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I just signed your death warrant. I just signed your death w warrant and larry nassar will never see daylight again. On a very busy morning on early start. Welcome to early start. Im dave briggs. It is thursday, january 25th. It is 4 00 a. M. In the east. Lets start with the president saying he is eager to swear to tell the truth and talk to the Russia Special counsel Robert Mueller. The president made that commitment when he unexpectedly dropped by john kellys office when his staff was meeting with reporters. Remarkable. Listen. Im looking forward to it actually. You want to . Just so you understand, there is no collusion whatsoever. There is no obstruction whatsoever and im looking forward to it. I would love to it as soon as possible. Good luck, everybody. Heres the story. Do you have a date set . I dont know. I guess theyre talking about two or three weeks. I would love to do it. I have to say, subject to my lawyers. I would love to do it. Extraordinary back and forth. This comes at a critical moment. This comes a day after the special counsel is very vireviee firing of james comey. The president arrives in switzerland for the World Economic forum. We have jeff zeleny joining us live from davos. Good morning, jeff. The president heading to the globalist gathering. Should be interesting. Reporter no question about it. Good morning, dave and christine. President trump arriving here at the World Economic forum in davos. He is the first president fro n from president in two decades to come to davos. You heard that sound the president speaking in the introduction of the show. Extraordinary comments back and forth with the president and report reporters. He dropped by a meeting that john kelly was having with staffers. He said he will sit down with the special counsel. He also explained how he has been defending himself and how it could be interpreted as obstruction of justice. He said he is simply defending himself. Lets watch. Do you think Robert Mueller will be fair to you . We will find out. Heres what well say and everybody says, no collusion. Theres no collusion. Now theyre saying did he fight back. Did he fight back. What does that mean, sir . Oh, its obstruction. Heres the thing. I hope so. How do you define collusion . I can tell you theres no collusion. Reporter so shortly after those comments, white house lawyer ty cobb was explaining the president s words. He said he was simply dropping by briefly on the way to davos saying the negotiations were still under way for how the president would sit down and under what conditions. If that is coming up in a couple weeks, many interviews are already happening. Jeff sessions has sat down with Robert Muellers team. Steve bannon is scheduled to do so by the end of the month. Although the president is here in davos here today, but so much with the russia investigation in washington. Jeff zeleny live in davos, thank you. The president plans to push America First agenda when he touches down in davos. It may not be easily received. We have cnns Nic Robertson awaiting his arrival in dav sos. So interesting, nic. They dont approve the president s policies. They he are theare the 1 of th because of the way the markets respond to President Trump. Reporter you find two groups of people. The ceos that appreciate the moves that the president is making. The chief of the imp christine legarde. You have all of those leaders who President Trump got to know and from day one here, the indian Prime Minister and canadian Prime Minister and the french president and german chancellor all saying President Trumps populism and his America First and not dealing with the issues of globalization in the international forum. They all circled the wagons and say this is not the way forward. Interestingly, when President Trump meets today, he meets with theresa may and benjamin netanyahu. Both of those people he will expect to find those conversations easier. Theresa may gives a keynote speech here. She is different to all of the other leaders here. She is not critical. Directly or indirectly of President Trump. Interesting a South African tour here when get up and leave the room when President Trump speaks. We will see if it is America First if not america alone. We know after the tariffs this week will be an issue. Thank you, Nic Robertson. President trump says he is open to supporting a pathway to citizenship for d. R. E. A. M. Ers here in the country. It is the first time he publicly has taken that position. Listen. S citizenship for d. R. E. A. M. Ers . We are going to morph into it. Over a period of 10 to 12 years. Somebody does a great job. They worked hard. It gives inn center send it incentive to do a great job. Whether they have a Little Company or work. Whatever they are doing. If they do a great job, it is nice to have the incentive of after a period of years being able to become a citizen. The president told reporters he might be willing to extend the daca deadline if there is no agreement