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The nfl tonight. New England Patriots star Quarterback Tom Brady is suspended for his role in deflategate. Thats using purposely deflated footballs in the championship game. The nfl suspending brady for four games. He will not be paid. Thats nearly 2 million brady wont get. The patriots are getting a record 1 million fine for the team. They are also forfeiting two future draft picks. The decision may be even more costly to brady down the road tarnishing his legacy as one of the games alltime greatest players. Making this decision, the nfl pointed to two crucial things. They say brady refused to turn over his cell phone texts and emails, and they say he was not in their words fully candid during the investigation. Rachel nichols begins our coverage on this latebreaking story outfront tonight. Rachel, people have thought there might be a punishment. I dont think many people thought that it would be this severe across the board. A record fine against the patriots. Four games for tom brady. How strong would you say this punishment is . This is definitely at the highest end of what anyone expected. No team has ever been fined this much for anything else. We throw around the word record fine. But when you think through that that is remarkable. And tom brady being sat four games, 2 million of his salary thats four games of the season. He is so vital to that patriots organization. And by the way, for a guy at the end of his career and tom brady definitely in the twilight phase of his nfl career missing four games is huge for him. That is taking away what is so valuable to him, and then you look forward and say how much is this going to cost him down the road. Now brady does have three days to appeal. The expectation is that he will appeal. Weve seen a lot of these suspensions reduced upon appeal. Weve seen four games get knocked down two two games, six games get knocked down to four games. Well have to see in bradys case if there is any leeway here. If there isnt, here is what is spicy and interesting about all of this. When brady comes back from the fourgame suspension if it holds, it would be against the indianapolis colts, the team that he is accused of deflating footballs against. Great irony in that. One hall of famer was telling another nfl player who appeared on the show that he thought they should lose their super bowl title. Obviously they didnt lose their super bowl title there is some who might say look this isnt harsh enough. Cheating and doing so in the way the nfl alleges, which is not just one game, but lots of games. Some people might say this isnt tough enough. I just think that was never even remotely on the table that is way on the outlandish end of things. Theyre not going to vacate a super bowl title. They didnt cheat in that game. This is basically in sum for what they saw as a season or multiple seasons worth of cheating in a way that yes, it had a slight impact possibly on some of those games. But thats not what the nfl is really talking about. They wanted to draw a hard line in the sand and say cheating is cheating. To them, even if you cheat in a way that doesnt impact a game its not up to the individual players to interpret the rules. They wanted players to know cheating is cheating. They also wanted people to know you brought up the investigation. They wanted players around the league to know look you have to cooperate when we come knocking on your door. The nfl doesnt have legal subpoena power. So theyre dancing with how much they can force players to talk and fess up to their potential crimes. This was a message to everybody if we think you have done something, you better talk to us in full. Because the punishment for not talking to us could be as bad or worse as whatever you turn over to us. Rachel nichols, thank you. Outfront now, nfl players. Nineyear nfl veteran cory wire tim green and joining me on the phone ross tucker a former teammate of tom bradys, current host on siriusxm radio. Ross, what is your reaction to this . Are you surprised . Do you think he did it and what do you think his reaction is tonight to fourgame suspension and his team getting a record fine . I can tell you he is devastated. I dont think he expected this at all. He takes, you know his integrity very seriously. And so i think this is probably a crushing blow to him. He has played 14 years and no one at this point had ever really questioned him in this way. And now with the suspension like this this will go on his record forever. I mean even if its reduced a little bit upon appeal whenever we have conversations about who the greatest quarterback is of all time there will be a large segment of the population that will bring up not only deflategate, but spygate prior to that. So there is always kind of an asterisk on some of the things that tom brady has accomplished which i think is really unfortunate, erin because i do think he is the best quarterback of all time. I dont think he needed to do this which is why its so frustrating. I think he probably thought any little edge he could get he would go for it. But clearly, it was not worth it. So what is your reaction . Interesting as you hear his former teammate not saying he didnt do it he didnt think through it and probably shouldnt have done it. Tom brady suspended for four games, no pay. Thats 2 million. The team 1 million, a record. All in fair . I think its perfectly reasonable fine that was handed down. And im a former