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Former Vice President joe biden currently with 253 electoral votes, he is as little as one state away from victory. As of now the president has 213 electoral votes, he has an uphill climb but still very much in it. Now, despite the fact that there is no real evidence of any irregularity, none, the president is launching lawsuit after lawsuit to challenge vote counts in key states, but lets start with the real numbers that tell the real story. Stand by for a cnn key race alert. This is where things stand in those states where things are very, very close. In arizona worth 11 electoral votes joe biden with a 68,000 vote lead. This margin has been getting narrower by the hour there. The president banking some votes, were watching it very closely. In georgia with 16 electoral votes donald trump ahead by 18,000. This, too, getting narrower by the minute. Still votes to be counted in urban Population Centers that have been skewing democratic. Joe biden has a chance there. In pennsylvania donald trump with a 164,000 vote lead, 20 electoral votes up for grabs. We are not completely sure how much vote is left, is it 400,000 . Is it 700,000 . Either way the votes that have been coming in highly democratic. Vote by mail, urban Population Centers, joe biden been banking voes and getting closer and closer as the nice has gone on. Other states were watching very closely this morning, North Carolina, 15 electoral votes, the president with a 76,000 vote lead. Both campaigns think the president is relatively safe there, not much has changed. Finally, nevada, six electoral votes, joe biden with a 7,000 vote lead. This has been static, we havent seen any new vote from nevada for quite some time. We are expecting it later this morning. We will keep you posted as it comes in. Lets give you a sense of what this means for the overall map. Joe biden with a 253 electoral votes at this point, donald trump 213. You can see joe biden potentially one state away from victory if that state is pennsylvania, worth 20 electoral votes. So lets walk over to the magic wall. Phil mattingly is there. Phil, thats where i want to start, with pennsylvania, where theyve been tabulating all night. I want to start there because if joe biden manages to win it puts him over the top. Both candidates have pathways to 270 electoral votes, joe biden has more and the cleanest one for joe biden right now is to come back and take control of the state of pennsylvania. We start in pennsylvania right now. Donald trump as john just noted a margin of 164,000 plus votes. That is down from more than 700,000 votes over the course of the last 12 hours. Why is that happening . Think back to michigan, think back to first in all three of those states, the election day vote leaned heavily republican. That is a testament to President Trumps turnout operation, but once the vote by mail started getting counted, that happened after the fact, that is heavily democratic. We have seen just as we did in wisconsin, just as we did in michigan, both states called for joe biden, Vice President biden chip away 10, 20, 30, hundreds of thousands of votes. Here is the key question, how much is outstanding and where is it . It is hundreds of thousands of votes outstanding and it is democratic strong holds. It is southeastern pennsylvania, it is most notably Philadelphia County. I want to take a look at Philadelphia County just to make a key point. Philadelphia county this is a county where Hillary Clinton had more than 580,000 votes in 2016, right now joe biden is at 457,000 votes, the expectation turnout is better, its bigger and theres 30 outstanding just in this county. Move out to the rest of southeastern pennsylvania, a couple other counties with tens of thousands of votes that are expected to come in. Move out west as well, allegheny county, home to pittsburgh, democratic stronghold as well. The reality right now for democrats when you talk to them, when they are on the ground, when you talk to them in the campaign, theyre looking at this map right now and even though theyre down by 164,000 votes, theyre saying not only is there a pathway, theres almost an expectation that they will be able to overtake donald trump at some point in this state, just like michigan and wisconsin. The question is when. This has been pretty static for the last couple of hours. And also what else does donald trump have outstanding . Can he defend the lead or at least some form of the lead as the vote starts to come in . Two points i want to make so people understand the math here. If there are 400,000 votes left and we are not totally sure, if it breaks like it has been joe biden would get 300,000, the president would get 100,000 that would be a difference of 200,000. You can see thats enough to win. The other point i want to make is pennsylvania, the automatic recount is. 5 . We would be within that, there would be a recount, im not sure that would change anything, but thats the situation on the ground there. Lets talk about georgia, phil, because georgia, look at the margins in georgia right now. 18,000 votes. Yeah, this has been the live ball throughout the course of the night. Batches of 8, 10, 15,000 votes have rolled in. 31,000 votes for donald trump in the lead about six hours ago now its down to 18,500. This is a Crucial Point i want to make. You made clear the outstanding vote for the most part right now is coming from Population Centers that are democratic strong holds, parts of metro atlanta, parts of savannah, over here a little bit of vote coming out over here as well. The best example of whats going on in fast right now has been what weve watched happen in Fulton County. There is not a ton of vote outstanding in fulton, but as Fulton County has come in over the course of the night you have seen 8, 10, 15,000 vote batches come in, those batches have been breaking towards Vice President biden 80 20. 