by march 5th. Senator Lindsey Graham says he has never felt better thabout finding an solution. Senator dirk durbin said they are moving in the right direction. He and john cornyn will be part of drafting the bill. They talked about their role as refer referees. The Justice Department warning it would be extraordinarily reckless for the Intelligence Committee to release a memo without the Justice Department to review it first. The memo describes abuse of fisa authority over the fbi. The letter to devin nunes asked quote why the committee would seek to disclose classified information without review of the intelligence community. Agencies dont get access. The ranking democrat on the House Intel Panel adam schiff says they are drafting their memo to call a misleading character of the republicans docume document. This is part to discredit the fbi with the texts and missing texts between two top officials with peter strozk and lisa page. A handful of texts from ron johnson state they refer to a quote secret society the day after President Trump was elected. Cnns manu raju asks if he is spreading conspiracy theory. That is lisa page and peter strozk. You see the text. They use that. Maybe we should have the first secret society. Thats not my words. Its theirs. I heard that. There were managers. High level officials meeting off site. No, i dont. Was that a beer after work or secret society . New context for that phrase. Abc news has obtained the full text. Are you even going to give out your calendars . Seems depressing. Maybe it should be the first meeting of the secret society. A Justice Department official tells thousands of fbi phones were affected by the glitch which resulted in five texts missing from the fbi servers. And a weaker u. S. Dollar sending the greenback to a threeyear low. The dollar is good for us as it relates to trade and opportunities. Really rare. In fact, i have never seen a treasury secretary welcome a weaker dollar. It is against the stated policy of treasury and the United States. It is uncertified of for a u. S. Treasury secretary to talk up a weak dollar. Especially at davos where leaders are raising alarms about protectionism. Merkel and macron warning against protectionism as a dangerous move back. These are thinly veiled digs against President Trump. The president bailed on the paris accord and the tpp. Here is the surprise q a yesterday. I will bring back a lot of money. I made the statement if we didnt do the regulation cutting, which i think is actually maybe more important than the tax cuts. The regulations, i think you would have had a different situation. Our people are very happy. Especially with the 401 k . Regulations is a bigger deal than the tax cuts. Stocks are at records helping your 401 k . A brewing trade war could hurt and hit your wallet. In a memo obtained by cnn money lg is raising prices on washing machines due to the tariff. Experts believe a 20 price hike. I read 50. And the tariffs on washers and solar panels say some companies are moving production to the u. S. Knowing tariffs are coming. That creates american jobs. Thats the point. We will see how consumers like making more for goods. The president of the Michigan State under resigning over the larry nassar sex abuse case. Survivors know there is a long road ahead. Larry is sentenced, but there is more work to do. It is truly just the beginning. My page only goes to 107 years. Sir, im giving you 175 years which is 2,100 months. I just signed your death warrant. I just signed your death warrant. Michigan judge not Holding Anything back as she sentenced disgraced sports dr. Larry nassar up to 175 years p priin n for abusing athletes. The scandal cost the Michigan State president her job. Lou anna simon stepping down after the students lost confidence. The committee is calling on the usa gymnastics board to step down and looking to see how the abuse could have gone on for years. We get more from jean casarez. She is in lansing, michigan. Reporter christine and dave, we got the final numbers at the sentencing hearing. 156 young women stepped up to the podium to give victim impact statements saying they, too, were Sexual Assault victims of larry nassar and the assistant attorney generjegeneral has tol over 200 young women were sexually assaulted by him. This was a respected olympic doctor. Students at Michigan State university and athletes went to him to get an appointment with him. He would position towels so parents could not see what he was doing. At the olympic level, parents could not be in the hotel room. The last person to give an impact statement was Rachel Hollender. She was the first woman to go public in 2016 with the indy star. Listen to her in court. I thought daily about the women and girls walking in his office and i wondered if it would ever end. I became a mother three times over and the fear that hung over each birth knowing i would be vulnerable in the medical setting cast a shadow over an occasion of joy. I held my firstborn and my two daughters. Each time i