teammate of ross too. Some of the thoughts that he have resonate well with me. You talk about tom bradys legacy. I see it in two different ways erin. I see it in his on the field legacy. I dont think thats going to be tarnished as much. People are still going to say and know this is one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time. Hell be a first ballot hall of famer. That is not going anywhere. However, his off the field legacy has been tarnished. The players to whom i have spoken, to ross point, why did he do this . He didnt have to do this. And the thing that jumps out to me the most erin that in his line he threw two guys under the bus who were simply doing what they were told do. Jim mcnally john jastremski. We found out robert kraft suspended them without pay indefinitely a week ago. They lost their jobs. Theyre sitting at home on the couch, maybe never able to work in the nfl again, making 30,000 a year maybe something in that range. Tom brady wasnt suspended at all. He got the clear and free from his own owner. Now, he will be suspended for these games. But to me his offthefield legacy has been tarnished that he didnt own up to this and say you know what . I did this. These guys are doing simply what i told them to do, erin. Its pretty sobers too when you put it that way. Those interest equipment managers who are responsible for the balls, the ones who would have physically touched the balls as opposed to tom brady. Tim, i think you may differ than your peer here is in terms of whether you think this punishment went too far . Well i agree with coy in that i think people arent going to think very much about this when they think of tom brady only because his career has been so spectacular and so heralded. I think thats what people are going to think about. I think it will be an asterisk but it will be a small one that wont have a huge impact on him. I was surprised at the heaviness of the penalties. Especially against the team when you consider that the draft picks are similar to bountygate with the saints which is something that i found absolutely deplorable where you had players being paid to injure other players in the league. Right. And, you know look i think on the other hand the league needs to make an example. Because tom brady is such a star he is such a headliner for the game on and off the field, and i think thats why they did it. But to me what he did isnt that terrible. I would liken it to when i played offensive lineman would put silicone or vaseline on their jerseys to keep me from getting a good grip on their jerseys. And everyone knew you werent supposed to do it. And if they caught you, then it was one of those minor infractions. And i think that deflating the balls a little bit, even though it does break the rules and you cant do it im not condoning it. All im saying is when you compare it to Something Like bountygate its not that diabolical. I mean coy, what is your take . Youre look exactly to the opposite point of what tim is saying. You are looking at the most wellknown Football Player perhaps in the United States. And if not, its arguable right . Certainly he is a household name across the country. And as such, there is in a sense a higher standard that is expected in general from the nfl. Isnt that part of this too . Youve got Pete Rose Barry bonds have been kept out of the hall of fame because of their transgressions . Could this be something of equal level for tom brady . Again, i dont think its going to affect his onfield legacy very much erin. I think he is a first ballot hall of famer. Its going to be more like alex rodriguez. He did something to violate the competitive advantage of the game. He moved into third in the all time home runs list with 661 home runs. And people are talking about how great he is. Exactly right. So to me the thing is with this and troy said in a statement. The point with the other guy finish coy, and then ill get ross in. You are talking about who used performance drugs. And look, i know its wrong. I agree. And he should be punished. Tim, here is the thing, you know that football is a game of inches tim. If deflating a game by 1 allows tom brady in one game to complete one pass with more accuracy on one third down conversion that affects the outcome of the game, thats a big deal. It doesnt matter if its a slight deflation of a football its a rule for a reason. It allows for a competitive reason. And thats why tom brady was doing it. Lets get Rachel Nichols in here. Hold on tim. I want to get rachel in here. Obviously we can never say whether this would have made the difference in winning or losing the game. People who say it didnt are never going to know. Rachel you have a statement from tom bradys agent right now reacting from this. This is from don yi tom bradys agent. Im going to read it. In his words, he says the discipline is ridiculous and has no legitimate basis. He says in my opinion, the outcome was predetermined. And this is something that we heard from him a few days ago after the report was issued erin. He said there is no fairness in the wells investigation whatsoever. Tom bradys agent says in fact the evidence shows tom clearly emphasized that footballs be set within the rules. He also stresses that he feels that tom cooperated fully with the investigation. This is counter to the nfls punishment and letter to him that they leveed today. And he said that they will appeal. There is no question about it. And he stresses that he wants that