for a brutal attack where police say a man chewed off the face of his victim. let's go outfront. i'm erin burnett. the latest syrian pictures of 49 murdered children in syria have made people ask whether america must step in. the uprising has left more than 12,000 syrians dead. today the only response was symbolic. eight countries including the united states expelling syrian diplomats. in the year when the president is running on his foreign policy victories syria is becoming a lightning rod. >> this administration has a foreign policy which abandons american leadership. i know because i visit with these people that they are ready to help these people and they are helping them some. it cries out for american leadership. >> and today mitt romney said the president's lack of leadership has resulted in a policy of paralysis and we should work with partners to arm the opposition. now, that is something a lot of people -- that's a lightning rod in itself. and the obama administration is holding firm on its stance of no military action. >> no military action is always an option. and we haven't in this case removed options from the table. we do not believe that militarization for the situation in syria at this point is the right course of action. we believe it would lead to greater chaos and greater carnage. >> but will american intervention stop blood shed? that is the key question. let's look at the last time. it was a year ago in libya the united states spent more than a billion dollars on air strikes with nato. today the weak government says it has to delay elections and tribes are fighting and al qaeda and islamists say they created their own country. getting rid of him got -- bought more than 10% of all russian arms. reuters reported a russian ship was expected to arrive. russia signed a deal to sell fighter jets to syria which flies fighter jets. russia has nearly 5,000 tanks including the t-72 which has a gun with a range of about 6,000 feet. add the 4,000 plus surface to air missiles syria's military is one of the largest in the region thanks to russia. let me start with you, jamie. russia has -- there is a means question and a will question. let's talk about the will because sure they have come around to condemning the massacre of children. but they still seem to be with a ship going in reportedly now with weapons very much still supporting assad. >> i don't see a lot of evidence that the russians feel pressure from the world from these crisis and the massacres on the ground to suddenly do what i know washington and some of our al allies in europe are hoping which is to engage and convince the leadership that they need to change assad and move him out. what they are calling the yemen option where the united states was able to do in yemen was to help with the saudi arab yn involvement to get that leader out and that caused a civil unrest. i don't see russia having what you mentioned the will to do this. they have as you said a good military relationship with the syrians. they don't feel the pressure that we feel when they see people being killed. they blame both sides. >> they have repeatedly blamed both sides. what about the means? it's one thing to sell and be reliant on syria for 10% of your weapons sales. that is a powerful incentive. even if they stop what means does russia have to stop what is happening in syria? >> the theory is russians have assets inside the syrian military to convince the generals to oust the assad family and eject them from the country. that would be similar to the yemen plan. yemen wasn't a minority dominated regime. they hang together especially when under pressure. i agree with jamie. i don't think we see any sign that the russians intend to do that. that is the hope. that yemen option is an old plan. it was recently respun in the newspapers. it goes back six to nine months. most of it has been discredited. >> what will the obama administration then end up doing? this puts them in a tough spot. it looks like they can't force russia to do it or get russia to do it with them. as these images continue to come in it does continue to put pressure on the president or does it not? >> i think it does and it doesn't. it does in the sense that syria has been going on for a year now. now there are over 10,000 people dead. the part that i think people haven't begun to focus on is what i would call the major difference between this and libya. libya served a moral purpose. we helped the people avoid a massacre. after gadhafi was gone the middle east did change. if asohn goes if we contribute to the overthrow of assad that would be a dramatic plus for the rest because assad and syria and iran's only entry point into the middle east. that would go away instantly with the end of the assad regime. >> if we knew who was coming in afterwards. >> almost anyone afterwards would not have the relationship that assad has developed with the iranians. >> thanks very much to both of you. we appreciate it. andrew and jamie. it's a tough one. a moral and financial and military cunonedrum for the u.s. two americans held in the death of a foreign national. and what in the world is holding up the john edwards verdict? this has been going on and on. we get updades every day. and apparently all kinds of bizarre stuff is going on. the judge made an unusual warning. we have it and then this -- >> i think if you look at the birth certificate and you analyze the birth certificate. there are many people that don't agree with that birth certificate. >> when you say many people don't agree -- >> many people. >> give me a name of an authority who says it. >> there are many people. i don't give names. >> donald trump doubling down on the birther issue just before taking the stage with the presumptive gop nominee tonight. . he was just... 