Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And L

Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Laura Jarrett 20200113

warren. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world this morning. >> 4:00 a.m. in new york, 21 days until the iowa caucuses. >> top national security officials tying themselves in knots to explain the intel behind the killing of the top iranian general. the white house originally said qassem soleimani posed an imminent threat and then the president said he was targeting one u.s. embassy, then several, then the president went even further. >> large scale attacks planned for other embassies. and if those were planned, why can't be reveal that to the american people? wouldn't that help your case? >> i can reveal i believe it would have been four embassies and i think that probably baghdad already started. >> so the president says four embassies there. defense secretary mark esper says he didn't see the evidence for that, but he still backs the president's claim. >> he didn't cite a specific piece of evidence but what he said -- >> are you saying there wasn't one? >> i didn't see one with regard to the four embassies. what the president said with regard to the four embassies is what i believe as well. he said he believed they probably could have been targeting the embassies in the region. >> the president's national security advisor offering this explanation for why the administration won't release the intel to back up its claim. >> that same intelligence, those same streams and channels are what allow us to protect americans going forward. rather than have a short-term political win, release the intelligence and say i told you so. we're going to be sucircumspect and his interpretation is very consistent with the intelligence that shows soleimani was planning to kill americans. >> his interpretation consistent with that. defense secretary mark esper says eight top congressional leaders were briefed but house intel chairman chief one of the gang of eight says he doesn't recall any intelligence specifically on the baghdad compound. a stunning scene there on the streets of tehran. protesters chanting death to the supreme leader. iranians demanding the ayatollah be held accountable for his downing of a ukrainian airliner. anger growing after iran admitted it shot down the jet last week killing all 176 people. iran calls it an accident and says it was caused in part by heightened tensions. it took tehran three days to admit what ukrainian investigators say they knew just three hours after arriving at the crash site, that that missile brought down the jet. >> many of the victims were canadian. one man lost his sister, brother-in-law and 1-year-old niece. that little girl was the youngest victim of that plane tragedy. he speaks to broader frustrations with leadership in iran. >> she was an angel. like how can you do that? >> they say it was an accident. >> it was not an accident. >> what does justice look like for you and your family? >> we say eye for an eye. i know there's not a possible way. what are they going to do? give us money, give us piece of land, put a street under their name? i don't care. i can care less. i want them back. if i can get them back, they have to leave, they have to go. >> president trump went to twitter and the posts were retweeted in farcy. nick, that man in canada paula talked to, you know, his pain and his anger were just palpable there. that's what we're seeing on the streets. >> reporter: oh, 100% it is people angry because they see their leadership doesn't respect them. it covered up the fact for several days and had the opportunity to not allow civil aviation to fly that night and so they're seen in effect counted less as the overseas adventures of the regime. these protests are spreading. they're also becoming more violent. we're seeing situations where clearly the iranian authority is absolutely ignoring perhaps no surprise president trump's tweet. you can hear gunshots on some of the video. one of them you see what appears to be a woman bleeding. you can hear a voice saying words to the effect of she's continuing to bleed. so there are confrontations. going back to what we were seeing several weeks ago, that is iranians out on the streets protesting about price hikes by the government. that being the government does not care about its people as much as it does about its overseas policies. it's coming back to the streets. people calling for the death of the supreme leader ayatollah homeni and this is turn around on the treats. hundreds of thousands taking to the streets. pro-government, pro-qassem soleimani a few days ago and now back to the streets and turning bloody and violent again. people angry their leadership cares nil about them. >> we should make a quick point. people have the right to go out and protest their government in iran the way they do in democracies. >> iran locks up a massive number of people that protest against the government, and no, there's no legitimate right for people to come out and effectively expect to be able to walk away from a protest at the end of the day. the british ambassador to iran was arrested on the edge of a protest and taken into the iranian foreign minister for a dressing down over the weekend, accused of joining in the protests. if a british ambassador is going to get rounded up and arrested for just being there we can imagine what it means for iranians. >> it shows you the personal risk all those people are taking. nick, thank you so much for that. well, house speaker nancy pelosi says she has no regrets about her decision to with hold those articles of impeachment against president trump. critics say the move has weakened democrats' case that president trump poses an immediate national threat to national security, but pelosi wanted the sen toot lay out the specifics for it trial process and commit to calling witnesses. that did not happen. >> but pelosi argues it put pressure on moderate republicans and calling out majority leader mcconnell for a resolution to dismiss the articles. >> dismissing is a cover-up. if they want to go that route again the senators who are thinking now about voting for witnesses or not, they will have to be accountable for not having a fair trial. >> pelosi's expected to name impeachment managers this week after consulting with house democrats tomorrow. she'll send the articles over to the senate soon after. the stage is set. six 2020 democratic presidential hopefuls will fight it out on this stage in iowa tomorrow night. senator bernie sanders edging out his rivals in a new iowa poll as he pounces on joe biden's vote on the iraq war and a growing rift between the progressive leaders. cnn's jeff zeleny for us in des moines. >> reporter: the democratic presidential candidates descending on iowa for a final day of campaigning before that debate on tuesday. that is the final debate before the voting finally begins in the 2020 presidential primary. so much has changed in terms of the conversation. foreign policy of course now front and center in this debate. look for bernie sanders and joe biden to continue really their sharp disagreements about their view of the world. also something happened over the weekend we have not yet seen before, a fight between bernie sanders and elizabeth warren. it is about the sanders campaign, and some of the language that they're using politico reported the sanders campaign was essentially trying to take back some warren voters by saying, look, she can't win. so it was used as a script volunteers were going out to talk to voters about. >> i was disappointed to hear that bernie is sending his volunteers out to trash me. i hope bernie reconsiders and turns his campaign in a different direction. >> we have hundreds of employees. elizabeth warren has hundreds of employees and people sometimes say things that they shouldn't. you have heard me give many speeches. have i ever