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Being interrupted. That was in boise, idaho, where the weekly Board Meeting for the Central District of health had to adjourn its Virtual Meeting after covid deniers showed up even at some members homes. Were going to take care of you. Can i interrupt you for a moment . My 12yearold son is home by himself right now and there are protesters banging outside the door. Im going to go home and make sure hes okay. I will reconnect in a few minutes. One day its over the election, the next its over the same part of the parasite of the same information. Theyre protesting in a state where more than half of covid tests came back positive yesterday. Icus there also stretched to the limit. The health board was going to vote on new measures to stem the rapid spread of covid19, something that is desperately needed nationwide. There are more than 2500 deaths reported. One of the worst days so far. A Record Number of Covid Patients in u. S. Hospitals, almost 105,000 americans fighting to survive. That number has tripled since just october. Even as anticipation grows for vaccines that are on the way, even this white house, the task force, is warning states that vaccines will not significantly reduce the spread of covid19 until late spring of next year. Pfizers vaccine may get emergency use authorization as soon as tomorrow. A top official at operation warp speed lays out what happens next. I am 100 confident that we will be able to implement this with our collaboration of the trifecta there, we will be successful and we will start to have shots in arms within 96 hours of the eua. Thats what i believe with all of my heart. In the meantime, events like this are not helping. Officials in columbus, ohio, temporarily shutting down this nightclub because up to 500 people jammed into a concert headlined by r b singer trey songs over the weekend. And in ozark, missouri, a Holiday Party shut down. One in six restaurants nationwide have already closed for good this year. Expect that number to grow as winter arrives and Outdoor Dining becomes less appealing in cooler states. That means a lot of jobs are about to disappear. Right around the holidays. Nine months into the pandemic, 42 of americans say their Household Income is below what it was before the outbreak. President elect biden laying out an extremely ambitious plan to combat a pandemic in the first 100 days in office. President elect biden acknowledging reality in that he wont immediately end the pandemic but he says we can change the course of the disease and return to normalcy in america. Start with my sign in order on day one to require masks where i can under law, like federal buildings, interstate travel on planes, trains, buses. Secondly, this team, this team will help get at the latest at the last 100 million covid19 vaccines, at least 100 million Covid Vaccine shots into the arms of the American People in the first 100 days. The third thing im going to ask in the 100 days, it should be a National Priority to get our kids back into school and keep them in school and to the American People, i know weve all had a lot of sleepless nights this year. All i can tell you is the truth, were in a very dark winter. Things may well get worse before they get better. It is a big day for the biden transition team. Two new cabinet picks are set to be revealed, and the president elect is set to introduce his choice for secretary of defense. But that nomination does face some resistance even within bidens own party. Cnns arlitt saenz is with the biden transition in wilmington, delaware. Laura and boris, president elect joe biden will formally introduce retired army general lloyd austin as his choice for defense secretary in wilmington later today. Austin, if he is confirmed, would be the first africanamerican to lead the pentagon in its history, but austins nomination could also face some hurdles in congress as some senators are raising concerns about the need to grant him a waiver to serve because of the fact that he only retired from the military four years ago. Now we are also learning that biden has made up his mind on two other key cabinet posts. The president elect is expected to nominate tom vilsack to lead the department of agriculture. That is a position that vilsack held for both terms during the obama administration. And vilsack has been a longtime friend and supporter of joe biden. And the president elect is also planning to nominate ohio congresswoman marsha fudge to lead the department of housing and urban development. She is the third known cabinet pick this week that is a person of color as biden is trying to diversify his cabinet. Now while those cabinet picks are on their way, biden has recently been focused on building out this health team, growing out the key members who will tackle the pandemic. President elect making it clear that tackling the pandemic is a top priority. Laura and boris . Arlitt, thank you for that. The u. S. Supreme court making clear whats been clear for a month now. Its a ruling that could