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Obamacare depends on ho you ask. A lawmaker at the president s meeting with House Republican leaders tells cnn his endorsement came with a stern warning. The president said failure to pass legislation after seven years of promises would lead to a, quote, bloodbath in the 2018 elections. Mr. Trump even channeled president obamas most famous unfulfilled health promise. This will be a plan where you can choose your doctor. This will be a plan where you can choose your plan. Its a implicated process but actually its very simple. Its called good health care. President trumps effort to get resistant republicans on board has not done the trick. At least not yet. Objections released by rank and file lawmakers, powerful conservative groups and key senators signal threats to the bills very survival. One aide to a conservative house member tells cnn the bill is dead. Too many conservative groups are coming out against it. Theres no way theyll have votes to pass in its current form. Cnn Phil Mattingly has more from capitol hill. Dave and christine, it took less than 24 hours for that big bold House Republican repeal plan to get into very real big bold trouble, more or less. Conservatives not just in the house but also in the Senate Rejecting it outright. Some saying they will be oppo s opposesed to it no matter what even if potential changes are made. House republicans aides and lawmakers that ive spoken to over the last couple days say they are confident going forward. How confident . Well, li shg, listen to speaker ryan. We need 218 votes. This is the beginning of the legislative process, we have a few weeks, well have ifably when that comes to the floor. Ill guarantee that. Thats a clip and safe moment. A bold guarantee. One that comes with knowing everything working behind the scenes. Obviously house leaders, chairs to bring their leaders along. What gives them the most hope is what theyre seeing from the white house. President trump, Vice President pence, health and Human Services secretary tom price all getting in full behind this plan in the last 24 hours. And that matters. The belief is with those individuals behind it, especially with President Trump behind it, theyll move those conservatives into line. Unify this conference going forward, but obviously, the house is just the first step. Then it has to go to the senate. There is a lot of battles to come and there are a lot of road blocks ahead. Dave and christine. What this bill looks like, right . Wealthy americans are expected to get a sizable tax break. And the ultra wealthy will see an even bigger tax cut. Under obamacare, the Affordable Care act is paid for by taxes on the rich. Individuals making more than 200,000 a year under obamacare pay a 0. 9 medicare tax on income above that amount. Same with families bringing in 250,000. They pay extra. They pay a tax. That tax will disappear under the gop plan because its used that tax under obamacare is used to pay for subsidies. The subsidies go away. You dont need the tax. And theres also a tax surcharge, 3. 8 on investment income. All of these people making gobs in the stock market rally will be taxed on that. Some of those in the top 1 of incomes will get a tax break of around 33,000. Those in the top 0. 1 will get an average tax cut of about 197,000 under the gop plan. Thats according to a study of the original plan from the nonpartisan tax policy center. What we saw this week is very similar. We need the congressional budget office, of course, to score this. That could be soon. Now, this would also double the amount of people that could help contribute to savings accounts. The republican strategy is to get people to save for their own health care. But health care, economists say that is a tool used mostly by americans with higher knicks. And lower and middle income americans they dont have cash to stash away. If you dont have a lot of money, youre using that money to live on and invest with and that is sort of the problem to push people on Health Savings accounts. The irony here, the president we won on the backs of those who make 50,000 or less a year they may be the ones. Zach wolf, youve got conservative groups, Freedom Works across the board here, they all oppose this. Youve got frank on the right and the left. Whats the biggest obstacle to this bills passage, do you think, for paul ryan . You heard him say it, 218, he needs to get enough team to vote for it. He made a good point, though. This is the beginning of the process. They put the bill out there. Nobody had seen it. Everybody dislikes it. The question is, over the coming weeks and potentially months are they going to be able to change minds about it. Are they going to be able to change it so that enough republicans get on board. This part of it theyre looking to just pass with republican support. So the democrats who are pretty clutch universally united against it are an afterthought here. There are some things they can say. They can say this is an thorrive process. I was listen to sean spicer yesterday, zach. I felt like he started to talk about the second and third phase, where different issues will be addressed in phase two and three. Which seems to me like he was saying, when we get the cbo score, this whole sentence hasnt been written yet. Do you think there could be setup for criticism there . Oh, absolutely. I also think its going to be a bargaining chip for people who oppose the bill. We know you dont like it, but please stick with us here and we can doll more later. I will say the parts they want to do later, those are going to require 60 votes in the senate and thats going to be much harder. Heres in part sean spicers selling of this bill yesterday in a