Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And D

Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20190703

findings by an internal watchdog as the border crisis spirals out of control. the president taking direct aim at the supreme court over a ruling on the census. he's vowing to keep fighting even though the census is already being printed. a legend in the auto industry has died. we're remembering lee iacocca. and one win away. the u.s. women's national team heading to the world cup final. good morning, welcome to "early start." i'm michelle kosinski. >> i'm dave briggs. today we'll find out who they'll play in the world cup final. wednesday, july 3rd. 5:00 a.m. in the east. we start on our southern border. a new and dire warning about conditions for migrants at the u.s. border. extreme overcrowding, prolonged detention without proper food, hygiene, or laundry facilities, just part of what's laid out in a report by the department of homeland security's internal watchdog. the i.g. says these and other problems require immediate attention and action. over the last few months, the going influx of migrant families and children has led to longer times in custody and overcrowding at facilities meant to be temporary. >> the situation at the border grows more urgent by the day. the border patrol leading the search for a 2-year-old missing in the rio grande. on monday a woman who just crossed the river into text told agents she had lost her daughter on the way. of course this comes just a week after that terrible image of a man and his daughter who drowned trying to cross the rio grande. nick valencia with more on conditions at the border from el paso, texas. >> reporter: dave and michelle, this new report by the office of the inspector general is based off of five visits to the southern border. principally in mcallen and weslico, texas. what is clear from images emerging is how overcrowded the facilities are. in some cases, migrants don't have enough room to lay down comfortably on the concrete. according to inspectors in this report, the conditions in these facilities are so dangerous they pose a health and safety risk not just to the agents but also to the migrants in custody. here's some other things that stand out from the report. half of the 8,000 detainees in custody in mcallen were held longer than the 72 hours which is required under law. one-third of the children were also held longer than the law allows. we heard from dhs officials who say they're doing the best they can with the resources they have. but to democratic lawmakers, some who visited the southern border this week, it's simply not enough. dave, michelle? >> okay. thanks. florida congresswoman frederica wilson claims when democrats toured a migrant detention center in south florida tuesday they were only permitted to see a single classroom, an empty dorm, along with supplies like soap and toothpaste. that's where the access ended. >> i asked to see the girls. there are 700 girls in this facility. i saw 30. when i tried to go into the dormitory that houses the girls, they said to me they were in intake, and it might be dangerous or contagious. >> there's also new fallout from that facebook group of current and former customs and border patrol agents who joked about the plight of migrants. in an exclusive interview, an agent claimed he heard a supervisor making fun of dead immigrants. >> he was making fun of them. >> reporter: saying what? >> that it's just another life. he made a comment also regarding running over illegals. i'm like, you cannot run over people. >> the u.s. border patrol chief says the words of those few individuals on that secret facebook page directly undermines the public's trust. a new cnn poll does show about three quarters of americans consider the situation at the border a crisis. that's up from less than half in january. president trump taking a direct shot at the supreme court days after it ruled the 2020 census cannot contain a citizenship question. the president tweeting it's a very sad time for america when the supreme court of the united states won't allow a question of is this person a citizen of the united states. he also vowed to keep fighting to add the question each though hours earlier the administration announced the citizenship question would not be on the 2020 census. it was commerce secretary wilbur ross who originally ordered the census bureau to add the question. yesterday he said the bureau would print the form without it despite his disagreement with the high court ruling. it's billed as a salute to america. but there are growing questions whether the president is planning a salute to trump. yesterday he claimed in a tweet that the pentagon and our great military leaders are thrilled to be participating in a military parade. also sources tell us the president's political allies received some of the 500 vip seats. those tickets will grant entry to the areas closest to the lincoln memorial where the president will speak. remember, the event is being held on the national mall, not a private space like the white house. so that's not sitting well with former defense secretary leon panetta. >> if the president does -- the president does a great deal of harm by politicizing