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The small town still seething over the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. As local prosecutors prepare to prepare to bring evidence to a grand jury. Lets bring in Stephanie Elam live from ferguson. What changed things last night . I know last night, there was no tear gas for the first time in many days. Was that an important gamechanger do you think . Reporter i think it was a big part of it, christine. There was a big dialogue. A large dialogue, during the day when we got out here in the afternoon yesterday. About how the Police Needed to scale back on seeming like they were military. And that at the same time, the Peaceful Protesters needed to stay marching, doing what they were doing, on their side. So if everyone just stuck to that plan that things would be okay. For the most part, it did work out that way. It was close to midnight before we saw any kind of skirmish. But at that point, it depends on hue talk to about what started everything to just blow up a little bit. And now, its not like the other night that weve seen. But it definitely got tense, and it was right in front of our cameras. Right where we were standing, right where we were live on Cnn International and domestic at that time. Take a list ton one protester, though, shes going to tell you what she saw happen from her perspective. It was just it was ridiculous, she arrested a legal observer. Who was there from the National Lawyers guild, just simply photographing an arrest. They just snatched him up, threw him on the ground and arrested him. They randomly pointing people out people werent throwing bottles, people werent doing anything. Some were being randomly pointed out, hand cuffed and taken away. Reporter so you hear his perspective that it was the police that were making things get contentious. Well if you listen to the police and you listen to captain ron johnson on his perspective on how things happened, it sounds a bit different. Take a listen. I believe there was a turning point made. And i think that turning point was made bit clergy, the activists, the volunteers and the men and women of Law Enforcement who partnered together to make a difference. But also those citizens who took heed to what we talked about last night. Not allowing the criminals to amass themselves in a peaceful protest. They protested early. And they went home early. And allowed us a better visual look of those criminals and agitators roaming the streets for their own agenda. Reporter and what we do know according to police from the presser that they had here in the middle of the night that there were 47 people arrested last night. 31 arrested the night before. They also said there was no tear gas. They did use a little bit of pepper spray. They also said it really helped out that people from the community did step in. We saw that with our own eyes. We saw people telling people to keep it calm. Dont throw things. Keep it calm. Asking people to keep moving. Just regular citizens. We also saw when that bit of tension really blew up. We saw there were some people from just the community who rank out and linked arms. Forming a line between the police line and where the protesters were standing, doing their part to control the tension and bring it down. And it did seem to be effective last night. I think that was a huge part of it as well. People from the Community Feeling empowered to make that change and change the tone and energy of what was happening out there last night. Stephanie, what about the mix of the crowd, outside agitators, people who are just wanting to witness it. People who are outraged ten days on of the death of Michael Brown . I mean, are there still a lot of outsiders there, do you know . Reporter it would seem like there are. You know, taking a look at how the diversity has changed over the days. I saw all kinds of people throughout marching today. I saw men, i saw women i saw white people i saw black people. I saw asian people, hispanic people, all kinds of people are out there marching today. Most of it very, very peaceful. By far, most everything i saw today or last night, ive been up all night so its blurry, it was peaceful. People were out there staying in their lane. They were chanting, they were marching. They were handing out water to each other. They were helping each other out if they needed to. But it does seem that there were people coming from other places based on the makeup of ferguson but at the same time during the day i saw people from ferguson who came out to protest when the sun was still up. They were planning to leave before the sun came down because they wanted to make it clear they were very unhappy what happened to Michael Brown. They were going to make their voices heard on that but at the same time, they wanted to get out of the way in was any more friction with police that it wasnt confused with those out there who were wanting to make a point on this issue, that Michael Brown did not die in vain. Thank you for your hard work. Two hours from there, in the heart of ferguson, another deadly shoot, officers fatally wounding a 23yearold man who allegedly came with them with a knife yelling shoot me, kill me now. Witnesses say the man was acting strange after stealing pastries and two energy