spell the end of the president s bid to subvert the will of the voters and overturn the election, but republicans are still too intimidated to move on. Do you believe joe biden is the president elect . This has become a weekly ritual. The Electoral College is going to meet on the 14th and cast a vote and were going to have a swearing in of the next president on the 20th of janu y january. Why dont we concentrate on what we have to do the next two weeks. In a closed door leading on capitol hill, they tried to put the republicans on the record that said the inaugural committee was preparing for the inauguration of joe biden. Something simple. Republican leaders rejected it. The cochair of the Biden Inaugural Committee Said it will be 75 to 80 virtual. The house has passed a defense spending bill with a veto proof majority. The bill heads to the senate where bipartisan support is also expected. Now the president has threatened to veto the measure ready to sacrifice and withhold money from the troops to crack down on big tech on his way out the door. For the muchneeded Coronavirus Relief bill. Multiple reports say the white house and Republican Leaders are getting behind the plan to include 600 stimulus checks but those checks could come at the expense of Unemployment Benefits and that is simply a nonstarter. Cnns manu raju has more from capitol hill. Reporter good morning, boris and laura. Despite optimism that the bipartisan deal that a covid relief package has been stalled, a 900 billion outline came out, there is now pessimism again on capitol hill as leaders traded blame and barbs yesterday about the stalemate in the discussion and about a disagreement about how to move forward. Its raising questions about whether a deal can be reached as so Many Americans around the country need relief from washington and uncertain if its going to happen. The big sticking points are two issues on this docket. How to deal with liability issues open during the pandemic, something that Mitch Mcconnell has been pushing for and aid to state and local governments. What Mitch Mcconnell proposed is getting rid of the two sticking points and focusing on the issues that they can disagree. Jobless benefits and other issues that the two sides have more or less coalesced around. Democrats pushed back. Said they can still get a deal on those other issues. They say state and local money is so essential to help police, firefighters, teachers, others who could get laid off if that money does not come from washington. As a result, a Bipartisan Group of negotiators continued to meet, continued to discuss if they can find a way forward. Its still possible that a Bipartisan Group can reach a deal. What happens if republicans and Democratic Leaders cant reach a deal . All coming to a head here on capitol hill as they race to get out of the door from washington. Guys . Still ahead for you, the first shipment of the Pfizer Vaccine arrives in israel and the Prime Minister says hes first in line. For skin as alive as you are. Dont settle for silver gold bond champion your skin you can earn your degree faster and for less with relevant Life Experience and eligible transfer credits. Because your experience matters. See how much you can save on your degree at phoenix. Edu. 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Because doing right by our members, thats whats right. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa betsy quarter mile of tinsel. Of lights. Were made for. harold and real snow all the way from switzerland. betsy hmmhm. Gonna be tough to top. Well played. vo add some thrill to your wish list. At the season of audi sales event. Get exceptional offers now. Intronew advil dual action. The world of pain relief advil targets pain at the source. Acetaminophen blocks pain signals. New advil dual action with acetaminophen. Good moves. Or hydration. Neutrogena® hydro boost. The number 1 hyaluronic acid moisturizer instantly delivers 2 times the hydration. And keeps hydrating all day long. Running dry of supple, bouncy skin. Never hydro boost. Pair with new serum for 4 times the hydrating power. Neutrogena® we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. I remember setting up shipstation. One or two clicks and everything was up and running. I was printing out labels and saving money. 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He said the arrival of the vaccine was an important day and it showed there was a light at the end of the pandemic. He called it a holiday and said it was that significant. The country the size of israel is one of the first to get the Pfizer Vaccine. Reporter im matt rivers in mexico city. Vaccines are big news in the u. S. And here in mexico. 