewels and Office Buildings with Armed Security but not our precious children. And that has to change. Keith, that was a comparison the president made today about banks and others. And he even talked about gun free campuses being Something Like ice cream compared the students to ice cream. Do you think the nra is doing as steve says its best to protect area students. I think they are doing their best to protect nra and people continue to own guns and stockpile weapons. I dont think they are trying to protect the students. I dont think against. But thats not their my yort. Priority is to their millions of members. The reality is President Trump received money from the nra. Rubio received money from nra. And nra is using influence to present those ideas to them and block any kind of legislation that would prove common sense gun reform that most americans support. Most americans support universal background checks, and banning bump stocks, support things like raising the age for owning these deadly weapons. But the nra wont allow members of congress on their side to do anything about it. Steve, thats an issue where the president and nra, there is daylight between them. On the age, 18 and 21 president might support that on bump stock ban. Can you see the president following through even in defiance of a powerful Lobbying Group like nra . Yes. And the nra hasnt said what they believe about the age definition. But the president is willing to go up against nra in that case. When we talk about the nra some of the critics of the nra want to give it mythical status and how powerful and money it gives. It is pretty darn powerful. Decks and republicans will run from a negative rating from the nra. This is my point. What it spends on Political Races is pittance compared to what unions. What they do have millions of americans incredibly dedicated to gun rights and organization and tens of millions of people agree with them. Vast majority of the people believe guns are fundamental right that the Second Amendment is real and its an individual right. And almost all of them by the way own guns responsibly. Now, can we find better ways to keep guns out of peoples hands who shouldnt have them who are mentally unwell . Of course. Trump for that, nra is for that, im for that. In the meantime what makes sense is guard our children. Why do we allow them to be sitting ducks when we know that sick and deranged people are purposely targeting them. Keith, your response. Best way to protect our people is not have armed guards in the schools. For gods sake, there is an Armed Security Resource Officer at the school in parkland, florida, he did nothing. This whole line that doesnt negate the argue mtd for having him. This whole line is baloney. We saw it in las vegas. What was a good guy going to do to stop shooting of 600 people when the guy was in Hotel Room Hundreds of feet away . Thats totally separate issue. Im talking about School Shootings. What would happen in fort hood . Im glad you mentioned this. Let me finish. Fort hood, the u. S. Naval facility in washington d. C. Yard. The naval yard. Plenty of examples. Yes i know they dont have weapons. Everybody has weapons and facility. What you are going to say. No, they dont have weapons. Plenty of examples where people have armed weapons, and they are still not able to stop a bad person with a gun. So how do you want to protect schools . Way to do it, the way other countries do it, the way they dont have mass shootings, they dont have the access to guns that we do. They dont Pal Lou People who have mental issues to have access to guns. We dont here either. Young people to have access. They have universal background checks. They make sure we restrict certain guns so they are not in use. Not Everyone Needs to have an a saultd weapon. Steve, please respond. Even if gun control were a good idea which i dont think at all it is, but lets say for sake of argument it is, there are already 10 million ar15 in this country. 300 total million guns. That toothpaste is not going back in the tube. We still have a problem with School Shootings and protect our School Children even if i were to, grant you gun control. They did it in australia. Do you think americans will give up their fundamental life . Australia is different and thank goodness. Very successful and they have had no mass shootings. I want to play. Because this is a wider point that we heard nra C Pack Conference in washington. Have a listen to the point she was making. Many in legacy media love mass shootings. You guys love it. Now, im not saying that you love the tragedy. But i am saying that you love the ratings. Crying white mothers are ratings gold to you and many in the legacy media in the back. Steve, you have to admit we often see after shootings like this nra and others find many culprits other than guns, right, for the trouble and of course the media is a favorite target. Is that a fair argument for her to make there . Well, by the way, you cant blame guns. Shes saying that we ive covered shootings before there is nothing enticing school shooting. Im a dad. Is that fair . I think her words were far too harsh. I dont believe people critical of the media believe love mass shootings. She is ton an important point though. Which is i live in chicago. In chicago, statistically we have a parkland body count, roughly every week in chicago. Its mostly young black men. And because they are killed one and two at a time and not this mass scene that we saw in awful scene in parkland doesnt get much attention in the national media. So i think shes onto something there. I dont think thats the point shes making there. First of all, most of these conservatives talk about the black crime taking place in chicago and other places. I sure do and i live there. Actually listen to what black people were saying, majority of black people, 74 of black support federal registry of