drinks. Jay nixon pleading with the people of ferguson to stay calm. Last week i met with and prayed with the mother of Michael Brown. Shes lost a son who she can never bring back. But what we can do is Work Together to ensure that Michael Browns death is not remembered as the tragedy that sparked the cycle of violence and distrust, but rather marks the beginning of the process of healing. And reconciliation. Police were asked why they didnt use tasers on the subject when he came at them with a knife, the st. Louis police saying that officers, quote, have the right to defend themselves. The mayor promising a complete and transparent investigation. Were following the latest developments in ferguson all morning. Keep it right here on cnn. And now to a horrifying story unfolding in the middle east. The terror group isis posting a video online showing the beheading of american journalist james foley. Foley was kidnapped in syria just about two years ago. The video concludes with terrorists threatening to kill another american journalist. Nick paton walsh live from erbil, iraq. Authorities have not confirmed the authenticity of this video. His family, his mother issuing a statement saying shes very proud of her son and sounds like the family doesnt doubt its authenticity. Reporter yes, sadly, diane, his mother, releasing a statement saying shes never been prouder of her son. Reminding everybody contrary to what the execution of the isis militants suggest, he was just a journalist abducted in syria nearly two years ago. Really, the family felt he ended up in the hands of the isis militants. It shows you how messy the violence has become. I think also its hard for the family to see those pictures. Its a graphic video. The man doing the executing is seemingly a british citizen. Speaks with a british accent and was in the video, too, another american journalist is clearly threatened here. We know that isis have a number of americans in their captivity. And for months as the group is radicalized got bigger, gaining more territory the fear has been that eventually washington might consider them a threat and move against them. And then there would be dire consequences for those americans held, christine. This is something that isis, certainly getting an awful lot of i dont think publicity is the right word but attention for. The ceo of twitter say theyre going to suspend the accounts of people sharing graphic imagery like this. Isis using these sorts of kidnappings and beheadings really to further its message. Reporter yes, i mean, they seem to have kind of like a vanguard of fear, if you like. They use social media to push it. Ive lost track of the number of just disgusting videos that theyve posted. The aim is to make their enemies fear them. Ive seen pictures of 50 soldiers theyve captured in the center of town, ive seen mass execution videos of men shot next to a river. Theres no limit to what they will post online. It has been surprising that they havent violated user policies on many of the sites they post these on. There are some saying theyre smart, theyre giving away their ip addresses allowing an elaborate online network, clearly that kind of Online Presence may come to an end with groups clamping down on them. Theres i should point out, too, we did a story recently about an iraqi soldier recruit murdered by isis in iraq. And we spoke to his family in sadr city, they were haunted by the video of his death. They saw him on film. And this is just part of the tactics by isis that leaves you wonder what the future will hold, if they cant be negotiated with, some suggest thats its psychopathic. Psychopathic vanguard of fear. I think thats the best way to do it. Nick, thank you so much. And our condolences to the family of jim foley. Violence erupting again in gaza, hopes for a cease fire all but shattered. Israeli air strikes killing at least ten peoples and wounding at least 100 more after hamas launched rockets on gaza and tell aleve very much i want to get live to fred pleitgen. 24 hours ago, fred, were you telling us how fragile the ceasefire was. How so many people on both sides, citizens on both sides wanted to see promise in cairo with lasting peace and here you are in a fullblown conflict again . Reporter absolutely, it seems like this conflict is right back to where it left often days ago, christine. What were seeing is a lot of rocket fire outgrowing gaza. Theres been only a couple air strikes just in the last few minutes. Certainly it seems like the conflict is back on full blown. What the Israeli Air Forces are saying 80 rockets have been fired towards their territory. They say some of them have been intercepted by the iron dome system. Some of them have landed in the region of some villages there. Im going to say right now, theres rockets outgoing right behind us. It certainly seems as though things are back in full swing. Its unclear whether or not the two sides will be able to come back together to reach some sort of diplomatic agreement. There was one major strike that happened in gaza city where the hamas leadership saying that the it started the head of the kwasome brigade. His name is mohammed al dade. They claim that he was killed in the air strike. Theyre looking to see who was hit in that air strike. So that was another thing that