Transcripts For CNNW Erin Burnett OutFront 20171229 00:00:00

Transcripts For CNNW Erin Burnett OutFront 20171229 00:00:00

taking part in any kind of sales of oil that would violate u.n. sanctions. the treasury department note d last month that there were north korea ben shipping companies that were attempting these ship to ship transfers likely of oil to evade u.n. sanctions, but the president is on vacation here in mar-a-lago. he was on the golf course when the tweet was sent. we've reached out to a number of of his aides at national security counsel. was there something new that set off the president? some new piece of information he had confirmed? did he know there was a new transfer attempt and we got no response ch it's worth remembering that the president travel wg a very thin staff when he goes on vacations like this. so it's possible that even his own staffers don't knowd the pr to send this tweet today. >> all right, thank you very much. with me now, the author of nuclear showdown, north korea takes on the world, gordon
chang. and cnn security analyst, bob. gordon, let me begin with you. the word fs from the president today in his tweet, partly, there will never be a friendly solution if china continues to carry this out. this is nothing new. china is a large reason why north korea's economy can function at all. responsible for 90% of the trade, but you're glad to see the president calling out china. what i wonder though is anything different in terms of action? in that video we saw from "meet the press" 18 years ago, he says we must act now. he's not acting yet. is he? >> no, he's not. what you had, this is like evokes the june 20 tweet where he expressed disappointment with xi of china. about five, six days after that, there were five actions the chinese didn't like, but they were light. they weren't real close. they were just sending signals to beijing. so president trump needs to do more than just send signals. if he doesn't, the chinese are going to say, this is all just empty talk.
>> what would move china's hand? >> if he, if trump declared bankrupt china one of china's so-called big four banks, a primary money laundering concern under section 311 of the patriot act. that would be a death sentence for one of china's biggest banks and it would rock confidence in china. >> it could have repercussions on the u.s. we've got a trading partner there. you have to weigh what is more important at the time. bob, you note it's difficult to shame china into action. it's what the president's trying to do through essentially twitter diplomacy here. what comes of this? >> well, you're not going to shame them. i mean the fact is the chinese are also in a corner. they don't want the collapse of the regime in north korea. they worry about the rationality of kim jong-un. what's he quoing to do if it does start to collapse? is he going to let missiles loose on seoul, on japan?
chinese don't know for sure. but let me go back to what trump said 1 ye8 years ago. he was right. that's when it should have been done. they're well armed. they're going to use those missiles. they can do a lot of destruction. the only way out of this situation now if the chinese and the russians by the way do not clamp down completely and there is no falling apart of north korea, is regime decapitation. and but that's hunlly risky. it's a hail mary that could turn out very badly. so it basically, the president is totally frustrated with north korea, he promised to do something about it. and now he understands once he's seeing the sbintelligence and t reality, it's not going to be easy. >> let's listen to how the president has continued as president to call out china. time and time again. calling on china to cut off north korea. here are just a few examples. >> china can fix this problem
easily. and quickly. and i am calling on china and your great president to hopefully work on it very hard. >> i called on every nation including china and russia to unite in is isolating the north korean regime, until it stops its dangerous provocation. >> so president trump is not the first u.s. president to call on china to do more. however, he does have an interesting sort of unique relationship with chinese president xi. friendly on many fronts. he's also said china's ra p ping this economy. so do you believe he could move china's hand more than his pred sessegn. >> seth: have been able to? >> there are a number of thipgs the u.s. can do to really put china in a very bad place with regard to its economy. a number of other things trump could do. but the question is, does he have the political will and so far, he's been trying to
negotiate with the chinese. get their cooperation, but these satellite imaungs of ship to ship transfers are by themselves a violation of u.n. sanctions. even if nothing came across those pipelines. so right now, the chinese have been caught red handed and that puts trump in very difficult position because he's got to do something! but bo. >> but bob, explain to the american people what it is that china gains from aiding north korea. because it is important to note the interest of the united states and china are not completely aligned. when it comes to north korea. >> well i think it's a thorn in our side. don't forget that the chinese and russians have essentially equipped north korea to build this bomb. they didn't create all this. all these parts from you know, scratch. they've been helping all along. 18 years ago, they could have done something about this. so they like it that we're in a bind. they are not our friends. they are our competitors. he's right about that.