did, larry, i remember the day you brought caroline into your office so i could hold her. You knew how much i loved children and you used your own daughter to manipulate me. Every time i held my babies, i prayed to god you would leave your abuse in the exam room and not take it home to the little girl born with black hair like her daddy. Reporter she is now married and a mother and now an attorney. Next week, larry nassar will face another judge in another county in michigan. He pled guilty to three counts of Sexual Misconduct and at that point he will be the property of not only the federal correctional system, but Michigan State system to serve out what will be a life term. His attorneys, however, have a right to appeal. Christine, dave. Thank you, jean. Breaking overnight. A colorado sheriff deputy shot and killed. Responding to the call of the denver suburb of thornton. Deputies are looking for two others. We know the deputy was married. The Sheriffs Office is asking people to avoid the area. We will bring you more information as it is available. Several weeks ago. New years eve. Yeah. In colorado. All right. Ahead, the north korean womens hockey team crossed the Demilitarized Zone to join new teammates from south korea. Not everyone is loving this idea. We are live at the Training Facility next. You wont see these folks they have businesses to run. They have passions to pursue. How do they avoid trips to the post office . Stamps. Com mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. Get a 4 week trial, plus 100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. Go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again. Hi, im the internet you knoarmless bowling. Lt . Ahhhhhhhh you know whats easy . Building your website with godaddy. Get your domain today and get a free trial of gocentral. Build a better website in under an hour. You know whats not awesome . Gigspeed internet. When only certain people can get it. Lets fix that. Lets give this guy gig really . And these kids, and these guys, him, ah. Oh hello. That lady, these houses yes, yes and yes. And dont forget about them. Uh huh, sure. Still yes xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. Now you can get it, too. Welcome to the party. All right. The Winter Olympics in pyeongchang are just over two weeks away. The north korean womens hockey team arrived in south korea. They will compete in the olympic games. We have will ripley at the tr g Training Center. How does this work . Reporter i think the players are asking that question, christine, because the womens hockey team in south korea. Nobody told them until the official announcement was made of a unified team. The players crossed the Demilitarized Zone and came to the Training Center and they looked awkward and nervous as the meeting of the new teammates. In south korea, a lot of people are supportive of north korea and south korea marching under a unified flag. The first time a unified north and south korean flag in the olympics. There is legitimate concern over players who thought they would take the ice and not get to take the ice because they have to incorporate the north korean players. This could be something to lead to breakthroughs down the road with the koreas. They are asking these young women to bite the bullet, if you will. If you look at Public Opinion polls and people who support the participation and cooperation during the olympics, they feel the hometown players, south korean hockey players got a raw deal here. You have to wonder how the north korean athletes feel stepping on the ice and playing together as a unified team. Oh, my gosh. You wonder how the south korean players feel. Some have lost their spots to accommodate the north koreans. Thanks so much. Will ripley covering the games for us. Interesting story. It is just about 10 30 in davos, switzerland. The president just landing in zurich this morning. Not yet to davos for the neforu. He made surprising comments on immigration and other issues. Hey, man you okay . Yeah, just a little shook up. This car for a second, i thought it could be sues. Same make, model, same color, same year even. I see what you mean. Ive been thinking about it all morning. I mean, what if something did happen to one of us . What would our family do . 