Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And D

Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20181101

off indonesia. will it help determine what brought down the plane? and the decision to let durkin stay after the player died on his watch. i'm christine romans. >> i'm dave briggs. it is thursday, november 1st. 4:00 a.m. in the east. hope you are happy with your halloween candy. if not, reese's put out a candy converter. if you don't like your kit kat or skittles, trade them in. baby ruth. i'm a reese's guy. >> we have so much candy at my house. i'll secretly take it away. >> never enough. let's get to politics. one rally down. ten to go. president trump in florida for the first event in the week-long push to the midterms. it is the web ad he tweeted out which is called out for portraying hispanics as criminals. >> he says he wants to apply for a pardon for the felony he committed. attempted murder. >> the ad echos the 1988 campaign ad for bush 41 targeting michael dukakis over willie horton bragging about his crimes. >> kill more. [ bleep ] kill more. >> the cop killer had been deported twice. once under clinton. one under george w. bush. >> this is distracting, devi difficult -- divisive at its worst. this is fear mongering. >> the president says this is clearly working. we are talking about it and not health care. the president also claims as many as 15,000 troops could be sent to the border to stop the 3,500 or so migrants heading to the u.s. the caravan which is now more than 800 miles away and several weeks away from the border. chief white house correspondent jim acosta is in florida with more. >> reporter: president trump appears to have found his closing argument for the rally. immigration. using inflammatory rhetoric here in florida. the president demonized the caravan heading to the u.s. border and vowed to end birthright citizenship. here is more of what the president had to say. >> the democrat party is openly encouraging millions of illegal aliens to break our laws and violate our borders. you see what's happening right now. a vet for democrat -- a vote for democrats is a vote to liquidate our borders and let illegal drugs pour across the borders. >> reporter: he vented his frustration over the media coverage over the tree of life synagog synagogue. christine and dave. >> jim, thank you. if you asked the president, the migrant caravan is bigger than the media is putting it. this is how he put it to abc news. >> you have caravans coming up that look larger than reported. i'm pretty good at estimating crowd size. they look a lot bigger. >> i'm pretty good at estimating crowd size. he is going after paul ryan. should be focused on holding majority rather than opinions on birthright citizenship. in the interview with the kentucky radio station, paul ryan says you cannot end birthright citizenship with executive order. claire mccaskill is in a tight race with her challenger. she got help from the former vice president and possible 2020 contender joe biden. >> you have a guy running against claire who says he supports pre-existing conditions being able to be covered. yet he joins the lawsuit in texas to make sure that -- these guys are either not telling the truth or they are really stupid or both. >> the latest cnn forecast has kali mccaskill ahead by one point. the georgia governor's race. oprah winfrey joining the campaign trail for stacey abrams. she plans to do door-to-door knocking in atlanta to get out the vote. vice president mike pence will campaign in georgia for abrams' rival, brian kemp. the final debate of the race is off. kemp backed off the sunday time slot. the suspect in the pittsburgh synagogue massacre set to appear in court. robert bowers was indicted on 44 counts. many carry the death penalty. today's services will be held for 65-year-old richard gottfried. three others were laid to rest. joyce fienberg and melvin wax and irving younger. police in irving, california are hoping this surveillance video will help them find a vandal who defaced a synagogue days after the tree of life synagogue. workers spotted it wednesday morning. the human relations council said the hate crimes continues to increase. the federal reserve unveiled a proposal and marks a step back from the financial crisis. in a statement, jerome powell said congress and the american people rightly expect us to achieve a regulatory regime to keep the financial system strong and imposing no more burden than necessary. earlier this year, congress passed a bill raising the level which banks are too big to fail up to $250 proposaproposal, ths has a bigger system to changes. under the new propoeosaproposal under $250 billion would have so softer rules. the national archives have just released the watergate scandal documents. it has never been seen before. it reveals how the grand jury was going to charge nixon in the investigation. the president was never formally charged, but was named as an unindicted co- con spirspiritor. robert mueller should use them if he decides to issue a report to congress. google is staging a walkout to protest the company's handling of sexual harassment. it comes after the article that detailed years of sexual harassment and several multimillion dollar severance. more than 1,500 people are taking part worldwide. 