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Trayvon martins death. Good morning. Welcome to early start. Im don lemon. Im pamela brown. Its 5 00 a. M. In the east. Good to be with you. You, too, don. We are going to move on. Lets start with the latest on George Zimmerman case. More than two days after a jury acquitted him in the killing of unarmed Trayvon Martin. We have not heard from the former Neighborhood Watch volunteer. Theres no word, yet, if martins family plans to sue for wrongful death. Attorney general, eric holder says they are looking into the case. He called martins death tragic and unnecessary. There were more protests monday in atlanta and houston with demonstrators demanding justice for the 17yearold. In oakland, arrests, assault and vandalism. We now know more about what happened inside the jury room as the six women debated it. Juror b37 spoke to Anderson Cooper on 360 about what she thought about the testimony and the people involved. What did you think of George Zimmerman . I think George Zimmerman is a man whose heart is in the right place that got displaced by the vandalism in the nghborhoods and wanting to catch these people so badly that he went above and beyond what he really should have done. Do you think hes guilty of something . I think hes guilty of not using good judgment. When he was in the car and called 911, he shouldnt have gotten out of that car. The 911 operator, also, when he was talking to him egged him on. I dont know if its their policy to tell them not to get out of the car, to stay in the car, but i think he should have said stay in your car, not can you see where hes gone. Do you feel George Zimmerman should have been carrying a gun . I think he has every right to carry a gun. I think its everybodys right to carry a gun. Do you think, based on the testimony you have heard, Trayvon Martin was the aggressor . I think the world changed. I think i think george got in a little too deep, which he shouldnt have been there, but trayvon decided he wasnt going to let him scare him and get the one over, up on him or something. I think trayvon got mad and attacked him. Do you feel like you knew for sure what happened in the altercation and did the other jurors feel they knew what happened . Nobody knew exactly what happened. What did you think of the testimony of Trayvon Martins mother and father . Do you find them credible . I think they said anything a mother and father would say, just like George Zimmermans mom and father. I think, theyre your kids. You want to believe that they are innocent and that was their voice. Hearing that voice would make it credible that they were the victim, not the aggressor. In a way, both sets of parents kind of canceled each other out in your mind . They did. Definitely. If i was a mother, i would want to believe so hard it was not my son that did that or was responsible for any of that that i would convince myself probably that it was his voice. So you dont believe race play add role in this case . I dont think it did. If there was another person, spanish, white, asian, if they came in the same situation they were trayvon was, i think george would have reacted the exact same way. Was that a common belief on the jury that race did not play a role in this . I think all of us thought race did not play a role. It didnt come up, the question of did George Zimmerman profile Trayvon Martin because he was africanamerican . No, he profiled him because he was Neighborhood Watch and profiled anyone coming in acting strange. I think circumstances happened that he saw trayvon at the exact time he thought he was suspicious. People remarked he gets his gun back. Some people said the idea he can have a gun worries them. Does that worry you . It doesnt worry me. I think he would be more responsible than anyone else on this planet right now. Shes dropping plans to write a book about the case. Its better to return to the life she lived before she was called to sit on the jury. One of the key witnesses for the prosecution was rachel je jeantel. She tells cnns piers morgan the verdict made her disappointed and race did play a role. Do you think that was racially motivated or more a case of somebody he thought was a young thug, black or white. It was racial, lets be honest. Racial. If trayvon was white, he had a hoody on, would it happen . She says zimmerman should have testified calling him weak for not doing so. This development from the legal side of the case. Mark omara tells reuters the prosecutors should be sanctioned for with holding evidence calling them a disgrace saying they did not turn over pictures and Text Messages showing gun and Text Messages about buying one. Angela cory insists they followed the highest standards of ethical behavior. Shifting our focus to the weather. Yes, it is very warm. It is warm in the