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Rate. Thats not going to help with entitlements. It is going to help. What we have to do is repeal and replace the disaster known as obamacare. Its destroying our country. Its destroying our businesses, our Small Business and our big businesses. We have to repeal and replace obamacare. You take a look at the kind of numbers that that will cost us in the year 17. It is a disaster if we dont repeal and replace. It is probably going to die of its own weight, but obamacare has to go. The premiums are going up 60 , 70 , 80 . Next year theyre going to go up over 100 . At least the people see whats happening because she wants to keep obamacare and she wants to make it even worse and it cant get any worse. Bad health care at the most expensive price. We have to repeal and replace obamacare. Secretary clinton, same question because at this point Social Security and medicare are going to run out the trust funds are going to run out of money. Will you, as president , consider a grand bargain, a deal that includes both tax increases and benefit cuts to try to save both programs . Well, chris, i am record as saying we need to put more money into Social Security trust fund. Thats part of my commitment to raise taxes on the wealthy. My Social Security payroll contribution will go up as will donalds assuming he cant figure out how to get out of it, but what we want to do is such a nasty woman. Replenish the trust fund by making sure we have sufficient resources, and that will come from either raising the cap and or finding other ways to get more money into it. I will not cut benefits. I want to enhance benefits for lowincome workers and for women who have been disadvantaged by the current Social Security system. But what donald is proposing with these massive tax cuts will result in a 20 trillion Additional National debt. That will have dire consequences for Social Security and medicare. And ill Say Something about the Affordable Care act, which he wants to repeal. The Affordable Care act extended the solvency of the Medicare Trust fund. If he repeals it, our medicare problem gets worse. Your husband disagrees with you. Weve got to get costs down, increase value, emphasize wellness. I have a plan for doing that, and i think that we will be able to get entitlement spending under control but with more resources and smart decisions. This is a final time that youre going to be on the stage together in this campaign. I would like to end it on a positive note. You had not agreed to closing statements, but it seems to me in a funny way that might make it more interesting because you cant prepared closing statements. I would for each of you to take and were going to put a clock up a minute to tell the American People why they should elect you to be the next president. This is another new mini segment. Secretary clinton, its your turn to go first. I would like to say to everyone watching tonight that im reaching out to all americans, democrats, republicans, and independents because we need everybody to help make our country what it should be, to grow the economy, to make it fairer, to make it work for everyone. We need your talents, your skills, your commitment, your energy, your ambition. Ive been privileged to see the presidency up close, and i know the awesome responsibility of protecting our country and the Incredible Opportunity of working to try to make life better for all of you. I have made the cause of children and families really my lifes work. Thats what my mission will be in the presidency. I will stand up for families against powerful interests, against corporations. I will do everything that i can to make sure that you have good jobs with rising incomes, that your kids have good educations from preschool through college. I hope you will give me a chance to serve as your president. Secretary clinton, thank you. Mr. Trump . Shes raising the money from the people she wants to control. Doesnt work that way. But when i started this campaign, i started it very strongly. Its called make America Great again. Were going to make America Great. We have a depleted military. It has to be helped. It has to be fixed. We dont take care of our veterans. We take care of illegal immigrants. Our policemen and women are disrespected. We need law and order, but we need justice too. Our inner cities are a disaster. You get shot walking to the store. They have no education. They have no jobs. Ill do more for africanamericans and latinos that she can do for a lifetime. All shes done is talk to latinos and africanamericans. We are going to make America Great again and it has to start now. We cannot take four more years of barack obama, and thats what you get when you get her. Thank you both. Secretary clinton [ applause ] hold on just a moment, folks. I want to thank you both for participating in all three of these debates. We want to thank the university of nevada las vegas and its students for having us. Now the decision is up to you. While millions have already voted, election day, november 8th, is just 20 days away. One thing everyone here can agree on is we hope you will go vote. It is one of the honors and obligations of living in this great country. Thank you and good night. [ applause ] all right. Lets see if they go ahead and shake hands with each other. Looks like shes walking over to the moderator, Chris Wallace, shaking his hand. Lets see if they go ahead and shake hands right now. Not necessarily going to happen. A very, very contentious debate. Some of the most important issues facing the country right now, but jake tapper, clearly the headline, donald trump saying he may not accept the result of this president ial election. One of the most stunning things ive ever heard in a president ial debate ever. And while i think its fair to say he had some decent moments in there, especially when he was criticizing obama and clinton on foreign policy, the big hurdle for donald trump was will he show the country that he has the temperament, that he has what it takes, that he has the fitness to be president. To suggest that he might not accept the results of the election that were about to hold in fewer than three weeks was staggering, and i dont think it helped him when it comes to showing the American People that he does have that temperament. The one thing i was looking for in this debate is would he do anything to turn around the momentum. All the College Educated whites that are going to Hillary Clinton, all the women that are going to Hillary Clinton, all the minorities that are going to Hillary Clinton. No. I dont think he did anything to turn that around. Yes, he had some good moments, especially when it came to criticisms of her and her policies and president obamas policies. But to suggest that he is not going to necessarily accept the results of the nomination, that was a disastrous answer. It was truly extraordinary. Dana bash, his Vice President ial running mate said they would of course accept the result, the voice of the American People. His daughter said the same thing. He refused to say that. He said i want to keep you in suspen suspense. Not only did his running mate say that, he said that to us in the debate hall an hour before donald trump took the stage, so it really goes to show that donald trump, no matter how much he prepared and we do understand he prepared very well. For the most part, i agree with you, jake. For the most part during this debate, that came through. He was a much more disciplined donald trump. At the end of the day before that comment happened, it looked like it was a wash, that she did well, that he did well. It wasnt clear if anybody was going to benefit or not until that moment when he was asked something very basic, something that my understanding is that he was certainly prepared for and he didnt answer it affirmatively. And more importantly, she was prepared for it. She had all of her Opposition Research ready to go about the times where he called other systems rigged, even the emmys when he didnt win an emmy. Wolf . She clearly was ready for that. John king, did either one of them move the needle tonight . Not in a significant way i dont think. Hillary clinton has a significant advantage in our electoral map. We have her 307. Donald trump in the 170s. Well short of the 270 you need to win. Did he have the biggest audience theyre going to get before election day . He needs to bend steel to change this election. We have taken utah away from him and arizona to make them toss up states. At the top of the debate, very base driven to the republicans. It is possible he boosted his support among republicans with those answers. To the point jake and dana are making, in New Hampshire and ohio and california, oh, my god, they were not that polite when donald trump refused to say he would accept the results of the election. He does not have a gut that Middle America wants him to respect the process. Chris wallace asked donald trump about the allegations of Sexual Assaults and sexual attention that was not wanted and put a tough question to Hillary Clinton about he says what your husband bill clinton has done is even worse. Donald trump attacked the women that have accused him, suggested that they were liars and put up to it by the clinton campaign. Hillary clinton very passionate speech that was speaking to all women. All women know what it is like to be belittled like this. Completely dodged the question about bill clinton. Back to trump, hes defending himself again. Hes not even pointing out that Hillary Clinton, who gave this very passionate speech with this really uncomfortable asterisks there, which is how can you say this when these allegations have been made against your husband, and he just whiffed it. He let it go because he is so focused on defending himself. He couldnt even see clearly then to prosecute on Hillary Clinton on what i thought was possibly her strongest moment. He wshe was under his skin a little bit. Slowly she methodically kept coming back. If we noticed in the past debates and republican debates, there were certain things that set him off. Another moment that im sorry, wolf. One last moment. One moment that i thought was very bad came at the end. I think a lot of women probably noticed it is when she was answering a question. It was all within the confines of this very contentious debate. All of a sudden she said, shes a nasty woman. Shes a nasty woman. Theyve been going after each other in a very contentious way, but that was a very personal attack. I think this debate ultimately is going to hurt him with women voters. Reinforces a weakness. A very contentious debate. Dana bash, you have kellyanne conway. Is donald trump saying the opposite of what you and his daughter have said in the past 24 hours about whether or not he will accept the results of this election . Are you disappointed in his answer . Im not disappointed in a thing to want. I thought it was an amazing debate. Donald trump will accept the results of the election because hes going to win the election. He won the debate tonight. Amazing performance. Getting back to all those core issues that really catapulted his campaign from the beginning, jobs, trade, immigration, the failed foreign policy. You just told me he will accept the results. Why wouldnt he say that on the debate stage . Do you remember 2000 when al gore contested the election . Thats an extraordinary experience. We have extraordinary experiences. He was talking about a corrupt system. Many americans agree with that. Hes talking about a system where people feel like insiders, like Hillary Clinton, get all the benefits on top of the fact many in the media collude with them. 90 of donations from working journalists went to Hillary Clinton. I want to put a button on this. I heard a lot. What you just said to me is that he will accept. What youre telling me is that on Election Night if he is sort of waffling, you as his Campaign Manager will say, mr. Trump, no matter what it is, this is what is going to happen and youre going to accept these results. Absent of widespread abuse and regularities, yes. But i also think he will be president. Back to you, anderson. Dana, thanks very much. Well see who else comes into the spin room. Aptly named indeed. Watching kellyanne walk away reminds me of a bad debate i once was involved in. The worst thing is going into the spin room and try to persuade people the disaster they just watched is a triumph. This was a disaster for donald trump. I was going to apologize to jeffrey because i was going to say he could surprise us and i was surprised because temperamentally as the debate began, i thought he took a different approach. He talked about issues that will go to his base, but he was compo composed. He wasnt interrupting. Hillary clinton just pushed his buttons. By the end of the debate, he just unravelled, but he wrote the lead of the story. He wrote the lead of the story. Lets play that moment that everyones talking about. One of the prides of this country is the peaceful transition of power and that no matter how hard fought a campaign is that at the end of the campaign that the loser concedes to the winner. Not saying youre necessarily going to be the loser or the winner, but that the loser concedes to the winner and that the country comes together in part for the good of the country. Are you saying youre not prepared now to commit to that principle . What im saying is ill tell you at the time. Ill keep you in suspense, okay . Well, chris and that was the