this event. i think the military, frankly, we have always taken the position, those of us that have been involved with the military, that we don't have to display our power to anybody. we're the strongest military power on the face of the earth. we don't have to roll tanks down the street. we don't have to roll troops down the street because we know that we are strong, and we can take on any enemy. >> 900 members of the d.c. national guard have been called up to help with traffic and control the security. that's nearly triple the typical guard activation for the event. overnight the pentagon began delivering a pair of tanks to the national mall for a small stationary display of american military might. cnn's barbara starr with more from the pentagon. >> reporter: it will be a very different event for the u.s. military which generally has not participated in national july 4th events. expect to see the chairman of the joint chiefs general joseph dunford. he has been invited by the president to attend. other senior officers are expected to attend, as well. but the big issue, of course, is the u.s. military wants to stay out of partisan politics. and if president trump's remarks veer into those partisan politics, expect to see those senior officers stay very quiet and not react. they do not want to be part of a political event. so when people arrive on the national mall july 4th, what will they see in president trump's salute to america? there will be a flyover, some of the latest military aircraft, air force f-22s and f-35s. the plane that is used as air force one. the new marine one helicopter, the b-2 stealth bomber. there's also going to be a very small number of armored vehicles on the ground. dave, michelle? >> barbara, thank you. the president's big fourth of july bash will have a party crasher, though. the infamous 20-foot-tall balloon depicting the president as a baby in diapers. cleat complete with cell phone. the national parks service issued a permit to the group, cold pink for the baby trump balloon to be displayed on the mall. regulations will prevent the balloon from taking flight during the event. the group expressing its frustration says the permit is not in the location it requested which is within the line of sight of the president's podium at the lincoln memorial. there's something strange surrounding mike pence. no one seems to know why me abruptly canceled an appearance in new hampshire onitudes. moments before -- on tuesday. moments before air force 2 was about to take off. the vice president was scheduled to speak about the opioid crisis at an addiction recovery center in manchester, but an advanced staff member told the audience there was a, quote, emergency, and pence would not be coming. the vice president's office is only saying there was no kauds for alarm -- no cause for alarm. quality, hard work, commitment. the stuff america was made of. without them there is no future. >> lee iacocca, a legend in the auto industry and bestselling on author, has died. for decades he was one of america's best-known business executives. the former chrysler ceo was also a master pitchman appearing in a series of commercials telling consumers, quote, if you can find a better car, buy it. he's also credited with saving the number-three automaker from bankruptcy in the 1980s which got him on the "time" magazine cover, "detroit's comeback kid." before that at ford iacocca developed the iconic mustang. asked about the secret to his success, he said, "i hire people brighter than me, and then i get out of the way." he's survived by two daughters and eight grandchildren. he was 94. not guilty on the top charges. a navy seal acquitted of killing an isis prisoner in iraq could be a free man today. pampers is the first and only diaper with three extra absorb channels. they stay up to three times drier so babies can sleep soundly all night pampers has been excellent. they really appreciate the military family and it really shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. it was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say "oh we can't beat usaa" we're the webber family. we're the tenney's we're the hayles, and we're usaa members for life. ♪ get your usaa auto insurance quote today. her saturdays are a never- ending montage of comfort. [tv sfx]: where have you been all my life? but then anne laid on a serta perfect sleeper. and realized her life was only just sorta comfortable. not just sorta comfortable. serta comfortable. decorated navy s.e.a.l. eddie gallagher found not guilty of premeditated murder and all the major charges against him for the death of an isis prisoner in iraq. fellow s.e.a.l.s offering conflicting accounts of gallagher's behavior at his military trial. two witnesses say they saw him fatally stab the victim. but one altered his story for the first time while on the stand. >> i was feeling like we're finally vindicated after being terrorized by the government that any husband fought -- that my husband fought for for two decades in the war on terror. he's fought every major enemy of the united states. he is a righteous and noble individual. we need afford the benefit of the doubt to our war heroes who we send over there to fight these evils. >> the jury