i do not know if a trade war is going to force their hand. i do not know whether the president of china is capable of caving into us on north korea. so openly and after a threat like this. i would be surprised. because that is, you know, it's the shame of that. and would politically undermine the chinese leadership. >> gordon, to be clear. china does not see it in its best interest necessarily. they don't want to see nuclear war break out of course, but also, they don't see it in their best interest to have a unified korean peninsula. >> bob is actually right. this is more than just a tlorn in our side. you know, every time that north korea does something provocative, we send a secretary of state to beijing, plead for ration cooperation. as one indian general said a few
days ago, look, north korea is the claw. china is the cat. the chinese are enjoying this immen immensely. they shouldn't. in the long-term, china gets hurt more than any other country. in the short-term, the chinese are really, really enjoying this dynamic because they get a lot from us. >> gordon, thank you very much. bob, we appreciate it. "outfront" next, it is official. roy moore lost officially the alabama senate election. even with the results certified today, moore is refusing to give up. claiming voter fraud. also, rex tillerson at odds with his boss. the secretary of state calling out russia for election meddling going a lot further than president has. and new year to remember buried under snow and blankets. the dangerous cold not going anywhere for 17 million americans. over 200 booking sites find you the lowest price... ...on the hotel you want. don't sweat your booking. tripadvisor. the latest reviews. the lowest prices. for her compassion and care. he spent decades fighting to give families a second chance. but to help others, they first had to protect themselves. i have afib. even for a nurse, it's complicated... and it puts me at higher risk of stroke. that would be devastating. i had to learn all i could to help protect myself. once i got the facts, my doctor and i chose xarelto®. xarelto®... to help keep me protected. once-daily xarelto®, a latest-generation blood thinner... ...significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. it has similar effectiveness to warfarin. xarelto® works differently. warfarin interferes with at least 6 blood-clotting factors. xarelto® is selective, targeting just one critical factor interacting with less of your body's natural blood-clotting function. for afib patients well-managed on warfarin,
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interview that dana bash did with her. it is important and fascinating. diane gallagher is "outfront" in montgomery, alabama. the last 24 hours have been high drama. i bet you thought 24 hours ago you would not be there, but there you are. what is roy moore saying about the options that he thinks he has left at this point? >> so roy moore isn't really talking at this point. he also hasn't officially conceded yet, but he did issue a statement pretty soon after the election results were certified. want to read you a quick little excerpt from it. he said election fraud experts across the country have agreed this was a fraudulent election. he then says i have stood for the truth b about god and the constitution for the people of alabama. i have no regrets. to god be the glory. we just want to add to that there, these election experts across the country, he seems to be referring to the three individuals that are drcited in his lawsuit.
one of whom who is a bit of a conspiracy theorist, who talks about the assassination of jfk and seth rich. they thought there was voter fraud, but this is something that the secretary of state in alabama has investigateded. we talked to him. there's more than 100 different cases that were complaints to him. they looked into them. at this point, they say they have found zero evidence of any voter fraud. some of the issues that were raised by roy moore with were talking about extra high voter turnout in counties that happen to be predominantly african-american and noting that seems unusual. they talked about people maybe being bussed in from out of state to vote at the polls in alabama. the secretary of state says they investigated that, found zero truth to that at this point. you know, it was something that as they went through here, they got through this lawsuit, it was put down by the court. a part in there that seems quite
strange to me, to supporters even, was the inclusion of roy moore claiming that after the election, he chose to take a polygraph exam and said he passed it when it came to those allegations against him. about going out with teenagers when he was a da in his early 30s. and the women who said that he either molested or sexually assaulted them. he said he passed a polygraph test after the election, but it was a roy moore affidavit. wasn't from the polygraph admin strart. so that was something else included there. doug jones should be sworn in by mike pence on january 3rd. >> thank you. with me now, former federal election commission general counsel, larry noble. knows a thing or two about how these things work. chris cillizza and michelle holmes. it's nice to have you all here. larry, let me begin with you. as former general counsel.