press conference at the white house. To all of the people who have concerns about this, especially on the right, look at the size. This is the democrats. This is us. You cant get any clearer in terms of this is government this is not. Our bill which is a tenth of the size does repeal and replace what their bill just did in massive government bureaucracy, that say big difference. You talk about a surreal moment, an administration who is all about size, big, big, selling the small size of their bill. I found out more than a tad ironic. But again to get back to the biggest obstacle, when you look at the senate, zach, you have those that are concerned about expansion moderate republicans and then who are called obamacare lite, the ted cruzes of the world. Who will be harder to convince . I think harder the mike lees and ted cruzes of the world especially the rand pauls are going to be hard to convince on this. Theyve made sort of careers saying obamacare is a bad thing. To pass a version of obamacare is going to very difficult. On the other hand, theyve been saying for so long, we need to repeal this. So if the one thing that is moving through congress to sort of repeal this law is the only thing to vote for, it might be not not to. President tweeting im sure my friend rand paul will come around with the new Health Care Program because he knows obamacare is a disaster. He also threatened them, basically he said, look, youre going to have a bloodbath in 2018 if we dont get this right. I have a counterintuitive question, trump rode to the white house on the wave of obamacare. The polling showless the hitch of obamacare isnt as great as they thought. Some people, what they dislike about obamacare is because it didnt go far enough. Yeah, i think thats right. The point you made earlier, a lot of the people who might be affected by this are people who might be benefitting from insurance from obamacare. On the other hand, i think its really expensive for people in certain states. Its gotten more expensive and continues to get more expensive. You look at polling, its gotten more popular since the election, obamacare has. And now that people are looking at not having it anymore, it continues to grow in popularity. That doesnt mean that vast majority of americans support it. No its very split. Of course, they ran on obamacare saying this is what they have to do to please their voters. Looming over the entire agenda for President Trump are these attacks, the tweets about wiretapping by president obama. And here is what devin nunes of the House Intelligence Committee said about the accusations made over the weekend on twitter. President is a neophyte to politics. Hes been doing this for a little over a year. I think a lot of the things he says, you guys sometimes take literally. Sometimes, he doesnt have 27 lawyers and staff looking at what he does. Which is, i think, at times refreshing. And at times can also lead to us have to be sitting in a press conference like this answering questions that you guys are asking. That is one of the most staggering statements about a sitting president i have ever heard. As opposed to taking the president literally, what ought the press do, zach . Well, im going to disagree with the congressman here. I think we have to take him literally. He is the president of the United States. I think he knew exactly what he was doing when he made those tweets. And its interesting, you saw sean spicer yesterday say similar things to devin nunes. There is is not one person in government who has backed up these claims that he made about president obama. And yet it looks Like Congress is going to spend a little bit of time investigating them which is a pretty remarkable thing. The president is going to make things that are unprecedented and now the wheels follow him him in a remarkable way. Zach, well talk about a bit about the cia, well talk about that and other headlines when we come back in a half hour. Get a cup of coffee. See you soon. What will it take for north korea to suspend its Nuclear Development . China has an idea and could mean something for the u. S. A live report from seoul, next. New bikes arent selling guys. What are we gonna do . How about we pump more into promotions . Nah. What else . What if we hire more sales reps . Nah. What else . What if we digitize the whole supply chain . So people can customize their bike before they buy it. That worked better than expected. Ill dial it back. Yeah, dial it back. Just a little. Live business, powered by sap. When you run live, you run simple. So i use excedrin. Ments from my life. It starts to relieve migraine pain in just 30 minutes. And it works on my symptoms, too. Now moments lost to migraines are moments gained with excedrin. [heartbeat] heres to the wildcats this i gotta try. Bendy. Spendy weekenders. 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Unlimited on verizon. 