studio and very warm outside. We are in the middle of a heat wave. It is summertime t. Mercury is rising at 5 00 in the morning. Its bad in new york city. Indra peter southerns is outside. You picked the wrong morning. Whats going on. 80 degrees with 70 humidity. Awesome. Its what we are dealing with. We are talking 5 00 in the morning here. Lets look at the temperatures. We are looking at 80s and upper 70s across the entire area. As we go through the afternoon, we are going to talk about mid90s. Temperatures are going to be soaring. We are talking temperatures that feel like the triple digits out there. We have a huge dome of High Pressure parking itself across the area. With that, we are talking about a threat, really, of all these storms or sorry, high heat in southern new england. Big metro areas, philadelphia, d. C. , new york. You are going to feel like you are sweating it out in these morning hours. We dont have maps here. Im going to try to wing this. 50 humidity in the afternoon. 70 now. You are talking mid90s. Temperatures above normal. It is a sticky factor we are talking ability. I think we have it. The heat is going to be here all week long. Get used to it, right . Oh, my goodness. Get used to it. A new new yorker here. Its not the heat, its the humidity. Its cliche, but it is true. Thanks. Well check in with you. A north korean ship has been seized in panama with weapons on board. They thought the ship enroute from cuba might have drugs on it but were surprised to find weapons among a cargo of brown sugar. The captain tried to kill himself. International inspectors are being called in to figure what type of weapons were found. The king pen of a drug cartel is in police custody. They picked audiotape Miguel Morales on monday. Hes the head of a drug cartel known for killing and mutilating civilian that is got in their way in a drug war. He had 2 million and eight weapons with him at the time. Mexico and the u. S. Offered millions leading to his capture. It looks like Edward Snowden wont get temporary asylum. He hopes the nsa leaker will leave the country as soon as he can. He doesnt know what will happen. Snowden was not invited to russia and hed have to stop his Political Activities if he wanted to stay. Hes believed to be living at moscows airport. No deal in the senate to avoid the nuclear option. Its a democratic plan to end filibusters of nominees. The senators attended a rare, private meeting and failed to come up with a deal. They will keep talking until the deadline later this morning. After that, democrats plan to change the rules of appointing nominees simpler. The constitution is very, very specific. The Founding Fathers talked about supermajority. They mention president ial nominations. Majority. Majority. Founding fathers wanted up or down vote. Its what we have been crying for now for years. Two cabinet member nominees and five appointees come up for vote this is morning. Republicans have been stalling the confirmation process for months now. Charges for a former staff minnesota congresswoman michele bachmann. Police arent saying what was taken, but the congresswomans office says she no longer works there. Former illinois governor, Rob Blagojevich is asking an Appeals Court to look at a conviction saying a juror was biased against him. The judge excluded evidence that could have helped his case and his 14year prison term was too harsh. The lawyers filed the appeal 30 minutes before a midnight deadline. Good news for 401 k s and other investments. The dow and s p 500 went to a new all time high boosted by strong earnings reports. It was up 20 points closing at 15,484. The s p was two points higher to 1682. Its the Third Straight session where the indexes set highs. This is a bizarre story. A chinese woman got stuck inside walls. These pictures right here, these are from eastern china. The woman was trying to take a shortcut when she got stuck. The owners of the house thought her cries were from a ghost. Thats right, a ghost. They left her there for seven hours. They didnt look into it more until the next morning. When fire crews arrived, they were able to set her free in about 20 minutes. Can you imagine if you are clauser phobic . Dont get me started. A ghost . A ghost. Sounds weird. Speaking of ghosts, killer iphone. Why the apple product is being investigated in the death of a woman and royal baby watch. When will the baby be born. We are live in london next where everyone is abuzz. So much anticipation around the world. If your moisturizer leaves an oily finish behind imagine what its doing to your pores. [ female announcer ] neutrogena® oil free moisture hydrates without clogging pores. 100 free of oil, fragrance and dyes. Oil free. Worry free. [ female announcer ] oil free moisture. Neutrogena®. Really . 25 grams of protein. What do we have . All four of us, together . 