10:00 a.m. eastern is when the employees will walk out. ahead, the body of the murdered "washington post" journalist jamal khashoggi may never been found. now turkish authorities are pursuing a gruesome theory of what happened to him. we are live in istanbul with the latest. get closer. start listening today to the world's largest selection of audiobooks on audible. and now, get more. for just $14.95 a month, you'll get a credit a month good for any audiobook, plus two audible originals exclusive titles you can't find anywhere else. if you don't like a book, you can exchange it any time, no questions asked. automatically roll your credits over to the next month if you don't use them. with the free audible app, you can listen anytime, and anywhere. plus for the first time ever, you'll get access to exclusive fitness programs a $95 value free with membership. start a 30-day trial today and your first audiobook is free. cancel anytime and your books are yours to keep forever. audible. the most inspiring minds. the most compelling stories. text "listen9" to 500500 to start your free trial today. search and rescue agency has located one of the black boxes from the doomed lion air flight which crashed in the java sea earlier this week. we have ivan watson with the details. good morning, ivan. >> reporter: good morning. the black box and flight data recorder located after monday's crash with the divers with the help of the remote operated vehicle and tools were able to hone in on the locater beacon which was pinging under water at a depth of 100 feet covered by mud. they were able to hone in on it and retrieve it. it has been handed over to the national transportation safety committee here which is overseeing the investigation into the terrible disaster, christi christine, which left 189 passengers and crew dead. now the chief of that agency tells cnn it will take two-to-three weeks to retrieve the information from the flight data recorder and possibly two-to-three months to analyze it. it will be done in indonesia. the international agencies could be involved in safety regulations. meanwhile, i spoke to a top executive in the company itself. lion group which operates the low budget airline, who is, of course, grieving because he personally knows the pilot and co-pilot of the plane that went down. he has no idea how a brand new boeing 737 max could have crashed minutes after takeoff. he wants to fly to boeing to talk to the manufacturers to try to get to the bottom of this terrible tragedy and mystery. christine. >> awful. thank you for that. turkey's chief prosecutor says saudi agents strangled "washington post" journalist jamal khashoggi almost immediately after entering the consulate in istanbul. then dismembering the body. they denied extradition to all 18 suspects in the case and now a gruesome theory of what happened to khashoggi's remains. let's bring in jomana karadsheh live in istanbul. jomana, good morning. what are we learning? >> reporter: good morning, dave. after weeks of speculation and leaks that we had from unnamed turkish officials here, this was the first statement from the chief prosecutor who is overseeing the criminal investigation. in the statement, they say the investigation has concluded and that jamal khashoggi was strangled to death immediately after entering the building behind me. the saudi consulate on october 2nd. his body was dismembered and destroyed. it is unclear what they mean by destroyed. "the washington post" is reporting according to senior turkish official who is telling them they are pursuing the theory his body was destroyed using acid at the consulate or consul-general's residence nearby. the evidence collected from the consulate garden supports the theory that his body was destroyed close to where the killing took place. despite the latest information, authorities are pushing for answers much where are -- answers of where are the remains to jamal khashoggi and who ordered the hit squad? they were hoping to get the answers from the chief prosecutor who was in istanbul and he left yesterday after the three-day visit, but they don't have the answers. according to the senior official telling cnn, it seems the saudis were more interested in finding out what evidence turkey had than cooperation in the investigation. >> despicable. camero jomana karadsheh, thank you. 80,000 guns and crack in a raid in chicago with more than 50 arrested. and priceless and historic and missing. several nasa artifacts are lost. you may not believe why. you've had quite the career. yeah, i've had some pretty prestigious jobs over the years. news producer, executive transport manager, and a beverage distribution supervisor. now i'm a director at a security software firm. wow, you've been at it a long time. thing is, i like working. what if my retirement plan is i don't want to retire? then let's not create a