Transcripts For CNNW Erin Burnett OutFront 20150520 : compar

Transcripts For CNNW Erin Burnett OutFront 20150520

american spy plane confronted by china. our reporter was on board. this was a classified american surveillance flight. the first american surveillance flight through some of the world's most dangerous air space. and this is america's most advanced spy plane. it's a it's a paya-a poseidon. we'll take you inside this top-secret spy plane exclusively. >> foreign military aircraft. this is chinese navy. you are approaching our military alert zone. leave immediately. >> here's where the plane was. a dozen american naval officers flying over these disputed islands claimed by china. jim sciutto just got back from that flight and jim, you were on a classified mission, the only reporter. you heard the chinese telling the americans to go away again and again, the language getting more and more elevated. how tense was it on board that plane? >> extremely tense. basically you have an irresistible force meeting an immovable object. the u.s. insisting this is international air space it's going to fly through, sail through it. china insisting these islands though they're new are its sovereign territory. those protests from china getting louder and u.s. military action getting bolder. it is hard to see how the tension does not escalate. >> this is the chinese navy. please go away quickly. >> reporter: it's a standoff in the skies between china and the u.s. >> you go! >> reporter: bejag makes a massive and unprecedented land grab 600 miles from its coast. >> when was the last time you went up? >> reporter: cnn got exclusive access to classified u.s. surveillance flights over the islands. the first time journalists have been allowed on an operational mission by the state-of-the-art poseidon. >> i've just arrived on station now above the three islands that are the targets of today's mission. it's these three islands that have been the focus of china's building in the south china sea over recent years. >> reporter: in just two years, china has expanded these islands by 2,000 acres. the equivalent of 1,500 football fields and counting. >> you're a military man. is there any doubt that is a future military installation? >> it appears to be a buildup of military infrastructure. >> reporter: for china this new territory is nonnegotiable. china's foreign minister calls his country's commitment unshakeable. china defends the new islands about closely, patrolling with coast guard and navy warships and ordering the p-8 out of the air space eight times on this one mission alone. >> please go! >> i am a united states military aircraft. i am operating as required under international law. >> reporter: chinese military sometimes shows frustration. >> foreign military aircraft this is chinese navy. you are approaching our military alert zone. leave immediately. >> reporter: the standoff is military to military but civilian aircraft can be caught in the middle. you heard over the intercom chinese navy this is the chinese navy. what was interesting is that there are also civilian aircraft. there was a delta flight on that same frequency that when it heard that challenge, it piped in to say, what's going on? the chinese navy then reassuring them. as the flight crew tells me, that can be a very nerve-racking experience for civilian aircraft in the area. five southeast asian nations claim parts of this area as their bone. china says this territory is part of their history, claiming ownership back 2,000 years. >> recognize that as anything to do with in accordance with international law -- >> reporter: many see economic and military motives as well. the islands are rich in oil and gas deposits. and they extend china's naval and air presence challenging u.s. naval supremacy in the region. the u.s. is getting more alarmed now for two reasons. one, it's the pace of growth of these islands. did in the last two years, they've gone from five acres to 2,000 acres, increasing 400 times, and they are still growing. but the second issue, and this is key, it is that china appears to be militarizing those islands, building air strips for its aircraft deep water harbors for its navy ships. from the sky you see them, they look to be permanent installations. it is hard to see even with bolder u.s. military action china would back down. >> seeps that way. jim, from your reporting, how this doesn't escalate it's hard to imagine. one of the most important issues the u.s. faces right now. thank you. "outfront" tonight, the former cia director michael morrell, author of the new book "the great war of our time." great to have you with us. this is america's most advanced spy plane, right? you heard the tension, first go away, then gogoyou go! eight times jim said they were threatened while on board this flight in english. he's saying it's hard to see it not escalating. could this escalate? >> so there's a tactical issue here. and i think a central jurisdiction issue. the tactical issue is there's real risk when you have this kind of confrontation for something bad happening. remember in 2001 a chinese fighter bumped a u.s. spy plane, create ac multi-day crisis. so tactically you've got to worry about something bad happening. strategically, this is part of a very significant dynamic between china and the united states. china is a rising power. we're a status quo power. we're the big dog on the block in airsia. they want more influence. are we going to move a little bit? are they going to push? how is that dance going to work out? this is a significant issue for the next president of the united states. >> considering the militarization going on in those islands, jim could see run 8 ways deep-water har bores, the ambitions they have to top the u.s. military are significant. one thing we heard, an american commercial flate, delta airlines flight. the pilot got on the radio and said, what's going on here? got involved in this conversation. >> right. >> i mean we saw mh-17s shot down over ukraine, a plane shot down over asia by accident this is scary. >> right, you have to worry that a commercial airline becomes confused for a military aircraft and sml badomething bad happens. >> people realize what can happen and how gruesome that can be. >> right. >> that's a real threat i think brings this home to people. there's been heavy criticism from congress about the u.s. caving to china on this issue. as you say the big issue for the next president. here's what the top republican and the top democrat had to say on the senate foreign relations committee the other day. >> i see no price whatsoever that china is paying for their activities in southeast china seas none. i see the price being us paying a price. >> we're not really showing any response to these type of provocative actions eastern issuing a press release. >> is the u.s. failing? >> here's what's interesting. right? i saw a study recently of all the times in history when a rising power, in this case china, comes up against a status quo power, in this case the united states. 70% of the times in history, the result has been war. so only 30% of the time has it been worked out. >> so the odds are for war. >> that's the fundamental issue we're talking about here. that's how important this is. >> you think war's a real risk? >> yes. yes, absolutely. >> war between the united states and china? >> yes. it's not in our interests, right? it is not in their interests, it's not in our interests. it's in our interests to work this out. right? but absolutely it's a risk. >> boy. michael morrell, please stay with me. i want to get to the other breaking news story, isis with another major victory, taking over another city, coming on the heels of isis gains near baghdad. the terror group miles from the iraqi capital. our arwa damon is in baghdad. how worried are people about isis closing in on the capital? >> reporter: they're very worried, erin whether or not isis is actually able to accomplish that we're going to have to wait and see. but this is a society and a city that is unfortunately only too used to violence. and the violence that has been brought on by isis over the last year or so is something that absolutely terrifies the residents here. not to mention the fear that it instills in those who are forced to flee its onslaught. most recently in ramadi. the iraqi security forces are really struggling. the iraqi government has is very few forces units that are actually capable of even standing up to isis at this stage as we have seen in their defeat in many of these various cities. there is a unit, a number of units that are in an area located right between ramadi and fallujah. they have been receiving in reinforcements. but the battle for ramadi is not going to be anything like the battle for tikrit. the lay of the land is very different. the dynamics in al anbar province are more complex. moving reinforcements out to those various different front lines is much more difficult as well because of the territory that isis controls in al anbar province. how long the units that are fighting along the front lines around ramadi are going to be able to hold out without additional reinforcements, that also remains to be seen. we're seeing the iraqi government calling for more volunteer units to move towards al anbar. the u.s. saying it's speeding up its shipment of weapons but it may at the end of the day be too little too late. isis is proving to be a much more formidable foe than many had anticipated. >> ar washes thank you very much. she spent a lot of time on the ground in recent weeks. covering isis. as she said, a more formidable foe than many gave it credit for. let me ask you in the context of what she just reported michael hayden, former director of the cia, told me the u.s. has no strategy in syria, there's only an outline of coherent strategy in iraq. do you agree? >> i think there is a strategy in iraq. it is to train iraqi security forces so that they along with u.s. air power, can take back this territory. >> do you have any confidence in that? you end up with 1,000 of them being beaten by 100 isis guys. yes, i do have confidence. you have to look at the bigger context here we've taken back 25% of the territory that isis originally took. is ramadi a setback? you bet it is, significant. but you've got to look at the bigger context. i'm confident in iraq that this strategy will ultimately succeed. i share mike hayden's view we don't have strategy in syria. i worry about syria more than iraq. >> all right. thank you very much we appreciate it. the author of "the great war of our time" available now. so great to see you. >> thanks. "outfront" next, the deadly biker brawl in waco. police seized 1,000 weapons from the crime scene, some hidden in the toilet. we'll go to waco live. do you remember this? tonight we have new 911 tapes released from a biker attack on a young family. classified information about osama bin laden just released today. love letters and the son he grooms as his heir. on the run tonight. there's nothing more romantic than a spontaneous moment. so why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? with cialis for daily use, you don't have to plan around either. it's the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision or any symptoms of an allergic reaction stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. why pause the moment? ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. for a free 30-tablet trial go to constipated? .yea dulcolax tablets can cause cramps but not phillips. it has magnesium and works more naturally than stimulant laxatives. for gentle cramp free relief of occasional constipation that works! mmm mmm live the regular life. appears buster's been busy. yeah, scott. i was about to use the uh. i've got a much better idea, lad! scotts ez seed uses the finest seed, fertilizer,... ...and natural mulch that holds water so you can grow grass anywhere. looking good, lad! thanks, scott. ez seed really works! so, how come haggis is so well behaved? 'cause he's a scotty. oh. get scotts ez seed. it's guaranteed. seed your lawn. seed it! the network that monitors her health. the secure cloud services that store her genetic data the servers and software on a mission to find the perfect match. and the mom who gets to hear her daughter's heart beat once again. we're helping organizations transform the way they work so they can transform the lives of the people they serve. new developments tonight in the deadly biker brawl in waco. police tell cnn they've seized 1,000 weapons from the crime scene, even an ak-47. officers have been going literally car to car in that parking lot. they have knives brass knuckles bullet-proof vests, they have found guns in the restaurant bathroom some hidden there. we are also tonight learning much more about the 170 suspects arrested in connection to the massacre. >> reporter: days after the brawl, workers wash blood off the sidewalk of the restaurant. bullet holes in the walls, half-consumed drinks bike club names visible. police recovered more than 1,000 guns knives and batons. >> honest citizens don't have 1,000-plus weapons inside a restaurant law-abiding citizen isn't going to hide a firearm or knife in between bags of flour. law-abiding citizen isn't going to go into the restaurant restroom and try and stuff hand guns in toilets. that happened inside twin peaks sunday. >> what does that suggest about the people who were here? >> that these were vicious criminals that knew they were in trouble and they were trying to dispose of evidence. >> reporter: around 170 arrested are in their 20s to 65 years old. coming from all over the state of texas, from all walks of life their biker lifestyle visible in their mug shots. wesley mccallister, age 32 the word "chaos" tattooed on his neck. also arrested george earl rogers 52 years old, a rap sheet that includes charges of aggravated assault. >> what was in that restaurant sunday afternoon is not a motorcycle club of doctors, lawyers, laymen honest law-abiding citizens. >> reporter: but there was a retired cop. san antonio police detective martin lewis, 32 years an officer, a brand father, who has pictures on facebook wearing ban did ito gear. >>ly heard that this morning it made me sick to my stomach. >> reporter: there's a pharmacy tech 65-year-old lawrence yaiger his license expired perhaps due to retirement. he has no criminal history. there are also a few women, like sandra lynch, aka drama. a member of the los peratos motorcycle club married to michael lynch, also arrested. they're grandparents sharing a love for biking and twin peaks. their son tells cnn they're not criminals, not again members. they were at twin peaks for a monthly meeting. he says everyone there is not a thug. my parents are not thugs. i think this is injustice to have so many people in jail. none of the defendants have had their day in court. the defendants' family cnn has reached say the $1 million bay is ridiculous and unfair. the waco police department says it is certainly prepared that not only 170 people arrested are going to be convicted of these charges. but it says that they want to follow through, if the d.a. does indeed try to prosecute all of them on these charges, legal experts are saying this is going to take millions of dollars of this county's funds and it is going to take years to adjudicate. >> thank you very much. "outfront," mcclendon county sheriff parnell mac that mare ra his department is helping with this investigation, good to talk to you again, sheriff. let me start asking you about these weapons. authorities telling us they have -- lots of weapons have been recovered. what sorts of weapons have they found? and where? we're hearing about hidden in bags of chips, hidden in the bathroom. what have you found? >> that's correct, erin. there were many many pistols found, handguns of all kinds, automatics revolvers, knifes hunting knives, folding knives, fixed fixed-blade knives. some body armor, bullet-proof vests, brass knuckles other types of weapons. really weapons of all kinds. weapons that you would definitely use against another human being. >> did it surprise you? you're not unfamiliar with these gangs. you're not unfamiliar with this type of a situation. did it surprise you to find all of that? >> absolutely. you expect to find some weapons. but i certainly, you know personally did not ever believe we would find or the police department would find this many weapons of that type. and as officer swanton said inside twin peaks they found weapons that were stashed under the tables, in the restrooms, they were found in the vehicles on the parking lot, on the ground on the persons of some of the people that were detained. so the weapons really everywhere in this very violent, very dangerous situation that happened right here at twin peaks. >> and i know sheriff, you're talking about this was violent, this was dangerous. you've got 170 people in custody. i mean that's a lot of people. as you've talked about with me they're all being held on $1 million bond. i mean are you sure you have the right people? are you going to be able to find out whodunit in time? ow recognize about end up having to release them? this is a gargantuan task in front of you. >> time will tell erin. i guarantee you the waco police department and the sheriff's office and other agencies are going to assist in doing everything we can to get to the bottom of this and find out exactly who these shooters were. and we are up to the task. we're going to hold these people as long as the court sees fit. and if they want them all held we're certainly going to do that. we have the facility we have the manpower, we have the willpower. we will hold these and we will do our best to keep peace in our community here. >> do you have the money? could be millions of dollars. it was reminding us of 2002 a biker brawl in nevada three gang members killed a dozen others injured, 120 people ended up being detained 44 hell's angels indicted. only seven were convicted. obviously that's incredibly -- it's not a great rate but it took a lot to get there. a lot of time, a lot of money to get seven convictions out of 120. do you have that time and money? >> we will make that time and money. whatever it takes. we're not going to put a dollar amount on human life. when these people take human lives, we intend to make sure that justice is done. and we will do that. >> all right, sheriff, good to talk to you again, sheriff mcnamara appreciate your time. >> thank you very much erin. remember this terrifying video in the driver of an suv dragged out, beaten on the ground in a uh fa with dozens of bikers. that was here in new york city. tonight we're hearing the 911 call from that incident for the first time as two bikers including an undercover police officer, on trial this week in connection with that attack. alexander field is "outfront." >> 911. >> help! please help please help! >> sir, sir! >> the desperate call for help from a family under siege. >> hello? >> we have a baby in the car! >> the driver of this suv, alexi lean pulled from his car and beaten by a pack of enraged bikers. >> pulled us out of our cars smashing our windows, everything, just hitting us and threatening to kill us. i don't know why. >> lean's wife roslyn frantically describes the attack in newly released 911 tapes. >> my husband's pleading all over the street. we need help. >> okay. >> we need an ambulance. >> the family is reliving the ordeal at the trial of robert simms, seen here, and undercover officer bracheck off dude that day, both charged in the assault and brutal beating. the gain with a confrontation between lean and riders at a motorcycle rally in manhattan. minutes later, lean's suv is swarming by bikers on the west side highway. >> can you send someone right away please? they're all surrounding us. >> lean testifies he was harassed his mor. smashed, a minor fender-bender follows, the rally turns into a