4 lines, just 45 per line. Council today discussed north koreas ballast lick Missile Launch after condemning the launch in a statement. It was a big focus at the First State Department briefing under the trump administration. We are very concerned with the escalation, the continuing testing and augmenting of its weapons program. Its of great concern. And its getting to the point where we need to do we do need to look at other alternatives. Now, we hear china is suggesting that north korea suspend its nuclear and military activities. But in change for what . You just dont ask nicely and they stop, right . Cnn international tornt alexandra field joins us live from seoul. Tell us about the china angle. Hey there, christine, yeah, do you more than ask nicely as you point out but the foreign minister for china did speak out today calling for restraint from all sides as tensions rise here in the region. The suggestion from Chinese Foreign minister is that north korea should suspend its missile and Nuclear Activities if in change for that the u. S. And south korea agree to suspend their joint military annual exercises. Those are twomonth long exercises that started earlier this week. At the same time, saw that Missile Launch from north korea also earlier this week. Its no secret that those exercises rankled north korea. Kim jongun called for a stop of the drills. China at the same time is condemning the launch of those missiles. So is the u. N. Security council. And they will take up the topic of north korea later this week. The Chinese Foreign minister also condemning the launching of missile thaad. China sees it as infringement and effort of containment in their own region. With these tensions rising between several countries in the rege now you will see the secretary of state Rex Tillerson making his First Official trip out here next week. Hell number tokyo, beijing and seoul. A big topic on the agenda, the nuclear and missile threat from north korea. Christine. Alexandra field live for us from seoul. Thank you for that. Early congratulations pouring in for Dallas Mavericks star Dirk Nowitzki on a handful of what players have reached before. Andy scholes is here on set with us. Good morning, andy. Hes got Bleacher Report next for us. You have access to the right information at the right moment. And when you filter out the noise, its easy to turn your vision into action. Its your trade. E trade. Start trading today at etrade. Com e trade. Its realizing beauty doesnt stop at my chin. Roc®s formula adapts to delicate skin areas. My fine lines here . Visibly reduced in 4 weeks. Chest, neck, and face cream from roc®. Methods, not miracles. ™ [bullfighting music] [burke] billygoat ruffians. Seen it. Covered it. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. 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I have to tell you, i had the pleasure to cover Dirk Nowitzki for a couple years in dallas. One of them being a championship year. Theres no other superstar in the nba more humble. This is dirks 19th near with the mavs. With this bucket he became the sixth player in history and First International player to reach the 30,000 point mark. After a timeout, the 7 footer from germany gets mobbed by mavs owner mark cuban and teammates. Dirk said a very emotional moment for him. He hopefully has a couple buckets left. Congrats pouring in from dirk from all around the league. Dirks good friend, actor ben stiller posted this video. Hey, dirk, im here on my farm and they tell me you scored 30,000 poundints. In one game, thats amazing. Anyway, i got to get back to my chores. Take it easy. Ha check the cattle. Who new ben stiller had a farm . Elsewhere the nba, russell westbrook, the thunder star a career high 58 points in this one. But he did miss his last four shots that happened in the last minute and a half in the game. Despite westbrooks career, the thunder would fall to the blazers 126121. Gonzaga officially punching their ticket to the ncaa tournament. The zags likely going to earn a one seed for the second time in history. Yesterday all of the broadcasters from turn sports and cbs who were going to be calling the tournament games were here for media day. With zag ga one of the favorites weve got a question for them. Zag gas mascot is bulldogs but called a zag. What is a zag. Got to mix it up a little bit. I have no idea. I have no idea. Opposite of a zing . I dont know. What is a zag . Does anyone have an answer to that question. Not really. Theyre called gonzaga. Okay. I think they changed the name to zags so people say gonzaga. To pronounce the name right . Ive been caught saying congacon g zaga. Its gonzaga. The zaga bulldogs. You taught me something today. Something really important. There you go. Andy scholes, thank you so much. President trump warning of dark consequences for republicans if they cant pass the health care overhaul. Can it get done . And the selfpropelled model makes mowing effortless. The ego power mower. Exclusively at the home depot and ego authorized dealers. Hey, hows it going . Um. Who are you . Im val. The orange money retirement squirrel from voya. I represent the money you save for the future. See . Were putting away acorns to show the importance of being organized. Thats smart. Whos he . Hes the green money you can spend now. Whats up . Oh you know, gonna pay some bills, maybe buy a new tennis racket. Tennis racket for a squirrel . Hes got a killer backhand. When its time to get organized for retirement, its time to get voya. Everything your family touches sticks with them. Make sure the germs they bring home dont stick around. Use clorox disinfecting products. Because no one kills germs better than clorox. 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The white house still trying to explain the president s wiretapping claims after republican lawmakers were left without any answers to fend off the growing questions. And purported cia hacking tools are revealed, thanks to wikileaks. Could cell phones and tvs help the cia gather intelligence . Welcome back to early start this morning. Im christine romans. And im dave briggs. Im a bit of a fheo fighe neoph. Tonight danger my words literally. I wont. Im quoting devin nunes on the president of how he handled the wiretapping. It was just a surreal moment. The future of the plan to repeal and replace obamacare depends on who you ask. President trump now giving 100 support for the health care plan. A lawmaker meeting with leaders tells cnn his endorsement came with a stern warning. Were told the president said failure to pass legislation