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Post is they are quoting officials with information on this matter. One or two icbms are currently being built. The liquid fuel Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles which means they take longer to set up because the liquid fuel is not easily stored inside the missile. What it does mean, according to the u. S. Official, it gives the United States a heads up when one is being mantled. A u. S. Official telling cnn that this report from the Washington Post is consistent with what they believe. The u. S. And Intel Community and Around The World has been saying that kim jongun is continuing his proper duduction activity. He did not fully agree to denuclearization. He said he would work toward denuclearization. Those were the words in the singapore summit. This is not much of a surprise. The big challenge for the United States at this point is to try the president s press team is not coordinating with Rudy Giuliani concerning his comments on behalf of mr. Trumps legal team. That was apparent monday when giuliani made a series of bizarre claims on cnns new day. Including the fact he is not sure collusion with russia is even a crime. The Criminal Code does not include the word collusion, but it is understood as a broad term that could include who amore spc crimes like conspiracy. Giuliani said several aides met for a premeeting to discuss strategy at trump tower. Lannie said there was a meeting two days before with donald junior and jared and gates and one other person. It is important to know, rick gates, the righthand man to Get a jump on the days news with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs. Of. Back to you. Devastating. Nick, thank you. Republicans relentlessly attacked president obama when he offered to meet rivals without preconditions. Now trump will do the same for iran. We are live in tehran. Oh oh ozempic® vo people with Type 2 Diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. 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Tell your doctor if you have Diabetic Retinopathy or vision changes. Taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase the risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and constipation. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. I discovered the potential with ozempic®. Oh oh oh ozempic® vo ask your Healthcare Provider if ozempic® is right for you. 97 of the benefits would go to the top 10 of the Income Earners in the United States. Rejecting the threat to shutdown the government in september if he doesnt get the border wall. At least for now. Finish up the measures. We have been considering several days and take more steps to the goal of cop completing the appropriations process and funding the government in a timely manner. If the president wants to shutdown the government, that is his prerogative. I dont think it will be necessary. Even the member of the president s own party are learning to shrug off or ignore his impulses. Still, the president persists reiterating the Shutdown Threat on monday. After many, many years of talk within the United States, i would have no problem doing a shutdown. Its time we had proper border security. Now according to a white house aide, john kelly is trying to soothe anxious members of the legislative affairs office. Kelly saying the president is still on board with the agreement struck with Republican Leadership at a meeting that did not include threats of a shutdown. The super rich Koch Brothers sending shock waves through the republican party. They will not support Congress Member kevin cramer. This group is frustrated with the gop and taking americans for granted. The koch members are raising the bar. If you want to know how influential they are, they plan to spend 400 million in the twoyear election cycle. A shift for the party. Ahead, lebron james taking on the president s attitude toward athletes. He is trying to take on our sport. What else king james says about the National Anthem protest. Ahead on early start. Gs to know about medicare. Mport first, it doesnt pay for everything. Say this pizza is your part b medical expenses. This much about 80 medicare will pay for. Whats left is on you. Thats where an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company comes in. This type of plan helps pay some of what medicare doesnt. These are the only plans to carry the aarp endorsement for meeting their high standards of quality and service. So call Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company today and ask for your free decision guide. With this type of plan, youll have the freedom to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. And when you travel, your plan will go with you anywhere in the country. Whew Call Unitedhealthcare today and ask for your free decision guide. 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The president has long been a critic of tehran with his administration pursuing a strategy many see as regime change. Cnns Oren Liebermann is live in jerusalem. Reporter laura, a stunning about face. Nine days ago that trump sent the all caps tweet saying never ever threaten the United States again or you will suffer the consequences in which few in history have suffered about. Now it is a Reconciliation Tone. Now after blasting former president obama for the same idea for meeting with iran. Now donald trump doing so. Trump appeared to offer a slight hedge saying he would be willing to meet as long as they can work out something meaningful. It is up to Secretary Of State mike pompeo offering the conditions with a way of iran denuclearization. As for iran, how have they taken this sudden about face . Not well, it seems. Iranian Parliament Saying backing out of the Iran Nuclear Deal is worse than any precondition. He says the washington hostile measures to put economic pressure on the country says there is no room for talks. Now President Trump is willing to meet without preconditions and iran is far from willing to do the same. Oren, thank you. Les moonves will remain in his job while the network investigates Sexual Misconduct allegations against him. The board is lining up an outside law firm to investigate the story. No other action was taken at mondays meeting. It has postponed the stockholder meeting scheduled for august 10th. Moonves responded to the allegation was a statement saying he has promoted a culture of respect and opportunity for all employees, but admitting there were times decades ago when he made women uncomfortable by making advances. 