moment. Mike pence assured the nation in no Uncertain Terms that they would accept the result of this election. Others went on television, including kellyanne, saying theyll accept the verdict of the voters. Anderson, this is core for a lot of americans. You say what makes America Great. This is what makes America Great. The fact that he wasnt willing to say ill accept the results of this election i thought thats going to haunt him not just through this campaign, but for a long time. Keeping you in suspense makes it sound like this is some sort of a game or a reality tv show. I dont want to be kept in suspen suspense. I think its very difficult. Ive never heard any candidate ever in a president ial debate, correct me if im wrong, but i dont think any of us is old enough to have ever heard it to say to the American Public i wont necessarily accept the result. It is stunning to me and potentially disqualifying to me, honestly, jeffrey. We clearly saw two entirely different debates. I guess so. What about that moment in particular . I am looking. December 13th, 2000. December 13th, not the night of the election, not the next day. Al gore here this is what the problem is. This is when i talk about the ruling class and elites and double standards. There was one standard for al gore. Al gore said he would accept the process. A month late he took it all the way to the Supreme Court. He did because the state no, let him finish. No, gloria. He did it because he feels like a privileged insider and his pals felt like privileged insiders. This is permeates the entire system and this is whats wrong. Florida had an automatic recount because the laws of the state of florida called for that. And because the election was so close and dont forget al gore won the popular vote by half a million, but we wont talk about that because this is about Electoral College. Because the state of florida said automatic recount, al gore said yes. Then there were 36 days in which the country was very patient, but that is very different what does florida have to do with it . The election was over Election Night. The 50 states did not certify these winners and the election was not over. Once the election was certified in florida, once the court spoke and the election was certified, al gore stood in front of the camera youre illustrating the problem. Its a different problem. No, it is. Al gore did not go on the debate stage and say, im not sure im going to accept the e Election Results. He said he this is a really sad night. This is a very sad night for the country. You cant polish this turd. Technically, you cannot polish my turd. Im going to be very, very clear about this. Al gore respected the constitution, respected the process, respected every voter. Went to our Supreme Court, asked for a resolution on his own terms as his george w. Bush. And when the Election Results were certified, he told his party and base to stand down and accept this. Even though a lot of us were very, very upset. What you just got now was the nominee of a major party for the first time in our history signaling to the American People that he has so little faith in our institutions and so little faith in our people and so little faith in our courts and so little faith in the republican governors, the republican secretaries of state across this country that he will not stand in front of his own country, in front of his own nation and say that he respects the process and the outcome. That is an outrage. The appalling lack of patriotism from this man. Let him finish. The appalling lack of patriotism of this man to say this and praise putin and asaad more than hes praised any american president. He doesnt luke about george washington, Ronald Reagan the way he talks about putin and asaad. He has an appalling lack of patriotism. Youre asking him to accept something that hasnt happened yet. None of us know what is going to happen on tuesday, november 8th. And in fact, im going to Jay Christian adams, a voters attorney for the department of justice, said that there are as many as 4 Million People registered to vote right now. There is voting fraud out there. Thats not voting fraud. Well, 4 Million People, dead people vote . No. They dont vote. Theyre not voting. Theyre dead. Youre making that up. But theyre listed. They just died. And we have a video. I hope voters they just died. Nobody has removed them yet. I know you like to yell over me. Theres a video that came out two days ago, democratic operatives hired by the dnc talking about bussing people in to vote under dead peoples names, people who havent showed up to vote, taking them to different voting places. You can see it. In my state of pennsylvania in jeffreys state of pennsylvania, we litigated this issue for a full year because the Legislature Passed and the governor signed into saw a requirement that says youve got to show a photo i. D. In a year of litigation, literally not one single case of in person voter fraud could be documented. Its a total i want to Say Something. If i can just finish my thought. I think your man was having the best debate night he had of all of them. One line now id like to finish. With two glaring exceptions. The first that were all noting here where we just wont accept the result. He easily could have said but for the most unusual of circumstances, of course ill accept the outcome, and lets not underestimate the significance of the end. He is desperately behind among College Educated females, and he looked at one and said what a nasty woman. You got state Department People saying it. Its upsetting to my friends on the left that donald trump had an incredible night. He used her experience against her. He said youve had 30 years. You talk about wanting to do great things. And we focus on the most negative thing we can find from donald trump. He made history. One at a time let her finish. Donald trump had a great night. It was vintage donald trump. He made history tonight. I agree with you on that. I know thats what you want to focus on and i get that. Patty, is this the right wrong to focus on . I think the first 35 minutes he had a great night. We were talking about the issues. I think Chris Wallace did a fantastic jo fantastic job. He asked tough questions of both of them, and donald trump had a decent 40 minutes, but then, yes, this line is a deal breaker. It is an unamerican line. It is antidemocratic. It goes against our democracy. It goes against our two party system and what we believe in and stand for. Yes, its a disqualifier. I also think that he was sort of no, no, no on accepting the outcome of the election. He refuses to accept the intelligence on russia for some reason. Are they the same intelligence people that for some he refuses to accept the intelligence on russia. He says he didnt even apologize to his wife on the women issues because that was a weird moment. It was not true. She just gave a big interview saying he apologized to her. Everything laid out in front of him, he deflected or said wasnt true or, you know, im just not going to accept it when it comes to the election, and then said he never he wouldnt apologize on the women because he never did it. So it is a donald trump we have seen. And the outcome of the election is clearly the sort of key and most important moment here. But on russia also, i was sort of surprised. I know you werent, but this has been, you know, u. S. Intelligence more than a dozen agencies have talked about this. I dont even understand why donald trump wouldnt allow for the possibility that actually the hack because the American People have been burned with intelligence agencies telling a republican president of the United States that there were weapons of mass destruction in iraq. Youll never accept intelligence anymore . I am simply saying theyre not infallible. We know that, but at least accept that its a possibility. Donald trump is lucky to have committed supporters like you under any circumstance they will say he had a good night. But theres objective evidence. You guys said this every debate, and in each debate then theres polling and he had an especially good night then. Things followed he didnt have such a good night and hes lost ground consistently since the first debate, and this was the worst he started off great. He did. This was the worst of the three. This was a devastating night for him. Does it seem to you at all that he can do a good 40 minutes and then start to go yes. Down rabbit holes that she throws out at him. She starts with the your father gave you 14 million, you know, wrong, and then things like that. And it does does it not seem to fluster him somewhat . I dont think so. Really . No. Seriously. I dont think that. It seems to me that we one of the moments here, i want to get to this here for a second. She danced away from it. When he said will you give that money back. She refused to do it. He danced around. She danced around. What im saying is that goes to the core of the argument that she is duplicitous and takes the money and uses it for personal purposes. She doesnt care where it comes from. People who throw gays off roofs and will women . Give the money back. Wasnt her he response that 90 of all money donated is used for causes . That was after she that was after she was caught with when only 10 of it was actually going to charitable causes and she was put on a Charity Watch list and remanipulated it. Check fact that. I hope we fact check that. Thats been debunked. I agree in the first debate we went into the weeds too much. He was too defensive on certain issues. He did that a little tonight, but hes gotten really good at turning it around to offense. Its incredible to me to hear people say its disqualifying that he wants to wait to see what happens tuesday, november 8th before he accepts the election. And its not disqualifying to destroy 33,000 emails or batak bla hammers to blackberry. You can run for president when four star generals are sitting in jail for telling one lie to the fbi . Its a a double standard. Theres a mythology, that he did well at the beginning. We often go on temperament. We lowered the standards for the presidency. If youre not a toddler, when youre prepared to be the president of the United States. Im going to have to go back to Old School Hip hop and quote ll cool j. In his first album and say he lied about the lies that he lied about. Listen, the entire time youre saying hes doing well, he says he never said that he wanted japan to have nukes. Thats a lie. He said hes never claimed to know putin. Thats a lie. He said he never said women werent pretty enough for him to harass. Thats a lie. He said he never harassed disabled people. Thats a lie. Lets keep the record clear here. He did not mock a disabled person. Oh, come on. Wait. Wait. Did you . Did you see in the same speech where he mocked the general and mocked ted cruz doing the same thing . I dont know what youre talking about. Thats the point. This is the point. Theres a video where he does the same thing mocking other people who are not disabled. But he said in that instance y , i know him, he said have you seen this guy and mocked the way he appears because he has a disability. Listen, i think this debate, he gets the most improved award, but that doesnt get him much in terms of expanding his base. I did think he was much more disciplined. He was calmer. He didnt take the bait all the time. I thought both of them were incredibly weak on jobs. None of them really, i think, channelled the anger and the pain that folks are feeling in terms of their own lives. Hillary clinton basically did a laundry list of what her plan would be. He seemed to pivot to nato in that question. But i think it is true that he seems to lose stamina as these debates go on. He seems to sort of remember slights. I mean, in that answer where he said such a nasty woman about Hillary Clinton, i think she was talking about entitlement reform at some point. It was like this thing he couldnt control. He just had to say it. It was such an odd moment. I agree. Its also puppet moment where theyre talking about putin and the question was do you condemn, and he said of course i condemn, but it didnt continue. They were getting into it over putin, and she called him a puppet. And he said no, youre the puppet. Again, i hate to raise my children, but thats the kind of thing my kids used to do. The situation with russia, shes been the secretary of state. She reset the whole thing. President obama, i mean, this is their policy. Here we are. It would have been more reassuring if he were willing to actually condemn Vladimir Putin for the tyrant that he is, which he just every time he gets an opportunity to do it, he instead goes to wouldnt it be better if we had a better relationship with russia . David, david, president obama is dealing with a tyrant in cuba and hes opened relationships on that same premise. Wouldnt it be better to have a better relationship with castro who is one nasty tyrant . If i can say, so many of his answers tonight i thought were measured and controlled. He has a better understanding of the clock than he ever has thus far, but he just cant help himself, and the interruptions had me wondering is it 11 00 on a saturday night. It was straight from alec baldwin and his immitaion. He needed a knockout. No he didnt get it. Even if you want to think he had a great night, and some aspects were, but he didnt win. You guys are ace supporters and spokes people, and but the question is what about the voters he needs to add to the base that he has to win this election . Were they as impressed as you . My sense is they will not be. Well see what the polls say and the coming days. David, heres what i think was important about tonight. Hillary was pressed hard by Chris Wallace on the economy. What is different about your plan than obamas . She didnt have an answer, and a lot of us sat back when Obama Took Office and said hes blaming bush for the economy. Fair enough right now. How long will it last . Tonight she said he inherited something bad. Were still blaming bush. Meanwhile trump has ideas. That moves voters. By the way, theres bill clinton and Hillary Clinton departing. The economy shrunk by 8. 