said one negative word about elizabeth warren? >> the warren campaign trying to raise money off this saying, look, bernie sanders is trying to call them out in an unfair way. all of this means one thing. the campaign is getting tighter. our new cnn des moines register poll shows a tight race with all those top at the top all within the margin of error. later this week some candidates will go back to washington for the impeachment trial. not pete buttigieg and joe biden. they can campaign for the rest of the month. >> jeff zeleny, thanks so much for that report. and it's the last debate before the top vote. in partnership with the des moines register tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. only on cnn. america's busiest banks. expect record earnings from some of the biggest players. all report their fourth quarter results this week. in 2018 it was the best year ever. the largest banks made more than 1$120 $120 billion, a record high. last year 2019 might have been even better. lower interest rates have been a recent challenge for banks because you know they eat into lending profits, but lower rates also encourage more customers to borrow money like taking out a mortgage. job growth, meanwhile, has been steady and consumer spending is strong. all those factors could mean another record year for banks. president trump is scheduled to sign the phase one deal on wednesday along with china's vice premier. prince harry will face his family today for the first time since he and his wife said they want to step back from their royal duties. a summit with big implications and cnn is live in london. the top members of britain's royal family set to meet today. they'll discuss the future of the duke and duchess of sussex also known as harry and meghan. the couple announced last week they plan to step back from their role as senior members of the royal family. the latest for us. >> reporter: today we do have the summits where we hope to find some sort of break through or agreement between the royals. it'll be the first time the sitting royals have met since this bombshell announcement last wednesday. it's been very quiet since then. a range of proposals will be discussed. all of their officials have been talking behind closed doors trying to reach some sort agreement and those proposals will be looked through today. we expect titles, funding, taxes if harry and meghan choose to live between the you can and canada, all sorts of different options are likely to be given out. any one of these options could take a long time to implement. we could see some phasing agreement where they still have money from prince charles, 100% from the first year, maybe it gets phased out. honestly it's fascinating to see whether there will be agreement. we're also getting lots of news in the newspapers about the family rift. the sunday times reporting that prince william said to a friend i put my arm around my brother all our lives and i can't do that anymore. we are separate entities. and this is what's playing so big in the newspapers. not just the hort trading but the family rift as well. i guess there's going to be some family bonding in these crucial hours. >> meghan won't be there. she's in canada with her son. >> she flew back to canada shortly after that shocking announcement. she is expected to be dialing into the meeting. >> all right, on conference call. thank you so much for that. authorities in the philippines urging a total evacuation of nearly half a million people near the capital of manila after the volcano aspewed ash 9 miles into the year. more than 16,000 people have been ordered to leave their homes. ash from the volcano mixing with rain that created a thick black smudge. seismologists raising the alert level to 4, which means an explosive reaction could happen any time. it's considered among the world's most dangerous because so many people live nearby. and a deadly series of tornados tears through the south, the same weekend record highs made the northeast feel more like spring. our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free. all right, some wild dangerous weekend weather across the eastern half of the country. about three dozen record highs set. boston where it was 74 degrees. at least 9 people died as severe storms and tornados ravished part of the midwest and the south. >> at one point nearly 350,000 customers were without power in ten states. in texas a firefighter and police officer were killed while working a crash. the icy roadways were blamed. today more rain for the southeast on top of the storms over the weekend could lead to some flash flooding. all right, the nfl conference championship games are set. the green bay packers advance. held up a late surge by the seattle seahawks. aaron rogers throwing two touch downs and a game for the ages in kansas city. the chiefs fell behind the houston texans 24-0. looked bleak. what did they do, they ask for the texans 51-7 for the rest of the way. five touch down passes to patrick mahomes. five touch down passes. the chiefs are the first team in nfl history to win a playoff game by at least 20 after trailing by at least 20. it was a remarkable game and patrick mahomes. the packers head to san francisco to face the nfc's top seed the 49ers. the nominees for the 92nd academy awards will be announced in just a few hours. >> so you charge with a gun. >> netflix is getting for best picture it has at least two contenders with the irishman and the divorce drama, marriage story. the film widely expected to get the most nominations is quinten tarantino's once upon a time the cowboy. and the oscars will be handed out on february 9th. >> i haven't seen those movies yet. i do want to see 1917, though. >> everyone says it's terrific but i still need to see it, too. the white house struggling to explain what led up to the decision to kill the ayatollah's right hand man. but the sentiment in iran is less anti-american and more anti-regime. remarkable what's happening in the streets there. cnn live in the middle east. - do you have a box of video tapes, film reels, or photos, that are degrading? legacybox professionally converts them to dvds, thumb drive, or the cloud. legacybox is simple and safe, with over half a million satisfied customers. visit today, and get 40% off. > death to the supreme leader. new demands for a change in iran after tehran admits to shooting down a commercial jet. >> dismissing is a cover-up. >> how does the speaker defend holding those articles for weeks? and bernie sanders leaving no stone unturned. he's going right after joe biden and defending his campaign after surrogates targeted elizabeth warren. welcome back to "early start." i'm laura jarrett. >> good morning, i'm christine romans. 31 minutes past the hour here in new york. we begin with top security officials tying themselves in knots to explain the intel behind the killing of a top iranian general. the white house originally said qassem soleimani posed an imminent threat and the president said he was targeting one u.s. embassy. then he said several and then the president went even further. >> large scale attacks planned for other embassies, and if those were planned why can't we reveal that to the american people? wouldn't that help your case? >> i can reveal i believe it would have been four embassies, and i think that probably baghdad already started. >> so the president says four embassies. defense secretary mark esper says he didn't see the evidence for that but he still backs the president's claim. >> he didn't cite a specific piece of evidence. what he says is he probably -- >> are you saying there wasn't one? >> i didn't see one with regard to four embassies. what the president said with regard to the four embassies is what i believe as well. he said he believed that they probably, that they could have been targeting the embassies in the region. i believe that as well. >> the president's national security