mob. alex asked me what do i do? i said just go just go because we just need to get out of there. we're not going to survive this. i make a hard right because i see there's an opening and i just go, knowing i did hit someone. a biker is left paralyzed as lien flees. blocks away the bikers swarm him again. this time smashing the window and ripping him from the car. his wife makes a final plea for help. >> they're taking a knife to us. they cut my husband's face open with a knife. >> 11 motorcyclists were indicted in relation to that attack. two of them on trial now. lien had injuries to his face, his torso, his hands. his wife got very emotional on the stand, talking about the attack and specifically how she manage the to get to the back of the car where her 2-year-old daughter was. she said she found her daughter covered in glass at the same time she's watching her husband being attacked outside of that car, erin. >> incredible. brings it home that this can affect pretty much anyone. thank you so much alexandra. now "outfront," breaking news. investigators in the deadly amtrak crash say they are now focusing on the engineer's cell phone records specifically. plus an "outfront" exclusive. that man, you saw him there yesterday on the show he killed an endangered black rhino. he said he did it to save the species and he's home he's "outfront," he's live on the show tonight. over 20 million kids everyday in our country lack access to healthy food. for the first time american kids are slated to live a shorter life span than their parents. it's a problem that we can turn around and change. revolution foods is a company we started to provide access to healthy affordable, kid-inspired chef-crafted food. we looked at what are the aspects of food that will help set up kids for success? 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>> they did from the very beginning, philadelphia police were focused on excessive speed. the source tells me that they knew there were no problems with the tracks the signals, or the train. and that was all based on inspection documents and maintenance checks that the train and the tracks had undergone before the derailment. so in their minds that could only mean two things. either reckless behavior or an intentional act. and both could, according to this source justify criminal charges. but the ntsb is the lead investigator in this situation. and they were not ready to either rule anything in or out. so they had to hold off on that arrest. >> and at this time they are now focusing on the engineer extensively. they now have his phone and correct me if i'm wrong, they have his physical phone? >> they have thinks phone. they have his phone records. so now they're looking into the issue as to whether or not he was distracted. we do know that based on the records, calls and check messages were made on the day of the incident. however, what they have not been able to nail down is whether those calls and texts were sent while he was operating the train. so what they're doing right now is they're matching up the time stamps from the engineer's cell phone records with multiple data sources. everything from the train's recorder to that outward-facing video that the train recorded. radio communications they're even looking at cell phone video. they're going to make a whole graph based on the cell phone records and all the evidence that they have to determine, did he use his phone while he was operating this train? one other thing that we learned today, erin is that he was new to this new york to d.c. run. he'd only been doing that route for two weeks. although he had been running trains along the northeast corridor for three years, which sometimes included that curve that you're looking at there on your screen. but this d.c. to new york new york to d.c. that route was new for him. >> all right. renee, thank you very much with the breaking news. i want to bring "outfront" the former inspector general for the u.s. department of transportation mire ray schiavo, transportation analyst for cnn, along with transportation attorney andrew milone miloneny. andrew your firm was retained by a victim in this train crash. renee is saying philadelphia police wanted to arrest that engineer the night of the crash. obviously he still has not been arrested or charged. but investigators now appear to be extensively, not exclusively yet, i wouldn't go that far, extensively focusing on him and his actions in specific. how significant is it that the police wanted to arrest him that night? >> well that's not surprising to me. whenever you have, for example, a motor vehicle driver speeding through a neighborhood and hits people they usually get arrested at the scene if caught. it's not surprising they considered doing just that that evening. i understand he may have gone to the hospital to be treated for injuries. but i'm glad the ntsb is really the lead agency here because they have the skill set and the experience to examine all the factors including the use of the cell phone. >> going through the cell phone specifically as andrew mentioned. they want to see if he was texting, on the phone, video games. the fact that they have the physical phone is significant. you would think they'd be able to get answers to some of those questions that they might not be able to if the phone was missing. are they going to be able to figure this out without any question at all whether this guy was on his phone 97 way, whether another internet leaving a trail, on a video game? >> yes, absolutely. in fact what they will do is they do this graph that renee mentioned, a timeline it's down to the hadn'ts s hundredths of a second will contain every piece of data they have including the overlay of the cell phone usage, any kind of electronic communication they will be able to get. and it's really good the kind of detail you can get and we use it commonly in all sorts of accident investigations. >> so mary investigators also say they're focusing on the engineer as the reason for the sudden acceleration. there had been a question was it mechanical? essentially it seems they have all but ruled that out. they're saying the only way, in their words, an operable train could accelerate the way this train did would be for the engineer to physically push the throttle. what do you think when you hear that when you hear the questions being put out there? is this reckless behavior, this is intentional act? >> yes, i take it a step further. you would expect him to accelerate as he was leaving the station and accelerated for a full minute before. that's usual. but remember he said he remembers the train accelerating he remembers approaching the curve, he remembers putting on the brake. my question would be if you remember all that, why did you not slow it down before? acceleration is typical when you're coming out of a station. but what's not typical is why didn't you brake? that's why so many people are looking to the theory of perhaps something hit the train and distracted him or something else. but now that appears not to be the case or at least investigators have put that into doubt. so that will be the big question. maybe the cell phone will answer it maybe not. >> and one former engineer we spoke to today told "outfront" he feels the investigation is "throwing bastion under the bus." do you think they are jumping to conclusions about him saying they're just looking at his cell phone, they're saying he's the only one responsible for pushing the throttle? >> absolutely not. the ntsb does a very good job of funneling down. what they do is eliminate other potential causes. that's what they've been doing for the last week. they funnel it down. they're left in this case where they started. and that is the speed of the train, which was known within a few hours, and the speed limit. and those things add up to looking at that engineer. they've been looking at him from the beginning. they've looked at other factors. mechanical tracks things like that. they've eliminated them. that's exactly what they do in every investigation. so i don't think that's a fair comment to say they've only been looking at the engineer. but we're back where we started. he seems to be the culprit. >> all right. thank you both very much. next hundreds of classified documents about osama bin laden being released tonight. and there's incredible information. who he was grooming to be his heir. what did he write in letters to his wife? we have a special report. the hunter the man who paid $350,000 to kill an endangered black rhino. a lot of you are very upset, are very involved with this controversial story that wee been covering exclusively. that hunter is going to be my guest exclusively tonight. we live in a world of mobile technology, but it is not the device that is mobile, it is you. real madrid have about 450 million fans. we're trying to give them all the feeling of being at the stadium. the microsoft cloud gives us the scalability to communicate exactly the content that people want to see. it will help people connect to their passion of living real madrid. i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24, a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70 percent of people who are totally blind. talk to your doctor about your symptoms and learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit don't let non-24 get in the way of your pursuit of happiness. the united states has declassified a treasure trove of documents recovered in the raid that killed osama bin laden. offering a inside look into the world's most wanted man in the years before he was killed. his letters to his wives, one of his sons who was a potential heir apparent, and his reading list might really surprise you. tom foreman is "outfront." >> reporter: newly revealed in the now-declassified bin laden papers al qaeda sent agents to attack target in the united kingdom, europe even russia, with an emphasis on hitting americans whenever possible. so why did