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[ male announcer ] with wells fargo advisor's envision plan, you always know where you stand. in fact, 93 percent of envision plan holders say they will retire on their own terms. get started on the plan you need today -- wells fargo advisors. together we'll go far. but proven technologies allow natural gas producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today. our second story. on the night when mitt romney is going to pick up enough delegates, a night when he should be celebrating and full of pride he is under fire for holding a fundraiser in las vegas with donald trump. you may say, why? there is a reason. it's the birther controversy. listen. >> a lot of people don't agree with that birth certificate. >> if the state of hawaii authorizes it and says this is official, he was born in hawaii on this date. here it is. why do you deny that? >> a lot of people do not think it was an authentic certificate. many people do not think it was authentic. his mother was not in the hospital. there were many other things that came out. >> after that cnn contributor, david from took to twitter writing that was a big steaming plate of blank spaghetti. what does mitt romney gain by having trump with him tonight? mitt romney probably pretty upset right now. >> as well he should be. you remember the pitch for the dinner with trump and romney was the idea of reaching out to donors or making donations as small as $3. >> you win a dinner or something like that. >> who knows what would be served at this dinner. some trump stew perhaps. you are looking at $3 donations and mitt romney has not attracted small dollar donations. the reason the donations are important is those are voters who say i buy into this campaign. and then you have a list of people who are more active and engaged supporters. you can use that list for a variety of reasons. is donald trump the best way to gauge voters. >> that was the theory is that he would help raise money for the campaign. these low dollar donors. here is the point. donald trump made himself completely radioactive to the romney campaign. a guy whose name used to be sinonymous with success. he is a clownish conspiracy theorist who lit his hair on fire hours ago on cnn again. >> make a hair joke about donald trump. >> i will do it again. he wouldn't be doing more damage if he was a secret double agent for the obama campaign. he is making such a fool of himself. >> let me just to make it very clear for those watching where romney stands on this, his campaign put out a statement saying mitt romney said he believes president obama was born in the united states. the democrats can talk about donald trump all he wants. mitt romney is going to talk about jobs. mitt romney has said he doesn't agree with all the people who support him. does he need to come out himself and say something about this? >> he does need to come out personally and say something about this. but he needs to in general start standing up for common sense. he wouldn't stand up to rush limbaugh when he called that law student a slut and wouldn't stand up to rick santorum and now won't stand up to donald trump. at some point he has to put the loo loos back in the cage and tell them i would love to have your support but not under these circumstances. meanwhile the president of the united states spent the day with madeleine albright and bestowing medals on them. and mitt romney is with donald trump. it is a great contrast for the obama people. >> here is an ad the obama campaign is playing about this issue. here it is. >> good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. it is my distinct privilege. >> we are scared of an obama presidency. i have to tell you he is a decent person and a person that you do not have to be scared as president of the united states. >> i have read about him. >> no ma'am. he's a decent family man, citizen that i just happen to have disagreements with. >> i've got to say one thing that frustrates me the same is there are decent family men who are arabs. that is a different issue. i think that here is the thing. when you are running a campaign it totally makes sense let's make mitt romney apologize for everyone who seems vaguely connected with conservatism in some broad sense rather than mitt romney allow him to make this case based on the state of the economy regarding whether or not president obama should be reelected. in 2008 there were folks to make barack obama apologize. >> he is choosing to campaign with him, appear with him. he is using the good things about trump then you are morally obligated that what this person is saying is ridiculous. >> absolutely. if this was a random -- >> i would say donald trump is not the ideal clois. also, look. there are a lot of people who are going to be surrogates. do i think romney made a bad call by campaigning? i think they might be thinking the same thing. >> this is not a self appointed surrogate. this is somebody who the campaign and candidate has chosen to embrace. it is a measure of leadership to say that is too far. that is appealing to the worst instincts. that does not represent me and therefore he will not represent me. >> having said that he opposes -- >> so good i thought you were going to finish your sentence. thanks to all three of you. now everybody knows how we go in. a brutal attack. a naked man tried to chew off another man's face. it happened in florida. the doctor on the case think tlz is a new drug that could have caused the attack for a specific reason. and then later post cards for richard bransen's memorial day wish. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 let's talk about fees. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 there are atm fees. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 account service fees. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 and the most dreaded fees of all, hidden fees. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 at charles schwab, you won't pay fees on top of fees. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 no monthly account service fees. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 no hidden fees. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 and we rebate every atm fee. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 so talk to chuck tdd# 1-800-345-2550 because when it comes to talking, there is no fee. the economy needs manufacturing. machines, tools, people making stuff. companies have to invest in making things. infrastructure, construction, production. we need it now more than ever. chevron's putting more than $8 billion dollars back in the u.s. economy this year. in pipes, cement, steel, jobs, energy. we need to get the wheels turning. i'm proud of that. making real things... for real. ...that make a real difference. ♪ [ woman ] it's like a magnet. pulling us together for different reasons. music. games. photos. shows. we share stories, laugh... and truly engage. it brings us closer and that is my happy place. ♪ [ male announcer ] the best family moments happen in an instant. capture them with internet explorer and a powerful dell pc. that could adapt to changing road conditions. one that continually monitors and corrects for wheel slip. we imagined a vehicle that can increase emergency braking power when you need it most. and we imagined it looking like nothing else on the road today. then...we built it. the 2012 glk. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. tonight. drugs known as bath salts being blamed for a gruesome scene in miami. this is a naked man gnawing off another man's face. that sounds horrific and it is. the pictures we are about to show you are very disturbing. 30-year-old was described to be in a zombie-like state when caught by police. president of the miami fraternal order of police asuspect heez was under the influence of bath salts. when he was found what he had done to this man's face victim was 65 years old. apparently all that is left is his gotee. his eye balls were gone. doctor, have you heard of anything like this? it is awful to talk about some of the things i just said that this man did to his victim's face. >> translato >> absolutely. there are many reactions that your brain can have with a substance like this. these are very cocaine-like substances. the behavior that comes out of it could be aggression to ripping off someone's face. severe, severe reactions. they are not able to be tested. we are putting substances in the our bodies that we don't know what will happen. >> we use the name bath saltchise is the street name. what would be in it? does it vary every single concoction? what is in bath salts? >> that is a really great question. these are not substances that have been properly studies. we just see the kinds of reactions and can kind of guess what chemicals in the brain they are reacting with. that is why the studies need to be done. and then we can make the testing that needs to be in place to be able to see if people have taken these or not. right now we could do a test and not know that they have taken them. >> my understanding is that eugene had been at a music festival and the police said these bath salts were something people were doing. is this something that is spreading. i'm thinking about when methwas an occasional story you heard out of the midwest and became a national crisis. >> absolutely. over the past year we have heard more and more i have had more and more patients with this type of issue. they are out there. i think there is a band if there isn't already in the availability of them until studies and tests can be developed. we are hearing more about it. >> where do people usually get them? the drug. >> most of the time they are sold at head shops under various names. >> one of the side effects that appeared in this case was the man was naked, the perpetrator. is this something that would go along with that? he was growling like he was some sort of a dog as he was eating the man. >> what is happening is you are putting substances into your brain and moving brain chemicals around and behaviors come from that from growling to animalistic aggressive behaviors. you could be looking zombie-like. you are in a trance and not in control of your own body. >> thank you very much. truly bizarre and horrific story. an irish national found strangled to death after a concert in japan. two american whose partied with her are being held right now for that crime. and the strange trial of john edwards. the trial is getting stranger. a warning from the judge. yes, this is america. now's the time to move from to where you want to go. look up. with u.s. bank let's get the wheels turning. use our strength & stability to open new opportunities. to lend, and lift ...every business...every dream... to new heights of prosperity. good things are happening. just look up. with u.s. bank. do you really think brushing is enough to keep it clean? while brushing misses germs in 75% of your mouth, listerine cleans virtually your entire mouth. so take your oral health to a whole new level. listerine... power to your mouth. we start the second half of our show with stories we care about where we focus on our own reporting. tonight ravi found guilty of using a web cam has