1 4 million doses of pfizers vaccine will arrive in mexico for distribution this month followed by 15 million more doses of that same vaccine by the end of april. The government says it will be Health Care Workers that will receive the first round of these vaccines followed by those who are ages 60 and higher. A bit of a reality check on the timing of all of this. The government hopes to vaccinate 75 of the population ages 16 and older by the First Quarter of 2022. Im kristie lu stout. A cruise ship has been turned around after a passenger has tested positive. A passenger tested positive after checking with a member of the ships medical team. The cruise then informed the singaporean officials and they were returned to port. Guests were not permitted to disembark until full Contact Tracing measures were carried out. The quantum of the seas was hosting a four day three night cruise for singaporeans around singapore. Thanks to all of our reporters for those updates. The mvp Lamar Jackson was back in action last night but another big covid scare for the ravens threw a wrench into tuesday night football. Your Bleacher Report is next. Intensely moisturizes over time to improve skins resilience. Aveeno® healthy. Its our nature™. You can count on me ill be home for christmas if only in my dreams dont settle for silver 1 for diabetic dry skin 1 for psoriasis symptom relief and 1 for eczema symptom relief gold bond champion your skin lelets get fast, accuratell range oresults. Ions. Introducing letsgetchecked Health Testing you do at home. Know your health. Know yourself. Order now at letsgetchecked dot com tonight. Ill be eating Cheesy Cauliflower Pizza with extra broccolini. My tuuuurrrrn tonight. Ill be eating Cheesy Cauliflower Pizza and yummy broccolini doorbell rings thanks. doorbell rings thank you. Is that my leotard . No. Yes. Ehh, you can keep it. The lack of control whenover my business kai, made me a little intense. But now quickbooks helps me get paid, manage cash flow, and run payroll. And now im back on top. With koala kai. Save over 30 hours a month with intuit quickbooks. See every yikes. And even every awwwwwwww. Wait, where was i . Introducing self protection from xfinity. Designed to put you in control. With realtime notifications and a week of uninterrupted recording. All powered by reliable, secure wifi from xfinity. Gotta respect his determination. Its easy and affordable to get started. Get self protection for 10 a month. The reining mvp Lamar Jackson returning for the ravens last night but one of his teammates pulled off the field right before the game due to voe individual. Andy scholes has this mornings Bleacher Report. Andy, dez bryant was not happy about it. He wasnt, boris. Hes really looking forward to this game. Played for the cowboys for a long time. New ravens wide receiver, he was out there ready to face his former team but 30 minutes prior to kickoff he was pulled off the field and he was tested for covid and they did that because there was a test earlier in the day had come back inconclusive and when they tested dez again it came back positive. Dez revealing that news on twitter. He tweeted a lot during this game including i tested positive for covid before the game, stop or go on. The nfl did Contact Tracing and felt it was okay for the game to go on. No other players tested positive on tuesday so the game did start like normal without dez bryant. Lamar jackson, one of the ravens who tested positive during the teams outbreak, he said after the game he had flulike symptoms and still cant taste or smell. The reining mvp looking great against the cowboys. Baltimore beat dallas 3417. The last place cowboys have lost six of their last seven games. For the first time in 102 years, ohio state and michigan wont be playing a football game. Wolverines canceling the rivalry due to a rise in positive tests in their program. The fourth ranked buckeyes chances to play in the title game are uncertain. The conference said you had to play six games in order to be eligible. Ohio state right now has only played five games. According to espn big ten athletic directors are meeting to consider relaxing the rule. I think its one of the things that was put into place early on. Decisions are made based on the information you have at the time and then things change and we know. The season goes on. It got changed to conference only. Got changed to no season. Got changed to a season. Theres been a lot of changes and i just think, you know, we have to take a hard look periodically at all of this stuff. This is one of those situations. And meantime the sec says its championship game in atlanta will have fans in the stands. More than 16,000 spectators are going to be on hand to watch top ranked alabama. Tickets already sold out. That game pretty much already a playoff game, especially for florida. If they win, they would get into the playoffs. It will be interesting to see what the Playoff Committee ends up doing at the end of the season, laura. You have a team like ohio state thats going to play a max of six games and other teams playing eight or nine games. It will be interesting. Have to see what happens there. Andy, appreciate it. Thank you. All right. Still ahead, the number of americans in the hospital with covid19 has tripled in two months, but new restrictions driving more and more retaliation against officials and their families who are trying to help. Listerine® cleans virtually 100 . Helping to prevent gum disease and bad breath. Never settle for 25 . Always go for 100. Bring out the bold™ laso you can enjoy it even ifst youre sensitive. Se. Yet some say it isnt real milk. I guess those cows must actually be big dogs. Sit i said sit ithe first full prescriptionis pstrength nonsteroidal antiinflammatory gel. Available over the counter. Voltaren is powerful arthritis pain relief in a gel. Voltaren. The joy of movement. Shh i took mucinex dm for mye phlegmy cough. What about robs dry cough . Works on that too, and lasts 12 hours. 