80 20. When that happens, pull back out and show you, 18,540 votes starts to go away pretty quickly. Is there a pathway for joe biden to make up this margin right now . Yes, there is. Whats the problem for President Trump . Joe biden with the remaining vote outstanding in the state right now only needs to win about 60 to 62 of the remaining vote. Again, in Fulton County 80 20. We will see if he can replicate that going forward. Thats going to be the big question. Is there a pathway in georgia for joe biden . There is. There is. But, boy, is it close. It is within a half a percent in georgia, either campaign can request a recount. You have to believe that would probably happen. But, again, unclear whether it would change anything. A lot of the vote were watching come in from democratic areas were watching it come in throughout the morning, stay tuned. The story in georgia and pennsylvania has been joe biden closing the gap. The story in arizona is the opposite. Thats exactly right. If we were talking about the margins that were shrinking for President Trump in those past two states, this is a margin for joe biden that has shrunk by about 150,000 votes over the course of the last 12 or so hours. Why has that happened . Maricopa county, biggest county in the state, 60 of the population is here. You know this county very well, it has shifted away from republicans over the course of the last couple of cycles. Right now joe biden with a pretty sizable advantage there all things considered, 51 to 47 . Here is the issue for joe biden that has occurred, as Maricopa County has dropped new batches of vote results, after counting those results, those batches have leaned towards President Trump. We talked about the margins that joe biden needs to win georgia, President Trump needs to sit between 55 , 56 in every batch that comes out. The last two batches of votes that have come out he has hit 56 , 57 and because of that he has chipped away, i want to pull it out a little bit more, he has been chipping away 10, 15, 20,000 votes at a time. We wont be getting more votes until this evening, but you want to talk about a state where the Trump Campaign made clear when they were down by 200,000 votes we have a pathway. Do not call this state, we still have an opportunity there. We know we have voters outstanding there, theyre coming in. They have come in up to this point and what has been reported. The big question the big question is with whats outstanding in Maricopa County, we believe its around 400,000 votes right now, will those voters do what President Trump was got in the last couple batches or will they revert to somewhere a little more even at which point joe biden remains even. Donald trump right now has a pathway, hes been hitting the margins he needs to hit. Just hitting the margins. Democrats think there are more independent votes out there which lean his way. We dont know. We will be counting throughout the day in arizona. Can we talk about the path to 270 . I emphasized pennsylvania first because thats the whole ball game if joe biden wins it, its over, President Trump needs to win it to stay in it. I can do the easiest they think you can possibly do well, lets do this first, we will say North Carolina right now so everything you see thats in red has been called for President Trump, everything that you see thats in blue has been called for joe biden. Right now we can go ahead and say North Carolina just for the sake of gaming things out, North Carolina goes red, goes to President Trump. We can say alaska goes red, it goes to President Trump. 253 to 231, if you are joe biden what are you looking for first . Pennsylvania. You are over 273 electoral votes. But lets say President Trump holds on, lets say President Trump holds on and ends up winning the state of pennsylvania, what are pathways from there on out . Right now joe biden is leading in the state of arizona. Joe biden has a 7,000 vote lead in the state of nevada. Guess what . Thats 270 electoral votes. But what if President Trump ends up overtaking in arizona, weve seen the margin shift. What if President Trump figures out how to make up 7,000, 8,000 more votes in nevada when the new clark county batch comes in later this morning, where does that put mention . Right on the verge. Right on the verge and were all looking here, were all looking right there at the state of georgia which is currently an 18,000 vote margin with votes still coming in right now. So we will wait and see what happens, how this plays out. The bottom line here is there are pathways for both. There are certainly pathways for both. There are more pathways for joe biden, there are clearer pathways for joe biden right now. We will have to see how the vote comes in over the course of the day, but thats kind of the bottom line of where things stand with the math, with the reports overnight and what were waiting for. Phil, stand by here at the wall, see if you can see more vote coming in because weve been surprised sometimes by when these batches pop up on the screen here. Georgia secretary of state says its largest county, Fulton County, thats atlanta, is nearly done counting and we could have a clearer idea of where the president ial contest