issued a formal apology and says i accept responsibility for and regret my thoughtless, insensitive, immature, stupid and childest choices that i made. my behavior and actions which at no time were motivated by hate, bigotry, prejudice or desire to hurt, humiliate or embarrass anyone were the wrong choices and decisions. ravi turned himself in on thursday. he faces a $10,000 fine. a new study has found that blue fin tuna off the coast of california carrying radioactive contamination that leaked from japan's reactor are a concern. small amounts of the radioactive was found in the 15 tuna caught in august of last year. it is not enough to be harmful to humans experts say. tell us this is predictable and are a sign of things to come. there are a couple of big name tech companies that had a grim day. facebook still on that list. the stock fell by another 10% closing below $29 a share. research in motion had a business update. the company has hired bankers to explore options exploring whether it should be bought by another company and says it will lose money this quarter and going to fire people. the shares of the company fell. it's been 299 days since the u.s. lost its top credit rating. what are we doing to get it back? it was a good day for stocks. our fourth story. major tension in the john edwards trial. this has become a saga. everyone thought one way or the other and would happen quickly. it haze been seven days. they didn't want to be done the friday before memorial weekend. they will come back tomorrow. judge told jurors today many things could happen and that some aren't good. the judge held two closed door meetings with lawyers on both sides. this came after very strange reports that the four alternate jurors. the former president candidate is on trial for using campaign money to hide his affair and child with rielle hunter. joe johns let me start with you. i'm trying to understand exactly what is happening here. what is behind the tension in the courtroom as far as you can tell? >> this is a tough case to try for one thing. they have been at it a long time. they could be tied up in knots. we only get to see this jury probably about ten or 15 minutes every day. they come in right before lunch and file out before dinner before they go home. you get to see them just for a couple of minutes. what i have seen is arms crossed, heads in hands. i have seen people looking down at the floor. read into that what you will. it's a tough case to try. when you look at this jury you also got to know this case is about politics and you know how divided this country is over politics. >> that is true even as people try to do every juror does. the judge gave jurors instructions to deliberate together and not in small groups. >> it is a clear indication because usually when you get to this stage they have been going at it for seven days. they are requesting exhibits to be sent in. it sounds like a majority are trying to beat up a minority who are holding out. i don't know which side they are on but that is what it sounds like. >> joe, you were jumping in there. >> yeah. that's absolutely right. i was a jury foreman 100 years ago. sometimes juries form teams like the yeas against the nays. a against b. the judge had been trying to get them not to do that. she has given the instruction to them now twice this session today and the last session on friday trying to tell them not to do that. still it's sort of human nature. it's not impossible to get a verdict like that but very difficult. >> what about this dressing alike by the alternate jurors and one saying possible flirtation. is this bizarre? >> the dressing alike is bizarre but plays into this group mentality thing that they have formed a group of their own. they are on a team and now the team is dressing the same way. so i see why the judge is giving this instruction you are all supposed to be deliberating together. on the flirting thing if it was flirting it's clearly improper behavior. during the trial lawyers are always looking to see if a juror is making eye contact with me or with the defendants in the case. >> quickly, will we get a verdict or will it be a hung jury? >> they are continuing to deliberate. the blagojevich case two weeks they got a verdict on one count but got a verdict. i don't think we can say no verdict yet. i think there is a possibility of a verdict. >> we'll see if he has that verdict tomorrow. now two young american men are in japanese police custody tonight following the misterious strangling death of another exchange student. nicola furlong was found dead in a hotel room. one suspect is 23-year-old james blackston, a hip hop dancer. police have not identified the second suspect but they know and have told us he is a 19-year-old musician who was also in the room with furlong. right now they are held with sexually assaulting furlong's friend. tim simon is a defense attorney who represented amanda knox. he is outfront tonight. thanks for coming outfront. japanese police are being very guarded about the suspects. it's unclear what charges may be filed. what do you think is going on? >> i think they are in the beginning of their investigative phase. the way it works in japan, once a person is arrested the police must refer to case to the prosecutor within 48 hours. the prosecutor has 24 hours to take one of a number of actions, either prosecute the case, move for a preindictment detention or release the person. they have moved for that preindictment detention. the exact charges if any are not really clear but they are certainly investigating for an indecent assault and/or the homicide. >> what is the japanese system like? death penalty? what kind of repercussions are