9 and we were losing jobs the day he moved into the door. Seeds planted by bill clintons housing policy. Now youre blaming clinton. Listen, sometimes numbers and facts, again, im a little bit of a nerd, but i think numbers are helpful. 1. 3 jobs created under bush. 10. 6 million jobs you should obama. The great thing about that is it was the time when the western democracies were growing. When you look at our growth rate, guess what, europe below 1 . Japan 0. We are actually beating our peers. You cant admit that so you compare us to china and india which are growing more, but from a lower base. Again, you have to do funny numbers and fuzzy math. Under obama weve been beating our competition, and our economy right now is 10 bigger and richer than that was at the height of the post recession peak. Those are real numbers. Real numbers that barack obama is about to become the first president in fact United States history to not attain 3. 5 gdp. People are hurting. And we beat every other country in the world that is an advanced industrial country. The one stat that stuck out in this election, 56 people feel the economy is rigged against hem. Rig second down an important word. By using that word he feels like the deck is stacked against him. Bernie sanders used that word. He did. And you know what . A lot of people feel the economy is rigged, and you know what . Theyre right, but most people dont feel that the american system of voting is so rigged that someone who has won his partys nomination cant stick up for it. Stick up for the democracy every time. Its a disgrace what he did. When trump was asked about the economy, this is the one area where he has an advantage and a lot of advantage in polling. Lots of people believe hes best able to handle the economy. She talked about her tax plan, et cetera. When he was asked about it, he went to trade, started talking about trade, and never really until the end of his answer got back to what he would do for the American People. He started talking about her on tpp and i think it was a huge missed opportunity for him, because its one area where he actually does well, and he could have gotten more specific with people about how he is going to help them in their personal lives beyond trade. I know trade is a very big issue. I know its really important, but taxes are a big issue. And what hes going to do to improve gdp, et cetera. So i think he wasnt focussed on an answer that on a question that could have been terrific for him. I really do. You cite the poll that says 60 think the economy is rigged. I believe the biggest single issue facing us is how you guarantee that people who work hard can get ahead. How you give them the best chance to get ahead in the changing economy. I think thats a real issue. But if youre going to cite the polls, you have to accept the rest of the polls which is that 60 dont think he has the temperament to be president. 60 on a series of measures of president ial preparedness dont feel hes qualified. So that was what he had to work on tonight. If he wants to get from point a to point b, thats what he had to do tonight. One line, youve got the experience, and its bad experience. That is a great line, and the 30year argument is a good argument. But that is not a 90 minute debate, and given what else hes said its like the old thing about how is the play otherwise mrs. Linkcoln. She had a great answer. I was in arkansas and you were being sued for housing discrimination. I thought that refrain, she was clearly ready for that. Im sure that was right off the top of her head. I think there a535 people ha issue on their hands, and i think of the senate and republican candidates for the house of representatives, people like pat toomey have danced in terms of are you for or against this guy, and theyre going to be asked the question now when donald trump is unwilling to say hell accept the outcome of the election, what about you . And theyre going to say ill say the same thing that i said when al gore i dont think so. And therein lies the problem with washington and thats it. That is it. Its one thing we havent talked about and we need to. For the first time donald trump used spanish. He spoke a spanish word. Only to insult and smear and stereo type latino immigrants. He said we have some bad ombres. The only time hes used spanish in the election was used to smear latino immigrants. I thought that was horrible. If you look at twitter, that will be another reason the Republican Party will have a different time being a party for all the time. Politically correct. This is nonsense. Go ahead. Let me finish my point. He was not talking about lets put context here instead of bringing two words. A woman lost her son at the hand of an illegal immigrant. He would still be here today if the laws were enforced. Its a tragedy a bad man . Whatever you want to call that man, it wasnt all immigrants. Thats where context is important. He was talking about the immigrants who woman into the country, theyre a minority, yes, 100 , theyre a small number. There are people who would still be alive today if laws were enforced. No one should die at the hands of an illegal immigrant. No one should die at the hands of anyone. Unless theyre a baby. Oh, come on. Theres something wrong when you take funerals and you politicize funerals. Ive gone to plenty of them. Ive seen People Killed by police. Ive seen People Killed by African American kids killed by other African American kids. Ive seen latino kids killed by other latino kids. Ive seen People Killed by people with papers and without papers. When you cherry pick and choose these ones to beat up a whole community, that is disgusting and wrong, and people understand what youre doing. Its not right. Again, just for those who maybe didnt see it. Lets play the moment, the moment thats gotten a lot of coverage online. Were going to secure the border and once the border is secured at a later date well make a determination as to the rest. We have some bad ombres here and were going to get them out. What was your reaction . This is not politicizing someones death. This is really important here. If we want to talk about picking and choosing which deaths to care about, president obama cared about certain men who died at the hands of police officers. Your idea about politicizing deaths, i assume it applies to your own president. Donald trump cares about the fact that kids in New Hampshire have died of heroin thats been brought here by illegal immigrants. Kayleigh, my father emigrated here from mexico illegally twice. Was deported twice. Came back the third time legally. To me, i was born here. Im an american citizen. To me, that was very offensive. You heard me when we were watching it in the green room. That was just offensive. Its offensive to hispanics. To say what . Bad ombre. Come on yarks patty, youre an american. Ive heard that phrase all my life. Where do you hear that phrase . No. This line has been an american zblsh where . American Television Westerns in the 1950s. 1950s. By the way, im not sure a 19 50 s American Television is the best benchmark for what is good language and nonoffensive. I have never heard that compared to say the nword. Right . Right . This is politically correctness to a max. Why didnt he just say bad dudes . Because there are dudes that would be offended. Why use spanish in that instance . Whats wrong with it . Why do you think he did it, then . Because its in the american language. No one says that, jeffrey. You dont know enough people. Donald trump has defended the language he uses and says about women. I dont say things like that. Thats not what i do. Well, tonight, patty was very offended, and patty, i love her to death, but shes being politically correct. If shes offended, im offended. I cant believe what im hearing. Im sorry. Were in such a high offense culture that when you call someone who killed american citizens bad ombres and we critique the language, this is such a high offense culture. This is why donald trump won this nomination because americans around this country are fed up. And its why hes going to win the presidency most likely. Heres the deal. This is not about being a high offense country. I agree with you, there are some people who aggrieved and no matter what you do im in meetings with them all the time, trust me. I get what youre talking about. This is not that. This is something else. This is a sense that weve not yet heard him say very many positive things about the contribution of the latino immigrant community. He has. We just dont play it. Let him finish. He doesnt trumpet it. He had an opportunity to say nice things tonight. He could have said, listen, we got some bad ones but let me tell you about the ones making a difference and a contribution. Like george w. Bush used to do. He didnt do that, and then to put the cherry on top, he then says there are some bad ombres which sounds to people for whom politically correct. No. Its offensive, jeffrey, period, end of story. Its offensive. Lets stop talking about it. He praised the contributions of the Mexican American community. Hes done it. There are some bad ones and we never get to the root of the problem because were all upset about the term . Lets stop talking about how offensive it is. He was supposed to broaden his base tonight. He was supposed to expand his voters today, right . Yes, of course. He offended hispanics. No. He offended women. He offended other minorities. How did he expand his base tonight . How is he going to win the presidency . This is exactly the point, patty. You divide by race. Van and i have had this conversation that when you divide by race like this and think of people as nonamericans, not americans, but by their nationality, am i supposed to take offense . But jeffrey, her question im not. Her question was more what new groups did he reach out to and get tonight . Did he . Sure. Sure. People who are sick of this nonsense. What people are you talking about . To think this is limited to any particular group or age is crazy. Theyre all americans and human beings. They all have different views. They are individuals. Im just wondering if tonight i feel like those people hes probably already gotten. Is there anyone new he reached tonight . I have an idea, i think when donald trump goes into private life, which hell be doing soon, he should take out a patent on a selfkicking machine. Thats his brand now. He had a complete opportunity tonight to go out there and repair some damage with constituencies and show he gets it. The thing is, you dont get to determine which what offends me. I dont get to determine what offends you. Thats what you guys are going. Youre determining the whole entire community is im only looking at twitter. Well, twitter is not much thats scientific sample right there. Lets watch tomorrow. My point is if i Say Something to you that you find offensive, its my job to listen to you and figure out in the name of civility, so we used to call it civility. The basis of civilization. It became politically correct when other people started to demand civil treatment. If you say it offended you, its my job to listen to you and try to do a better job next time. The problem right now is theres a certain set of people who say you telling me that youre offended means youre the problem. Not me. Not my speech. Your response to my speech, and well never have a country that way. Or if you tell me that i might lose, its not my fault. Its not because i failed. Its because the election was rigged. I think its sort of the same line of reason. I dont want to change the subject, but on the failed election issue and the question of legitimacy, Lindsey Graham, no fan of donald trump, i get it, tweet first down he loses, its because he failed. This is a senator, member of congress to michaels good point before, there are members of congress who watch this and who are up for reelection, and what if i spoke with a house member the other day who said to me what if i win in my state and donald trump loses . And challenges the election . What does that do to me and my election . Are my voters disenfranchised . Are my votes inot legitimate . Donald trump is about donald trump, not about the Republican Party, and i think thats what this is about. This is a good issue. Two points. Number one to my friend michael, i sent you an article in the New York Times about a federal judge in philadelphia overruling a Pennsylvania State Senate Election and throwing a democratic out of the state senate giving control of the senate to republicans because he said the democrats stole the election and they used a dead persons vote among many others to accomplish it. This is a problem. Ive been reading tonight about a princeton professor who does a study about how easy it is to hack Voting Machines saying there is a problem. Will we recognize the problem. Is this anecdotal at this point or is it a huge