the attacks fail? according to the master terrorist, it was bad luck and god wasn't on our side. the papers show in all the years since 9/11, bin laden's desire to strike america again never let up. one says these big-eating invaders and their loyal dogs are too scared of death to fight us face-to-face. the main reason they continue to kill us is because we do not have the knowledge and the resources to counter their technology. bin laden clearly feared the power of american drones, warning his commanders to change locations only under cloudy skies to avoid detection. and he cautioned, we should be careful not to send big secrets by e-mail because the enemy can easily monitor it. computer science is not our science. he distinctly saw any plan to establish an islamic state as premature and risky, writing that his followers should be prepared for a long struggle for things like food and water shortages. i am sure that you are aware that climate change is causing drought in some areas, and floods in others. his online library also revealed in the documents contain nearly 40 books in english, including "obama's wars" by bob woodward, "blood lines of the illuminati," "the rise and fall of the great powers." and there is this. an application form for would-be jihadis, asking about their education, families, hobbies, and do any of your family or friends work with the government? would they be willing to help us? do you wish to execute a suicide operation? and who should we contact in case you become a martyr? through it all are interspersed surprisingly tender notes to his family. telling one of his wives, i love you. god knows how sad i am with all the years that pass theed by by me unable to provide you with any support. exchanges with his son hamsa, a young man some intelligence sources thought was being groomed to take over al qaeda, now in his late 20s, whereabouts unknown. it is overall a remarkable amount of reading, erin and presents a much more complicated picture of osama bin laden than most of us have ever known. although he stays true to his hatred of america. at one point penning a note to the american citizens basically saying there is no way you can win the war against us. you are becoming dispirited. you will be beaten. and yet we know how that ended for him. erin? >> tom foreman, thank you very much. hard to imagine as tom described it tender letters to his wife. "outfront" an endangered black rhino hunted down supposedly in the name of conservation. tonight that hunter going to come out and talk about it. all the controversy that all of you out there feel he's our exclusive guest. david letterman saying good-bye. we're just getting new video of his final show. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. can a business have a mind? a subconscious. a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit? can a business have a soul? can a business be...alive? this is brian. every day, brian drives carefully to work. and every day brian drives carefully to work, there are rate suckers. he's been paying more for car insurance because of their bad driving for so long, he doesn't even notice them anymore. but one day brian gets snapshot from progressive. now brian has a rate based on his driving, not theirs. get snapshot and see just how much your good driving could save you. constipated? .yea dulcolax tablets can cause cramps but not phillips. it has magnesium and works more naturally than stimulant laxatives. for gentle cramp free relief of occasional constipation that works! mmm mmm live the regular life. tonight, a follow-up to an "outfront" exclusive. last international we brought you the story of a texas hunter who paid 350,000 dollars for the right to kill an endangered black rhino. one of the most endangered on the planet. in fact during the hunt the hunter was told to target three old herd and it would help the herd and he killed one of them and he was with a team of locals until they found a nearly 3000 pound rhino. >> this was the angry one that already killed another bull. so he's likely just going to get up and come. so we need to be ready. >> the too many could barely see the rhino kwharjing until it is -- charging until partly sunny 30 feet away. now the 350,000 dollars he paid it being used by the government to save mother rhinos after all of this aired it sparked a massive debate on whether this is acceptable to preserve a endangered animal. and cory, the hunter just flew back and he nopes the controversy and he is "outfront" in dallas and thank you for coming on the show and you did just land and clear customs and come to the interview. i want to go straight to the heart of this. the thing people don't understand and makes them angry at you, they don't understand how this benefits the black rhino. they say why would you kill it to begin with. why? >> i believe they don't understand it is because you have to look past the headlines and educate yourself about the situation. this one black rhino in question was killing other black rhinos and the locals don't have a benefit for that and it is not good to live with when you have a danger animal in the area and it was detracting from the value of the other things in the area like black rhinos living peacefully and not causing any trouble. >> and you say the four black rhino that they identified they are hurting reproduction and that is your bottom line. >> that is not the bottom line but that is one of the aspects of it. >> and we got reaction and i want to share two tweets at you and that goes at something core to this. dude that killed the rhino, i'm a hunter also that is the lamest reason also for a kill. he wanted the kill. and the other one, killing a black rhino for 350,000 dollars, could have donated. and so that is my question why do you have to kill for it why don't you donate it for money? >> it would have didn't donated and it would have been higher. and it was vetted by the u.s. fish and wildlife and the ucn and conservation force and over 170 nation members of societies and so it was the best way to ensure the money went to get the very best effect for the money. secondly, the other guy that says that i just wanted to kill it if i just wanted to kill something, i would go work at a chicken plant, erin and kill things all day. i believe in the circle of life and human beings are the part tv and it is ridiculous to say we're complicit in the fact these animals are in trouble but we shouldn't be complicit in helping them through -- through wildlife biology and scientific research. >> and so let me ask you this question about the kill when you shot and killed that rhino. what is it about that that made you feel good about yourself? >> are you saying the act of killing itself? >> yeah. killing itself. >> i think hunters out there understand it is part of who we are as hume ab beings -- human beings. and i don't know that everybody removed from that can understand it. it is a different case. i'm feeling good that ed lavandera didn't get killed and he made the best move by someone who wasn't a hunter and used to being out there and he went to the exact place he needed to which save the his life 100% and probably saved other people's lives so i was dealing with that at the same time. it came out of absolute nowhere and it looked straight at ed. and it was a whole different emotion with this actual thing. it was a dangerous situation we were in. >> and ed said that. it was dangerous. and we have video of your trophy room. and you hunt big game animals and we show images and ed was with you and which you shot. what do you plan doing with this rhino head. are you putting it in your trophy room. what are you doing with it? >> i think my plan once i get it back here it is my perm property to figure out a way to raise awareness the best i can with it. and if that is putting it on loan to different museums that is what i would love to do. i don't believe any single act throughout modern history has brought more attention to an endangered species than this one. if you are against it or for it at least you are aware of the plight of the rhino and the approaching an the habitat and the best way to do that is to incentivize the village. and we fed local people and from america to africa as you well know you've been around the world, you know the differences differences, it is giant and huge. and to have the meat to the people. and you understand finance, you covered that if it pays it stays. if it is valuable it will be there. that is why we preserve things we value and we have so many cows. if these people put a value on the black rhinos and they come come in and put a bid on it but they bet the bidders away. >> and you've heard cory answer your questions, tell us what you think. next david letterman's final show. . pain from your day can haunt you at night, don't let it. advil pm gives you the healing sleep you need helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. success starts with the right connections. introducing miracle-gro liquafeed universal feeder. turn any hose connection into a clever feeding system for a well-fed garden. miracle-gro. life starts here. tonight david letterman airs his last late show. new video in of the final stage entrance. jerry stein feld tina fey, alec baldwin, the foo fighters are performing and it was a heart felt good night and goodbye to him. thank you for joining us. anderson cooper is next. a dentist accused of performing unnecessary and painful procedures on children and making himself millions of dollars doing it. the allegations are sickening and the video heartbreaking and the fact that this doctor is not alone and that should make parents stop and think. and the bikers who say they are getting a bad wrap as authorities recover a thousand weapons, yes 1,000 weapons from the warfare in wake on. and the man who brought you will velcro and david letterman who is signing off

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Transcripts For CNNW Erin Burnett OutFront 20150520 :