12 hours . who studies that long . Mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs. Good morning. This is early start. Im Boris Sanchez in for christine romans. Im laura jarrett. 30 minutes past the hour here in new york. Lawmakers are still hashing out a deal for stimulus, but protesters arent taking to the streets in washington. No, instead demonstrators are showing up in places like boise, idaho, furious about covid restrictio restrictions. The Central District health board forced to adjourn its Virtual Meeting after covid deniers showed up even at some Board Members homes. Were going to take care of you. Can i interrupt you for a moment . My 12yearold son is home by himself right now and there are protesters banging outside the door. Im going to go home and make sure hes okay. I will reconnect in a few minutes. She was clearly shaken and you can understand why. One day its protests over the election. Next its over covid. All because of the same parasite of misinformation. The coronavirus deniers in idaho were protesting in a state where more than half of covid tests came back positive yesterday. Icus there also being stretched to the limit. A health board was going to vote on new measures to stem the rapid spread of covid, something that is desperately needed. Once again, a Record Number of Covid Patients in u. S. Hospitals. Almost 105,000 americans fighting to survive. That number is tripled since october. Nationwide there are more than 2500 deaths reported overnight. One of the worst days of the pandemic so far. And even as anticipation grows for the vaccines that are hopefully on the way, the White House Task force is warning states that vaccines will not significantly reduce the spread of covid19 until late spreng. Now pfizers vaccine may get emergency use authorization known as eua as early as tomorrow. We lay out what happens next. I am 100 confident that we will be able to implement this. That with our collaboration of the trifecta there we will be successful and we will start to have shots in arms within 96 hours of eua. Thats what i believe in all my heart. The pain of covid also being felt across the economy. The National Restaurant Association Says one in six restaurants nationwide have already closed for good this year. We can expect that number to grow as winter arrives and dining outside becomes less appealing in colder states. That means a lot of jobs are about to disappear right around the holidays. So president elect biden is laying out an extremely ambitious plan to combat the pandemic in the first 100 days in office. He wont immediately end the pandemic but we can do something about it. Well start where we can require masks under the law, like federal buildings, trains, planes, buses. This team will get at the last 100 million covid19 vaccine at least 100 million Covid Vaccine shots into the arms of the American People in the first 100 days. The third thing im going to ask in 100 days, it should be a National Priority to get our kids back into school and keep them in school and to the American People. I know weve all had a lot of sleepless nights this year. All i can tell you is the truth. Were in a very dark winter. Things may well get worse before they get better. It is a big day for the biden transition. Two new cabinet picks set to be revealed. Congresswoman marcia fudge as housing secretary and tom vilsack. The defense secretary nomination is facing push back. He retired four years ago. He will need a congressional waiver to be able to take that job. There are exactly six weeks until joe bidens inauguration. Time for three questions in three minutes. Lets bring in john avlon. Good morning, guys. Great to see you. So you just heard bidens priorities for his coronavirus plan. Fda Committee Says pfizers vaccine appears to meet the safety requirements so authorization basically could come any day now which puts biden at the front of the biggest vaccine ever in global history. What do you make of his plan, john . Do you think its enough . I think its smart to use 100 days as a benchmark. Hes basically going all in and saying, look, were going to do three big things from day one to day 100 at least. Hes not over promising. You want to under promise, over deliver. Thats what hes setting himself up. Huge logistic call problems. The tone of his approach could not be more different from this administration. Yeah. Just really taking seriously the threat of coronavirus is a stark contrast