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Motorcycle confrontation. New details emerging this morning. 34ris say at least six men involved in the assault on an suv driver, including stomping on his head. Good morning to you. Welcome to early start. Im zoraida sambolin. Im john berman. Hope you had a great weekend. It is monday, october 7th. 4 00 a. M. In the east. U. S. Special forces staging two raids in africa and capturing a very big target. This man is al qaeda operative Abu Anas Al Libi. Wanted for the bombingings in kenya and tanzania. He is a key figure possibly with a treasure atroptrove of al qae workings. All of this while navy s. E. A. L. S were staging another raid 3,000 miles away in somalia. We are live from nairobi this morning. What can you tell us about these dual raids . We understand from a wife, mass men ambushed her husbands car when he was back from prayers on saturday morning. He said he reached for the handgun he keeps in his glove compartment but it was already too late. She said these were libyans. They were speaking with libyan accent and the Libyan Government said they werent told this was taking place. U. S. Say this was done with the perms of the Libyan Government. How does this tie to the s. E. A. L. S who took the militant group for a the heartland . Both of the men they were after, we only have one name here at the moment where the u. S. Department reward for justice list and both to have been believed involved in the 1998 u. S. Embassy bombings. In somalia, while the u. S. Arent quite clear they got their man but they say they sustained heavy gunfire and forced to withdrew. U. S. Military officials confirming on a u. S. Naval vessel perhaps in the mediterranean being questioned. We are hearing he is on his way to a court perhaps in new york but we are still verifying that. For many years, he has maintained that he renounced al qaeda and he stepped away from that organization and all it represented but the reality is that he knows an awful lot about what was happening during the hey day of al qaedas operations. Some of this see the cleanup to tie the loose ends of those operatives still out there in the field who knew exactly what happened in the 1998 u. S. Bombings but here in kenya, especially the horrific terror tacks in nairobi that the Al Qaedalinked militant Group Al Shabaab was a part of they see this as the operations that continue to operate in this area and we are just learning there is a link between one of the al shabaab militants who with carried out the kenya mall attack and anas al libi. He was killed in the u. S. Soil and part of the 91 u. S. Bombing ring and one of the mall attackers is a relatives of his and a lot of information that im sure the u. S. Intelligence agencies would be very keen to get their hands on from libya in the days ahead, john. No doubt. Thank you. A lot going on. Special forces on the move. Thanks. 4 00 minutes past the hour. We are entering week two of the Government Shutdown and no one is talking. John boehner and president obama digging in their heels. The House Speaker insisting no deal will be struck without concessions from the white house, all this while potential disaster looms. In a week and a half america hits the debt ceiling and no one has a plan to solve that crisis here. Here is brianna keilar. Reporter ten days away from a economic disaster, the white house and the republicans are as far apart as they have been. House republicans continue to demand concessions as president obama still refuses to negotiate on the nations Borrowing Limit. The United States is set to default on october 17th in congress didnt raise the debt ceiling. Im telling you that on the 17th, we run out of our ability to borrow and congress is playing with fire. Reporter in a rare sunday show interview, House Speaker john boehner assisted, backing away from defunding or delaying obama care as an addon increasing the debt sealing. My goal is to have a serious conversation about those things that are driving the deficit and driving the debt up. Reporter as the government remains partially shut down for a seventh day, the white house wants a vote to fund the government, no strings attached. Again, rebuffed by republicans. There are not the votes in the house to pass a clean cr. Reporter but president obama, bowlstered by many objective observers, questioned that in the Associated Press saying, quote, we know there are enough members in the house of representatives, democrats and republicans, who are prepared to vote to reopen the government today. The only thing that is keeping that from happening is Speaker Boehner has made a decision that he is going to hold out to see if he can get additional concessions from us. The stalemate in washington becoming good fodder for late night. Saturday night live featured guest Host Miley Cyrus as mi she will bachmann celebrating it. Is that riske, do you think . I dont know about that. Americans across the country very much feeling the pinch. The Government Shutdown safe to say is too long already and a possible fight over the debt limit has many people sending a pointed message to washington. People around the country saying you are playing with fire. More now from cnns ted rollins j from communities outside of chicago to people unable to go inside the st. Louis arch. People across the u. S. Are furious with lawmakers and more than happy to talk about it. Youre there for a bigger purpose . I think they would have stopped playing silly games like a bunch of little kids and got this done and straightened out. Otherwise, come november or whenever they are up for reelection, dont worry, we are not voting for you. Reporter at a coffee shop in illinois, people had a clear message to send to washington. What message would you like to send to lawmakers . To get their act together and get the congress back open again. This is ridiculous. Reporter why . Its just nonsense. I mean, they are grown adults that they cant get along and come to a conclusion, you know, maybe we dont need them in there after all. Reporter in every city we went we did find some people who didnt care. Doesnt bother you . Nope. Reporter doesnt affect you . No, not really. Reporter we found democrats blaming republicans. They cant get over the fact that obama beat them twice, okay . That is all there is there. They are so losers. Reporter we found republicans who blame democrats and the government and who shouter the shutdown. Im very much in favor of what they are doing, frankly. As you can see, the world isnt coming to an end. Reporter universal discussed for both parties, many republicans we talked to are concerned that their party will end up taking a hit. I think the republicans will get a lot of blame for it, fortunately. I dont think its their fault. I think plenty of blame to go around but i think they will get most of the blame. Reporter what would you say to the president and harry reid . I would say, lets get off this my way or the highway stuff. Lets compromise. Lets figure out what pieces we can make work and lets figure out what pieces we can make work and lets adjustment. Reporter karen is with a company that runs the trolley inside the arch. 48 of her employees are not getting paid, and unlike federal employees who will get compensated down the ne unlike l employees who will get compensated down the line, they will never get paid. What message would you like to tell lawmakers . To please come to your resolution soon. Every day matters. We wake up every morning hoping that this is the day that it will come to an end and we are ready to get back to work. Reporter no matter where we have been, st. Louis, chicago, we are now here in kansas city and basically hearing the same thing, people are disgusted with the federal government and its safe to say the longer this federal Government Shutdown goes on the longer people outside of washington will be frustrated. Our thanks to ted. One of the Top Republicans behind the shutdown says he is not stopping there. Senator ted cruz confirming he wants to link raising the debt ceiling to obama care. He spoke exclusively with cnns Candy Crowley. Reporter you think that some facet of the president S Health Care plan should be attached to an increase in the debt ceiling . The debt ceiling historically has been among the best leverage that congress has to rein in the reporter so yes . Yes. The u. S. Reaches its Borrowing Limit on october 17th. A default could severely fragile the u. S. Economy. The federal government acknowledging for the first time the obama signup site needs some work. Sunday federal officials said the online marketplace needed design changes