Transcripts For CNNW Erin Burnett OutFront 20120728 : compar

CNNW Erin Burnett OutFront July 28, 2012

the new information is coming to light now, because lawyers for holmes are asking authorities to hand over a package that holmes had sent to his psychiatrist. this package was discovered in the university's medical campus mailroom on monday. and it included a letter that contained references to shooting people and drawings of a gunman and his victims. according to cbs news. we now know the package was addressed to dr. lynne fenton, the director of student mental health at the university of colorado. a resume posted on the university's website says fenton sees between 15 to 20 graduate students each week for medication and psychotherapy. she also serves as a psychiatrist, seeing between 5 and 10 patients according, again, to that resume. in a court filing, holmes public defender said, quote, the materials contained in that package include communications from mr. holmes to dr. fenton that mr. holmes asserts are privileged. mr. holmes was a psychiatric patient of dr. fenton and his communications with her are protected. "outfront" tonight, drew griffin, who has been investigating this story. good to see you. let me just ask you what you think the significance is of this package, the letter and the court filing, where they're saying this is privileged. >> well, i think the significance is we now know that holmes, this person who's accused in this horrendous crime, was seeing a campus psychiatrist before the shooting took place, erin. and what does that entail? we don't know. there will be a lot of questions not only from prosecutors but from so many families as to what that communication, what that treatment was for. what was holmes telling his doctor about what was going on in his head? and the logical question is, what, if anything, should or could that doctor have said or done to try to intervene in what was this horrendous event. >> with her there, right, that there could have been images of someone shooting people. are there any indications from your understanding the university was trying to obfuscate, hide, anything about this communication or this relationship with the psychiatrist? >> we have been chasing this very lead for several, several days now. and getting fairly stonewalled by authorities who believe -- they university, i should say, who are believed to be trapped under a gag order, in place by the court here. i do want to tell you on monday we directly asked the police chief of the campus in a news conferce they had directly about any contact whatsoever the school had with james holmes, about james holmes. in fact, listen to this text exchange from that news conference. chief abraham, did your doctor or any of your officers have any interaction with this student whatsoever? >> i don't have any information on him at all. >> -- records check on him? >> yes. as you already know, i think there was a traffic ticket from aurora. that's it for us, them and everyone. >> nobody ever brought him to your attention in any way -- >> we've had no contact with him on a criminal matter whatsoever as a police department. >> erin, yesterday, a spokesman for the university said, you know what, the chief wasn't being forthright with you. in fact, here's what they told us out of concern with violating the court order, the chief didn't answer the questions directly. so the question is, what did the school know? if they didn't answer that question directly, did that mean they did know he was seeing this psychiatrist, that there was any kind of warnings? all of that is going to come out as this court case moves forward. obviously, a big development today that this guy was seeking mental health at the school before the shooting. >> certainly raises a lot of questions about who knew what, when and liability. thanks so much to drew griffin who's been investigating this. in maryland today, there were echoes of last week's colorado attack. police say neil edwin prescott is in custody after he allegedly called himself a joker and threatened to, quote, load my guns and blow everyone up. prescott allegedly made the threats in a phone call as he was being fired from his job at a software company. when people -- when police searched his home this morning, they found a cache of 25 guns, mostly automatic rifles and thousands of rounds of ammunition. "outfront," prince georges county police chief. i asked him how serious he thinks these threats were. >> i think it was very serious. and we went and -- 36-hour investigation. and on the statements that were made, our interview with him, another agency close to us, he was very serious, in my opinion. something that we could not walk away from. >> and what types of guns did he have? we were talking with -- you had some he had 25 guns, lots of ammunition. what sort of an arsenal did you find? >> he had 25 weapons in his home. most of them automatic weapons. several automatic rifles. thousands of rounds of ammunition. atf has that -- or those weapons now and are categorizing them, checking for ownership on those weapons as we speak. >> how would -- how easy is it to obtain thousands of rounds of ammunition? is there any situation where you can think of where anybody would have that in some sort of a normal existence? >> well, you can -- you can get ammunition online. there's several different ways to get that type of ammunition. i would say very few people have that much automatic weapons ammunition. >> but obviously were you surprised as a law enforcement official someone could have amassed all of this and 25 automatic weapons without being noticed? i know you said the atf is checking the registration. of those weapons. were you shocked? >> i was surprised by the number of weapons that were in the house and just how lethal these weapons are. the amount he had was enormous. >> now, sir, i know you said people are talking about how he referred to himself as the joker. which could have been a reference to -- people are saying is a reference obviously to the shooting in colorado. do you think this was a -- obviously, some sort of a copycat attack, even though it would seem he obviously would have amassed these weapons prior to the colorado event? >> well, when he said that he made reference to the joker, we took this very, very seriously and moved quickly to have him evaluated mentally. but that's the way we took it. that he was making reference to colorado. >> now, i'm just curious, because i know you've been very careful with the words you used, that he is in custody. as opposed to using the words "arrested." and obviously he had not gone ahead with the attack. i guess a lot of people are going to ask tonight, are you going to be able to charge him? is it possible someone could have had this arsenal, he didn't go out and shoot anybody and he could walk free? >> well, that's being looked at right now at the state's attorney's office. as far as local charges. also on a federal level. in reference to he had those weapons. so we're looking at every angle and every criminal aspect to charge this individual if it's appropriate. but our first and immediate response was to get him mental help if that's what he needed. >> if it's appropriate, you do intend to do everything you can to press charges, is that fair to say? >> absolutely. absolutely. there's charges pending right now, yes, ma'am. >> there are charges pending right now. you do anticipate you're going to making charges when, tomorrow, tonight? >> those charges are now being reviewed and they're pending the state's attorney at the local level's review. >> some team over the weekend he'll be charged. >> hopefully >> something else i want to ask you about. when police first encountered prescott, he had a t-shirt on that said, "guns don't kill people, i do." is that true? >> yes, ma'am. when county went initially yesterday to interview this individual, he did have that t-shirt on. >> frightening story. still "outfront," the power of money. amazon ceo's jeff bezos. made a donation that can be a game changer in the gay marriage fight. and one county official forced to resign over botched sexual assault investigations. and yet he's going to take home nearly $300,000. does that add up? and the biggest conventional bomb in the american arsenal is finally ready for use. why it's being talked about as a possible weapon in a war with iraq. got the jetta. i wiped the floor with the guy! not really. i would've been fine with 0% for 36 months, but i demanded 60. no...i didn't do that. it was like taking candy from a baby. you're a grown man. alright, see you at home. 