24. Hes low fat, too, and has 5 grams of sugars. Ill believe it when i [ both ] oooooh. Whats shakin . [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong. Ensure high protein. Fifty percent of your daily value of protein. Low fat and five grams of sugars. See . Hes a good egg. [ major nutrition ] ensure high protein. Ensure nutrition in charge to get our adt Security System. And one really big reason the house next door. Our neighbors house was broken into. Luckily, her family wasnt there, but what if this happened here . What if our girls were home . And since we cant monitor everything 24 7, we got someone who could. Adt. [ male announcer ] while some companies are new to home security, adt has been helping to save lives for over 135 years. We have more monitoring centers, more of Tomorrows Technology right here today, and more value. 24 7 monitoring against burglary, fire, and high levels of Carbon Monoxide starting at just over 1 a day. And now get adt installed for just 99. Isnt your family worth americas numberone Security Company . Current adt customers call for special upgrade saveings. After buying two of everything, it was nice to only need one Security System adt. [ male announcer ] get adt installed for just 99. And ask about adt pulse, advanced Home Management here today. Adt. Always there. Morning, welcome back to early start. Im don lemon. Apple is investigating reports out of china that a 23yearold Flight Attendant was electrocuted using on iphone 5 while it was hooked up to the charger. Apple offered their condolences to the family and will cooperate with authorities in northwestern china to figure out what happened. Asking to hire a second Death Penalty expert. David from virginias university represented hijacking and terror suspects. They requested him before, but the judge refused. He could face a Death Penalty if convicted of the boston bombings. Hes pleaded not guilty. One last push to get the most serious charge dismissed, aiding the enemy. Bradley manning pleaded guilty to ten charges in the case. His lawyers argue he didnt realize documents he gave wikileaks could be in the hands of terrorists. Jodi arias is back in the courtroom. She was convicted of first degree murder but the jury couldnt decide whether to give her life or death. A new jury will be picked to decide the punishment. Could will and kates baby be days from being born . Thats what one member of the family is waiting for. Drum roll . Max foster is outside the hospital in london for us covering the story. The anticipation continues to grow. Reporter yeah. Last night we did confirm saturday, last saturday was the due date. We are in overdue territory. No wonder the family is on tender hooks. This is what camilla, Prince Charles wife had to say when she was called yesterday. We dont often get that opportunity. Shes expecting the baby by the end of the week, she said. I think so. By the end of the week, he or she will be there. We are not quite camped outside, pam. We are not quite camped outside. We are coming and going. Theres strong Media Presence here, still. You are becoming the story out there. Theres such a big crowd. Im sure tourists are stopping by, taking pictures of you all. Reporter absolutely. On the other side of the road, you have moments where people are taking pictures of us. We are hoping kate is going to arrive soon. I bet. Hopefully it will be soon. Thanks max. When you have a name like max foster, its like hes a superhero. Meant to be on tv. Coming up, prices at the pump. They are going up. When will it end . Money time is next. I want to make things more secure. 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Im don lemon with pamela brown. Great to be here. Its my time. It says you are here with everything we need to know. Everything that matters to us. When you are driving down the street and see the gas prices . Guess what . They are on their way up. Aaa saying the average price of a gallon of unleaded regular at 3. 64 its up 16 cents from last week. They are the highest in march. Look at the overall trend. Its just been higher. Especially as we get into the heart of the summer driving season. A big factor, pushing up prices at the pump, higher oil. Tensions in egypt. Egypt is not a big oil producer. They control the suez canal. What happens is it becomes an oil delivery issue and supply issue. Another thing squeezing prices are refinery shut downs. This is at a time when demand is at the strongest. When gas prices move higher, theres a domino effect. That cuts into the family budget. Guess what happens . We spend less on other stuff, if we have to, you know, shell out more for filling up our tanks. For every cent gas rises, it takes 4 million from consumer pockets. One sign is we are heading into the middle of hurricane season. With that comes