i think when youve got all these people and cbs and all these other places, reputable institutions saying these elections can be stolen in essence, we have a huge problem, we shouldnt be trusting computers, then theres a problem, yes. Yes. You said you dont want people divided by race. Let me say one thing and then i want to make a larger point. One is i know patty and ive known her since he was a young woman she still is she has she is one of the most inspiring person i know. She has a wonderful story, and when she tells me shes offended, i take that seriously. I dont say who are you to say whether or not hispanics were kayleigh said that to her. Heres the thing. Lets not talk about hispanics, blacks. I think americans were offended by what donald trump said about not accepting the result of the election. Americans. Black, white, hispanic. How many were offended when al gore did it . Jeffrey sorry. You rail against washington, but you are a political consultant answers. I say that as a selfloathing political consultant. Thats nonsense. It is not nonsense. The election was not settled. There was a dispute about that. As was said before, if he had said tonight, look, absent some extraordinary event like a dispute, of course ill accept the results. It didnt trouble his Campaign Manager to say it. Why does it trouble him to say it . Why . If theres a divide when its all over between the Electoral College and the popular vote, no one will question mr. Trump for pursuing to get to the bottom of the result, but here we are at a stage when hes trailing by double digits in National Polls and the swing states have shifted away from him, and at this moment hes saying he thinks the whole thing is rigged against him and then tries to conflate media bias with the rigging of an election. Theyre not different in terms of disarming an election. The Old Soviet Union only ran whether theres bias in the media and Election Fraud are two separate issues. Its about when you become president and youre a leader, you accept responsibility for everything that happens on your watch. Like i didnt have sex with that woman. Im just saying this is a role of a leader. This is what leaders ought to do, accept responsibility. Part of the responsibility of being a leader is if you dont succeed and you lose, you accept responsibility for the loss. If you win, good for you. You did a great job. I just have to say, rush limb baa said this, and its true. No matter what station you turn on, everybody is operating that donald trump is going to lose. Theres a poll where hes four points behind. 23 days ago the momentum was going in Donald Trumps direction. We have 19 more days. None of us know whats coming in the wikileaks or where were going to be 20 days from now. I think we shouldnt operate under the premise that hes going to lose and that hes not going to accept the result. He said maybe, hell look at what happens. None of us know whats going to happen. Theres another point here. Ive been involved in campaigns for a long time and president ial campaigns for a long time. No one has in modern history recovered from a deficit like this. Truman. Tonight was his opportunity to try to turn that around, and hes just dug himself into a bigger hole. And the arguments youre making is also digging him into a deeper hole. No one in modern history has a primary spending half of what others are. I admire your commitment. Im telling you the facts. I want to make a fact here. On the Supreme Court, there are two views. When youre saying donald trump doesnt is not accepting of tradition, et cetera, et cetera responsibility. In terms of conceding an election, there were people who believe that there are a lot of people like Hillary Clinton who believe that the constitution is to be ponied around with here to fit whatever is their latest objective instead of accepting what is in the constitution and the basic freedoms for all of us. That is a slow fashion motion here using the constitution. What does that have to do the fact that you dont get that, thats what it has to do with. Jeffrey, i think youre not hearing what i was saying. I was saying if you lose you accept responsibility. If you win, good for you. You take the credit for it. Period. You guys have a point to make. You guys have a point to make here. Republicans could be excused for feeling that theres a double standard when it comes to sexual conduct. Bill clinton versus donald trump. They can be excused for saying that. In a lot of areas. Im trying to help you here, but you have to give me a little bit of room. The idea of there being media bias, of there being a double standard, i think you have a case to make. The problem is when you overshoot your skis the way that you do, and you say that this media bias, this particular thing, then gives you a rigged election, but you didnt have the same critique of the media when donald trump is winning the primaries one after the other. Then the media is fine. You dont have a critique when republicans are winning the senate. No critique when they win the house or 30 plus governorships. Its only a concern when it affects your guy in the last hour. And that is hypocritical. A lot of us were critiquing it in the primaries as well. The media is at its lowest trust. Im giving the bias argument, but when you undermine voting institutions, the media has been a mess. The American Media system used to be partisan. Every party had its own newspaper. People had fliers. Then you wound up with this sort of forced thing, it was fake from the beginning. Now its getting crazy again. You have social media. Its good. And i have no problem with it. Twitter. Ill be tweeting at the commercial break if we ever have one. At this rate, were not. The problem that i have is that when you love the polls when the polls are going your way. They dont go his way, i dont believe the polls. Donald trump has even admitted that in his speech. In a speech he said i quote the polls when they go my way. I dont when they dont. My point is this. If you love the media when its with you and hate it when its against you, youre many things. Youre not president ial. And thats the point. This is about who is going to be the president of the United States. Ive got a 12yearold son that has a much better attitude toward competition than the one running for president in your party. Can i just make one point . I want to explain why what donald trump said tonight about the election disturbs me and what has disturbed me over the last few weeks. I think it is insidious to tell your supporters that if youre not going to win that the result is rigged, the result is fixed, sort of intimate that anything goes if you dont win. That is not american. That is not tell it to al gore. Oh, not al gore. Jeffrey, dont do that. It is beneath you. I am sorry. But this was done. Al gore, believe me, as van said, there were many, many people in this country who wanted him to fight on. I was one of them. And he said i think its best for the country to accept the result. He was a hero in that instance. And what al gore was on his way to concede when the secretary of state, it was under 1 . The secretary of state said this is an automatic recount. He had already called bush, because he was going to do the right thing. When there was a recount, only after they knew that it was an automatic recount did he call bush and say, no, we have to wait. One standard for me and another for you. Jeffrey, you the student of history, what troubles me the most about what he said and what he didnt say tonight is wednesday november 9th. I have committed that come the 9th of november if he loses, i want him to conce concede, but we we need to put the pieces back together when this thing ends. And come wednesday the 9th, im not obsessing about what he said about mexicans. Im moving on if hes the president , and if she wins, no more email server. Its time to move forward. We have to take a break. Well reveal the results of our first poll and hear from your focus group of undecided voters here in nevada. Stay with us. Ill never go down your road ill find my way on my own ill never follow your path ill make mine and i wont look back ill never go down your road ill find my way on my own ill never follow your path ill make mine and i wont look back ill never go down your road ill find my way on my own im never gonna fall in line your future is not mine your future is not mine were about to get the first results of the cnn poll. Our political director is here. David, what are the results. This is not a nationwide poll. This is a poll of debate watchers. Thats key. Skews slightly more democratic here, but actually its our most evenly divided audience of any of the debates so far this season. Lets get to the results. Who won the debate . Hillary clinton. 52 of debate watchers say she was if winner. 39 say donald trump was the winner. Thats a closer margin than we saw in the previous debates. How about who was on the attack more . Who spent more time attacking their opponent . Donald trump, 60 of debate watchers say he was more on the attack. 23 say that of clinton, and 15 say they were both attacking their opponents. And the fairness of the attacks, were trumps attacks fair . 55 say yes, his attacks on Hillary Clinton were fair. 43 say no. And what about Hillary Clintons attacks on trump . 63 say hers were fair. 34 say they were not fair. All three of these debates according to our poll, instant poll of people who watched the debates believe Hillary Clinton won all three . Shes 30 here. Thats a hat trick for her. Whats the significance, jake . I think its, first of all, the fact that debate watchers thought that the attacks were generally fair. It shows that they both got their licks and their punches. That he was seen as being on the attack more. I ascribe a lot of that to his interrupting and such a nasty woman, quote unquote, aside, which i think was just really poorly thought out. If it was thought out at all, thing to say. It revealed a level of hostility. Let me play that clip. We have that moment. Ill play it right now. My Social Security payroll contribution will go up as will donalds, assuming he cant figure out how to get out of it. But we want to such a nasty woman. Thats getting a lot of reaction. I mean, he took the bait. He did that in the first debate. He did it in the second debate and the third debate. She just made an aside about him trying to get out of paying taxes. Maybe a cheap shot, but all is fair in love and war and politics, and then he leans in so nobody misses it, and says such a nasty woman. And i think that that comment resonated with women across the country. Lets ask a woman. Dana, does it resonate . Yeah. Its certainly not what you want to hear anybody say. I think thats running for president , no matter who you are. I think whether youre a woman or man, if youre a trump supporter, it is probably going to be okay. I mean, if youre one of those core supporters. In philadelphia last week i talked to many, many women who are Trump Supporters who said a lot worse about Hillary Clinton, but having said that, youre right, this is about donald trump actually practicing and preparing for this debate. And for the most part, it came through. Now, the bar was not that high. He didnt really have that far to go. But that moment, the ombre moment, and, of course, probably the mother of all moments that undermined all the preparation he did was the fact that he wouldnt say he would accept the Election Results. That is whats so frustrating for trump advisors and supporters. He has all of hes made so much progress on so many other issues and so many other ways, but all you needed are a few missteps and thats what undermines everything. One of the things we saw in the polls when he started going down when we saw an impact was that republican women, he started lowering his number among them. They come back home when they feel better about the debate performance. But its exactly the people he needs to not only keep in the fold but continue to grow. Republican independent women, and that is why that line is so difficult for him. Both donald trump and Hillary Clinton were hoping to sway undecided voters tonight. We have a group of these voters with randi kaye here in las vegas. Youre about to see the moments they liked the most. Remember, as you watch, look at the bottom of the screen. Mens responses are in green. Womens are in yellow. Here now is Donald Trumps highest point of the debate when talking about immigration. Somebody runs across the border, becomes a citizen. You would have a disaster on trade and you will have a disaster with your open borders. What she doesnt say is that president obama has deported millions and millions of people. Lets go to ran di. What did these voters like about this answer . Reporter wolf, that answer got a lot of attention from our group here. Certainly resonated with myra. Were talking about the sound bite where donald trump was pinning Hillary Clinton on her wanting open borders, saying he would seal the borders. There is a bridge that goes from south texas into mexico, and with this bridge you can walk across it or drive across it, and underneath the bridge is the rio grand river. You see a problem . The borders need to be sealed because the people just totally swim across the river. Sometimes there are 30, 40, 50 crossing at any given time during the day and night. It goes on all day long. The families put a lot of stress on the ranchers and on the state of texas and on the services and schools and hospitals