retirement plan. let's create a plan for what's next. i like that. get a plan that's right for you. td ameritrade. ♪ comcast business built the nation's largest gig-speed network. then went beyond. beyond chasing down network problems. to knowing when and where there's an issue. beyond network complexity. to a zero-touch, one-box world. optimizing performance and budget. beyond having questions. to getting answers. "activecore, how's my network?" "all sites are green." all of which helps you do more than your customers thought possible. comcast business. beyond fast. 52 people, including seven felons arrested in chicago on drug and weapons charges. the police say the suspects were swept up in raids carried out on saturday night. search warrants turned up cash and heroin and crack. the latest weekend of violence left 41 people shot. five fatally. university of maryland firing d.j. durkin one day after allowing him to return to his job. the decision led to outrage from students and the community. durkin was placed on leave in august after the death of jordan mcnair. on tuesday, the board of regents recommend the coach be reinstated. yesterday, the university president defied that and fired durkin. a federal laurenw enforceme official who told inmates who killed whiteyb bulger tried to cut out his tongue. giving his killers easy access to him as he was in general population. bulger was beaten beyond recognition. one inmate involved has ties to organized crime in massachusetts. health officials confirming a tenth child died at the center for nursing and rehabilitation in new jersey. 27 pediatric cases have been linked to the virus. the center is not admitting new residents until outbreak is over. the cdc is helping with lab tests. the team will visit the facilities, including the wanaque center this month to conduct training. inspector general report says priceless nasa artifacts were lost because of poor record keeping. nasa does not have adequate processes in place to manage the assets. among the relics of space history lost, the lunar collection bag and rover that was sold to a scrap yard. nasa said it would develop better ways for the historical items by the spring of 2020. in baseball, the loss of one of the all-time hall of fame grates. ledge end willie mccovey. he was a fearsome hitter in the 1970s to form one of the greatest duos with willie mays. the flag at at&t park is over mccovey cove. he died after battling health issues. he was 80 years old. >> one of the greats. >> all-time greats. he will be dearly missed. ahead, hispanics are criminals. the blatant fear message in the campaign ad the president of the united states tweeted. will the immigration message work for the midterms? hey there people eligible for medicare. gimme one minute... and i'll tell you some important things to know about medicare. first, it doesn't pay for everything. say this pizza is your part b medical expenses. this much - about 80% - medicare will pay for. what's left, you have to pay for that. that's where an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company comes in. this type of plan helps pay some of what medicare doesn't. and these are the only plans to carry the aarp endorsement for meeting their high standards of quality and service. to request your free decision guide call now or go online at with this type of plan, you'll have the freedom to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. and when you travel, your plan will go with you - anywhere in the country. whew! call or go online and find out more. and i'm the founder of ugmonk. before shipstation it was crazy. it's great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize i've got a hundred orders i have to ship out. shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll everything's pretty much done. it's so much easier so now, we're ready, bring on t. shipstation. the number one ch of online sellers. go to and get two months free. absolutely. i'd kill more. >> a new ad campaign portrays hispanics as criminals as the president rallies around the nation about immigration. three more funerals today for the victims of the pittsburgh synagogue massacre. the suspect faces dozens of death penalty counts. one of the black boxes has been recovered from the downed lion air jet off indonesia. will it help determine what brought down the plane? and the university of maryland fires coach d.j. durkin. defying the recommendation to let durkin stay after a player died on his watch. highly recommend the piece of the journalism. welcome to "early start." i'm dave briggs. >> i'm christine romans. one rally down, 12 to go. the president's week-long push to the midterms. it is the web ad he tweeted before the rally that is drawing attention and called out for blatantly portraying hispanics as criminals. it highlights the willie horton ad for bush 41. >> it features a california cop killer and horton bragging about his crimes. >> absolutely. i would kill more. [ bleep ] kill more cops. >> the cop killer had been deported twice. once under clinton. once under george w. bush. tom perez