gun purchases. If you want to listen to what black people are saying about weapons, then listen to us, dont lecture to us from C Pack Conference. How dare she go there and say that. When the night before she was town hall in parkland and refused to say any of that. What a cowardly thing to make those comments. Just like wane lapeer, why didnt he go there, where is the courage in that. When you talk about an Assault Weapon Ban supposedly cutting down on crime, so long guns are not preferred choice of criminals. You have to admit is different story. Well have to leave it there. Thanks. Difficult target. Outfront next, new indictments from the mueller probe, is mule tear ramping up pressure on campaign aides. Plus. Your comments this week and those of our president have been pathetically weak. The father who lost a daughter and stood up to senator marco rubio is my guest. Breaking news tonight in the russia investigation. Special Counsel Robert Mueller filing new charges just unsealed against former Trump Campaign chairman Paul Manafort and former Trump Campaign Deputy Chairman Rick Gates Sign that mueller is applying new pressure on both of them possibly to have them reconsider working with the investigation h this new indictment includes 32 counts of tax and bank fraud, including a charge that the pair laundered more than 30 million in income. Shimon is outfront. I know youve been reading through this indictment. A lot of counts there. What can you tell us . Reporter yes, very tangled facts in the indictment. The key here there are these new bank charges these two face. And the significant thing is they could land them in jail up to 30 years which is significantly more time they faced in previous indictment. Now as you said this could put pressure on the two to cooperate. This indictment is similar to some of the charges we saw in the first indictment where the two based on money the two were making on lobby work on pro russian leader of the ukraine. And new the two men according to the indictment pa ledge he hadly took this money and hide it from u. S. Authorities. Allegedly parked millions of dollars in unreported money in u. S. Real estate as well as offshore bank accounts. And the indictment said they used new property as collateral to take out Fraudulent Bank loans. Now these two charges mount pressure to perhaps cooperate. And cnn, as cnn has reported rick gates was in talks to cooperate. And the question now is will he still cooperate despite these new charges. We are told they possibly could still strike a deal. But, you know, jim, there is every indication these new charges are effort to get manafort to flip as well. 30 years in prison, that is a lot of pressure. Shimon, thanks very much. Outfront now we have former u. S. Assistant attorney kim wailly and former nixon counsel john dean. If i could start with you, manafort 18 new charges, gates 23 new charges, this is in virginia in addition to the charges they are already facing. Manafort 70 years old, 30 years in prison, talking about dying in prison. Gates is wronger but hes got kids. This is a significant amount of prosecutor pressure, is it not . Absolutely. This has got to make these two men and their families and lawyers quake in their boots. Really serious. And the level of specificity in this indictment. I mean, as a Law Professor its actually in a way refreshing to see so much focus on the facts. We have pages and pages of transactions. And corporations that money was hidden and all kinds of things that clearly demonstrate that this prosecutor is very serious about the kind of work that hes bringing to bear in this investigation. John, does it give you clues as to where the investigation is heading, Apply Pressure On Gates and mueller to get higher up, including the president . Is that what you read into this . I certainly do read that with the additional charges. But also in the indictment itself or actually in the status report i found in the docket today, that the special counsel says the reason he filed this additional indictment, the indictment in the Eastern District is that one of the defendants refused to wave ive the district of columbia, that any of the crimes occurred in the district of columbia, so they had a venue problem. So they have actually right now two indictments against them. One in the Eastern District, this new 32 count indictment, and one the 12 count indictment is Still Standing in the dils tri district of columbia. So they created this em self a good nightmare. Goodness. Kim, cnn had reported gates had been in negotiations with muellers office to strike a plea deal. You add these new charges, i imagine to try to resurrect Plea Bargains . Or maybe ongoing. Other thing interesting about this indictment that tells a story, it speaks of gates as manaforts quote right hand man. So it really paints a picture where they were side by side. Manafort perhaps the boss. Gates the henchman thats doing the bidding for many, many, many years, many, many, alleged crimes. So there will be pressure i think on both of them. And certainly in gates does flip, it makes manafort in a particularly precarious position going forward. Now, john, the president has been asked about the possibility of pardons. Hasnt been particularly clear in his public comments. But heres what he has said in the past. I dont want to talk about pardons for Michael Flynn yet. Well see what happens. That regarding Michael Flynn, well see, hes leaving the door open there. Do the new charges impact what would happen if trump decided to pardon either of them . Well, obviously, they are federal offenses so he could pardon both gates and manafort. However, there are offenses that occurred really unrelated to his campaign or his presidency. So these are this is bad behavior that predated that. Obviouslily found them in the course of the investigation. It was within the jurisdiction of the special