found gallagher guilty of posing for a photo with a dead prisoner. that carries a maximum four-month sentence. he could get time served when he's back in court today. at least two people shot inside a shopping mall in san bruno, california. they found two wounded victims when they arrived yesterday afternoon. both were treated at the scene and taken to a local hospital. investigators believe there were two shooters. they are still on the loose. police say the incident was not random. seven hours after an explosion leveled a home in charlotte, north carolina, fire crews found a woman dead in the rubble. officials say she was located in what had been the downstairs part of the home. they would not identify her or say whether she lived there. earlier tuesday a man was pulled conscious and alert from the debris. he was medevaced to a hospital where his condition is unknown. the cause of the explosion under investigation. talks, soccer ahead, their bigger star was hurt but the national team made it to the world cup final. boy do they have that goaltender to thanks for it. coy wire with the "bleacher report" next. her cape. but when we realized she was battling sensitive skin, we switched to tide pods free & gentle. it's gentle on her skin, and dermatologist recommended. tide free and gentle. safe for skin with psoriasis, and eczema. discover paint bleed you under your tape...... not with frogtape! frogtape is the only painter's tape treated with patented paintblock technology. paintblock reacts with the water in latex paint to form a micro-barrier against paint bleed, giving you the sharpest lines possible. get professional results with frogtape... no messy lines, no paint bleed. for sharp lines every time, frog it! you eat right... mostly. you make time... when you can. but sometimes life gets in the way, and that stubborn fat just won't go away. coolsculpting takes you further. a non-surgical treatment that targets, freezes, and eliminates treated fat cells, for good. discuss coolsculpting with your doctor. some common side-effects include temporary numbness, discomfort, and swelling. don't imagine results, see them. coolsculpting, take yourself further. this is my mom's house. a lot of firsts happened here. first kiss. first cigarette. never saw it as a problem. when i was younger. my mom she was always like: "you need to get rid of them." gave the juul a real chance, and found that i liked it. found that it really works. the switch was easy. it was a no-brainer, really. this came from her... really. priceline will partner with even more vegas hotels to turn their unsold rooms into amazing deals. delegates, how do you vote? (cheering) ♪ yes, y-y-y-yes, yes... that is freaky. (applause) hey! i live on my own now! i've got xfinity, because i like to live life in the fast lane. unlike my parents. you rambling about xfinity again? you're so cute when you get excited... anyways... i've got their app right here, i can troubleshoot. i can schedule a time for them to call me back, it's great! you have our number programmed in? ya i don't even know your phone anymore... excuse me?! what? i don't know your phone number. aw well. he doesn't know our phone number! you have our fax number, obviously... today's xfinity service. simple. easy. awesome. i'll pass. u.s. women's national team on to the world cup final after a thrilling win over england. coy wire has more in the "bleacher report." we should salute the alex morgan way, my friend. it is 5:20 a.m. >> did i see the pinky up? do it properly. >> the pinky is up my friend, good morning. >> good morning to you. what a huge night for the americans. you have to remember they're playing for so much more than just another trophy. they're playing for future generations with something to prove. they need to find a way to win without coach, captain, and star megan rapinoe sidelined with the hamstring injury. the big question, could her backup, kristen press, step up? yes, press with the header, scoring in the 10th minute. england would tie it up. birthday girl alex morgan gives the u.s. the lead back. the 30-year-old heading straight into the record books with the go ahead store. the first -- score. the first player to score a world cup on her birthday celebrating with with a spot of tea. they would hold up a thanks to alyssa naeher. she got it gone. a she-ro. save on the penalty kick late, she tracked it the entire way, cradling the ball, and with it the eventual victory for the u.s. she rose to the occasion. she and her teammates on to their fifth world cup final. that's a record. morgan gave credit to her teammates, especially naeher. >> just incredible with the team tonight and alyssa naeher she needs -- she saved our ass -- sorry, excuse that. but she saved our butts today. and honestly, like this was such a great graham to build on. we made it to the final. what we've been waiting on. >> the usa awaits the winner of the semifinal match between sweden and the netherlands later today. megan rapinoe hopes to return for the final which is on sunday. at wimbledon all the eyes will be on coco gauff, the 15-year-old who upset the great venus williams in the first round. there would be no upset of the other williams sister. serena coasting to victory in her opening