stands soon. Volunteers have been tap lagt votes at a rate of about 3,000 per hour. As of now as we just showed you President Trump still has the lead. Cnns Victor Blackwell is in the county seat of atlanta. Victor, whats the current status . Reporter we just got an update from the officials here. Let me give you the numbers first and i will walk through the schedule for the morning. They have 3,600 ballots left to process here at this center. Those will be part of the 10,000 to 11,000 left to count and report. We heard from the executive director of elections here, rick baron, not too long ago in which he says that he expects to report those by 11 00 this morning. Now, let me show you whats happening here as these workers have been here all night. Its thinned out a bit, but weve been told that there will be some more people coming in to finish this job off. This is where theyre opening and processing and preparing them to be scanned along the window and then that memory card from the scanner is taken to another location to actually tabulate. At 10 00 a. M. Were told the adjudication board will arrive, of course, adjudication is if a voter improperly fills out a ballot, they will determine the intent or decipher the intent of that voter so that that vote will count. They hope, again, to have all of this done by 11 00 this morning. Now, rick baron knows that the country is watching Fulton County, they have been working all night, and as you said, 3,000 per hour, we are now at the top of 8 00, that should hopefully keep them on schedule so we can get these numbers out of Fulton County, john. Victor blackwell for us in atlanta. Victor, if you can, thank the people who are there working. Theyre doing amazing things. They are democracy at work. I appreciate you being there. Very much appreciate them. Lets get to jim sciutto at the voting desk, he has the latest on a lawsuit being filed by the Trump Campaign in multiple battleground states. Jim . John, i dont have to tell you this and of course viewers will be familiar, the Trump Campaign filed a lot of lawsuits before this election, primarily dealing with voter access, lost most of those, theyre filing a lot of lawsuits since the election and these deal mostly with the vote count, particularly in states that are close or trump is behind, believe they may be able to catch up. I should note as i go through these that cnn has talked to legal experts on these cases and in general they say unlikely to be wins for the Trump Campaign, one, evidence is thin to this point, two, most of them deal with cases where the number of votes is too small to sway the outcome, but theyre happening. Lets talk about pennsylvania first. The lawsuits here focusing on, you may remember, just before the election, law passed in pennsylvania allowed votes that arrive up to three days after election day to be counted, mailin votes, that was challenged before, Supreme Court let that law stand, but conservative justices left the door open to the possibility of perhaps some of those, quote unquote, late arriving ballots are enough to turn the election, could there be some questions here, a possibility. So big question in pennsylvania on that is what is the margin . What is the number of those that arrive after election day . Thats the lawsuit in pennsylvania right now. Lets look at michigan. Here the Trump Campaign has filed a lawsuit asking to halt the counting of votes statewide. Why . They are demanding what theyre calling meaningful access to observe the processing in particular of mailin ballots there. Michigan has been called by this network and others, but Trump Campaign wants to halt the counting there. Lets go on to nevada, this state has not been called yet and we may be getting more data there later today. Keep in mind before i go down the details of this lawsuit that republicans tried this path twice already and failed, but three times is the charm they hope theyre going after it again. The focus here is looking at signature matching software used in that state to match signatures on ballots that come in, it uses some artificial intelligence, thats the basis of their claim and what theyre demanding is to stop counting as that issue is adjudicated. Lets look at georgia here, another state as you were just saying, john, with phil, extremely tight margins here, thats why youre seeing a lawsuit top up. This one deals with an extremely small number of ballots, these were ballots that were still being processed somehow ended up in a pile of ballots ready to be tabulated. Thats their focus there. Like the other lawsuits they deal with such a small number of votes, unlikely to turn things there, but theyre pursuing. Remember, this is a president who likes to File Lawsuits on a whole host of things. They tried it before the election mostly on voter access, lost most of those cases, theyre trying after the election, its a close one and theyre pushing these hard. I should note just before i came on air another lawsuit filed in the state of pennsylvania by the Trump Campaign, this one deals with two issues, the issue of poll watchers there and voter id laws, the Trump Campaign claiming in this lawsuit that there was an attempt here in their words to disenfranchise republican voters. So add that to the bin of lawsuits in the state of pennsylvania there. Again, big picture we expected these lawsuits to happen, the legal experts cnn has opinion talking to say evidence thin, number of votes too small to affect the outcome, but there are lots of them here and as weve watched in the last several months