Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With John Berman And Christ

Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With John Berman And Christine Romans 20161122

donald trump pnarrowing down th pick for treasury secretary. jonathan gray and steve mnuchin. he invests in films and served as the campaign finance chairman. there was controversy with mnuchin. he led the group that bought indymac in 2009. jonathan gray runs the firm black sd blackstone. he biuilt up the company's finances. he donated to hillary clinton's campaign. both would be seen as political moderates. the treasury secretary is a cabinet position which requires senate confirmation. this man is the face of the american economy around the world. >> it is fascinating to watch all of the people in a public way. something that is private. it is open for interpretation. one photo op in particular with trump and a possible cabinet pick is especially revealing. trump posing with kris kobach. how do we know he is talking about the homeland security department? the documents he is holding say so. it head lilines the proposals t bar the entry of potential terrorists. among them are extreme vetting for high risk aliens and asking about support for jihad. and ending all immigration of syrian refugees. the donald trump transition team responding to the disturbing celebration of the victory by some in the so-called alt-right. members of the policy institute gathered into washington for a hate-filled tribute to the president-elect. using the leader using nazi type language. >> hail trump. hail our people. hail our victory. >> the nazi salute there. here is the trump team's response. he was elected because he will be a leader for every american. to think otherwise is the misrepresentation from the movement of all backgrounds. and the leaders from the five tv networks sat down with trump. both sides agreeing not to discuss details. a source says real progress was made on the thorny issue of media access to trump. the president-elect is scheduled to meet with the publisher of "the new york times" and several reports. one question is when will you have a press conference? joining us to talk about the latest twist and turns is ellis henican. i was not inside that room yesterday. it is off the record. i can imagine he laid into the reporters there. they not get him. his surrogates said again and again they lied about him and tried to scuttle his candidacy. he is the president now. i want to show you some of the things he said. he will withdraw from tpp. a promise he made. he wants bilateral trade deals. he wants to cut two old regulations for every one created. there is a national security and ethics reforms. you can see them there. let's show you the banner headline in the journal. if you get the actual paper like me, you can see banner headline. small stocks lead record charge. all for major averages up. everyone who said trump is bad, bad, bad. you are all wrong. why were you so wrong? >> first of all, i don't know we were all wrong. if you expected media to f foretell the future? you would be -- we are good about gathering facts and give analysis and getting a variety of insight bs s about it. if you want me to tell you what is popular three weeks from now? i'm sorry. my average is not that great. >> i think what is interesting to me is the investors around the world are taking trump at his word. he will cut the regulations and get out of tpp. bring american jobs back and cut taxes. they believe him when the media took him literally about the other things he said and did not take him seriously. >> we are, we get such contradictory explanations. that's why even this video. we know it is pre-processed and internal job. it is important. it is giving us our very first hints of what he intends to do in the early days of the administration. what we are getting now are some of the little things. >> these are things he can do with executive order. >> without congress. >> obamacare is not on the table. >> no wall. muslim ban. none of that stuff. >> the other question. we played this video earlier. you saw some of it. white nationalist meeting in washington, d.c. here is the sound bite from that. >> america was until this past generation a white country. designed for ourselves and our posterity. it is our creation. it is our inheritance. it belongs to us. >> now, you saw the response from the trump camp. they don't say the words nazis, obviously that's what these folks are. is that enough? do you think he suddenly is still trying to court some of the fringe supporters? >> i don't want to suggest motives. i think it would be nice if we had a specific disavow of this stuff. not just a broad base we're against racism in all forms. it would be better to nail if on it a little more. >> he made a big deal of obama and clinton not saying the words radical islam. do you think maybe it is a sign there is some level of inequity there? >> hey, mr. trump, use the word right nationalism. speak its name. good point, boris. >> they said to focus on this ignores the movement that donald trump was brought to the white house to represent all americans. people in that room think he was brought to that room to represent all americans. they have not been represented. >> christine, it is not fair to blame a politician for every person that supports him. when horrible people support you, you have a responsibility to say those are not the values i am carrying forward. i think we have a bit of distance. >> i think people watching at this hour, business people, wanting to know he will keep the promises on the economy. on the $1 trillion in infrastructure. i was with ceos last week. they are concerned there are not enough workers to do the shovel ready piece. trump thinks there are millions of people in the streets who need jobs. >> the story of the next three months will be taking the promises that were made in the campaign. some were contradict orcontradi. some were hashd hard to figure out. as we sit here now, there are a lot of question marks. >> so many questions. ellis, thank you. >> go to starbucks and get a venti tall iced tea. come back. >> i'm sticking with coffee. i hear i can afford. >> our frugal morning guest. thank you. nine minutes past the hour. up next, a deadly school bus crash. six school children killed. the now the driver facing multiple charges. we have the latest on the investigation ahead on "early start." umurfals fdramransformat. ...without the need for fillers. with olay, you age less. so you can be ageless. olay ageless. ♪ i want a hippopotamus ♪ only a hippopotamus will do at the united states postal service, we deliver more online purchases to homes than anyone else in the country. and more hippopotamuses, too. okay, google, show me korean restaurants in boulder. (google assistant) i found a few places. (vo) the new pixel, phone by google. exclusively at verizon. the only next gen network that lets you get the most out of it. how is this possible? (vo) because verizon lte advanced delivers 50% faster peak speeds in 450 cities, coast to coast. buy a pixel and get up to $400 back. and get 20 gigs of data with no surprise overages, and 4 lines for only $40 each. why settle when you can have it all on verizon? are my teeth yellow? have you tried the tissue test? ugh yellow. what do you use? crest whitestrps. crest 3d whitestrips whiten 25 times better than a leading whitening toothpaste i passed the tissue test. oh yeah. crest whitestrips are the way to whiten. a chattanooga bus driver arrested and charged overnight for a deadly school bus crash that killed at least six children. the bus carrying 35 children in kindergarten through fifth grade when it flipped over and slapped into a tree and tore in half. 23 of the kids transported to the hospital. the tragic accident leaving the community stunned. >> this has been a great tragedy for us. we have suffered a great loss today. everyone in our community, this has been one of the worst days in hamilton county. >> conditions were clear and dry at the time of the crash. the driver, 24-year-old johnthony