Transcripts For CNNW Erin Burnett OutFront 20150520

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american spy plane confronted by china. our reporter was on board. this was a classified american surveillance flight. the first american surveillance flight through some of the world's most dangerous air space. and this is america's most advanced spy plane. it's a it's a paya-a poseidon. we'll take you inside this top-secret spy plane exclusively. >> foreign military aircraft. this is chinese navy. you are approaching our military alert zone. leave immediately. >> here's where the plane was. a dozen american naval officers flying over these disputed islands claimed by china. jim sciutto just got back from that flight and jim, you were on a classified mission, the only reporter. you heard the chinese telling the americans to go away again and again, the language getting more and more elevated. how tense was it on board that plane? >> extremely tense. basically you have an irresistible force meeting an immovable object. the u.s. insisting this is international air space it's going to fly through, sail through it. china insisting these islands though they're new are its sovereign territory. those protests from china getting louder and u.s. military action getting bolder. it is hard to see how the tension does not escalate. >> this is the chinese navy. please go away quickly. >> reporter: it's a standoff in the skies between china and the u.s. >> you go! >> reporter: bejag makes a massive and unprecedented land grab 600 miles from its coast. >> when was the last time you went up? >> reporter: cnn got exclusive access to classified u.s. surveillance flights over the islands. the first time journalists have been allowed on an operational mission by the state-of-the-art poseidon. >> i've just arrived on station now above the three islands that are the targets of today's mission. it's these three islands that have been the focus of china's building in the south china sea over recent years. >> reporter: in just two years, china has expanded these islands by 2,000 acres. the equivalent of 1,500 football fields and counting. >> you're a military man. is there any doubt that is a future military installation? >> it appears to be a buildup of military infrastructure. >> reporter: for china this new territory is nonnegotiable. china's foreign minister calls his country's commitment unshakeable. china defends the new islands about closely, patrolling with coast guard and navy warships and ordering the p-8 out of the air space eight times on this one mission alone. >> please go! >> i am a united states military aircraft. i am operating as required under international law. >> reporter: chinese military sometimes shows frustration. >> foreign military aircraft this is chinese navy. you are approaching our military alert zone. leave immediately. >> reporter: the standoff is military to military but civilian aircraft can be caught in the middle. you heard over the intercom chinese navy this is the chinese navy. what was interesting is that there are also civilian aircraft. there was a delta flight on that same frequency that when it heard that challenge, it piped in to say, what's going on? the chinese navy then reassuring them. as the flight crew tells me, that can be a very nerve-racking experience for civilian aircraft in the area. five southeast asian nations claim parts of this area as their bone. china says this territory is part of their history, claiming ownership back 2,000 years. >> recognize that as anything to do with in accordance with international law -- >> reporter: many see economic and military motives as well. the islands are rich in oil and gas deposits. and they extend china's naval and air presence challenging u.s. naval supremacy in the region. the u.s. is getting more alarmed now for two reasons. one, it's the pace of growth of these islands. did in the last two years, they've gone from five acres to 2,000 acres, increasing 400 times, and they are still growing. but the second issue, and this is key, it is that china appears to be militarizing those islands, building air strips for its aircraft deep water harbors for its navy ships. from the sky you see them, they look to be permanent installations. it is hard to see even with bolder u.s. military action china would back down. >> seeps that way. jim, from your reporting, how this doesn't escalate it's hard to imagine. one of the most important issues the u.s. faces right now. thank you. "outfront" tonight, the former cia director michael morrell, author of the new book "the great war of our time." great to have you with us. this is america's most advanced spy plane, right? you heard the tension, first go away, then gogoyou go! eight times jim said they were threatened while on board this flight in english. he's saying it's hard to see it not escalating. could this escalate? >> so there's a tactical issue here. and i think a central jurisdiction issue. the tactical issue is there's real risk when you have this kind of confrontation for something bad happening. remember in 2001 a chinese fighter bumped a u.s. spy plane, create ac multi-day crisis. so tactically you've got to worry about something bad happening. strategically, this is part of a very significant dynamic between china and the united states. china is a rising power. we're a status quo power. we're the big dog on the block in airsia. they want more influence. are we going to move a little bit? are they going to push? how is that dance going to work out? this is a significant issue for the next president of the united states. >> considering the militarization going on in those islands, jim could see run 8 ways deep-water har bores, the ambitions they have to top the u.s. military are significant. one thing we heard, an american commercial flate, delta airlines flight. the pilot got on the radio and said, what's going on here? got involved in this conversation. >> right. >> i mean we saw mh-17s shot down over ukraine, a plane shot down over asia by accident this is scary. >> right, you have to worry that a commercial airline becomes confused for a military aircraft and sml badomething bad happens. >> people realize what can happen and how gruesome that can be. >> right. >> that's a real threat i think brings this home to people. there's been heavy criticism from congress about the u.s. caving to china on this issue. as you say the big issue for the next president. here's what the top republican and the top democrat had to say on the senate foreign relations committee the other day. >> i see no price whatsoever that china is paying for their activities in southeast china seas none. i see the price being us paying a price. >> we're not really showing any response to these type of provocative actions eastern issuing a press release. >> is the u.s. failing? >> here's what's interesting. right? i saw a study recently of all the times in history when a rising power, in this case china, comes up against a status quo power, in this case the united states. 70% of the times in history, the result has been war. so only 30% of the time has it been worked out. >> so the odds are for war. >> that's the fundamental issue we're talking about here. that's how important this is. >> you think war's a real risk? >> yes. yes, absolutely. >> war between the united states and china? >> yes. it's not in our interests, right? it is not in their interests, it's not in our interests. it's in our interests to work this out. right? but absolutely it's a risk. >> boy. michael morrell, please stay with me. i want to get to the other breaking news story, isis with another major victory, taking over another city, coming on the heels of isis gains near baghdad. the terror group miles from the iraqi capital. our arwa damon is in baghdad. how worried are people about isis closing in on the capital? >> reporter: they're very worried, erin whether or not isis is actually able to accomplish that we're going to have to wait and see. but this is a society and a city that is unfortunately only too used to violence. and the violence that has been brought on by isis over the last year or so is something that absolutely terrifies the residents here. not to mention the fear that it instills in those who are forced to flee its onslaught. most recently in ramadi. the iraqi security forces are really struggling. the iraqi government has is very few forces units that are actually capable of even standing up to isis at this stage as we have seen in their defeat in many of these various cities. there is a unit, a number of units that are in an area located right between ramadi and fallujah. they have been receiving in reinforcements. but the battle for ramadi is not going to be anything like the battle for tikrit. the lay of the land is very different. the dynamics in al anbar province are more complex. moving reinforcements out to those various different front lines is much more difficult as well because of the territory that isis controls in al anbar province. how long the units that are fighting along the front lines around ramadi are going to be able to hold out without additional reinforcements, that also remains to be seen. we're seeing the iraqi government calling for more volunteer units to move towards al anbar. the u.s. saying it's speeding up its shipment of weapons but it may at the end of the day be too little too late. isis is proving to be a much more formidable foe than many had anticipated. >> ar washes thank you very much. she spent a lot of time on the ground in recent weeks. covering isis. as she said, a more formidable foe than many gave it credit for. let me ask you in the context of what she just reported michael hayden, former director of the cia, told me the u.s. has no strategy in syria, there's only an outline of coherent strategy in iraq. do you agree? >> i think there is a strategy in iraq. it is to train iraqi security forces so that they along with u.s. air power, can take back this territory. >> do you have any confidence in that? you end up with 1,000 of them being beaten by 100 isis guys. yes, i do have confidence. you have to look at the bigger context here we've taken back 25% of the territory that isis originally took. is ramadi a setback? you bet it is, significant. but you've got to look at the bigger context. i'm confident in iraq that this strategy will ultimately succeed. i share mike hayden's view we don't have strategy in syria. i worry about syria more than iraq. >> all right. thank you very much we appreciate it. the author of "the great war of our time" available now. so great to see you. >> thanks. "outfront" next, the deadly biker brawl in waco. police seized 1,000 weapons from the crime scene, some hidden in the toilet. we'll go to waco live. do you remember this? tonight we have new 911 tapes released from a biker attack on a young family. classified information about osama bin laden just released today. love letters and the son he grooms as his heir. on the run tonight. there's nothing more romantic than a spontaneous moment. so why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? with cialis for daily use, you don't have to plan around either. it's the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision or any symptoms of an allergic reaction stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. why pause the moment? ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. for a free 30-tablet trial go to constipated? .yea dulcolax tablets can cause cramps but not phillips. it has magnesium and works more naturally than stimulant laxatives. for gentle cramp free relief of occasional constipation that works! mmm mmm live the regular life. appears buster's been busy. yeah, scott. i was about to use the uh. i've got a much better idea, lad! scotts ez seed uses the finest seed, fertilizer,... ...and natural mulch that holds water so you can grow grass anywhere. looking good, lad! thanks, scott. ez seed really works! so, how come haggis is so well behaved? 'cause he's a scotty. oh. get scotts ez seed. it's guaranteed. seed your lawn. seed it! the network that monitors her health. the secure cloud services that store her genetic data the servers and software on a mission to find the perfect match. and the mom who gets to hear her daughter's heart beat once again. we're helping organizations transform the way they work so they can transform the lives of the people they serve. new developments tonight in the deadly biker brawl in waco. police tell cnn they've seized 1,000 weapons from the crime scene, even an ak-47. officers have been going literally car to car in that parking lot. they have knives brass knuckles bullet-proof vests, they have found guns in the restaurant bathroom some hidden there. we are also tonight learning much more about the 170 suspects arrested in connection to the massacre. >> reporter: days after the brawl, workers wash blood off the sidewalk of the restaurant. bullet holes in the walls, half-consumed drinks bike club names visible. police recovered more than 1,000 guns knives and batons. >> honest citizens don't have 1,000-plus weapons inside a restaurant law-abiding citizen isn't going to hide a firearm or knife in between bags of flour. law-abiding citizen isn't going to go into the restaurant restroom and try and stuff hand guns in toilets. that happened inside twin peaks sunday. >> what does that suggest about the people who were here? >> that these were vicious criminals that knew they were in trouble and they were trying to dispose of evidence. >> reporter: around 170 arrested are in their 20s to 65 years old. coming from all over the state of texas, from all walks of life their biker lifestyle visible in their mug shots. wesley mccallister, age 32 the word "chaos" tattooed on his neck. also arrested george earl rogers 52 years old, a rap sheet that includes charges of aggravated assault. >> what was in that restaurant sunday afternoon is not a motorcycle club of doctors, lawyers, laymen honest law-abiding citizens. >> reporter: but there was a retired cop. san antonio police detective martin lewis, 32 years an officer, a brand father, who has pictures on facebook wearing ban did ito gear. >>ly heard that this morning it made me sick to my stomach. >> reporter: there's a pharmacy tech 65-year-old lawrence yaiger his license expired perhaps due to retirement. he has no criminal history. there are also a few women, like sandra lynch, aka drama. a member of the los peratos motorcycle club married to michael lynch, also arrested. they're grandparents sharing a love for biking and twin peaks. their son tells cnn they're not criminals, not again members. they were at twin peaks for a monthly meeting. he says everyone there is not a thug. my parents are not thugs. i think this is injustice to have so many people in jail. none of the defendants have had their day in court. the defendants' family cnn has reached say the $1 million bay is ridiculous and unfair. the waco police department says it is certainly prepared that not only 170 people arrested are going to be convicted of these charges. but it says that they want to follow through, if the d.a. does indeed try to prosecute all of them on these charges, legal experts are saying this is going to take millions of dollars of this county's funds and it is going to take years to adjudicate. >> thank you very much. "outfront," mcclendon county sheriff parnell mac that mare ra his department is helping with this investigation, good to talk to you again, sheriff. let me start asking you about these weapons. authorities telling us they have -- lots of weapons have been recovered. what sorts of weapons have they found? and where? we're hearing about hidden in bags of chips, hidden in the bathroom. what have you found? >> that's correct, erin. there were many many pistols found, handguns of all kinds, automatics revolvers, knifes hunting knives, folding knives, fixed fixed-blade knives. some body armor, bullet-proof vests, brass knuckles other types of weapons. really weapons of all kinds. weapons that you would definitely use against another human being. >> did it surprise you? you're not unfamiliar with these gangs. you're not unfamiliar with this type of a situation. did it surprise you to find all of that? >> absolutely. you expect to find some weapons. but i certainly, you know personally did not ever believe we would find or the police department would find this many weapons of that type. and as officer swanton said inside twin peaks they found weapons that were stashed under the tables, in the restrooms, they were found in the vehicles on the parking lot, on the ground on the persons of some of the people that were detained. so the weapons really everywhere in this very violent, very dangerous situation that happened right here at twin peaks. >> and i know sheriff, you're talking about this was violent, this was dangerous. you've got 170 people in custody. i mean that's a lot of people. as you've talked about with me they're all being held on $1 million bond. i mean are you sure you have the right people? are you going to be able to find out whodunit in time? ow recognize about end up having to release them? this is a gargantuan task in front of you. >> time will tell erin. i guarantee you the waco police department and the sheriff's office and other agencies are going to assist in doing everything we can to get to the bottom of this and find out exactly who these shooters were. and we are up to the task. we're going to hold these people as long as the court sees fit. and if they want them all held we're certainly going to do that. we have the facility we have the manpower, we have the willpower. we will hold these and we will do our best to keep peace in our community here. >> do you have the money? could be millions of dollars. it was reminding us of 2002 a biker brawl in nevada three gang members killed a dozen others injured, 120 people ended up being detained 44 hell's angels indicted. only seven were convicted. obviously that's incredibly -- it's not a great rate but it took a lot to get there. a lot of time, a lot of money to get seven convictions out of 120. do you have that time and money? >> we will make that time and money. whatever it takes. we're not going to put a dollar amount on human life. when these people take human lives, we intend to make sure that justice is done. and we will do that. >> all right, sheriff, good to talk to you again, sheriff mcnamara appreciate your time. >> thank you very much erin. remember this terrifying video in the driver of an suv dragged out, beaten on the ground in a uh fa with dozens of bikers. that was here in new york city. tonight we're hearing the 911 call from that incident for the first time as two bikers including an undercover police officer, on trial this week in connection with that attack. alexander field is "outfront." >> 911. >> help! please help please help! >> sir, sir! >> the desperate call for help from a family under siege. >> hello? >> we have a baby in the car! >> the driver of this suv, alexi lean pulled from his car and beaten by a pack of enraged bikers. >> pulled us out of our cars smashing our windows, everything, just hitting us and threatening to kill us. i don't know why. >> lean's wife roslyn frantically describes the attack in newly released 911 tapes. >> my husband's pleading all over the street. we need help. >> okay. >> we need an ambulance. >> the family is reliving the ordeal at the trial of robert simms, seen here, and undercover officer bracheck off dude that day, both charged in the assault and brutal beating. the gain with a confrontation between lean and riders at a motorcycle rally in manhattan. minutes later, lean's suv is swarming by bikers on the west side highway. >> can you send someone right away please? they're all surrounding us. >> lean testifies he was harassed his mor. smashed, a minor fender-bender follows, the