and more server capacity to improve efficiency. Last week, the Obama Administration said there was an unanticipated when the server went life. It did have some work on it over the weekend. A 9yearold boy in minneapolis st. Paul airport, ofgs say the child, a runaway, somehow made it past the security checkpoints and gate agents and went on a delta flight headed to las vegas. The boy wasnt even questioned until the plane landed in nevada all of this, since 911, has been to keep us safer and it has, but still we have gaping holes and this was a perfect example of it. You could see how a kid could do it more easily than a grownup. A little boy gets behind two people who look like parents. But he has to have a ticket clearly a lapse there. Maybe the gate officials arent looking for a kid but now they should be. Ive had my kids fly alone and with adults and all the time they check those tickets so im baffled by this. The boy is flown back to minnesota. The tsa and Delta Airlines are investigating the security breakdown. Crazy. A terrifying highway confrontation in new york last week. Police say chance used his helmet to smash the suv drivers window and another driver accused of stomping on the drivers head. Police say six bikers were involved in that beating and asking for help locating others at the scene. Both men are facing gang assault along with some other charges. Another horrifying indy car crash on sunday. Last lap of the houston grand prix. This is insane. That is thundering blow. Dario franchitti sent airborne and into the fence and agree and injuring 13 spectators as well. Chan franchitti suffered injuries. His estranged wife reached out on twitter. I have only the clothes on my back and the dogs but that is all we need. Franchitti is in fair condition this morning. Three spectators were hospitalized. A horrible crash. Its amazing he is only i was watching when it happened and we cut in with breaking news and everybody was worried there was an incredible serious injury here. He is doing really well in stable condition. More than 6 inches of rain in 24 hours triggering dangerous flash flooding in louisville, kentucky. Homes damaged and roads closed. What a mess. At least 100 people either rescued by firefighters or forced to evacuate there. The flooding is so widespread that the red cross still doesnt know exactly how the residents have been displaced. So far, luckily, at least no reports and no serious injuries. With that and a look at what else is going on with the weather, here is alexander steele. Big changes from what we saw this past weekend. A front near the coast and with that, showers and storms today and some gusty winds all the way from new england down to midatlantic and even down toward the southeast. So what we are going to do behind it, big changes in terms of the temperatures. Highs in the seventh in the northeast and enjoy it because as we head toward this week, temperatures much cooler behind it. Today 80 in washington and only 71 in atlanta, georgia. Seattle and portland in the 50s. And big changes in los angeles as well. Down from where we were at the 90degree mark to 78 today and 75 in albuquerque. So if youre traveling today at the airports, biggest trouble spots will be on the eastern seaboard. Baltimore and washington, shower, storms, could even see some hail but very gusty winds. Hope you have a nice day. Im meteorologist alexandra steele. This is unbelievable. This is a spectacular sparkler and comes in a cool 118 carats. Its known as an oval dcolor. That means its flawless. 28 to 35 million it could be worth. Youre not in awe . Its a rock i dont care. Its a rock look at it. Look at the way it sparkles and glistens. You have to go to hong kong where the fiveday auction starts today. If youre interested, that is where you need to be. I feel so bad for your man. My man did a nice job with my sparklers. Coming up, a tip for an oregon bartender that this bartender will not soon forget a great story a customer leaves her a couple of Lottery Tickets for a tip. Wait until you hear what happened next use your imagination, folks. What would you do . Take the money and run i was having trouble getting out of bed in the morning because my back hurt so bad. The sleep number bed conforms to you. I wake up in the morning with no back pain. I can adjust it if i need to. If my backs a little more sore. And by the time i get up in the morning, i feel great if you have back pain, toss and turn at night or wake up tired with no energy, the sleep number bed could be your solution. The sleep number beds secret is its air chambers which provide ideal support and put you in control of the firmness. And the bed is perfect for couples because each side adjusts independently to their unique sleep number. Heres what Clinical Research has found 93 of participants experienced backpain relief. 90 reported reduced aches and pains 87 fell asleep faster and enjoyed more deep sleep. For study summaries, call this number now. Well include a free dvd and brochure about the sleep number bed including prices, and models plus a free 50 savings card. And how about this . Steel springs can cause uncomfortable pressure points. But the sleep number bed contours to your body. Imagine how good youll feel when your muscles relax and you fall into a deep sleep im not just a back surgeon, im also a back patient. I sleep on the sleep number bed myself and i highly recommend it to all of my patients. Need another reason to call . The sleep number bed costs about the same as an innerspring but lasts twice as long. So if you want to sleep better or find relief for your bad back, call now. Call the number on your screen for your free information kit with dvd, brochure and price list. Call right now and youll also receive a 50 savings card just for inquiring about the sleep number bed. Ask about our riskfree 100night inhome trial. Call now for your free information kit and a free 50 savings card. Call now welcome back to early start. Security officials in kenya naming four of the terrorists who went on that deadly shooting rampage in nairobis wasestgate mall. Police are saying all four were killed and men were all wellknown terror suspects and for the first time they aired this closed circuit video of the gunmen inside the mall and contrary to earlier accounts, none of these gunmen were westerners. Police also ruled out the involvement of the white widow who was an infamous terror suspect. The father of an infant who went missing two years ago is now charged with killing her. Baby Kate Phillips was 4monthold when she disappeared. Her father 23yearold Shawn Phillips is now charged with her murder. Phillips was arraigned friday after police say new evidence emerged. The little girls body has never been found. Some republicans facing a backlash for buttons really going after hillary clinton. Critics calling them crude and let you see for yourself especially the ones at the top there. Take a look at that. We will let you read them. They were on display at a Republican Convention in california on saturday and tweeted by carl maruchi. It was focused on Republican Voters at the conference, specifically women. Oh, my goodness i would not read that outloud on tv. Pathetic. 20 minutes past the hour. One of the oregons bartenders regular customers always tips her with Lottery Tickets. Last tuesday night, he gave her two of them. The first was a 5 winner. The second was worth 17,500 more than 20 oh, my gosh aurora tried to give it back to her customer but he wouldnt hear of it. She did wind up giving her a cut and aurora is using the rest to buy a new coach and pad her savings account as well. I love her and congratulations. I dont think she should have given the guy a cut and let me tell you why. What . If he is a regular customer that tips her with a Lottery Ticket every day. You have the knowledge she hits and its her money and when she finally keeps it, its her money. He did say that. He is like minded and believes what you believe but i thought it was so generous what she did it. Unnecessarily generous. She is too nice. Give him a free drink. I understand that. You never know. He might give her more ticket in the future. What is wrong with you . Youre too nice. Twitters growth is slowing and there is no sign of turning a profit any time soon. So how can the company be worth 20 billion once it goes public . If i win the lottery, im not going to share with you. I know. Thats fine i want to be rich and win the lottery you want that giant diamond and you want to win the lottery. Yes she wants to share. I do want to share, i do. Lets give you the riddle. What has never made a profit but might be worth 40 billion soon . The answer is twitter so if you use a the valuation that twitter put on its ipo price it would be worth near 13 billion when it open and some Fund Managers are telling Bloomberg News it could be worth 20 billion when it opens and eventually as much as 40 billion. What they are saying is advertisers could flock to twitter and expand its revenue rapidly. Twitter put the value of its stock at 20. 