walker. federal agents from the ntsb will arrive on the scene later this morning to investigate. the manhunt for the killer of the 20-year veteran of the san antonio police department ended with a capture of a suspect on monday. the motive for the shooting is still not known. the police chief believes it was a targeted killing. let's get more from cnn's dan simon in san antonio. >> reporter: boris and chris christine, there is sadness in san antonio, but relief that the suspect has been captured. he has been identified as 31-year-old otis tyrone mccain. police were able to quickly develop leads and have the suspect under surveillance. he was pulled over. this was a traffic stop. inside the vehicle, you had the suspect with an adult female and a child 2 years old. the suspect was taken into custody without incident. >> this is the person whose image we saw on surveillance. this is the person we believe is responsible for the cold and calculated murder of detective marcoin. there are facets of the case that need to be investigated. this investigation is by no means over. >> reporter: while the manhunt is over, we don't know the motive. why the suspect fired on this particular police officer. was there a personal grievance against the officer or was there a grievance against the police department as a whole. that we don't know. as the mayor of san antonio said at least the city can breathe easier that the suspect has been captured. boris and christine. thank you, dan. three people injured after a 6.9 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of northeastern japan. it triggered a 3-foot tsunami at the fukushima plant. it caused no additional damage. the biggest wave was about 4.5 feet and hit sendai to the north of the country. the tremors felt as far away as tokyo. you see the lights swaying in the bookstore. residents are expected to continue to feel aftershocks. here at home, snow shovels and snow boots and gloves out if the northeast. take a look at syracuse, new york. more areas will get snow. >> the most wonderful time of year. >> let's go to meteorologist pedram javaheri sgrch. >> boris and christine. snowshowers around. the cold air locked in place. albany at 30 degrees. syracuse at 30 degrees. the lake-effect snow machine in place in watertown and binghamton. the cold air over warm waters of the great lakes. we are seeing transfer. the winds into wednesday night begin to shift. that is wonderful news if you have plans for thanksgiving day. snowshowers should wane into thursday morning. if you are across the midwest, another storm system moves in. clouds into chicago could bring delays across the region. it should be on the minor side from st. louis to cincinnati. you could see moderate delays if you are in minneapolis/st. paul. the storm could bring snowshowers in the upper midwest. guys. >> pedram. you live in miami, but you have credibility because you went to school in syracuse. >> yes. i had to deal with that. i'm here now. >> he is not shoveling his car out. monday night football with a mexican flair. raiders and texans at mexican stadium. we have coy wire coming up with this morning's bleacher report. texans and raiders going down to the wire in mexico city. the first time a monday night football game played outside of the u.s. >> coy wire, down to the wire, has more in the bleacher report. hey, coy. >> that's a keeper, christine. good morning. the nfl invested heavily into the globalization of the sport expanding outside of the u.s. the nfl returned to mexico for the first time in more than a decade. a sell out crowd of 76,000 fans crowding the mexican stadium. the crowd got overzealous at times as they want to do. brock osweiler with a green laser while dropping back to pass. fans have done that in soccer games in the past. the fourth quarter, derek carr threw tworaiders up for good. carr finished with three touchdown passes of the night. raiders are the number onumber seed in the afc. and the news broke from indy that andrew luck has been placed inprotocol. he took a couple of jarring hits to the head last sunday. he finished that game, but status for this thursday is in doubt. let's move to soccer where klinsman has been fired after five years on the job. he had mixed results. including leading the u.s. team to the round of 16 to the world cup in 2014. losses to mexico and costa rica in world cup idequalifiers weree final straw. and bruce arena is reportedly in the lead to take over the job. and final nba action. no end to steph curry's awesomeness. are you kidding me? a double clutch three quarter court shot? the buzzer went off. it is awesome. we had to show you. warriors go on to get the win. eighth straight. 120-83. steph curry makes you feel bad about yourself. kind of like boris is making me feel bad about my tan right now. >> get out of here. get some sunshine. i'll run away from the storm coming soon. >> we're trapped. coy, down to the wire, with coy wire in the bleacher report. team trump hosting a web video for the plan for the first 100 days in office. will his tangled web of business ties be a problem? we will have a closer look at that ahead on "early start." re ? ready to welcome? the floors, mats-spotless. the uniforms, clean and crisp. do your people have the right safety gear? are they protected? i'm ready! you think your customers can't tell the difference between who's ready and who's not? of course they do. ♪ i'm ready for you everybody wants a piece of ready. cintas, ready for the workday. stonly jared has this... pandora holiday gift set: 12 charms and clips including the jared exclusive mrs. santa claus charm. all in a pandora keepsake box. save $225 on this jared exclusive. thope to see you again soon.. whoa, whoa, i got this. just gotta get the check. almost there. i can't reach it. if you have alligator arms, you avoid picking up the check. what? it's what you do. i got this. thanks, dennis! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. growwwlph. it's what you do. oh that is good crispy duck. donald trump's day one plan. he will take action on trade, ethics and national security among other things. plus, a disturbing display. nazi salutes. and new details on the global business ties. hundreds of companies in dozens of countries. a situation we have never seen before. welcome back to "early start." i'm christine romans. >> albany medicways a good morn. i'm boris sanchez. we start the day with donald trump. leading a new series of transition meetings and pack up to the mar-a-lago estate in florida for thanksgiving. the transition team hinted and monday passed without announcements. the focus was on policy posting a web video with plans for the first 100 days in office. politics reporter sara murray has the latest from trump tower. >> reporter: good morning, boris and christine. the revolving door at trump t r tower continued to churn with the candidates for his cabinet. he met with tulsi gabbard. the other potential announcement we are looking out for is commerce secretary. sources say that donald trump has all but settled on wilbur ross. it is unclear if we will get that announcement. meanwhile, donald trump is still mostly avoiding the press, he is laying out his strategy. at least when it comes to executive actions through a video he shared on social media. >> reporte >> on regulation, i'll formulate a role that for every one legislation, two old regulations must be eliminated. on national security, i'll have the department of defense and chairman of the joint chiefs of staff to protect america's vital infrastructure from sicyber attacks and other forms of attack. on immigration, i will direct the department of labor to investigate all abuses of visa programs that under cut the american worker. on ethics reform as part of our plan to drain the swamp, we will impose a five-year ban on executive officials from becoming lobbyists after they leave the administration and a lifetime ban on executive officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government. these are a few of the steps to reform washington and rebuild the middle class. >> reporter: one thread they had in common, they do not require congress to participate. these are all executive action donald trump could do on day one. that is why you are not seeing obamacare or the wall along the southern border. >> very good point. one photo op between trump and a possible cabinet pick is revealing. trump posed with kris kobach. he is in consideration for the homeland security department. the papers he is holding detail barring the entry of illegterro and ending all emigration of syrian refugees. the transition team is responding to a celebration of the president-elect's victory by some in the so-called alt-right. members of the white nationalism policy gathered for a hate-filled celebration for trump. >> hail trump. hail our people. hail victory. >> several nazi salutes in the crowd. here is the trump team response. president-elect has denounced racism of any kind. he will be a leader for every american. to think otherwise is a complete misrepresentation of the movement that united all americans. and the web of international companies. a cnn analysis shows that trump has 150 companies worldwide. those have business deals in 25 countries. overall, holdings in the united states and ownership of 564 companies. among the countries he is involved, uae, turkey, saudi arabia and india. trump scrutinized for meeting with three real estate developers last week. including one in india with licensing deals. someone else owns the property and trump runs the brand. prior to the election it was well known i had interests in properties all over the world. the entire business model around the trump name. >> licensing around the world. >> it is a different -- it is trump and family are the product. now it is going to the white house. >> joining us to talk about the twists and turns is best selling author ellis henican. >> good morning. >> so many things to talk about. the meeting of the white nationalist and then steve bannon in the white house. he has been accused of being anti-semitic. here is a response that he had for "the wall street journal" and a question of being a white nationalist. he said, i'm an economic nationali nationalist. i'm an america first guy. i said repeatedly that strong nations make good neighbors. i also said repeatedly that the ethno nationalist movement will be changed over time. >> the movement in europe that steve bannon is admiring so much. those are ugly groups. they have views about stuff that i think we can call highly unamerican. >> the things that the rejection of the election was a rejection of the status quo. the globalization agenda. the idea was if you had free trade agreements and were lifting other classes out of poverty to middle class, that provides markets to american products. it provides cheaper goods in the united states. it makes middle class feel richer than it is. >> provides opportunities for democracy. you have your voices heard around the world if you believe in the globalization. that has been completely rejected here. i think what we will see when you look at the first 100 day plan, you will see donald trump remaking america's role in the rest of the world. >> what you described is the guiding principle of the last half century of the american role in the world. the truth of the matter is we do not know what will happen if we pull that apart brick by brick. you off the top of your heads mentioned half a dozen potential results of that. there could be dozens of others. i don't think we know. >> i talked recently to someone involved in trade policy for the past 30 years. he said we never got the public piece of this right. we never got the part where we are losers in free trade. those were be in ohio and pennsylvania and the rustbelt. as we have risen up and stood up the other middle classes, we hurt our own. he admitted that the government got that wrong. this is the response. >> that part of the bapain is real. liberals make mistake and they want to gloss over that. those are not caused primarily by government. they were caused by technology change. the factories change. you didn't need the number of workers. cheaper wages in other places. >> the mining jobs he is talking about simply don't exist because rob bo robots do them now. >> over the next couple months as the trump administration gets into place. with executive order or with congress, how will that work in real life? i don't think we know. >> you have markets up all around the world today. all four stock indices. people believe he will cut regulation. he will cut taxes. he may do a big infrastructure. we don't know what the contours of that will be. maybe you heard him talk about protecting infrastructure from cyber attacks. we spend money to modernize the united states. >> we all believe in the power of the united states. the markets don't know either. >> the invisible hand going crazy? >> invisible hand is shivering right now. >> one more question with the conflicts of interest in the trump administration. we have seen him take photos with indian business men and meeting with shinzo abe with his daughter in the room. here is a sound bite from kellyanne conway saying she doesn't believe trump is breaking any laws. >> i'm very confident he is not breaking laws. he has lawyers and accountants and advisers who tell him what he must do and what he can't do. >> maybe he is not breaking laws, but ethically, it has to be questionable. maybe it gets into a gray area that needs to be looked at further. how do you go about doing that? >> the toughest job is not secretary of state or homeland security. general counsel. someone will have the job of working through all of that. where's the blind trust? how blind is the blind trust? what is the role of the kids? what is it? 25 separate countries? 150 companies with the trump name? >> it is a business wherefo, el sen he licenses the same. what makes the trump property a trump and asking for 30% more than the going rate for rent is because of the trumpiness. this is the product. how do you separate? >> i don't know. other than having a tough lawyer in there and listening to him or her. we need that. >> lawyers. >> someone has to guide that with a firm hand. >> one of the series of endless questions. ellis, thank you. >> thank you. new developments overnight in the deadly school bus crash in tennessee. an arrest in the case. we have details next on "early start." ow d we play something besides video games. every day is a gift especially for people with heart failure. but today there's entresto®- a breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. tomorrow, i want to see teddy bait his first 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listerine®. bring out the bold™ a chattanooga bus driver arrested and charged for a deadly school bus crash that killed at least six children. the bus carrying 35 kids all in kindergarten through fifth grade when it flipped and slammed into a tree and tore in half on monday afternoon. 23 kids had to be transported to the hospital. the tragic accident leaving the community stunned. >> this a great tragedy for us. we suffered a great loss today. everyone in our community, this is one of the worst days in hamilton county. >> conditions were clear and dry at the time of the crash. the driver, 24-year-old johnthony walker. he was charged with five counts of vehicle homicide and other charges. the ntsb will arrive on the scene this morning. a manhunt for a suspect ended on monday after the shooting of the police detective. we get more from cnn's dan simon in san antonio. >> reporter: boris and christine, there is unbearable sadness in san antonio, but relief. the suspect captured. 