sometimes the courts can surprise. Jim sciutto, terrific work. One point you made, the margins matter here. If youre dealing with tens of thousands of votes in the margin, lawsuits almost never make any kind of difference. So thats what were watching in several states. Michigan is 100,000 vote difference right now for donald trump and joe biden, joe biden in the lead there so unlikely any lawsuit would make a difference there. Lets go over to Alisyn Camerota now here in new york. John, lets stay on the topic of those lawsuits and get some analysis from two cnn election law analysts and experts, we have rick pildes and Jonathan Diaz who serves as Legal Counsel for the Campaign Legal center. Great to have both of you. Jonathan, you heard jim sciutto lay out all of those different lawsuits right now. President Trumps Campaign has launched this slue of challenges in pennsylvania, michigan, nevada, georgia, wisconsin. Are there any that you just heard jim lay out that you think do have merit and will move forward . Not really. I think jims summary was, you know, pretty much on target. These lawsuits dont appear at least to me to have a particularly high chance of success and even if they did theyre not dealing with the kinds of numbers of ballots or the types of issues that are likely to be outcome determinative in any of these states. The one possible exception is that pennsylvania lawsuit that is already before the Supreme Court dealing with those late arriving ballots and that deadline extension, but, again, its going to come down to what the ultimate margin is in pennsylvania before those late arriving ballots are counted and if there are enough ballots that arrive between the end of the day on november 3rd and the deadline tomorrow for that to make a difference. As of right now we just dont know. Right, we dont. We will be speaking to the governor there soon, though, and hopefully getting some information. Rick, lets zero in on pennsylvania. Even before all of that litany of legal challenges you had some real concerns that pennsylvania could be the center of chaos. So what was it about pennsylvanias voting process that caused you so much concern . Well, there are a bunch of things that come together here. I have said that pennsylvania is sort of the worst combination of a potentially decisive state with not such great election law policies, number one, the fact that they couldnt start processing these ballots until election day, number two, not clear enough guidance provided in chance about certain key issues which should have been done. We knew if it came down to pennsylvania there would be messy issues here. I do agree, though, that the litigation so far does not seem likely to, a, affect enough ballots, and b, be all that likely to succeed. The suit against pennsylvania is the most serious one legally, the one about this threeday window, but i expect the number of ballots that actually come in in that last three days is going to be a lot smaller than many people might think. Well see. People got their votes in early. Yeah, it looks like t but we will see and we will try to get those exact numbers. Jonathan, whether or not you think that these have merit, do they slow down the counting and do they tie up somehow the results . They can. You know, if Election Officials have to be the ones to respond to these lawsuits and to give the facts to, you know, state or county attorneys who have to rely to these complaints and these briefs. They shouldnt stop or slow down the counting as in some court order and so far we havent seen anything like that, but they do put additional strain on Election Officials who are working very hard, as weve seen already this morning, to finish these counts so that we can get closer to a final resolution. Rick, how about recounts, are those automatically triggered pause the margins are so narrow in some places. That varies from state to state. In wisconsin the candidate can request a recount if the margin is under 1 . And the president s team has done that already. In other states that are automatic recounts that are triggered if the margin is within, for example,. 5 its possible we will have automatic recounts in a couple of these states. Recounts rarely change votes by anything other than a very kind of tiny margin, a few hundred votes here and there. Recounts dont affect thousands of votes let alone tens of thousands of votes. Okay. Rick pildes, Jonathan Diaz, thank you very much. Lets go back to how the map looks with john berman. All right. Thanks so much, alisyn. We are waiting and expecting more votes to come in from pennsylvania and georgia. The margins in georgia razor thin at this moment. Were also talking about the lawsuits, were talking about the disruptions around the country. The governor of michigan joins me next. Stay tuned. All right. These are the margins in four key states, you can see how close it is. In pennsylvania donald trump leads by 160,000 votes, but joe biden is closing in fast. Arizona leads by 68,000 votes, but President Trump has been closing that gap. In georgia just 18,000 votes United States the two candidates and joe biden has been making big gains overnight. Nevada 7,000 vote margin that hasnt changed in a long time. Were waiting on nevada to report some new votes, that could come very shortly. One state not on that list, which is interesting, is michigan. Michigan is a microcosm of the entire election this morning. When the votes started coming in tuesday night they were election day votes, they slanted pretty heavily toward president donald trump, but once they started counting the mailin vote, once that was tabulated, it was clear joe biden had a clear edge and now as of this morning hes ahead by more than 134,000 votes. We have called the state of michigan for joe biden. Joining us now is a democratic governor of michigan Gretchen Whitmer, shes also the national cochair of the biden campaign. Good morning, governor. In 2016 donald trump won michigan by 10,000 votes, joe biden leads there by about 13 times that margin this morning. Reflect on where things stand. Well, thats right. And, you know, i was really so pleased to see how well our election was executed. It was a pretty dramafree day, certainly there were some hiccups along the way but we were able to get these votes counted, 5. 