62 and twitter hasnt said when it expects to start trading but wall street is waiting to find out. The latest survey of 2,500 service stations saying the price of a regular gallon of gasoline down 20 cents the past two weeks. Cnn is told the average price of 3. 39 is 45 cents lower than a year ago and adding the drop in the past two weeks is the biggest since november of last year. The reason really . Crude oil prices. But lundberg says its declines may have bottomed out. Lets head to the box office for one gravity was in orbit this weekend. It debuted to a record breaking 55. 6 million. The Hollywood Reporter says it made the top opening of all time and moviegoers loved it in 3d. 80 of gravity revenue from the screens. Interesting, though, gravity i havent seen it yet but they say it is terrifying beautiful. I saw madagascar iii. Such is my life. As you should. Coming up, u. S. Special forces targeting terrorists in two weekend raids in africa and top al qaeda operative is now in custody, but will this operation trigger more terror attacks against the United States in Nic Robertson will join us live next. Bringing terrorists to justice. U. S. Special forces conducting a pair of raids in africa and this was this past weekend. Top terror targets apprehended. The dramatic details on the strike. Congress is playing with fire if they dont extend the debt limit. Playing with fire indeed. The administration lark out at congress. The debt ceiling battle really just beginning. This as the Government Shutdown continues into a second week. Drugs, guns, chemicals all available at your fingertips. A 1. 2 billion dollar online bust last week alone. But how are these web market pushers already back in business . Some relaunching. Only a few hours later. This is fascinating. Its than incredible story. Stay tuned for that. Welcome back to early start. Im john berman. Nice to have you with us. Im zoraida sambolin. We have more on our top story. A pair of raids in sfrik nabbing a top al qaeda fugitive Abu Anas Al Libi. What does a u. S. Have in store for this suspect and could the raids prompt retaliation . We turn to cnns Nic Robertson. He is live in london. What is the latest . Reporter al libi is on a u. S. Naval in the mediterranean. Al qaeda is sending operatives to libya to build established camps so does he have information about that. Will there be retaliation . His wife says, look, he got out of al qaeda in the mid 90s. Yes, he knew Osama Bin Laden and worked for him. It gives you an indication he doesnt have an active al qaeda cell around him so potentially that level, no retaliation. The message that these strikes show, these arrests show is to al qaeda and libya and elsewhere is the United States is on the offensive. So i think in the initial faces, al qaeda operatives will hide where they can hide. Will there be retaliation further down the line . There is always the potential for that and you got to be cautious for it. But, nic, i was reading in libya, the government there called this a kidnapping. Reporter yeah, that sounds kind of odd because we understand that the government there did know potentially that this sort of thing might happen. There is a level of frustration clearly creeping in that the Libyan Government have known about this guy and living on the streets of the capital in the open for two years. They havent picked him up. But the Prime Minister in libya, this is a country that hasnt rebuilt itself after the arab spring, weak government and in national security. The Prime Minister there is in a difficult position, so is he sort of hedging his bets, playing to those who say, look, this is against libyan softenernty to have this man arrested on our soil is why he is calling it a kidnapping and is this saving face for him to keep his government in place . Hard to judge that at the moment. Thank you, Nic Robertson, reporting live in london. We are in day seven of the government partial shutdown. The worst news we dont expect anything to change today. The pathetic news is they arent even talking. It doesnt look like either side is ready to blink. House Speaker Boehner says a clean spending bill that doesnt address obama care has a zero chance of passing in the house. Secretary jack lew says without a debt ceiling limit by october 17th, the u. S. Will not be able to pay its bills. In syria the destruction of chemical weapons has begun. A team is working under the supervision of international experts. The u. S. Says they are using blow torches to destroy the bombs. The goal is to strip syria from making new chemical weapons. Syria is a major story and fallen out of spotlight so im glad we are getting updates there. Fourmonth relay to sochi for the 2014 winter games off to a rough start when the blame went out for a brief time sunday oops, game over. No olympics no, no. They still actually have the game, folks. The glitch occurred when a torch bearer ran through a long passageway creating a wind tunnel and that extinguished the flame. Help me it went out. Somebody got a match. A major internet drug bust. Last week, Police Arrested the alleged king pin of silk road a 1. 2 billion online drug marketplace. We brought you this story last week. Within hours many who traded on that site were back in action elsewhe elsewhere. Durings, guns, chemicals available at the click of the house. Reporter peter is picking up mail from the post office. Its not your typical package. Inside . Drugs. Welcome to the growing dark side of the internet. In a couple of clicks, drugs on your doorstep. Peters whose name has been changed asked us to obscure his identity. Baseball mushrooms. Say, hey, i want to buy 250 milligrams of it. Buy now thing. Like any other place youre buying something online, youre in the shopping cart and click on the button. Reporter the government is cracking down and it was shut down. What ive bought is psychedelics and the hardest one to find on the street. Reporter users sign on tour where the only payment accepted is big coin. A Virtual Currency worth big money. The idea its not traceable. Its not traceable if you do it correctly but if you buy big things on the street or things like that, it basically becomes more reporter he specialized in drugs but as peter shows us, the internet gets even darker. Other sites have not been shut down. Here is one. The same kind of thing. A drug category. Different things if youre interested in looking for lsd, you select the lsd thing. Apparently, on this site, you can literally buy guns ak47, ar15. Reporter we were also shonn screen shots of sites advertising hitmen and compromised to kill for big coin. Peter only uses this to buy drugs often on silk road. Now that its gone, are you bummed . Yeah. Reporter its not necessarily an end game. They killed the server. They didnt take down, you know, the technology that is used to make reporter a game in the dark corners of the web. What do you think the outcome will be of silk road being officially taken over by the government and taken down . I think people are going to be fearful of using those kind of services for a while. I imagine there will be discussions on what happened, what went wrong, how to improve on it and, later on, Newer Versions that have improved in some way will pop up and regain the trust thats probably dissipating right now. Reporter lori segal, cnn money, san francisco. Lori does fantastic reporting about things that are going online. I would follow her on twitter if you get the chance. You will not regret it one bit. This morning we will hear from an oklahoma zoo official about a female employee mauled by a tiger on saturday. She admitted she was at fault when she struck her arm through the fence that housed a 14yearold tiger. She has undergone Successful Surgery on her arm and expected to recover. You will see that interview coming up on new day. Five stories you talk about this week. Including a showdown that could tilt the outcome of the next president ial election. A 6yearold and 7yearold get into an argument about who is more stealthy, ninjas or navy s. E. A. L. S . This sounds like my boys. One of them writes a letter to the head of the navy s. E. A. L. S and guess what he got back . Stay with us. . U 5 5 5 5kk welcome back to early start. Lets