for the state of texas. Thats why it was really important to you . And i know keith over here, we got a big reaction on that same sound bite. Why was it important to you . Youre either a country with border or not, or a country with laws or not. We know drugs are coming in illegal and isis is coming in, and i believe cia and fbi said at capitol hill theres no way of really vetting them coming into the country. That was just a couple of responses to Donald Trumps highest point, and wolf, i know you have another moment where Hillary Clinton also did pretty well with this group. Thats right. Lets take a look at Hillary Clintons most liked moment. I will defend planned parenthood. I will defend row v wade and womens rights to make their own health care decisions. Weve come too far to have that turned back now and, indeed, he said women should be punished and there should be a form of punishment for women who obtain abortions, and i could just not be more opposed to that kind of thinking. All right. Both men and women seemed to like that response, right . Yeah. We found that really interesting that both men and women supported Hillary Clinton in that moment. Natalie did talking about the planned parenthood moment. Where she said that she would defend a womans right to make health care decisions. It was important to me because i dont think the government should have control over a womans body just like they wouldnt have control of a mans body. And also planned parenthood comes with a lot of other options. Its not just a ripping out, and i want to know what anatomy class he was in that he thought thats how its performed days before, ripping out. And men as well feel strongly about this. Why did you agree with Hillary Clinton and think that was a high moment for her in that time in the debate . Because a womans choice is her choice. It should not be the governments decision as to who determines what we can and cant do about our families and our bodies. It should be a womans right if she is able to be in that situation where she doesnt want to have it or its in jeopardy of her life, its her decision, and the family should be able to experience that and support her in that way. All right. So were coming down to the final days before election day. Of course we wanted to know who this group thought won this debate. Because theyre trying to make up their minds, as you said. Lets get a show of hands. How many people in this group came in undecided, who thinks Hillary Clinton won the debate . A quick count here. 11 of you. How many of you think that donald trump won the debate . Nine people think donald trump. How about a draw . Anybody think it was a draw . Natalie thought it was a draw. Listen, i know a couple of you here, i saw the hands for Hillary Clinton. Why do you think she won . How would you describe her performance . Shes more believable. Facts. Truth. Reporter there you have it, wolf. A lot of people still trying to make up their minds. Its okay. Ill let you go on the fact that you used more than one word. Listen, we wanted to know, of course, did this debate help anyone make up their mind . Have they decided . Thats the key question, and when we chat again well talk to them during the break and well have the answers for you when we chat again. All right. Thank you very much. It looks like a draw over there by those undecided voters here in las vegas. Yeah, and as we discussed in previous debates, one of the things important about these events is what comes out of them that will be given a lot of attention and oxygen over the next week. And i think donald trump, he got punches in, and when it came to especially criticizing the Clinton Foundation and when it came to criticizing obama and clinton foreign policy, but i think the headline is refuses to say hell concede if he loses necessarily. He says hes going to keep us in suspense. That was the term he used. And i think such a nasty woman. I think those are going to be the things that are kept alive in the Mainstream Media it will be the refusal to concede. And a lot of republicans will be asked about that. His campaign is saying he means the media. Well concede. Mike pence said earlier. He had just said he wont necessarily concede, and then in terms of what are the clinton democrats going to do and what are liberal media going to do . Im already seeing memes, this nasty woman votes, im with her. Women have seized upon that, and its been ginned up by democrats, but on the left, and social media and democrats, thats going to be big. And those are going to be the two things. Thats not what he needed in this debate. He needed to be appealing to my beloved friends in the main line outside of philadelphia. And he is he did not do that tonight. And Hillary Clinton said it was horrifying, his answer, and Chris Wallace pressed him on it. And he said ill keep it in suspense. Im not going to give you an answer right now. Even though an hour before the debate we spoke to his running mate who flatly, quickly, immediately said, of course we will accept the results. I think the biggest tell was what kellyanne conway, his Campaign Manager said to me just down there minutes after the debate ended. It was sounded like what he was supposed to say and based on what they prepared which was, you know, barring any unforeseen circumstances, certainly there could be an al gore moment, but she did without me even saying much more, say he will accept the results. And to your point, jake, about republicans being asked about this, a lot of republicans arent even waiting. Were seeing tweets from people, okay, theyre no fans of donald trump, but people like Lindsey Graham and others, maybe they are predisposed to coil at things republicans say, but the fact that theyre unsolicited sending out tweets saying they disagree, that that is not american, that in a democracy that doesnt happen, its telling. Can i Say Something about the election being rigged, which it is not . First of all, i cant understand how this doesnt do anything other than suppress his voters turnout. If his supporters look at the polls and theyre hearing from their candidate, its rigged and if i dont win, its because your vote doesnt matter, why would they turn out to vote . I think it hurts him, potentially. Just as a practical matter. I think it hurts republican turnout. Republicans want republicans to turn out to vote, and then the ideological idea that we believe in the right to vote and we believe that every vote matters. This is a nonpartisan concept. This year has turned those things on its head, but the idea that sometimes there is Voter Suppression as people on the left complain and sometimes there is voter fraud. That does happen, but it is a vast minority, and your vote does matter and count. This is not even donald trump takes things that are just perfectly American Pure thoughts and just throws them out the window. Guys, excellent points. Everyone stand by. Coming up, reality checks on some of the more provacative claims tonight. Did Hillary Clinton get it right when she talked about undocumented workers building trump tower in new york . That and more results from our poll of debate watchers coming up. To sprint. Sprint . Im hearing good things about the network. All the networks are great now. Were talking within a 1 difference in reliability of each other. And, sprint saves you 50 on most Current National carrier rates. Save money on your phone bill, invest it in your Small Business. Wouldnt you love more customers . I would definitely love some new customers. Sprint will help you add customers and cut your costs. Switch your business to sprint and save 50 on most current verizon, at t and tmobile rates. Dont let a 1 difference cost you twice as much. Whoooo for people with hearing loss, visit sprintrelay. Com. Lets get some reality checks son the assertions made by these two candidates. Tom foreman is standing by. Jim sciutto is standing by. First to you, tom foreman. Wolf, both these candidates went toe to toe over the issue of nuclear proliferation. Listen. This is a person who has been very cavalier, even casual about the use of Nuclear Weapons. Wrong. Hes advocated more countries getting them, japan, korea, even saudi arabia. He said if we have them, why dont we use them, which is terrifying. This is just another lie. Well, im just quoting you. Theres no quote. Youre not going to find a quote from him. Well, back in march he spoke about the idea that maybe some countries that dont have Nuclear Weapons now that are friendly to the use ought to have them. He said if japan had that nuclear threat, im not sure that would be a bad thing for us. Then he told us here at cnn he was ready to let japan and south korea become nuclear powers. In fairness, he has also spoken against nuclear proliferation, saying he would be the last to use a Nuclear Weapon out there. But in this specific part of her charge, the idea that hes suggested other nations should have Nuclear Weapons, yeah, thats true. And his name that he has not is false. Wolf . Lets get to jim sciutto. You did a reality check, as well. Thats right, wolf. This one closer to home. The issue undocumented workers and the construction of trump tower in new york. Here is Hillary Clinton tonight. He used undocumented labor to build the trump tower. He underpaid undocumented workers, and when they complained, he basically said what a lot of employers do, you complain, ill get you deported. So the claim, Hillary Clinton claiming donald trump used undocumented workers to build trump to youer in new york, even threatened to deport them when they complained about low pay. Theres a court record here, in fact, undocumented polish workers sued trump in a class action lawsuit, complaining of those low wages, just 4 an hour. And some said they never received those wages owed to them, according to litigate cited by the New York Times. Trump denied knowing that these workers were undocumented. He said they were hired through a contractor, not hired by donald trump. However, in 1991, a judge ruled that trump conspired to withhold payments to union funds that he owed more than 325,000. This according to a New York Times report that lawsuit eventually settle out of court. So our verdict that this is mostly true, since trump was fined, via a Court Proceeding for illegally hiring workers regarding trump tower. You want to see all of our fact checks tonight, thats reality checks on cnn. Com realitycheck. Well have more reality checks coming up. Thank you very much. David, youve got some more results from our cnn orc instant poll of debate watchers. Thats right. The poll of debate watchers, lets do that top line again, who won the debate. Hillary clinton 52 , donald trump 39 . Hillary clinton, for the third time in a row this season, is deemed the winner in our instant poll of debate watchers. But this next finding may be even more important. Who seemed better prepared for the presidency. Clinton, 59 , trump 35 . That is a better score than people who thought she won the debate. So you look at that, that is the threshold question. That is what donald trump didnt solve for himself tonight. We also asked who do you agree with on important issues. Pretty even here. Clinton, 50 , donald trump 47 . And another category where they divided evenly, who was more sincere and authentic. Donald trump 47 , Hillary Clinton 46 . They divided on a lot of the issues and attributes. But when it came to who won and when it came to who can better serve as president , it was a clear clinton victory. Very interesting. So much of the debate did get to substantive Important National security domestic issues that hadnt been discussed all that much before. But those few examples when donald trump seemed to go overboard, theyre now dominating the headlines. Because look, this is an election where many people think its a change election. President obama still has high Approval Ratings but people dont like the direction of the country right now. Usually after eight years of one party in power, the white house switches. So in many ways, this has been Donald Trumps to lose. Hes the republican nominee coming in. Without question, he represents change. And its hard to imagine how Hillary Clinton represents anything beyond washington and power in washington and dare i say status quo. But in a fox news poll i saw the other day, Hillary Clinton was actually beating him on the notion of change. Because she has convinced the American People, at least a plurality of the American People, that she can do the job. He has not beenible to rise to the level of convincing people that he actually has the temperament to be president. What that tells me also that this is a very, very divided country. No matter what happens with the Election Results, because of different points of view on temperament or readiness to be president. On the issues, very divided. Coming up, well go back to our focus group of undivided voters after this debate. Have they made up their minds . Much more right after this quick break. Youre not a cook, if you dont cook. Youre not a firefighter, if you dont fight fires. Or a coach, if you dont coach. And you cant be our leader, if you dont lead. Our next president needs to take action on Social Security, or future generations could lose up to 10,000 a year. Were working hard, what about you . Hey candidates, do your jobs. Keep Social Security strong. And welcome back. Its the top of the hour. It is 9 00 p. M. Here in las vegas. The debate ended about an hour and a half ago. I want to play one of the