round match in center court yesterday. she also announced that she's going to be teaming up to play mixed doubles with andy murray starting next week. murray's making his return to wimbledon following hip surgery. it was an emotional night in texas for the l.a. angels in their game against the rangers last night. >> please join the texas rangers, the los angeles angels, and all of major league baseball as we observe a moment of silence in honor of los angeles angels pitcher tyler skaggs. >> the 27-year-old pitcher tyler skaggs was found unresponsive in his hotel room near dallas on monday. his teammates wearing black patches with his number 45 on them to honor their fallen teammate. manager brad ausmus describes how the team is dealing with such a devastating loss. >> we were able to talk about tyler and laugh about some of the stories and some of the goofy things he did, listened to some of his music. so it was good. >> reporter: this guy was such an emotional leader for the team. he was the one who organized that photo we saw of them wearing their cowboy hats on their trip down to texas. he would never let a room be silent. he was always lighting it up. >> thoughts for his wife and that entire organization. 27 years old. still no word on cause of death. coy wire, thank you, my friend. michelle, what's coming up? >> all right. the visuals match the report. the homeland security watchdog warns of extreme overcrowding, prolonged detention, and more at facilities once meant to be temporary. ok everyone! our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy! whoo-hoo! great-tasting ensure. with nine grams of protein and twenty-six vitamins and minerals. ensure, for strength and energy. and twenty-six vitamins and minerals. the pain and swelling.. the psoriasis. cosentyx treats more than just the joint pain of active psoriatic arthritis. it even helps stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur. get real relief, with cosentyx. prestige creams not living up to the hype? one jar shatters the competition. olay regenerist hydrates skin better than creams costing over $100, $200, and even $400. fact check this ad in good housekeeping. olay. extreme overcrowding, prolonged detention, immediate attention required. damning findings by an internal watchdog as the border crisis spirals out of control. one win away. the u.s. women's national team headed back to the world cup final. we'll find out who they play this afternoon. of course, the biggest question for the u.s. women's national team is, is -- will they get megan rapinoe, the captain and arguably the best player, back for the world cup final. she missed yesterday. what a terrific match it was. >> you want her to be there when they win. not if. >> i would think even if she's hobbling down the field she will play. welcome back to "early start," i'm dave briggs. >> i'm michelle kosinski. it is 30 minutes past the hour. a new and dire warning about conditions from migrants detained at the southern border. extreme overcrowding and prolonged detention without proper food, hygiene, or laundry facilities. that's just part of what's laid out in a report by the department of homeland security's internal watchdoll doll. -- watchdog. the i.g. says these issues require immediate attention. the growing influx of migrant families and children has led to longer times in custody and overcrowding at facilities meant to be temporary. >> the situation at the border grows more urgent by the day. the border patrol leading a search for a 2-year-old missing in the rio grande. on monday a woman who just crossed the river into texas told agents she had lost her daughter on the way. of course this comes just a week after that devastating image of a man and his daughter who drowned trying to cross the rio grande. nick valencia has more on conditions at the border from el paso, texas. >> reporter: dave and michelle, this new report by the office of the inspector general is based off of five visits to the southern border. what is clear from the images emerging is how overcrowded the facilities are. in some cases, migrants don't have enough room to lay down on the concrete comfortably. the conditions are so dangerous they pose a health and safety risk not just to the agents but to the migrants in custody. here are other things that stand out from the report -- half of the,000 detainees -- the 8,000 detainees in mcallen were held longer than the 72 hours required under law. one-third of the children were also held longer than the law allows. dhs officials say they're doing the best they can with the resources they have. but to democratic lawmakers some who visited the southern border this week, it's simply not enough. >> i can't wait until we get an uplifting story on the brick and mortar store. thank you. florida congresswoman frederica wilson claims when democrats toured a migrant detention center in south florida on tuesday they were only permitted to see a single classroom and an empty dorm. somehow this is not surprising, the lack of access. they saw soap and toothpaste. and of course that is where the access ended. >> i asked to see the girls. there are 700 girls in this facility. i saw 30. when i tried to go into the dormitory that houses the girls, they