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Donald trump sinking. Marco rubio shining. Good morning. Welcome to early start. Im alison kosik. Good morning. Im christine romans. It is friday, october 30th. 4 00 a. M. In the east. Breaking overnight. An iranianamerican businessman arrested overnight. He is the head of strategic planning. He was visiting family in tehran when he was arrested by Iranian Security forces. The announcement of his arrest complicating the peace talks in austria. The iranians have been invited to the table for the first time. I want to invite correspondent Frederik Pleitgen with more. Reporter it is a Troubling Development that the american who was taken as you said by Security Forces that are close to irans Supreme Leader. They are brought to the prison which is exactly the same place where jason rezaian, the post reporter, who has been in detention for more than 450 days. The question is if this is something that comes from irans Supreme Leader, it is something the iranian government is not in accordance with. How much influence does the iranian government have to get the american released from detention, but how much sway do they have with the negotiations with the syrian crisis. There has been a flurry of diplomatic activity on thursday. Secretary of state kerry meeting with the iran foreign minister and russia and turkeys foreign minister. The meetings are about to start. The big issue at hand and dividing all of the countries, the russians and iranians, is the fate of bashar al assad. Will there be a transition period. What will happen next . Thank you, Frederik Pleitgen. Breaking news. A manhunt for a kentucky fugitive is over. Floyd ray cook, a convicted robber and rapist was killed in a shootout with officers this morning in brooksville, kentucky. Police closed in on cook after he stopped at a home and asked a couple for a ride. They recognized him and called police. Surveillance dogs tracked him into woods. And authorities are looking for what caused a jet bound for venezuela to erupt in flames. 15 people injured. One seriously, were told. The boeing 767 was taxiing for takeoff when a pilot behind the jetliner noticed something wrong. Dynamic out of the left engine. It looks like it is leaking fluid out of the left engine. The engines on fire. More than 100 people forced to evacuate. Smoke starting filling the cabin. We get more from alina machado. Reporter hours after the plane caught on fire at the ft. Lauderdale airport, it was still sitting in the same spot where everything unfolded behind me. The 101 people on the boeing 767 lived through terrifying moments. The plane was supposed to do to caracas, venezuela. 15 people were taken to the hospital. Here is what doctored who treated them had to say. Most of the injuries were knees and elbows. The injuries seem to be minor. Most of the patients are walking wounded. Calmly opened the door. The plane was still moving when this was going on. He calmly opened the door and let the chute out. The chute opened to the side of the flames. I was the second passenger leaving the aircraft. Went down the chute and turned around and saw the rest of the people. Reporter the cause of the fires is still unknown. We know that there was a report that fuel was leaking from the plane moments before the flames started. The ntsb will be looking into what went wrong with this plane. Alison and christine. Breaking news. U. S. Senate up all night passing a twoyear budget bill. They convened at midnight with breaking a filibuster led by rand paul. The measure raises the debt limit and increases defense spending ensuring there will be not government default. Not this time. The bill goes to president obama next. He is expected to sign it. Debate number three in the books. The race for the republican nomination entering a new phase. It is no longer about stopping donald trump. With ben carson catching and surpassing him in the latest National Polls with his performance in the wednesday debate. Marco rubio may be emerging as a frontrunner of the mainstream candidates. As for jeb bush, his performance uneven at best. The Florida Governor trying to reassure donors his campaign is not in a freefall. You told donors today that you will get better at this. What will you do to get better at this . Look, we have eight more debates. I will have to do what candidates do. Rudely interrupt and not answer the questions asked. And hopefully we get asked substantive questions. Its going fine. Are you having fun . You saw it. Having lots of fun. They have a strong ground game and a lot of money in the bank. Marco rubio was criticized by bush for missing votes. He hits the campaign trail in iowa. He is not leaving washington until he votes on the budget. And ben carson and donald trump have been lighting up cnbc. And trump at the Campaign Stop at reno, nevada on thursday. Maybe every moderator should show they vote republican. Why should we have these people that hate everything we stand for. I wont mention his name. The questions were so nasty. Ben carson chiming in. His campaign trying to score political points. We get more with sunlen serfaty. Reporter good morning. Ben carson is trying to capitalize on this moment. So much unhappiness of the format of the cnbc debate. Trying to show leadership at the same time. Here is how he blasted the debate format in colorado. It is supposed to be established to help the people get to know