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And massmutual pays the money quickly to your beneficiaries. With guaranteed acceptance Life Insurance, there are never any medical exams or Health Questions you cannot be turned down. And, its from massmutual a company thats been putting policyowners first for more than 160 years. With financial strength ratings among the highest of any company, in any industry. Call now to learn more about guaranteed acceptance Life Insurance. The president says he is ready to talk under oath to Robert Mueller and for the first time ever, he endorses a pathway to citizenship for d. R. E. A. M. Ers. The president landing in switzerland after shedding light on key issues. The republican attacks on the fbi intensifies. The Justice Department warning it would be reckless to release a classified memo without review. Im giving you 175 years which is 2,100 months. I just signed your death warrant. Your death warrant. Larry nassar will never see the light of day again. Now a University President has quit as survivors demand accountability. We have reports from michigan this morning and switzerland where the president landed and south korea where the north and south will unite in a womens hockey team. Interesting dynamics. Welcome back to early start. Im christine romans. Im dave briggs. It is 10 31 in switzerland. The president is eager to swear to tell the truth and talk to special counsel Robert Mueller. The president made that commitment when he popped by john kellys office when his staff was meeting with reporters. Listen. Im looking forward to it actually. You want to . Just so you understand, theres no collusion whatsoever. No obstruction whatsoever. I would love to do that. I would like to do it as soon as possible. Heres the story. Do you have a date set . I dont know. I guess theyre talking about two or three weeks. I would love to do it. I would say subject to my lawyers and all of that. I would love to do it. That comes at a critical moment a day after cnn is foc focusing the investigation on the firing of Michael Flynn and james comey. The story following President Trump to switzerland now. He has just landed in zurich on the way to the economic forum. He has to get on a helicopter and pop over to davos in the mountains. Cnns jeff zeleny joins us with the latest from davos. Good morning. Reporter good morning, christine. You said President Trump has landed in zurich. Not leaving behind the cloud of the russia investigation. The president meeting with World Leaders here. It is the russia investigation that still is central to the administration. He did say he would meet with the special counsels office. It is unclear what conditions he will do that on. Also he is stirring controversy on immigration. During that session with reporters at the white house before leaving for switzerland, he says he does favor a pathway to citizenship for the socalled d. R. E. A. M. Ers. Citizenship for d. R. E. A. M. Ers . We are going to morph into it. It will happen at some point in the future. Over a period of 10 to 12 years. Somebody does a great job, they worked hard. It gives incentive to do a good job. They worked hard and done terrific with a Little Company or whatever they are working. If they do a great job, it is nice to have the incentive after a period of years being able to become a citizen. Reporter we have heard, of course, a tale of two trumps on immigration. This is something he has said for a while. Not during the government shutdown. Now he does favor a pathway to citizenship for 10 to 12 years. Christine, you know this is controversial. Breitbart, the web site, is calling him this morning amnesty don. That certainly is a sign of how difficult this immigration debate will be. For now, the president in davos within the hour talking about World Leaders. That and other challenges awaiting for him tomorrow. Clearly he says it will happen. Maybe 10 or 12 years. It will happen. That is something the hard liners on immigration around him do not want. People who voted for him, many of them on building a wall and immigration issues will not like as well. We will see what the right says about that. Jeff zeleny for us in davos. Thanks. Particularly in the house. The president plans to push America First general yagenda w touches down in davos. It may not be warmly received. Cnns Nic Robertson in davos awaiting the president s arrive. Nic, good morning. How will the populous president be greeted at the globalists gathering. Reporter dave, i think we have seen the leaders circling the wagons. The keynote speech from the indian Prime Minister. Protectionism is not the way to react to globalization. This is not the way to deal with it. We need to be agile and Work Together and accept the change and work with it. To the canadian Prime Minister and norwegian Prime Minister and german chancellor and french president. All weighing in with the central message that you need to work with other Global Leaders to deal with global issues. Whether it is the economy or whether it is how you do business. America first. Or for the italian Prime Minister dealing with the big fractured issue. Da davos is a joined connected and shared world in a fractured environment. Dealing with migration and refugees from africa. Dealing with Climate Change for the french president. A big issue for him. That is where the Climate Change accord was signed. The president came in to his speech yesterday taking a jab at President Trump if you will saying to the crowd in davos it is obvious to everyone, Climate Change. No one invited here doesnt understand Climate Change. At that moment, there were laughs and applause around the room. That gives you the sentiment into when you President Trump is walking. Not so. Macron