key moments in this debate. Were going to play the long version. Its about two minutes or so. Chris wallace asking donald trump if he would accept the results of the election. Take a look. One of the prides of this country is the peaceful transition of power and no matter how hardfought a campaign is, that at the end of a campaign, that the loser concedes to the winner, not saying that youre necessarily going to be the loser or the winner, but that the loser concedes to the winner, and that the country comes together in part for the good of the country. Are you saying youre not prepared to what im saying is i will tell you at the time. I will keep you in suspense. Let me respond to that, because thats horrifying. Every time donald thinks things are not going in his direction, he claims whatever it is is rigged against him. The fbi conducted a yearlong investigation into my emails. They concluded there was no case. He said the fbi was rigged. He lost the iowa caucus. He lost the wisconsin primary. He said the republican primary was rigged against him. Then Trump University gets sued for fraud and racketeering. He claims the court system and the federal judge is rigged against him. There was even a time when he didnt get an emmy for his tv Program Three years in a row and he started tweeting that the emmys were rigged. Should have gotten it. [ laughter ] this is a mindset. This is how donald thinks. And its funny, but its also really troubling. Okay. That is not the way our democracy works. Weve been around for 240 years. Weve had free and fair elections. Weve accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them. And that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. You know, president obama said the other day, when youre whining hold on, folks. Hold on, folks. It just shows youre not up to doing the job. Lets be clear about what he is saying and what that means. Hes denigrating, hes talking down or democracy. And i, for one, am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position. We had about a 45minute discussion about this. We have some new panelists. John, what did you make of that moment . What i make most of it is the emailing back and forth with republicans in the key swing states. Donald trump, we havent discussed anything that happened in the context of where we are in the campaign. She came in with a commanding lead, and so what did each of them say and how does it affect the situation on the ground for the next 19 days . Top republicans in florida, in ohio, in New Hampshire, that is not a recipe to win the voters he needs to win. Maybe his base supporters like it. One said this is a brilliant strategy to get from 37 to 40 , but to win the middle of the electorate, to answer doubts about temperment and judgment, republicans in those states didnt like it. Lets go back to the closest election, al gore and george w. Bush. And if either of them, going into this election, would have conceded that we will not use every legal means possible to us at the end before the election began, we wouldnt we never would have had a recount. Thats different than what donald trump said. We would have never had a are you disappointed in your running mate that heres what im disappointed in. The hypocrisy of no one calling al gore [ overlapping speakers ] al gore conceded that time, unkconceded and reconceded six weeks later. [ overlapping speakers ] why wouldnt your guy say, of course, unless theres something that is called into question the result. Of course i will accept them. What he is saying [ overlapping speakers ] lets talk about what he said. He said, ill keep you in suspen suspense. Theres nothing president ial about his debate performance, and his answer. This is the most undemocratic answer that could have been given. That was a horrible answer. He made a mockery of american democracy tonight. You know whats a mockery . This whole conversation is [ overlapping speakers ] she doesnt want to talk about whats really going on. She lied about her immigration position. It wasnt the question asked at the debate. The question was asked by Chris Wallace, who did a good job pressing both candidates. He did ask some questions of secretary clinton. This was a question anderson did a great job, as well. Im talking about tonight. This question was not asked in 2000. If it had been asked during the debates, im sure both candidates would have said i fully expect to accept the results. The reason the question was asked, donald trump keeps say theres Election Fraud, theres a rigged election. We can talk for 25 years about that if you want. He says specifically the election is being rigged now, and will be rigged on election day. That has never happened before. Lets talk about what donald trump has talked about. He talked about immigration, hes talked about the terrible trade deals. Hillary clinton has changed her position and now tpp is a bad thing. [ overlapping speakers ] he talked about nato paying their fair share. Hes talking about having a free and fair election, making sure the Election Results are honest and trustworthy. Now the American People say thats right. And the media bias thats surrounded this campaign is unequivocal, it is biased. So hes saying lets make sure this election is fair and honest, and at the end of the day, i will make sure [ overlapping speakers ] [ crowd noise ] [ crowd chanting lock her up ] you keep coming out here and respin everything. The bigger problem is, were not talking about issues. Hillary clinton tried over and over again to tonight, were judging donald trump whether he pouted for five minutes or whether he smiled. Were not even talking about his inability to answer questions. The fact that he not only does he not have the temperament to lead this country, he doesnt have the temperament to be a High School President. Wait, wait, i was a High School President and he certainly has the temperament. Can i just redo something that donald trump said in past may during the primaries . After he was doing well, right . He was winning or won. Youve been hearing me say its a rigged system. But now i dont say it anymore because i won. Its true. Now i dont care, i dont care. And the only way i won, i won by such a big margin, because sit a rigged system. But the only way you can do it, its like a boxer. Youve got to knock them out. Then you dont got to worry about the judges. But its true. So what was his tone of voice . I dont know. Let me read you something that al gore said. [ overlapping speakers ] ignoring voters means ignoring democracy itself. If you ignore those results in florida, how can you or any american have confidence that your vote will not be ignored in a future election. These are two different things. Donald trump was complaining about the rigged system donald trump was complaining about the rigged system all along. Until he won. [ overlapping speakers ] al gore was complaining because there was an automatic recount in the state of florida. As you know, 537 votes was the difference. This is different. The complaints about the rigged system, the complaints about the rigged system occur during a president ial debate you have never seen anything like that. Al gore wasnt complaining. Can i just ask a question . For the rest of this part of the discussion, and i think corey missed the first hour and a half, but can we please address the election that will take place on november 8, 2016, and not relitigate an election thats been solved from 2000. So bring up the emails because it has something to do with this election. Angela, ill tell you why. Its nuts. Ill tell you why, and you werent here. You asked the question. Let me answer. What donald trump is saying, what Many Americans feel is that the system, fbi, state department, you name it, is quote unquote rigged. They let off their friends. They play a double game. And it doesnt matter whether its the election or whether its the internal workings of the fbi getting her off the hook, its all part and parcel of the same thing. That is what the election is about. [ overlapping speakers ] so john king, you are the person who i think we all look to. This guy says he wants to be a law and order candidate. Do you think that republicans and other people, when he starts playing with the rule of law, the fundamentals of a law and order candidate or of a law and order society, you respect the constitution and the process. Has he put himself in harms way with republicans playing with this idea of maybe this is not legitimate, maybe youve got to be violent, have a revolt. Help us understand how this will be processed in this election. Youre asking me a somewhat loaded political question. Thats not my job. To coreys point, im trying to answer the very specific thing about a rigged election. Not the rigged system, not the fbi, but what donald trump said about a rigged election, that somebody could fake the vote or get into the system and switch the count. Thats what im talking about. But im willing to talk to you about everything else. But republicans are saying donald trump is wrong about this. Theres a lot of that going on. Certainly without a doubt. Just to have a candidate for president , and donald trump [ crowd chanting donald trump ] that means changing the numbers and cheating. You have republican governors and secretaries of state. Youre trying to stay a republican candidate saying i believe republican governors and republican secretaries of state are going to allow this in the last ten years, democrats have won two president ial elections overwhelmingly. Republicans have won everything else. If the system is rigged, the republicans have benefited a whole lot more. I believe there are instances of fraud, yes, but in a way that changes the race for congress, for governor, for president . I guess the question is, for the next week, is this going to be a discussion out on the campaign trail, and how does that help or hurt donald trump . Does it help donald trump to have this be the topic thats discussed for the next week eating up air time. As a stand alone, no. It seems like the debate is going to be more, was it appropriate what he said more than anything else. As a candidate, he should be why is [ overlapping speakers ] weve had a lot of instances of this. Where . What do you mean . Pennsylvania state senate race wait, wait. It was overturned, overturned, because the judge said the race was stolen. The kennedynixon race. Nixon went to his grave thinking it was stolen from him. Al gore, there are all sorts of things that john kerry thinks, well, ohio, all this stuff. Were not going to resolve this. Because what youre saying to me sounds more anecdotal. What im saying is the problem of double standards. Heres the question i want to ask you, which is why was Donald Trumps answer to this question different from mike pences answer . And kellyanne conway. Why is tim kaines answer on taxpayer funded abortion different than Hillary Clinton . Can you answer her question . Sure. You tell me why is Barack Obamas position can you answer without rhetorical question . You tell me every president ial candidate and their running mate who agree on every single answer. How about gay marriage with joe biden and barack obama . [ overlapping speakers ] this isnt a policy question. You have one guy saying i believe in the integrity of the election system and the other guy saying im not sure. That seems like a profound issue. When you are talking about the integrity of the americans democracy both you guys, i said it to jeffrey, ill say it to you, you are not helping yourself like this. David, david it is not sensible. All im saying to you, and ill say it again, this is about a double standard for elites versus everybody else. What its about is [ overlapping speakers ] [ multiple speakers ] if this is what the next 19 days is about, about a rigged system and theyre taking the election and not if youre donald trump about getting you a job, fundamentally restructuring the economy and changing washington, then Hillary Clinton is going to get 340 electoral votes. Heres the deal. This is a fundamental leadership failure on the part of donald trump in the following way first of all, you have to remember both of these candidates, both Hillary Clinton and donald trump had tremendous problems with their own parties. Hillary clinton was able to heal a rift in her own party such as now sanders is being a surrogate for her. Donald trump, his First Leadership challenge is to heal his party. Hes not been able to unite his own party or campaign. Kellyanne conway threw him under the bus today. Hes not able to unite his own family. So you have a catastrophic leadership failure of the first order, for the very first time on the candidate. I think theres been a point in this election where donald trump could have won it without unifying the Republican Party because he had the capability to reach out to democrats and independents. If were having this conversation on september 26, the day of the first debate, donald trump is getting 87, 89 of the republican vote. He was also getting independents and democrats. So he was making up for his problems with some republicans by having broader appeal outside the electorate. There have been times when donald trump could win without getting all of Ronald Reagans party or all of george w. Bushs party because hes a different kind of candidate. He had outside republican appeal. He has lost that right now. If you go state by state, hes under mitt romneys vote in alabama, in mississippi, in texas, hes under romneys number. If