advisor offering up this explanation for why the administration won't release the intel to back up its claim. >> that same intelligence -- those same streams and channels are what allow us to protect americans going forward. rather than have a short-term political win, release the intelligence and say i told you so, we want to keep the american people safe going forward. so we're going to be circumspect, but his interpretation is very consistent with the intelligence that shows soleimani was plotting to kill americans. >> defense secretary esper says the top congressional leaders were briefed at least on inintel relating to a possible attack on the baghdad embassy. but house intel chairman adam schiff one of the gang of eight says she doesn't recall any intelligence specifically on the u.s. embassy in baghdad. a remarkable scene on the streets of tehran. protesters chanting death to the supreme leader. iranians demanding the ayatollah be held accountable for the downing of a ukrainian airliner. anger growing after iran admitted it shot down the jet last week killing 176 people. iran calls it an accident and says it was caused in part by heightened tensions just hours after iran fired missiles towards bases in iraq that housed u.s. troops. it took tehran three days to admit what ukrainian investigators say they knew just hours after arriving at the crash site, that a missile brought down that jet. >> many of the victims were canadian. one man lost his sister, brother-in-law and 1-year-old niece. she was the youngest victim. he speaks to broader frustrations with leadership in iran. >> she was an angel. like how can you do that? >> they say it was an accident. >> it was not an accident. >> what does justice look like for you and your family? >> we say eye for an eye. i know there's not a possible way. what are they going to do? give us money, give us piece of land, put a street under their name. i don't care. i can care less. i want them back. if i can't get them back, they have to leave, they have to go. >> president trump went to twitter to warn iran's leaders several times not to injure or kill the protesters. the posts were then retweeted in farcy. cnn's nick robertson is following the story in abu dhabi for us. we're seeing reports protesters stepping iran u.s. and israeli flags, not trampingling on them. >> reporter: these were participated by the regime designed so people would walk over them and show disrespect and the protesters showing their disrespect for their current leaders by avoiding walking on those flags. hugely symbolic. president trump has talked about the iranians should not increase the violence and kill and injure their people. this story of last night's protest points to the opposite happening, that the protests are spreading, the violence is increasing. we've seen images of a woman being shot, and another voice is heard saying so what we're seeing is a spread of the protests, the protests becoming more violent in places, confrontations because the police are trying to stop the protests happening. the protesters are calling for the death of homeni, and qassem soleimani. and the images stunning considering people were on the streets and there are hundreds and thousands apparently supporting the government, the regime and qassem soleimani. several weeks ago people were out on the streets protesting against the government, against price hikes on oil and other goods. now they're back out again protesting the government for essentially the same reason, for not caring about them, not taking enough interest in them. and why quite simply it is well understood in iran that the leadership could have decided not to fly civilian aircraft on the night they were attacking u.s. bases and could have saved all those lives. >> it's just a remarkable turnabout, nick, as you say after just days of protesting the death of soleimani. to impeachment now. house speaker nancy pelosi says she has no regrets about her decision to with hold articles of impeachment against president trump. critics say the move weakens democrats' case president trump poses an immediate threat to national security. pelosi wanted the senate to lay out specifics for the trial process and commit to calling witnesses. that did not happen. >> but pelosi argues the delay put pressure on moderate republicans. she's also calling out senate majority leader mitch mcconnell for supporting a resolution to dismiss the articles. >> dismissing is a cover-up. dismissing is a cover-up. if they want to go that route, again, the senators who are thinking now about voting for witnesses or not, they will have to be accountable for not having a fair trial. >> pelosi expected to name impeachment managers this week after consulting with house democrats tomorrow. she'll send the articles over to the senate soon after. all right, the stage is set literally. six 2020 democratic presidential hopefuls will fight it out on this stage in iowa tomorrow night in the final debate before voting begins three weeks from today. senator bernie sanders edging out his rivals in a new iowa poll as he slams joe biden's iraq war vote and attacks elizabeth warren as a candidate for the elite and our jeff zeleny is there in des moines. >> reporter: the presidential candidates zepding on iowa before the final debate before the voting finally begins thin 2020 presidential primary. so much has changed in terms of the conversation. foreign policy, of course, now front and center in this debate. look for bernie sanders and joe biden to continue their really sharp disagreements about their view of the world. also something happened over the weekend we have not yet seen before. a fight between bernie sanders and elizabeth warren. it is about the sanders campaign and some of the language they're using plit cereported the sanders campaign was essentially trying to take back some warren voters saying she can't win. so it was used as a script volunteers were going out to talk to voters about. >> i was disappointed to hear that bernie is sending his volunteers out to trash me. i hope bernie reconsiders and turns his campaign in a different direction. >> we have hundreds of employees. elizabeth warren has hundreds of employees and people sometimes say things they shouldn't. you have heard me give many speeches. have i ever said one negative word about elizabeth warren? >> reporter: the warren campaign trying to raise money off this. all of this means one thing, the campaign st. getting tighter. our new cnn des moines register poll shows a close race with them all within the margin of error. of course later this week some candidates will go back to washington for impeachment trial. nt pete buttigieg and joe biden. they can campaign for the rest of the month. >> jeff zeleny in iowa, thanks so much. and today the attorney general and the deputy director of the fbi expected to announce last month's mass shooting at the pensacola naval air station was an act of terrorists. the two officials will release the findings into the investigation of the shooting that killed three service members. the attack was carried out by a saudi second lieutenant taking part in the u.s. fighter jet training program. more than a dozen saudi service members are being excelled from the u.s. after a review. they're not accused of aiding the gunman, but some are said to have connections to extremist movements. david calhoun may have the hardest job in corporate america. he has to fix boeing. calhoun steps into the ceo job today, and he has got a lot of work. his first task getting the 737 max back in the air. the planes grounded since march since two crashes killed 346 people. he also must rebuild boeing's reputation for safety and quality. steve mnuchin warned the 737 crisis could have a bigger impact. >> there's no question that the boeing -- the boeing situation is going to slow down the gdp numbers. boeing is one of the largest exporters. and with the 