in itself. Theres a lot to keep track of. Multiple reports saying the white house is getting behind a plan that would include a 600 stimulus check but that could come at the expense of Unemployment Benefits. That is a nonstarter. Were going to follow that as the week goes on. I want to ask you about this defense bill. The house voting overwhelmingly to pass it. Its not a controversial bill. Its been passed every year for more than half a century. It passed despite the veto threat from the president. He wants to attach a crackdown on big tech, section 230, something totally unrelated to defense spending. Is this a sign that the house passed this with a veto proof majority that trumps powers waning in the eyes of some republicans on capitol hill. There might be a crack of daylight between the House Republicans and President Trump for the first time in a long time. The places where republicans have stood up to trump in the past, even a little bit, have to do with the military. Thats one of the reasons why this attempt by the president to use his leverage to slap on section 230 under the National Defense authorization act makes so little sense. Hell almost certainly get overturned if he tries to put a veto on it. He is sticking to his guns here. Expect a fight going forward, but its just one of many areas. As you said, the real deal in some respects isnt just this, but its the covid relief and the difference between democrats, republicans. Its not going to be at the expense of others. Its interesting. This is where the dop gop drew line in the sand. News max is considered more of a fringe outlet for a long time. Some people at home may not have heard it but it beat fox in the key ratings demographic for the first time. It was only for an hour. The margin was narrow. This isnt just a media story. This is how people consume information, what they want, why they want it. Is this a realignment of how conservatives get their information in your view or does the dust just settle when Trump Leaves Office . Laura, i think youre seeing a couple of broader dynamics. You also see a place in politics as well, not just a media story as you say. One, the continued fragmentation means theres always room to the right in terms of fox, news max and oem. Theres a danger the Republican Party is confronting in politics. We have a situation where they pay obsessive attention because there are so few competitive general elections. People are terrified of letting anyone get to their right. Thats whats happening with news max and fox. Its the same dynamic. It artificially polarizes our country. You think can play footsie with these folks and keep a straight news division. Apparently not, fox. Thats the dangerous game youre playing. Well see how it all plays out with President Biden in office. This is a sign of the larger sickness in our country, hyper partisanship. This is dividing us unnecessarily. Its amazing. As differential as fox has been to the president , apparently it wasnt enough. No such thing as enough. Sharp analysis. John avlon, thank. Be good. There is a good reason that president elect biden is prioritizing schools and teachers in the vaccine rollout. Remote learning has been a big struggle for stew accidents and put unprecedented stress on parents. One of the poorest parts of new jersey. The youngest kids at an all Virtual Charter School were simply not logging on for class. Many of them have parents that are essential workers and are unable to get them online during the day so the school tried something new. Night school for kindergarteners. Cnns bianna has more. Its been hard doing this at home. Reporter rachel hodge, every day is a juggling act. Trying to make ends meet and going to school to further my education. In addition to raising two daughters, she works full time as a housekeeper in a hospital and is studying online to be a social worker so when both of her daughters schools in newark, new jersey, said they would continue fully virtual instruction, hodge knew something had to give. I didnt know how i was going to do this. 5yearold vanessa was set to start. The only available child care came in the form of a day care center. Logging into class was not an option. At the end of the day education is what matters. I was upset for myself that i had to sacrifice her education so i could be able to work. Reporter vanessa missed School Almost every day and she wasnt alone. We had a few scholars that were absent majority of september and almost all of october. Reporter Meredith Egger is a teacher at the Charter School system. She has yet to meet her students in person. Vanessa, can you come off mute and tell us our zoom classroom rules . Reporter at the start of the school she hadnt met many online either. They needed something to help those kids that were ab cents. Youve got it. Reporter so she launched a kindergarten night school. A separate class from 6 to 8 p. M. In addition to teaching kindergarten during regular school day hours. So good evening. Reporter for those stutes dents or scholars as theyre called at