21 states trying to stop the release of plans for building 3d printable guns. They want to withdraw from the plans designer. Eight states arguing the Trump Administration action would allow terrorists to download untraceable weapons. Because of the designs have been posted online, by sunday, more than 1,000 people already downloaded the plans to print an ar15 style rifle. No more snow days in one south Carolina School district thanks to technology. Officials in Anderson County School District announcing on social media when roads are too treacherous, teachers will send assignments to the kids on the school supplied chrome books. Only a small percentage of students attended the makeup days. South carolina has very little snow fall each year. Lebron james believes donald trump is using sports to sow division in the country. Lebron speaking to don lemon after the opening of i Promise School for the at risk kids in akron, ohio, on monday. He pointed to which the president has taken advantage of displays of dissent to stir disco discord. Kaepernick, who was a protester in something he believed in and he did it in the most calm fashion. You look at the nfl players still kneeling. You look at staff. You look at all of the instances why he is trying to divide our sport. Sport is the reason we come together. Lebron says his voice has to be about more than just sports. A lot of socially conscious athletes out there today. Particularly james and curry. The nfl and nba. The new signs the north koreans are building missiles outside of pyongyang. A and the first trial of Paul Manafort starts today. Dont expect much on russia at Paul Manaforts trial. sto gsid. Pack in even more adventure with audible. With the Largest Selection of audiobooks. Audible lets you follow plot twists off the beaten track. Or discover magic when you hit the open road. With the free audible app, your stories go wherever you do. And for just 14. 95 a month you get a credit, good for any audiobook. If you dont like it exchange it any time. No questions asked. You can also roll your credits to the next month if you dont use them. So take audible with you this summer. On the road. On the trail. Or to the beach. Start a 30day trial and your first audiobook is free. Cancel anytime, and your books are yours to keep forever. No matter where you go this summer make it better with audible. Text summer5 to 500500 to start listening today. New revelations overnight that north korea could be building new missiles. The work picking up after the singapore summit. Were live in seoul. Paul manaforts trial begins today on financial crimes. A lot riding on the case against the president s onetime campaign chief. And the carr fire in california now chewing up over 100,000 acres. 19 people remain missing in one of the most destructive fires in state history. Good morning. Welcome back to early start. Im dave briggs. Im laura jarrett. 30 minutes past the hour. New signs that north korea could be building more missiles. The Washington Post reporting that Satellite Images show work is under way on the intercontinental ballistic missiles in the suburb of pyongyang. If true, the work of the icbms would be a serious blow to the diplomatic efforts between President Trump and kim jongun. For the latest, lets bring in Paula Hancocks in seoul. Paula. Reporter laura, we are hearing from a u. S. Official that the report from the Washington Post is consistent with the Intel Community. The public is saying that kim jongun is continuing with his Intercontinental Ballistic Missile construction. One of two being constructed at the Research Facility outside pyongyang. Now we are hearing from the u. S. Official that the liquid fuel is less of a wore to the United States. Basic worry i to the United States. Basically because it takes long to get the liquid fuel in the missile and ready for launch. The u. S. Intelligence services would have advance warning of this happening. We heard from Secretary Of State mike pompeo saying that north korea continues to produce fi u fissile material. There is no agreement between kim jongun and donald trump over denuclearization. He said he would work toward denuclearization. The big issue is to find out what north korea has within the program so when kim jongun gives his inventory saying he is willing to give that up, is that everything . Does he have more he is trying to hide . North korea is suggesting this is what they have done in the past and they are not transparent. Laura. So many questions remain. Thank you, paula. Jury selection begins later this morning in the trial of Paul Manafort of financial crimes. The first public test of Robert Mueller and prosecutors. Although russia is not the focus of the proceeding. We have more from cnns evan perez in washington. Reporter dave and laura, Paul Manafort, the former campaign chairman, is going on trial in Virginia On Federal Tax and bank fraud charges. This is the first trial to come from Robert Muellers investigation. Dont expect the trial to be about russia or collusion or President Trump. Prosecutors and attorneys plan to stick closely to the issues in the charges which have to do with the governments accusations that manafort used secret Foreign Bank Accounts to hide millions of dollars he earned working for the Ukrainian Government and failed to report it to the irs. Manafort has pleaded not guilty to the charges. In the hours before Jury Selection begins, the two sides are squaring off over what evidence the jury will be allowed to see. Blocking from 50 pieces of evidence, including emails and photos that they say are irrelevant and prejudicial. The prosecutors say the evidence is important to show how manafort earned 60 million working as a