the possibility of world platforms, Oil Refineries being damaged at a time gas prices are climbing. Lets talk stocks. We hit the 26th record and its only july. So far this year, the dow, s p are up 18 . The nasdaq up 19 . S p, by the way, that rise, your portfolio is looking good right now. On wall street, Company Earnings today. They are handing in report cards for april, may and june. Well get from goldman sachs, afterthe bell, yahoo . Thank you so much. Appreciate that. Coming up, two cnn exclusives in the Trayvon Martin case. A juror explains why George Zimmerman was set free. Thats next. [ male announcer ] this could be the summer she jumps into the deep end. He gets on that roller coaster. And you finally take that long weekend. 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And lifelock stands behind their protection with the power of their 1 million service guarantee. Last summer lifelock protected over 2 million people, and this year they can do it for you. Or go online and get 60 days of lifelock protection risk free. Thats two full months of proactive protection to help keep your identity safe this summer. Order now and get this document shredder to keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands. A 29 value free. Or go online to lifelock. Com plansafe. Use promo code plansafe, to get your free shredder and get 60 days of lifelock protection risk free. Trayvon is not a thug. They need to know a definition of a thug to be judging a person. A cnn exclusive. Disappointed and angry. One of the last people to speak to Trayvon Martin live shares. You believe George Zimmerman felt his life was in danger . I do. I really do. Do you think Trayvon Martin threw the first punch . I think he did. Inside the verdict, a juror breaks down why the Neighborhood Watchman was found not guilty on all counts. We are mindful of the pain felt by our nation surrounding the tragic, unnecessary shooting death of Trayvon Martin. The investigation continues. Why the department of justice may be able to hold zimmerman responsible for trayvons death. Welcome back to early start. Great to have you with us on this tuesday morning. Great to be here with you, don lemon. Im pamela brown. Thank you. Im don lemon. It is 5 30 in the morning, eastern time. Its very interesting. To have both exclusives here on cnn. The latest on the after math of the George Zimmerman trial. Hes remained out of sight since the jury acquitted him in the killing of Trayvon Martin. Its unclear where he is or whats next for him. He could face a civil suit in the case. Martins family has not said they will pursue a wrongful death suit against him. Several thousand demonstrated. In oakland, at least nine people were arrested. A protest turned violent as you can see in the video. She was the prosecutions star witness. Rachel jeantel, Trayvon Martins friend who was on the phone with him the night he got shot. Tell me, first of all, your reaction to the fact George Zimmerman was acquitted. Disappointed. Upset. Angry. What is your view of George Zimmerman . Weak. If you are a real man, you would have stand on that stage and tell what happened. In your heart, what do you believe happened . He was trying to get home. And he was. And thats a fact. He keep telling me the man still watching him. If it was a Security Guard or policeman, they would come up to trayvon and say do you have a problem . Do you need help . If George Zimmerman had introduced himself as a Neighborhood Watch person what would he say . No, im trying to get home. Be honest. Do you think it was racially motivated or somebody he thought was a young thug, black or right. Racial. Be honest, racial. If trayvon was white and had a hoody on, would that happen . One thing we didnt get in this trial, rachel, is a sense of what Trayvon Martin was really like. What kind of guy was he . He was a calm, chill, loving person. Love his family, definitely his mother. He was a good friend to you . A kind friend . Yes. Was he ever aggressive . No. Did he ever lose his temper . No. Did he take a lot of weed . No. How much would you say . Twice a week. Is that normal for teenagers in your community . Yes, real normal. What effect did it have on you, trayvons death. You cant believe it happened. You were just on the phone with the person. People got the nerve to tell me you seem to me a different character than the one in court. I was under a lot of stress for 16 months, i think. You were grieving a friend. I was grieving. Don west gave you a very hard time, the defense attorney. Oh, don west. What is your view of him . Mmmmmmmmm. Im going to have to say, he lucky im a christian. I never cussed out don. The only reason i have not said nothing to don west because my parents taught me better. Thats an adult. You dont have the right to disrespect an adult. The juror who was interviewed