youre under romneys number and getting independents and democrats, thats okay. But hes not getting the independents and democrats anymore, because hes talking about this stuff, not about changing washington and the economy. If you look at the first debate, this question was asked about accepting the outcome of the election and donald trump said the answer is, if she wins, i will absolutely support her. What happened between that debate and this debate is donald trump is collapsing in the polls among all of these different groups. So it does play into this idea of things respect going his way. [ crowd chanting lock her up ] and hes listening to people for years who have said this. Conservative talkradio, steve bannon for years have said this. If donald trump wants to raise the issue with the American People, which was not at the forefront of this president ial debate, and talks about those issues and talks about the fact that we have to make sure we have integrity in our voting process, theres nothing wrong with that, so on election day [ overlapping speakers ] do you think this energizes there are two different schools of thought on this politically. Aside from the fact that its a dangerous thing to do potentially, that it energizes his base to get out there and vote or it depresses his base . I think donald trump has addressed more issues as a candidate than Hillary Clinton has ever achieved im talking about the rigged system. I think it will energize his base, absolutely. Is that a reason hes doing it now and he said he would accept the results when he was ahead . Before the debate, what i thought he was going to try to do is tie this all together. Thats what i think he was doing. Do you think he did that successfully . I think he needs to do it more, not less. I think what corey was talking about earlier in the day, that donald trump didnt talk about a lot tonight was this notion of reformer. He did talk about Hillary Clinton not doing anything he put out specific things about lobbyists and tonight, he didnt talk about draining the swamp and all that stuff which has a lot of resonance out there. They had a very engaging conversation on immigration. It was the high point of the debate. They had a detailed conversation on a number of issues, including immigration, but also on our email exchange. This is an issue that Hillary Clinton cannot duck. The polling indicates she loses every time they talk about her emails. She continues to not validate the wikileaks being authentic. They have never said theyre not real, but they wont say they are. And they say if theyre not real, lets give you the real email it is the ones that wikileaks are reporting arent real. They cant do that, and her own Campaign Chairman understands theres problems with their honesty. Lets look at one of the best moments for donald trump. Lets take a look. I asked a simple question, shes been doing this for 30 years. Why the hell didnt you do it over the last 15, 20 years . You were very much involved excuse me, my turn. You were very much involved in every aspect of this country. I say the one thing you have over me is experience, but its bad experience, because what you have done has turned out badly. For 30 years youve been in a position to help. The problem is you talk, but you dont get anything done, hillary, you dont. I think that was an effective moment for him. That is his core argument. Youve been around for 30 years, im new, im different, i will change up a system that isnt serving people well. Thats his fundamental argument. He had other good moments where he put her on the defensive. She made a very quick pivot on the open borders question, and went right to the russian hacking. And it was very obvious. He called her on it. And there were several moments like that. The problem is, they were all eclipsed by this other thing. If you look at the headlines of every newspaper, its trump refuses to accept Election Results. Whos eclipsing it . Ive been preparing candidates for debates for a long time. The one thing you tell them is dont get spontaneous. Dont say stuff thats going to hijack your own debate. Dont get in your own way. Donald trump is forever in his own way. Thats why hes in the straits hes in right now. What youre saying is its because the media pounces. Because he says things that are so outrageous to whom to the American People. Heres a problem with your argument. The media system as you describe it, im going to grant you, its awful, its biased. It has it out for republicans. Ill give you that. Can we stop the show now . But guess what . Thats not a Brand New Development in your world today. This is something youve been saying for a long time. So youre saying you have a leader that is so incompetent that he cant figure out the terrain is tough and he cant adjust. You cant have it both ways. You cant say you have a brilliant leader who understands the media, who then steps on every rake that he finds in the field and say hes a genius. Van, heres the difference. Republicans keep saying that people like mitt romney they go back a long way dont fight. What they like about donald trump is precisely what hes doing. They are saying that he is not just laying down on media bias or a whole lot of other things, that hes standing up and fighting, thats what they like. [ overlapping speakers ] how do you see this . Angela, then corey. I want to go back to this sound bite, on this 30 years. I think Hillary Clinton actually ended up winning this, when she said im happy to compare my 30 years of experience to yours. Which she saw coming and was prepared. It looks like that preparation worked. Look, during the fitness to be president component, donald trump talked about people who are paid to disrupt his rallies and the media hasnt talked one second about that. [ multiple speakers ] Hillary Clinton, when she wants to talk about inciting violence, listen to the rhetoric she uses when it comes to immigration. Thats inciting concern [ multiple speakers ] how about the fact that a fourstar general is in prison today for doing what Hillary Clinton did. He lied to the fbi once and she lied 33 times. This is the vice chairman of the joint chiefs is in jail today for lying to the fbi once. Hillary clinton lied 33 times, and shes free to run president of the United States. I read the article in the New York Times about that. People are talking about it. Lets go over to wolf. Thanks, anderson. I want to get more reality checks. Tom foreman and jim sciutto are going through the assertions made during this debate. Tom, first to you. What did you find . Hi, wolf. Donald trump went after Hillary Clinton with a real dollars and cents accusation. 6 billion was missing. How do you miss 6 billion . 6 billion was either stolen they dont know, its gone. 6 billion. Where did this accusation come from . Theres some conservative Media Outlets that have been scrutinizing a document that says over the past six years, contracts with a total value of more than 6 billion were incomplete or could not be located at all. But the state Department Inspector general said they have absolutely misunderstood and mischaracterized what this means. He says this means there is sloppy paperwork, but the money is not missing. It is not lost. Based on that, trumps claim about this is false. Wolf . Thank you, jim sciutto, what did you find out . Hacking the u. S. Election, one of the most heated exchanges of the debate on who is responsible for that hacking, have a listen. She has no idea whether its russia, china, or anybody else. She has no idea. Hillary, you have no idea. 17 intelligence do you doubt our country has no idea. Well, he would rather believe vladamir putin than the military and civilian intelligence professionals who are sworn to protect us. I find that just absolutely she doesnt like putin because putin has outsmarted her at every step of the way. You heard the claim there. Donald trump arguing the u. S. Does not really know, has no idea in his words who is behind the hacking of the Democratic Party, and u. S. Voting systems. So lets look at the facts. A little more than a week ago, the u. S. Intelligence community and the department of Homeland Security took the rare step of publicly naming and shaming russia for hacking Democratic Party organizations and officials. Their statement said that the Intelligence Community made that judgment with confidence. They went on to say its their view that such a cyber attack was likely approved by the senior most russian leaders. Now, to be fair, the u. S. Has not determined with the same confidence which country or actor is behind the attempted hacks of some 20 state Voter Registration systems. Except for the hack of the state of floridas voting system, that they blamed on russian groups. But really, the verdict very clear, u. S. Intelligence agencies saying it is russia thats responsible for many of these election hacks. We rate Donald Trumps claim false. Remember, you can go to cnn. Com realitycheck. Wolf . Jim sciutto, thank you very much. Tom foreman, thanks to you. David, youre getting some more results from our cnn orc instant poll. Now were digging in on issues. Lets start again how the debate watchers say who won the debate tonight, overall results. 52 of debate watchers tonight in our poll say Hillary Clinton won the debate tonight. 39 say donald trump won the debate tonight. Scoring her third victory in our poll. This debate season. Now lets look at some issues. Who would better handle the economy . Take a look at this and how close it is. 50 of debate watchers say that Hillary Clinton would better handle the economy. 48 say that of donald trump. Who would better handle immigration . That was a hotly debated topic tonight. Donald trump 50 of debate watchers say he would better handle immigration, clinton 48 . Very close results on two big issues there. The debate started off on the issue of the Supreme Court, who would be better in filling a vacancy or more on the Supreme Court. Another basic tie in our result. Who would better handle Supreme Court nominations, donald trump gets 49 of debate watchers who say he would better handle scotus nominations and Hillary Clinton gets 48 . So to danas point earlier, we do see when you dig in on some of these issues and the topics that were debated that Chris Wallace presented that it is a divided nation in many respects. And see more of the results from our cnn orc instant poll, download the cnn politics app to always know who is winning and why. Quick thought on the results were getting . I want to read an email from a republican congressman. I found it stunning. He said, this is a republican congressman, who wants doesnt want Hillary Clinton to win. Trump is toast, toast. Literally anyone else in the world could have beaten her except him. I worry about the house. That last part is very significant, because republicans have already been worried that donald trump will drag down the senate. Although there is some evidence that some of the Senate Candidates on the republican side have distanced themselves sufficiently that they might pull it off. But if her margin is so big that that wont be enough for republican Senate Candidates in swing states, and the house has always seemed to be out of reach because of redirecting and a whole bunch of reasons too boring to go into right now but very important. But if the wave is so big, and donald trump is suppressing his own voter turnout by telling them its not going to matter, heres a republican congressman saying im worried that we might lose the house. I dont know if thats going to happen or not, but if theyre worried about it, thats not a good sign. Its 30 seats to win. For the democrats to win. I have had republicans say to me, in recent days, that if the democrats were a little bit better prepared and they thought it was even remotely feasible to retake the house, then it would have been possible. If theres a wave, then it still could happen. But the fact of the matter is, republicans are very, very nervous, which is why they really needed donald trump to do well tonight, and more importantly, they needed Hillary Clinton to stumble, which didnt happen. Coming up, well see how undecided voters are reacting to Donald Trumps refusal to say he would accept the results of this president ial election. We will go back to our focus group right here in las vegas. Stay with us. Guess what guys, i switched to sprint. Sprint . Im hearing good things about the network. All the networks are great now. Were talking within a 1 difference in reliability of each other. And, sprint saves you 50 on most Current National carrier rates. Save money on your phone bill, invest it in your Small Business. Wouldnt you love more customers . I would definitely love some new customers. Sprint will help you add customers and cut your costs. Switch your business to sprint and save 50 on most current verizon, at t and tmobile rates. Dont let a 1 difference cost you twice as much. Whoooo for people with hearing loss, visit sprintrelay. Com. Lets get back to our focus group of undecided voters. Randi kaye is here in las vegas. Lets take a look at some of the low moments of the night according to these voters. Heres one of those low moments for donald trump when he was asked if he will accept the results of this president ial election. Im not looking at anything now, ill look at it at the time. What ive seen, what ive seen is so bad. First of all, the media is so dishonest and so corrupt and the pileon is so amazing, the New York Times actually wrote an