says this is just another dog whistle. >> this is donald at his worst. this is fear mongering. >> the ad in the push is clearly working. we are talking about it and not health care. the president also claims as many as 15,000 troops could be sent to the border to stop the migrants heading to the u.s. worth noting that figure exceeds the be in tnumbe number of troo afghanistan. the caravan which is now more than 800 miles away and several weeks away from the border. chief white house correspondent jim acosta is in florida with the president's midterm pitch. >> reporter: christine and dave, president trump appears to have found the closing argument for the midterms. i immigration. using the rhetoric here at the rally in florida, the president demonized the caravan of migrants heading to mexico's border with u.s. here is more of what the president had to say. >> the democratic party is openly encouraging millions of illegal aliens to break our laws and violate our borders. you see what's happening right now. a vote for democrats is a vote to liquidate our borders and let meth and heroin and other deadly drugs come across the borders. >> reporter: he vented his frustration over the media coverage over the tree of life synagogue victims. christine and dave. >> jim acosta, thanks. interesting to hear guns n roses. we'll talk about that later. abc news asked the president straight up about his honesty. >> try. i always want to tell the truth. when i can i tell the truth. it turns out to be something happens and there's a change. >> the president also going after paul ryan tweeting the house speaker should focus on holding majority rather than giving opinions on birthright citizenship. something he knows nothing about. in an interview with with the kentucky radio station -- with the kentucky radio station, paul says you cannot end birthright citizenship with an executive order. the president will not campaign in two states where democrats are hoping to flip senate seats. kyrsten sinema's lead over martha mcsally is just 7%. >> and two officials involved in shaping the president's travel tells cnn republicans in arizona and nevada asked to keep mr. trump away in the closing days of the campaign. possible appearance was not viewed as helpful. the president visited arizona and nevada in october. the suspect in the pittsburgh synagogue massacre set to appear in court. on wednesday, the grand jury indicted robert bowers on 44 counts. many carry the death penalty. today's services for 65-year-old richard gottfried and sylvan and bernice simon. several hundred university of pittsburgh students and supporters rallied on campus in favor of fighter gun legislations. police in irving, california are hoping the surveillance video will help find a vandal who defaced a synagogue just days after the tree of life massacre. workers spotted it wednesday morning. the orange county human relations council says the number of hate crimes last year jumped continuing the trend from 2015. october was a frightening month for investors. from hong kong to new york, investors slammed by a wave of fears of higher interest rates and trade wars. nasdaq fell 9% in october. the biggest drop since november of 2008. a sweet halloween rebound on wednesday, but the s&p lost nearly 7% last month. it's worst month since september of 2011. despite the dow rally, it shed 5% for the month. capital markets said october was a normal correction. >> we needed to take some complacency out of the market. that is what we have done. we believe this is a bull market correction within a secular longer bull market. >> don't worry about the money you lost. stocks fell overseas due to economic growth and trade. hang seng lost 10%. the national archives released the watergate road map. the documents from the scandal include a would-be indictment against then president richard nixon which has never been seen before. it reveals how a grand jury planned to charge mr. nixon with bribery and conspiracy and obstruction of justice and criminal investigation. the president was never formally charged, but named as a conspirator. some believe robert mueller should use it as a road map if he decides to issue a report to congress. google employees planning to stage a walkout today to protest the handling of the company's sexual harassment. it detailed years of allegations and severance packages for executives and lack of transparency. the ceo voicing his support for employees who wish to parti participate in the protest. they expect more than 1,500 people to take part worldwide. coming up, the body of the murdered "washington post" columnist jamal khashoggi may never been found. now the gruesome theory of what happened to them. we are live in istanbul. today is the day you're going to get motivated... get stronger... get closer. start listening today to the world's largest selection of audiobooks on audible. and now, get more. for just $14.95 a month, you'll get a credit a month good for any audiobook, plus two audible originals exclusive titles you can't find anywhere else. if you don't like a book, you