appeal to be heard by an independent source. Now this is important now. He says an independent and completely neutral person. Roger goodell, erin is the person who is supposed to hear these appeals. That is not independent in don yi tom bradys agents eyes. They can designate somebody else to hear the appeal. We have seen in the past when he designates someone outside the nfl, the nfls verdicts have been overturned. So it will be interesting to see. If not overturned, at least reduced. In some cases overturned. So theyre basically saying they will appeal. Theyre asking for an independent arbiter, someone else to hear the appeal. Well have to see if the nfl does it. Its completely at Roger Goodells discretion whether he wants somebody outside the league to hear the appeal. Its his right the way the constitution is written for him to hear the appeal. And if he decides to do it, it would be hard to see him straying that far from the ruling that troy vincent issued today. Boy, tom bradys agent going on the offensive yet again there erin. Wow. Thank you very much to you rachel and to all of our panel of nfl players. Pretty interesting when you look at it. A record in terms of punishment for deflategate. Outfront next George Zimmerman involved in a shooting today. Nearly shot in the head. We have a live report coming up. Plus two Police Officers murdered during a routine traffic stop in a southern town. Is violence against Police Rising in america . And a major investigative article charges the United States fabricated the story behind the killing of Osama Bin Laden. So the white house tonight firing back. Making a fist something we do to show resolve. To defend ourselves. To declare victory. So cvs Health Provides expert support and vital medicines. At our Infusion Centers or in patients homes. We help them fight the good fight. Cvs health, because health is everything. Listen up. Im reworking the menu. Veggies youre cool. Mayo, corn dogs. You are so out of here ahh. The complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. With nine grams of protein. And 26 vitamins and minerals. And now with. Twice as much vitamin d. Which up to 90 of people dont get enough of. Ohhhhhhh. The sunshine vitamin ensure now has 2x more vitamin d to support strong bones. Ensure. Take life in. Scott hello nbr scott were concerned. You just fed your lawn earlier this spring and now youre at it again. Scott chuckles indeed, a crucial late spring feeding helps defend the grass against the summer heat to come. Nbr we knew that right guys . Oh yeah scott feed your lawn. Feed it ugh. Heartburn. Did someone say burn . Try alka seltzer reliefchews. They work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. Mmm. Amazing. Yeah, i get that a lot. Alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. George zimmerman, the neighborhood watchman acquitted in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin involved in another shooting today. This time a bullet was fired at zimmerman, just missed his head, according to his attorney. He can actually see, all right, well show you this picture here. You can zoom in and what appears to be a bullet hole in the passenger side window of zimmermans pickup truck. Martin savidge is outfront. Reporter the man at the center of controversial shooting death teenager Trayvon Martin three years ago is now the focus of another shooting investigation in florida after a road rage incident. But police say this time George Zimmerman was on the receiving end of gunfire. An officer from Lake Mary Police department was flagged down by George Zimmerman in his vehicle on westlake mary boulevard, okay. He reported that he had just been involved in a shooting. Simultaneously Lake Mary Police department received a 911 call from a third party on behalf of a Matthew Apperson a white male who stated that he had just been involved in a shooting with George Zimmerman. Reporter that 911 caller says apperson told him zimmerman was waving a gun and thats when apperson fired. However, zimmerman says apperson pulled up behind zimmerman and started flashing his lights honking at him and screaming obscenities. Apperson fired a shot which allegedly almost hit zimmermans head leaving to zimmerman suffering a minor injury from the glass. His truck with a bullet hole later towed from the scene. This is not the first time zimmerman and apperson have crossed paths. According to police, the two were involved in a previous road rage incident in september 2014. Stopped you for speed. Reporter and zimmerman has had frequent runins with the law, ever since he was acquitted of Trayvon Martins murder. In july 2013 just three weeks after the acquittal, police in texas pulled zimmerman over for speeding. Go ahead and shut your glove compartment. Reporter he had a gun in the vehicle, apparently legal and was let go with a warning. In november 2013, police in florida arrested him on aggravated Assault Charges after an apparent fight with his then girlfriend. She later asked pour the charges to be dropped. Then in january of this year, another fight with a girlfriend. And another Domestic Abuse complaint. But the woman reportedly recanted and charges were never filed. Getting back to the incident of today, Authorities Say so far there have been no charges filed against anyone. Police say in lake mary that they will interview both George Zimmerman and Matthew Apperson but both men is said they want their attorneys present for that. So thats taking a