political consultant for the Ukrainian Government. Manafort faces another trial later this year on charges from washington, d. C. Dave and laura. A white house official confirming the obvious. The president s press team is not coordinating with Rudy Giuliani concerning the legal team. That was apparent on monday when giuliani made a bizarre series of claims on new day. Including he is not sure collusion with russia is even a crime. For context, the Criminal Code doesnt use the word collusion, but it could include crimes like conspiracy. Giuliani suggested before the meeting in 2016 at trump tower, several aides met for a premeeting to discuss the strategy. Lannie said there was a meeting two days before with donald junior and jared and gates and one other person. It is important to know, rick gates, the righthand man to Paul Manafort, is cooperating with the Robert Mueller investigation. After requests for clarity, Rudy Giuliani later said the meeting never happened and insists his description came from questions by reporters. This story keeps changing, dave. The former head of the Human Resources of fema accused of trading sex for jobs. Cnn reviewed a summary of the preliminary investigation. Finds cory coleman experienced relationships with female subordinates. He pressured the women and demoted them if they tried to deny him. The first accusation dates 2015. His name does not actually appear in the summary, but a source confirms he is the subject of the report. Coleman resigned when they approved him for the interview. The allegations are deeply disturbing. Cnn has been unable to Reach Coleman for comment. A federal court in california ordering broad changes in how the government detains and treats Migrant Children in the facilities. It is requiring the government to stop imposing conditions that delay releasing minors to parents or relatives. The judge said the government violated a 1997 settlement that dictates how refugee children are to be treated in the system. The Justice Department declined to comment. Progress is slow, but it is being made as crews battle the carr fire raging in northern california. The monster blaze has consumed more than 103,000 acres and it is 23 contained. Six people have died and 19 are missing. More than 1,100 structures burned making it the seventh most destructive fire in california history. One girl doing what she can to help. Chelsea recording her daughter handing out burritos to firefighters working the carr fire. We get more from nick watt in redding, california. Reporter dave and laura, firefighters fighting this fire have described it as chaotic and unpredictable. They talk about how a gust of wind at any moment can cause a problem. This fire started more than a week ago. This fire was under control for a few days until the Weather Conditions turned. Temperatures soared and humidity dropped. This fire using fuel with the dead vegetation just spread through the area. It is interesting to note that of the top 12 biggest fires in california, 7 of them have taken place since 2015. The personal cost here has been huge. Six people have been killed. Two firefighters. What will happen next with the fire . Well, the forecast is for 100 Degree Temperatures for the rest of the week and no rain in that forecast and that could make this fire tricky to get ahold of. Back to you. Devastating. Nick, thank you. Republicans relentlessly attacked president obama when he offered to meet irans leaders without preconditions. Now trump will do the same for iran. We are live in the middle east. Dont do that from strength or from weakness. I think it is an appropriate thing to do. Do you have preconditions for that meeting . No. They want to meet, ill meet. President trumps words on a sharp departures from the words he used last week. He forgot the all caps of the consequences. The president has long been a critic of tehran with his administration pursuing a strategy many see as regime change. Cnns Oren Liebermann is live in jerusalem. He cleaned this up . Reporter President Trump making the stunning about face from the language of iran suffering consequences the likes of few have suffered in history. Going after the regime and now being able to meet without preconditions in what sounded like a Reconciliation Tone from President Trump who has been a harsh critic of the Iran Nuclear Deal. He said there has to be a possibility of something meaning coming from the talks. That may be a bit of a hedge, but Secretary Of State mike pompeo spoke to cnbc to clarify what trump meant to meet without preconditions. If the iranians demonstrate the changes to how they treat their own people and agree it is worthwhile to enter a Nuclear Agreement that actually prevents proliferation, then the president is prepared to sit down and have a conversation with them. Reporter this apparent about face looks like the one President Trump did when it came to north korea. Using harsh rhetoric against them and then sitting down with kim jongun. Critics against former president obama over the same. Lets see if they are quiet over the sudden meeting with iranian leaders. Iranian Parliament Said breaking the deal means there is no possibility of talks. Secretary of state is now the translator. Oren, thank you. Senate republicans rejecting the president s threat to shutdown the government in september if he doesnt get funding for the border wall. At least for now. We will finish up the set of Appropriation Measures and we will take four steps to the goal of completing the regular appropriations process and funding the government in a timely and orderly manner. The president wants to shutdown the government. You know, that is his prerogative. I think it would be a mistake and i dont think it will be necessary. Even members of the president s own party are learning though shrug off or ignore his sporadic impulses. Still the president persists reiterating the Shutdown Threat on monday. After many, many years of talk within the United States, i would have no problem doing a shutdown. Its time we had proper border security. Now according to a white house aide, Chief Of Staff john kelly is trying to soothe members of the White House Legislative Affairs office. He is still on board with the agreement struck with the republicans that did not include a shutdown. The billionaire Koch Brothers Sending Shockwaves through the republican party. They will not support republican Congress Member kevin cramer in the race to unseat heidi heitkamp. The group is frustrated with the state of the gop and feels taken for granted. The president of americans for prosperity, the political arm of the koch network says its members are raising the bar. 4 46. A check on cnn money. A rocky year for tyson foods and the trade wars not helping. Tyson lowered Profit Forecast for the year nearly 12 yesterday. As uncertainty of tariffs send chicken and pork prices lower. The Company Stock is down 26 for the year. Also not helping is the business is a huge oversupply of frozen meat. Storing a record 2. 