by Anderson Cooper for cnn said she felt sorry for you, you are uneducated, no communication skills. What do you feel about what that juror said about you . Angry. When the state closed, they tried to say what kind of person i am. You can see the kind of person i am. The jury so shocked what i said. They are acting like the generation we got now dont say that. Are you an honest person by nature . Yes. You took that seriously . Yes, cause remind you, who want to be in a murder case . You think i would make all that up to be in a murder case . Never knew it was going to be nationwide. So, why make that up . Deal with the bs to get the trial. How i make that up . We are hearing this morning from one of the jurors identified as b37. She tells Anderson Cooper on ac 360 she believes zimmermans heart was in the right place. Jurors grappled with the courts instructions. There was a couple of them in there that wanted to find him guilty of something. After hours and hours and hours of deliberating over the law and reading it over and over and over again, we decided theres just no way or other place to go because of the heat of the moment and the stand your ground. He had a right to defend himself. If he felt threatened his life was going to be taken away from him, or bodily harm, he had a right. The juror said was they reach add verdict, the six women cried. Shes dropping plans to write a book. She didnt realize the pain of the public in the case. Interesting to hear her perspective. She didnt realize how big the case was until she left the hotel. We are going to continue with this in the ongoing calls for federal prosecutors to bring a case against zimmerman for violating martins civil rights. Saying the Justice Department is investigating. I believe that this tragedy provides yet another opportunity for our nation to speak honestly about the complicated and emotionally charged issue that is this case has raised. I want to assure you the department will continue to act in a manner that is consistent with the facts and the law. Legal experts may say its tough to prove he acted out of racial bias when he shot and killed martin. Now, the weather. Its so hot, it gets to you. It does. Speaking of hot yeah. Why are you outside . You should be inside enjoying the airconditioning indra petersons. Are you saying its hot id s inside . Its not even light out and its 80 degrees. This is the difference between the dry heat and what we are dealing with now. 70 humidity. We are literally sweating out here. Look at the temperatures and talk about how warm it is across the entire area. So many people, especially to the east coast affected by this. We are talking temperatures 83 degrees in d. C. This is our starting point. Extreme heat is going to be with us. All these major cities, we are going walk around in this stuff. We are talking southern new england. New york, philly, d. C. Its going to feel like 100 degrees. Hot and humid, we know that. Thats the obvious. This is going to hang with us all week long. The humidity in the afternoon, its going to stay high. Typically, we are talking 40 and 50 for the afternoon. Add those two together and you get the extreme heat and the heat index that feels like 100 degrees. Everyone is going to continue to ask me when it will cool off. At the end of the week, it will cool off. It cools off, thunderstorms by the weekend. You are lucky you are in the morning. If you were doing this in the afternoon nice spin, don. Im trying to help you out here. Cold water. Thanks, indra. It looks like high name recognition despite scandals helping Anthony Weiner and eliot spitzer. Weiner leads in the pack for new yorks next mayor. Spitzer leads the field to become the top Financial Officer in the city. It was another moral monday. North carolina and thousands of protesters gathered in raleigh upset with republican lawmakers. Outraged demonstrators were outside the state house. Theres been more than 700 arrests. Republicans cut unemployment benefits, health care for the poor and last week, new rules limiting abortions. Its just wrong. What they did with unemployment is wrong and medicaid is wrong. What they are doing with abortion. We are call it backwards. Republicans in North Carolina control the Governors Office for the first time in a century. Californias mayor will not resign. He faces accusations he sexually harassed women. Now, some of those womens stories are being told. He puts his arm around their shoulder, pulls it in tighter around her neck. The woman believes that the mayor just wants to talk to her. He says things, come on, you know you love me, just give me a kiss. Lets go up to my office, no one will know. Attorneys for the women say its become unsafe for any woman to be around the mayor. His former fiance says she caught him texts other women. He believes he will