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Spoke with Sergey Kislyak last july. It was during these conversations, im told by j. D. Gordon, they talked about improving relations between the u. S. And russia. It was dur thag time, erin, that j. D. Gordon says he went to the convention, Advocating On Behalf of the campaign for language in the gop platform that advocated against the arming of the ukrainians in their fights against the prorussian rebels. That is something the Trump Campaign denied they were doing at the time. It denied it was advocating for that language in the gop platform. Flash forward to december and according to a Senior Administration official, the president s soninlaw, Jared Kushner and the former security adviser, Michael Flynn, wret with the ambassador during a previously undisclosed meeting. James comey was making the rounds with house members. Democrats were not happy when the top democrat, adam schiff, who believes comey was not forthcoming on key details in the investigation into russia and the contacts between russian officials that happened with the Trump Campaign associates and because of comys refusal, calling for a Special Prosecutor to look into this. I asked do you agree with schiff and he shook his head and said no. Thank you very much. Congressman, good to have you with me. I want to start with the Breaking News at this moment. A former Trump Campaign adviser saying he met with the Russian Ambassador during the gop investigation along with carter paige. We now know in december, that Russian Ambassador came to new york, went to trump tower, met with Michael Flynn and Jared Kushner. Of course we know about Jeff Sessions having two meetings, one outside the convention in cleveland. How big of a deal is this . Its a big deal. I think as the day has moved on, erin, it is clear the recusal is not enough thchlt is the top Law Enforcement officer of the nation. This is the largest Law Enforcement bureau in the country, over 100,000 strong. The integrity of the Law Enforcement in the judicial system is really at stake here. Look, everybody has heard, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and Nothing But The Truth . And he didnt. He withheld information. Today, i had various meetings and as you and i know, most members of congress, whether in the house or senate, when we meet with somebody, theres staff people there. We learned mr. Sessions, senator sessions was not alone, two staff people were there. Thats what he said. There is a statute, its very, very clear, mr. Sessions, for the good of the country, for the, for our judicial system, for our Law Enforcement officers should simply resign, allow the Deputy Attorney general to pick and choose somebody with consent of the majority and Minority Party of the senate and elect a Special Prosecutor. We remember ken star. Clinton didnt tell the truth, he lied, too. In the end, we got to the truth. We need to get to the truth today. Look, our elections are at stake and the integrity of our elections are at stake. Congressman, when we get to what really happened in the room, as you point out, he said there were a couple meetings one with more people, one with two staffers. The staffers could be significant. The Attorney General came out and said they did not talk about the election. He says thats completely and utterly false. Here is what he said he did talk about with the Russian Ambassador, here he is. We talked about terrorism, as i recall. The subject of ukraine came up. I had the Ukrainian Ambassador in my office the day before to listen to him. Nothing russia has done nut thag is wrong in any area and Everybody Else was wrong with regards to ukraine. It got to be a testy conversation at that point. He said something about inviting me to have lunch. I did not accept. He says he didnt say all of this during the hearings under oath is because the election didnt come up. Thats what he thought he was being asked about. Did you talk about the election to russian officials. He said no. Do you believe hes lying . I dont believe the Attorney General of the United States. I think most of the American Public is going to find it just not credible that the Attorney General look, he the fbi reports to the Attorney General. The Attorney General reports to the white house. What do we know thus far . We know the white house is talking to the Deputy Attorney general asking him to kind of counter stories in what they call the fake media. We cant really count on the legislative branch of government because both the chairmen of the Intelligence Committee in the senate and the house were asked by the white house and they followed suit by countering arguments against the media. Look, what we need is a Special Prosecutor, independent prosecutor. I think mr. Sessions needs to resign immediately because otherwise here is what happens, erin. He stays in his position and his deputy is supposed to now investigate him and investigate the soninlaw of the president of the United States. It just cant happen. Lets have an independent prosecutor. When you say i dont believe the Attorney General of the United States, you believe hes not telling the truth. I have to ask you about this, though. Its important to understand whether this is partisan. Claire mccaskill is on the committee. No meeting with the Russian Ambassador ever, period. Thats not true. We were able to determine that was false based on her twitter feed herself. She tweeted she met with the Russian Ambassador. How is that different than sessions who said he didnt bring it up because it was about ukraine. A very big difference. He said it after he said he would tell the truth, the whole truth the whole truth, aaron, Nothing But The Truth. Each of these, one is a lie, the other is a lie. Why did he wait . Why did he wait until yesterday when the Washington Post we know what they do. They have an incredible they have this incredible ability to tell the truth. When the truth comes forward they only admit it after they are caught red handed. Look, we need our Election System is at strake here. No one should interfere with the elections of the United States of america. You spoke about former general flynn. They lie, they lie, they lie until they could not lie anymore. The only way, the difference is he was under oath. When you lie under oath, thats called perjury and you go to jail for doing that. All right, congressman, i appreciate your time. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next, we are going to talk about this Russian Ambassador. They believe he is a top spy and a top recruiter of spies. Tonight, the russians respond to cnn. U. S. Officials. Stop spreading lie and false news. Is it false news . We are going to go live to moscow tonight. Plus, calls for Jeff Sessions to resign. You heard the congressman there join the list. Jeanne moos with alec baldwin. I had no idea what i was going to do at 8 00. Already in. Companies across the state are growing the economy, with the help of the lowest taxes in decades, a talented workforce, and worldclass innovations. Like in plattsburgh, where the most advanced transportation is already en route. And in corning, where the future is materializing. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at esd. Ny. Gov or is it your Allergy Pills . Holding you back break through your allergies. Introducing Flonase Sensimist. More complete allergy relief in a gentle mist you may not even notice. 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We are learning from a senior administration official that multiple members of trumps inner circle met with that same ambassador including the National Security adviser at the time and soninlaw, Jared Kushner. Who is the Russian Ambassador . They believe he is one of putins top spies and Spy Recruiters. Matthew chance is out front in moscow. What do we know about ambassador kislyak . Reporter well, we know hes a career diplomat, first of all. Hes been the Russian Ambassador since 2008, which is a long time when they dont normally last that long. He served two previous stints as a diplomat in the United States as well in the 1980s, during the soviet union days. He was serving here at the united nations. Before becoming the u. S. Ambassador, he was the Russian Deputy foreign minister. He had a number of important jobs in the russian ministry. He was the ambassador to nato and the Kingdom Of Belgium at one point as well. He is well known in diplomatic circles and central to the efforts over the past couple decades. Hes very respected in russia and respected among other diplomats as well. Hes a central figure in this controversy in u. S. Politics, all these individuals, Michael Flynn, the resigned National Security adviser, Jeff Sessions, Jared Kushner, the soninlaw of donald trump have been in contact with him. Cnn reporting from u. S. Government officials, they believe he is a top spy and a top Spy Recruiter for vladimir putin. Thats a significant thing to say. You asked Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson about this and she was aggressive in her reply. Mr. Kislyak is a well known, world class diplomat who was a minister of Foreign Affairs in russia who communicated with americans for decades on different fields. Cnn accused him of being a russian spy, recruiting u. S. Officials accused him of that. Stop spreading false news. That was perhaps an uncharacteristic anger there. Reporter yeah, yeah. Lies and false news. We are hearing a lot from kremlin officials as well. They want to get rid of this. They are worried this escalating crisis in the United States is going to have an impact on future relations between the United States and russia. Thank you, matthew chance. Out front now, former cia operative bob bear and david axelrod. David, the bottom line, u. S. Intelligence believes he is one of putins top spies and recruiters. He met with people in trumps inner circle, multiple meetings over months and months through december. Is this troubling . Well, look, even if you dont connect the two facts whatever Role Kislyak Plays in terms of es plea onnage, we know theres an Ongoing Investigation about russian hacking into the election and potential links between the Trump Campaign and russia. In that environment, its very, very curious and it raises suspicion when central figures in the trump world are secretive and unrevealing about their conversations with kislyak. We have seen it with flynn, apparently with Jared Kushner, who both of whom met with him in december. You would think with all that was swirling around general flynn tharks fact would have been divulged before now. Of course, general sessions sitting before the senate got a chance to answer this question. Hes well aware of the senate procedures. Anytime after that, he could have corrected it and he, today, had a fairly specific recollection of that conversation but very specific. Couldnt come up with the fact within two weeks, two, three, four weeks after his testimony, he never corrected it. All of this just adds to an atmosphere of suspicion. I dont think it serves the administration well to have these stories keep cropping up. He went on about how they talked about religion. We played the part about ukraine and terror, but personal things. He remembered all of it. Bob, we are talking about what u. S. Intelligence officials tell as a top russian spy and recruiter. What do you think of the meetings between ambassador kislyak and now turns out Jared Kushner and Michael Flynn, jer sessions and multiple other members of the National Security Team Involved in meetings with this ambassador. Frankly, if i had been in the cia and met with russian officials and not reported it in writing, i would be fired. This is just really, truly crossed the line. I dont care