737 max, i think that could impact gdp as much as 50 basis points this year. >> all right, boeing had continued to build the max for the last year even without being able to deliver it. it's preparing to temporary halt production of the model in the middle of this month. boeing's biggest supplier spirit air systems announced friday it's laying off 2,800 workers because of production suspension. boeing hasn't said how long that halt will last. by the time it's all said and done there are folks who watch this who say you could have 10,000 jobs lost relate today the boeing situation. a cnn exclusive you cannot miss. cnn's arwa damon is the first journalist to tour the u.s. base that came under attack by iran last week. cnn's exclusive look what it was like to be on the receiving end of those attacks. sometimes your small screen is your big screen. and with the xfinity stream app, which is free with your service, you can take a spin through on demand shows, or stream live tv. download your dvr'd shows and movies on the fly. even record from right where you are. whether you're travelling around the country or around the house, keep what you watch with you. download the xfinity stream app and watch all the shows you love. and now to a cnn exclusive. this terrifying response at the al assad air base when iran attacked last wednesday. ten missiles hit the base and one impacted the iraqi section. the areas hit would have been populated if it weren't for the advance warning that led soldiers into bunkers. we want to warn you some of the language here is intense. cnn's arwa damon has more. >> holy [ bleep ]. oh, [ bleep ]. >> american forces are not used to being on the receiving end of this kind of firepower. >> another one, another one. >> they are usually the ones delivering it. >> it had been something we were ready for, ready as can be. >> ready for some sort of ground attack by iran's proxies, ready for mortars and rockets. but this base is not equipped to defend against ballistic missiles. on any another night some of the 2,500 troops and contractors would have been in the areas hit. >> at that point we were really scrambling on how to protect against that, and so it really came down to dispersion, you know, putting space between people and also getting them into hardened bunkers just to provide that protection. >> reporter: at 11:00 p.m. those who could started to hunker down in bunkers built by their former enemy. this is saddam hussein era bunker. >> it is. so we felt it would be somewhat safe in here because it was designed to take, you know, some kind of hit or it was built for, you know, ballistic missiles. >> reporter: at 1:34 a.m. the first ballistic missiles hit. >> every time the missiles would hit the doors would kind of sink in. >> reporter: dozens of troops were still out in the open holding their position tuesday protect the base. there was still the threat of incoming rockets. >> going across the gravel looked out to the eastern sky and i see this orange streak, so started sprinting going in giving everybody a kind of warning and it hit so, yeah. >> reporter: flames swallowed up the drone team living quarters. some 30 something troops would have been sleeping here had they not been ready. some missiles came rushing down looking for anyone who may have been injured, checking on the defenses. young soldiers on their first tour fought the instinct to flee and stayed manning the guard towers. >> it was definitely scary at first, but we both knew we had a job to do manning the tower, keeping eye front, so we had to do that more than anything, focused on that. not trying to focus on everything behind us. >> reporter: when one strike hit too close, they vaulted into the back of a truck and held their position there. it was a night unlike any he'd experienced, hunkered down for about two hours, unable to fight back. some crammed into bunkers that weren't built to withstand missiles like these. these kind of small bunkers exist throughout the base but they're meant to protect against rockets and mortars. the ballistic missiles that were fired are about 3,000 times more powerful than that. the blast from this one knocked over a 4 ton t-wall but if that hadn't have happened those two sheltering here probably would not have survived. come daybreak it was eclipsed by the giant shock no one was. what are those reunions like when you see someone you're close to and you realize you're both okay? >> it's a warm feeling deep in the heart that all your friends, your family here is okay. >> it felt like forever since i'd seen my guys and there was a lot of hugging and tears and just a great feeling knowing that all your people are okay. >> and this is what you're used to -- >> yeah, this is my room. a little bit open floor plan now but bunk was right in the corner right there, and this was my neighbor up here. everything's obviously gone. just happy no one was inside, you know? >> it's kind of freaky looking at it like this, isn't it? >> yeah. it's surreal. i'm not bothered looking at it. it's just, you know, a reminder. threats still exist. >> you know, we have each other. we had each other that night and it's a brother hood that will never break because of it. >> does it change your perspective on life? >> it does. it does. it could be over, you know, in an instant. it really does. and it really makes me value -- value mostly my team. >> reporter: the base is still on high alert. the dining facility is open but people eat elsewhere to avoid a large crowd gathering. the military says they are ready for what may come next. iran's proxies on the ground continue to vow revenge. even for those who have seen war before, this was unlike any other battlefield experience. the overwhelming feeling of helplessness that comes with being under ballistic missile attack, to be at the mercy of the enemy, one that could strike again even if it's not like this. arwa damon, cnn, al assad air base, iraq. >> fantastic work by arwa. and just to hear it from them what it was like -- >> and the fact she's in the same bunkers used by saddam hussein is just incredible. arwa, thank you so much for all of that reporting. look like a big night at the golden globes helped one movie leapfrog star wars at the box office. when we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the 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Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Laura Jarrett 20200113 :

Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Laura Jarrett 20200113

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warren. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world this morning. >> 4:00 a.m. in new york, 21 days until the iowa caucuses. >> top national security officials tying themselves in knots to explain the intel behind the killing of the top iranian general. the white house originally said qassem soleimani posed an imminent threat and then the president said he was targeting one u.s. embassy, then several, then the president went even further. >> large scale attacks planned for other embassies. and if those were planned, why can't be reveal that to the american people? wouldn't that help your case? >> i can reveal i believe it would have been four embassies and i think that probably baghdad already started. >> so the president says four embassies there. defense secretary mark esper says he didn't see the evidence for that, but he still backs the president's claim. >> he didn't cite a specific piece of evidence but what he said -- >> are you saying there wasn't one? >> i didn't see one with regard to the four embassies. what the president said with regard to the four embassies is what i believe as well. he said he believed they probably could have been targeting the embassies in the region. >> the president's national security advisor offering this explanation for why the administration won't release the intel to back up its claim. >> that