1 million votes and with joe biden ending the day with about 13 times the margin that donald trump had just four years ago it feels a lot more decisive than what were seeing play out in other states potentially. Im pleased that michigan was able to do this and i give incredible credit to our secretary of state Jocelyn Benson and all the clerks and the 30,000 volunteers who worked this election all across the state. There have been protests particularly in detroit, we will show some video right now, people chanting stop the count outside of a ballot counting center. Whats your message to the protesters . Whats your message to these people who are upset and what message do you think should be coming from the top right now . I think every one of us with a platform should be encouraging and educating the public that we count our votes. Votes that are cast before the close of the polls get counted and we dont just stop because its inconvenient or because one person has an agenda, we get the votes counted. The most important thing in an American Election is that we decide our differences at the polls and then we have a peaceful transfer of power and it is the will of the people that decides the outcome of our elections, not a candidate, no at Political Party and not protests. We have had a full and free and pretty dramafree election and i think thats an important thing in this moment. There is a lot of heated political rhetoric and one of the things, as i talked to joe biden yesterday, he called me, he is focused on how do we heal this nation . How do we bring people together . How do we build bridges and start the Common Ground that has been so severely lacking these last few years. He of course has not won yet, he recognizes that, he is a humble person, but hes optimistic as am i and i think im hopeful that we can start that next chapter in this country because its so sorely needed. What message do you think the American People sent in this election . If joe biden manages to win, thats unclear, democrats still suffered losses in the house of representatives and didnt do nearly as well in some areas as they thought. So how do you juxtapose maybe the mixed messaging coming from the American People . I think were a deeply divided nation. I think that the divide has grown over the last four years and it is incumbent on all of us, people of good will on both sides of the aisle to stake out Common Ground and to recognize we are stronger when we are fighting together. We have a common enemy and that enemy is covid19 and that enemy is getting the best of america right now. We need to rise to this challenge and we need to rally to it together. This is a very serious moment in the nation where we hit over 100,000 new cases reported over the last day. These numbers continue to climb and so we need to rally together for the sake of our economy and frankly for the sake of the health of our fellow americans. 100,000 new cases reported overnight, the highest day yet. When the dust settles on this election the coronavirus reality will very much still be here. Thank you for pointing that out. Governor, again, to the president who has been saying and tweeting outlandish things, untrue things about the counting in michigan, whats your message . Do you worry what hes doing could lead to violence . Well, there is no question that efforts to undermine the integrity of and the confidence ramifications long past when all the numbers are finally in. And i think thats something that is antiamerican, frankly and thats why imful that there are republicans of good will who will stand up and take it on. We certainly have seen that to be the case in a number of instances, but as as the United States of america need to move forward together. We need a leader who can bring us together and i think thats incumbent on every single one of us to do our part to achieve that goal. Were not going to agree on everything, we know that. We should have robust debate, we should have a vigorous dialogue, however, at the end of the day we are all americans and this country rising to the challenges that we face benefits all of us and we have to do that and we have to get there. Governor Gretchen Whitmer of michigan, thank you for being with us this morning. We appreciate your time. Thank you. Up next, we will speak to a republican lawmaker who is calling on the president , this is a republican, to stop sowing doubt in the vote counting process. 