that hes ambassador. All the ambassadors are coopted by the kgb. They operate and recruit. The great ames, the mole inside the cia was run by a ministry of Foreign Affairs official in washington, d. C. We shouldnt be confused about that. What we should be confused about is why the contacts were not reported in writing with potential Foreign Intelligence Services like the kgb. They are not our friends. This is just getting out of control very quick. We do need a Special Prosecutor, the senate Intelligence Committee or the house cannot handle this, it is too hot. I agree, sessions deputy shouldnt be handling there, either. David, when Jeff Sessions took a few questions today, to his credit, from the press, he knew they were going to be hostile. One question is, what do you think, at the time, and what did you think the motives were for wanting this meeting . He said i didnt think about it. Do you think thats possible, he didnt think about it . He was a top surrogate for the Trump Campaign and he didnt think about why the Russian Ambassador wanted a meeting . Well, let me say, the United States senators are not solo practitioners Walking Around with the Cell Phone Making Decisions on their own. They have staffs. They have experts who are there to advise them on these things. Im sure that kislyak cant just i shouldnt say im sure, im not sure of anything anymore. Im sure he didnt call and say jeff, i would like to come chat with you and sessions didnt mention it to anybody. If that were the case, it would be more disturbing. The bottom line, you have this story that is unresolved about what was, if there was a level of collusion between the russians and the Trump Campaign, sessions was deeply involved in that campaign. Now, he is, as has been mentioned today, hes suspicion in the investigation. So, there really needs to be some independent authority that can oversee this investigation, not the Attorney Generals department. You are both in agreement on that. Bob, before we go, top spy and top recruiter, do you believe that . That is what intelligence officials are telling us tonight. I have to see the 201 file, but thats what im hearing, he is an operative for the kremlin. The fact that hes ambassador doesnt matter. This needs to all come out in an investigation. This is very disturbing the whole connection with russia for the next intelligence officer. Thank you very much. President trump saying he has total confidence in Jeff Sessions standing by what was his earliest and most loyal supporter. Undocumented immigrant detained and almost deported to mexico. He does not blame donald trump. Working for the american people. He is not working for me. To those who know that the essence of integrity is a promise kept. If youve got the time welcome to the high life. Weve got the beer miller beer when youre close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment . If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. Taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. With taltz, up to 90 of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. In fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. Do not use if you are allergic to taltz. Before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. Taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. 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Reporter a Defiant Trump is standing by his closest ally, insisting Attorney General Jeff Sessions has his full support. Do you have confidence in him . Total. Should he have spoke truthfully . He probably did. Reporter the president saying he believes the Attorney General testified truthfully even though sessions failed to disclose two meetings with the Russian Ambassador, meetings the white house learned about through media reports according to a Senior Administration official. When were you aware he spoke to the Russian Ambassador . I wasnt at all. Reporter he should recuse himself for ties, sessions did just that. I should not be involved in investigationing a campaign i have a role in. Reporter the well of affection runs deep. Sessions was the first senator to endorse the longshot president ial candidate in february, 2016. I am pleased to endorse donald trump for the presidency of the United States. Reporter at a time when many in the gop eye trump, sessions became one of trumps biggest boosters on the campaign trail. Theres one man with a strength, a courage, determination, the guts, the challenge, the thing that is are going wrong in this country and put us on the right track. Thats donald j. Trump. Reporter a close adviser, even flying to indiana to huddle with trump as he wrestled with who to choose as his running mate. Trump repaying that loyalty soon after he won the Election Naming Sessions to serve as Attorney General. Jeff understands the job of Attorney General is to serve and protect the people of the United States and that is exactly what he will do and do better than anybody else can. Reporter now, three weeks after leaving the senate and being sworn in as Attorney General, one of trumps top officials is already facing calls to resign. In retrospect, i should have slowed down and said i did meet one russian official a couple times. That would be the ambassador. Reporter now, the sessions matter may be settled in the eyes of the president , but this evening, we learned about even more contacts that happened during the president ial Campaign Around the convention, then again in december with members of Donald Trumps campaign and the Russian Ambassador. Erin, its an indication the russia story isnt going away anytime soon and continues to cast the shadow over the white house. Thats for sure, especially with the Breaking News tonight. More contacts between the Russian Ambassador and the inner circle. We have two guests. Let me start with both of you. This is what it comes down to with Attorney General