same intelligence, those same streams and channels are what allow us to protect americans going forward. rather than have a short-term political win, release the intelligence and say i told you so. we're going to be sucircumspect and his interpretation is very consistent with the intelligence that shows soleimani was planning to kill americans. >> his interpretation consistent with that. defense secretary mark esper says eight top congressional leaders were briefed but house intel chairman chief one of the gang of eight says he doesn't recall any intelligence specifically on the baghdad compound. a stunning scene there on the streets of tehran. protesters chanting death to the supreme leader. iranians demanding the ayatollah be held accountable for his downing of a ukrainian airliner. anger growing after iran admitted it shot down the jet last week killing all 176 people. iran calls it an accident and says it was caused in part by heightened tensions. it took tehran three days to admit what ukrainian investigators say they knew just three hours after arriving at the crash site, that that missile brought down the jet. >> many of the victims were canadian. one man lost his sister, brother-in-law and 1-year-old niece. that little girl was the youngest victim of that plane tragedy. he speaks to broader frustrations with leadership in iran. >> she was an angel. like how can you do that? >> they say it was an accident. >> it was not an accident. >> what does justice look like for you and your family? >> we say eye for an eye. i know there's not a possible way. what are they going to do? give us money, give us piece of land, put a street under their name? i don't care. i can care less. i want them back. if i can get them back, they have to leave, they have to go. >> president trump went to twitter and the posts were retweeted in farcy. nick, that man in canada paula talked to, you know, his pain and his anger were just palpable there. that's what we're seeing on the streets. >> reporter: oh, 100% it is people angry because they see their leadership doesn't respect them. it covered up the fact for several days and had the opportunity to not allow civil aviation to fly that night and so they're seen in effect counted less as the overseas adventures of the regime. these protests are spreading. they're also becoming more violent. we're seeing situations where clearly the iranian authority is absolutely ignoring perhaps no surprise president trump's tweet. you can hear gunshots on some of the video. one of them you see what appears to be a woman bleeding. you can hear a voice saying words to the effect of she's continuing to bleed. so there are confrontations. going back to what we were seeing several weeks ago, that is iranians out on the streets protesting about price hikes by the government. that being the government does not care about its people as much as it does about its overseas policies. it's coming back to the streets. people calling for the death of the supreme leader ayatollah homeni and this is turn around on the treats. hundreds of thousands taking to the streets. pro-government, pro-qassem soleimani a few days ago and now back to the streets and turning bloody and violent again. people angry their leadership cares nil about them. >> we should make a quick point. people have the right to go out and protest their government in iran the way they do in democracies. >> iran locks up a massive number of people that protest against the government, and no, there's no legitimate right for people to come out and effectively expect to be able to walk away from a protest at the end of the day. the british ambassador to iran was arrested on the edge of a protest and taken into the iranian foreign minister for a dressing down over the weekend, accused of joining in the protests. if a british ambassador is going to get rounded up and arrested for just being there we can imagine what it means for iranians. >> it shows you the personal risk all those people are taking. nick, thank you so much for that. well, house speaker nancy pelosi says she has no regrets about her decision to with hold those articles of impeachment against president trump. critics say the move has weakened democrats' case that president trump poses an immediate national threat to national security, but pelosi wanted the sen toot lay out the specifics for it trial process and commit to calling witnesses. that did not happen. >> but pelosi argues it put pressure on moderate republicans and calling out majority leader mcconnell for a resolution to dismiss the articles. >> dismissing is a cover-up. if they want to go that route again the senators who are thinking now about voting for witnesses or not, they will have to be accountable for not having a fair trial. >> pelosi's expected to name impeachment managers this week after consulting with house democrats tomorrow. she'll send the articles over to the senate soon after. the stage is set. six 2020 democratic presidential hopefuls will fight it out on this stage in iowa tomorrow night. senator bernie sanders edging out his rivals in a new iowa poll as he pounces on joe biden's vote on the iraq war and a growing rift between the progressive leaders. cnn's jeff zeleny for us in des moines. >> reporter: the democratic presidential candidates descending on iowa for a final day of campaigning before that debate on tuesday. that is the final debate before the voting finally begins in the 2020 presidential primary. so much has changed in terms of the conversation. foreign policy of course now front and center in this debate. look for bernie sanders and joe biden to continue really their sharp disagreements about their view of the world. also something happened over the weekend we have not yet seen before, a fight between bernie sanders and elizabeth warren. it is about the sanders campaign, and some of the language that they're using politico reported the sanders campaign was essentially trying to take back some warren voters by saying, look, she can't win. so it was used as a script volunteers were going out to talk to voters about. >> i was disappointed to hear that bernie is sending his volunteers out to trash me. i hope bernie reconsiders and turns his campaign in a different direction. >> we have hundreds of employees. elizabeth warren has hundreds of employees and people sometimes say things that they shouldn't. you have heard me give many speeches. have i ever said one negative word about elizabeth warren? >> the warren campaign trying to raise money off this saying, look, bernie sanders is trying to call them out in an unfair way. all of this means one thing. the campaign is getting tighter. our new cnn des moines register poll shows a tight race with all those top at the top all within the margin of error. later this week some candidates will go back to washington for the impeachment trial. not pete buttigieg and joe biden. they can campaign for the rest of the month. >> jeff zeleny, thanks so much for that report. and it's the last debate before the top vote. in partnership with the des moines register tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. only on cnn. america's busiest banks. expect record earnings from some of the biggest players. all report their fourth quarter results this week. in 2018 it was the best year ever. the largest banks made more than 1$120 $120 billion, a record high. last year 2019 might have been even better. lower interest rates have been a recent challenge for banks because you know they eat into lending profits, but lower rates also encourage more customers to borrow money like taking out a mortgage. job growth, meanwhile, has been steady and consumer spending is strong. all those factors could mean another record year for banks. president trump is scheduled to sign the phase one deal on wednesday along with china's vice premier. prince harry will face his family today for the first time since he