there if there are charges? >> the system is i would say a hybrid system. it is probably more adversaryial than inquisitorial. it has the presumption of innocence and burden of proof and right to council. probably the most different feature is in really serious cases like murder the jury is a mixed jury. unlike the united states where we have 12 citizens who decide the facts in japan it is a mixed system where you have three professional judges and six lay persons and decide by majority rule so it is different. >> paul was telling me they do have a death penalty there. he was saying there is death by hanging. there is a bit more of a graphic problem than we are used to here. >> they do have the death penalty there and it is enforced through hanging. it is very rarely used. so whether it will be in this case, of course, we don't want to prejudge this case. very few facts have come out so far. it is early to say what has happened here other than we know a tragic loss. >> it is a horrific story. are you surprised that we know so little. people are saying this could be the next amanda knox case. it is difficult to say because no one knows if they there will be a charge. do you see similarities? >> i would really not want to prejudge this case or make any comparisons to amanda's case because as you well know for four long years amanda and her family suffered a monumental miscarriage of justice of unimaginable and epic proportions and we can't say what is happening there whether or not the facts justify a prosecution or not. thank you very much. still to come a city on edge following a deadly earthquake overnight. the group of votes, mitt romney and barack obama are going to have to duke it out for. you have to win these guys to win. recently, students from 31 countries took part in a science test. the top academic performers surprised some people. so did the country that came in 17th place. let's raise the bar and elevate our academic standards. let's do what's best for our students-by investing in our teachers. let's solve this. in here, great food demands a great presentation. so at&t showed corporate caterers how to better collaborate by using a mobile solution, in a whole new way. using real-time photo sharing abilities, they can create and maintain high standards, from kitchen to table. this technology allows us to collaborate with our drivers to make a better experience for our customers. 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[ man announcing ] what we created here. what we achieved here. what we learned here. and what we pioneered here. all goes here. the one. the accord. smarter thinking from honda. a we're back with tonight's outer circle where we reach out to our sources around the world. we begin in italy where at least 16 people are killed when a 5.8 magnitude earthquake struck northern italy today nine days after one hit the same region. i asked how the hi talions are coping. >> reporter: the situation is especially difficult. these people have had nine days of terror. 800 after shocks since the last earthquake struck on may 20th. the earthquake this morning struck at 9:00 when people were at their places of work getting ready for their day. it was far more deadly than the one last week. seven people lost their lives last week. so far 15 people have been known to have lost their lives. the damage to business was especially hard on this community. this is the industrial heartland of italy. 30% of the industrial gdp is produced here. there is so much damage and loss of employment to so many people. >> next to moscow where experts are calling a newly discovered computer virus the most sophisticated cyber weapon. the virus has been gathering information from computers in the middle east and a statement confirmed that iran suffered mass data loss due to the virus. phil black spoke to the russian computer company who discovered the virus. >> i met one of the experts at kaperski lab. he said it is the most powerful and most sophisticated piece of mall ware he and his colleagues have seen. they say it has targeted at least seven north african and middle eastern countries. they say it is a very clever snooping device for intelligence gathering. it can gather up e-mails and passwords but also so much more than that. it can capture images from screens. it can turn on computer microphones to listen in and record conversations. all of this information is sent somewhere to whoever is controlling it. that is the one thing the experts haven't worked out just yet who is behind this but they say all of the evidence points to this being a state run operation. now let's check in with anderson cooper. >> aerial trenches from the massacre in the syrian town of houla over the weekend. those are dozens of children buried. the u.s. expelling syrian diplomats. is that enough? or is it too little too late? i'm joined by author and new york times columnist. america's best known birther donald trump back in the headlines and doubling down on where the president was born. governor mitt romney will stand side by side with trump at a fundraiser today. we'll talk about that with the romney supporter. >> looking forward to all of that. now our fifth story fighting for the latino vote. this is the key to who wins the white house in november. mitt romney campaigned in colorado and nevada today. both have latino populations of importance. miguel marquez is out front. >> reporter: this is your wife, mother. a u.s. citizen since 1999 and a registered republican ever since this year he doesn't like either candidate. to get your votes what will one of those candidates have to do? >> something about immigration. it has to do with immigration. i