counsel. And special counsel is obviously using it to try to learn more about the campaign. So, you know, its an open Playing Field actually for the president what he wants to do. But i think heed have a lot of trouble justifying pardons for these offenses. And the list well, quick thought, kim, sorry. If i could jump in on pardon. A couple of things as was mentioned any State Charges would not be pardoned. But the second thing is that, you know, pardon power is not unlimited. I think thats a bit of a mistaken belief. The president cannot, in my view, as constitutional Law Professor, pardon people for the wrong rooern. So you couldnt pardon someone to cover up for another crime. Another thing the pardon power is crime specific. So even if he did pardon these two indictments at some point, it would not necessarily preclude Robert Mueller from bringing down additional charges assuming he had the evidence. So its a bit of a cat and mouse chasing gain pardon power. I dont think thats part of this panacea that will protect this president from this investigation. Kim, john, thanks very much. Thank you. Thank you. Outfront next, Jaime Guttenberg was killed in florida last week. Tonight her father speaks out about what the white house is and is not doing about School Shootings. And is Trumps National security adviser on his way out . Im here to fix the elevator. Nothings wrong with the elevator. Right. But you want to fix it. Right. So who sent you . New guy. What new guy . Watson. My analysis of sensor and Maintenance Data indicates elevator 3 will malfunction in 2 days. There you go. 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But i want to explain to you why it would not. Outfront now is fred guttenberg. And, fred, as father ive been thinking about talking to you all day, and my heart truly goes out to you. You really put it on the line. Thank you. Last night going head to head with the United States senator there. Yet today we hear from marco rubio, florida senator. And the white house no ban. Whats your reaction . Frustration. Just over a week ago today my daughter was hunted as school as were 16 other people. Not only do we hear no discussion on a ban, we hear no discussion on anything productive. The reality is we have we have a Public Safety issue but certainly School Safety issue. And everybody kind of runs to the bunker on positions. I dont have i have a position chblt im a dad and i want my kids to go to school be and safe. Ive been thinking about this a week. Ive been thinking about it all day as ive been talking to people. And this is a complicated issue. You certainly have entrenched special interests, many of which have been kind of nasty, i can take it, but to the kids. And i this i we need to deal with it. I do think leadership, that would mean the president , that would mean the senate, that would mean the congress and the states, need to deal with this issue. And i think they have to maybe the mistake is everybody runs to their bunkers rather than someplace there is a solution. And the problem is you have incidents and you have casualtities. We need to address all the factors that lead to the incidents. And honestly, everything ive heard, im in total agreement with. There is Human Factors in terms of Law Enforcement. There are factors of law and what Law Enforcement can do. There is Mental Health factors. But then there is the issue of casualties and injuries. And thats the issue that has to do with guns. And you cant eliminate any of those factors. They all need to be addressed. Yeah. We learned just a short time ago that the armed School Resource officer, they are known as sro, there was one on campus, he was suspended today because officials found he never entered the building during the shooting. What does that say to you about armed guards being part of the solution . Well, you know what, and im glad you brought it up. Thats the human factor. Okay. And i thisnk that gets to the incidents part but also limiting casualties. I do think that maybe in the past we havent put our best, when it comes to police, on school campuses. And maybe thats been a mistake. And we need to relook at that. Because i am all for enhancing security on school campuses. And maybe a campus of that size shouldnt just have one armed Resource Officer, not teachers, but security, who is a Trained Police officer, but should have more than one. And it shouldnt be somebody who has already kind of gone through their best police years, but maybe it should be the bad ast Police Officers who are going to take action and run in and not worry about the consequences to their Public Safety to save lives. And i apologize for my language, i just cant help it. Hey, listen, im not going to quell for you for that what youve been through. The president today also brought up this issue that you often here after School Shootings, active violence, that violence in video games is somehow partly responsible. Video games, movies, for shaping young peoples thoughts. Do you think that thats in the scheme of causes, as you said earlier, multiple causes behind this kind of thing, do you think thats a significant one . Im not sure. I would say i dont know. I doubt it. It kind of sound silly on the surface to me. But that said, if there is it a component of that why we have all these incidents, then it should be looked at. On the surface it kind of seems silly. However, if that is part of the Mental Health discussion, then i want to have that conversation. I would love to see the people in this country, and i would love to be part of that, let the president call it, let him pull it together, let him do a real Public Safety session, where we bring all the professionals together to identify what are the real factors that lead to the incidents, and what are the steps we need to take to cut down the casualties and injuries when the incidents happen. Right. You know, fred, after