little time. It should be pointed out that the Lake Mary Police department has body cams. So its quite possible that an officer got George Zimmerman not at the moment of the shooting but immediately after to gauge his reaction. Erin . All right, marty, thank you very much. Martin savidge. And now natalie jackson. She was the attorney for Trayvon Martins family and jose baez the former attorney for casey anthony. A lot of experience in florida with this happened. Martin going through the whole background here, this is about three years after zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin. You represented the martin family. When you hear this today, what could you think . I think that its very relevant to the protests that are going on today and the black lives matter movement. Im really seeing favoritism towards George Zimmerman. We saw the whole case that Trayvon Martin was based on who was the aggressor. And we keep seeing over and over this aggressiveness from George Zimmerman. And it just seems as though we were reminded back to what happened with trayvon that the protests were about how the police gave zimmerman favoritism. And here we see it over again. He has never been arrested or charged for any of these things that he has done with people. All right. Jose, what do you think . Favoritism towards George Zimmerman . Is that what were seeing . Well i agree with natalie to a certain extent. I think there is its a bit strange that no one has been arrested in this case. There is ample evidence to be able to make charges at this time. Especially since you already have a gunshot and evidence of that. And the statement saying that i shot George Zimmerman. You know this is a very strange situation. I think its strange because of George Zimmerman. Any other situation, charges would have been filed on either end. So the fact that this is George Zimmerman is making it a little bit more than it should. Im a little bit perplexed by the whole lack of charging decisions so far. And does this mean natalie, you think there will be a more serious crime in the future . You talk about multiple Domestic Violence cases, the charges were dropped in each of them or never filed in one case. Speeding with a gun. I mean, you have a point there is now a very long record here of incidents since the Trayvon Martin killing. Well, there are records before the Trayvon Martin killing too. He had a battery on a Law Enforcement officer before. So when you ask about that, what i think, you know, with George Zimmerman, i do think that there will be more violence. I think the important part here is to focus with what is going on today. And to focus on the fact that it seems as though race does matter when youre looking at who is getting arrested who is getting convicted of these crimes. And who is facing the punishment. Jose race, is it relevant . Absolutely, absolutely. You have a situation here where someone is not getting charged. If these were people of color, you would definitely see charges. Mind you, mr. Apperson is facing under florida law starting with 20 years in prison because of 1020life. This thing is going to play out in a big way. I think mr. Apperson is going to get charged. I think hell be charged with attempted murder. And then youve got the great defense that hell be able to mount saying this was George Zimmerman, a wild man with a gun. Look at his history. Look at all of the incidents that he has had. And its strange, but i think mr. Apperson is going to be the one applying the stand your ground motion based on what and of course we all know mr. Zimmermans case is the one that brought that law to the forefront. Right. Thats going to be an issue. And then also the Marissa Alexander warning shot issue is going to come up. I see this i see this exploding in a very big way. Wow. All right. I appreciate both of you taking the time to be with us tonight as i get started. Next breaking news. Four suspects in court today charged with murdering two mississippi Police Officers. Are the police in america under attack . And startling new charges that the white house covered up what really happened the night Osama Bin Laden was killed. Our special report coming up. Just stay calm and move as quietly as possible. No sudden movements. Google search bodega beach house. Breaking news. We have new information tonight about two mississippi Police Officers gunned down during a traffic stop on saturday. The four suspects made their First Court Appearance today. Officials also revealing new details about the events leading up to the shootings of officers Benjamin Deen and liquori tate. Jason carroll is outfront. Jason, what are you learning tonight . This was horrific. This is a town that hadnt had a Police Murder in three decades. I mean it is awful. It is terrible. And the town is still reeling. Still no word about a motive for the shooting. It all began saturday night about 8 30 erin. Thats when officer Benjamin Deen stopped a gold Cadillac Escalade for speeding a routine traffic stop. He noticed several people inside the car and immediately called for backup. Thats when officer liquori tate arrived. Moments later, shots were fired, and both officers were dead. Dean was 34 years old. He was a member of the k9 unit and a 2002 officer of the year. You see him right there. He leaves behind a wife and two children. Liquori was just 25 years old, a rookie who had been on the force for less than a year. He had wanted to be a Police Officer ever since