31-year-old otis tyrone mccain. police were able to develop leads and have the suspect under surveillance. he was pulled over. this was a traffic stop. inside the vehicle, you had the suspect along with the adult female and child just 2 years old. the suspect was taken into custody without incident. >> this is the person whose image we saw on surveillance. this is also the person we believe is responsible for the cold and calculated murder of detective marconi. there are many facets of the case which still need to be investigated. this investigation is by no means over. >> reporter: so while this active manhunt is over, we still don't know the motive behind this. why the suspect fired on this particular police officer. was there some kind of personal grievance against the officer or a grievance against the police department as a whole? that we don't know. as the mayor of san antonio said at least the city can breathe a little easier that the suspect has been captured. boris and christine. >> our hearts go out to his family. let's see what is coming up on "new day." alisyn camerota joins us. good morning, alisnyn. >> hi, everybody. thanks so much. we have new polls that will be out at 6:00 a.m. eastern that show how americans are feeling today about president-elect trump and whether or not they think he will be able to achieve all of the things that he promised. we will bring you those hot off the presses. perhaps you heard about the meeting yesterday. that took place with trump and all of the news media top executives and anchors. some say it was a contentious meeting and shout fest. others say it was quite cordial. we will bring you our reporting from inside the room about what was said and what was decided. >> i heard they had ice cream. >> a cordial. >> i heard a game of monopoly and ice cream. i have no idea. it is interesting. thank you, alisyn. stock prices record highs. i'm going to tell you it has been amazing two week rally. i'll tell you what is behind it. and while your 401(k) is making money, you will sale monve mone the dinner table on thursday. we get a check of your cnn money stream next. ndoor, a nutritious formula with no artificial flavors. made specifically for indoor cats. purina cat chow. nutrition to build better lives. with moto mods, the new motoz droid exclusively on verizon. boom! vo: transform your phone in a snap. with the only next gen network that lets you get the most out of it, because verizon lte advanced delivers 50% faster peak speeds in 450 cities, coast to coast. buy one motoz droid and get one half off, and $300 back. and get 20 gigs of data with no surprise overages, and 4 lines for only $40 each. why settle when you can have it all on verizon? among the plans that donald trump offered in the web video released yesterday outlining the first 100 days in office, the most frequently mentioned is the promise to pull the united states out of the trans-pacific partnership. notably except china. he said it will cost americans their jobs. >> i'll issue notification of intent to withdraw from the trans-pacific partnership. a potential disaster for our country. we will negotiate fair bilateral trade deals to bring jobs back to american shores. >> the term dadetermination to the tpp has other countries worried to say the least. joining us live this morning is andrew stevens from hong kong. andrew, this would be the biggest world trade deal in history. now it is almost dead. i'm sure people in china are relishing over the dominance in that region of the world. >> reporter: i don't know if relishing is the word. chinese have put out a statement saying they believe in the big multilateral trade deals. they worry about the fragmentation as they call it of trade deals which is what donald trump is proposing. one-on-one trade with the u.s. and other countries. the chinese want to see a much bigger over arching trade deal. you are right. china will have more influence now in creating the next big deal if there is is one in the region because the tpp as you point out did exclude china. it was for president obama to do the deal to right the rules of the 21st secentury trade. what we don't know is what china will want to achieve. certainly, there are a couple of big trade deals on the table. not as advanced as the tpp. it will take years for those two unwind and get to a place where we can actually see what they are. certainly things like environment protection and labor profession which was in the tpp. we tonigdon't know if that will included in a new deal. it is worrying for the 11 other countries. they lost the massive u.s. market opening which they thought they had. that is difficult for them. >> so many questions around the trump administration. andrew stevens reporting from hong kong. thank you. president obama's final medal of freedom ceremony is heavy on star power. recognition to contributions to the national interests of the u.s. or world peace. among the people, bruce springsteen, michael jordan, bill and melinda gates and tom hanks. the russell 2,000, a gauge of small cap stocks, hit a record. the first time all four averages have done that on the same day since 1999. companies of all sizes are getting a boost from the trump rally. against all odds, the opposite. almost two straight weeks of gains. the bet here as president, trump will boost infrastructure and usher in an era of tax cuts and spending. make the u.s. stock markets the most attractive bet right now. futures are pointing higher. we will likely see new records at the open. stocks in europe and asia are higher right now. my daily black iced tea is pricey. starbucks hiking prices. the cost of cold drinks and baked goods going up 10 cents to 30 cents per item. hot coffee and tea prices will not change. in july, starbucks changed prices. as long as you are not serving starbucks at thanksgiving, you will get a break. the average cost of the dinner for ten people dropping below $50 this year. 24 cents savings. this is the cheapest thanksgiving meal since 2010. turkey prices have dropped the past few years. pumpkin pie mix is cheaper. global milk production is up. dairy broproducts are cheaper. butter and milk and eggs and flour will cost less this year. you are a pie man? >> cheesecake. i do have a bone to pick with you. butter? butter is fundamental. >> and wine is also not on the list. that is not included in the $50. check out the money stream app. business news from cnn money and other leading sources. download it on the google store. that is it for "early start." >> and "new day" starts right now. >> i will cancel job killing reinstructir restrictio restrictions. >> he understood mechanic. >> america. >> truly great and talented men and women will be part of our government. >> senior advisers. >> hail trump. hail our people. hail victory. >> donald trump repeatedly denounced racism. >> multiple children lost their lives. >> a chattanooga bus driver charged in the accident overnight. this has been one of the worst days in hamilton county. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> good morning. welcome to "new day." it is tuesday, november 22nd. up first, president-elect trump taking to youtube to outline the actions he plans for the first 100 days action. this as speculation grows of who is in his administration. >> new cnn poll confirms we are divided. there is good news. a narrow majority of americans are hopeful. 53% believe trump will do a good job as commander in chief. 44% disagree. >> americans are split on the handling of the transition. so far, 46% say they approval. 45% say they disapprove. one-third of americans have confidence in the picks for top appointments which have been lacking some >> onlt only 33% of americans have confidence in the president's leadership. this is historically low with other modern day presidents before they took office. it's also not a surprise. we have all of the goings on within the transition covered. let's begin with cnn's jason carroll. he's live outside the annex, trump tower, in new york. >> reporter: and good morning to you, chris. what, it's been about two weeks and still no press conference from donald trump. but as you say, he did release that video outlining what he plans to do in his first 100 days it in office, including the executive actions he plans to take. all this while speculation continues to swirl over who's going to help him do it and who he's going to appoint to his cabinet. president-elect donald trump tl

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Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With John Berman And Christine Romans 20161122 :

Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With John Berman And Christine Romans 20161122

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donald trump pnarrowing down th pick for treasury secretary. jonathan gray and steve mnuchin. he invests in films and served as the campaign finance chairman. there was controversy with mnuchin. he led the group that bought indymac in 2009. jonathan gray runs the firm black sd blackstone. he biuilt up the company's finances. he donated to hillary clinton's campaign. both would be seen as political moderates. the treasury secretary is a cabinet position which requires senate confirmation. this man is the face of the american economy around the world. >> it is fascinating to watch all of the people in a public way. something that is private. it is open for interpretation. one photo op in particular with trump and a possible cabinet pick is especially revealing. trump posing with kris kobach. how do we know he is talking about the homeland security department? the documents he is holding say so. it head lilines the proposals t bar the entry of potential terrorists. among them are extreme vetting for high risk aliens and asking about support for jihad. and ending all immigration of syrian refugees. the donald trump transition team responding to the disturbing celebration of the victory by some in the so-called alt-right. members of the policy institute gathered into washington for a hate-filled tribute to the president-elect. using the leader using nazi type language. >> hail trump. hail our people. hail our victory. >> the nazi salute there. here is the trump team's response. he was elected because he will be a leader for every american. to think otherwise is the misrepresentation from the movement of all backgrounds. and the leaders from the five tv networks sat down with trump. both sides agreeing not to discuss details. a source says real progress was made on the thorny issue of media access to trump. the president-elect is scheduled to meet with the publisher of "the new york times" and several reports. one question is when will you have a press conference? joining us to talk about the latest twist and turns is ellis henican. i was not inside that room yesterday. it is off the record. i can imagine he laid into the reporters there. they not get him. his surrogates said again and again they lied about him and tried to scuttle his candidacy. he is the president now. i want to show you some of the things he said. he will withdraw from tpp. a promise he made. he wants bilateral trade deals. he wants to cut two old regulations for every one created. there is a national security and ethics reforms. you can see them there. let's show you the banner headline in the journal. if you get the actual paper like me, you can see banner headline. small stocks lead record charge. all for major averages up. everyone who said trump is bad, bad, bad. you are all wrong. why were you so wrong? >> first of all, i don't know we were all wrong. if you expected media to f foretell the future? you would be -- we are good about gathering facts and give analysis and getting a variety of insight bs s about it. if you want me to tell you what is popular three weeks from now? i'm sorry. my average is not that great. >> i think what is interesting to me is the investors around the world are taking trump at his word. he will cut the regulations and get out of tpp. bring american jobs back and cut taxes. they believe him when the media took him literally about the other things he said and did not take him seriously. >> we are, we get such contradictory explanations. that's why even this video. we know it is pre-processed and internal job. it is important. it is giving us our very first hints of what he intends to do in the early days of the administration. what we are getting now are some of the little things. >> these are things he can do with executive order. >> without congress. >> obamacare is not on the table. >> no wall. muslim ban. none of that stuff. >> the other question. we played this video earlier. you saw some of it. white nationalist meeting in washington, d.c. here is the sound bite from that. >> america was until this past generation a white country. designed for ourselves and our posterity. it is our creation. it is our inheritance. it belongs to us. >> now, you saw the response from the trump camp. they don't say the words nazis, obviously that's what these folks are. is that enough? do you think he suddenly is still trying to court some of the fringe supporters? >> i don't want to suggest motives. i think it would be nice if we had a specific disavow of this stuff. not just a broad base we're against racism in all forms. it would be better to nail if on it a little more. >> he made a big deal of obama and clinton not saying the words radical islam. do you think maybe it is a sign there is some level of inequity there? >> hey, mr. trump, use the word right nationalism. speak its name. good point, boris. >> they said to focus on this ignores the movement that donald trump was brought to the white house to represent all americans. people in that room think he was brought to that room to represent all americans. they have not been represented. >> christine, it is not fair to blame a politician for every person that supports him. when horrible people support you, you have a responsibility to say those are not the values i am carrying forward. i think we have a bit of distance. >> i think people watching at this hour, business people, wanting to know he will keep the promises on the economy. on the $1 trillion in infrastructure. i was with ceos last week. they are concerned there are not enough workers to do the shovel ready piece. trump thinks there are millions of people in the streets who need jobs. >> the story of the next three months will be taking the promises that were made in the campaign. some were contradict orcontradi. some were hashd hard to figure out. as we sit here now, there are a lot of question marks. >> so many questions. ellis, thank you. >> go to starbucks and get a venti tall iced tea. come back. >> i'm sticking with coffee. i hear i can afford. >> our frugal morning guest. thank you. nine minutes past the hour. up next, a deadly school bus crash. six school children killed. the now the driver facing multiple charges. we have the latest on the investigation ahead on "early start." umurfals fdramransformat. ...without the need for fillers. with olay, you age less. so you can be ageless. olay ageless. ♪ i want a hippopotamus ♪ only a hippopotamus will do at the united states postal service, we deliver more online purchases to homes than anyone else in the country. and more hippopotamuses, too. okay, google, show me korean restaurants in boulder. (google assistant) i found a few places. (vo) the new pixel, phone by google. exclusively at verizon. the only next gen network that lets you get the most out of it. how is this possible? (vo) because verizon lte advanced delivers 50% faster peak speeds in 450 cities, coast to coast. buy a pixel and get up to $400 back. and get 20 gigs of data with no surprise overages, and 4 lines for only $40 each. why settle when you can have it all on verizon? are my teeth yellow? have you tried the tissue test? ugh yellow. what do you use? crest whitestrps. crest 3d whitestrips whiten 25 times better than a leading whitening toothpaste i passed the tissue test. oh yeah. crest whitestrips are the way to whiten. a chattanooga bus driver arrested and charged overnight for a deadly school bus crash that killed at least six children. the bus carrying 35 children in kindergarten through fifth grade when it flipped over and slapped into a tree and tore in half. 23 of the kids transported to the hospital. the tragic accident leaving the community stunned. >> this has been a great tragedy for us. we have suffered a great loss today. everyone in our community, this has been one of the worst days in hamilton county. >> conditions were clear and dry at the time of the crash. the