after seven years of promises would lead to a, quote, bloodbath in the 2018 midtuerm elections. Mr. Trump even channeled president obamas most unfulfilled health care promise. This will be a plan where you can choose your doctor. This will be a plan where you can choose your plan. Its a complicated process but actually its very simple. Its called good health care. President trumps effort to get resist tants republicans on board hasnt done the trick. At least not yet. These are early days at the starting block, folks. All of that signals threats to the bills very survival. One aide to a conservative house member telling cnn the bills dead. Too many conservative groups are coming out against it. Theres no way theyll have the votes to pass it in its current form. This morning, two committees with jurisdiction over the matter will have their say at markup sessions. Cnns Phil Mattingly will be watching closely from capitol hill. Interesting element here, House Republican leadership, aides and lawmakers that ive season to over the last couple days say they are confident going forward. We need 218 votes. This is the beginning of the legislative process, we have a few weeks well have 218 when that comes to the floor. Ill guarantee that. Thats a clip and safe moment. A bold guarantee. Obviously house leaders, chairs to bring their leaders along. What gives them the most hope is what theyre seeing from the white house. President trump, Vice President pence, health and Human Services secretary tom price all getting in full behind this plan over the course of the last 24 hours and that matters. The belief is with those individuals behind it, especially with President Trump behind it, theyll move those conservatives into line. Unify this conference going forward. Obviously, the house is the first step. Then it has to go to the senate. There is a lot of battles to come and there are a lot of road blocks ahead. Dave and christine. We bring in the managing editor of cnn politics zach wolf. Good morning, zach. Its kind of a remarkably rocky rollout for something that seven years republicans have been promising. Theyve been promising to repeal obamacare before obamacare was actually a law. This is a mission critical. I hate to beat up on congressman jason chaffetz, this remark yesterday on new day which he has walked back cyst trystalliz what they dont get about obamacare. Lets listen. Were getting rid of the individual mandate. Were getting rid of those things that people said they dont want. You know what americans have choices and theyve got to make a choice. Rather than getting that new iphone that they just love and spend hundreds of dollars on. Maybe they should invest in their own health care. Theyve got to make decisions themselves. He later said he didnt say that well but this is about choice. Health care Officials Say they dont buy iphones in the first place. Theyre buying a cheaper phone with a crappy little plan. They say it just shows that the gop doesnt understand how tough it is for people who depend on obamacare. Well, and you saw that with republicans were also coming out and criticizing chaffetz for that. And he pretty quickly walked it back on a subsequent interview on another network. So, he sort of realized the problem of what he said. But it does you know, you point out the lowerincome people, predominantly supported donald trump. So were sort of dealing with these people who are Trump Supporters and will now deal with the repercussions of the Obamacare Repeal that they voted for, in a lot of cases. So, youve got opposition mainly in the senate. The house certainly some, but cnns latest calculation shows they only need 216 votes to get it through the house, not the full 218. They will only have two defections, zach, in the senate, 20 in the house. What can they offer as far as medicaid and those ted cruiselikes who say this is obamacare lite . Where they try to allay both of those outlines of their party, which have very different wants and needs, but i think ultimately, this is going to get down to, if you think about it, weve been running on seven years repealing obamacare. This is the Obamacare Repeal. If you want to the say youve repealed obamacare. Youre going to have to find a way to like this bill, or some version of this bill that we have in the next couple of weeks. I think thats going to be the most you know, the best argument they can make for a lot of people. Big story is this wikileaks revelation. The New York Post called it i spy. Files that reveals the cia has amazing hacking tools right in your own home, your television, your phone, they can be turned on to spy on you. Heres what defense secretary leon panetta said to that to wolf blitzer yesterday. What wikileaks is doing and continues to do is to leak the most Sensitive Information about how our intelligence operations conduct their business. So, i would think, that if the president is truly concerned about leaks, he would not support wikileaks, nor would he support any other kind of Intelligence Leaks that damage our country. Failed to mention, zach, he also used to run the cia, so, hes someone who knows its tools and its methods. What do you think of the timing of this . Well, i just wanted to also say you didnt hear leon panetta deny anything in that clip that we just played. He referred to it as things that you know, things the cia does or might be. You know, i think the timing is interesting. Wikileaks has always had in recent months has timed things seemingly to coincide with efforts of donald trump. He obviously made the unfounded claim that the cia, or, you know, the u. S. Intelligence had been spying on him. Or wiretapping him at the behest of barack obama. Thats not something that anyone on capitol