the candidates and get to know whats behind them and what theyre thinking process and philosophy is. What it has turned into is a gotcha. Thats silly. That is not helpful for anybody. Reporter carson added he is reaching out to other candidates and campaigns trying to organize them to push for to make changes to the next debate. He would not answer whether he would boycott that debate if the changes arent made. Thank you, sunlen. Bernie sanders could hit a stretch as he tries to topple the frontrunner Hillary Clinton. His campaign is aggressive in criticizing clinton. Sanders met thursday with Vice President joe biden. He begins a twoday swing across New Hampshire. Hillary clinton is working her strategy speaking at an africanamerican rally in atlanta later today. Day two of the paul ryan era in the house of representatives. The Wisconsin Congress member sworn in on thursday to replace john boehner. Ryan has his work cut out for him. He is charged with fixing a fractured republican party. We have manu raju with more on the political theater as ryan took the gavel. Reporter good morning. Thursday was a day of pomp and circumstance. A celebration of john boehner and his five years running the house. In addition to his quarter century as a house member and coronation for paul ryan as he takes the difficult job running the divided institution. His family was here. Members came and took pictures with mr. Ryan. They had a big party at the library of congress welcoming to the new position. He will have to make Big Decisions with Senate Republicans and the white house over how to fund the government come december 11th. In addition to that, dealing with replenishing the highway trust fund. That law will expire november 20th. There is not much time for him to deal with that. In addition, he has to manage the expectations of the republican conference that wants to do a lot. They want to get a ton done. Ryan raised expectations. He wants to reform the tax code and stuff like welfare reform. Things that require a lot of work and consensus. The question is exactly how can he do that given the realities of the divided congress. The questions for paul ryan will happen as soon as he moves in his office. Thank you. Paul ryans new gig has a big pay raise. From 174,000 for rankandfile members to 223,500. The speaker of the house is the third highest paid of all elected officials. Ryans salary is short of the president s 400,000. European stocks and u. S. Stock futures are higher. One stock to watch this morning, linkedin is up 12 . Networking sites showed smaller loss and big growth in mobile. Linkedin shares up 12 . You mentioned the growth in mobile. People who use linkedin dont use the mobile app. That is a challenge for linkedin. Graphic video taking you inside the waco biker shootout. Thats next. I want to show you incredible video of a shootout with rival biker gangs in texas. This happened in may at the twin peaks restaurant. The patio and parking lot turning into a bloody war zone with the cossacks and bandidos. The rival gangs point the finger at each other. There were guys getting hit and falling and i realized that i needed to get away from where i was. I looked at the guy to my left, a good friend of mine, and i told him we have to get off the sidewalk or we will die here. And after all was said and done, nine bikers killed and 177 arrested. All charged with organized criminal activity. A New Hampshire judge sentencing owen labrie, a former student at the st. Paul school, to a year in jail for his part in what students call a senior salute. Luring underage classmates to having sex. The underage girl did not appear in court, but provided a video statement. And Pennsylvania State police using shotguns to deflate a wayward army blimp. It floated over pennsylvania for hours on wednesday taking out electrical lines and leaving 30,000 people without power. It is still not clear how the blimp broke free. When all the damage is totalled up, it is expected to top 2 million. It is incredible. A 10yearold boy bitten by a shark in hawaii. Boogie boarding when the shark attacked. I started kicking and dragging under the water and kicking. I was calling for help. The guy helped me. I got stitches from the doctors. What a story. What an adorable kid. The quick thinking boy was rescued after kicking the shark. He called for help. Managing to escape with few stitches to the leg. This is the seventh confirmed shark attack in hawaii. Scary. Im afraid to go surfing. Break out the rain coats. Millions of trickortreaters will be getting wet tomorrow. Say it isnt so. Lets go to meteorologist derek van dam with more. No trickortreats here with mainly clear skies overhead. If you want rain, new orleans, chances of thunderstorms for the halloween forecast that stretches into st. Louis and chicago and pacific northwest, portland to seattle for saturday halloween forecast. Temperatures will be comfortable across the upper midwest. Chicago, 52. Upper 40s and low 50s along the new england coast. If you want warmth, head to the gulf coast. The area of low pressure will bring flooding rainfall to texas. Look at this. 2 to 4 and locally higher amounts expected across san antonio and dallas. Here is the look at temperatures. D. C. At 59. New york, 58 degrees. A warming trend into saturday along the east coast. Comfortable for the central parts of the country. Back to you. Derek, thank you. Ill take the east coast