5 billion pounds of beef, chicken, pork and turkey according to the u. S. Department of agriculture. Tyson will not get the bump it anticipated from the lower Corporate Tax rate republicans passed last year. Saving 10 less than expected. On september 11th, President Trump gets the full bob woodward. The reporter releases fear. His first book on the traumump administration. Mr. Trump told woodward that fear is the source of the real power. It is based on notes, including some handwritten by the president. A source tells cnn woodward went back to his shoeleather reporting of watergate days knocking on doors at night convincing dozens of white house officials and sources to talk to him all on tape. Judging by the past of one of the great reporters of our time. This will not be fire and fury. There will be sourcing in the book. Can you imagine bob woodward showing up at your door . Ahead, lebron james taking on the president s attitude toward athletes. He is trying to divide our sport. At the end of the day, sport is the reason we all come together. What else lebron tells cnn about the National Anthem protests and opening his Legacy School in ohio yesterday. When i received the diagnoses, i knew at that exact moment. Im beating this. My main focus was to find a team of doctors. Its not just picking a surgeon, its picking the care team and feeling secure in where you are. Visit cancercenter. Com breast company investigates Sexual Misconduct allegations. The board states allegations by six women were reported. No action was taken on mondays meeting and postponed the annual Stockholder Meeting for august 10th. Moonves says he has introduced a Cultu Culture and opportunity for all employees. He admits decades ago he may have made women uncomfortable by making advances. The Guardians Of The Galaxy Cast Standing by james gunn. Three signing an open letter asking disney to reinstate gunn. Gunn for his part accepted the decision and apologized for how he conducted himself. The cast says in the letter, we are not here to defend his jokes of years ago, but rather to share our experience having spent many years together. The Character Gunn has shown in the wake of his firing is consistent. Gunn has not commented on the cast letter. Police officers shot and killed an armed suspect last month will not face criminal charges. I will [ bleep ] shoot you. What . I didnt do nothing. 31yearold Thurman Belielev was shot and killed on june 23rd. The incident caught on the officers body cams. The announcement that no charges will be filed were interrupted by members of the victims family. Quickly and intense and rapidly evolving situations. Needed to be taken into account. We want the officers arrested in the next 48 hours or there will be further consequences. That is all we have to say. Mike freeman, you better think long and hard about prosecuting these officers. If you dont elections finish that. Prosecutors say the officers are both white says blevins turned for them. A gun was recovered from his body. And 21 states trying to stop plans for building 3d printable guns. They are asking the Trump Administration to withdrawal from the settlement. Eight states have filed suit saying this would allow criminals and terrorists to download undetectible weapons. People are not supposed to be able to legally download plans for the guns until wednesday, but because of the designs being posted online, by sunday, more than 1,000 people already had downloaded plans to print an ar15 style semiautomatic assault rifle. Lebron james believes President Trump is using sports to sow division in the country. Lebron speaking to don lemon after the opening of the i Promise School for at risk kids in akron, ohio on monday. He poibsays the president has t advantage of the displaces of dissent to stir discord. Kaepernick, who was a protester in something he believed in and he did it in the most calm fashion. You look at the nfl players still kneeling. You look at steph and lynch. You look at the reasons why he is trying to divide our sport. Po sport is the reason we come together. Lebron says his voice has to be more than sports. A check on cnn money. Global markets are higher and so are u. S. Futures. This is after the nasdaq closed 1 lower. It marked the first time nasdaq had three consecutive declines of 1 or more in nearly three years. The index was pushed by Falling Technology stocks. Facebook and netflix and alphabet all started the week in the red after two members of the group booked investors by growing more slowly than expected. Another stock expected this week . Moviepass. Shares of the service plunged 60 because customers were having problems with the app. The stock fell 78 cents a share on monday leading to rumors it could be delisted from the nasdaq. Moviepass struggled this weekend. Some reported problems checking in and others could not get tickets for mission impossible. Good news for glutenfree customers. The first ever glutenfree doughnut. It is projected to rake in 2 billion in sales by 2020. A 20 increase from 2015. According to the Research Company packaged facts. Im gluten free. Brownie for breakfast along with the giant coffee with cream and sugar. Early start continues

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