driver, 24-year-old johnthony walker. federal agents from the ntsb will arrive on the scene later this morning to investigate. the manhunt for the killer of the 20-year veteran of the san antonio police department ended with a capture of a suspect on monday. the motive for the shooting is still not known. the police chief believes it was a targeted killing. let's get more from cnn's dan simon in san antonio. >> reporter: boris and chris christine, there is sadness in san antonio, but relief that the suspect has been captured. he has been identified as 31-year-old otis tyrone mccain. police were able to quickly develop leads and have the suspect under surveillance. he was pulled over. this was a traffic stop. inside the vehicle, you had the suspect with an adult female and a child 2 years old. the suspect was taken into custody without incident. >> this is the person whose image we saw on surveillance. this is the person we believe is responsible for the cold and calculated murder of detective marcoin. there are facets of the case that need to be investigated. this investigation is by no means over. >> reporter: while the manhunt is over, we don't know the motive. why the suspect fired on this particular police officer. was there a personal grievance against the officer or was there a grievance against the police department as a whole. that we don't know. as the mayor of san antonio said at least the city can breathe easier that the suspect has been captured. boris and christine. thank you, dan. three people injured after a 6.9 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of northeastern japan. it triggered a 3-foot tsunami at the fukushima plant. it caused no additional damage. the biggest wave was about 4.5 feet and hit sendai to the north of the country. the tremors felt as far away as tokyo. you see the lights swaying in the bookstore. residents are expected to continue to feel aftershocks. here at home, snow shovels and snow boots and gloves out if the northeast. take a look at syracuse, new york. more areas will get snow. >> the most wonderful time of year. >> let's go to meteorologist pedram javaheri sgrch. >> boris and christine. snowshowers around. the cold air locked in place. albany at 30 degrees. syracuse at 30 degrees. the lake-effect snow machine in place in watertown and binghamton. the cold air over warm waters of the great lakes. we are seeing transfer. the winds into wednesday night begin to shift. that is wonderful news if you have plans for thanksgiving day. snowshowers should wane into thursday morning. if you are across the midwest, another storm system moves in. clouds into chicago could bring delays across the region. it should be on the minor side from st. louis to cincinnati. you could see moderate delays if you are in minneapolis/st. paul. the storm could bring snowshowers in the upper midwest. guys. >> pedram. you live in miami, but you have credibility because you went to school in syracuse. >> yes. i had to deal with that. i'm here now. >> he is not shoveling his car out. monday night football with a mexican flair. raiders and texans at mexican stadium. we have coy wire coming up with this morning's bleacher report. texans and raiders going down to the wire in mexico city. the first time a monday night football game played outside of the u.s. >> coy wire, down to the wire, has more in the bleacher report. hey, coy. >> that's a keeper, christine. good morning. the nfl invested heavily into the globalization of the sport expanding outside of the u.s. the nfl returned to mexico for the first time in more than a decade. a sell out crowd of 76,000 fans crowding the mexican stadium. the crowd got overzealous at times as they want to do. brock osweiler with a green laser while dropping back to pass. fans have done that in soccer games in the past. the fourth quarter, derek carr threw tworaiders up for good. carr finished with three touchdown passes of the night. raiders are the number onumber seed in the afc. and the news broke from indy that andrew luck has been placed inprotocol. he took a couple of jarring hits to the head last sunday. he finished that game, but status for this thursday is in doubt. let's move to soccer where klinsman has been fired after five years on the job. he had mixed results. including leading the u.s. team to the round of 16 to the world cup in 2014. losses to mexico and costa rica in world cup idequalifiers weree final straw. and bruce arena is reportedly in the lead to take over the job. and final nba action. no end to steph curry's awesomeness. are you kidding me? a double clutch three quarter court shot? the buzzer went off. it is awesome. we had to show you. warriors go on to get the win. eighth straight. 120-83. steph curry makes you feel bad about yourself. kind of like boris is making me feel bad about my tan right now. >> get out of here. get some sunshine. i'll run away from the storm coming soon. >> we're trapped. coy, down to the wire, with coy wire in the bleacher report. team trump hosting a web video for the plan for the first 100 days in office. will his tangled web of business ties be a problem? we will have a closer look at that ahead on "early start." re ? ready to welcome? the floors, mats-spotless. the uniforms, clean and crisp. do your people have the right safety gear? are they protected? i'm ready! you think your customers can't tell the difference between who's ready and who's not? of course they do. ♪ i'm ready for you everybody wants a piece of ready. cintas, ready for the workday. stonly jared has this... pandora holiday gift set: 12 charms and clips including the jared exclusive mrs. santa claus charm. all in a pandora keepsake box. save $225 on this jared exclusive. thope to see you again soon.. whoa, whoa, i got this. just gotta get the check. almost there. i can't reach it. if you have alligator arms, you avoid picking up the check. what? it's what you do. i got this. thanks, dennis! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. growwwlph. it's what you do. oh that is good crispy duck. donald trump's day one plan. he will take action on trade, ethics and national security among other things. plus, a disturbing display. nazi salutes. and new details on the global business ties. hundreds of companies in dozens of countries. a situation we have never seen before. welcome back to "early start." i'm christine romans. >> albany medicways a good morn. i'm boris sanchez. we start the day with donald trump. leading a new series of transition meetings and pack up to the mar-a-lago estate in florida for thanksgiving. the transition team hinted and monday passed without announcements. the focus was on policy posting a web video with plans for the first 100 days in office. politics reporter sara murray has the latest from trump tower. >> reporter: good morning, boris and christine. the revolving door at trump t r tower continued to churn with the candidates for his cabinet. he met with tulsi gabbard. the other potential announcement we are looking out for is commerce secretary. sources say that donald trump has all but settled on wilbur ross. it is unclear if we will get that announcement. meanwhile, donald trump is still mostly avoiding the press, he is laying out his strategy. at least when it comes to executive actions through a video he shared on social media. >> reporte >> on regulation, i'll formulate a role that for every one legislation, two old regulations must be eliminated. on national security, i'll have the department of defense and chairman of the joint chiefs of staff to protect america's vital infrastructure from sicyber attacks and other forms of attack. on immigration, i will direct the department of labor to investigate all abuses of visa programs that under cut the american worker. on ethics reform as part of our plan to drain the swamp, we will impose a five-year ban on executive officials from becoming lobbyists after they leave the administration and a lifetime ban on executive officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government. these are a few of the steps to reform washington and