have two friends that got deported. they come out with immigration law that can help a lot of people it will be better for the economy. >> reporter: he is the type of voter both contenders hope to win over with republicans and democrats evenly split swing voters will make the difference and the margin of victory here is expected to be razor thin. more than two million colorado voters are expected at the polls. the whole state could be won by as few as 40,000 votes mpts. >> undecided. >> reporter: says latino voters at 12 to 14% of the electerate are critical. not only are they swing voters but decide late in the game. >> 20 or 30,000 votes could make the difference for the state. >> it could. if this is a 2% race here 40,000 votes there is half your vote right there. >> reporter: it's easy to see how divided latinos are. in just a few minutes at a park here. who do you like? obama or romney? >> i like obama. >> reporter: romney or obama. >> romney. >> reporter: she likes romney because he has mexican heritage. neither has convinced you yet? >> not yet. >> reporter: both campaigns in high gear early. >> mitt romney. >> reporter: campaign ads so heavy looks more like fall than early summer. obama hurt by an economy that isn't rebounding fast enough. romney distrusted among latinos because of his emphasis on deporting the undocumented. voters caught in the middle. his business is doing well. >> i'm thinking about me and everything around. most of the people are hurt by . but immigration is an issue that concerns me more than the economy. >> reporter: latinos here waiting for answers ready to deliver colorado and maybe the country to whoever offers the best solution. cnn, denver. >> talk about a power position. john avalon, let me start with you. miguel's in colorado, crucial state. we say this group of latinos can decide the state. where else will they swing at? >> this shows where the latino population is throughout the united states. strong throughout the southwest but growing enormously. let's take a look at three other swing states in addition to colorado that could determine the winner of this election. first, nevada, where mitt romney is tonight. we've got more than a quarter of the population now latino. when barack obama won this population by 3/4 in 2008. and you'll see these in all three states, they elected a republican governor. brian sandoval in 2010. it shows just what a swing state this is and how pivotal it can be. let's look at the next one. new mexico. one of the big bellwethers. also elected hispanic republican governor in 2010. this dynamic again showing one of the real states up for grabs. and finally probably the big kahuna, florida. florida, florida, florida. the infamous swing state. 2010 they elected marco rubio. you see the population diverse. but this again so key to winning this swing state. >> ruben, interesting as john points out, this population went overwhelmingly for barack obama last time since then have elected a lot of republicans in their states. is the enthusiasm there for president obama this time around? >> no, it is not. there's no question about it. you have a deep ambivalence in this community. they're not enthusiastic about voting for mitt romney. they don't like romney. but they don't trust obama either. it's not just a question of obama breaking his promise to fix the immigration system, it's the fact he deported over 1.2 million people breaking up families in the process. latinos are clear on one thing. break what you want but don't mess with the families. barack obama needs to figure that out and fast. >> we're talking about mitt romney obviously campaigning with donald trump tonight in las vegas. which has a huge latino population. latinos don't like the president but they really hate mitt romney. how come? >> i think that romney has the same problem with latinos had had with other voters. they can't relate to him. he's living a life different than most of us live. there's a problem there. also he's been extreme in his rhetoric. he's portrayed immigrant, hispanic immigrants in particular as takers, people who come here for freebies and benefits. he's never knitted to the fact we have illegal immigration is we have so many employers hiring them. most see him as someone who is willing to try to score points off this population. >> just to add one thing to that. what will mitt romney did hurt himself with latinos during the primaries. but the number one issue for latinos is not immigration, it's the economy. that's where the romney campaign hopes to make an argument picking up voters as well. >> i'll disagree with john here. the number one issue with latinos is respect. >> well, thanks to both. interesting you heard miguel in his report said one woman said she'd vote with romney because of his mexican heritage. that's an interesting angle. outfront next, boats bikinis. it helps me get back in the game. but don't take his word for it. put bayer advanced aspirin to the test for yourself at put bayer advanced aspirin to the test for yourself well hello, welcome to summer road trip, huh? 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it didn't matter because he still didn't win. first prize went to joseph smith who took home $7500. second prize went to predator from miami. i got to show you the predator. that's the predator. it was insane. see that? it was made out like a caddy complete with fins and a lot of very attractive people, a couple at least sitting on that boat. now, some of you might say this is ridiculous. it's silly. it's a gas guzzling horrific thing. it was a lot of fun to watch. and the hometown hero won. i'm not

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