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this is big news. now our second story "outfront." the ceo of amazon today made the biggest ever publicly reported donation to a same-sex marriage campaign. jeff bezos and his wife announced they're giving $2 1/2 million to an organization that defends same-sex marriage in washington state. the organization says that donation, no shock, is a game changer. but is it right for one person to have such outsized influence over a hot button issue? maybe it just depends whether you like his point of view or not. jamel simmons and rei han salam joins me. a lot of people may like what he is doing, so then they want to say great, the more money we can get to our cause, the better. maybe if they don't like the point of view, they would feel differently. >> i think that's right. for others, i think this shows it's probably too much money swishing around in politics in general. it would be great if we could have limits on how much someone can give to a political campaign whether there's a candidate involved or an issue, so real people, average americans, can have their say without being overwhelmed by the power of one outside person. that said, since we live in the position we're in, the good guys have a right to say what it is they want to say with their money. and we as consumers don't want to use their site or go to their restaurants, then we don't have to go there. we can vote with our feet. >> interesting. jamal, you make a fair point. most people can't give $2.5 million or any fraction of that to anything that they believe in. >> right. >> so jeff bezos and people giving general donations, they are influencing the political system. >> i would love for us to have a syem and i have supported people who believe in this where people cannot give more than -- let's pick an amount, someone smarter than me can pick the amount, but they don't give more than that and then average citizens can have their own say. >> the president of chick-fil-a was blasted this week for his point of view on gay marriage. there have been donations as well. on his stand against gay marriage. that caused a big brouhaha. didn't hear any brouhaha today. >> that's a good point. when you see a lot of the conservatives who are outraged with what happened with chick-fil-a's ceo. a lot of them were objecting when there was talk of a ground zero mosque, but it was the same exact thing. there were folks who were saying, hey, let's use the zoning process to say this group of people shouldn't be able to build this facility that represents values that we don't share. then i think the issue is, should you be allowed to use zoning laws. should you be allowed to use those powers of the state in order to regulate what different organizations can and can't say. >> it's a double standard issue, right? >> yeah >> people raise hell when they don't like something. but when they support it, it's suddenly okay. especially you've got jeff bezos supporting gay marriage -- one caused the storm and the other didn't. >> you've had a ton of republicans donors including some who backed a swift boat veterans for truth. who also gave money to legalized same sex marriage in new york state. and suddenly these guys, who used to be demonized, they used to be terrible bad guys, they suddenly became heroes. i think it's all about where you sit on this particular issue. and i think that's ultimately silly. partly because when you talk about political spending, what counts as political spending? what about when you, let's say, make a movie that expresses a particular political point of view. or churches and synagogues across the country, that's not considered political spending. when you turn certain things that weren't political issues into political issues, then almost any kind of spending becomes quote/unquote political spending. that's why i'm very concerned about efforts to regulate quote/unquote political speech because it can really be anything. >> jamal. >> we can't have a society where we're protected from all of the possible ills that could come into play. what we can do is have a society, a system where in politics, a campaign, issues on the ballot, people can only give a certain amount of money and then the rest of that can be done by every amount of effort and speak out publicly as an individual but maybe not just with your cash. >> he has a fair point. this way, whether you have a point of view of i love gay marriage or i hate it, if you're rich, you get hurt. if you're not, you don't. >> i actually think it's not quite the right way to think about it. think about this way. there are people who aren't necessarily rich, but are are super duper influential. let's say you're a celebrity. >> okay, but they're still in that elite circle. >> that's fair enough, erin, but here's the thing if you're a celebrity, you can leverage your influence and fame in order to advance particular causes. there are other people who aren't as good as singing and dancing and acting, and so they use their money in order to have the same influence. if you're really charismatic and broke, you can get other rich people to get you elected to office. and then you suddenly have an outside influence. >> most people still can't get anybody to do anything for them. >> that's absolutely true. but what i see with all these efforts to regulate speech is more people who are charismatic. trying to silence people who have money. now, it's true there are all these other folks. who neither have political or economic power and that's a shame. but that's really what's going on here. >> that's a big issue. appreciate it. one county official forced to resign over how he handled sexual assault allegations made against someone who worked for him. so why does he get a $300,000 golden parachute? 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well, in return for exiting his job as chief executive of the county, he's getting a golden parachute, severance package of $270,000 miguel is "outfront" tonight. he was the ultimate manager in charge of this county. tell me about the controversial and about the assault. >> well, the controversy is this guy is getting a payout. the county does say that had they just dismissed him, he probably would have got be a lot more, so they felt they had to do it and there was no good position. this was a guy who was headed orange county since 2004. there was an investigation into carlos, a city councilman. in santa an na -- ana. several other officials in county government there have gone, since charges were brought. he was charged with sexually assaulting and battery against seven women who had previously worked for him. but people in orange county, now that they've heard about this payout, are outraged. the local union boss there