at this point, a junl l. >> alana: judge has dropped this down. said there's just nothing here that shows a shred of voter fraud at this point. what options are left, if any, for moore? >> in a normal situation, you would say there are no options left. that he's gone beyond grasping at straws and air. but in theory, he can try to bring this before the senate. the senate has the ability to rule on questions of election fraud. i think that would be the republican's nightmare. they've gone from first say iin they wouldn't support him. many said they would and now if he brought this before them, what are they going to do? i think he's out of options. he has to accept the fact he lost. i don't expect him to concede. but it's over. now if he does try to pursue this in court, he could be subject to sanctions for this case. you know there's a comes a point that you just have to say it's
over and you know, in one way, his statement today may have been a sign that you know, he's saying i fought as best i could. that he's not going to take it further, but with roy moore, you don't know. >> that would not be out of the roy moore playbook to just let it go. chris cillizza, you just wrote a column on this and i know you saw the interview dana did with janet porter. here's more of her claiming this widespread voter fraud. >> i think the president is also concerned about vote r fraud. he's brought it up in his own election and i think if he were to read through the 84 pages of evidence from independent experts and the best in the country by the way, who say one county, 20 precincts in one county, jefferson, is enough to overturn this election. >> dive into those so-called eck perts, will you? >> this is someone, one of their experts, the best in the country is someone who's regularly trafficked, excuse me, about conspiracy theorys. including the seth rich dnc
case. this is a young democratic national committee staffer who was murdered. some theorists on the right suggest he was somehow involved in the russia e-mails and the hacking. this is not the best and brightest that roy moore is citing. the simple fact here is that roy moore doesn't concede races. he did in 2006 when he got about a third of the vote in the primary. he did it in 2010 when he came in fourth. it's not a campaign. it is a crusade for roy moore. this is not about a win or a loss. this is about a long sort of arc of what he believes to be a righteous quest. you saw it. this is again, put aside the allegations against him. remember this is someone who has been elected and removed twice as the chief justice of the alabama state supreme court prior to the senate race. this is who he is. this is what he does.
>> chris, it's something really important here, too, about the fact his team is choosing to call out jefferson county u. >> right. well it's heavily african-american. and look, i think that you can play that janet porter interview. people should, i'm with you, urge people to watch it, but here's what you need to know. the republican governor, the republican secretary of state and the republican attorney general, those are the three people you see sitting at that table today who certified the election. this is not some sort of grand conspiracy. by the way, the republican secretary of state was clear he supported roy moore's campaign. and voted for him. so this is not a conspiracy. this is a small group of people insisting that the facts, not that we know, the facts that exist, are not the facts. which is their right. but you don't have to believe it. >> and the republican president who you know, who campaigned for him in final days.
or steve bannon, the republican former chief strategist who put a lot on this race. not saying anything about it and the silence is sort of deafening tonight. michelle, what about the people of alabama? roy moore says this is about them. the people of alabama. that he stands for the truth and for god and the constitution. what do they want to see happen? >> the people of alabama want to same thing that the people of across america want. which is access to free and fair elections. which is access to having their voices heard at the polls. the people of alabama spoke. we want to move forward. we want to move into the future. the people of alabama are tired. it's like we've moved into some sort of third rate circus where we're being held here with no food, no water, just roy moore and his spokes people making a mockery. the people of alabama spoke at the polls. >> it's a little through the looking glass at this point. >> by the way, can i just make a
quick point. this is not a race that was decided by 500 votes. >> 21,000. >> this is a 22, roughly 22,000 vote-vo margin. that's not that much, true, but for him to win, 22,001 votes for roy moore that have been discounted and zero votes for doug jones. these things don't happen. >> larry, let me ask you about the polygraph test. none of the results are in there, nor is the name of the person who conducted it nor could the spokeswoman name anyone in the room with roy moore when he says he took it. what do you make of it? >> it's useless. you're right. it's an affidavit from him saying he took the polygraph. doesn't name the person who administered the polygrappolygr. also it's interesting that he says it showed he did not know, he named three women who he's accused of sexually molesting.
doesn't address the other six. so we have no idea of what went on, even if it was a polygraph test. as evidence in a case, if you can call this evidence, it's meaningless. and but i think it's aimed at his supporters. it's a last ditch way for him to say to them, oh, i took the test and you know, i was found that i didn't molest anybody, but i don't think it has any weight at all. >> michelle, final thought? >> final thoughts is doug jones will be sworn in as the senator from alabama. that's the voice of the people of alabama. and doug jones will represent those who voted for him and all of the people of alabama. it's time to end this charade. >> thank you all very much. have a good evening. "outfront" next, the kremlin using one of president trump's favorite phrases. why russia is calling secretary of state rex tillerson fake news. and thousands of americans without power in puerto rico for more than three months now.