take a look at the big stories making headlines this week. Here is rosa flores with the weekly five. Here are five things you need to know for your week ahead. A Government Shutdown wont stop the supreme court. Its business as usual on monday as the high court holds arguments in some key high profile cases, including Political Campaign donation limits, lawyers are challenging government limits on what individuals can give to candidates, political parties, and Political Action committees. Tuesday, the benjamin gets a makeover. The new 100 dollar bills have colorful and high theft features such as a wide holo graphic strip and colored inc. The bills went in shrigs in 1996. We are used to seeing them on the Reality Tv Show duck dynasty. Wednesday, corey and welly robertson receive high honors from the institute. The organization recognizes people who have made extraordinary contributions on behalf of children in need of families. Thursday, grab the tissues. Glee will say goodbye to one of its cast members Cory Monteith who played finn hudson and the football star. He died of an overdose of alcohol and heroin this past july. Nobel peace prize will be awarded this week. Bin sin for relaxing his military rule is one of the candidates and youngest nominee a 16 pakistani shot in the head by the taliban. I think it would be usa if the 16yearold won. A 6yearold boy got quite a surprise after writing a letter to the navy s. E. A. L. S. The brothers were having a fight who is quieter, navy s. E. A. L. S or a ninja . He wrote a letter to admiral mcraven and mcraven said, im right, ninjas are probably quieter but navy s. E. A. L. S are better swimmers. I think its aus he wrote him a letter back. I wish he would have sent some s. E. A. L. S and ninjas to sneak up on the kid. Like jump out of the closet. He would then know who is quieter that would be great. If youre with me, tweet us back. Coming up, we have the Bleacher Report so much to talk about there is. This nfl quarterback threw five touchdown passes over 500 yards and he lost the game is that even possible . Joe carter will come back and tell us about it. They are still scoring touchdowns in this game. No stopping denvers quarterback Peyton Manning. Tony romo five touchdown passes and they played their best game in years but five touchdown passes was not enough to stop the broncos. Joe carter, do the math for us here. How does this happen . 99 points, 99 points, john, they scored combined. What a critical game. When you look back on it pretty much had everything but who would have thought coming into the game the first team to 50 would have won . Tony romo threw for over 500 yards as you said but he still lost the game. For the first time in five years, Peyton Manning would score a touched by running it. But as good as peyton was you could argue that tony romo actually played better until he made the one mistake at the end of the game that will haunt him in dallas for ages that interception set denver up for the game winning field goal. The two teams combine to score 99 points. It was the fourth highest scoring game in nfl history. Denver is now 50 after a 5148 win. While most of us were watching that epic shootout in the nfl, in pittsburgh, the pirates won another playoff game and are now just five wins from going to the world series. They beat the cardinals 53. The pirates could win their first playoff series in 34 years with game win later today. In los angeles, the dodgers hammered the braves. They scored 13 runs, the most for the dodgers in a playoff game since 1956. Their 136 win is how lethal this lineup can be. If you like baseball, i like baseball, we got a lot of playoff games today. The tigers and the as at 1 00 p. M. Eastern and tied at 11. Pirates and cardinals at 3 00 p. M. Eastern. At 6 00 p. M. , you got red sox rays and boston could close out the series with a win. The late game is at 9 30 eastern, dodgers braves. Dodgers could advance as well with a win and both games are on tbs. Back to the nfl game. Broncos play Jacksonville Jaguars next week. The broncos are a 28point favorite. The largest point favorite in the history of the nfl. It might be reasonable to take that bet the way they are playing. I do not believe you didnt go back to the red sox. Everyone knows they are Americas Team and everyone with a heart and soul want them to win but he was talking about football right there. I think they could have played some defense. That game was defense optional in the broncos and cowboys. There was nothing there. The defense never left the locker room. You got to wonder about the broncos. I think the formula for the broncos you have to score 50 points is what it comes down to. No defense but for those of us who like offense it was fun to watch. It was a fun game to watch. Youre disagreeing with joe because you want to disagree with joe. Its true. Coming up, miley cyrus is rocking snl. Not a lot of twerking but she created a whole lot of buzz. A ruffle wonderful song. Like modern day mozart. There was minimal twerking but miley cyrus was all over the Government Shutdown on her performance on saturday night live. The buzzing is everywhere we get more from cnns Victor Blackwell. Live from new york, its saturday night live reporter love her or hate her. Miley cyrus reporter miley cyrus took the stage once again. This time to take aim at herself. In case anyone is concerned, you should know there will be no twerking. I used to think it was cool but now that white people are doing it, it seems kind of lame. Reporter cyrus moved her weekend stop video playing a sexy singing Michele Bachmann and poking fun at the Government Shutdown. Reporter this is the latest public appearance from cyrus as the 20yearold star continues to grab headlines wherever she goes. Few can forget mileys controversial performance recently at the vma. Every vma performance, anyone that performs. That is what youre looking for, to make history. Reporter recently her war of words with Sinead Oconnor who sent cyrus an open letter not letter her be pros instituted by the Music Industry but then again oconnor made her own snl headlines when she did this. Fight the real enemy i dont want my daughter acting like that, but, at the same time, shes an adult and she has to make her own choices. Hopefully, to fix her image but that is up to her. I think if she does it while its hot, she might as well do it now while everybody is talking about her. Reporter no matter the outcome her fans who waited to see cyrus on snl say they cant wait to see what she is going to do next. Thank you guys, so much. Thank you for snl having me this week. It has been awesome. Good night, everybody that was cnns Victor Blackwell reporting. She definitely, you know, everybody talks about her which is exactly what her objective is, it seems like. The top cnn trends on the web this morning first big trend is more miley cyrus news. Seems there will be a lot of miley cyrus look alike for halloween this year from large foam fingers and this hot youst. It is one of the hottest costume ideas of the season right now. I thought i was going to be the original but i guess i wont be now. Shocked . You cant go on. I really yeah. Congratulations to halle berry. She gave birth to her second child over the weekend. It is a baby boy. Her first with husband oliver martinez. She also has a 5yearold daughter. Congratulations to them. Sean p. Diddy combs or whatever he is calling himself now sat in the front row to watch his twins make their fashion debut this weekend. They strut down the catwalk at the fashion show. The trio donned sneaker wedges and frilly dresses. They also had on sparkly headbands. Diddy tweeted his excitement tweeting my three little super models proud dad. They are adorable. They are. Early start continues right now. The United States of america will never stop in its effort to hold those accountable to conduct acts of terror. Reporter terror raids. Two bold missions. U. S. Special forces strike in somalia and libya and capturing an al qaeda mastermind accused of multiple bombings in u. S. Embassies. The debt ceiling in america has been among the best leverage that congress has to rein in the executives. Another economic crisis on the horizon. The debt ceiling deadline ten days away and now some lawmakers threatening to play politics with the global economy. And a horrifying wreck during the final lap of the grand prix in houston. Dario franchitti airborne in the turn. The latest on his condition is coming up. That crash is horrifying. You cannot believe that he got out of that alive. Good morning. Welcome to early start. Im john berman. Im zoraida sambolin. 