and his wife said they want to step back from their royal duties. a summit with big implications and cnn is live in london. the top members of britain's royal family set to meet today. they'll discuss the future of the duke and duchess of sussex also known as harry and meghan. the couple announced last week they plan to step back from their role as senior members of the royal family. the latest for us. >> reporter: today we do have the summits where we hope to find some sort of break through or agreement between the royals. it'll be the first time the sitting royals have met since this bombshell announcement last wednesday. it's been very quiet since then. a range of proposals will be discussed. all of their officials have been talking behind closed doors trying to reach some sort agreement and those proposals will be looked through today. we expect titles, funding, taxes if harry and meghan choose to live between the you can and canada, all sorts of different options are likely to be given out. any one of these options could take a long time to implement. we could see some phasing agreement where they still have money from prince charles, 100% from the first year, maybe it gets phased out. honestly it's fascinating to see whether there will be agreement. we're also getting lots of news in the newspapers about the family rift. the sunday times reporting that prince william said to a friend i put my arm around my brother all our lives and i can't do that anymore. we are separate entities. and this is what's playing so big in the newspapers. not just the hort trading but the family rift as well. i guess there's going to be some family bonding in these crucial hours. >> meghan won't be there. she's in canada with her son. >> she flew back to canada shortly after that shocking announcement. she is expected to be dialing into the meeting. >> all right, on conference call. thank you so much for that. authorities in the philippines urging a total evacuation of nearly half a million people near the capital of manila after the volcano aspewed ash 9 miles into the year. more than 16,000 people have been ordered to leave their homes. ash from the volcano mixing with rain that created a thick black smudge. seismologists raising the alert level to 4, which means an explosive reaction could happen any time. it's considered among the world's most dangerous because so many people live nearby. and a deadly series of tornados tears through the south, the same weekend record highs made the northeast feel more like spring. our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free. all right, some wild dangerous weekend weather across the eastern half of the country. about three dozen record highs set. boston where it was 74 degrees. at least 9 people died as severe storms and tornados ravished part of the midwest and the south. >> at one point nearly 350,000 customers were without power in ten states. in texas a firefighter and police officer were killed while working a crash. the icy roadways were blamed. today more rain for the southeast on top of the storms over the weekend could lead to some flash flooding. all right, the nfl conference championship games are set. the green bay packers advance. held up a late surge by the seattle seahawks. aaron rogers throwing two touch downs and a game for the ages in kansas city. the chiefs fell behind the houston texans 24-0. looked bleak. what did they do, they ask for the texans 51-7 for the rest of the way. five touch down passes to patrick mahomes. five touch down passes. the chiefs are the first team in nfl history to win a playoff game by at least 20 after trailing by at least 20. it was a remarkable game and patrick mahomes. the packers head to san francisco to face the nfc's top seed the 49ers. the nominees for the 92nd academy awards will be announced in just a few hours. >> so you charge with a gun. >> netflix is getting for best picture it has at least two contenders with the irishman and the divorce drama, marriage story. the film widely expected to get the most nominations is quinten tarantino's once upon a time the cowboy. and the oscars will be handed out on february 9th. >> i haven't seen those movies yet. i do want to see 1917, though. >> everyone says it's terrific but i still need to see it, too. the white house struggling to explain what led up to the decision to kill the ayatollah's right hand man. but the sentiment in iran is less anti-american and more anti-regime. remarkable what's happening in the streets there. cnn live in the middle east. - do you have a box of video tapes, film reels, or photos, that are degrading? legacybox professionally converts them to dvds, thumb drive, or the cloud. legacybox is simple and safe, with over half a million satisfied customers. visit today, and get 40% off. > death to the supreme leader. new demands for a change in iran after tehran admits to shooting down a commercial jet. >> dismissing is a cover-up. >> how does the speaker defend holding those articles for weeks? and bernie sanders leaving no stone unturned. he's going right after joe biden and defending his campaign after surrogates targeted elizabeth warren. welcome back to "early start." i'm laura jarrett. >> good morning, i'm christine romans. 31 minutes past the hour here in new york. we begin with top security officials tying themselves in knots to explain the intel behind the killing of a top iranian general. the white house originally said qassem soleimani posed an imminent threat and the president said he was targeting one u.s. embassy. then he said several and then the president went even further. >> large scale attacks planned for other embassies, and if those were planned why can't we reveal that to the american people? wouldn't that help your case? >> i can reveal i believe it would have been four embassies, and i think that probably baghdad already started. >> so the president says four embassies. defense secretary mark esper says he didn't see the evidence for that but he still backs the president's claim. >> he didn't cite a specific piece of evidence. what he says is he probably -- >> are you saying there wasn't one? >> i didn't see one with regard to four embassies. what the president said with regard to the four embassies is what i believe as well. he said he believed that they probably, that they could have been targeting the embassies in the region. i believe that as well. >> the president's national security advisor offering up this explanation for why the administration won't release the intel to back up its claim. >> that same intelligence -- those same streams and channels are what allow us to protect americans going forward. rather than have a short-term political win, release the intelligence and say i told you so, we want to keep the american people safe going forward. so we're going to be circumspect, but his interpretation is very consistent with the intelligence that shows soleimani was plotting to kill americans. >> defense secretary esper says the top congressional leaders were briefed at least on inintel relating to a possible attack on the baghdad embassy. but house intel chairman adam schiff one of the gang of eight says she doesn't recall any intelligence specifically on the u.s. embassy in baghdad. a remarkable scene on the streets of tehran. protesters chanting death to the supreme leader. iranians demanding the ayatollah be held accountable for the downing of a ukrainian airliner. anger growing after iran admitted it shot down the jet last week killing 176 people. iran calls it an accident and says it was caused in part by heightened tensions just hours after iran fired missiles towards bases in iraq that housed u.s. troops. it took tehran three days to admit what ukrainian investigators say they knew just hours after arriving at the crash site, that a missile brought down that jet. >> many of the victims were canadian. one man lost his sister, brother-in-law and 