article about it, that they dont even care, its so dishonest and theyve poisoned the minds of the voters. But i think the voters are seeing through it. So why didnt these voters like this answer . Let me start with shawn. Why didnt you like the answer when trump said he would not accept the Election Results until he had a chance to look at them . When looking at the question of peaceful transfer, you know, i think he was faced with at the last debate and i think he was faced with the real possibility of losing, and being that hes an ego maniac, he reacted, and it was unfavorable and unpatriotic. A lot of folks felt the same way. You have a low point for Hillary Clinton that this group agreed on, wolf. Heres Hillary Clintons low moment, when talking about the hacking of emails and russias involvement. Women seemed to like it even less than men. Well, thats because he would rather have a puppet as president. No puppet, no puppet. Its youre the puppet. Its clear that the russians have engaged in Cyber Attacks against the United States of america, that you encouraged espionage against our people, that you are willing to spout the putin line, sign up for his wish list, break up nato, do whatever he wants to do, and you continue to get help from him because he has a very clear favorite in this race. So randi, what are they saying about that moment . We were talking about that here the moment where Hillary Clinton said that donald trump would be putins puppet and accused his campaign of Cyber Attacks. Why did that not sit well . I feel hillary is not taking accountability for what has happened with the emails and russia is being used as a smoke screen. That in order to clear this up, shes going to have to say shes done what she has done. With 20 days left, did this debate help anyone make up their mind or change a vote . Lets ask the group with a show of hands, did this debate help any of you decide on a candidate and if so, how many of you have decided now to vote for Hillary Clinton . Five of you. How about did this debate help you decide to vote for donald trump. Ten of you. All right. What about third party, gary johnson or jill stein, make you want to vote for any of them. Next, who is still undecided here . Six of them still undecided. And as were getting closer, theyre still trying to decide. But part of the problem is they all feel this election has been so crazy. So i asked them just one word, how would you describe this election. Deplorable. Emotional. How about in the back. Different. Crazy. Educational. What about you, zeke . Great. Great . Youre having fun with it. You . Circus. Its just a sampling. Thats why people are having a hard time deciding, but they are running out of time. Wolf . 19 days to go, and not much time left. People say in politics, a week or two weeks could be a lifetime. Sure. Its interesting that donald trump won that focus group. I saw him win a Frank Luntz Focus Group on a different channel. Along those lines, lets first remind everyone, our instant poll of debate watchers, who won the debate, Hillary Clinton 52 , donald trump 39 . She was the winner of the debate. When we asked that critical question, who did the debate make you more likely to vote for, trump at 23 . Clinton, 22 of debate watchers more likely to vote for her. But a majority, 54 , say no change in their vote at all. We should just note, that is the first time in our three debates that numerically, donald trump moved more voters to his cause than did Hillary Clinton. We havent seen that before. But it is also the largest number weve seen for no change at all. And we can show more of the results. If you want to see more of the results of our cnn orc instant poll, go to cnn politics app. Anderson, over to you. Coming up, another reality check on what we heard from trump and clinton tonight and we want to know, did the debate change your vote . Go to cnn. Com vote. Well have the results ahead. This november is about more than just picking candidates its about voting for the future of our state. Who are you voting for . I am voting for my kids so they keep getting the health and Education Opportunities they need. I am voting for my daughter to better understand the true cost of smoking cigarettes. I am voting so Law Enforcement can focus on serious violent crime. Who are you voting for . To learn more and to join us please visit womenvoterproject. Com by the way, the general is not in jail. Four star . Welcome back to debate night here. I want to take a quick moment to go to tom foreman with another cnn reality check. Tom . One of the topics that Hillary Clinton went after here is one that democrats care about a great deal, gun control. We have 33,000 people a year who die from guns. The centers for Disease Control say in 2014, the last year for which we have complete numbers, there were 33,599 total. However, out of that number, 11,409 were homicides or legal interventions. Essentially a Police Shooting there. All the rest of them were either suicides, which is a big number, accidents are something else. These are still critical, these are still tragedies. This is still a terrible thing, but its important that people know the difference when they talk about that big number. She didnt lay it out the way she should. Its true but its absolutely misleading. Donald trump had something to say about guns, too. The Second Amendment, which is under absolute siege. I believe if my opponent should win this race, which i truly dont think will happen, we will have a Second Amendment which will be a very, very small replica of what it is right now. Well, president obama started this year calling for federal agencies to use all their powers to cut down on gun violence, pushing congress to do something about it, which congress has had very little luck passing any kind of gun legislation. But states out there, look whats happening with them. Heres a study by Harvard Business school. From 1990 to 2014, more than 20,000 gun laws were proposed at the state level. More than 3,000 of them passed. Although, these are a real mixed bag. For example, there are laws out there that loosen and or tighten gun restrictions. I say and or, because you might have a law that makes it harder to buy a gun but easier to carry it, all in the same law, so its hard to say what those laws have done. Thats why we have to say when it comes to trumps idea that the Second Amendment is under siege, all we can really say about that is, its complicated. Very much up to interpretation. Anderson . Tom foreman, thanks. Lets check in with jim sciutto who has another reality check. Were talking about Syrian Refugees here, very sensitive issue on both sides. Heres a claim donald trump made tonight. People are going to pour into our country, people are going to come in from syria, she wants 550 more people than barack obama. He has thousands and thousands of people. They have no idea where they come from. So donald trump there caming that the Obama Administration has allowed in thousands of syrians and clintons want to more than quintuple the number of people coming in and that the u. S. Doesnt know the identities of the refugees from syria coming into this country. Lets look at the facts. In 2016, the fiscal year that just ended, the u. S. Admitted 12,500 syrians. Hillary clinton has proposed raising that figure to 65,000, about 550 . As for the second part of the claim, lets be honest here, the checks that they go through, very thorough, biometric checks like fingerprints, a strict vetting process to verify their identities. That can last more than 12 months. So our verdict here on the first one, were going to say its true. The Obama Administration has admitted thousands and thousands of refugees, that figure 12,500, and Hillary Clinton wants to increase that very significantly. The significant part, however, false. There is, in fact, a long, thorough vetting process with backgrounds, the identities of the refugees. We rate that claim as false. Go to our website, cnn. Com reality check. Anderson . Jim sciutto. Jim, thank you very much. Back with our panel here. Just in terms of where the race goes now, thats what it is obviously all about. The debates are done. They are not going to be on the stage together again. This is a few weeks away now. 19 days of statebystate. A test of organization and resources. Hillary clinton has more money but based on everything we know and the republicans say they will prove us wrong and lets keep an open mind the Romney Campaign did better than the mccain campaign. The rnc said it will step it up. If you look right now, if nothing changes, Hillary Clinton wins the election and by a healthy margin. Trump has to get arizona back, republican state, utah back, a republican state. May have helped himself at the beginning of the debate, guns, abortion. May have helped him. Anyone has to get their core states back this late is tough and then he has to change North Carolina which is close and he has to win it. Keep ohio which is he is slightly ahead and has to turn florida and even then needs 17 more electoral votes. More coming up. Some final thoughts. Well be right back. Tonight we actually ask you to go to cnn. Com and asked you did the debate change your vote. 13 said yes, 87 said no. The latest in a Cross Country tour. The Campaign Camp will be heading to washington, d. C. For Election Night. See photos of people at cnn in partnership with instagram and facebook and we want to hear from you. Post a photo on instagram and my vote. Tell us who you are voting for. Your picture could be a part of our election campaign. Back now with the panel. In terms of what you are looking for in the days ahead sorry, Hillary Clinton is talking. Lets listen in. Trump university or losing the iowa caucus. He says its rigged against him. How do you feel when he said nasty woman, nasty woman, and you are a puppet . Vladimir putin. I didnt Pay Attention to that. I was concerned that even now, after 17 intelligence agencies in our government, both the military and civilian have confirmed that russia has engaged in cyberattacks against americans that he refused to admit that its true and condemn it for what it is, which is a blatant effort to try to interfere in our elections. [ inaudible ] rally liberal base around your agenda and your appointment. Bernie sanders is out there working hard every day to get me elected. Looking forward to working with everybody in our party. As i said, in the closing, which they gave us at the last minute, im reaching out to all americans, democrats, republicans and independents. I want to summon every american to use his or her talents and energy, ambition to help our country. Are you worried about if they are found to have i know nothing about this. I cant deal with every one of the conspiracy theories. I hope you all have something to eat and drink. Thank you. Very well. Hillary clinton on her plane heading back. I think it will be interesting to see whether or not donald trump keeps up the talk of a rigged election. In some ways it better be better for him to talk about a rigged election than the Sexual Assault allegations he was dealing with before. A change in the terms of what he is talking about. Michelle obama will be in arizona tomorrow. That will interesting. And tonight how she frames the election in terms of women and women revolting against some of the things that donald trump has said. I think we will see the most active campaigning period for Hillary Clinton. Hes been studying for a debate. A lot of the surrogates have taken up the slack. We will see what it looks like. I dont think that donald trump did anything to change the trajectory of the race which has been moving away from him. He has a chasm in the public polls in an aggregate of eight points. I think it will be interesting to see if some efforts are suddenly shifted to the senate in trying to get as many Democratic Senators elected. The candidates resources and schedule reflect a commitment to that. Does that become a big concern . Right now, i said earlier in the campaign, weeks ago it would take an inside straight for hump to win. Now it is a royal flush. He has a really tough road. I think what we will see is the continued distancing of people who are up for reelection in the Republican Party against donald trump. Im thinking of the state of florida where you have marco rubio running ahead of donald trump. How does he answer the question about the rigged election when it comes to him, when he is on the campaign trail . How does rob portman, running for reelection in the state of ohio answer that question . I think donald trump has, in his answer tonight, given his party even more problems than they had before this debate. Were going to wrap up our coverage of tonights debate. If you missed any of the detate this evening, you can you can see it in its entirety. We will replace the entire debate right now. Good evening from the thomas and mack center at the university of nevada, las vegas. Im Chris Wallace. I welcome you to the third and final 2016 president ial debates between secretary of state Hillary Clinton and donald j. Trump. This debate is sponsored by the commission on president ial debates. The commission has designed the format. Six roughly 15 minute segments with two minute answers to the first question. Then open discussions for the rest of each segment. Both campaigns have agreed to the rules. For the record, i decided the topics and the questions in each topic. None of those questionha

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