59 minutes past the hour. U. S. Special forces snagging a top al qaeda operative. This is Abu Anas Al Libi wanted for the 1998 bombings of the american embassies in kenya and tanzania. Agents from the armys elite delta force taking him into custody saturday right off the streets of tripoli. We are live from nairobi, kenya, this morning. What can you tell us . Al libis wife watched from her nearby home in tripoli as ten men got out of four cars and ambushed her husband while she says he was reaching in the glost compartment for the gun he keeps there for safety and in addition to the u. S. Believing that he is implicated in the 1998 u. S. Embassy bombings he was also part of a personal security detail. Now that 1998 u. S. Embassy bombing is the threat that links us to the operation this weekend in somalia deep in the heart of the Al Qaeda Linked militant Group Al Shabaab. There the navy s. E. A. L. S team six say they were going after a man we only know his first name known as ikmana. He was implicated in the 1998 u. S. Embassy bombings but the 2002 bombings here in kenya. That operation was a little less successful. U. S. Officials have said that navy s. E. A. L. S team six came under sustained gunfire and prudent to withdraw so they cannot confirm to us that they did indeed get their man. Al libi was caught in broad daylight. So was he still active in al qaeda . Reporter al libi has, for a while now, said he has moved away from that organization, that he has renounced, if you will, any kind of militant sympathies but the reality remains he knows an awful lot. That position by the side of Osama Bin Laden for all of those years and gives you how trufed he w trusted he was and deep in the inner circle of al qaeda. The 1998 bombings and 2002 bombings, we are seeing that trail reach as far as the Westgate Mall killings here in kenya two weeks ago. So any and every information that they can get from him is going to be really valuable. Nema, live, thank you very much. Back at home. One crisis widening and another looming on capitol hill. We are now if you can believe it, entering week two of a Government Shutdown. John boehner and president obama both refusing to budge. The House Speaker insisting no deal will be struck without concessions from the white house. In a week and a half, the u. S. Will hit the debt ceiling with no one offering up a plan to solve that crisis either. That one is really serious. Here is brianna keilar. Reporter ten days away from a economic disaster, the white house and the republicans are as far apart as they have been. We are not going to have a debt limit. Reporter House Republicans continue to demand concessions as president obama still refuses to negotiate on the nations Borrowing Limit. The United States is set to default on october 17th in congress didnt raise the debt ceiling. Im telling you that on the 17th, we run out of our ability to borrow and congress is playing with fire. Reporter in a rare sunday show interview, House Speaker john boehner shifted, backing away from defunding or delaying obama care as an addon increasing the debt ceiling or funding the government. Instead, he wants an entitlement reform. My goal is to have a serious conversation about those things that are driving the deficit and driving the debt up. Reporter as the government remains partially shut down for a seventh day, the white house wants a vote to fund the government, no strings attached. Again, rebuffed by republicans. There are not the votes in the house to pass a clean cr. Reporter but president obama, bolstered by many objective observers, questioned that assertion in an interview with the Associated Press, saying, quote. We know there are enough members in the house of representatives, democrats and republicans, who are prepared to vote to reopen the government today. The only thing that is keeping that from happening is Speaker Boehner has made a decision that he is going to hold out to see if he can get additional concessions from us. The stalemate in washington becoming good fodder for late night. Saturday night live featured guest Host Miley Cyrus as Michele Bachmann celebrating the shutdown with Speaker Boehner in this riske parody. Brianna keilar, washington. Right now in syria a team is dismantling that countrys chemical weapons. I was reading they are using some interesting objects in order to try to start the process of containing the arsenal. Can you tell us a little bit about that . Reporter yeah, thats right. This is the first phase of this process. It started yesterday in syria and what we are told from the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons is that some of the equipment that is being used to destroy or disable a range of items includes cutting torches and angle griders and what is destroyed is missile warheads and aerial bombs. They have not gotten to stockpiles of any nerve agents or sayerin or mustard gas and that will come later in this process. This is difficult, dangerous, and volatile work. Now, syrian personnel have so far taken the lead on this and being supervised and overseen by personnel from the opcw, as well as personnel from the u. N. These teams got in there this past tuesday and so far a lot of surprise that this process has already started and the syrians have actually been complying with the order to do this. We heard from secretary of state john kerry, hes at an economic summit in indonesia. He said earlier in the day that the regime of syrian president assad should be praised and given credit for having complied with the u. N. Security Council Resolution which was passed in late september. Youll remember before that, the u. S. And russia had agreed on a range of terms, had negotiated a deal by which syria would turn over their chemical stockpiles and start destroying them. Right now, a lot of surprise and a lot of people cautiously optimistic that this process has started. Many people thinking it started sooner than they thought or hoped that it would, but we should remember, this is a long and laborious process. It will be going until at least the middle of 2014. I know a lot of concerns about the ongoing civil war there. Everybody having the access that was necessary in order to pull this off. Rrnl any problems with that . Are there any problems with that . Reporter right now, we have not heard about any problems. Clearly if the u. N. Or opcw felt that their access was being hindered, we expect that we would be hearing about that. Theres still a lot of concern that president Bashar Al Assad might do something to delay the process and a lot of concept activism in lebanon and here in beirut thinking that assad will follow through on this and they are pleasantly surprised. A lot of the opposition and rebels and including Brigadier General who defected from the Syrian Military who told Christiane Amanpour a few days ago they believe that assad will hide his chemical stockpiles and play games with the investigators and those are saying they believe that president assad is trying to get his chemical weaponry out of syria and into neighboring countries. Mohammed jamjoom, thank you for that. Officials say a child, a runaway, somehow made it past security checkpoints and gate agents last thursday and on to a delta flight to las vegas. The boy apparently wasnt even questioned until the plane landed in nevada. All of this since 911, has been to keep us safer and it has, but still we have gaping holes and this was a perfect example of it. So the boy is being flown back to minnesota. Both Delta Airlines and the tsa say they are investigating the security breakdown. I read a report out of a local newspaper there that says this little boy went over to baggage claim dr or the carousel and grabbed the bag and ordered restaurant and ordered food and said had he to go to the restroom and abandoned the bag. They call him a very clever boy. You think . Police say around six bikers were involved in the beating of a new york suv driver. Disturbing video made national headlines. A couple and their 2yearold daughter surrounded by a swarm of bikers. Two more men have been charged this weekend, including the man seen smashing his helmet through the suv window. Another man accused of stomping on the drivers head. Police say the investigation is not close to being over. A spectacular horrifying crash in the final lap of sundays grand prix in houston. Threetime indy winner Dario Franchitti just took flight there after some contact. His car slammed into the protective fence and scattering debris into the grand stand and bystanders were hurt. His estranged wife ashley judd tweeted out. Thank you for your prayers. I have clothing on my back and the dogs