Related Keywords

One , Works Fuel Saver Package , Lynne Fenton , Dr , Gunman , Student Mental Health , Victims , Cbs News , University Of Colorado , University , Psychiatrist , Medication , Psychotherapy , Students , Website , 20 , 15 , 10 , 5 , Quote , James Holmes , Mr , Court Filing , Communications , Holmes , Materials , Patient , Privileged , Public Defender , Story , Outfront , Significance , Drew Griffin , Letter , Person , Lot , Place , Shooting , Questions , Erin , Campus Psychiatrist , Crime , Doctor , Question , Anything , Communication , Prosecutors , Head , Families , Treatment , People , Someone , Event , Images , Indications , Relationship , Obfuscate , Police Chief , Authorities , Several , Court , Gag Order , Contact , School , Fact , Campus , News Conferce , News Conference , Text Exchange , Information , Yes , Many , Officers , Interaction , Records , Student , Chief Abraham , Way , U S , Everyone , Matter , Police Department , Traffic Ticket , Attention , Nobody , Aurora , Chief Didn T , Concern , Court Order , Chief Wasn T , Wall , Kind , Warnings , Court Case Moves , Guy , Thanks , Mental Health , Development , Liability , Maryland , Edwin Prescott , Guns , Joker , Police , Custody , Attack , Colorado , Threats , Phone Call , Echoes , Blow , Ammunition , Thousands , Rounds , Rifles , Job , Home , Software Company , Georges County , Morning , Cache , 25 , Statements , Investigation , 36 , Something , Interview , Opinion , Agency , Lots , Weapons , Arsenal , Most , Situation , Ownership , Atf , Anybody , Sort , Ways , Existence , Type , Automatic Weapons , Law Enforcement Official , Amount , Number , House , Registration , Saying , Reference , Sir , Copycat Attack , Words , Charges , Office , Individual , Level , State S Attorney , Aspect , Angle , Everything , Help , Fair , Response , Ma Am , T Shirt , Guns Don T Kill People , Weekend , Team , Prescott , Review , County , T Shirt On , Official , Money , Power , Donation , Ceo , Game Changer , Jeff Bezos , Sexual Assault Investigations , Gay Marriage Fight , Amazon , Bomb , Weapon , Use , Being , War , 00000 , 300000 , Floor , Iraq , Jetta , 60 , 0 , Oman , Announcer , Volkswagen , Candy , Autobahn , Engineering , Baby ,

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