be vindicated once the facts are known. You are asleep in your motel room when, lets take a look here. This is video from toledo, ohio. Watch as this suv comes screaming across the parking lot. Michelle watson and her boyfriend were inside when it happened. Did we mention, shes pregnant . Oh, boy. All we hear was a crash. I felt a lot of stuff hitting me. Im pushed. The whole bed pushed. Im stuck between the bed and the couch. I thought i was dreaming. At the same time, i was scared, trying to get up. Ift was crazy. It was like something off the tv. Scared being an understatement. The stranger part, the driver ran off with no shirt on. Cops caught up with him nearby. Watson and her boyfriend are said to be okay, if not shaken up from all that. I just missed it. I could watch it over and over again. Coming up here on early start, we may have answers in the sudden death of a Young Television star thachlt story up next. Stay with us. All business purchases. So you can capture your receipts, and manage them online with jot, the latest app from ink. So you can spend less time doing paperwork. And more time doing paperwork. Ink from chase. So you can. Your skin can grow more beautiful every time you wear it. Neutrogena® healthy skin liquid makeup. 98 of women saw improvement in their skin. Neutrogena® cosmetics. These are sandras homemade yummy, scrumptious bars. Hmm . I just wanted you to eat more fiber. Chewy, oatie, gooeyness. And fraudulence. Im in deep, babe. You certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. Im in deep, babe. You certainly are. The physical damage was pretty bad. The emotional toll was even worse. Our daughter had nightmares. What that robber really took from us was our peace of mind. With adt, we got it back. [ male announcer ] every 14. 6 seconds, a burglary takes place in the united states. So rely on the fast alarm response of adt. A single adt system can help protect you from burglary, fire, and high levels of Carbon Monoxide. When an alarm is received, adt calls the local authorities for help. And you can get this monitored protection, plus great local service, starting for just over 1 a day. And only adt offers a theft protection guarantee. Take it from me. The time to think about a Security System isnt after something bad happens its before. [ male announcer ] call now and get adt installed for just 99. You could save a lot more than money. Hurry, and take advantage of these savings. Adt. Always there. Welcome back. Everyone. The coroner completed an autopsy on cory monteith. Toxicology texts may delay a ruling on a cause of death. The 31yearolds body was found in a Vancouver Hotel room saturday. Fans created a memorial for monteith placing flowers and notes outside the motel. Randy travis is now awake and Getting Better after a surgery for a stroke. Travis is on a ventilator but interacting with family and friends. Hes been in the hospital for more than a week developing a heart infection. Could putting off retirement cut your risk of alzheimers . A french study says yes. They looked at the health and insurance records of 4,000 workers. For every year they stayed on the job, their risk of dementia dropped. One says it could show the use it or lose it hypothesis is true. Not surprising there, i guess. Lets take a look at whats coming up on new day. Good morning. Good morning, guys. Hope you are having a good morning so far. We are. Don, nobody knows this better than you. Good morning to you and pamela. This trial, the George Zimmerman trial, people keep debating it. We brought the defense. We brought people close to George Zimmerman. Now you are going to hear from prosecutors as well as their star witness. And Anderson Cooper. One of the jurors breaking their silence talking about what happened in the room. It is an amazing interview. You want to listen to everything she had a say. Its the first time you are hearing from anyone inside the jury room. We are going to talk about this story. They are calling it a miracle. The 6yearold boy buried in the sand for more than three hours in indiana. They dug him out. Now doctors say he is expected to recover, thankfully. What a terrifying story. We have been following it. We thank pamela for doing the reporting on that. You come to us and tell us whats going on. We all know actor jason patrick. A big star for how he looks and acts. Hes in the middle of a battle. Hes fighting for partial custody of his young son. He was called by the mother a sperm donor. It involves a law on the books in a fight to change it. Its an intriguing case. Well tell you about it this morning. Interesting perspective. Getting back to the zimmerman case, all the talk we have been doing, lets hope we keep communicating. It doesnt have to be another case where we Start Talking about this all over again. Lets hope we get something