rebuild the middle class. >> reporter: one thread they had in common, they do not require congress to participate. these are all executive action donald trump could do on day one. that is why you are not seeing obamacare or the wall along the southern border. >> very good point. one photo op between trump and a possible cabinet pick is revealing. trump posed with kris kobach. he is in consideration for the homeland security department. the papers he is holding detail barring the entry of illegterro and ending all emigration of syrian refugees. the transition team is responding to a celebration of the president-elect's victory by some in the so-called alt-right. members of the white nationalism policy gathered for a hate-filled celebration for trump. >> hail trump. hail our people. hail victory. >> several nazi salutes in the crowd. here is the trump team response. president-elect has denounced racism of any kind. he will be a leader for every american. to think otherwise is a complete misrepresentation of the movement that united all americans. and the web of international companies. a cnn analysis shows that trump has 150 companies worldwide. those have business deals in 25 countries. overall, holdings in the united states and ownership of 564 companies. among the countries he is involved, uae, turkey, saudi arabia and india. trump scrutinized for meeting with three real estate developers last week. including one in india with licensing deals. someone else owns the property and trump runs the brand. prior to the election it was well known i had interests in properties all over the world. the entire business model around the trump name. >> licensing around the world. >> it is a different -- it is trump and family are the product. now it is going to the white house. >> joining us to talk about the twists and turns is best selling author ellis henican. >> good morning. >> so many things to talk about. the meeting of the white nationalist and then steve bannon in the white house. he has been accused of being anti-semitic. here is a response that he had for "the wall street journal" and a question of being a white nationalist. he said, i'm an economic nationali nationalist. i'm an america first guy. i said repeatedly that strong nations make good neighbors. i also said repeatedly that the ethno nationalist movement will be changed over time. >> the movement in europe that steve bannon is admiring so much. those are ugly groups. they have views about stuff that i think we can call highly unamerican. >> the things that the rejection of the election was a rejection of the status quo. the globalization agenda. the idea was if you had free trade agreements and were lifting other classes out of poverty to middle class, that provides markets to american products. it provides cheaper goods in the united states. it makes middle class feel richer than it is. >> provides opportunities for democracy. you have your voices heard around the world if you believe in the globalization. that has been completely rejected here. i think what we will see when you look at the first 100 day plan, you will see donald trump remaking america's role in the rest of the world. >> what you described is the guiding principle of the last half century of the american role in the world. the truth of the matter is we do not know what will happen if we pull that apart brick by brick. you off the top of your heads mentioned half a dozen potential results of that. there could be dozens of others. i don't think we know. >> i talked recently to someone involved in trade policy for the past 30 years. he said we never got the public piece of this right. we never got the part where we are losers in free trade. those were be in ohio and pennsylvania and the rustbelt. as we have risen up and stood up the other middle classes, we hurt our own. he admitted that the government got that wrong. this is the response. >> that part of the bapain is real. liberals make mistake and they want to gloss over that. those are not caused primarily by government. they were caused by technology change. the factories change. you didn't need the number of workers. cheaper wages in other places. >> the mining jobs he is talking about simply don't exist because rob bo robots do them now. >> over the next couple months as the trump administration gets into place. with executive order or with congress, how will that work in real life? i don't think we know. >> you have markets up all around the world today. all four stock indices. people believe he will cut regulation. he will cut taxes. he may do a big infrastructure. we don't know what the contours of that will be. maybe you heard him talk about protecting infrastructure from cyber attacks. we spend money to modernize the united states. >> we all believe in the power of the united states. the markets don't know either. >> the invisible hand going crazy? >> invisible hand is shivering right now. >> one more question with the conflicts of interest in the trump administration. we have seen him take photos with indian business men and meeting with shinzo abe with his daughter in the room. here is a sound bite from kellyanne conway saying she doesn't believe trump is breaking any laws. >> i'm very confident he is not breaking laws. he has lawyers and accountants and advisers who tell him what he must do and what he can't do. >> maybe he is not breaking laws, but ethically, it has to be questionable. maybe it gets into a gray area that needs to be looked at further. how do you go about doing that? >> the toughest job is not secretary of state or homeland security. general counsel. someone will have the job of working through all of that. where's the blind trust? how blind is the blind trust? what is the role of the kids? what is it? 25 separate countries? 150 companies with the trump name? >> it is a business wherefo, el sen he licenses the same. what makes the trump property a trump and asking for 30% more than the going rate for rent is because of the trumpiness. this is the product. how do you separate? >> i don't know. other than having a tough lawyer in there and listening to him or her. we need that. >> lawyers. >> someone has to guide that with a firm hand. >> one of the series of endless questions. ellis, thank you. >> thank you. new developments overnight in the deadly school bus crash in tennessee. an arrest in the case. we have details next on "early start." ow d we play something besides video games. every day is a gift especially for people with heart failure. but today there's entresto®- a breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. tomorrow, i want to see teddy bait his first 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listerine®. bring out the bold™ a chattanooga bus driver arrested and charged for a deadly school bus crash that killed at least six children. the bus carrying 35 kids all in kindergarten through fifth grade when it flipped and slammed into a tree and tore in half on monday afternoon. 23 kids had to be transported to the hospital. the tragic accident leaving the community stunned. >> this a great tragedy for us. we suffered a great loss today. everyone in our community, this is one of the worst days in hamilton county. >> conditions were clear and dry at the time of the crash. the driver, 24-year-old johnthony walker. he was charged with five counts of vehicle homicide and other charges. the ntsb will arrive on the scene this morning. a manhunt for a suspect ended on monday after the shooting of the police detective. we get more from cnn's dan simon in san antonio. >> reporter: boris and christine, there is unbearable sadness in san antonio, but relief. the suspect captured. 