said to me they were in intake, and it might be dangerous or contagious. >> there is also new fallout from that facebook group of current and former customs and border patrol agents who joked about the plight of migrants in an exclusive interview with cnn. one agent claims he heard a supervisor making fun of dead immigrants. >> was making fun of them. >> saying what? >> that what difference does it make, it's just another life. he made a comment also regarding running over illegals. and i'm like, you cannot run over people. >> the u.s. border patrol chief says the words of those few individuals on facebook directly undermines the public's trust. a new cnn poll does show about three quarters of americans consider the situation at the border a crisis. that's up from less than half in january. president trump taking a direct shot at the supreme court days after it ruled the 2020 census cannot contain a citizenship question. the president tweeting it's a very sad time for america when the supreme court of the united states won't allow a question of is this person a citizen of the united states. he also vowed to keep fighting to add that question even though just hours earlier his administration announced the census was going to print without the citizenship question. now to the 2020 president's race. former vice president joe biden, senator kamala harris are campaigning head to head today in iowa as new poll numbers show harris and senator elizabeth warren solidifying their status as top-tier presidential candidates. >> still there is some room for error. polls show 60% of likely iowa caucus-goers may change their as for their second choice, iowa democrats picked harris followed by warren and mayor pete buttigieg. on the issues the polls suggest we'll likely hear a lot about health care, climate change, and immigration. many of the candidates will be spending the holiday week on the stump in iowa. and we cannot wait to see a chris cuomo interview with joe biden starts airing here friday morning. >> yes to that. >> that will be good tv. he's been relatively hiding from the national interviews. and chris focuomo is a tough on. >> all of the questions about the controversy. we have editor and publisher of "inside elections," political analyst. good to see you, sir. good morning. we want to talk about 2020, the quinnipiac looking at biden, sliding biden, i know i'm good at this -- >> the campaign should thank you for that later. >> biden's down 8%. and who else? kamala harris, the riser, up 13 points. what's your broad takeaway? were people supporting biden based on a memory and once they were faced with the actual biden they weren't so thrilled with what they saw? >> i think his support was more than just name i.d. i mean, there are many democratic primary voters who have known joe biden for a long time. i think they appreciate what he's done, including being vice president to president obama. i think there was -- it was deeper than name i.d. but it also is not an impenetrable lead that he has right now. i'm excited about this point in the race because we were so quick after the debate that we have to declare a winner within just a couple of minutes. now we know what some actual primary voters think. that's most important, particularly in iowa. and that's why the poll i think should be concerning for vice president biden because there's been movement including with senator harris and senators warren. but it should be concerning for senator bernie sanders who is dropping -- bernie sanders doesn't have the advantage of being the only one talking about his messages. like what he did in 2016. there are 10 or 12 candidates that are talking about his same issues. and i don't know that he can recover if he continues to lose support. >> i have to say, though, when you see these numbers shifting dramatically and it's kind of like, whoa, kamala harris, how much of this do you think is just the excitement over the new person who is strong going up against bide senior citizen and if this was all about that debate performance, how much do you think biden can turn it around in this performance about to happen with chris cuomo? >> reporter: michelle, are you exactly right. i think we still have a long way to go. we're going to have more twists and turns. i keep coming back to october -- september/october of 2015 when ben carson was surging in the polls. he was even with donald trump, even pulling ahead of donald trump in some national and some iowa polls. that was just a couple of months before iowa. carson finished fourth in iowa, barely registering in new hampshire. you know, i think there are going to be more candidates who have a surge or an opportunity. it's who can after you get a surge, can you build on that and kind of have a new foundation for your campaign. i think that's key for senators harris and warren right now. >> to the border, and shameful is what the conditions are according to the new york daily news. brutal pictures that we showed earlier. but the politics is interesting because the country does now feel this is a full-blown crisis. it is now three quarters of the country according to our own cnn polling that says people consider it a crisis. and the number i focused on is the democrats