certainly brought tensions here in gaza. At this point in time, you talk to people here, they dont seem to have very much home that the two sides can get back together. Certainly a longterm ceasefire seems like a distant prospect. Even shortterm silencing of the weapons appears as though right now doesnt seem to be in the cards. Well continue to monitor the situation and see how things go on the diplomatic front here. Thanks so much, fred pleitgen, in gaza. Were following the breaking news out of ferguson, missouri. Where latenight protests remained mostly peaceful. Following days of violence on streets. Why was last night so different . Plus, historic flooding in arizona. People rescued from their homes and cars. Look at that. Weve got the dramatic video of the scene and whats next with indra after the break. L use neosporin to help you heal. It kills germs so you heal four days faster. Neosporin. Buy three Johnson Johnson first aid products and get a free bag. Spokesperson you can get a 1,000 turbocharged with a new card volkswagen turbo. Buy three Johnson Johnson first aid products so why are we so obsessed with turbo . Because theres nothing more exhilarating than a powerful ride. And you can get that in places you might not expect. Like the passat. And also in the funtodrive jetta. In fact, volkswagen has sold more turbos than any other brand over the last ten years. That is a lot of turbo. Avo get a 1,000 turbocharged reward card on new 2014 turbo models or lease a 2014 passat s for 189 a month after a 1,000 bonus. Help keep teeth clean and breath fresh. With beneful healthy smile snacks. 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A night of tense but peaceful protests following ten days of unrest in ferguson, missouri. Anger still palpable after the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. For one night, relative calm. You see it on tv, its worse than it is. It really looks terrible. Thats why i came down. I have two sons that live down here. I said, i need to come down and make sure my sons are all right. But its nothing like i see on tv. Yesterday, the tear gas and heard about the shooting but today, its different. Attorney general eric holder arrives today to oversee the investigation of the death of Michael Brown. Stay with cnn all morning for complete breaking coverage of all the developments in ferguson. Flash floods forcing dramatic water rescues in the phoenix area. Look at that, a monsoon surge trapping people in their homes tuesday. This person desperately flagging rescuers and news choppers. Crews rescued this woman. This woman pulled from a van. The debris forced authorities to close or restrict traffic on nearly two dozen roads including a major freeway. Indra petersons is looking at the forecast. Before you know it, you see cars trying to get out of the way. Youre talking 5 1 2 inches of rain in 12 hours. It may not seem like much. But keep this in mind. Its a 1 in 1,000year event. Its how much rain fall in a short period of time. Were talking rivers in 20 feet in just 12 hours. Its all that runoff combined in one spot. Heres the concern. All of that monsoonal moisture that plagues the area. The lowell moisture as well. The tropical moisture curving out to the sea but you can still pull some of that moisture in the region for the threat of more enhangsed thunderstorms into the region. Today into the midwest and northeast, looking for the threat of more showers. Likely about an inch or two out there. Still a tiny bit of scattered showers in the southeast. The big story is all of that moisture funneling in from that hot humid weather is still in place. Now, youre adding warm temperatures as well as High Pressure is expanding. What are you talki ing about . The temperatures that feel like the century mark and getting worse as we get towards the weekend. All right. It is still summer. A reminder. A reminder, indeed. 19 minutes past the hour. Were following breaking news out of ferguson, missouri. Tense protests overnight. But first, money mone davis, 1s old, taking the mound again. Andy scholes has the Bleacher Report next. I recommend pronamel. It helps strengthen the tooth and makes it more resistant to acid breakdown. Dust irritating your eye . singing visineĀ® gives your eyes relief in seconds. VisineĀ®. Get back to normal. [ male announcer ] during the cadillac summers best event, lease this 2014 ats for around 299 a month. Hurry in this exceptional offer ends soon. 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It keeps us 100 flake free. So i just have gorgeous hair. Head shoulders. The worlds 1 dandruff shampoo. Gir turns out to be a good thing. Pitching sensation, mone davis is set to take the mound for her team at the Little League world series. Boy, does she have an arm. Monet days is breaking records at this years Little League world series. Shes already the first girl ever to throw a shutout. This week she became the first Little League ever to grace the cover of sports illustrated. M one shales from the team that hails from philly, tonight she will try to pitch them in the game. To come from philadelphia and to be able to play in the final with International Teams would be really great because you dont really see that much often. And to be like an inner city kid would be amazing to play in