kip who couldnt be online during the day. 11 have signed up so far including vanessa. Vanessa, can you tell us who you wrote hello to . Even if the hours arent normal i see youre in the car so dont worry about it. Reporter the instruction is. Does anyone remember . Vanessa, what is it . Reporter its made a huge difference for families like hodges. It alleviated a lot of the stress and anxiety and also my worries of is she getting the adequate quality education that a kindergartner should be able to get. Reporter with crucial life skills beyond academic. Its how theyre learning how to go to school. How to make friends. Reporter they show a quality kindergarten education can have a big impact on College Attendance and earnings later in life which is why declines in education are alarming. And forcing schools to think outside the box to get kids online for class. Nine, ten weeks in, how is this experiment going so far . I think its going great. When they started evening learning program they have not missed one day. Its been an adjustment for them to do their schooling when they would get ready for bed. Getting close to bedtime. I want to keep them moving. Reporter there are silver linings. I see a lot more parents sitting with their scholars at night because theyre home. It works out really well. Shes independent. All i have to do is log on the computer. Reporter while hodge is anxious for schools to reopen, shes thankful that thanks to creative, unconventional thinking her little scholar can attend kindergarten. Im fine doing it on the computer because i get to stay home. Im learning a lot more in kindergarten. Cnn, new york. Thank you. That was a great story. Well be right back. Listerine® cleans virtually 100 . Helping to prevent gum disease and bad breath. Never settle for 25 . Always go for 100. Bring out the bold™ to stir that fire, university of phoenix is awarding up to one Million Dollars in scholarships through this month. See what scholarship you qualify for at phoenix. Edu. Laso you can enjoy it even ifst youre sensitive. Se. See what scholarship you qualify for yet some say it isnt real milk. I guess those cows must actually be big dogs. Sit i said sit with 25 to 50 off everything find hundreds of meaningful gifts at great prices. Buy online with a virtual consultant. And pick up in store. Only at kay. For members like martin. An air force veteran made of doing whats right, not whats easy. So when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. Thats how you do it right. Usaa insurance is made just the way martins family needs it with hasslefree claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. Because doing right by our members, thats whats right. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa betsy quarter mile of tinsel. Of lights. Were made for. harold and real snow all the way from switzerland. betsy hmmhm. Gonna be tough to top. Well played. vo add some thrill to your wish list. At the season of audi sales event. Get exceptional offers now. But you can work out anything wowith comcast business. W. Get fast, reliable, and secure internet on the nations largest gig speed network. Flexible tools like wifi you control. Voice solutions that connect you from anywhere. And expert advice here, here, or even here. Be fast. Be flexible. Bounce forward with comcast business. Get started with a powerful internet and voice solution for just 64. 90 a month. Plus, for a limited time, ask how to get a 500 prepaid card when you upgrade. Switch today. A patch work of the coronavirus restrictions has one state putting religious Services Online while another state considers them essential. Cnn has the pandemic covered from coast to coast. Im jean casarez in new york. The Pennsylvania Department of health is announcing that on tuesday they confirmed approximately 10,000 new cases of covid19. Governor tom wolf is urging residents of pennsylvania to just stay home during the holidays and he has strongly asking religious leaders to hold Virtual Services and their congregants to avoid gatherings. To stay safe this year we need to stay home. Im lucy from greely, colorado. The state has now updated the covid19 rules to have weddings and funerals as essential. You must wear masks, practice social distancing and Outdoor Activities are strongly preferred. Im alexandra field in worcester, massachusetts. Governor Charlie Baker said since the thanksgiving holiday there are too many cases and they are causing too much serious illness. At this rate the Hospital System wont be able to bear it along with plans to stand up two field hospitals one behind the already operational. New restrictions need to go into effect. Starting on sunday youll see new limits on capacity across a number of industries. Youll see new limits on outdoor gatherings and youll even see the temporary closure of some businesses, including some indoor performance venues. Im amber walker in atlanta. A modified stayathome order is about to go into effect in north carolina. Roy cooper says all businesses must close up shop by 10 p. M. And