who have said it is. 70% of democrats said it's a crisis. up from 23% in january. now, that is for different reasons. democrats feel it's a crisis because of the humanitarian conditions at the border r. they vulnerable, the 2020 candidates, given that their stance now is decriminalizing border crossing and giving them health care? >> yeah. i've been trying to think a lot politically about what's amiss here. and i do think that the two parties are focused on different parts of the problem. democrats are going to those centers and facilities, they're trying to figure out how to improve the conditions. republicans in the white house are saying don't come at all. we shouldn't -- these people shouldn't be coming here at all. and i think both of those are problems. but i think the two parties are not willing to solve the -- you know, what the other side sees as an issue. that's where i think we're missing each other. moving forward to the general election for the presidential race, depending on the nominee, there's a potential for this to be a liability for democrats. if you're one of the candidates who said not only should we not have any new -- a new wall, there shouldn't be any wall or any barrier, we shouldn't criminalize or shouldn't penalize people who are coming across the border illegally. i think that is a potential liability for democrats. >> it issue not going away. good to see you, sir. have a happy 4th. >> happy 4th. if we haven't pumped c.c. enough, here's one more reminder. you don't want to miss former vice president joe biden sitting down with chris cuomo starting 6:00 a.m. here cnn. should be a fantastic interview. quality, hard work, commitment, the stuff america was made of. without them there is no future. >> lee iacocca has died. for decades he was one of america's best-known business executives. the former chrysler ceo is also a master pitchman, appearing in a series of tv commercials telling consumers, quote, if you can find a better car, buy it. he's also credited with saving the number-three automaker from bankruptcy in the 1980s which got him on the cover of "time" magazine. detroit's comeback kid. before that at ford, iacocca developed the iconic mustang. once asked about the secret to his success he said, i hire people brighter than me and then get out of the way. he's survived by two daughters and eight grandchildren. he was 94. i have to say like a young alex p. keaton who idolized iacocca. i was emotional when i saw this. the first autobiography i read was iacocca. sold millions of copies -- >> when he was like 6. >> the guy was 8 at the time. i recommend it. it's a terrific book. hopefully it rises on amazon. he was iconic. imagine developing the minivan and the mustang. two opposite ends of american culture really. >> i think he'd be proud -- >> he's a legend. >> look at that video. looks like he comes from another planet. that's how you know you're getting older. just the '80s. giving birth is painful enough. an epidural may help. imagine if the tube got lodged in your back, next. on a john deere x300 series mower. because seasons change but true character doesn't. wow, you've outdone yourself this time. hey, what're neighbors for? 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regardless, it was a 30th birthday for her to remember. >> to say it's the best birthday ever? >> i would say so. i mean, how can you beat this? yeah. >> reporter: well, what a night for goalkeeper alyssa naeher. answering those who questioned her credentials in pretty sensational form. she approved the match winner really. she saved the penalty from england's captain later in the second half. it really was as stunning as you'd of wanted a semifinal to be. i felt privileged to be there. despite the results. the usa know they'll be back here in the big one on sunday. and later on wednesday, we'll find out if it will be the netherlands or sweeten joining them. -- or sweden joining them. >> i love your british graciousness. and we will have a cup of tea in your honor today. we'll be right back. this is rick blomquist. his life is pretty comfortable. then, he laid on a serta and realized his life was only just sorta comfortable. i've been living a lie. (laughs) the serta icomfort hybrid mattress. not just sorta comfortable, serta comfortable. when i had my brother take me places, it was always like, we had to get there early so i could smoke a cigarette before we go inside. we always had to stop for cigarettes... it's true... i decided i needed to find an alternative... so i started looking and then juul came up. i did both for a while. and eventually i just switched over, it's very quick. i remember recently you asking me like did you want to smoke before we go in? and i was like no, i don't need to. here's another reason to join t-mobile. do you like stranger things? sure you do. that's why netflix is on us. and here's another reason to join. bring in your discount, and we'll match it. that's right. t-mobile will match your discount. wanna take your xfi now you can with xfi advantage. giving you enhanced performance and protection. when devices are connected to your home's wifi, they're protected. helping keep outsiders from getting inside. and if someone tries, we'll let you