the final. Some brutal news for ohio state fans coming down yesterday. Star quarterback Braxton Miller is going to miss the entire College Football season after reinjuring his throwing shoulder in practice on monday. Miller who is one of the favorites to win a Heisman Trophy this year says he hopes to come back better than ever next season. This storys getting a lot of clicks on bleacherreport. Com this morning. Apparently, the nfl wants whoever performs during the halftime super bowl show to pay them. Wall street journal has narrowed its tlous katy perry, rihanna and cold play. And theyve asked them if theyd be willing to pay in exchange for the halftime gig. Its kind of weird. The nfls thinking is they got over 100 Million Viewers for the super bowl. That kind of exposure for some artists may be worth paying for. So theyre exploring that possibility. Well, if 30 seconds of air time is like 4 million, how much is the halftime show . How much do you pay to perform . Exactly. And beyonce and bruno mars are proof because they were on tour right on the heels of their halftime performances, and their tours did very well. All right. Sports, money. Yeah. Andy scholes, thanks so much. Breaking news overnight, protests in ferguson, missouri, they turned tense. Demonstrators were arrested but its mostly calm. Mostly calm we can report following nights of chaos and violence. Were going to tell you what made the difference last night. Plus attorney general eric holder hearing the evidence in the case of Michael Brown today. Were live next. Announcer this is cnn breaking news. Our breaking news this morning. Latenight protests remain mostly peaceful. But with tense moments following nights of chaos and violence. This as attorney general eric holder arrives in missouri today to examine the Deadly Police shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown. We are live with the very latest. In missouri. An american journalist kidnapped by terrorists. Beheaded on camera. Isis issuing a new warning to the United States promising more death to americans. We are live in iraq with the very latest. Welcome back to early start. Im christine romans. Its 30 minutes past the hour. Lets start with tense protests but virtually no violence overnight in ferguson, missouri. After ten days of unrest, protesters remained mostly peaceful last night. But this small town, its still seething over the shooting death of unarmed Michael Brown. Attorney general eric holder looking into the death of miking brown. As local prosecutors prepare to present evidence to a grand jury. We want to bring in Stephanie Elam, live from ferguson. Stephanie, from your position on the ground, what was different last night . Was it different that police did not fire tear gas last night . Reporter not firing tear gas say good place to start, christine, that made a big difference for people. Even when the someone was still up, you could see a difference in tone and how police were engaging with the people on the street there. I saw a lot of Police Officers walking up and talking to people. I saw some shaking hands with civilians on the street. I saw some of them coming up without helmets on, without major riot gear, coming up asking people to disperse. And most did. For the most part, it was a very civil protest. The vast majority of what happened was better. But as it got closer to midnight, tensions did build. You some did disburse and go home. But there were people standing around in the parking lot area, while police were lined up in the middle of the street. You could feel the tension burst. And then someone threw a water bottle toward police. Thats when we felt things burst. Take a listen, youre going to hear two different sides here. Take a listen to one protester as she explains what it looked like from her vantage point. We had a large group of Peaceful Protesters who been out here for hours, literally hours, washingtoning in the designated areas, picking up their own trash. Keeping people in line. Making sure people were hydrated. The whole night was without incident. And then at some point when police decided it was time for us to go, they began to agitate that situation. Reporter now captain ron johnson came out and had a presser around 2 00 in the morning to talk about last night. He said there were 47 people that were arrested, compared to 31 the night before. But he said there was no tear gas deployed. He said that not one bullet was fired by any of his officers. And yet, he saw it as a turning point. Now, what was interesting, though, our steve kastinbaum actually asked him why at any point did the Police Officers put on this sort of riot gear, the helmets, the masks, the batons, the shields because that seemed to amplify some of the anger that was out there in the street. This is what he had to say to that. When i got home last night, at 3 30 in the morning, my wife was up. The lights were on. And when i walked through the door i knew that i was in trouble. She didnt say hi. She said why didnt you have your vest on . And when i left today, and i got here, the first text that i had on my phone is, you promised. And a promise means that i am going to come home. And these men and women are going to come home. Reporter and during the evening, we did see different points that police sort