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new tonight, cold war of words. rex tillerson writing a "new york times" opinion piece and he writes that the u.s. and russia have a quote r poor relationship. he also writes that moscow has quote undermined the sovereignty of western nations by meddling in our election and others, but russia's foreign ministry is firing back tonight, using one of the president's favorite phrases, calling tillerson's words fake news. elise, when you listen and you read what tillerson wrote about russia, it shows once again he's not really on the same page as the president. at least in the word choice on russia. what's your read? >> well, i would say when it comes to russia, that president trump is out of step not only with everyone in his own national security team, but even with his own policies, okay? if you read that op-ed by secretary of state tillerson talking about election meddling, that's something that the intelligence community and every member of the president's cabinet has acknowledged to place, okay?
it's understandable the president you know, for his own supporters, doesn't want to acknowledge that and say that he believes that that happened because i think for him, that goes to the heart of his own legitimacy and raises questions about whether he was legitima legitimately elected and nobody said he wasn't. they just said russia meddled in the campaign. not that they were able to affect the outcome. so for president trump and all of his talk about president putin and his rhetoric about the election, if you look at the policies of his administration, they're actually quite tough on russia. just in the last few weeks, the president, his administration, listed a lot of prominent russians for sanctions list for actions against ukraine and last week, president trump just approved for the first time the sale of lethal arms to ukrainian military. so it seems to me that there's a total disconnect between the
president's rhetoric and not only the rhetoric of his administration, but his own policies. >> yeah, the national security strategy policy laid out on paper last week. good point. thank you very much. "outfront" now, democratic congresswoman of california, jackie speier. she's been busy these days with that job and the rest of her work. thank you, congresswoman, for being here. i appreciate it. let's begin with president trump's secretary of state calling out russia in this opinion piece in "the new york times" saying the u.s. and russia have this poor relationship. then at the same time, you have russia firing back saying that's fake news. who do you agree with? >> it's very typical of the russian playbook, which is all about denying when they've got their hands in the cookie jar. this was a serious offense that was committed by the russians. 17 intelligence agencies confirmed that russia had
meddled. actually like using the word meddle because it sounds like it's just on the fringes. they were actively involved, using active measures to undermine the election. >> so you agree with the secretary of state. >> i do. >> so earlier today, i spoke with republican deputy majority whip, tom cole on my show this morning. he said it is nothing new that russia would meddle in the u.s. election or other elections, try to interfere. listen to him. >> if we think the russians haven't tried to influence american elections in the past, we're nay eve and frankly, we think we don't try to influence transfers of powers in other country, we're nay eve. did it have much impact? i don't think so. >> wait. hold on. it seems like you're saying this is par for the course. this is okay. is that what you're saying? >> i didn't say it's okay. it is par for the course.
>> does he have a point? congresswoman? do you think he has a point? >> i'm sorry. well, actually, he has a point to a certain extent. i mean there have been instances when the united states has been engaged in the elections of other countries. i certainly object to that. but what happened in 2016 that was so different was that the active measures used by the russians were so dill tor yous. they actually got into the voting records in 21 states and it's not clear even today whether or not they were able to tamper with the actual voter machines. even though the intelligence agency said they have no evidence to suggest they had. but this was a comprehensive campaign. they got on to social media. they were using rt. they were hacking into the dnc and into various other outlets and then they were using
wikileaks to do the dump of all of these e-mails that had been stolen for all intents and purposes. this was unlike any kind of active measures that have been used before. and it really behooves us to recognize that russia hasn't gone away. they are still here. they will do what they can in 2018 and in 2020 as well. >> as you know, that "washington post" editorial earlier this week from you know, the former acting cia director and former republican chair of the house sbinsbel committee, saying russ has done this and continues to do this. a grave warning from them on that. let's talk about the mueller investigation. the special counsel ve investigation into russia. and the trump administration. i want to dig into something you said just a few weeks ago. here it is. >> the rumor on the hill when i left yesterday was that the president was going to make a significant speech at the end of next week and on december 22nd,
when we are out of d.c., he was going to fire robert mueller. >> okay, that didn't happen. it is well past december 22nd. do you regret at all sort of further spreading that rumor that was unfounded? at least so far? >> i first identified it as a rumor and i -- >> but you talked about it. >> i think it's very important to tamp down any kind of activity that may be going on behind the scenes. and if it has a prof lactic effect, then we have done our work. it's my job as a member of congress to call out what i see things that are dangerous to our constitution. dangerous to our country and our democracy. so i don't regret it at all. >> but you told me earlier this year when we were interview iin in march, you said that it was at the time, that the president,