know. so you can stream, surf and game all you want, with confidence you can get coverage where you need it most. that's xfi advantage. make your xfi even better. upgrade today. call, click or visit a store. putting his foot down without a nike swoosh on it, majority leader mitch mcconnell slamming the shoe brand's decision to cancel a sneaker featuring the betsy ross version of the american flag from the 1770s. a nike spokesperson tells cnn the company decided to halt distribution based on concerns it could unintentionally offends and detract from the july 4th holiday. according to the "wall street journal," nike received a complaint from former nfl quarterback colin kaepernick because the betsy ross flag represents a time when african-americans were enslaved. >> i hope nike either releases these shoes or some other shoemaker picks up the flag, puts it on a pair of shoes, and starts selling it. i'll make the first order. >> republican governor doug doocy of arizona retaliating against nike, attempting to, ordering the state to revoke a financial incentive package for the company to build a plant outside phoenix. in a twist, the mayor of goodyear, arizona, where the plant is supposed to be built says she will honor the deal with nike. mourners lined up outside a long island funeral home to honor september 11th hero luis alvarez. he'll be laid to rest today after succumbing saturday to a 9/11-related cancer. in his dying days, alvarez tried to get first responders a permanent victims compensation fund. >> families would love to have time with them and may mine have time with me. >> alvarez will be honored with a key to new york city following an emotional appeal by fellow 9/11 first responder john feel. an 18 yield new mom says she was in agonizing pain and unable to walk after giving birth because a hospital mishap left her with an epidural stuck in her back for days. selena gray gave birth to her daughter last week at sacred heart hospital in milton, florida. before going into labor, she received annen during in her spine -- an epidural in her shine. the procedure was botched leaving the entry tube lodged in her back. gray transferred to another hospital where, good news, it was successfully removed. doctors there could not give a firm timetable for her recovery, though, or even guarantee that she would fully recover. >> i was in pain throughout that entire story. transporting a corpse in the state of nevada does not qualify you for driving in the carpool lane. new hov lanes opened on i-15. monday a trooper pulled over a man driving a hearse. when the officer told him he was being stopped for an hov violation, the driver point the to the casket in the back and said he doesn't count? that prompted this tweet from the nevada highway patrol. i guess we should clarify this. living, breathing people count for the hov lane. the driver was given a warning. >> just because he was dead didn't mean he needed to get somewhere. still a person. >> you have a valid point. just another day at the beach for people in sunny florida ahead of the 4th. or was it? check out this video showing several sharks swimming just feet away from people at daytona beach. some beach-goers had no idea they were this close to sharks until they were shown the video later. the head of the florida program for shark research says black-tip sharks are common in the area. he says they generally mind their own business, but they swim in shallower water hunting for bait fish. a swim with sharks, not a big concern. >> the pictures are amazing when you see a million sharks in the water. thanks for joining us. i'm michelle kosinski. >> i'm dave briggs. here's "new day." we'll see you tomorrow. we saw women placed in prison-like cells. they were sleeping on the floor. those are just disturbing images. >> i'm very confident that we are meeting and, in fact, most of the time exceeding these standards. a border patrol agent who's had enough. >> they need to know the truth. we're going to have planes going overhead and tanks stationed outside. >> we have this special vip area being auctioned off to trump cronies. >> we're the strongest military power on the face of the earth. we have never had to display that power. this is "new day" with alisyn camerota and john berman. >> welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. there is "new day." it's wednesday, july 3rd. it's 6:00 here in new york. and these are the pictures america is waking up to. look at this -- shameful. that's the "new york daily news." squaller pervasive in "the new york times." it's not just the pictures here. it's the new report just released by the trump administration itself which discovered hundreds and hundreds of migrants including children crammed into extremely overcrowded border facilities. this was all uncovered by a government wash >> government investigators found migrants sleeping on concrete floors with no access to showers, children younger than 7 being held for weeks rather than the 72 hours allowed by law. now, border patrol divers are searching for a missing 2-year-old in the rio grande. agents say the girl's mother told them she lost her daughter while they were crossing the river. all of t

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