of getting into a tactical position, right around where our live location was, where we were standing, police sort of forming an l where we are. At one point, everyone ran down the street one way and there was interaction with police there. And they all ran out into the media staging area, the area that we were told to set up. So a lot of people were mixed in there with the media. So they came through and they swept everyone out, and pushed them all out into the street and tried to gers them that way. They had dogs throughout. There were Police Officers with guns. I did see one Police Officer who had a gun up actually waving it towards people. And i saw another officer tell him to put his gun down. So there were tensions. What we also saw was Police Checking this and people from the community lining up to form that line saying look were not going to have that antagonistic energy and breaking up with police saying this is enough. Calm down. And it seemed to work. People going on their own, taking command of the situation. Just everyday, regular people to keep the situation calm last night, christine. I suppose, stephanie, this is a turning point. I know every nights been fragile. It doesnt take much to inflame that energy, as you call it but there must be hope there on the ground that this was the turning point last night . Reporter yeah, well, captain johnson definitely said that. He said he thinks this was a turning point that things were better. That they learned. Also working with leaders in the community, working with the clergy, people who could go out in the community and help make that difference. The fact that there were a lot of protesters who did come out and show that he were very displeased with how things were handled with the death of mike brown. They voiced their opinions, they did that during the day. And i talked to people saying were leaving before the sun goes down. We are leaving, we dont want to be confused with the situation. And he said those people actually helped out the situation as well. So is it a turning point . Well see. This is ten days in. We saw it once before where it kind of got to a point where we thought it was better and then it flared up again. Everyone is holding their breath waiting to see what happens tonight. Stephanie, thank you for that. Were following the latest breaking developments in ferguson all morning. So keep it right here. U. S. Officials trying to verify the authenticity of a gruesome disturbing video released by isis terrorists. It was posted online, showing the beheading of american journalist james foley. Foley was kidnapped in syria, nearly two years ago. Thanksgiving 2012. The video concludes with terrorists threatening to kill another american journalist they have. Nick paton walsh live from erbil, iraq. And were hearing from jim foleys family. Were starting to hear this morning, nick, from a lot of his colleagues and friends remembering a man who was fearlessly in pursuit of telling a story to help people. To help people. What can you tell us . Reporter you have to bear in mind, that the situation here, jim was a freelance member, he would have to endure significant less resources. And at times because of that greater risk to get to various places he needed to tell the story. Also when he was kidnapped, important to bear in mind, this is a different situation. He was abducted near binnish, back in 2004, with isis barely an issue in syria. Let on a unified group in iraq held in territory here, too. He was possibly picked up in the initial wave of abduction of foreigners but in many ways criminally motivated or designed to give people leverage in complex situations and in the increased environment there. But it tells you a lot about how things have changed in syria and iraq. Now horrifyingly, he ends up in the hands of militants, the one actually kill him with a british accent it seems who kid him because of u. S. Intervention in iraq to push isis back as they move towards the yazidis and others here. Jim foley himself we met with him briefly. Courteous, gracious, dynamic. We reportwith him on the presence of a libyan fighter fighting in aleppo. There from the start, unafraid to take risks to bring a story to people. And not quite horrifyingly meeting his end. His mother said its not u. S. Policy, nothing to do with washington decision to bomb isis targets in northern iraq, she goes on to add she could never be prouder of her son. Just 40 years old. One of five children. We certainly send our condolences to the foley family. Twitter is taking down graphic images showing the beheading. The Ceo Dick Costolo is tweeting that twitter is suspending accounts as we discover them. And social media, the vanguard of fear, as nick puts for the publicity machine behind isis. Time for a quick check of the market. European stocks are down. Asian stocks, mixed. Futures pointing lower. A slight pause on what has been a steady climb. The nasdaq at a 14year high. The s p 500 just a few points away from a record. And the dow back near 17,000 driven by corporate earnings and low interest rates. The Federal Reserve will release minutes from his july meeting later today. Of course, pay close attention to any hit on a time line to raise interest rates. Breaking news overnight. Protests in ferguson, missouri, turning