he was 4 years old. The mayor of hattiesburg, mississippi called the shootings a tragedy for the nation. This as a new fbi report shows just how deadly a Police Officers job can be in this country. Two families and a community in mourning. Officers Benjamin Deen and liquori tate shot and killed after a routine traffic stop saturday turned deadly in mississippi. If i could say or face the people who did this to my son, i would let them know you took something very valuable away from me. Reporter theyre not alone when it comes to grief and sorrow. A new report from the fbi shows 51 officers were killed in the line of duty last year. Thats compared to 27 just a year earlier, though that was lower than average. Sobering numbers for officers across the country, many of whom are facing critics questioning their tactics. All this while many in blue are mourning. Thousands paid their respects to brian mooarre the Police Officer shot and killed while trying to stop a suspect carrying a gun. Brians death comes at a time of great challenge in this country, for Police Officers across the country. Were increasingly bearing the brunt of loud criticism. Reporter criticism and pressure. New York City Police commissioner bill bratton says despite everything he does not believe officers are being targeted. A lot of those deaths are still cops doing what you asked them to do. They do traffic stops. They do Domestic Violence calls. And each one is always a tragedy in and of itself. Reporter but some in Law Enforcement do believe the relationship between police and the communities they serve is more tense. Just last december two new york officers one john lui and rafael ramos shot and killed while in their patrol car, targeted by a man who set out to kill police. In idaho, condolences for officer greg moore, shot while out on patrol. While in pennsylvania byron dixons family still trying to heal. Eric frein allegedly ambushed him. Frein is also accused of targeting police. Right now in the current environment, they have to be concerned about their own wellbeing. Reporter even more so than in years past . Sure. Reporter this is a former nypd sergeant. He says given so much Police Scrutiny over controversial incidents in places like ferguson and baltimore, police have a tougher job now than in years past. We might not have seen an environment like this since the 1960s and the mentality of the cops are the bad guys. Now theyre kind of taking it out on the cops. Almost like emboldened criminals to fight the cops. Reporter no motive for that shooting there in mississippi. A very Small Community there. Still trying to cope with what happened there. Erin . All right, jason, thank you very much. And outfront now retired nypd detective harry hawk along with our political commentator marc lamont hill. Harry, you just heard jason carroll. Its a very sobering piece. Youre talking about officers around the country, who have been shot, who have been killed in the past few months. Why . Thing is a lot of bad rhetoric out there. You know 89 shootings, 89 of Police Officers being shot from 2013 to 2014. 89 . What is going on out there . I think its a lot. I believe its a progressive war on Law Enforcement. When you have when you got people like out there saying hands up dont shoot Something Like that happened down in ferguson it never really happened. All right. Thats a lie. That lie is being perpetrated even by the congressional black caucus. They come out with their hands up, dont shoot. In ferguson. In an incident where the Police Officers were exonerated. And these instances, the one in ferguson and the one in Staten Island are being used as examples for Police Officer misconduct when the Police Officers werent the spike in shootings . No what im attributing the spike in shootings is the rhetoric out there. Youre saying the rhetoric is causing the spike. Why did somebody come up from baltimore to shoot two Police Officers instead of new york and assassinate them . Let me respond to that. The data that youre citing is from 2013 to 2014. Right. The Staten Island shooting happened in late december early january. Right. Late december. Late december. And then the protests happened in january. Right. The eric garner happened in december. Baltimore happened in january of 2015. So all the things youre citing is what caused a spike happened after the spike. No no no. The spike was way before that. It happened way before that. No no. The fbi statistic listen to me. The fbi statistics are from 2013 to 2014. Meaning that everything up until the end of 2014. Correct. Most of the protests youre citing started in december of 2014. Yes. I understand that. So theyre not connected. Thats statistically impossible. But the rhetoric has been out there. Thats what im talking about. There hasnt been. There. Is a lot out there. Are you kidding . We start with de blasio becoming the mayor in new york. I let you talk. Let me finish my point. The other piece is hands up dont shoot is a Nonviolent Movement. Id be curious to know from your perspective how a Nonviolent Movement caused the war on Police Officers. And yes, someone drove from to baltimore and shot a Police Officer. It was in his mind. It was in that mans mind that he decided he had to come up and kill himself two Police Officers. Unfairly victimized by police. Its now our turn there are some people who see it that way. I think the unfairly victimized part is true. Are there some people who then see that as a justification