forecast. China ending his onechild policy. Why now . Were live next. Is your head so congested its ready to explode . You may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec®d to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms. So, you can breathe easier all day. Zyrtec®d. At the pharmacy counter. Ive got a nice long life ahead. Big plans. So when i found out medicare doesnt pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. Then i got a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if youre eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. Call now and find out about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesnt pay. And could save you in outofpocket medical costs. To me, relationships matter. Ive been with my doctor for 12 years. Now i know ill be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans, youll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. Plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. So dont wait. Call now and request this free decision guide to help you better understand medicare. And which aarp Medicare Supplement plan might be best for you. Theres a wide range to choose from. We love to travel and theres so much more to see. So we found a plan that can travel with us. Anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an Organization Serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. Remember, all Medicare Supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesnt pay. And could save you in outofpocket medical costs. Call now to request your free decision guide. And learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now and down the road. I have a lifetime of experience. So i know how important that is. The Chinese Government ending its onechild per family policy. Couples are now allowed to have two children. The onechild policy was implemented in the 1970s to prevent the growing population. With a percentage of the population over 50, it is time for a change. Lets go to cnns steven jiang. This seemed to be a human right policy. That is not the reason, steven, why they made the change. Tell us about the reason. Reporter you are exactly right, christine. Over the years, we heard so many Horror Stories related to the onechild policy. Especially in the form of those brutal enforcements in the countryside. Forced abortions. Forced sterilization. After trying to change the policy for years, the government is changing it now not because heated debate over human rights, but the economic reality. The government is facing a double whammy. A shrinking work force and aging population at the time the economy is slowing down. You have factories unable to hire workers and hospitals are overwhelmed. A lot of officials are worried about this country getting old before it gets rich. Thats what prompted the policy change, christine. They are saying it clearly we are doing this now allowing one couple two children nationwide to address the demographic challenges. Steven, what about gender balance . For so many years, it was a preference to have a one child, a boy. That is a ramification for baby girls in the country in orphanages. What about the gender balance . Reporter thats another issue. This new policy is trying to address because gender imbalance is more and more serious. Especially in the countryside where traditional culture means a lot of farmers prefer boys because boys, when they grow up cannot only handle heavier farm work, but will stay home to take care of parents when they get old. Thats where you also saw more of the negative effects of the onechild policy. The selective abortions and sterilization. The twochild policy is not changing the system addressing the root cause. The state is still trying to dictate how many children you are allowed to have. That is not acceptable. No matter the quota. Still it is the Central Government telling families how to live their lives. Steven jiang, thank you. Palestinian attacks on israelis is spreading into the west bank this morning. 11 attacks in the city of hebron in the last week. On thursday, Israeli Forces shot and killed a palestinian man who stabbed a soldier in the head. Tensions are rising in the region since israelis are refusing to release the bodies of the palestinians killed. And breaking overnight. An american businessman arrested in tehran. How will this complicate talks with the u. S. And iran . We are live next. Breaking overnight. An american businessman arrested in tehran increasing tensions as u. S. Officials meet with iran over the war on isis. And more than a dozen passengers injured when the plane catches fire on the runway. A shakeup in the race for president. Candidates playing defense after the heated debate. Who is up . Welcome back to early start. Im christine romans. Im alison kosik. An iranianamerican businessman arrested in tehran. He is identified as siamak namazi. He is the head of strategic planning. He was visiting family two weeks ago and arrested by Security Forces. The announcement of the namazi arrest complicating the peace talks getting under way in austria. Lets go live to vienna and bring in correspondent Frederik Pleitgen. So many questions with this. What is the justification for arresting him and does it have anything to do with the fact that talks are just getting under way . Reporter i think it has something to do with the iran nuclear deal. It does. It may have something to do with the talks getting