sessions. When asked what he would do if evidence exists that anyone affiliated with the Trump Campaign spoke with the russians. Here is how it went down. Senator franken, im not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate a time or two in that campaign. I did not have communications with the russians. Im unable to comment on it. Okay. Now, here is the Attorney General today. Let me be clear, i never had meetings with russian operatives or russian intermediaries about the Trump Campaign. My reply to the question of Senator Franken was honest and correct as i understood it at the time. Paul, do you buy his explanation today or did he lie to Senator Franken . Im stunned by it because he said today that the reason he made the mistake is because he was asked about a continuing exchange with the russians but franken didnt ask him about that. In fact, his words were, i did not have communications with the russians. It almost sounds like that statement that was made by president clinton, i didnt have sexual relations with that woman. Sessions called for his impeachment. Bill clintons, right. Its astonishing in this Press Conference he mischaracterizes his own statement. Perjury . I think its close to the line, but not over the line. I think its misconduct and unethical, but a hard perjury prosecutor. Misconduct, unethical, not true. What do you say, brad . I think his excuse and his reasoning for the answer he gave was very credible. What we saw in that al franken exchange is he mentioned if you look at the whole exchange and not the snippet, he mentioned continuing conversations between russian operatives and people from the Trump Campaign. If you see the whole exchange in totality, hes talking about hacking, talking Different Things about individuals speaking with the Trump Campaign. I can see where that answer makes sense. Hes, you know, as his job, in the committee of the Armed Services committee, in his role, he has contact with ambassadors. This is something he didnt think of. You know, brad, brad, if i could just ask you this. In his job as Attorney General, he prosecutors perjury cases. He fills out this is not perjury. He fills out his application for the Attorney General job and he lies in the application. Doesnt that strike you as being misconduct at the beginning . Paul, no, no. You were on the celebrity apprentice, correct . I was on the regular apprentice. I appreciate you calling me a celebrity. Donald trump fired you toward the end of the show. Dont you think he would have fired you sooner if you lied on your application for the show . Listen, the fact is, he did not lie. This is not a lie. If al franken followed up with a question, sir, did you have, did you personally have contact with russian operatives, ambassador in your role he said did you have i mean, the thing is, if you were honest, wouldnt you say i did, but my role as Armed Services. Today, he remembered it all. By omitting it and acting like it didnt happen at all, it raises questions. Wouldnt you acknowledge that . I dont think so. I really dont. If you look at the totality of it, look in its whole, not just a snippet about the exchange between franken and sessions, you could see where this answer makes a lot of sense. He is talking about surrogate that is had contact, continuing contact with russian officials and operatives. He would not think of this. He says i did not have communications with the russians. Is there something you dont understand about that . If you see his whole statement. I was called a surrogate, once. Meaning, in his role as a surrogate for trump. That is my understanding of it. You are a trial lawyer, right . You cross examine people. Would you youz that i cross examine everybody. Would you use that statement in a court of law to impeach a witness on the Witness Stand . Would i use it would you use it against sessions if he was on the Witness Stand in a case you were trying . Thats the point. Franken should have followed up. I would have used it for a follow up question. My follow up question would have been, are you saying you did not have any contact with the russians either in your official role or anything else . That would have been the question. Al franken says, sir, im not an attorney. Its very apparent hes not an attorney because his questions were horrible. The question wasnt exact. The question was answered. I think that at the time he answered that question, he answered in the best way he could. Because he wasnt paying attention to the question. All right. We are going to leave it there. Obviously a lot for everyone to think about. Next, an undocumented immigrant deported to mexico. Wait until you hear what he had to say about trumps immigration policy. It isnt what you think you are going to hear. American farmers who back trump on election day worry the policies could hurt their business with special report. And now, i help people find discounts, like paperless, multicar, and safe driver, that help them save on their car insurance. 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Reporter surprising words about donald trump from an undocumented immigrant who spent 20 days in a detention center. Do you feel his policies targeted individuals like yourself . That wasnt his fault. I dont consider it his policy, i consider it more like the law. Reporter the 38yearold says he agrees with some of trumps policies like border security, terrorism and even hard line immigration. And hes not alone. Saying some of his cell mates, also undocumented think favorably of donald trump. Why . Donald trump was the first president that promise and deliver. Reporter a husband and father of three u. S. Citizens has been in the u. S. For nearly 20 years. He was picked up by i. C. E. , even though he was not the intended target, just days before his sons 8th birthday. You can imagine spending the little ones birthday far away