saying hard to believe when you see the snow. Thank you, nic. The Justice Department saying it is reckless to release a classified memo without the department and the fbi a chance to review it. Media reports say the memo describes abuse of fisa authority by the fbi. The Justice Department to chairman devin nunes asks why they seek to disclose classified and Sensitive Information without consulting with the members of the community. And the spokesperson said agencies under investigation dont typically get access to the committees investigative documents about them. The memo was one part of the growing gop effort to target the fbi. To undermine the fbi. Another issue is texts and missing texts between two top fbi officials. Peter strozk and lisa page. Kicked off the mueller team for alleged bias. Ron johnson revealed that strozk and page recalled a secret society the day after President Trump was elected. And he talked to manu raju. That is not my text. I heard you see the text. They used that. Maybe we should have the first secret society. Thats not my words. Its theirs. High level officials and the fbi meeting together off site. You dont know about what . No, i dont. Context is important. We have some this morning on that phrase secret society. Abc news obtained the full text. Are you ever going to give out your calendar . Seems kind of depressing. Maybe it should just be the first meeting of the secret society. And thousands of phones resulting in the glitch with missing texts from fbi servers. We will see. I am very disturbed as is the general and everybody else that is intelligent. By the general, chief of staff general kelly. He does not remember asking Andrew Mccabe who he voted for in 2016. The Washington Post reported that the president did indeed ask mccabe about his vote. On wednesday, the president downplayed the significance of asking. Calling it an unimportant question. Several bribery counts thrown out against bob menendez. The judge said prosecutors did not prove any official acts exchanged. The ruling comes days after the Justice Department announced it will retry the case against the democratic senator. The jury failed to reach verdict on the 18 counts last year leading to a mistrial. Starbucks boosting worker pay granting bonuses. Giving parttime workers sick a. Extra money they they would have paid in taxes to the companies. Some are giving back in the form of bonuses. Apple and at t and comcast and disney annud walmart and airlin. Others are boosting hourly pay. A small number will raise the payments to retirement plans. That is interesting. Visa and nationwide and afternoaflac. This is really important in a tight labor market. The Unemployment Rate at a 17year low. On the one hand, companies are getting money back from tax reform. Here we give to employees. On the other hand, they have to keep prevent people from jumping ship. I really am pleased to see starbucks sick pay. I have been concerned for years. Especially when you are talking about the flu season. Do you want your barista sick . I think it is really important people have basic Human Dignity of paid sick time. Credit where credit is due. The president of Michigan State university resigning in the wake of Larry Nassars sentence for sex abuse. Although nassar will be locked up forever, survivors know it is a long road ahead. There is still more work to do and it is truly just the beginning. My page only goes to 100 years. Sir, im giving you 175 years which is 2,100 months. Ive just signed your death warrant. Ive just signed your death warrant. That is the michigan judge sentenced sports dr. Larry nassar to 175 years in prison for decades of abusing female a athletes. He was the former doctor for usa gymnastics and Michigan State university. It cost the president her job. Lou anna simon stepping down and they will look into how the abuse by nassar could have gone on for so long. We get more from jean casareznf lansing, michigan. Reporter we got the final numbers. 156 young women stepped up to the podium to give victim impact statements saying they, too, were Sexual Assault victims of larry nassar. The assistant attorney general told us over 200 young women they know were sexually assaulted by him. This was an extremely respected olympic doctor. Students here at Michigan State university, olympic athletes went to him. To get an appointment with him with a note of notoriety. He would position towels so parents could not see what he was doing. The last person to give an impact statement was Rachel Hollen derks hollendar. She was the last to give a statement to indy star. Listen to her in court. I thought daily about the women and girls walking in his office and i thought if it would ever end. I became a mother three times over. The fear that hung over each birth knowing i would be vulnerable in a medical setting cast a shadow over what should have been an occasion of joy. I held my firstborn and then my two daughters. Each time i did, larry, i remember the day you brought caroline in your office so i