last nights comments in the town hall, your comments that interaction made headlines not just in the u. S. But around the world. You could see them on the screen here. Eight days ago as you were sending your daughter to school, im sure you never dreamed or had nightmares of being in a position like this. Every desired to be in a position like this. You know, i spent my entire life with my children and my wife with a basic philosophy. And i always say to them in talking about what stress and hard times are, saying, when we wake up in the morning and those we love and care about are safe and healthy, its the start of a good day. When we go to sleep at night, and those we love and care about are still safe and healthy, we have just finished a good day. Everything else in between is just stuff we need to deal with. In my wildest imagination, no, i never imagined that my daughter was going to be hunted at school. I never imagined that i would spend the rest of my life starting my day at a cemetery for my child who at the age of 14 truly had her life figured out. You know, this was not your typical kid. And now we talk about rights in relation to this discussion. All of my daughters rights have been terminated. Its no, its not something i ever manlimagined. Off in the distance, and you cant see it, but i have my son waiting for me. My 17yearold son. I always thought i could protect my kids, and now i cant make him that promise. And now i have stoeto send him to school on tuesday. And im going to send it back, because my family, were strong. And i, i insist that you face it. But im scared to death. Yeah. Listen, im heartbroken for you. And i know im not alone. Folks here with me at cnn, but a lot of folks watching tonight are Thinking Of You and let me just share, let me just share those thoughts with you tonight. And i really do wish you the best. Hug your son tonight. Im sure you will. Thank you. I really appreciate your time. Outfront next, is the white house trying to find a new job for the National Security adviser . Its easy to think that all Money Managers are pretty much the same. But while some push High Commission investment products, Fisher Investments avoids them. Some advisers have hidden and layered fees. Fisher investments never does. 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With its billions of live and active probiotics, activia may help support my digestive health, so i can take on my day. Activia. Now in probiotic dailies. New tonight, tension between President Trump and his National Security adviser. Sources tell Cnns Barbara Starr the pentagon is looking for a fourstar position that would allow h. R. Mcmaster to quietly leave the white house and return to the military. That means that trump could be looking for his third National Security adviser in just over a year. Cnn politics editor at large, chris cillizza, is outfront tonight. Chris, the reports, trump and mcmaster, they havent got along for months. Weve heard those stories. What do you think is the behindthescenes story here . Well, first of all, donald trump is hard on the furniture, to put it one way, which is just to say, he is very tough on staff. Look at who he has run through in his year and a little bit in the white house, jim. And then we got a signal in regards to the russia investigation on saturday, general mcmaster was in germany. And basically said, its hard to deny at this point that russia was behind this interference effort. Well, trump then took to twitter to say, what mr. Mcmaster forgot to say was this and this and this and this. So donald trump doesnt really like anyone who doesnt defend him, what he believes to be wholeheartedly. Mcmaster got sideways on that. The one thing i would say, that works for general mcmaster, is hes a general. We know donald trump, refers to him as my generals, knows him as john kelly, jim mattis, h. R. Mcmaster. Donald trump moves towards and likes and values the counsel of military men. Well, we know that mcmaster is not the only white house official currently on thin ice. Hes recently had issues with nongenerals. His attorney general, jeff session, chief of staff, john kelly, secretary of state, rex tillerson, Deputy Attorney general, rod rosenstein, and now, of course, mcmaster. This seems to be par for the course. Yeah, i mean, it is like an episode of The Apprentice, right . He brings all these people in. He swerves and you think hes going to fire this guy, but he fires this guy over here. This is Donald Trumps m. O. I always tell people, if you want some sense of how Druonald Trump Views Management and leadership, watch The Apprentice and the Celebrity Apprentice for which he was, along with mark barnett, a cocreator and producer of. He spars one against the other, cliffhangers. He believe publicing calling people out is what gets them to give their best effort. I would suggest the past year would dispute that contention, but he clearly believes it. And hes even dismissed a former apprentice contestant, right, from his white house . Fired three times and they just fired her a fourth, in the words of raj shah. Chris zla cillizza, thank very much, and well be right back. It touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum tum tum tum. Smoothies. Only from tums with advils fast relief, youll ask, what pulled muscle . What headache . Nothing works faster to make pain a distant memory. Advil liquigels and advil liquigels minis. What pain . The updates you made to your plan strengthened your retirement score. So, that goal youve been saving for, you can do it. We can do this . We can do this. At fidelity, our online Planning Tools are clear and straightforward so you can plan for retirement while saving for the things you want to do today. Nana, lets do this aye aye, captain and as you go through life whoo tryin to reach your goal

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