to do the same thing back . Of course. There have always been people like that. But what im saying is there is no connection between these antipolice brutality movements and the spike. Wee dont have the data. Were just guessing. Thats right. Well dont have the data. We dont get thats what we call its fairly obvious. No, it is not. What is happening right now marc, what do you think caused it then . What do you think caused the surge . This year were already at the its too early. Were at the same number and its last year for shootings of Police Officers. All right. And that to marcs point, i would imagine he would have to say perhaps there is a link. There might be. As the science, it would be irresponsible. It could be a few things. And i dont want to predict. Could it be tensions between community and police . Absolutely. I think thats factor. But until we look at the whole data it would be irresponsible to look about why. But what i will say is tensions between community and police do play a factor. Overly Aggressive Police tactics also play a factor. Sometimes it can be an outlier. Sometimes over a tenyear period there will be two years where people are more violent to police. And people passing lies on the street. Harry is correct, it did not happen there. But to your point it is a nonviolent statement theyre trying to make. What about the no justice no peace. That is even said by the prosecutor in baltimore. But 50 years. When you say no peace. Did that create Martin Luther king said no justice no peace. Okay. I would be uncomfortable that thats a violent statement. Justice is always a precondition of peace. If people dont get justice, they will march. They will protest. They will stop highways. All of that is not being peace informal the traditional sense. Thats peaceful protests. That is peaceful. The no justice no peace is what is clogging the highways. They werent shooting Police Officers. I define it as violence. No justice, no peace . I hear violence in that. Which is often why the people who are marching on highways without guns were being attacked by Police Officers because of that mentality. When did that happen . When i was in ferguson it happened many times. We were tear gassed, trampled. No one had any we haves. I was there. There was rioting, though. Not in the places where i was, no. Its not true. Im not saying no one rioted. But that wasnt the overall case. Right. What im saying its too early to make connections here. And its irresponsible i think to make the connection between a Peaceful Movement we have the Police Numbers from Police Officers being shot last year to this year. All right. Theyve already reached that number. Were not even to june yet. Im not saying that specifically you did. Thats part of it. There is no evidence of that. When you got politicians throughout just waving their hands and making comments, just making comments about how the cops are bad, or the cops are murdering too many black men. Come on you got al sharpton out there. You have reverend Jesse Jackson out there. You havent seen reverend Jesse Jackson once. Youre just pulling out the traditional straw man and talking voice. Name one time. Even the mayor of baltimore came out no no. Came out for Al A Sharpton to come out. What is al sharpton there for . He caused riots in ferguson, for crying out loud. Caused a riot in ferguson . His rhetoric when he went down there it started a lot of problems. You cant name one. Thats why youre stuck right now. No justice, no peace. Im not stuck. The way he talks. [ overlapping dialog ] constantly talks youre making things up. And when you dont have anything to say you say Jesse Jackson al sharpton. All right. Im going the hit pause on this. There were some families who were involved in this marc, who didnt want al sharpton there because they think he can be a negative influence. That isnt your whole point, but it is a fair point to make. Only here in new york. Al sharpton Jesse Jackson. I hit pause. Love having you both. Thank you. Outfront next charges that the United States covered up the truth about Osama Bin Ladens death. Did the u. S. And pakistan Work Together to kill him and then lie about it . And is kim jong un have a submarine capable of firing Ballistic Missiles . We have an exclusive interview tonight. The highest ranking official ever to deflect from nork outfront. Scott hello nbr scott were concerned. You just fed your lawn earlier this spring and now youre at it again. Scott chuckles indeed, a crucial late spring feeding helps defend the grass against the summer heat to come. Nbr we knew that right guys . Oh yeah scott feed your lawn. Feed it bring us your aching. And sleep deprived. Bring us those who want to feel well rested and ready to enjoy the morning ahead. Aleve pm. The first to combine a safe sleep aid. Plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. For pain relief that can last until the am. So you. You. And you, can be a morning person again. Aleve pm, for a better am. When youre living with diabetes steady is exciting. Only glucerna has carbsteady clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. Im a bull rider make it part of your daily diabetes plan. So you stay steady ahead. There is an ancient rhythm. [ ] that flows through all things. Through rocky spires. [ ] and oceans swell. [ ] the endless. Stillness of green. [ ] and in the restless depths of human hearts. [ ] the voice of the wild within. Tonight accusations of a coverup. An explosive