residents must stay at home from 10 p. M. Until 5 in the morning. Now the governor said the goal is to limit gatherings, especially during the holidays. This announcement comes as the state has been the highest number of hospitalizations since the start of the pandemic. It has surpassed 67,0,000 new covid19 cases over the week. Jumping over seas now. Theres a growing concern in china over imported cases of coronavirus. Officials claiming recent outbreaks can be traced to imported frozen foods. Some in china now even question the idea that wuhan was the true origin of the global pandemic. Cnns david culver is live in beijing. David, whats going on here . Laura, it might sound insignificant when you think about the cluster outbreaks. Seven new cases. Doesnt even compare to the u. S. What we have to look at is this narrative getting more and more attention, this idea that perhaps the cluster outbreaks in china are linked to imported frozen foods and the packaging that they come in with. However, we know that the who and the u. S. Cdc has said there is no evidence that covid19 can be transmitted from frozen food or the packaging to humans. Nonetheless, state media are going with this narrative and theyre pushing it pretty hard. They believe this is one possibility and they suggested this is how the virus got into wuhan. Its led to major changes. Weve seen what theyve done firsthand. The folks who are working there head to toe ppe. Many have to go through extreme sanitati sanitation. Then theyre testing the frozen food. The salmon, shrimp, anything we see there they deem are potentially carrying the virus theyre running covid tests to see if its on there. Going forward, have you to look at the timing. W. H. O. Has a field team. Theyre tracing the origins of the virus, laura. It will be interesting to see if this narrative influences or plays in their final findings of what they deem to be the origin of covid19. Fascinating, david. Thank you so much for your reporting as usual. Turning to europe now. Germany suffering its deadliest day of the pandemic so far. Chancellor Angela Merkel speaking just moments ago about what comes next for her country. Cnns Frederick Pleitgen joins us live from berlin. Fred fred, merkel not being coy. She said they would not make it through the winter without tougher covid restrictions. Reporter thats exactly what she said. They had 590 people die of covid19 on tuesday. Those numbers are from the German Centers for disease control. We found those earlier this morning. Would he have to put that into perspective. Thats about 2,300 people in the u. S. Dieing in a single day. Extremely high death toll for germany. You look at the numbers, the big problem Angela Merkel has now is in germany the numbers are going in the wrong direction. The country has a fairly light lockdown. Today 20,000 new coronavirus infections, thats about 3500 more than the exact same day last week. Essentially what Angela Merkel said earlier today in the speech, we need tougher measures here in this country, especially in the run up and then also after christmas as well. Shes for closing shops and holidays need to be extended so people have less contact with each other. Germany was a role model for the pandemic for a long while. Now things are going in the wrong direction. Fred pleitgen in berlin, thank you so much. Any way you look at it, 2020 has been a rough year and it isnt over yet. How do people make sense of it . Google has some answers. How many ballots are left . How many provisional. Election results was one of the biggest trending searches. Also coronavirus and zoom. As all of us look for ways to stay connected. Chadwick boseman a very popular search after he died of cancer as was kobe bryant when he and his daughter were killed in the chopper crash. A lot of other timely stuff made the list, stimulus checks, sourdough bread, play station 5 and along with questions like why is the nba postponed and why is toilet paper sold out. I for one were just constantly searching, why is clorox sold out everywhere . Any time i had a tickle in my throat or felt even slightly off i would google covid symptoms. So concerned. Still im so concerned i had it or im going to get it. I did a lot of googling about joe exotic, all of the characters in that saga fascinated me. You have taken me back. I forgot how that overtook us all for several weeks. Thank you so much for joining us today. Thank you for having me, laura. Im Boris Sanchez. Im laura jarrett. New day is next. If you have risk factors like heart disease, diabetes and raised triglycerides,. Vascepa can give you something to celebrate. Vascepa, when added to your statin,. Is clinically proven to provide 25 lower risk from heart attack and stroke. Vascepa is clearly different. 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More americans in the hospital with covid now than ever. Weve got to do the kind of things we know how to do to flatten the curve, because vaccines wont provide relief immediately

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