1-year-old niece. she was the youngest victim. he speaks to broader frustrations with leadership in iran. >> she was an angel. like how can you do that? >> they say it was an accident. >> it was not an accident. >> what does justice look like for you and your family? >> we say eye for an eye. i know there's not a possible way. what are they going to do? give us money, give us piece of land, put a street under their name. i don't care. i can care less. i want them back. if i can't get them back, they have to leave, they have to go. >> president trump went to twitter to warn iran's leaders several times not to injure or kill the protesters. the posts were then retweeted in farcy. cnn's nick robertson is following the story in abu dhabi for us. we're seeing reports protesters stepping iran u.s. and israeli flags, not trampingling on them. >> reporter: these were participated by the regime designed so people would walk over them and show disrespect and the protesters showing their disrespect for their current leaders by avoiding walking on those flags. hugely symbolic. president trump has talked about the iranians should not increase the violence and kill and injure their people. this story of last night's protest points to the opposite happening, that the protests are spreading, the violence is increasing. we've seen images of a woman being shot, and another voice is heard saying so what we're seeing is a spread of the protests, the protests becoming more violent in places, confrontations because the police are trying to stop the protests happening. the protesters are calling for the death of homeni, and qassem soleimani. and the images stunning considering people were on the streets and there are hundreds and thousands apparently supporting the government, the regime and qassem soleimani. several weeks ago people were out on the streets protesting against the government, against price hikes on oil and other goods. now they're back out again protesting the government for essentially the same reason, for not caring about them, not taking enough interest in them. and why quite simply it is well understood in iran that the leadership could have decided not to fly civilian aircraft on the night they were attacking u.s. bases and could have saved all those lives. >> it's just a remarkable turnabout, nick, as you say after just days of protesting the death of soleimani. to impeachment now. house speaker nancy pelosi says she has no regrets about her decision to with hold articles of impeachment against president trump. critics say the move weakens democrats' case president trump poses an immediate threat to national security. pelosi wanted the senate to lay out specifics for the trial process and commit to calling witnesses. that did not happen. >> but pelosi argues the delay put pressure on moderate republicans. she's also calling out senate majority leader mitch mcconnell for supporting a resolution to dismiss the articles. >> dismissing is a cover-up. dismissing is a cover-up. if they want to go that route, again, the senators who are thinking now about voting for witnesses or not, they will have to be accountable for not having a fair trial. >> pelosi expected to name impeachment managers this week after consulting with house democrats tomorrow. she'll send the articles over to the senate soon after. all right, the stage is set literally. six 2020 democratic presidential hopefuls will fight it out on this stage in iowa tomorrow night in the final debate before voting begins three weeks from today. senator bernie sanders edging out his rivals in a new iowa poll as he slams joe biden's iraq war vote and attacks elizabeth warren as a candidate for the elite and our jeff zeleny is there in des moines. >> reporter: the presidential candidates zepding on iowa before the final debate before the voting finally begins thin 2020 presidential primary. so much has changed in terms of the conversation. foreign policy, of course, now front and center in this debate. look for bernie sanders and joe biden to continue their really sharp disagreements about their view of the world. also something happened over the weekend we have not yet seen before. a fight between bernie sanders and elizabeth warren. it is about the sanders campaign and some of the language they're using plit cereported the sanders campaign was essentially trying to take back some warren voters saying she can't win. so it was used as a script volunteers were going out to talk to voters about. >> i was disappointed to hear that bernie is sending his volunteers out to trash me. i hope bernie reconsiders and turns his campaign in a different direction. >> we have hundreds of employees. elizabeth warren has hundreds of employees and people sometimes say things they shouldn't. you have heard me give many speeches. have i ever said one negative word about elizabeth warren? >> reporter: the warren campaign trying to raise money off this. all of this means one thing, the campaign st. getting tighter. our new cnn des moines register poll shows a close race with them all within the margin of error. of course later this week some candidates will go back to washington for impeachment trial. nt pete buttigieg and joe biden. they can campaign for the rest of the month. >> jeff zeleny in iowa, thanks so much. and today the attorney general and the deputy director of the fbi expected to announce last month's mass shooting at the pensacola naval air station was an act of terrorists. the two officials will release the findings into the investigation of the shooting that killed three service members. the attack was carried out by a saudi second lieutenant taking part in the u.s. fighter jet training program. more than a dozen saudi service members are being excelled from the u.s. after a review. they're not accused of aiding the gunman, but some are said to have connections to extremist movements. david calhoun may have the hardest job in corporate america. he has to fix boeing. calhoun steps into the ceo job today, and he has got a lot of work. his first task getting the 737 max back in the air. the planes grounded since march since two crashes killed 346 people. he also must rebuild boeing's reputation for safety and quality. steve mnuchin warned the 737 crisis could have a bigger impact. >> there's no question that the boeing -- the boeing situation is going to slow down the gdp numbers. boeing is one of the largest exporters. and with the 737 max, i think that could impact gdp as much as 50 basis points this year. >> all right, boeing had continued to build the max for the last year even without being able to deliver it. it's preparing to temporary halt production of the model in the middle of this month. boeing's biggest supplier spirit air systems announced friday it's laying off 2,800 workers because of production suspension. boeing hasn't said how long that halt will last. by the time it's all said and done there are folks who watch this who say you could have 10,000 jobs lost relate today the boeing situation. a cnn exclusive you cannot miss. cnn's arwa damon is the first journalist to tour the u.s. base that came under attack by iran last week. cnn's exclusive look what it was like to be on the receiving end of those attacks. sometimes your small screen is your big screen. and with the xfinity stream app, which is free with your service, you can take a spin through on demand shows, or stream live tv. download your dvr'd shows and movies on the fly. even record from right where you are. whether you're travelling around the country or around the house, keep what you watch with you. download the xfinity stream app and watch all the shows you love. and now to a cnn exclusive. this terrifying response at the al assad air base when iran attacked last wednesday. ten missiles hit the base and one impacted the iraqi section. the areas hit would have been populated if it weren't for the advance warning that led soldiers