can exchange it any time, no questions asked. automatically roll your credits over to the next month if you don't use them. with the free audible app, you can listen anytime, and anywhere. plus for the first time ever, you'll get access to exclusive fitness programs a $95 value free with membership. start a 30-day trial today and your first audiobook is free. cancel anytime and your books are yours to keep forever. audible. the most inspiring minds. the most compelling stories. text "listen5" to 500500 to start your free trial today. a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! indonesia's search and rescue agency has located one of the black boxes from the doomed lion air flight which crashed in the java sea this week 13 minutes after takeoff. cnn's ivan watson is live in jakarta, indonesia with the latest. good morning, ivan. >> reporter: dave, good morning. this breakthrough wasn't easy to do. the divers and fleet of ships involved in the salvage operation say it took them days to locate the ping from the flight data recorder and then to dive down in the currents of more than 100 feet. then the divers had to dig in the mud to pull the flight data recorder out. it has since been handed over to the national transportation safety committee here overseeing the investigation of the deadly disaster which resulted in the deaths of 189 passengers and crew. this is not the cockpit voice recorder to let us hear the last minutes of the interactions of the pilot and co-pilot. remember in the first minutes of the flight on monday morning, they requested to return back to the main airport here in jakarta. they never had the time to sound a may day emergency call. what this recorder does is it measures scores of different flight instruments and wind speed and altitude and smoke detecters in some cases. it could take weeks, if not months, we're hearing now for all of that to be analyzed and hopefully provide an answer to the mystery of the brand new boeing 737 plunges out of the sky minutes after takeoff taking the passengers and crew with it. dave. >> ivan watson live for us. thank you. turkey's chief prosecutor says saudi agents strangled "washington post" journalist jamal khashoggi almost immediately after entering the consulate in istanbul and then dismembered the body. turkish government demanding saudi arabia extradite all 18 suspects in the case to turkey. we are bringing in jomana karadsheh live in istanbul with the latest. jomana, it is so grim and awful. it must be terrible for his family. to have him killed so quickly after entering the consulate which suggest the saudis are lying when they say it was a fist fight gone awry. >> reporter: you know, christine, we had this changing narrative constantly from saudi authorities on what happened to jamal khashoggi. that is why turkish officials are frustrated. they want the saudis to answer some of those questions and, you know, yesterday for the first time, nearly a month after the investigation, the criminal investigation into the killing of jamal khashoggi was launched by turkish authorities here, the chief prosecutor for istanbul who is overseeing the investigation came out with the statement. the most detailed so far of the conclusions of what happened to jamal khashoggi after he entered the consulate. you mentioned they say immediately after entering the building, he was strangled to death and his body dismembered and destroyed. it is not clear what they mean by destroyed. we are seeking clarification from turkish officials. according to "the washington post" the senior turkish official says they are pursuing the theory that his body may have been destroyed using acid. either here at the consulate or the nearby consul-general's residence. they say the evidence collected by the nearby garden does support the theory his body was disposed close to where the killing took place. they still have key questions. where are the remains of jamal khashoggi and who issued the orders? they were trying to get the answer from the chief prosecutor who was here for three days and left yesterday. they not get the answers. the senior turkish official says the saudis were not interested in cooperating in the investigation. they were trying to find out what evidence turkey had. christine. >> jomana, thank you for that. in istanbul in front of the consulate. inappropriate office behavior is under the microscope. now testing its limits on free beer at wework. don't let cracked skin tell you what to wear. new aveeno® cracked skin cica ointment. with shea butter and triple oat complex. for fast relief and a protective barrier for lasting relief. wear what you love, aveeno®. comcast business built the nation's largest gig-speed network. then went beyond. beyond chasing down network problems. to knowing when and where there's an issue. beyond network complexity. to a zero-touch, one-box world. optimizing performance and budget. beyond having questions. to getting answers. "activecore, how's my network?" "all sites are green." all of which helps you do more than your customers thought possible. comcast