under way here. It is not clear, alison, it is something that secretary of state kerry says he raised last night in the talks with zaraif. The state Department Said they talked about several issues with the Nuclear Agreement with iran and americans detained by iranian authorities. Of course, mr. Namazi is the fourth american remaining in detention. The second is jason rezaian, the Washington Post reporter, in detention for more than 450 days now. There are many, if you look inside, the iran experts or other people believe this could be a standoff with the moderates in iran around the president rouhani and the hard liners around the Supreme Leader and the hard liner Security Apparatus who dont like the nuclear deal and warned about what they believe is too much american influence in iran. Of course, we know mr. Namazi was someone pushing for closer economic relations to invest in iran at the time he was taken into custody. The big question is how much influence does the iranian government have when it comes to getting mr. Namazi released and how much influence do they have here at the talks as well. To what respect do they actually speak for the hard liners in iran and lead the Iranian Security forces which are active in syria. It is a big step forward that the iranians here at the table and all parties are coming together to try to solve the syria crisis. The big issue here on the table, alison, is the future of bashar al assad. There is america and allies who say assad needs to go and the others on the other side who believes there needs to be political transition in syria. They believe assad could be part of it. No one believes there will be a solution to the problem here in vienna today, but the fact they are meeting and if this meeting doesnt completely collapse and fall apart, many will see it as a success. You look at the arrest of the iranianamerican and you think about the complicated negotiations process going on with bashar al assad. How much is this lessened in the hands of those sitting at the reporter i think it does significantly extend. It raises questions as to whether or not the people for the iranian said are negotiating in vienna here today. The forces that iran has on the ground come from the elite guard. The revolution guard does not answer to the iranian government. It answers to irans Supreme Leader. The Supreme Leader has been critical of the united states. Antiamerican rhetoric coming from his camp right after the Nuclear Agreement. There have been posters set up in tehran saying no negotiations with the u. S. About anything except the nuclear deal. We want to warn about american cultural influence on iran. It is something we need to prevent and be vigilant. You have the arrests. So far, there really isnt much that president rouhani and the foreign minister have been able to do about it. How much influence do they have on the Iran Military strategy if syria, but it is important to speak to them because iran is still one of the major backers of president assad along with the russians. If there is a solution, the iranians will have to be part of it. Complicated process. Frederik pleitgen, thank you. A six day manhunt for the kentucky fugitive is over. 62yearold floyd ray cook, a convicted robber and rapist, wanted for shooting a Police Officer in tennessee, was killed in a shootout in brooksville, tennessee. He stopped at a home and asked a couple for a ride. They recognized him and called police. Surveillance planes tracked him into the wooded area and he was fatally wounded. Investigators are trying to determine what caused a Dynamic Airways passenger jet bound for venezuela to erupt in flames. 15 people injured. The boeing 767 was taxiing for takeoff yesterday when a pilot in the plane behind the jetliner noticed something terribly wrong. And dynamic out of the left engine looks like it is leaking fluid from the left engine. Engines on fire. Amazing. Over 100 passenger and crew members forced to evacuate on emergency slides when smoke began filling the cabin. We have more from alina machado. Reporter alison and christine, howevurs after the pe caught fire at ft. Lauderdale internation international, it is still sitting on the same spot. The 101 people on the boeing 767 lived through terrifying moments. The plane was supposed to go to caracas, venezuela yesterday afternoon. Here is what doctors who treated the injured had to say. We have seen chest pains and anxiety injuries. Mostly elbows and legs. Most of the patients are walking wounded. The stewardess calmly opened the door. The plane was still moving when this was going on. He calmly as soon as the plane stopped, he opened the door, let the chute out. The chute opened to the side toward the flames. I was the second passenger leaving the aircraft. I went down the chute and turned around and saw the rest of the people. Reporter the cause of the fire is still unknown. We know a report of fuel leaking from the plane moments before the flames started. The ntsb will be looking into what went wrong with this plane. Alison and christine. Alina, thank you. Breaking news. The u. S. Senate passing a twoyear budget bill. They convened at midnight with the first order of business breaking a filibuster led by rand paul. The measure raises the debt limit and defense spending. The bill goes on to the president next. He is expected to sign it. With debate number three on the books, the race for the republican