tense but calm. Weve got the new video ahead. Plus, severe storms flooding phoenix. Look at these dramatic rescues what happen and is is it over . Indra petersons joins us next. L moved some new cars. Hauled a bunch of steel. Kept the supermarket shelves stocked. Made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. Whats up for the next shift . Ah, nothing much. Just keeping the lights on. laugh nice. Doing the big things that move an economy. See you tomorrow, mac. See you tomorrow, sam. Just another day at norfolk southern. Dust irritating your eye . singing visineĀ® gives your eyes relief in seconds. VisineĀ®. Get back to normal. Help keep teeth clean and breath fresh. With beneful healthy smile snacks. With soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,its dental that tastes so good. Beneful healthy smile food and snacks. Were trying our best annto be role models. Rmodels. We dont jump at the sound of the opening bell, because were trying to make the school bell. Corner booth beats Corner Office any day. We make the most out of our time. And our money. The chevrolet malibu. The highest ranked midsize car in initial quality. The car for the richest guys on earth. Flash floods forcing dramatic water rescues. Look at this. Whoo. Monsoon trapping people in their homes. This person is desperately trying to get rescuers or news choppers. This woman pulled from a van. Forcing authorities to close traffic on nearly two dozen roads including a major freeway. Indra petersons has a look at the forecast. Indra, when that much rain that quickly, especially in the desert it just rises . Yeah, theres nowhere for that water gotogo. You hear 5 1 2 inches in a few hours. Its not just 5 1 2 inches youre talking about, all that runoff climbs into the rivers. We saw those rivers go to major flooding stage, to over 20 feet of water. That was the concern. Just the typical monsoonal moisture there yesterday. Now, in addition to that, we have Tropical Storm lowell off the coastline expected to make its way offshore. All of that moisture can pull into the region so the combination of that monsoonal moisture and tropical moisture will enhance. Still looking fod scattered showers an inch or two of rain there. A few scattered showers with moisture pulling out of the gulf. Really what youre looking at is the jet stream farther to the north. All of that moisture combined with the heat spreading through the area. Youre talking temperatures well above that with humidity feeling like the century mark over the next several days. I heed your warning. Thank you so much. Lets tack a look at whats coming up on new day. Kate bolduan joins us. Gosh, kate, theres so much going on around the world. And none of it is good news. Were following the latest from ferguson. Chris is on the ground there. Will be there all morning long. One i guess we can call it Silver Lining as peaceful protests seems to reign last night. They did become briefly heated overnight but nothing like the nights weve seen before. Were going to look what the sparked the hostilities among all the talks yesterday. There has to be peace. Plus, attorney general eric holder is expected to arrive today. What will his visit accomplish . His spokesman is going to be joining us as well as the lawyers of the Michael Brown family. What they want to hear from the attorney general himself. And were going to be covering that truly horrific video released by isis that appears to show the beheading of an american. Now theyre threatening the life of another american. Were going to white house and see what effect this vicious attack awill have on the operations in iraq going forward. Christine. So sad. Our condolences to the family of jim foley. Were following breaking news out of ferguson like kate is where latenight protest over the deadly shooting of the unarmed Michael Brown remained mostly peaceful. But tense moments following the days of chaos. Plus, the war is back on in gaza. Hamas and israel launching new air strikes. Peace negotiations failed. Were live with whats happening right now after the break. Nervous whitening will damage your teeth . Introducing new listerineĀ® healthy whitetm. It not only safely whitens teeth, but also restores enamel. Lose the nerves, and get a healthier, whiter smile that youll love. ListerineĀ® healthy whitetm. Power to your mouthtm [ male announcer ] since we began, mercedesbenz has pioneered many breakthroughs. Breakthroughs in design. Breakthroughs in safety. In engineering. And technology. And now our latest creation breaks one more barrier. Presenting the cla. Starting at 29,900. Starting at 29,900. Dust irritating your eye . singing visineĀ® gives your eyes relief in seconds. VisineĀ®. Get back to normal. 