and that is all we need. He suffered a sever vertebrae and fractured ankle. The bystanders are reportedly doing well. Broken ankle and vertebra problems is what he suffered. A blaze started at a Training Area at the base saturday afternoon and well over 300 firefighters are now battling the blaze. They are hoping to have it under control at some point tomorrow. Lets get the full forecast now and find out what the weather is going to be like with Karen Maginnis live in the Atlanta Center today. We are looking at the santa ana winds dying down. Not completely. The humidity is supposed to be coming up so that is good news. By wednesday, there is going to be some pacific moisture that moves on in. Frontal system heads toward the eastern seaboard so if youre flying out of jfk or youre going to newark, watch out because this afternoon you might anticipate lengthy delays as a frontal system makes its way into this vicinity. Right now, from atlanta to charleston, west virginia, to pittsburgh. But this frontal system is moving fairly quickly and as it does, that will reduce visibility and the rain could come down fairly heavily. Could see a couple of inches right along this frontal boundary that is tapping that moisture associated with what used to be Tropical Storm karen. It is just kind of being amalgamation along this frontal system as it sweeps out, High Pressure moves in behind it and those temperatures that have felt very summer like the last several days, those temperatures in the 70s and 80s. Look at new york. We will expect readings in the 60s as we go into wednesday. Good week ahead of us. Thank you for that. Appreciate it. Now to a reallife open for a fictional character. A chemistry teacher met his bad in the albuquerque journal. In a real obit submitted by a local super fan. The series was set and intermediate in the duke city. The newspaper expects a 40 increase. It says it sums up their feelings about walter white. If you didnt know what happened now you know. Apparently walter white is dead so sorry about that, folks. The streets of cairo stained with more blood. Dozens killed in weekend clashes with the military. The question everyone is asking is egypt on the verge of another major uprising . And pretty much guards in pennsylvania accused of setting up a fight club behind bars. With inmates forced to do battle. [ female announcer ] the best thing about this bar its not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the fiber one caramel nut protein bar. 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To be this awesome. And you. Rent from national. Because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. And go. You can even take a fullsize or above, and still pay the midsize price. aaron purrrfect. vo meeeow, business pro. Meeeow. Go national. Go like a pro. Welcome back. Dozens dead and scores more wounded sunday. Blood shed returning to the streets of egypt. These deadly clashes oppose morsi against the militantbacked government. This raises new fears of egypt to keep the peace. Reporter the day began peacefully but quickly evolved into dueling demonstrations ending with violent beatings and deadly clashes that put into sharp focus a nation deeply divided. On one side, supporters of the military backed interim government who despise the Muslim Brotherhood. They are terrorists reporter on the other side, brotherhood supporters and determined to keep their movement alive. I will fight. Reporter about midmorning, thousands of government supporters marched the iconic a tahir square to praise the top general who to mind egypts democratically former government morsi and his government. General morsi is a wise person. He loves this country and this country loves him. Reporter from brotherhood backers announced they were coming to tahir square, they were there for confrontation. It distant get more dramatic than this. Behind me is tahrir square. A couple of blocks down you find supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood and ousted president morsi and they are staring down police who are staring them down right back. It looks like Security Forces have decided to move them out. A few seconds ago, we heard the fire, tear gas, and off they went racing towards the protesters, chasing them away. Brotherhood supporters never made it to tahrir square. Instead, they marched through surrounding neighborhoods and repeatedly clashing with police. The sound of automatic gunfire echoed through cairo streets. Dozens of brotherhood supporters were killed. Who was doing the shoot is unclear. A few blocks away, our cameras captured the cost of being caught by egyptian police. Police often accused by human Rights Groups of using excessive force. It was a glimpse of a political conflict where the government and its supporters say they are not backing down. We will not accept this. We will not allow this. Reporter and where brotherhood supporters say they are ready to die for their cause. Our thanks to reza. Four gunmen named in the horrific terror attack that left 67 dead inside a kenyan mall. New footage surfaces, Kenya Police Say four to six terrorists were involved, not 10 to 15 as they first thought. All are thought to have been culled by police. Al shabaab, a somalian based militant group has claimed responsibility there. Murder charges for a chicago infant who went missing two years ago, baby Kate Phillips, 4monthold when she disappeared and her father Shawn Phillips is charged in her death. He was arraigned friday appear after police say new evidence emerged. The little girls body has not been found. An alleged fight club inside a pennsylvania prison. Three york county correction officers charged with arranging fights between the inmates. Two were targeted made to fight each other and in some cases the guards. All three officers have been placed on unpaid leave. Coming up, gas prices plunging. We will let you know how low they might go. And twitter is preparing for its big ipo. Analysts say the firm could be worth up to 40 billion. Thats with a b. So how is that possible if the company cant even turn a profit sf . Profit . I was having trouble i was having trouble getting out of bed in the morning because my back hurt so bad. The sleep number bed conforms to you. 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As we begin week two of the Government Shutdown, investors around the world are making it clear they dont like it. Little progress seem to be made over the weekend on ending the stalemate. Investors have been giving us thumbs down to washington, the shutdown there since it started and even before it began. The dow lost 186 points last week and in the past two weeks, the dow is up 379 points. Treasury secretary jack lew continues to pound the table over the shutdown and potential situation that would be much worse. A default by the u. S. On cnns state of the union with Candy Crowley lew says the u. S. Will exhaust all measures to stay below the debt limit by october 17th but all bets off once we are past that date and the government wont have enough cash to pay its bills. The 17th, we run out of our ability to fire. Congress is playing with fire if they dont extend the debt limit. We have a very short window of time before those scenarios could be played out. Would you consider paying the interest on the u. S. Debt and, therefore, not defaulting . If the United States government for the first time in its history chooses not to pay its bills on time, we will be in default. One piece of good news for workers affected by the Government Shutdown. Unit technologies wont furlough as many as 4,000 workers. The maker of blackhawk helicopters will keep them on the job after the pentagon said it would bring back 90 of the defense workers who had been furloughed when the shutdown began and they included military inspectors who will now be back at work in United Technology factories but other are sitting around today not working because washington cant get its act together. And apparently not ready to talk at all. Alison, appreciate it. U. S. Special forces pulling off two stunning raids over the weekend. A top al qaeda operative wanted by the fbi is now in u. S. Custody. Will that slow down the terror group or will it help step up their attacks . Nic robertson joins us next to discuss this. Russian president Vladimir Putin light the olympic flame and then it went out. Is that a bad omen for the Olympic Games . [ male announcer ] this store knows how to handle a saturday crowd. [ male announcer ] the parking lot helps by letting us know whos coming. The carts keep everyone on the right track. The power tools introduce themselves. All the bits and