new article contradict everything we have been told about the raid when u. S. S. E. A. L. S killed Osama Bin Laden. Journalist Seymour Hirsh charging among other things that pakistan knew all along where Osama Bin Laden was hidden for years. The white house calls the accusations baseless. The Obama White House is not the only one to observe that the story is riddled with inaccuracies and outright falsehoods. Now nbc news is corroborating, though at least part of hirshs stories, saying the pakistani government did know where bin laden was hiding all along. So who is telling the truth . Tom foreman is outfront. Osama reporter the killing of Osama Bin Laden is portrayed in the movie zero dark thirty as a super daring strike echoing widespread government and media accounts. But this new article says its a lie. Bin laden was a sick aging prisoner of the pakistanis, served up to american troops. Author Seymour Hirsh there is no question this was an assassination from the getgo despite what the white house says. Reporter among contentions, the white house says bin laden was found through exhaustive analysis of satellite images and ontheground intelligence which allowed them to track his courier. But hirsh claims a pakistani source told u. S. Officials precisely where the terrorists were being held. While the white house describes a risky call for the attack by the president and even riskier mission by the s. E. A. L. S when no one knew bin laden was there. Carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and capability. Reporter hersh says pakistani airspace and guards around the prisoner were cleared ahead of the advancing american team. After all, he says 24 25 guys go into the middle of pakistan take out a guy with no air coverage, no protection no security no trouble. Are you kidding me . Reporter still, former s. E. A. L. S on that mission have sworn they met armed resistance and had limited knowledge of what they would find inside even as a firefight raged. We could be careful doing different things, going around different corners, entering different rooms. Reporter all of that and more is why former cia Deputy Director mike morel went on cbs to dispute the article. Its all wrong, every sentence i was reading was wrong. Reporter and the white house has issued a statement saying there are, quote, too many inaccuracies and baseless assertions in this piece to fact check each one. Part of the problem for hersh is that much of his reporting seems to rely on a single unnamed source. Thats making it easy for his critics to knock it down. It doesnt necessarily mean its not true. It just makes it easy to knock down. But as it is with so many conspiracy theories the fact that the official washington is saying so much of it is wrong and they wont respond to it simply makes people who want to believe in it think ah, even more evidence of a coverup. Nonetheless, that said erin as nbc continues to dig, as we continue to dig as other News Agencies continue to look at all of these claims well be able to figure out a little bit more in coming days much of it might be true and how much of kit not be proven. Erin . There is going to be some inconsistencies. Tom, thank you. Youre welcome. Congressman mike turner 70s the house intelligence committee. Congressman, thank you so much for being with me tonight. All right. When you hear these allegations, youre on the intelligence committee. What do you think . Obviously, whenever you read a piece such as hershs that is substantiated by unidentified sources, i think anyone reading it automatically should be suspect. But this afternoon i was at general petraeus former cia director and he said hershs piece is just nonsense. The reality is that the United States had under a program to seek Osama Bin Laden through two presidencies and a number of years and hundreds and thousands of people who were assisting with the United States to find him and to track him down and to bring him to justice. And certainly his piece should not diminish the success of that operation. Right, right. And as you point out, its based in large part on one unnamed u. S. Source. Of course we now have nbc news tonight saying that obviously theyre criticizing a lot of things in the hersh report that they say dont add up. But theyre saying they have three sources now who do corroborate one important part of it which is that the pakistanis knew from the beginning that Osama Bin Laden was hiding in abadabad. Theyre saying they knew and one other core part of this report was true. That it was a walkin pakistani asset walked into the cia and said the pakistanis know here is where he is. That if true, a very, very big deal that the pakistanis knew for years and didnt tell the United States who has given them what 31 billion in aid since 9 11 . Well there has always been suspicion as to what the pakistanis knew or did not know. But the reality is that doesnt change the narrative of what the United States undertook and what was accomplished. And even if there were additional sources, or if we find Additional Information as to how the United States accomplished that task it doesnt certainly diminish at all the story of the information we have as to how it was accomplished. And i think for all of us the most important aspect is that Osama Bin Laden was brought to justice. And so one of the allegations that hersh makes, again, based in large part on this one unnamed source is that when the United States figured it out, he is saying through the walkin asset which nbc news is also saying the pakistanis then cooperated. This is according to hersh, and that they basically allowed the United States to kill Osama Bin Laden. Let me play for you again how hersh makes that argument. 