president trump acted reckless ly in your words for spreading the unfounded allegation at the time that president obama had ordered his phones wiretapped. you said that was reckless because it was unfounded. then you came on television two weeks ago and said well the rumor is that the president's going to fire bob b mueller on the 22nd of december. didn't happen. aren't they analogous? >> no, they're not. because i said the it was a rumor. he didn't say it was a rumor. he said it was fact that president obama had actually eves dropped on him in trump tower. that's a huge, that's a very different kind of scenario. wone was sending up a red flag, putting out a warning. the other, his statement, was basically that president obama had done something that in fact, he had not done. >> do you still have concerns, real concerns, that the president will try to oust robert mueller? >> i do have concerns that he will try to do that. look what he did with director
comby. look how he's maligning the assistant fbi director. look how he's now turning to malign michael flynn when he was you know, praising him just a few months ago. >> he hasn't said anything to malign michael flynn. in fact, he hasn't denied when people ask if he might pardon flynn. what are you talking about? >> what's being said now is that in the white house that they are starting to set a scenario up so that in fact, if he does speak more to mueller or to others, that they will you know, put on their campaign against michael flynn. >> just to be clear for our viewers, "the washington post" reporting that we have not confirmed or verified. >> i'm sorry, i didn't hear. >> i was just saying that's "washington post" reporting that we have not confirmed or
verified. congresswoman, we will leave it there and have you back. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> so "outfront" next, 100 days without power for some americans following hurricane maria. cnn is there when the electricity finally comes back on. for one town in puerto rico today, you'll see that live. also, 17 million americans shivering in bitter cold temperatures. the president just weighing in. tweeting we could use a little global warming. seriously. that's next. ♪ video-game dance music
♪ ida is one of the lucky few who just got power. >> water. she's able to take a hot shower. that's what she's excited about. a hot shower. in southeastern puerto rico now has a massive generator to power its substation. it's enough to power part of the town. not a permanent solution. not enough to turn the lights back on for all 38,000 people. it's always been known for its agriculture. now, it's known for that area. where hurricane maria came in with 155 mile per hour winds, knocking out electricity immediately. the mayor says he doesn't know when power will be restored, so he believes they were the first to deal with maria and they could be the last. the mayor was born and raised in these mountains near the coast. he kaus calls maria a monostore
destroyed them. he's saying the urban area could get power very soon. but this area. the mountainous area. he says it could be summer before they see it. which take note, summer is when the hurricane season begins. miles away from town, high up in the mountains where the powerlines are harder to fix, cheryl has little hope her home will be back to normal soon. maria rushed in through the windows and doors and it ruined more than furniture. it ruined her life. for now, new poiaint is all she can afford to fix any of it. >> she has no idea when she's gel power back. i'm asking her if she thinks it will be soon. >> no. >> without power, cheryl and her children lost more than the lights. without power, they don't have water.
she says the problem, constant bureaucratic delays. for a month, they had power workers here, but not enough materials to actually carry out their work. he calls this a start. he says they need more generators, power pulls, cables. the u.s. army korms of corps ofs admits a shortage of simply is part of the reason it took so long to get power back to people like ida. back in town, ida will spend tonight in a home overjoyed. power the is the best christmas gift they could ask for, but for the families up in the mountains, the sun sets on another night. as they wait for their gift to arrive. >> and she joins me now. the look on those children's faces, the children of the families in the mountains, they're still waiting and we can obviously see behind you where
you are now. in san juan. there's light, but for families like that one in the mountain, how long have they been without power? >> that family in particular has been without power since before hurricane irma. so do the count. that's 114 days they have not had power. that generator that is in town is powering a very small percentage. we understand today the hospital as well received power, but here's another number to throw out at you. that is 69. 69% generation is what the government here is reporting, but you heard me say this before. 69% generation does not equal distribution. so the government right now still not giving a good idea as to how many people in puerto rico actually have power tonight. >> you've been on top of this story, "outfront" on it since the beginning. thank you for the reporting. so glad for those families that do have the power back after three long months.
we mecappreciate it. next, parts of the u.s. locked in a deep freeze. the term cold front is not really cutting it these days. as the president takes to twitter tonight tweeting about the arctic blast, while mocking climate change. and jeanne moos on trump, water and rubio's revenge. it's your last chance of the year to get our best offer of the year: zero percent financing for seventy-two months, plus an extra one-thousand cash back across a full lineup of ford cars, trucks and suvs. so hurry and save big on america's best-selling brand. it's the final days of the ford year end sales event with zero percent financing for seventy-two months plus an extra one-thousand cash back! see your ford dealer before jan 2nd and save.