into bunkers. we want to warn you some of the language here is intense. cnn's arwa damon has more. >> holy [ bleep ]. oh, [ bleep ]. >> american forces are not used to being on the receiving end of this kind of firepower. >> another one, another one. >> they are usually the ones delivering it. >> it had been something we were ready for, ready as can be. >> ready for some sort of ground attack by iran's proxies, ready for mortars and rockets. but this base is not equipped to defend against ballistic missiles. on any another night some of the 2,500 troops and contractors would have been in the areas hit. >> at that point we were really scrambling on how to protect against that, and so it really came down to dispersion, you know, putting space between people and also getting them into hardened bunkers just to provide that protection. >> reporter: at 11:00 p.m. those who could started to hunker down in bunkers built by their former enemy. this is saddam hussein era bunker. >> it is. so we felt it would be somewhat safe in here because it was designed to take, you know, some kind of hit or it was built for, you know, ballistic missiles. >> reporter: at 1:34 a.m. the first ballistic missiles hit. >> every time the missiles would hit the doors would kind of sink in. >> reporter: dozens of troops were still out in the open holding their position tuesday protect the base. there was still the threat of incoming rockets. >> going across the gravel looked out to the eastern sky and i see this orange streak, so started sprinting going in giving everybody a kind of warning and it hit so, yeah. >> reporter: flames swallowed up the drone team living quarters. some 30 something troops would have been sleeping here had they not been ready. some missiles came rushing down looking for anyone who may have been injured, checking on the defenses. young soldiers on their first tour fought the instinct to flee and stayed manning the guard towers. >> it was definitely scary at first, but we both knew we had a job to do manning the tower, keeping eye front, so we had to do that more than anything, focused on that. not trying to focus on everything behind us. >> reporter: when one strike hit too close, they vaulted into the back of a truck and held their position there. it was a night unlike any he'd experienced, hunkered down for about two hours, unable to fight back. some crammed into bunkers that weren't built to withstand missiles like these. these kind of small bunkers exist throughout the base but they're meant to protect against rockets and mortars. the ballistic missiles that were fired are about 3,000 times more powerful than that. the blast from this one knocked over a 4 ton t-wall but if that hadn't have happened those two sheltering here probably would not have survived. come daybreak it was eclipsed by the giant shock no one was. what are those reunions like when you see someone you're close to and you realize you're both okay? >> it's a warm feeling deep in the heart that all your friends, your family here is okay. >> it felt like forever since i'd seen my guys and there was a lot of hugging and tears and just a great feeling knowing that all your people are okay. >> and this is what you're used to -- >> yeah, this is my room. a little bit open floor plan now but bunk was right in the corner right there, and this was my neighbor up here. everything's obviously gone. just happy no one was inside, you know? >> it's kind of freaky looking at it like this, isn't it? >> yeah. it's surreal. i'm not bothered looking at it. it's just, you know, a reminder. threats still exist. >> you know, we have each other. we had each other that night and it's a brother hood that will never break because of it. >> does it change your perspective on life? >> it does. it does. it could be over, you know, in an instant. it really does. and it really makes me value -- value mostly my team. >> reporter: the base is still on high alert. the dining facility is open but people eat elsewhere to avoid a large crowd gathering. the military says they are ready for what may come next. iran's proxies on the ground continue to vow revenge. even for those who have seen war before, this was unlike any other battlefield experience. the overwhelming feeling of helplessness that comes with being under ballistic missile attack, to be at the mercy of the enemy, one that could strike again even if it's not like this. arwa damon, cnn, al assad air base, iraq. >> fantastic work by arwa. and just to hear it from them what it was like -- >> and the fact she's in the same bunkers used by saddam hussein is just incredible. arwa, thank you so much for all of that reporting. look like a big night at the golden globes helped one movie leapfrog star wars at the box office. when we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the 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(vo) get set up right with a live bookkeeper with intuit quickbooks. the easy way to a happier business. here, it all starts withello! hi!... how can i help? a data plan for everyone. everyone? everyone. let's send to everyone! wifi up there? uhh. sure, why not? how'd he get out?! a camera might figure it out. that was easy! glad i could help. at xfinity, we're here to make life simple. easy. awesome. so come ask, shop, discover at your local xfinity store today. let's get a check on cnn business this morning. taking a look at markets around the world right now. mostly higher performance. tokyo stock exchange was closed for a holiday on wall street. futures to start the week leaning a little bit higher. stocks closed lower friday after that jobs report. 145,000 new jobs in december. that means 6.5 million new jobs in the first 34 months of the trump administration. that trails 7.5 million in the final 34 months of the obama administration. so growth slowing a bit. also a take away from that report to tell you about. more women than men in the work force for the first time in nearly a decade. women had more than half of all jobs. 109,000 more jobs held by women than men. another milestone, the dow crossed 29,000 points for the first time in history but couldn't sustain it and edged down 133 points for the close. the s&p and nasdaq also finished lower. gm bringing back the hummer this time as an electric pickup truck. it's a surprisingly green return for the usually gas guzzling hummer for the reputation of not being fuel efficient. gm discontinued the hummer back in 2012 after it filed for bankruptcy. it had to cut some of its more costly brand. it plans to show-off the new truck in a super bowl ad and plans to hit the market in 2022. a war movie topped the box office over the weekend, but this one was set in the trenches of world war i rather than the galaxy far, far away. universal's 1917. on the final installment of the star wars saga. the film also won best director. thanks to our international viewers for joining us. have a great rest of your day. for our u.s. viewers, "early start" continues right now. death to the supreme leader. renewed demands for change in iran after tehran admits to shooting down a commercial jet. >> dismissing is a cover-up. >> the president's impeachment trial should finally begin any day. how does the speaker defend holding the articles for weeks? and bernie sanders leaving no stone unturned. he's going right after joe biden and defending his campaign after surrogates targeted elizabeth warren. good morning and welcome to "early start." i'm laura jarrett. >> and i'm christine romans. it is monday january 13, 5:00 a.m. in the east and 21 days until the iowa caucuses. but we begin in tehran, a scene that could land these people in jail on the streets there protesters chanting death to the supreme leader. iranians demanding the ayatollah be held accountable for the downing of a ukrainian airliner. anger growing after iran admitted it shot down the

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