hill has supported, we should point out. But it is interesting that they come out on the heels of that or this document dump, rather, wikileaks, on the heels of his claims. Some suggested its worse than the snowden leaks. Finally, i want to ask you about the wiretapping allegations from President Trump to president obama over the weekend. Sean spicer made it clear, its his final Public Comments on the subject. No one, not a single lawmaker has provided any evidence that the wiretapping allegations are true. So where does this go next . Is the story over for now . Well, they had said that congress should investigate it. But weve heard people who are in charge of the committees who would be investigating it on capitol hill kind of say, well, you know, maybe the president didnt know what he was talking about, well wrap this into some other investigations. It doesnt seem to be at the top of their list. And i also i think sean spicer will be challenged on not addressing this again. Hes probably going to have to Say Something else. Youre right about that. No doubt. Hell be on camera again. Zach wolf, nice to see you bright and early, thanks. Theres a lot that businessman bob nardelli sees from President Trump that he likes. Hes a guru, former ceo of chrysler and home depot. I asked nardelli what if cutting companys tax rates and repatriate stashed offshore what if all of that windfall goes into investors and not works. Nardelli has a solution. The average american sees stock buyback as a way of increasing cash in the pocket of the Senior Leadership team. So, i mean, one of the thoughts about this is lets take 25 of the money that comes back and put it into the infrastructure fund. Lets make sure its backed by government bonds so they get the tip of the hat, 7 , 8 , that theyre sure of guesting that back. He has other ways to do with the money. But its fascinating tying that, repatriating money to the infrastructure. He said theres a lot of people advising the president who have bold ideas. Do you think its going repatria repatriate . Their first responsibility is to the shareholders. We have seen repatriation, i think in 2004, tax holiday for overseas money. And there were no new jobs created but there are a lot of share buybacks and investors were paid out. The question is if youre going to give this big important goody to these big companies, you have to make sure its going to translate into job growth and investment in the u. S. And that will be the challenge for this administration and its advisers. Trying to get legislation through first. A lot of challenges for President Trump. With the u. N. Set to take up the growing threat from north korea, china now offering the session to get pyongyang to slow its nuclear program. A live report from seoul is next. La quinta presents, how to win at business. Step one ask the presenter to go back a slide. Well played. 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And isisaffiliated news agency said that isis is responsible. Members of the u. N. Security council today discussed north koreas ballistic Missile Launch after condemning the launch in a statement. A big focus at the First State Department briefing under the trump administration. We are very concerned with the escalation, the continuing testing and augmenting of its weapons program. Is of great concern. And its getting to the point where we need to do we do need to look at other alternatives. Now, we hear china is suggesting that north korea suspend its nuclear and military activities, but change for what . Cnn International Correspondent alexandra field joins us live from seoul, korea, with answers. Good morning. Good morning, david. Certainly going to take more than a suggestion it would seem. Lets break down the politics of this u. S. Officials including President Donald Trump have looked at china saying china can do more to rein in north korea and its missile attempts and nuclear ambitions. China is, of course, north koreas strongest ally. But now you have the foreign minister coming out and pointing a finger at north korea. Saying the that North Koreans should agree to suspends their num program in exchange for the u. S. And south korea to suspend their annual joint military exercises. These are two months worth of drills that happen every year. And they consistently rankle north korea. In preparation for an invasion. Look, u. S. Officials in light of the Missile Launch this week came out and said theyre committed to it. You have the acting president saying the drills going on and both parties have affirmed that they will continue with the deployment of thaad. A u. S. Designed Missile Defense system deployed here in south korea. The first pieces of that system actually arrived on the peninsula this week. China also registering their objection with the thaad system saying its an infringement, an attempt to box them in. The u. S. Secretary of state will arrive next week. Thank you. Lime to look at whats coming up on new day. Chris cuomo joins us. Good morning, sir. Good morning, my young friends. How are you this morning . Younger than you. I know. I know. Rub it in,romans. What youre hearing from alexandra field and what is going on abroad all ties into the United States credibility. Thats a big announcement in the wake of the latest peddling of our president on something he cant prove. We have new reporting of what was behind the motivation for this wiretapping fiasco that went on. What the motivation was in the white house. Who was stepping up to try to check the president s wild accusations. Well take you through that. And then how it filters into the president s ability to sell this headlights care plan. This is a big test for the famous dealmaker. So many people