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breaking news, president trump just tweeted about the extreme cold. slamming more than 17 million americans tonight. but breaking part, also mocked the science of climate change. in the east could be the coldest new year's eve on record. perhaps could use a little of that global warming that our country but not others was going to pay trillions against. bundle up. this as cold snap hits the country. meteorologist in the weather center. international falls, minnesota, my home state breaking records. 36 below or something crazy like that. >> and other states are going to be breaking record lows.
minus nine in boston and will be colder waking up. feels like minus 19. minus eight on saturday. chicago on sunday is even colder, minus 16. a second wave arriving into the weekend that extends as far south as texas and georgia. here's the thing, this is why it's dangerous when we talk about incredibly cold temperatures. naturally your body has a little bit of heat that surrounds your body. adding wind to this, talking about in over a dozen states, takes away that excess layer on the outside, making it difficult for you to understand how cold your body actually is. poppy, the concern here is for a lot of areas frostbite could set in 15 to 20 minutes of being outside. >> we'll have to be careful.
chris, we couldn't let you go home. the president has called climate change a hoax before but tonight making light of extreme temperatures and nonsensical argument about it. >> you're right poppy. i shoveled my parents' driveway in connecticut and it's freezing, i can confirm. what trump is doing is conflating weather with climate. weather is the weather. it is cold, it's going to be cold for a lot of the country the next week or so. climate is the long view, it's not next week or next month, it's long view. this is again going to be warmest year on record. whether he's doing that purposefully or he doesn't know the difference, i can't say. but this logic led oklahoma senator in 2015, a skeptic or denier, to bring a snowball into the senate floor late february as evidence that it's so cold,
there are snowballs, therefore global warming or climate change isn't real. that's like saying it was really hot this past summer, therefore climate change is real. that's weather. climate is much longer term and more accurate frankly reflection of the science here. >> thanks for the facts chris. now you can go home. next, the sip of water that made headlines. cated, you know? you know, at td ameritrade, we can walk you through your options trades step by step until you're comfortable. i could be up for that. step-by-step options trading support from td ameritrade the great emperor trekking a hundred miles inland to their breeding grounds. except for these two fellows. this time next year, we're gonna be sitting on an egg. i think we're getting close! make a u-turn... u-turn? recalculating... man, we are never gonna breed. just give it a second. you will arrive in 92 days. nah, nuh-uh. nope, nope, nope.
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findly and finally tonight, look at that time donald trump got thirsty. jeannie moos. >> reporter: president trump didn't have to eat his words but drink them. 11 minutes into his speech, mouth got dry. a few seconds later. >> 17,000 jobs. >> reporter: the president disappeared. >> don't have water, that's okay. what? >> reporter: reporters pointed to a small table next to the lectern. to your right sir said one. president stopping a speech to swig from a bottle of water would be no huge deal if he hadn't done this back during the campaign. >> it's rubio. >> reporter: tossing water around the stage he imitated senator marco rubio, then lobbed
the entire bottle. >> i need water. help me, i need water. help. this is on live television. >> reporter: then-candidate trump mocking rubio for the time he desperately gulped down water delivering republican response to the state of the union. what did rubio say about trump's parched moment? similar but needs work on his form. has to be done in one single motion. and eyes should never leave the camera but not bad for his first time. pretty witty considering what trump called him. >> you're a choker. >> reporter: rubio guzzled made in the usa poland spring while the president drank imported fiji water. noted one reporter, drinks fiji water decrying trade deficits. this year $119 million deficit with fiji. after rubio ducked to drink,

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Weather Center , International Falls , Minnesota , 36 , Lows , Boston , Chicago , Eight , Minus 19 , Nine , Weekend , Wave , Texas , Georgia , Minus 16 , Layer , Heat , Outside , Wind , Areas , Poppy , 15 , We Couldnt Let You Go Home , Argument , Parents , Making Light Of Extreme Temperatures , Climate Changea Hoax , Climate , Weather , Driveway , Doing , Freezing , Connecticut , Long View , Logic Led , Snowball , Difference , Skeptic , Floor , Denier , Oklahoma , 2015 , Snowballs , Climate Change Isnt Real , Thanks , Reflection , Sip , Headlines , Trekking , Emperor , Breeding Grounds , Ocated , A Hundred , Man , Nope , U Turn , This Time Next Year , Fellows , Egg , Second , Gonna Breed , Recalculating , Nuh Uh , 92 , Gps , Instincts , Car Insurance , Saving Folks Money , Geico , Fifteen , Hallucinations , Delusions , Visitors , In Plain Sight , Nowhere , Living , Stories , Parkinsons Disease , Parkinson S , Ears , Mind , 50 , Treatment Options , Advances , Disease , Led , Specialist 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