bulbs keep themselves stocked. And the doors even handle the checkout so we can work on that thing thats stuck in the thing. [ female announcer ] today, cisco is connecting the internet of everything. So everyone goes home happy. [ female announcer ] [ dog ]y, cisco is connecting we found it together. Upbeat ]. On a walk, walk, walk. Love to walk. Yeah, we found that wonderful thing. And you smiled. And threw it. And i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. Because that wonderful, bouncy, rollaround thing. Had made you play. And that. Had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. Play. Its good for you. Bringing terrorists to justice. U. S. Special forces conducting a pair of raids in africa this weekend. Top terror target apprehended and the dramatic details on these strikes. We have never gotten to the point where the United States government has operated without the ability to borrow. Its very dangerous on. Its reckless. It is dangerous. It is reckless. The administration lashing out at congress. The debt ceiling battle is just beginning as the Government Shutdown continues now into its second week. Certifies flash flooding in kentucky. Parts of louisville submerged and families forced to evacuate. The damage so widespread that emergency officials still do not know if more people need to be rescued this morning. On that note, we say good morning to you. Im zoraida sambolin. Im john berman. We have more on our top story. A top al qaeda operative nabbed by u. S. Special forces in africa. This man youre looking here is abu anas al libertiy and captured in tripply 15 years after u. S. Embassy bombings. Lets turn to cnns Nic Robertson who is live in london. What is the latest . Reporter what we are hearing from al libis wife, perhaps not surprisingly she is saying he has been out of al qaeda at least a decade or low and living in the open in libya the last couple of years and they havent picked him up. On the surface her narrative would be there is nothing much to get there in active intelligence and information. On the other hand Ayman Al Zawahiri in sending terrorists there. Al libi will face questioning on a naval base in the mediterranean. What he says will be hugely important because they plan not just spread themselves in north africa but to target western interests inside europe which in some places along the coastline there is not a long boat ride away. So he is going to have potentially, potentially very useful information. This operation in libya and in somalia over the weekend seems to send a message from the u. S. To terrorists who are still opera operating. Reporter you have to look at both of these events happening at the same time. Clearly you wouldnt do either of them without careful planning. But both coming on the same night sends a very, very clear message to al qaeda and experts we have been talking to who have close contacts with some of these jihadists say they will be running for cover. They will have been to be on the defensive now and start hiding because they know the United States is going to go after them. This is a very clear message that has been sent. Al libis success, the operation in somalia, less, so, lessons will be learned from that clearly but for al qaeda, big lesson learned, the United States is on the offensive and is going to come get you in africa. Nic robertson, thanks so much. We are in day seven of the partial Government Shutdown and there is little hope, if any, progress, today or any time soon. Neither side appears ready to blink. House Speaker John Boehner says a clean spending bill that doesnt address obama care has zero chance passing the house but many question his math. The federal government acknowledging that the obama care signup website needs modification. According to wall street journal federal Officials Say the online marketplace needed design changes and more server capacity in order to improve efficiency. Really in order to work at all. Last week, the Obama Administration said there was an unanticipated surge of web traffic when that site went live. It did undergo some maintenance over the weekend. Vladimir putin light the official olympic flame but the fourmonth relay got off to a rough start when the flame went out. It was for a brief time. So the glitch occurred when a torch bearer ran through a long passageway creating a wind tunnel that did that. They needed a lighter to get it started. The winter games in russia begin in february. Almost eternal flame. More than 6 inches of rain in 24 hours triggering dangerous flash flooding in louisville, kentucky. Homes damaged and roads closed, a mess. 100 people anchorage rescued by firefighters or forced to evacuate. The flooding this morning is so widespread, the red cross still doesnt know exactly how many residents have been displaced. So far, no reports of serious injuries. Lets get a check of the weather now with Karen Maginnis in atlanta. We have a frontal system making its way toward the northeast, so all of the way from raleigh take washington, d. C. And boston. It will begin around 1 00 to 3 00 and some rainfall could be heavy. Its part of that same weather system that produced the devastating flooding in and around louisville, kentucky, Jefferson County but all across the ohio river valley where we did see dozens, if not hundreds of people that had to be rescued. Not just from their homes but also their automobiles. A slight risk for Severe Weather extending from the i95 corridor northward from washington, d. C. To baltimore and extending up towards new york city. Dont be surprised by the thunder or the lightning and you could see 1 or 2 inches of rainfall so local heavy amounts expected there. You probably have been waiting for winter or at least fall to arrive for a little while. The temperatures have been exceptional warm running about 5 to 10 degrees above normal and now see the readings about average for this time of the year. For new york city, usually it runs around 68 degrees. It will be 66 by wednesday. And take a look at philadelphia. Temperatures in the upper 70s, we go all the way down into the upper 60s. A nice cooldown taking place but youll have to deal with that threat or the potential for Severe Weather. The santa ana winds will begin to calm down even more. Its going to be a storm system that makes its way there by wednesday. Already about 2,500 aercres hav burned at camp pendleton. They were saying that is only 15 contained. Otherwise, High Pressure dominates much of the nations midsection and last week, you may remember blizzard conditions across south dakota and they saw snowfall totals close to four tet. Yep, a little bit early. Four feet . Karen, thank you so much. Great to see you. Appreciate it. Coming up residents of newtown, connecticut, making their voices heard. We will let you know what they decided to do with the Sandy Hook Elementary School. Before you place your next order for those Chicken Nuggets, wait until you hear what researchers found inside. [ crashing ] [ male announcer ] when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast with tums. Heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact and goes to work in seconds. Tum, tum tum tum tums you raise her spirits. We tackled your shoulder pain. You make him rookie of the year. We took care of your cold symptoms. You take him on an adventure. Tylenol® has been the number 1 doctor recommended brand of pain reliever for over 20 years. But for everything we do, we know you do so much more. Tylenol®. But for everything we do, we know you do so much more. Wout of landfills each year . Plastic waste to cover mt. Rainier by using one less trash bag each month, we can. And glad forceflex bags stretch until theyre full. So you can take them out less often. Welcome back. Do you follow ous twitter . We like to have a dialogue in the morning with you guys. Berman came up with a morning rhyme. Our Graphics Department here meaning ive written it down right now. This is our Graphics Department there. You got some good ones this morning. This one berman is forcing knee read. This one is from left jabs. Its monday morning and my fantasy team lost. At least i am watching berman, that man is a boss. Kudos to you, left jabs. You win our morning rhyme competition for the day. We have another one. Eats in bed. Really loves to participate in the morning. Thank you very much. Eats in morning was a miss today and maybe monday morning maybe ill have a morning rhyme. You can have a rhyme. Everyones dream to have it read out before 6 00 a. M. If youre up at this crazy hour of the morning, engage us. This is sad how you created your graphics this morning. 