24 25 guys go in to the middle of pakistan take out a guy with no air coverage, no protection no security, no trouble. Are you kidding me . A lot of people watching might have the same reaction. When you take a step back you say yeah, are you kidding me . Asking the question i think is certainly meaningless as far as coming to a conclusion as to what occurred. I think certainly anyone who looks at the situation can wonder to what extent the pakistanis may have been aware of Osama Bin Ladens location or aware of the United States operation. But the reality is in the end this was a u. S. Operation. We sought Osama Bin Laden, and we brought him to justice. Nothing from unnamed sources or from someone speculating should diminish that story. All right. Well thank you very much congressman turner. I appreciate your time tonight. Thank you. And next, is north korea close to developing a weapon that brings them closer to attack . Only outfront, next. You know our new rope has actually passed all the tests. Were ready to start with production. Ok, are you doing test markets like last time . Uh, no were going to roll out globally. Ok. Well start working on some Financing Options right away. Thanks, joe. Oh, yeah. Its a gamechanger for the rockclimbing industry. This is one strong rope huh joe . Oh, yeah its incredible how you doing team . Jeff you good . [jeff] i think i dropped my keys. [announcer] you work hard to build your company. Wells fargo will work right alongside you, bringing the expertise your Company Needs to move forward. Wells fargo. Together well go far. Theres some facts about seaworld wed like you to know. We dont collect killer whales from the wild. And havent for 35 years. With the hightest standard of animal care in the world our whales are healthy. Theyre thriving. I wouldnt work here if they werent. And Government Research shows they live just as long as whales in the wild. Caring for these whales, we have a great responsibility to get that right. And we take it very seriously. Because we love them. And we know you love them too. Tonight north Koreas Kim Jong u. N. Could arm a submarine in years. Kim successfully test fired a missile from a submarine. The u. S. Is closely looking at the possibility that north korea photo shopped this image of the missile firing. Now the highest official to ever defect is speaking out in an exclusive interview outfront. Kim executed his own family members, its an incredible story, and paula han cobs has the exclusive outfront. Reporter being part of the family is not enough to save your life in north korea. Arrested tried and executed in less than a week shocked the world in 2013. Cnn has learned the leaders aunt, the wife of chiang may have suffered the same fate. This is the highest level official to have escaped north korea in years. He believes kim jong he was poisoned. She was furious after her husbands death. She disappeared from view. Guards surrounded her home. The late leader kim jongil gave his sister significant power. She and her husband were handpicked to guide his son in the early years. The young leader decided he did not want the help. All on may 5th or 6th of last year he ordered her to be killed. Only his bodyguard unit knew this. Now senior officials also knew she was poisoned. As for his uncle, publicly kim jongun called him scum and said he was trying to overthrow the department. A year and a half into his reign park tells me kim jongun wanted to build a ski resort and water park. Chiang the uncle wanted to rebuild the economy first, thats where the friction began. The ski resort is effectively what signed chiangs death warrant. He was executed in an underground secret room. Few knew exactly how he died. He tells us chiangs aids were killed far more publicly. His close aids were executed. Not with an ordinary gun but by four barrel machine guns. Much of what park tells us cannot be independently confirmed. North korea is one of the most closed and oppressive societies as well. Park paints a picture of a brutal dictator. A young man who is willing to kill his own family members if they dont see eye to eye. Erin . Thanks very much to you, paula hancocks, pretty stunning report. Financial noise financial noise financial noise financial noise strong can heal from miles away. Unite us for a common good. And turn a simple video into endless laughter. Strong can take you. All the way to the summit. Oh my so cool think what strong can do for you. Can i play too . At ts network has the nations strongest 4g lte signal. Thanks for joining us anderson is next. Good evening, thanks for joining us. We begin tonight with breaking news. Another incident involving George Zimmerman. George zimmerman suffered minor injuries today after he was shot at. It seems to be a road rage type incident. The other man who was involved actually called police last year he felt threatened by zimmerman. It had been two years since zimmerman was acquitted of murder. In that time hes had a number of runins with the law, everything from speeding to accumulations of Domestic Violence. Ininvestigation into todays incident is still in its early stages the two men involved had about in an ongoing dispute

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