accomplished this time. It would be great to move forward. Too often, they remind us of the problems. Don, your coverage down there was so important. Everything was done the right way. Thank you. See you soon. Certainly opened up dialogue. Coming up on early start, Alex Rodriguez back in the game. His best showing since rehab. Ready . Happy birthday its a painting easel the tides coming in this is my favorite one. Its upside down. Oh, sorry. woman vo it takes him places hes always wanted to go. Thats why we bought a subaru. announcer love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. [ crashing ] [ male announcer ] when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast with tums. Trusted heartburn relief that goes to work in seconds. Nothing works faster. Tum, tum tum tum tums saving time by booking an appointment online, even smarter. Online scheduling. Available now at meineke. Com. What do you say we talk some sports . How about it . Major league baseball. The biggest slugger took center stage in a home run bderby. A relatively unknown player stole the show. We have the Bleacher Report. Good morning, sir. Good morning. For the first time ever, a player who is not an allstar won the home run derby. The latest edition to the competition took advantage. He crushed 17 home runs in the first round. That secured him a round in the finals. He faced off against the nationals. Cespedes two years after defecting from cuba is the home run derby championship. For the first time, Alex Rodriguez hit a home run. He currently played for the yankees aa team in new jersey. Hes aiming for a mid july return to the majors. A suspension for using performance enhancing drugs still looms. Tiger and lindsey hanging out together. Vaughn was next to him in scottland. Interesting to see lindsey out there. Tiger is known for no nonsense during his practice round. A top story on Bleacher Report is about tonights National League starring pitcher, matt harvey. You would think he would have one of the most popular faces in the big apple. Its not the case. He did a bit on late night with jimmy fallon. Check it out. Who is your favorite player . Oh, dude, harvey, man. Really . We appreciate it. Thanks a lot. I like him. Hes a good pitcher. Kind of saw him naked on espn. Is that him . Thats him. Thats you. Definitely funny stuff. Hes a good sport. This is his first full season in the majors. Fans are getting used to his face. Is that how people react to you andy . I never posed nude for espn the body. Happens though . Yeah, it does. Thank you, andy. Thanks so much. Coming up on this tuesday morning. Probation revoked . Is chris brown heading back to jail . The latest legal woes up ahead. 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Lactaid®. For 25 years, easy to digest. Easy to love. Welcome back, everyone. Just about 58 minutes after the hour. Well, here we go again. More trouble for chris brown. Taking a sigh there. A judge has revoked the singers probation in connection with the beating of reya that. He didnt hand over his drivers license after an l. A. Fender bender. The judge is allowing him to stay free. Lets bring in chris and kate. Good morning to you both, again. Good morning. Hope you had a good morning. Well talk with you later in the show. Thank you. It is the top of the hour. That means its time for the top news. I think hes guilty of not using good judgment. He shouldnt have gotten out of that car. A cnn exclusive. A juror reveals what happened during deliberations in the zimmerman trial. Find out what mattered and what didnt. An interview you can only see here. Breaking overnight, protests against the verdict grow. Dozens arrested, a camera man assaulted as a witness from the trial speaks out only to cnn. What does rachel jeantell say now. Boiling point. A brutal, dangerous heat wave that is not going away anytime soon. Your new day starts right now. Good morning, everyone. Welcome to new day. It is tuesday, july 16th, 6 00 in the east. We are joined by michaela. Good morning to you. We have a jam packed show. Exclusives for you. This morning, we are bringing you all sides of the George Zimmerman story. First, we brought today youll hear from prosecutors and their key witness and most importantly youll hear from one of the jurors speaking out only to cnn in the hopes of helping people understand their verdict. This juror will tell you why some originally wanted to vote guilty, what changed their minds and what they decided about those key 911 tapes and what brought the six women to tears during their deliberations. Its a remarkable interview. Well take what she says and put it through the filter analysis. We have jeffrey toobin, danny cevallos, sunny hostin and vinnie politan. In addition we want to wrbrg you up to speed on

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