58 seconds on the clock, what am i thinking about . Foreign markets. Asian debt that recognizes the shift in the global economy. You know, the kind that capitalizes on diversity across the credit spectrum and gets exposure to frontier and emerging markets. If you convert 4quarter p e of the s p 500, its yield is doing a lot better. If youve had to become your own investment expert, maybe its time for bny mellon, a different kind of wealth manager. And black swans are unpredictable. No justice, no peace no justice, no peace the sounds of mostly peaceful protests overnight. In ferguson, missouri. There were arrests and some tense moments but no violence last night. Attorney general eric holder heads to ferguson hell be there oversee the response to the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown shot to death by police. This as prosecutors begin presenting evidence to a grand jury. Stay with cnn all morning for the continuing breaking coverage of the unrest in ferguson. In gaza, hopes for a lasting ceasefire all but shattered. Israeli air strikes killing 14 people and wounding at least 100 more after hamas launched dozens of rockets at jerusalem and tel aviv, claiming that the israelis have opened, quote, a gateway to hell. Fullblown conflict, the peace has dissolved. Reporter absolutely, christine, it certainly gives the impression that hamas and other militant groups in gaza still have very much the capability to launch a lot of rocket towards israel, even after that weeks long conflict that theyve already been through. So far, the numbers that were getting from the Israeli Defense forces at least 50 rockets have been launched towards israeli territory. Surely those numbers must be outdated because were hearing rockets going on basically the whole time. 50 rockets have been launched, they say five of those very intercepted by the iron dome Missile Defense system. Some of them, however, seem to have impacted in urban areas. Were still trying to get reports as to how big the damage there is. So far the services here in gaza saying 14 people have been killed on the ground here. There was also apparently an assassination attempt on the head of the qassam brigade. His name is mohammed deif, his wife and daughter were killed in that incident. But were waiting to get more from the Israeli Defense forces. But right now, as you said it looks like fullblown conflict. And it doesnt look as though both sides seem to be willing and talk it out to come to an agreement. So it looks very, very bleak here. I can till many people on the ground here in gaza, very worried about the situation of what may happen the next few days. Fred pleitgen in gaza for us this morning. In northern california, doctors treatinging a potential ebola patient. Blood samples are being tested by the cdc. The patient who may have been exposed to the deadly ebola virus has been kept in isolation at South Sacramento medical center. Meanwhile researchers at the National Institutes of health, theyre pushing up human Clinical Trials to test a promising new ebola vaccine. Those trials will now begin in early september. This, as the death toll climbs in west africa, now topping 1200 people. More than 2200 suspected or confirmed cases since the outbreak began back in december. The president of liberia declaring a curfew, ordering security measures to quarantine 50,000 people to stop the virus from spreading. Other west africa nations closing their borders as the u. N. Calls for exit screenings of passengers trying to leave those countries. 54 minutes past the hour. Breaking new developments out of ferguson, missouri, ahead. 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Stocks approaching record highs. Futures down slightly right now. But the last couple of days it seems like nothing can stop the bull market from running. Nasdaq closing yesterday at a 14year high. The s p 500 just a few points away from its record. The dow back near 17,000, driven by strong corporate earnings and low interest rates. Your paycheck is shrinking. The last years, hourly wages have risen about 10 . But if you account for inflation, real wages have actually fallen slightly since 2009. And even this year with solid job growth, real wages havent risen at all in six months. The fed, janet yellen, as the overall economy improves. Thats it for here. New day starts now. Move back get back. Breaks news, a peaceful night almost. Latenight clashes lead to 40 arrests but no tear gas. No shots fired. Were live in ferguson after a night that counts as progress. On the ground, attorney general eric holder arriving in ferguson today. A grand jury also now set to take up the case. Will officer Darren Wilson be indicted . We have the very latest. Breaking new details. An american beheaded by isis. And now more american hostage lives are threatened. Your new day starts now. Announcer this is good morning. Welcome to new day. Its wednesday, august 20th. We have breaking news in ferguson. Tensions certainly remain, but the protests stayed largely peaceful here overnight, and that, as they say, you have to take progress, kate, where you find it, and last night there was progress. Its not ideal here. Its not normal, but it was better. An excellent point, chris. Were also today going to be examining whats going to be happening on ground in ferguson today, and new developments in the investigation. Were going to speak with people who have worked with attorney general eric holder as he heads to ferguson, but for now lets get more on the protests overnight, the progress being made. Chris is on the ground. Hey, chris. The investigation matters on the ground as well, kate, because this is a distraction to police and investigators who are trying to look into the facts of this situation so the more calm there is, the more focus there can be on

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