business. beyond fast. more than 50 people suspected of fuelling violence in chicago have been arrested. the suspects swept up in the raids overnight carried out by the police and atf teams. authorities collected guns, cars and $80,000 in cash after a weekend of violence where 41 people were shot in chicago. the university of maryland firing head football coach d.j. durkin one day after allowing him to return to his job. that led to pressure from the state lawmakers and community. he was placed on leave in august after the death of jordan mcnair. on tuesday, the board of regents recommend the coach be reinstated. the university president defied that order and fired durkin. a federal law enforcement official tellss the inmates tha killed whitey bulger was killed by cutting out his tongue of . e at least one inmates involved is believed to have ties to organized crime in massachusetts. inspector general report states nasa artifacts were lost because of poor record keeping. nasa does not have adequate processes in place to identify or manage its heritage assets. among the space history lost is apollo 11 lunar collection bag. also a lunar rover sold to a scrap yard. nasa will have a better system by 2020. and intoxicated american airlines baggage handler fell asleep on the job and took a trip from chicago. he wasn't discovered until the landing in chicago. he said he was intoxicated and fell asleep. he was not charged with a crime. american said the airline is investigating and the employee has been suspended. baseball is mourning the loss of one of the all-time hall of fame greats. willie mccovey was a fierce hitter in the '60s and '70s. the giants paying tribute to mccovey flying flags over at&t park. the team says he died after battling ongoing health issues. mccovey was 80 years old. two supreme court justices could be husband and wife. a letter unearthed from march of 1952. in it, future chief justice william renquist then girlfriend sandra day o'connor. they declined. they acknowledged they were dating at stanford law school. the late justice renquist and his wife became friends with the connors. and while you were sleeping, jimmy fallon showed outtakes by the president. >> first is alabama. >> it sounds too much like obama. next. >> how about hawaii? >> hawaii is a beautiful, beautiful country. >> massachusetts. >> god bless you. >> that wasn't a sneeze. that's a state. >> what's the next state? >> massachusetts. >> gezuhntit. >> new mexico. >> there's a new mexico? isn't the old one bad enough? make new mexico old again. put that on a hat. >> oh, my gosh. let's get a check of cnn business. asian stocks kickoff november with positive readings here. the hang seng up 2%. shanghai up a little bit. nikkei down 1%. u.s. foots a s afutures are pos. dow closing up to cap off a terrible october. nasdaq trimming the monthly decline. the worst month for the nasdaq since november of 2008. s&p is up 1%. the steepest decline since november of 2011. general motors surged 9% on the earnings report. gm is offering buyouts to a third of the workers in the u.s. as it transitions to self-driving cars. gm employees who worked 12 or more years will get this offer. gm is dealing with higher cost was tariffs on steel and aluminum which raised costs in the third quarter and could raise costs by $1 billion next year. wework is curbing the beer consumption of the new york city members. testing new rules on the free beer offering. free beer at wework. it comes when inappropriate office behavior is under the to the light at tech companies. wework offered unlimited beer on tap. now members are limited to four 12-ounce glasses of beer per day. taps work from noon to 8:00 p.m. the trial is expected to last between 30 and 90 days. i could not work on only four pints a day. >> one of our crew said where do i get an application? >> the tech company perks. we come here. >> awful coffee. "early start" continues right now. absolutely. i'd kill more. >> a new ad campaign portrays hispanics as criminals as the president rallies around the nation about immigration. three more funerals today for the victims of the pittsburgh synagogue massacre. the suspect faces dozens of death penalty counts. the flight data recorder has been recovered from the downed lion air in indonesia. will it help figure out what brought down the plane? and the university of maryland fires coach d.j. durkin. defying the recommendation to let durkin stay after a player died on his watch. >> good morning. welcome to "early start." i'm christine romans. >> i'm dave briggs. it is thursday, november 1st. 5:00 a.m. in the east. hope you had a great halloween. >> hide the candy. one rally down. ten to go. president trump in florida at the first event in the week-long 11th hour push to the midterms. it is the web ad he tweeted out before the rally drawing attention and called out for portraying hispanics as criminals. the ad echos the 1988 willie horton ad. >> the trump ad features a california cop killer in the u.s. illegally bragging about his crimes.

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