rally turns into a mob. alex asked me what do i do? i said just go just go because we just need to get out of there. we're not going to survive this. i make a hard right because i see there's an opening and i just go, knowing i did hit someone. a biker is left paralyzed as lien flees. blocks away the bikers swarm him again. this time smashing the window and ripping him from the car. his wife makes a final plea for help. >> they're taking a knife to us. they cut my husband's face open with a knife. >> 11 motorcyclists were indicted in relation to that attack. two of them on trial now. lien had injuries to his face, his torso, his hands. his wife got very emotional on the stand, talking about the attack and specifically how she manage the to get to the back of the car where her 2-year-old daughter was. she said she found her daughter covered in glass at the same time she's watching her husband being attacked outside of that car, erin. >> incredible. brings it home that this can affect pretty much anyone. thank you so much alexandra. now "outfront," breaking news. investigators in the deadly amtrak crash say they are now focusing on the engineer's cell phone records specifically. plus an "outfront" exclusive. that man, you saw him there yesterday on the show he killed an endangered black rhino. he said he did it to save the species and he's home he's "outfront," he's live on the show tonight. over 20 million kids everyday in our country lack access to healthy food. for the first time american kids are slated to live a shorter life span than their parents. it's a problem that we can turn around and change. revolution foods is a company we started to provide access to healthy affordable, kid-inspired chef-crafted food. we looked at what are the aspects of food that will help set up kids for success? 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>> they did from the very beginning, philadelphia police were focused on excessive speed. the source tells me that they knew there were no problems with the tracks the signals, or the train. and that was all based on inspection documents and maintenance checks that the train and the tracks had undergone before the derailment. so in their minds that could only mean two things. either reckless behavior or an intentional act. and both could, according to this source justify criminal charges. but the ntsb is the lead investigator in this situation. and they were not ready to either rule anything in or out. so they had to hold off on that arrest. >> and at this time they are now focusing on the engineer extensively. they now have his phone and correct me if i'm wrong, they have his physical phone? >> they have thinks phone. they have his phone records. so now they're looking into the issue as to whether or not he was distracted. we do know that based on the records, calls and check messages were made on the day of the incident. however, what they have not been able to nail down is whether those calls and texts were sent while he was operating the train. so what they're doing right now is they're matching up the time stamps from the engineer's cell phone records with multiple data sources. everything from the train's recorder to that outward-facing video that the train recorded. radio communications they're even looking at cell phone video. they're going to make a whole graph based on the cell phone records and all the evidence that they have to determine, did he use his phone while he was operating this train? one other thing that we learned today, erin is that he was new to this new york to d.c. run. he'd only been doing that route for two weeks. although he had been running trains along the northeast corridor for three years, which sometimes included that curve that you're looking at there on your screen. but this d.c. to new york new york to d.c. that route was new for him. >> all right. renee, thank you very much with the breaking news. i want to bring "outfront" the former inspector general for the u.s. department of transportation mire ray schiavo, transportation analyst for cnn, along with transportation attorney andrew milone miloneny. andrew your firm was retained by a victim in this train crash. renee is saying philadelphia police wanted to arrest that engineer the night of the crash. obviously he still has not been arrested or charged. but investigators now appear to be extensively, not exclusively yet, i wouldn't go that far, extensively focusing on him and his actions in specific. how significant is it that the police wanted to arrest him that night? >> well that's not surprising to me. whenever you have, for example, a motor vehicle driver speeding through a neighborhood and hits people they usually get arrested at the scene if caught. it's not surprising they considered doing just that that evening. i understand he may have gone to the hospital to be treated for injuries. but i'm glad the ntsb is really the lead agency here because they have the skill set and the experience to examine all the factors including the use of the cell phone. >> going through the cell phone specifically as andrew mentioned. they want to see if he was texting, on the phone, video games. the fact that they have the physical phone is significant. you would think they'd be able to get answers to some of those questions that they might not be able to if the phone was missing. are they going to be able to figure this out without any question at all whether this guy was on his phone 97 way, whether another internet leaving a trail, on a video game? >> yes, absolutely. in fact what they will do is they do this graph that renee mentioned, a timeline it's down to the hadn'ts s hundredths of a second will contain every piece of data they have including the overlay of the cell phone usage, any kind of electronic communication they will be able to get. and it's really good the kind of detail you can get and we use it commonly in all sorts of accident investigations. >> so mary investigators also say they're focusing on the engineer as the reason for the sudden acceleration. there had been a question was it mechanical? essentially it seems they have all but ruled that out. they're saying the only way, in their words, an operable train could accelerate the way this train did would be for the engineer to physically push the throttle. what do you think when you hear that when you hear the questions being put out there? is this reckless behavior, this is intentional act? >> yes, i take it a step further. you would expect him to accelerate as he was leaving the station and accelerated for a full minute before. that's usual. but remember he said he remembers the train accelerating he remembers approaching the curve, he remembers putting on the brake. my question would be if you remember all that, why did you not slow it down before? acceleration is typical when you're coming out of a station. but what's not typical is why didn't you brake? that's why so many people are looking to the theory of perhaps something hit the train and distracted him or something else. but now that appears not to be the case or at least investigators have put that into doubt. so that will be the big question. maybe the cell phone will answer it maybe not. >> and one former engineer we spoke to today told "outfront" he feels the investigation is "throwing bastion under the bus." do you think they are jumping to conclusions about him saying they're just looking at his cell phone, they're saying he's the only one responsible for pushing the throttle? >> absolutely not. the ntsb does a very good job of funneling down. what they do is eliminate other potential causes. that's what they've been doing for the last week. they funnel it down. they're left in this case where they started. and that is the speed of the train, which was known within a few hours, and the speed limit. and those things add up to looking at that engineer. they've been looking at him from the beginning. they've looked at other factors. mechanical tracks things like that. they've eliminated them. that's exactly what they do in every investigation. so i don't think that's a fair comment to say they've only been looking at the engineer. but we're back where we started. he seems to be the culprit. >> all right. thank you both very much. next hundreds of classified documents about osama bin laden being released tonight. and there's incredible information. who he was grooming to be his heir. what did he write in letters to his wife? we have a special report. the hunter the man who paid $350,000 to kill an endangered black rhino. a lot of you are very upset, are very involved with this controversial story that wee been covering exclusively. that hunter is going to be my guest exclusively tonight. we live in a world of mobile technology, but it is not the device that is mobile, it is you. real madrid have about 450 million fans. we're trying to give them all the feeling of being at the stadium. the microsoft cloud gives us the scalability to communicate exactly the content that people want to see. it will help people connect to their passion of living real madrid. i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24, a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70 percent of people who are totally blind. talk to your doctor about your symptoms and learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit don't let non-24 get in the way of your pursuit of happiness. the united states has declassified a treasure trove of documents recovered in the raid that killed osama bin laden. offering a inside look into the world's most wanted man in the years before he was killed. his letters to his wives, one of his sons who was a potential heir apparent, and his reading list might really surprise you. tom foreman is "outfront." >> reporter: newly revealed in the now-declassified bin laden papers al qaeda sent agents to attack target in the united kingdom, europe even russia, with an emphasis on hitting americans whenever