nomination is entering a new and unpredictable phase. It is no longer donald trump leading the polls. With ben carsons performance on wednesday night, he is doing well and marco rubio is closely behind. And jeb bushs performance is uneven at best. He is trying to reassure his donors his campaign is not in a freefall. You told donors on a Conference Call you will get better at this. What will you do to get better at this . We have eight more debates. Ill do what candidates have to do which is rudely interrupt and not answer the questions that are asked. Hopefully the debate moderators will ask substantive questions. Its going fine. Are you having fun . You saw it. Having lots of fun. Marco rubio, who was criticized by bush, for missing senate votes, he hits the campaign trail. He stayed in washington long enough to vote on the budget deal forcing him to miss a scheduled lunch appearance in council bluff. There is so much among republicans to try to change the formats of future debates. The jeb bush camp had the least amount of time. Equal time, more substantive questions and try to make it more of a conversation to the american people. With the other candidates on the stage as well. You will see a different kind of debates. It is up to the moderators to keep control of the candidates. The rules can only go so far. It will continue to be interesting. Lets talk about ben carson and donald trump. They have been lighting up cnbc and the debate format. Trump at a stop in reno on thursday. Listen to what he said about the moderators. Maybe every moderator should show they vote republican because why should we have these people that hate everything we stand for and i wont mention his name, but the questions were so nasty. Ben carson also chiming in. His campaign seizing the opportunity to score points. Lets get more on that from sunlen serfaty. Reporter good morning. Ben carson is really trying to capitalize on this moment. So much unhappiness over the format of the cnbc debate. Trying to show a little leadership at the same time. Here is how he blasted the debate format in colorado. The debates are supposed to be established to help the people get to know the candidates and get to know whats behind them and what theyre thinking process is and philosophy is. What it has turned into is a gotcha. Thats silly. Thats not really helpful for anybody. Reporter carson added he is reaching out to the other candidates and campaigns trying to organize them to push forward to make changes to the next debate. He would not answer however whether he would boycott that debate if the changes are not made. Alison and christine. Sunlen, thanks. As for the democrats, Bernie Sanders could be hitting a critical stretch. His campaign has been more aggressive in criticizing Hillary Clinton since the first debate. Sanders met with Vice President biden. He begins a twoday campaign string in New Hampshire today. Hillary clinton is working southern strategy speaking at an africanamerican rally today. All right. Friday edition. Time for an early start on your money. Asian stocks ended lower. European stocks and u. S. Stock futures are higher. A slight pull back. Gopro shares fell 15 . This time last year, stocks was soaring. Harsh reality for gopro. That market might not be very big. Sales are tumbling and gopro will contract during the holiday season. That chart looks like a video footage from a gopro camera. Foreign direct investment hit 200 billion in the first half of the year. Investors optimistic about the u. S. Economy as the Global Economy is weaker. Foreign entities are moving overseas. You can run, but you cant hide from taxes. Video taking you inside the waco biker massacre. Thats next. Im caridee. Ive had moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis most of my life. But that hasnt stopped me from modeling. My doctor told me about stelara® it helps keep my skin clearer. With only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® helps me be in season. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before starting stelara® your doctor should test for tuberculosis. Stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. Always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. These may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. In a medical study, most stelara® patients saw at least 75 clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Stelara® helps keep my skin clearer. Ask your doctor about stelara®. Welcome back. Incredible video of the may sho shootout of the rival biker gangs in waco of the cossacks and bandidos. Here is how the president of the cossacks chapter in waco described the scene. It was guys getting hit and falling. I realized i needed to get away from where i was. I looked at the guy to my left, a good friend of mine, and i told him we have to get off the sidewalk or were going to die here. Nine biker does die. 177 arrested. All charged with organized criminal activity. Pennsylvanias state police using shotguns to deflate a wayward army blimp. The blimp broke loose from the Maryland Army base and left 30,000 people without power over pennsylvania. It is not clear how the blimp broke free. When you total the damage, it is expected to top 2 million. It is crazy. A surveillance blimp parked in maryland floating hundreds of miles. It was amazing to follow the blimp. 48 minutes past the hour. China ending its decades old onechild policy. Why now . You might be surprised. Were live. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare . Thats a good thing, but it doesnt cover everything. Only about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. So consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they pick up some of what medicare doesnt pay and could save you in outofpocket medical costs. Call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand what medicare is all about and which aarp Medicare Supplement plan works best for you. With these types of plans, youll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. Plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. Theres a range of plans to choose from, too, and they all travel with you anywhere in the country. Join the millions who have already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an Organization Serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. And provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. Call today. Remember, Medicare Supplement insurance helps cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. Expenses that could really add up. These kinds of plans could save you in outofpocket medical costs. Youll be able to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. And there are virtually no referrals needed. So dont wait. With all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. Call now to request your free decision guide. This easytounderstand guide will answer some of your questions and help you find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan thats right for you. The Chinese Government ending its onechild per family policy. Couples with now allowed to have two children. The onechild policy implemented in 1979 to stop the growth explosion. With 30 of chinas population over 50, something has to give. Lets go to cnns steven jiang. This has less to do with human rights and more to do with the chinese trying to stimulate its economy. Reporter alison, you are absolutely right. Over the years, we have heard so many Horror Stories related to the brutal enforcement of the onechild policy. Especially in the countryside. Forced abortions and forced sterilization. All of the stories we heard from activists. Now the end has come, but not for the reasons they like to see. As you mentioned, the government is facing a double whammy of a shrinking work force and aging population at the time the economy is slowing down. You have factories unable to hire workers and hospitals and social services are overwhelmed. They set in clear terms in a document they are launching the nationwide policy to address the issue of the aging poll legislation and promote what they call a more balanced population growth. Alison. How likely is it that citizens will want to have a second child . There it is a mindset now they are used to having one. Do you think that will factor into maybe this population not exploding as much as the Chinese Government is hoping . Reporter thats a very good question. If the goal of the government is to change the demographic shift, its unlikely it will happen anytime soon. Remember, the party has been tweaking and relaxing this policy over recent years. Two years ago, they allowed some couples, those with at least one spouse being the only one to have a second child. Very few took up the offer because the cost of raising children is very high. I talked to the people after the latest announcement. They have done the math. They simply cannot afford going through another pregnancy and raising another child. Thats way beyond their means. Although they are allowed to have a second child, it is unlikely they will do it anytime soon. Especially for many middle class urban residents which this is targeting. Cnns steven jiang, thank you. Halloween is tomorrow. Next month we have another holiday. What are you going to be . A party pooper. I want to get a picture of that. Another holiday. Pumpkin pie, turkey and gravy and power shopping. Find out which retailer is open during thanksgiving dinner. Thats right. Thats next. Mine hurt more. Mine stopped hurting faster neosporin plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria neosporin plus pain relief kills the germs. Fights the pain. Use with bandaid brand. Announcer babies who are talked to from the time theyre born. Are more likely to have a successful future. Talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives. The fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school and getting into trouble. Talk. Read. Sing. Your words have the power to shape their world. Learn more at first5california. Com parents im christine romans. Lets get an early start on your money. Macys will kickoff black friday this thanksgiving at 6 00 p. M. Macys opening on the actual holiday. A trend people call brown thursday now. Some workers get upset because they say they feel like they are pressured to work instead of being with their families. Rei made a move to keep its doors closed on black friday. That Company Wants shoppers to get outside instead. Some retail workers like the time and a half. Some people relish the idea of more money. Sometimes it looks like we are crazy with the shopping extravaganza on the day to give thanks. Early start continues right now. Breaking overnight. An american businessman arrested in iran. Tensions rising as officials meet win vienna this morning. New information

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