from him. Reporter in his adopted hometown of west frankfort, illinois, hes the owner of a Mexican Restaurant in town. More than 70 of votes in this county went for donald trump, including those cast by his best friends. Are you Trump Supporters . We both voted for trump. Reporter when immigration agents detained their friend, pointing to two duis from nearly a decade ago, his friends stood by carlos. No politician has a platform you are going to agree with 100 . The Immigration Stance he has, we didnt agree with that. Reporter dozens of people in the small town of 8,000, including the mayor, the police and fire chiefs wrote letters of support for carlos, asking the judge to have clemency. If you knew my friends, you should respect. Reporter its tough to find someone in this town who doesnt support carlos. One told cnn, he had plenty of time to get his citizenship, you know. A point carlos agrees with. Yeah, i wanted to be legal for ten years. I have been trying and trying but the system is broke. Reporter now that he is no longer in custody, he is vowing to remain with his family, making this promise to his son. I told him i was here to stay. Im not going nowhere. Reporter now, carlos is out on bond and waiting for his Immigration Court date, something his Attorney Says could take years because of the backlog in Immigration Courts right now. But theres Something Else that weighs heavy on his shoulders now. Now that he is out of the shadows, he is out of a job. You probably guessed it, theres been an outpouring of support, globally for carlos. Erin, theres a Gofundme Page thats been established. A lot of people are clicking on that page from around the world. Thank you very much. Certainly one of the most memorable and powerful stories we have seen on this. Not what you expect in terms of his views. Supporters with growing fears the president will cost them their livelihood. We are on the ground next in iowa. As a control enthusiast, im allbusiness when i travel. 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So if you switch to esurance, saving is a pretty safe bet. Auto and Home Insurance for the modern world. Esurance. An allstate company. Click or call. Today, President Trump touting the American Work force touting the uss gerald ford. Miguel marquez is out front. That will be this summer. Every ounce of land here used. Yes. Reporter born into farming in sioux county, iowa. Specialties, cattle, hog and corn. Today, trade represents 300 hours per animal. Reporter one animal . Yes. If that goes away, it will have impact on profitability. Reporter iowa imports 13 billion in goods, an enormous piece of the bottom line. Horrible and unfair trade deals. Reporter he is a lifelong republican, but trumps tough talk on trade sends a shiver. Whats the level of uncertainty here right now . I would say its higher if we want to rate it, higher than 50 . Reporter from his Office Command center, he monitors everything from commodity to thousands of cattle and hogs. Immigrants integral to keeping his 500acre farm running. Theres two or three of them here every morning to make sure the cattle get fed. Thats their job. Reporter the need for labor here so great, immigrants, their work ethic and emphasis on family welcomed with open arms. My first time was 2003. You could see no mexicans. Ten years after that, you see 35 of the School Population is latinos in the elementary schools. We are getting really bad dudes out of this country. Reporter carlos, now a u. S. Citizen has a Masters Degree and married into a farm family. Trumps Immigration Stance sends fear through the immigrant community. They are afraid they are going to take aatheir parents. Reporter Trade At Immigrant Labor Corner Stones where 80 voted for donald trump. He has a simple message for the businessmen. 90some per cent of the World Population lies outside the waters of the United States. Trade is a huge deal for agriculture. Reporter republicans here in sioux county say there are a lot of reasons they voted for trump, by immigration and trade are very important to them. Since his address to congress on tuesday night, they feel he is becoming more traditional in terms of republicanism and he wont follow through on the tough trade talks and chasing him grants or arresting immigrants quite as hard as he said. Erin . Thank you, miguel. We have Breaking News at this moment. Donald trump, the president of the United States released a statement about the Attorney General, i want to read it to you in full. Jeff sessions is an honest man. He did not say anything wrong. He could have stated his response more accurately. It was not intentional. This is to save face for democrats losing an election they were supposed to win. They lost the election now their grip on reality. The real story is the illegal leaks of classified information. It is a total witch hunt, a statement from the president of the United States. David axelrod is with me. What is your reaction . The president coming out to slam democrats, but acknowledging he could have stated his response more accurately to congress. Its important to point out given the statement, there were more than a few republicans on capitol hill who called for general sessions to recuse himself. There are more than a few republicans participating in these Intelligence Committee reviews who said they take it quite seriously. So, i understand the strategy, to contain the thing and turn it into a partisan issue. I think its beyond that now. The president is going to need a different strategy moving forward. He might start with being open and honest with people about exactly what happened or didnt happen. All right. As you point out, even in the time line of flynn and spicer didnt include a meeting with the Russian Ambassador at trump tower. Thank you, david. Well be right back. Look closely. 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