within this own party rejecting this first offer. What tactics are at play . Whats on the table to be changed, and what will it mean for the American People . Because this isnt just, you know, a gambling expedition here, this is going to have real implications for people. Then, of course, well finish my friends with what happened with the cia hacking. What did they get this time . How did they get it. We have our counterterrorism expert, phil mudd. We want to does him, what is behind it. If its legit. The ability to manipulate the device on your hand or your wall or smart tvs and spy on us. We have seen hackers Security Experts have told me to put a post it note on the camera on top of your camera so people cant turn it on. In many cases people say its a criminal trying to do that. Unnamed sources. Dont buy it. All right. Kuo k chris cuomo, nice to see you. And also russias tie in this. A new statue in wall street this morning. You have seen this little girl . 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A team of ntsb investigators headed to bill loxsky, mississippi after a deadly collision between a Freight Train and a charter bus carrying a group of senior citizens. Four passengers were killed. 41 others needed medical care. Spokesman for the Train Company csx says theyre cooperating with the investigation. Wildfires have consumed more than 1 million acres in four states, oklahoma, texas, kansas and colorado. And those fires are blamed for at least seven deaths. The fires fed by strong winds, they have forced thousands of evacuations. A surprise for tourists at the white house. As it reopened for tours, President Trump meeting a group of school children, clearly thrilled by the appearance. Mr. Trump even pulled aside a lucky fifth grader but look who was hovering in the background. Hillary clinton. Looming over your shoulder. A portrait of her as first lady, hanging right over President Trumps shoulder. Shes not going away anytime soon. Still in love with her. That little fifth grader pulled out, they were really jazzed, those kids. Politics always fascinating. Lets get a check of cnn money futures. Dow futures with a bit of a pause with the expected rate hike of the fed next week. When the president tweets investors listen and the drug industry taking a hit. President trump sending out this tweet Tuesday Morning before 9 00 a. M. , i am working on a new system where there will be competition in the drug industry. Pricing for the American People will come way down. Several stocks became down, from allergan and mylan, finished lower. The president has blasted the drug industry before. No details on the new system but youre hearing talk from the white house on a second phase and third phase of health care reform. The biggest mystery for tuesday now solved. This bronze little girl showed up defiantly facing down the iconic bull that has become a symbol on wall street. Honestly, she captivated bankers and financials alike. Who put her there . The bronze statue is titled fearless girl. I think theres no coincidence that today is National Womens day. The ceo says in a statement theyre calling for more women on their clients Corporate Boards. State streets said leadership on thought and people are key to that success. Here are the raw numbers. Women account for about 16 of all Corporate Board seats among the largest companies. Thats according to the Government Accountability office. And weve learned that their board is full of 30 . Almost double the great. Dave, the everinvestigative reporter looked at how many women on its board. The ceo, and three women on that board. That is much better. Setting the bar, hopefully an example for other. State street makes good the point that when you have a lot of women in leadership positions you tend to do better in revenue. Thanks for joining us, im christine romans. And im dave briggs. Follow us on early start on twitter. New day starts right now. Its a complicated process, but actually, its very simple. Its called good health care. United on repeal, but we are divided on replacement. Trump care is here. And you are going to hate it. Where is the proof that president obama bugged President Trump . We have no further comment. We have a lot of the things that he says, you guys stiles take literally. I very much support the appointment of a special prosecutor. I dont know anything than what ive read in the newspaper. This is a big revelation than people understand. It could be the biggest expose of u. S. Intelligence gathering measures. These leaks are dangerous. Announcer this is new day with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. We want to welcome our viewers around the states and the world. This is new day. 6 00 in the u. S. An bloodbath in 2018 if the plan to repeal and replace obamacare does not pass. Two house committees formally begin the process of marking up the bill today. President s credibility is going to factor into his ability to make the deal. And his and the white house inability to provide any proof of his wiretapping allegation is going to have legs here. We have new reporting on the backlash on the president. The house begin a hearing on russias alleged meddling in our president ial election. Cnn has every angle covered. Lets start live on capitol hill. Good morning to you, chris. Today is such a critical day for the fate of this health care bill. Two house committees will begin marking up the bill trying to get to a final product that can eventually pass on the house floor but theres still an avalanche of criticism coming from many republicans and the power of the president ial bully pulpit hasnt been able to twist many arms just yet. Were going to tak

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