possible. so why did the attacks fail? according to the master terrorist, it was bad luck and god wasn't on our side. the papers show in all the years since 9/11, bin laden's desire to strike america again never let up. one says these big-eating invaders and their loyal dogs are too scared of death to fight us face-to-face. the main reason they continue to kill us is because we do not have the knowledge and the resources to counter their technology. bin laden clearly feared the power of american drones, warning his commanders to change locations only under cloudy skies to avoid detection. and he cautioned, we should be careful not to send big secrets by e-mail because the enemy can easily monitor it. computer science is not our science. he distinctly saw any plan to establish an islamic state as premature and risky, writing that his followers should be prepared for a long struggle for things like food and water shortages. i am sure that you are aware that climate change is causing drought in some areas, and floods in others. his online library also revealed in the documents contain nearly 40 books in english, including "obama's wars" by bob woodward, "blood lines of the illuminati," "the rise and fall of the great powers." and there is this. an application form for would-be jihadis, asking about their education, families, hobbies, and do any of your family or friends work with the government? would they be willing to help us? do you wish to execute a suicide operation? and who should we contact in case you become a martyr? through it all are interspersed surprisingly tender notes to his family. telling one of his wives, i love you. god knows how sad i am with all the years that pass theed by by me unable to provide you with any support. exchanges with his son hamsa, a young man some intelligence sources thought was being groomed to take over al qaeda, now in his late 20s, whereabouts unknown. it is overall a remarkable amount of reading, erin and presents a much more complicated picture of osama bin laden than most of us have ever known. although he stays true to his hatred of america. at one point penning a note to the american citizens basically saying there is no way you can win the war against us. you are becoming dispirited. you will be beaten. and yet we know how that ended for him. erin? >> tom foreman, thank you very much. hard to imagine as tom described it tender letters to his wife. "outfront" an endangered black rhino hunted down supposedly in the name of conservation. tonight that hunter going to come out and talk about it. all the controversy that all of you out there feel he's our exclusive guest. david letterman saying good-bye. we're just getting new video of his final show. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. can a business have a mind? a subconscious. a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit? can a business have a soul? can a business be...alive? this is brian. every day, brian drives carefully to work. and every day brian drives carefully to work, there are rate suckers. he's been paying more for car insurance because of their bad driving for so long, he doesn't even notice them anymore. but one day brian gets snapshot from progressive. now brian has a rate based on his driving, not theirs. get snapshot and see just how much your good driving could save you. constipated? .yea dulcolax tablets can cause cramps but not phillips. it has magnesium and works more naturally than stimulant laxatives. for gentle cramp free relief of occasional constipation that works! mmm mmm live the regular life. tonight, a follow-up to an "outfront" exclusive. last international we brought you the story of a texas hunter who paid 350,000 dollars for the right to kill an endangered black rhino. one of the most endangered on the planet. in fact during the hunt the hunter was told to target three old herd and it would help the herd and he killed one of them and he was with a team of locals until they found a nearly 3000 pound rhino. >> this was the angry one that already killed another bull. so he's likely just going to get up and come. so we need to be ready. >> the too many could barely see the rhino kwharjing until it is -- charging until partly sunny 30 feet away. now the 350,000 dollars he paid it being used by the government to save mother rhinos after all of this aired it sparked a massive debate on whether this is acceptable to preserve a endangered animal. and cory, the hunter just flew back and he nopes the controversy and he is "outfront" in dallas and thank you for coming on the show and you did just land and clear customs and come to the interview. i want to go straight to the heart of this. the thing people don't understand and makes them angry at you, they don't understand how this benefits the black rhino. they say why would you kill it to begin with. why? >> i believe they don't understand it is because you have to look past the headlines and educate yourself about the situation. this one black rhino in question was killing other black rhinos and the locals don't have a benefit for that and it is not good to live with when you have a danger animal in the area and it was detracting from the value of the other things in the area like black rhinos living peacefully and not causing any trouble. >> and you say the four black rhino that they identified they are hurting reproduction and that is your bottom line. >> that is not the bottom line but that is one of the aspects of it. >> and we got reaction and i want to share two tweets at you and that goes at something core to this. dude that killed the rhino, i'm a hunter also that is the lamest reason also for a kill. he wanted the kill. and the other one, killing a black rhino for 350,000 dollars, could have donated. and so that is my question why do you have to kill for it why don't you donate it for money? >> it would have didn't donated and it would have been higher. and it was vetted by the u.s. fish and wildlife and the ucn and conservation force and over 170 nation members of societies and so it was the best way to ensure the money went to get the very best effect for the money. secondly, the other guy that says that i just wanted to kill it if i just wanted to kill something, i would go work at a chicken plant, erin and kill things all day. i believe in the circle of life and human beings are the part tv and it is ridiculous to say we're complicit in the fact these animals are in trouble but we shouldn't be complicit in helping them through -- through wildlife biology and scientific research. >> and so let me ask you this question about the kill when you shot and killed that rhino. what is it about that that made you feel good about yourself? >> are you saying the act of killing itself? >> yeah. killing itself. >> i think hunters out there understand it is part of who we are as hume ab beings -- human beings. and i don't know that everybody removed from that can understand it. it is a different case. i'm feeling good that ed lavandera didn't get killed and he made the best move by someone who wasn't a hunter and used to being out there and he went to the exact place he needed to which save the his life 100% and probably saved other people's lives so i was dealing with that at the same time. it came out of absolute nowhere and it looked straight at ed. and it was a whole different emotion with this actual thing. it was a dangerous situation we were in. >> and ed said that. it was dangerous. and we have video of your trophy room. and you hunt big game animals and we show images and ed was with you and which you shot. what do you plan doing with this rhino head. are you putting it in your trophy room. what are you doing with it? >> i think my plan once i get it back here it is my perm property to figure out a way to raise awareness the best i can with it. and if that is putting it on loan to different museums that is what i would love to do. i don't believe any single act throughout modern history has brought more attention to an endangered species than this one. if you are against it or for it at least you are aware of the plight of the rhino and the approaching an the habitat and the best way to do that is to incentivize the village. and we fed local people and from america to africa as you well know you've been around the world, you know the differences differences, it is giant and huge. and to have the meat to the people. and you understand finance, you covered that if it pays it stays. if it is valuable it will be there. that is why we preserve things we value and we have so many cows. if these people put a value on the black rhinos and they come come in and put a bid on it but they bet the bidders away. >> and you've heard cory answer your questions, tell us what you think. next david letterman's final show. . pain from your day can haunt you at night, don't let it. advil pm gives you the healing sleep you need helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. success starts with the right connections. introducing miracle-gro liquafeed universal feeder. turn any hose connection into a clever feeding system for a well-fed garden. miracle-gro. life starts here. tonight david letterman airs his last late show. new video in of the final stage entrance. jerry stein feld tina fey, alec baldwin, the foo fighters are performing and it was a heart felt good night and goodbye to him. thank you for joining us. anderson cooper is next. a dentist accused of performing unnecessary and painful procedures on children and making himself millions of dollars doing it. the allegations are sickening and the video heartbreaking and the fact that this doctor is not alone and that should make parents stop and think. and the bikers who say they are getting a bad wrap as authorities recover a thousand weapons, yes 1,000 weapons from the warfare in wake on. and the man who brought you will velcro and david letterman who is signing off

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