could hold her. You knew how much i loved children. You used in our own daughter to manipulate me. Every time i held my babies, i prayed to god you would leave your abuse in the exam room and not take it home to the little girl born with black hair just like her daddy. Reporter rachel is now married. She is a mother and she has now become an attorney. Next week, larry nassar will face another sentencing judge in another county in michigan. He pled guilty to three counts of Sexual Misconduct and at that point he will be the property of not only the federal correctional system, but also the Michigan State correctional system to serve out what definitely will be a life term. His attorneys, however, have a right to appeal. Christine. Dave. Thanks. Breaking news. A colorado sheriffs deputy shot and killed. The deputy was responding to a call in thornton when he was shot. One suspect is in custody. Police are looking for two others. We dont know the deputys name, but he was married. The Sheriffs Office is asking people to avoid the area near the shooting. We will bring you more information as it becomes available. The Baseball Hall of fame welcomes four members to the class of 2018. Jones and thome made it in the first year of eligibility. They join jack morris and trammel. Roger clemons and barry bonds fell short of ballot. The ceremony takes place july 29th in cooperstown. Elton john says he is finishing up life on the road. Beyond the yellow brick road he says the next threeyear world tour which kicks off in september is his last. He is 70 years old. He has been on the road since he was 17. He says his priorities changed when he and his husband had children. The response overwhelming his web site. He doesnt want to miss anything with his kids. He doesnt want his kids to miss him. He will perform this weekend with miley cyrus. 52 minutes past the hour. Well be right back. Male a er ] eligible for medicare . Thats a good thing, but it doesnt cover everything. Only about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. So consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they could save you in outofpocket medical costs. Call today to request a free decision guide. With these types of plans, youll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. Plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. Join the millions who have already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. And provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. With all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. Call now to request your free decision guide. President trump urging turkeys president deescalate the actions across the syrian border. In a phone call, President Trump issued concerns of the rebels and Kurdish Forces at risk under cutting shared goals. Now with the latest is cnns arwa damon. She is live for us in syria. Good morning, arwa. Reporter good morning, dave. We are not far from the frontline at this stage. As you mentioned, this is highly contentious for a number of reasons rhighlighted in the phoe call with the president of the United States and president of turkey. From turkeys perspective, this is straight forward in the sense that turkey has put its own National Security concerns at the forefront. Turkey views the kurdish backed force as ypg as one as the same of the pkk which has been battling for decades. Turkey has warned the u. S. About arming the ypg and arming the ypg saying it would push a counter offensive out of the sensitive areas that brush up against turkeys border. There was a rocket fired from syrian territory last night that hit turkish territory impacting a mosque where two people were killed. Turkey says we have to be able to create a buffer zone for security. Also down the line to provide potentially something of a safe area for the 3. 5 million syrians seeking refuge to return. This does put the two sides in a tense situation because they have different perspectives when it comes to the role of the ypg and the future role would be inside syria. Namely among the concerns is that turkish and American Forces could find themselves facetoface in the battle field. So farthortunate to have arw damon there. Thank you. Global stocks mostly higher after essentially a mixed day on wall street. Stocks opened at highs thanks to the earnings, but concerns over trade that kind of turned it into a choppy trading day. Wilbur ross says more actions are on the way. The dow 30 stocks closed at the alltime high. Chip stocks drove nasdaq lower. Just how big a deal is a Artificial Intelligence ai . One of the most important things humanity is working on. It is more profound than electricity or fire. More profound than electricity or fire. Pushing going toll develop more ai to help education and renewable energy. He acknowledges the concerns many have over the downside. Elon musk, the tesla boss, calls it an existential threat to the human race. Wow. Fire or electricity. Ai. Thats a bit scary

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