31-year-old otis tyrone mccain. police were able to develop leads and have the suspect under surveillance. he was pulled over. this was a traffic stop. inside the vehicle, you had the suspect along with the adult female and child just 2 years old. the suspect was taken into custody without incident. >> this is the person whose image we saw on surveillance. this is also the person we believe is responsible for the cold and calculated murder of detective marconi. there are many facets of the case which still need to be investigated. this investigation is by no means over. >> reporter: so while this active manhunt is over, we still don't know the motive behind this. why the suspect fired on this particular police officer. was there some kind of personal grievance against the officer or a grievance against the police department as a whole? that we don't know. as the mayor of san antonio said at least the city can breathe a little easier that the suspect has been captured. boris and christine. >> our hearts go out to his family. let's see what is coming up on "new day." alisyn camerota joins us. good morning, alisnyn. >> hi, everybody. thanks so much. we have new polls that will be out at 6:00 a.m. eastern that show how americans are feeling today about president-elect trump and whether or not they think he will be able to achieve all of the things that he promised. we will bring you those hot off the presses. perhaps you heard about the meeting yesterday. that took place with trump and all of the news media top executives and anchors. some say it was a contentious meeting and shout fest. others say it was quite cordial. we will bring you our reporting from inside the room about what was said and what was decided. >> i heard they had ice cream. >> a cordial. >> i heard a game of monopoly and ice cream. i have no idea. it is interesting. thank you, alisyn. stock prices record highs. i'm going to tell you it has been amazing two week rally. i'll tell you what is behind it. and while your 401(k) is making money, you will sale monve mone the dinner table on thursday. we get a check of your cnn money stream next. ndoor, a nutritious formula with no artificial flavors. made specifically for indoor cats. purina cat chow. nutrition to build better lives. with moto mods, the new motoz droid exclusively on verizon. boom! vo: transform your phone in a snap. with the only next gen network that lets you get the most out of it, because verizon lte advanced delivers 50% faster peak speeds in 450 cities, coast to coast. buy one motoz droid and get one half off, and $300 back. and get 20 gigs of data with no surprise overages, and 4 lines for only $40 each. why settle when you can have it all on verizon? among the plans that donald trump offered in the web video released yesterday outlining the first 100 days in office, the most frequently mentioned is the promise to pull the united states out of the trans-pacific partnership. notably except china. he said it will cost americans their jobs. >> i'll issue notification of intent to withdraw from the trans-pacific partnership. a potential disaster for our country. we will negotiate fair bilateral trade deals to bring jobs back to american shores. >> the term dadetermination to the tpp has other countries worried to say the least. joining us live this morning is andrew stevens from hong kong. andrew, this would be the biggest world trade deal in history. now it is almost dead. i'm sure people in china are relishing over the dominance in that region of the world. >> reporter: i don't know if relishing is the word. chinese have put out a statement saying they believe in the big multilateral trade deals. they worry about the fragmentation as they call it of trade deals which is what donald trump is proposing. one-on-one trade with the u.s. and other countries. the chinese want to see a much bigger over arching trade deal. you are right. china will have more influence now in creating the next big deal if there is is one in the region because the tpp as you point out did exclude china. it was for president obama to do the deal to right the rules of the 21st secentury trade. what we don't know is what china will want to achieve. certainly, there are a couple of big trade deals on the table. not as advanced as the tpp. it will take years for those two unwind and get to a place where we can actually see what they are. certainly things like environment protection and labor profession which was in the tpp. we tonigdon't know if that will included in a new deal. it is worrying for the 11 other countries. they lost the massive u.s. market opening which they thought they had. that is difficult for them. >> so many questions around the trump administration. andrew stevens reporting from hong kong. thank you. president obama's final medal of freedom ceremony is heavy on star power. recognition to contributions to the national interests of the u.s. or world peace. among the people, bruce springsteen, michael jordan, bill and melinda gates and tom hanks. the russell 2,000, a gauge of small cap stocks, hit a record. the first time all four averages have done that on the same day since 1999. companies of all sizes are getting a boost from the trump rally. against all odds, the opposite. almost two straight weeks of gains. the bet here as president, trump will boost infrastructure and usher in an era of tax cuts and spending. make the u.s. stock markets the most attractive bet right now. futures are pointing higher. we will likely see new records at the open. stocks in europe and asia are higher right now. my daily black iced tea is pricey. starbucks hiking prices. the cost of cold drinks and baked goods going up 10 cents to 30 cents per item. hot coffee and tea prices will not change. in july, starbucks changed prices. as long as you are not serving starbucks at thanksgiving, you will get a break. the average cost of the dinner for ten people dropping below $50 this year. 24 cents savings. this is the cheapest thanksgiving meal since 2010. turkey prices have dropped the past few years. pumpkin pie mix is cheaper. global milk production is up. dairy broproducts are cheaper. butter and milk and eggs and flour will cost less this year. you are a pie man? >> cheesecake. i do have a bone to pick with you. butter? butter is fundamental. >> and wine is also not on the list. that is not included in the $50. check out the money stream app. business news from cnn money and other leading sources. download it on the google store. that is it for "early start." >> and "new day" starts right now. >> i will cancel job killing reinstructir restrictio restrictions. >> he understood mechanic. >> america. >> truly great and talented men and women will be part of our government. >> senior advisers. >> hail trump. hail our people. hail victory. >> donald trump repeatedly denounced racism. >> multiple children lost their lives. >> a chattanooga bus driver charged in the accident overnight. this has been one of the worst days in hamilton county. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> good morning. welcome to "new day." it is tuesday, november 22nd. up first, president-elect trump taking to youtube to outline the actions he plans for the first 100 days action. this as speculation grows of who is in his administration. >> new cnn poll confirms we are divided. there is good news. a narrow majority of americans are hopeful. 53% believe trump will do a good job as commander in chief. 44% disagree. >> americans are split on the handling of the transition. so far, 46% say they approval. 45% say they disapprove. one-third of americans have confidence in the picks for top appointments which have been lacking some >> onlt only 33% of americans have confidence in the president's leadership. this is historically low with other modern day presidents before they took office. it's also not a surprise. we have all of the goings on within the transition covered. let's begin with cnn's jason carroll. he's live outside the annex, trump tower, in new york. >> reporter: and good morning to you, chris. what, it's been about two weeks and still no press conference from donald trump. but as you say, he did release that video outlining what he plans to do in his first 100 days it in office, including the executive actions he plans to take. all this while speculation continues to swirl over who's going to help him do it and who he's going to appoint to his cabinet. president-elect donald trump tl

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