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As votes have been counted, largely in Maricopa County, which is the bulk of the votes in that state, he has been able to put some votes in the bank. Some of the people who voted late there, even late early vote, skewed toward the president. The question is of the 200,000 plus votes that remain where do they stand . Democrats think there are more independent voters left in that vote pool, they have tended to vote for more joe biden, but we just dont know. Arizona very much hangs in the balance at this hour with its 11 electoral votes. As we wait for that to be counted and we do expect an update from arizona over the course of the day, lets go over to Alisyn Camerota. John, thank you very much. Yes, as we wait for more votes to be counted President Trump attempted to claim victory in key undecided states. He tweeted in unusually formal language, saying, we have claimed for electoral vote purposes the commonwealth of pennsylvania which wont allow legal observers, the state of georgia and the state of North Carolina. Additionally, we hereby claim the state of michigan, if, in fact, there was a large number of secretly dumped ballots as has been widely reported. Fact check, there is no evidence of any secretly dumped ballots there or elsewhere. Joining us now to talk about this and more we have republican congressman from illinois, Adam Kinzinger and he has just won reelection for his congressional seat. Congratulations. Thank you very much. Lets just talk about that tweet for a second. We hereby claim the state of michigan. Does using 17th century language make something true . No, not necessarily. And, you know, look, i think with that tweet i guess its one thing for a president to kind of declare that he thinks hes going to win or even declare victory. Thats a bit much, shouldnt do it. Where i have a real problem with whats going on is when a president starts alleging voter fraud without evidence of that. Look, if there is voter fraud, trust me, its going to be discovered because you are going to have people that, quote unquote, voted that didnt and they are like i never voted and theres a place for that, which is the court system. The problem with throwing out unsubstantiated charges is it undermines faith in democracy and then when he lose or maybe even when you win, people arent going to believe it. I will tell you what, i looked at facebook last night before i went to bed, which was a mistake, just to look at it, and i just every one of the stories on my wall were somebody that believed that either 100,000 votes were dumped with only bidens votes or that wisconsin had more voters than people registered to vote. None of it is true, but people believe this. This is how this stuff gets spread. And congressman, dont you feel like youre yelling at the ocean with this sort of stuff . I read your tweet. You tweeted last night just after midnight, which, again, tells me youre checking twitter in the wee hours of the morning and you were tweeting because President Trump was trying to suggest that democrats were somehow stealing the election and you said, stop. Full stop. The votes will be counted and you will either win or lose and america will accept that. Patience is a virtue. You know, i dont know, is it making a dent . I dont know. Its better to yell at the ocean than drown in it. The way i look at this is this, im responsible for the 700,000 people i represent and my own behavioral and when i look at this and say if i can have an impact and at least say, look, just let the votes be counted. Fight it out in court. You know, we can have a bush v. Gore 2000 if you all want to do this, but what we cant do is start saying over and over Election Fraud without evidence because in ten years people this is the kind of thing that people then say, well, my vote doesnt count. Why do i vote in theyre disenfranchised and it leads to a dissolution of the union. Donald trump may not have to worry or even joe biden may not have to worry about election in ten years, but i have a family i have to worry about so im going to fight hard for that. Congressman, i want to get back to your win because i think that it is instructive of what im not exactly sure. I mean, you had a big win, a huge win, over your democratic challenger in a state that went 12 points for biden. And you have always been somebody who i think has been able to straddle this, you know, political divide, which as of this election and the past, you know, couple of days has felt like its turned into a canyon. Im not blowing smoke when i say do you have any wisdom for democrats and republicans today about how we are supposed to, you know, cross that canyon . You know, it was a massive victory and i think i ended up getting many, many thousands more votes than even donald trump got in my district and i think its this, i think bottom line im still convinced even if you take on the president sometimes and the base is mad or the left is mad because im actually a conservative republican, the bottom line i think there are still people that respect the fact that you believe something and you know it to be true. And i think thats what makes the difference. It feels like a lost art right now, but i think theres a lot of good people in politics that still to t the key is just do what you think is right. Thats it. If you do that and you lose, whatever, you know, you will go on and be able to look at yourself in the mirror, but i think thats what the district and constituents still respect. Congressman Adam Kinzinger, thank you. We really appreciate your time. Thanks for those words. You bet. Take care. Lets go back to john. Thanks, alisyn. We have breaking news coming out of pennsylvania. About how many ballots are left to be counted. This is so important. Again, if joe biden wins pennsylvania or manages to, he wins the election. If presi trumpin there,

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