41 minutes past the hour. Rebuild Sandy Hook Elementary School was an overwhelming message for newtown voters this weekend. Officials denied the School Building where 20 first graders and six staffers shot to death in cold blood last december. The debate over gun control and mental healthy sparked. They are a state grant to rebuild on that very same site. Aurora is still pinching herself. One of the oregon bar tenders regular customers always tips her with keno Lottery Tickets. Last tuesday night, he gave her two of them. The first was a 5 winner. The second worth 17,500 she tried to give it back to her customer but the customer wouldnt hear of it. The bartender did end up giving the man a cut. Still aurora is using the rest to buy a new couch and pad her savings account. If you were talking to aurora, who would you say to her . I would say she should not share her woings with the customer. Why . If he buys 20 worth of drinks he should be tipping more than 4 or 5 more than a Lottery Ticket i would think and if its hers to win, its her to keep. If somebody gave you a Lottery Ticket and you wound ups with 17,500, could i get a little bit of money . They should buy him a free drink and not share the winnings. Reggie checked his Bank Account Online and said, he had over 4 trillion he took it in stride and showing up for work at a local restaurant chain. He turned out to be a computer glitch which is too bad. He said he would have gone far to help pay down the national debt. He used to play basketball for the Sacramento Kings but i think its a different reggie theois. Mississippi researchers found more fat and blood vessels and nerves than what most people consider meat but the National Chicken council say that is unfair. In making Chicken Nuggets our members use Quality Ingredients and adhere to all safety laws and regulations and this was only two Chicken Nuggets out of billions. He says its no harm in eating them occasionally but warn against serving them to kids too often. I did open a link to the story this morning because i was worried about what they found inside and i would have rather not known. My kids eat them lets take a look what is coming up on new day. Good morning. Happy monday. Happy monday. We will be talking about wars abroad and at home. Abroad, two major strikes against terror. One in libya. One in mogadishu and both for different reasons. A tkey terrorist who is taken hostage now. What does he know and what will he tell the u. S. About possible future attacks . The other attack involves s. E. A. L. S team six on the anniversary of black hawk down. We know about that. Later intelligence nobody has hurt but we will talk about and that and the politics here at home. Big players on congress when they are going to end the shutdown and what it means for the debt ceiling. A horrific crash over the weekend. Indy car race car in houston. It left Dario Franchitti in the hospital and 13 spectators hurt after this. We will talk to one man this morning who was there in the middle of it as it happened and caught some of these amazing images. Amazing images and amazing he is still alive this this morning and lucky too. See you in a bit. Coming up, five touchdown passes, over 500 yards passing. Guess what . The qb still lost. How on earth is that even mathematically possible . Joe carter joins us next to explain it all in the Bleacher Report. [ female announcer ] its simple physics. A body at rest tends to stay at rest. While a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. But if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. Prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. Because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. Plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. Celebrex can be taken with or without food. And its not a narcotic. You and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. All prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. 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A stressful day deserves a restful night. Its very difficult to stop the Denver Broncos and Peyton Manning even if you throw five touchdown passes and 500 yards. Apparently its not enough, wasnt enough for tony romo. Joe carter has hors in the Bleacher Report. Who would have thought going into the game yesterday the first team to score 50 points would win and who thought tony romo would throw over 500 yards and still come out a loser and for the first time in five years we saw Peyton Manning score a touchdown by running it in. As good as peyton was, he was good, you can argue that tony romo played better yesterday until he made the one mistake that will haunt him in dallas for ages. That interception set up the game winning field goal. It was the fourth highest scoring game in nfl history. The Denver Broncos are now 50 after a 5148 win. Peyton manning is having a historical start to a season. Little brother eli is too. Just in the wrong kind of way. Eli has now thrown 12 interceptions in five games. 12 three interceptions came in the Fourth Quarter against the eagles yesterday. The new york giants, remember, won the super bowl just two years ago. They are now 05, off to their worst start since 1979. Talk baseball. In pittsburgh the pirates won another playoff game yesterday and now stand just five wins from going to the world series. They beat the cardinals yesterday 53. The pirates could win their first playoff series in 34 years with a game four win later today. In los angeles, the dodgers absolutely hammered the Atlanta Braves last night by scoring 13 runs, the most for the dodgers in playoff game since 1956. Their 16 win is a reminder how lethal this lineup can be. If you like baseball, we have a full slate of baseball games today. Tigers and as play at 1 00 eastern and cardinals and pirates at 3 00 p. M. At 6 00 p. M. , red sox and rays. Boston could close out the series with a win. The late game is at 9 30 eastern between the dodgers and the braves. The dodgers can advance with a win as well. Both games can be seen on tbs. Three of the four series could close out today with a win. That is your update. I will be a basket case tomorrow on early start from being up all night watching baseball. I will be surprised if you show up. Joe carter, thanks. Coming up, miley cyrus is rocking snl. Not a whole lot of twerking but a whole lot of buzz coming out of it. Hectic. Angies list saves me a lot of time. After reading all the reviews i know im making the right choice. Online or on the phone, we help you hire right the first time. With honest reviews on over 720 local services. Keeping up with these two is more than a full time job, and i dont have time for unreliable companies. Angies list definitely saves me time and money. For over 18 years weve helped people take care of the things that matter most. Join today. See who does good work and compare costs. 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We just had morning rhymes a while ago and i know youre going talk about miley cyrus. I had some come in. From Kim Miley Cyrus abodid a g jo as snl host but her big, long tongue is really gross it did rhyme she is, in fact, everywhere, miley cyrus is, apparently with halloween. A costume of her is one of the hottest ideas of the year. Talking about the hot pants and foam finger combo. I was little taken aback by this earlier. I thought this was for little girls but these are adult costumes which i guess makes it better. Lets hope they are adult costumes. She did pull double duty on saturday night live this weekend and it sounded great when she was singing. Blast off at the box office. Gravity was number one with a record 55. 6 million take. The film is a hit with critics. It is an oscar contender and now has the biggest october opening ever. Its also a career best for the two oscar winners. It may be the films spectacular 3d special effects there. A lot of people talking about that. Sean p. Diddy combs sat front row to watch his three daughters make their debut in kids fashion week. His twins were joined by halfsister chance. They strutted down the catwalk. What is this . Sparkly headbands and combs tweeted me little three supermodels, beautiful. Congratulations to halle berry who gave birth to her second child over the weekend. It was a baby boy. Her first with her press husband. She has an adorable 5yearold daughter from a previous marriage. That is a all for early start this morning. It is time for new day. Take it away, chris and kate. Thank you, thank you. See you later. Good morning to you. Its time for your top news. Lets get the show started. The United States of

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